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Suppose you are working on weather prediction and use a learning algorithm to predict tomorrow's temperature . What kind of problem would that be?
- [_] Classification
- Regression
Suppose that you have trained a logistic regression classifier, and it outputs on a new example x a prediction hθ (x) = 0.4. This means (check all that apply):
- Our estimate for P(y = 0| x,θ) = 0.6
- Our estimate for P(y = 1| x,θ) = 0.4
- Our estimate for P(y = 1| x,θ) = 0.6
- Our estimate for P(y = 0| x,θ) = 0.4
Which of the following are reasons for using feature scaling?
- It speeds up gradient descent by making it require fewer iterations to get to a good solution.
- It speeds up solving for θ using the normal equation.
- It prevents the matrix XTX (used in the normal equation) from being non-invertable (singular/degenerate).
- It is necessary to prevent gradient descent from getting stuck in local optima.
Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.
- The cost function J(θ) for logistic regression trained with m≥1 examples is always greater than or equal to zero.
- The sigmoid function g(z)=1/1+e^−z is never greater than one (>1).
- For logistic regression, sometimes gradient descent will converge to a local minimum (and fail to find the global minimum).
- Linear regression always works well for classification if you classify by using a threshold on the prediction made by linear regression.
KNN algorithm does more computation on test time rather than train time.
- True
- False
Which of the following distance metric can not be used in KNN?
- Manhattan
- Minkowski
- Euclidean
- All of them can be used
Which of the following machine learning algorithm can be used for imputing missing values of both categorical and continuous variables?
- Logistic Regression
- Linear Regression
Suppose, you have given the following data where x and y are the 2 input variables and Class is the dependent variable. You want to predict the class of new data point x=1 and y=1 using eucledian distance in 3-NN. In which class this data point belong to?
- + class
- - class
- Can't Say