Wobscale provides a nine fives SLA for all services and hardware we're responsible for.
The Wobscale nine-fives SLA promises that a given service will be available at least 55.5555555% of each month.
In reality, this is all just a pun on the more common five nines, and we will strive to do far better than we promise.
That being said, we are running this as a hobby. We'll try our darndest to keep things running well, but we don't have 24/7 oncall nor a stack of spare equipment for every situation. We can get a lot of replacement equipment on Amazon Prime™ © Amazon.com, Inc!
If the SLA is broken, we will refund you the full cost of the service for the month in question, plus an additional nine-fives percent of a dollar (plus or minus taxes).
Terms and conditions may apply and this portion of the agreement may change without notice, even retroactively.
This includes our various web properties (including this one), internet and power in our colocation offering, our IRC network, and various other services.
It specifically excludes any services we have intentionally discontinued.