Retrieved from: ("mirrored from Geocities at the end of October, 2009"), which had:
I have some collections of tinyfugue macros that may be of use to
people. I've written some of these, but, mostly collected macros other
people wrote (or, modified them to some degree or another). I've tried
to keep scrupulous track of "who" wrote "what". I've commented the
macros with 'help' where I could, but, it's up to you to actually
figure out how to use them.
My personal Hilite.txt file is a slightly edited version of my .tfrc
(Tinyfuge configuration file), which includes MU* highlights
(MUSH/MUX), and useful macros put together from other people's work.
One of my personal favorites is an autologger, that starts or appends
to an individual log for a world each real-time 'day' I connect to it.
Along with generic macros, I have a collection of macros customized
for the CrystalMUSH game.
A short file that just shows the auto-logger macros.
An outside basic tutorial I learned about through the TF mailing list,
exact author unknown.