Releases: wso2/product-apim
WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Beta3 Released
WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the Beta 3 release of WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0. Following Features, Bug Fixes and Improvements are included in this release
- [APIMANAGER-3507] - API subscription ON_HOLD state is not handled in store
- [APIMANAGER-3553] - Check box to select HTTP transport get automatically uncheck in "API Manage" phase in APIM 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT
- [APIMANAGER-3561] - Unable to update document in 3rd time
- [APIMANAGER-3563] - Issue in Document visibility
- [APIMANAGER-3588] - API context is not validated for duplicates
- [APIMANAGER-3608] - Issues in Privacy page in Store
- [APIMANAGER-3632] - In the cluster setup throttling tier limits are not behaving the expected way.
- [APIMANAGER-3637] - Token generation for scopes in tenant mode is broken through UI
- [APIMANAGER-3660] - Document update button not working after giving a long description (internet explorer)
- [APIMANAGER-3663] - New Application page not appearing after selecting that from applications on store
- [APIMANAGER-3668] - (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0) Cannot view published API's on store home page.
- [APIMANAGER-3669] - Duplicate values for primary key of APIResourcePathUsageSummaryData when two invocations happen for one API with same HTTP method and different URL patterns in the same time
- [APIMANAGER-3673] - (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 Mysql) Start-up error while migrate
- [APIMANAGER-3684] - (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 oracle) Error while token generation
- [APIMANAGER-3685] - When adding an Application Registration Workflow production keys are not generated
- [APIMANAGER-3688] - java.lang.NullPointerException observed when restarting the gateway worker nodes while requests are being served
- [APIMANAGER-3691] - API Manager Analytics Fault data Stream Definition(org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.fault) has payload_requestTime as STRING
- [APIMANAGER-3693] - When Mapping Existing clients, use clientId passed as a request parameter
- [APIMANAGER-3694] - Published APIs not listed in API Store for a particular tenant
- [APIMANAGER-3695] - [IS as a KM scenario] - Requests fail for a token where the token validity period is=(-1) [For tenants]
- [APIMANAGER-3699] - API console doesn't get updated accurately Authorization bear token until user manually refresh the page, when user regenerate application token.
- [APIMANAGER-3701] - Sample API (weather) doesn't contain sandbox url.
- [APIMANAGER-3702] - Error "A duplicate application already exists by the name" occurs for tenant user when adding an application
- [APIMANAGER-3703] - Wrong tip shows near 'update domains' button on my subscriptions page.
- [APIMANAGER-3704] - Can't remove Endpoint Security Scheme
- [APIMANAGER-3706] - When you update an application in store and regenerate keys, still the application changes will not be replicated in IS side
- [APIMANAGER-3709] - External stores feature is broken in beta2
- [APIMANAGER-3711] - When we define multiple resources, with same url pattern with different verbs in different order, last resources are not working.
- [APIMANAGER-3712] - Store API addSubscription with 'applicationName' does not work in tenant mode
- [APIMANAGER-3714] - (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 mssql) Start-up error while migrate
- [APIMANAGER-3716] - Callbackurl does not get saved on OAuth Client
- [APIMANAGER-3717] - API visibility can not be controlled by the roles which are defined in 2ndry userstore.
- [APIMANAGER-3718] - Tokens obtained using Authorization Code have 0 validity period
- [APIMANAGER-3721] - Short cut keys are not working in API Console Authorization : Bearer field
- [APIMANAGER-3722] - When you import a swagger doc, it changes the API name to the imported swagger doc
- [APIMANAGER-3724] - When click the Generate button and successfully submitted the request no message displaying , in Application Registration Workflow
- [APIMANAGER-3725] - For tenant users in secondary user store cannot subscribe to APIs.
- [APIMANAGER-3727] - API Console error when using a email user name to publish an API
- [APIMANAGER-3729] - API Console adds "*" to the request URL when "*" is used in the URL template
- [APIMANAGER-3733] - Token generation on an APP created without group throws a NPE after assigning group
- [APIMANAGER-3734] - Issues in Store API
- [APIMANAGER-3735] - Admin user credentials should be parameterised in sign-up-config.xml
- [APIMANAGER-3736] - Secondary user store tenant users (jdbc) cannot generate application keys after the error encountered when subscription.
- [APIMANAGER-3741] - APIs published to external WSO2 store shows version twice in the external publisher
- [APIMANAGER-3744] - Unclassified Authentication Error given when the Key doesn't have a subscription
- [APIMANAGER-3747] - Get the Contents of a File Document via store api is broken
- [APIMANAGER-3748] - Publisher becomes unusable in my cluster setup complaining that an API is missing in the database
- [APIMANAGER-3749] - (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 postgre) Start-up error while migrate
- [APIMANAGER-3751] - "java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint" observed when adding APIs with >15 tenants concurrently
- [APIMANAGER-3752] - Cannot generate token for scopes via Store API
- [APIMANAGER-3488] - Access-control-allow-headers wildcard
- [APIMANAGER-3539] - Need to add Tiers/Tags details to getAllPaginatedPublishedAPIs() payload
- [APIMANAGER-3603] - API store applications key generation curl requests should be displayed separately
- [APIMANAGER-3682] - Add breadcrumbs or back button in “edit content view” In API Documentation
New Feature
- [APIMANAGER-3456] - User password change feature...
WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0 M2 Released
WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0 M2 Released!
WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the second milestone release of WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0. The binary pack can be download from [1].
This release includes following key features.
- Complete 1.9.0 Beta merge and complete my subscriptions page in API Publisher
- Migrating to Bootstrap 3 support.
WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Beta2 Released
WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Beta2 Released!
WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the Beta2 release of WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0.
This release includes following features,improvements and bug fixes.
- [APIMANAGER-1271] - Com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
- [APIMANAGER-1821] - Add complete logs to authentication API request. This should contain token validation time as well
- [APIMANAGER-1940] - Even if the API fails to get published the state is mentioned as 'Published'
- [APIMANAGER-1977] - UTF-8 application names not working correctly in API Manager
- [APIMANAGER-1993] - API Store CSS does not render in IE 8
- [APIMANAGER-2049] - Task not updated/removed when user is deleted
- [APIMANAGER-2052] - API gray-scaling for unapproved subscriptions does not work on firefox
- [APIMANAGER-2055] - Http client calls should not thrown an exception when they got responses with 500, 503 response code
- [APIMANAGER-2130] - NotSerializableException error throws , when try to login to replication enabled cluster
- [APIMANAGER-2269] - API detail page (api-info)'s "API Console" tab sometimes shows empty, fills on reload: Swagger's jQuery library conflict?
- [APIMANAGER-2392] - Issue with NTLM grant type [When checked with 2 windows machines connect to same AD and windows domain]
- [APIMANAGER-2689] - Forum reply table spans out of the page border [Browser issue].
- [APIMANAGER-2695] - APIs(once published) in any status can be published to external stores
- [APIMANAGER-2724] - Error when requesting userinfo for password based token
- [APIMANAGER-2743] - Application throttling tier changes are not immediately applied when gateway cache is enabled
- [APIMANAGER-2750] - Multiple subscription entries for an API for the same user and application observed intermittently
- [APIMANAGER-2889] - the module that creates API scopes need to show mandatory fields and validate for data when creating
- [APIMANAGER-2895] - publisher module does not validate if the user role given within the scope is existent within the user store
- [APIMANAGER-3155] - Issues with API grouping based on tags
- [APIMANAGER-3173] - [Publisher] WADL link validation always shows invalid
- [APIMANAGER-3188] - Issue in editing the Response Content Type under Resources in Publisher
- [APIMANAGER-3222] - Issue in the Sign-up password field in the Store
- [APIMANAGER-3236] - Access token generated through API-Store UI, different from the one retrieved through token API for super tenant admin
- [APIMANAGER-3240] - mc.setJsonPayload in inline JS implementation wraps the response in "jsonObject"
- [APIMANAGER-3241] - mc.setJsonPayload in inline JS implementation returns boolean values as strings
- [APIMANAGER-3256] - Duplicated Life-Cycle History information when LC state is updated in publisher
- [APIMANAGER-3260] - Import Swagger Definition fails with exception in logs
- [APIMANAGER-3284] - API Manager sets default tiers randomly when "unlimited" is not available
- [APIMANAGER-3362] - [IS500 with APIM180 KM & SSO] SSO login to APIM180 Publisher/Store gives NPE in IS500 fresh pack with APIM180 KM feature
- [APIMANAGER-3382] - UI Break in Publisher app
- [APIMANAGER-3407] - API version is showed twice in API edit mode of Implement and Manage pages
- [APIMANAGER-3408] - API console sends an incorrect request to the backend
- [APIMANAGER-3419] - SSO not working for Publisher when reverse proxy enabled
- [APIMANAGER-3438] - Swagger Definition haven't included correct tiers which are added to a API
- [APIMANAGER-3457] - Destination Based usage tracking is not working for auth-none APIs
- [APIMANAGER-3458] - BAM Profile is wrongly configured if we have more than one BAM receiver URLs in api-manager.xml
- [APIMANAGER-3489] - API store applications doesn't save the changes make by editing.
- [APIMANAGER-3493] - SecurityContextTTL is not used in JWT expiration. but used to calculate JWT expiration time
- [APIMANAGER-3494] - Please validate roles specified by user when adding a Oauth Scope
- [APIMANAGER-3505] - Endpoint Test button shows always as invalid
- [APIMANAGER-3511] - Point the documentations to the latest 1.9.0 documentation. Currently its being pointed to 1.7.0 and 1.8.0
- [APIMANAGER-3515] - Abnormal behaviour when using the password of api end point url with some characters " ' < % & + in 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT
- [APIMANAGER-3517] - Forum rating is not visible in the star rating
- [APIMANAGER-3523] - It should provide a tool tip that it allows {version} or it should suport {Version} as well
- [APIMANAGER-3525] - OpenID scope should pass through scope validator
- [APIMANAGER-3528] - Cannot view Configure Analytics page on second time. (API-M dashboard) (oracle)
- [APIMANAGER-3530] - Error when update the resource throttling of a API which was created using curl command in APIM 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT
- [APIMANAGER-3541] - [Samples: NTLMGrantClient ]: The sample does not work; throws an exception when built
- [APIMANAGER-3550] - REJECTD/ON_HOLD Subscriptions listed under subscription page in API Publisher.
- [APIMANAGER-3556] - Warning Message is not displayed if visibility is changed from "Public" to "Visible to my domain"
- [APIMANAGER-3557] - It takes time to load the error code icon in API Console in Store
- [APIMANAGER-3560] - When updating Public Forum,Support Forum document it allows to click inline option on the first time
- [APIMANAGER-3564] - Cache Mediator is not work for the CDATA elements in a soap envelope
- [APIMANAGER-3565] - Store Statistics on API Usage from Resource Path API name and app name only showing in first row.
- [APIMANAGER-3567] - Error while changing the theme on API store
- [
WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Beta Released!
WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Beta Released!
WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the Beta release of WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0.
This release includes following features,improvements and bug fixes.
- [APIMANAGER-3081] - Issue in the 'body' parameters of the 'Value' field in the API Store
- [APIMANAGER-3123] - Samples: Deploying and testing Youtube API and Wikipedia API
- [APIMANAGER-3146] - Issue in the Thumbnail Image Dimension validation
- [APIMANAGER-3261] - Wrong Auth type set in Spanish UI
- [APIMANAGER-3262] - Popup error message doesn't showing up when uploading (non image) different file format to thumbnail
- [APIMANAGER-3270] - Make the OAuthAuthenticator extensible
- [APIMANAGER-3289] - Issues when using Publisher REST API to Publish API
- [APIMANAGER-3298] - Tokens created with client_credentials do not take the proper validity period.
- [APIMANAGER-3304] - Gateway sets Host header to hostname:80 for default http port which breaks some popular APIs
- [APIMANAGER-3306] - Backend URL Test button displays "Invalid" for URLs that user considers valid
- [APIMANAGER-3325] - Error showing information month billing Calculation. Billing month calculated by hive script is wrong
- [APIMANAGER-3337] - Cannot encrypt the passwords in configuration files using ciphertool
- [APIMANAGER-3338] - WikipediaAPI sample throws ResourceNotFoundException
- [APIMANAGER-3342] - [Publisher API] Re-publish to gateway doesn't work
- [APIMANAGER-3343] - Add following synapse property to api manager file to handle tenant aware logging issues
- [APIMANAGER-3352] - Fail to issue an access token with scope openId
- [APIMANAGER-3353] - Add test case for API scopes test.
- [APIMANAGER-3361] - APIs can invoke 15 minutes after we unsubscribe APIs due to cache issue.
- [APIMANAGER-3379] - API publisher manage step doesnt show environment details and business information
- [APIMANAGER-3387] - When replying for a forum topic soon after added a reply text disappearing
- [APIMANAGER-3389] - API Store Stats not showing No Data Available message
- [APIMANAGER-3413] - Please make HTTP transport unchecked by default - in API Publisher - Manage step
- [APIMANAGER-3425] - Make error messages more descriptive.
- [APIMANAGER-3432] - [MSSQL] Collation defined only for one AM_DB table and that fails token generation
- [APIMANAGER-3454] - Include kernel patch0010 into the product
- [APIMANAGER-3461] - Token endpoint doesn't return propert scopes when Token Encyprption is enabled.
- [APIMANAGER-3462] - tokens gets regenerated to default scope if same scopes are not selected.
- [APIMANAGER-3469] - Deploy sample API Button is not available for user who has only publisher privileges.
- [APIMANAGER-3470] - 'Deploy sample API' button is available for users with only creator and login permission.
- [APIMANAGER-3471] - Unable to save and deploy prototyped APIs given an endpoint.
- [APIMANAGER-3472] - Useless 'scope' label can be seen in keys section of API store > My subscriptions page.
- [APIMANAGER-3473] - UI issue In API store > My Application page
- [APIMANAGER-3474] - API delete doesn't remove Synapse API
- [APIMANAGER-3475] - Cannot remove added resources
- [APIMANAGER-3476] - API documentation summary doesn't get updated.
- [APIMANAGER-3477] - When viewing document content of weatherAPI 2.0.0 right after it is edited an exception can be seen.
- [APIMANAGER-3478] - API docs given source type as 'File', cannot be successfully downloaded from API store.
- [APIMANAGER-3479] - Documentation update feature doesn't work for update file types and source.
- [APIMANAGER-3485] - Unable to publish new API versions through edit view.
- [APIMANAGER-3486] - When user clicks on newly created and published version of the sample API exception occurred.
- [APIMANAGER-3489] - API store applications doesn't save the changes make by editing.
- [APIMANAGER-3490] - In API store creator's name link on each API listed under 'Recently added' is not working.
- [APIMANAGER-3491] - Wrong API URL prefix is shown in the API store.
- [APIMANAGER-3492] - No. of subscriptions keep increasing when subscribing to the same API by the user using Store APIs
- [APIMANAGER-3495] - Cannot create API given tags with special characters.
- [APIMANAGER-3496] - Error 500 status code can be seen when user saving a new version of an API having tags with special characters.
- [APIMANAGER-3497] - unable to edit the APIs after doing the migration 1.6 to 1.7
- [APIMANAGER-3500] - Billing sample throws NPE when billing-conf.xml doesn't have entries for the relevant API
- [APIMANAGER-3501] - Error while login to the API store using mysql
- [APIMANAGER-3503] - OAuth2 JWT Header contains alg: "SHA256withRSA", expect alg: "RS256"
- [APIMANAGER-3509] - Cannot invoke an API through UI where URL pattern has Upper case letters
- [APIMANAGER-3511] - Point the documentations to the latest 1.9.0 documentation. Currently its being pointed to 1.7.0 and 1.8.0
- [APIMANAGER-3516] - Tenant owner cannot delete a forum topic created by her/him self
- [APIMANAGER-3518] - API manager publisher profile throws a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException exception.
- [APIMANAGER-3519] - API Console is not loading when an API is created with HTTPs transport only
- [APIMANAGER-3520] - WSDL endpoint feture is unavailable on endpoint type
- [APIMANAGER-3526] - [Samples: NTLMGrantClient ] Although the sample readme indicates a jna subdirectory, its not there in the pack
- [APIMANAGER-3532] - "AUT...
WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Alpha Released!
WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Alpha Released!
WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the Alpha release of WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0.
This release includes following features,improvements and bug fixes.
- [APIMANAGER-2138] - API Docs - Issues with updating /adding new documents
- [APIMANAGER-2653] - [AM stats] API_REQUEST_SUMMARY stat event ,apiPublisher has to be include username of API publisher
- [APIMANAGER-2703] - Blank drop down menu and wrong caption in the absence of tier permission for the logged in user
- [APIMANAGER-2890] - API Manager- setting defaultAutoCommit property when using postgresql
- [APIMANAGER-2946] - API provider inconsistent in external store
- [APIMANAGER-3119] - Intermittent: Throws an error when updating store after publishing APIs from publisher
- [APIMANAGER-3129] - API Store view by tag issue
- [APIMANAGER-3139] - Exception when logging into admin-dashboard when BPS is not configured
- [APIMANAGER-3164] - When changing endpoint from 'WSDL Endpoint' to 'HTTP Endpoint' WSDL resource not getting removed
- [APIMANAGER-3212] - API Manager chunk14 -RC5 Error occurs when adding a document having a special character for document name
- [APIMANAGER-3232] - API Publisher Statistics Page Show Continuous Loading like view
- [APIMANAGER-3239] - Gramatical error in the Implement panel in publisher
- [APIMANAGER-3280] - Per API forum has dissappeared in 1.8.0
- [APIMANAGER-3310] - Password fields in Store signup requires length validation
- [APIMANAGER-3332] - Can't Publish APIs to WSO2 External API Stores when API's implementation is "Specify Inline"
- [APIMANAGER-3335] - [Publisher API] Issue creating API without visibility
- [APIMANAGER-3376] - APIM creates duplicate scope entries in database when same scope applied for multiple resources.
- [APIMANAGER-3391] - APIScopeTestCase Failure
- [APIMANAGER-3406] - Throttle Policy Enforcement with new Tokens
- [APIMANAGER-3407] - API version is showed twice in API edit mode of Implement and Manage pages
- [APIMANAGER-3409] - API gets created with sequence 'none' when Sequences is selected with default values
- [APIMANAGER-3414] - 'None' auth type is set for newly added resources
- [APIMANAGER-3416] - Certificate error verifying Thrift connection
- [APIMANAGER-3423] - API Publisher - API document remains on the screen after deleted when document name contains special characters
- [APIMANAGER-3427] - API Manager - Design API page takes more then 10 sec to switch between entry fields
- [APIMANAGER-3428] - Repeat subscriptions APIM
- [APIMANAGER-3430] - PageView Count in GA reporting is not accurate.
- [APIMANAGER-3434] - Errors are displayed when browsing API Console in Store
- [APIMANAGER-3436] - Failing to specify a throttling tier causes the api to not publish correctly
- [APIMANAGER-3437] - error when addding an API
- [APIMANAGER-3449] - Merge fixes
- [APIMANAGER-3460] - API subscription statistics doesn't get updated until user invokes the particular API for the for the first time.
- [APIMANAGER-1704] - Do we need to expose OPTIONS request in the UI?
- [APIMANAGER-1740] - Documentatoin links added should be visible as links in store.
- [APIMANAGER-2787] - Mis-spellings in the code for 'tenant' as 'tennat'
- [APIMANAGER-3351] - Improving Statistics graphs
- [APIMANAGER-3388] - Update API Manager to the latest Swagger version (2.0)
- [APIMANAGER-3395] - Need to provide proper instructions when adding tags to apis
- [APIMANAGER-3420] - Swagger v2.0 support for APIM
- [APIMANAGER-3431] - Override IP address with end user IP address for GA
- [APIMANAGER-3465] - Allow changing user password in API store.
- [APIMANAGER-3466] - Adding loading Indicators to buttons in API Design wizard
- [APIMANAGER-3467] - CORS Improvements
- [APIMANAGER-3412] - Ability to use deferent context path for registry in reverse proxy environments
New Feature
- [APIMANAGER-3415] - Providing a way to add event receiver and analyser configurations through UI in APIM
- [APIMANAGER-1970] - Identify unsatisfied components in server startup - APIM
- [APIMANAGER-3429] - Test case for API SCOPE to test access with different roles
- [APIMANAGER-3445] - Rename API Copy button as "Create Version"
WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Milestone 2 Released!
WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Milestone 2 Released!
WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the 2nd Milestone release of WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0.
This release includes following features,improvements and bug fixes.
- [APIMANAGER-1313] - Creating API fails if WSDL can't be reached..
- [APIMANAGER-1730] - Error when login as a tenant after installing APIM features on an ESB
- [APIMANAGER-1902] - Display name not shown in API resources wise tier throtling
- [APIMANAGER-1958] - ResourceNotFoundException observed in key manager nodes
- [APIMANAGER-2013] - Issues in CORS headers management
- [APIMANAGER-2014] - Tryit now feature sends null key, later causes insert error in BAM
- [APIMANAGER-2032] - API Manager 1.6.0 error on BAM with not autenticated users
- [APIMANAGER-2046] - Not able to view subscriptions in the Store of the WSO2 API Manager after registry curruption
- [APIMANAGER-2054] - Tenant user sign up through store is not restricted when sign up work flow is enabled
- [APIMANAGER-2106] - API Manager doesn't work when /_system/governance is mounted to different path
- [APIMANAGER-2132] - Tenant wise theme uploading gets failed
- [APIMANAGER-2145] - Main logo is not getting changed when upload a customized theme pack
- [APIMANAGER-2146] - Some images are not getting changed when upload a customized theme pack
- [APIMANAGER-2210] - Can't display statistics with Stats DB in MSSQL
- [APIMANAGER-2274] - Error message printed when statistics datasource is not properly configured
- [APIMANAGER-2279] - Generic error message on publisher UI for several scenarios
- [APIMANAGER-2349] - Need more descriptive error messages for API Store
- [APIMANAGER-2382] - Sandbox Application-user token scope is stored as PRODUCTION in IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN
- [APIMANAGER-2385] - Throttling setting is not reset
- [APIMANAGER-2443] - When visibility is set to "Visible to Domain", it does not make sense to have "Available to all the tenants" subscription level
- [APIMANAGER-2497] - Adding a document to API does not work if application name is changed
- [APIMANAGER-2523] - Google Analytics activation block
- [APIMANAGER-2539] - Statistics on Store - Number of API calls should be right aligned
- [APIMANAGER-2563] - Entries are fetched from the GatewayResourceCache only when GatewayKeyCache is enabled
- [APIMANAGER-2569] - Composite primary keys mismatch in mysql tables and hive tables in stats script
- [APIMANAGER-2572] - Resource path can't exceed 100 chars
- [APIMANAGER-2697] - Cannot publish APIs when the external store is referred to by the host name
- [APIMANAGER-2722] - getting registry exception during document upload in some browsers
- [APIMANAGER-2725] - OAuth2TokenValidationService can't process valid request
- [APIMANAGER-2756] - "Type a tag and Enter" label is missing
- [APIMANAGER-2867] - COALESCE missing for consumerKey in am_stats_analyzer
- [APIMANAGER-2892] - Page Headers disappeared when navigated to next page on "My Applications"
- [APIMANAGER-2960] - API "default version" does not work with unauthenticated APIs
- [APIMANAGER-3040] - Duplicate configuration entry in Identity.xml
- [APIMANAGER-3053] - If A Tenant user doesn't have any APIs created a Error is shown in the back-end when accessing the store.
- [APIMANAGER-3087] - Cannot publish API in the second attempt; If the user try to publish the API with no tier is selected in the manage section at the first attempt
- [APIMANAGER-3112] - Creating new API using Swagger-first strategy generates import error
- [APIMANAGER-3138] - WSDL url validation failure stated in debug logs for http URLs
- [APIMANAGER-3159] - API unsubscription issue (Tenant specific)
- [APIMANAGER-3171] - API Manager 1.8.0 (RC1) - gateway cashing false doesn't work for resource level throttling tire changes
- [APIMANAGER-3177] - Error log occurs when invoking an API
- [APIMANAGER-3180] - [Intermittent] Sometimes existing APIs are not visible in publisher in tenant mode
- [APIMANAGER-3200] - Issue in Document content updates take a lot of time to get updated
- [APIMANAGER-3205] - [Tenant Mode] When the throttling level of an App changes, it does not reflect when APIs are invoked
- [APIMANAGER-3209] - [Store] Access Token copy icon copies the asterisks when you have unticked 'show key'
- [APIMANAGER-3211] - Error in adding new subscriber: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'USER_ID' at row 1 {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dao.ApiMgtDAO}
- [APIMANAGER-3212] - API Manager chunk14 -RC5 Error occurs when adding a document having a special character for document name
- [APIMANAGER-3214] - Issue in the Access Token after Subscribing to an API after the first time onwards
- [APIMANAGER-3226] - Issue in letting an API to create with the same name
- [APIMANAGER-3227] - COALESCE(consumerKey,'') should add to all places where we have consumer key in insert queries
- [APIMANAGER-3229] - Error when uploading files with empty content in API documentation.
- [APIMANAGER-3259] - Change needs to be done to the README.txt in business-processes folder
- [APIMANAGER-3267] - tag pagination dosn't work
- [APIMANAGER-3269] - Cannot add a new theme
- [APIMANAGER-3271] - access token scope will not update when trigger token API with difference scope
- [APIMANAGER-3272] - "Session already invalidated" error when an externalLogoutPage is specified in site.json
- [APIMANAGER-3275] - Delete api with api identifier give null pointer exception when accessing api context in APIProviderImpl
- [APIMANAGER-3277] - ...