##Rails 3 Knowledge Requirements
Provide Videos, documentation, URL, sample code
Know the basics of normal web applications
know the basics of accessing web APIs etc
- Activerecord Basics Link
- Model Relationships Link
- Migrations Link
- Callbacks Link
- Query Interface Link
- Validations Link
- Model Scopes Link
- STI (single table inheritance) Video
- Routes
- RESTful Resource
- API Development using
- Layouts
- Partials
- Helpers
- ERB, (Haml, SLIM templating Languages)
SASS/SCSS Video | Boilerplate | Holistic View
Asset Pipeline Video
Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2 (not 3) Link*
Intermediate/Optional Knowledge:
- Basic Coffescript Video
- Bower and rails-assets Link
- Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Zurb Foundation
- Bulma Link | Bulma-Rails
React on Rails! [Link] (https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails)
- This is propably the easiest way to get use react as front end for rails app
- The altenative is to just replace asset pipline with WebPack which will be fully out of the box with Rails 5.1 [Link] (https://medium.com/@hpux/rails-5-1-loves-javascript-a1d84d5318b)
- homebrew (not ruby specific, very basic and required)
- learn to use rvm or rbenv (or both)
- Install rubygems of the specific version:
gem install fog -v 1.8
- Bundler Video