Contribution to this project is greatly appreciated! If you find any bugs or have any feedback, please create an issue or send a pull request to fix the bug. If you want to contribute codes for new features, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]. We currently have several plans. Please create an issue or contact us through emails if you have other suggestions.
- Human-Bot Visualization. Develop GUI for human interactions (currently we only support terminal-based GUI)
- Analysis Tools. Develop tools to visualize the decisions of the agents.
- Rule-based Agent and Pre-trained Models. Provide more rule-based agents and pre-trained models to benchmark the evaluation (currently we only support Leduc Hold'em and UNO)
- Leaderboard. Develop a platform that enables everyone to upload his/her trained model and compete with each other worldwide.
- More Games and Algorithms. Develop more games and algorithms.