This bundle provides a simple and flexible to manage generator reusable bundle in your application. Be aware that there is no testing code !
Install the bundle for Composer !! as is still on beta version !!
No configuration !!
How to use in console ?
symfony console neox:bundle:generate or s n:b:g
Name bundle to create without [bundle] in end --> NeoxReusable !!:
> *
* rule of naming : (camelCase)
Xorg = "Xorg\\XorgBundle\\" : "reusableBundle/XorgBundle/src/",
neoxXorg = "neoxXorg\\neoxXorgBundle\\" : "reusableBundle/neoxXorgBundle/src/",
neoxXorgTest = "neoxXorgTest\\neoxXorgTestBundle\\" : "reusableBundle/neoxXorgTestBundle/src/",
Enter bundle name you want to create without [bundle] in end --> parlonCode not paelonsCodeBundle !!
Do you need to have configuration file ? (yes/no) [no]:
Enter yes if you want to create configuration. parlonsCode.yml
that all !! it will generate for you all :
symfony console neox:bundle:release or s n:b:r
If you want to test reusableBundle
#[Route('/', name: 'seo_home')]
public function index(TestService $service): Response
$t = $service->test(); //-> $t = "bundle ok"
return $this->render('home/index.html.twig', [
'controller_name' => 'HomeController',
project │ assets │ bin │ config | .... └─── Library │ └─── ParlonsCode │ └─── src | └─── DependencyInjection | └─── configuration.php | └─── parlonsCodeExtension.php | └─── Resources | └─── services.xml | └─── services.yml | └─── parlonsCodeBundle.php | └─── composer.json | └─── | └─── LICENSE
Then you need to setup one line at liste Bundles.php & Composer.json :
..... | └─── config │ └─── bundles.php │ └─── composer.json
If you want to contribute (thank you!) to this bundle, here are some guidelines:
- Please respect the Symfony guidelines
- Test everything! Please add tests cases to the tests/ directory when:
- You fix a bug that wasn't covered before
- You add a new feature
- You see code that works but isn't covered by any tests (there is a special place in heaven for you)
- Packagist