use this module, you should confirm LibreOffice and Unoconv installed in your machine.
on OS X down dmg file from link
CentOS / RedHat
CentOS and RedHat 7.2 自带 OpenOffice 4.3,如果想获得更好的体验,建议更换成LibreOffice,首先要卸载OpenOffice
yum remove openoffice* libreoffice*
从 RPM packages 安装LibreOffice
wget tar -xvf LibreOffice_5.2.5_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz cd LibreOffice_5.2.5.x_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS/ yum localinstall *.rpm libreoffice5.2
on OS X
通过 Homebrew 安装
brew install unoconv brew install ghostscript
CentOS / RedHat
从 github 下载程序包
git clone # copy cp unoconv/unoconv /usr/bin # or link unoconv to /usr/bin ln -s unoconv/unoconv /usr/bin/unoconv
unoconv start need use port 2002, so if want register unoconv as a service, should check port usage first.
var converter = require('office-convert').createConveter();
converter.generate(originFilePath, outputFileType, ouputFilePath).then(console.log).catch(console.error);
if use this module to converting documents, you can start a unoconv listener first
var converter = require('office-convert').createConveter({listener: true});
var converter = require('office-convert').createConveter();