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Exercise 2.0 - Disabling a pool member

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Table of Contents


For this last exercise instead of prescriptive step-by-step walkthrough a framework of objectives with hints for each step will be provided.

Demonstrate the removal of a node from the pool. Build a Playbook that:

  • Retrieve Facts from BIG-IP for the pools present on the BIG-IP (in our example only one pool is present)
  • Display pools available
  • Store the pool name as a fact
  • Display all the pool members that belong to the pool => IP and port information to the terminal window
  • Prompt the user to disable a particular member or disable all members of the pool
  • Force the appropriate pool members offline


Step 1:

Using your text editor of choice create a new file called disable-pool-member.yml.

[student1@ansible ~]$ nano disable-pool-member.yml

vim and nano are available on the control node, as well as Visual Studio and Atom via RDP

Step 2:

Enter the following play definition into disable-pool-member.yml:

- name: Disabling a pool member
  hosts: lb
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

Step 3

Add a tasks section and then set a fact for the provider. Once you set the provider you can re-use this key in future tasks instead of giving the server/user/password/server_port and validate_certs info to each task.

    - name: Setup provider
          server: "{{private_ip}}"
          user: "{{ansible_user}}"
          password: "{{ansible_password}}"
          server_port: 8443
          validate_certs: false

Now in the next task you can use provider as follows:

        provider: "{{provider}}"
        - ltm-pools

You DO NOT need to pass the server_ip/user/password etc. for each module going forward

- name: "Disabling a pool member"
  hosts: lb
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local

Step 4

Next, add a task for the objective listed below:

  • Retrieve Facts from BIG-IP for the subset ltm-pools

HINT: Try using the bigip_device_info module from Exercise 1.1

Step 5

Next, add a task for the objective listed below:

  • Display the pool information to the terminal window

HINT: Find a way to loop on the output from the above step. Remember to also use the debug module

Step 6

Next, add a task for the objective listed below:

  • Store the pool name as a fact

HINT: An easy way to set fact variables within a Playbook dynamically is using the set_fact module

Step 7

Next, add a task for the objective listed below:

  • Display members belonging to the pool

HINT: Remember to use the debug and refer Exercise 1.4

Step 8

Next, add a task for the objective listed below:

  • Prompt the user to enter a Host:Port to disable a particular member or 'all' to disable all members

HINT: Use the prompts module

Step 9

Next, add a task for the objective listed below:

  • Read the prompt information and disable all members or a single member based on the input from the user

HINT: Remember to use when conditions and loops and BIG-IP pool member module

Step 10

Run the playbook - exit back into the command line of the control host and execute the following:

[student1@ansible ~]$ ansible-playbook disable-pool-member.yml

Playbook Output

The output will look as follows.

[student1@ansible ~]$ ansible-playbook disable-pool-member.yml

PLAY [Disabling a pool member] *******************************************************************************

TASK [Setup provider] *******************************************************************************
ok: [f5]

TASK [Query BIG-IP facts] *****************************************************
changed: [f5]

TASK [Display Pools available] ************************************************
ok: [f5] => (item=http_pool) => {
    "msg": "http_pool"

TASK [Store pool name in a variable] ******************************************
ok: [f5] => (item=None)
ok: [f5]

TASK [Show members belonging to pool http_pool] *******************************
ok: [f5] => (item=node1:80) => {
    "msg": "node1:80"
ok: [f5] => (item=node2:80) => {
    "msg": "node2:80"

TASK [pause] ******************************************************************
To disable a particular member enter member with format member_name:port
To disable all members of the pool enter 'all':

TASK [Disable ALL pool members] ***********************************************
skipping: [f5] => (item=node1:80)
skipping: [f5] => (item=node2:80)

TASK [Disable pool member node1:80] *******************************************************************************
changed: [f5]

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************
f5                         : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0


The solution will be provided by the instructor if you are stuck. The GUI should show something similar to the following with a black diamond indicating the specified node was forced offline.


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