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Cherry edited this page Feb 23, 2020 · 11 revisions
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	<meta name="dcterms.creator" content="Government of Canada, Service Canada, Citizen Service Branch, Integrated Channel Management, Web Strategies and Product Management">
	<meta name="dcterms.creator" lang="fr" content="Government of Canada, Service Canada, Citizen Service Branch, Integrated Channel Management, Web Strategies and Product Management">
	<meta name="dcterms.title" content="Centrally Deployed Templates Solution (CDTS">
	<meta name="dcterms.title" lang="fr" content="Solution de gabarits à déploiement centralisé (SGDC)">
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	<meta name="dcterms.subject" lang="fr" title="scheme" content="Gouvernement du Canada, services">
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				"nameEng": "Centrally Deployed Templates Solution (CDTS)",
				"nameFra": "Solution de gabarits à déploiement centralisé (SGDC)"
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