Currently, there are no official way to obtain the timeslots data from UTAR Course Registration System (UCRS). Nonetheless, there are some workaround for getting those timeslots data, for example through Web Scrapping. However, such method is not reliable, because a slight change in the way the server display those timeslots data would cause applications that load data with such method to have severe integration error.
The purpose of this API is to allow third party developers to build application on top of UCRS easily without hassle.
Let us assume that students from the same course will have the same timeslots view regardless of their Year & Semester of study. For example, let say Ali and Abu are both from Civil Engineering, while Ali is in Y4/S3 and Abu is in Y1/S1, although their year of study is different, they should have the same view of timeslots available.
Based on the assumption above, the API shall allow 3rd party developers to :
- (F1) Retrieve timeslots data given a specific course code (e.g. UESE160501 which stands for Software Engineering)
- (F2) Retrieve list of available course code and course name.
- (S1) All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed from (CRS stands for Course Registration System).
- (S2) All data is sent and received as JSON.
- (S3) Should support Cross Origin Resource Sharing as recommended by W3C.
To further understand how the API should work, let us look at some examples.<course_code>
date_retrieved: "2017-11-30T02:06:50.649Z",
data : [
code: "MPU3113",
name: "hubungan etnik (for local students)",
credit_hour: "3.0"
slots: [
no: "1",
type: "L",
group: "1",
class_size: "80",
day: "Mon",
time: "08:00 AM - 11:00 AM",
hour: "3.0",
week: "1-14",
room: "KB316"
date_retrieved: "2017-11-30T02:06:50.649Z",
data : [
code: "UESE160501",
name: "bachelor of science (hons) software engineering"
code: "UBAT160101",
name: "bachelor of accounting (hons)"