Web server with TLS encryption proxying request to different containers
Wordpress on a volume configured with the Wordpress CLI, and php-fpm (fastcgi process manager) listening on port 9000.
Simple sql server database for wordpress running on port 3306. Create a specific user with password for the wordpress db. Disable root access without password.
VSFTPD server binded to the wordpress volume for file transfering. Modern and secure version of FTP with TLS encryption between the client and the server.
Web user interface for database management, running on port 8080.
A simple single page app (pomodoro) served with express server on port 5000.
Real-time log viewer for docker containers.
-> Database check persistency <- mysql -u MYSQL_USER -pMYSQL_PASSWORD show DATABASES; use WORDPRESS_DB; show tables; SELECT * FROM wp_comments;
-> add ysonmez.42.fr in /etc/hostname in hostmachine -> sudo sh -c 'echo " ysonmez.42.fr" >> /etc/hosts' -> same for localhost
-> install filezilla (ftp) client on the host machine <- -> Connect to the ftp server with the ftp client from the host machine <- sudo docker exec -it VSFTPD bash ip addr connect with this ip addr because the containers name cannot be used because the host machine is out of the docker-compose inception network.
-> PORTS <- 4242 on VM to 443 on NGINX (Nginx with TLSv1.3 container) (HTTPS) Nginx forward to fastcgi_pass location: WORDPRESS:9000 Wordpress communicate with database via MARIADB:3306 ADMINER:8080 5000 on VM to 5000 on POMODORO (Express server container) (HTTP)
-> PORTS with the vscode Docker extension for better testing <- whatever on physical computer to 4242 on VM (nginx) whatever on physical computer to 5000 on VM (express server)
WORDPRESS https://localhost:4242/ https://ysonmez.42.fr:4242/ (connect and post comment with WP_USER / WP_USER_PASSWORD) https://localhost:4242/wp-login.php (connect and administrate with WP_ADMIN_PASSWORD / WP_ADMIN_MAIL)
MARIADB (as root) mysql -u root -pMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=qiHwngkqp (as normal user) mysql -u MYSQL_USER -pMYSQL_PASSWORD
ADMINER https://localhost:4242/adminer connect to DB with MARIADB / MYSQL_USER / MYSQL_PASSWORD
VSFTPD Connect to the VSFTPD server from the host machine via a FTP client (Filezilla) or a browser (ftp://) Connect with VSFTPD server ip address of VSFTPD container on the local network and FTP_USER / FTP_PASSWORD
POMODORO http://localhost:5000
-->TODO change volume path at 42 and create the directory /data/wordpress /data/mariadb /data/adminer