This repo base on very good plugin I adapted it to vuetify 3 with my own requirements
npm install --save @websitevirtuoso/vue3-v-snackbars
yarn add @websitevirtuoso/vue3-v-snackbars
Add dependencies to your main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import notifications from '@websitevirtuoso/vue3-v-snackbars'
const app = createApp({...})
// Or with optional params- here default values
app.use(notifications, { componentName: 'vNotifications', name: 'notify'})
// parameter "name" using for optional API ot call plugin like this.$notify()
// I didn't test it, but think it should work
Add the global component to your App.vue
<v-notifications location="bottom center" :timeout="5000" />
Trigger notifications from your .vue
// simple
// way 1:
import { useNotification } from '@websitevirtuoso/vue3-v-snackbars'
const notification = useNotification()
title: 'text',
color: 'error',
// way 2:
import { useNotification } from '@websitevirtuoso/vue3-v-snackbars'
// way 3:
import { useNotification } from '@websitevirtuoso/vue3-v-snackbars'
Or trigger notifications from other files, for example, your router:
import { useNotification } from '@websitevirtuoso/vue3-v-snackbars'
The majority of settings for the Notifications component are configured using props:
<v-notifications location="bottom center" :timeout="5000" />
Note that all props are optional.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
max | Number | Infinity | Maximum number of notifications that can be shown in notification holder |
color | String | success | You can use any color from vuetify lib, like on original snackbar component |
timeout | Number | 5000 | Time (in ms) to keep the notification on screen |
reverseDirection | Boolean | false | Show notifications in reverse order |
ignoreDuplicates | Boolean | false | Ignore repeated instances of the same notification |
showCloseButton | Boolean | true | Display button to close notification |
Configure the plugin itself using an additional options object:
app.use(Notifications({ name: 'alert' }))
All options are optional:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | notify | Defines the instance name. It's prefixed with the dollar sign. E.g. $notify |
componentName | String | vNotifications | The component's name |
Note: setting
can cause issues when using SSR.