You can administrate and manage the server via a set of web-pages or via a REST API. By default, the server listens on HTTP port 8080 and expects "admin" as both username and password.
The following REST resources are made available:
Resource | Methods | Explanation |
/applications | GET | Supported LoRaWAN applications |
/users | GET, POST | Users of the admin interface |
/users/ABC | GET, PUT, DELETE | User ABC |
/gateways | GET, POST | LoRaWAN gateways |
/gateways/123 | GET, PUT, DELETE | Gateway with MAC=123 |
/devices | GET, POST | Devices registered for over-the-air activation |
/devices/123 | GET, PUT, DELETE | Device with DevEUI=123 |
/links | GET, POST | Activated devices |
/links/123 | GET, PUT, DELETE | Activated device with DevAddr=123 |
/txframes | GET | Frames scheduled for transmission |
/txframes/123 | GET, DELETE | Frame with ID=123 |
The management web-pages are available under /admin
. It is just a wrapper around
To register a new gateway, create a new Gateways list entry.
To add a personalized device, create a new Links list entry. To add an OTAA device, create a new Devices list entry and start the device. The Links list will be updated automatically once the device joins the network.