All materials are from Urban Robotics Lab. @KAIST
Original author: Hyungtae Lim ([email protected])
Advisers: Giseop Kim ([email protected]), Byeongho YU ([email protected])
This repositoy contains
- how to use linespecer for beautiful matlab graph
how to set legend interpreter as latex
the method for removing unnecessary white space
the method for changing the default tick fonts to the latex version
tilelayout (Only applicable on latest version Matlab)
thousand seperator
All outputs are located in imgs
👉 Add set(gca,'LooseInset', max(get(gca,'TightInset'), 0.02))
below the figure declaration line.
👉 Add set(groot, 'defaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter','latex');
below the figure declaration line.
👉 Add ytickformat('%,4.4g');
after plot( ) command (optional).
The template is available on here
Note that the effect of the linespecer which is illustrated as:
linespecer is more beautiful! It allows the figures to be more clean and improves readability.
So, I strongly recommend utilizing linespecer
Please refer to the line 7 to 9 and 124 to 133 in plot_cdf.m
Note that the built-in pdf function of matlab does not work sometimes. My method is better!
The trajectory is colored with respect to sequence length.
However, if the trajectory is too long, then it may be not applicable.
Only available on R2020a.
Only available on R2020a.