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Docker for WebArena Websites

This REAME file host the instructions for our Docker images and quick start guide for starting up websites used in WebArena.

Table of Content

Pre-installed Amazon Machine Image (Recommended)

We provide AMI which have all the websites pre-installed. You can use the AMI to start a new EC2 instance.

AMI Information: find in console, EC2 - AMI Catalog
Region: us-east-2
Name: webarena
ID: ami-06290d70feea35450
  1. Create a security group that allows all inbound traffic.

  2. Create an instance (recommended type: t3a.xlarge, 1000GB EBS root volume) from the webarena AMI. Use the security group just created and remember to select SSH key-pair.

  3. Create an Elastic IP and bind to the instance to associate the instance with a static IP and hostname. Take note of the hostname, usually in the form of "". This will be used as "" in the following commands.

  4. Log into the server, start all dockers by:

docker start gitlab
docker start shopping
docker start shopping_admin
docker start forum
docker start kiwix33
cd /home/ubuntu/openstreetmap-website/
docker compose start

🕐 wait ~1 min to wait all services to start

  1. Run
docker exec shopping /var/www/magento2/bin/magento setup:store-config:set --base-url="http://<your-server-hostname>:7770" # no trailing /
docker exec shopping mysql -u magentouser -pMyPassword magentodb -e  'UPDATE core_config_data SET value="http://<your-server-hostname>:7770/" WHERE path = "web/secure/base_url";'
# remove the requirement to reset password
docker exec shopping_admin php /var/www/magento2/bin/magento config:set admin/security/password_is_forced 0
docker exec shopping_admin php /var/www/magento2/bin/magento config:set admin/security/password_lifetime 0
docker exec shopping /var/www/magento2/bin/magento cache:flush

docker exec shopping_admin /var/www/magento2/bin/magento setup:store-config:set --base-url="http://<your-server-hostname>:7780"
docker exec shopping_admin mysql -u magentouser -pMyPassword magentodb -e  'UPDATE core_config_data SET value="http://<your-server-hostname>:7780/" WHERE path = "web/secure/base_url";'
docker exec shopping_admin /var/www/magento2/bin/magento cache:flush

docker exec gitlab sed -i "s|^external_url.*|external_url 'http://<your-server-hostname>:8023'|" /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
docker exec gitlab gitlab-ctl reconfigure

You should be able to access your environment websites now, and stop reading. However, if you are unable to use AWS AMI, read below to set up on your own machine.

Environment reset

After evaluating the 812 examples, reset the environment to the initial state

# stop and remove the images
docker stop shopping_admin forum gitlab shopping
docker remove shopping_admin forum gitlab shopping
# start the images
docker run --name shopping -p 7770:80 -d shopping_final_0712
docker run --name shopping_admin -p 7780:80 -d shopping_admin_final_0719
docker run --name gitlab -d -p 8023:8023 gitlab-populated-final-port8023 /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start
docker run --name forum -p 9999:80 -d postmill-populated-exposed-withimg
<repeat the commands in step 5 above>

Individual Website

We highly recommend setting up the environments with AMI introduced above, but we also list the steps to setting up individual websites below. This allows you to setup selected websites locally.

Shopping Website (OneStopShop)

Download the image tar from the following mirrors:

docker load --input shopping_final_0712.tar
docker run --name shopping -p 7770:80 -d shopping_final_0712
# wait ~1 min to wait all services to start

docker exec shopping /var/www/magento2/bin/magento setup:store-config:set --base-url="http://<your-server-hostname>:7770" # no trailing slash
docker exec shopping mysql -u magentouser -pMyPassword magentodb -e  'UPDATE core_config_data SET value="http://<your-server-hostname>:7770/" WHERE path = "web/secure/base_url";'
docker exec shopping /var/www/magento2/bin/magento cache:flush

Now you can visit http://<your-server-hostname>:7770.

E-commerce Content Management System (CMS)

Download the image tar from the following mirrors:

docker load --input shopping_admin_final_0719.tar
docker run --name shopping_admin -p 7780:80 -d shopping_admin_final_0719
# wait ~1 min to wait all services to start

docker exec shopping_admin /var/www/magento2/bin/magento setup:store-config:set --base-url="http://<your-server-hostname>:7780" # no trailing slash
docker exec shopping_admin mysql -u magentouser -pMyPassword magentodb -e  'UPDATE core_config_data SET value="http://<your-server-hostname>:7780/" WHERE path = "web/secure/base_url";'
docker exec shopping_admin /var/www/magento2/bin/magento cache:flush

Now you can visit http://<your-server-hostname>:7780/admin.

Social Forum Website (Reddit)

Download the image tar from the following mirrors:

docker load --input postmill-populated-exposed-withimg.tar
docker run --name forum -p 9999:80 -d postmill-populated-exposed-withimg

Now you can visit http://<your-server-hostname>:9999/.

Gitlab Website

Download the image tar from the following mirrors:

docker load --input gitlab-populated-final-port8023.tar
docker run --name gitlab -d -p 8023:8023 gitlab-populated-final-port8023 /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start

# wait at least 5 mins for services to boot
docker exec gitlab sed -i "s|^external_url.*|external_url 'http://<your-server-hostname>:8023'|" /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
docker exec gitlab gitlab-ctl reconfigure

It might take 5 mins to start and then you can visit http://<your-server-hostname>:8023/explore.

Wikipedia Website

Download the data from the following mirrors:

docker run -d --name=wikipedia --volume=<your-path-to-downloaded-folder>/:/data -p 8888:80 wikipedia_en_all_maxi_2022-05.zim

Now you can visit http://<your-server-hostname>:8888/wikipedia_en_all_maxi_2022-05/A/User:The_other_Kiwix_guy/Landing.


The homepage lists all available websites which the agent can use to navigate to different sites. Homepage

To host the homepage, first change <your-server-hostname> to the corresponding server hostnames in webarena_homepage/templates/index.html

# Define your actual server hostname
# Remove trailing / if it exists
# Use sed to replace placeholder in the HTML file
perl -pi -e "s|<your-server-hostname>|${YOUR_ACTUAL_HOSTNAME}|g" webarena-homepage/templates/index.html

Then run

cd webarena-homepage
flask run --host= --port=4399

The homepage will be available at http://<your-server-hostname>:4399.


Please refer to the AMI setup for the map frontend setup. For most use cases this is enough.

If you wish to also set up all map backends, namely tile server, geocoding server and routing server, read along and please be aware of very large downloads and disk space requirements.

Tile Sever

First download and extract the docker volumes to your docker volume directory (default to /var/lib/docker/volumes/). Make sure that you have osm-data volume copied.

Then run the tile server:

docker run --volume=osm-data:/data/database/ --volume=osm-tiles:/data/tiles/ -p 8080:80 --detach=true overv/openstreetmap-tile-server run

Now you can point all occurrences to in the frontend server directory to your own tile server.

Geocoding Server

First download and extract the docker volumes to your docker volume directory (default to /var/lib/docker/volumes/). Make sure that you have nominatim-data and nominatim-flatnode volume copied.

Also download and extract the OSM dump to a host directory /path/to/osm_dump, which will be used in the following command.

Then run the geocoding server:

docker run --env=IMPORT_STYLE=extratags --env=PBF_PATH=/nominatim/data/us-northeast-latest.osm.pbf --env=IMPORT_WIKIPEDIA=/nominatim/data/wikimedia-importance.sql.gz --volume=/path/to/osm_dump:/nominatim/data --volume=nominatim-data:/var/lib/postgresql/14/main --volume=nominatim-flatnode:/nominatim/flatnode -p 8085:8080 mediagis/nominatim:4.2 /app/

Now you can point all occurrences to in the frontend server directory to your own geocoding server.

Routing Server

First download and extract all the directories to your local path. Make sure to have /routing/path/<foot, car, bike>, which will be used in 3 different routing endpoints.

Then run the 3 routing servers:

docker run --volume=/routing/path/foot/:/data -p 5002:5000 osrm-routed --algorithm mld /data/us-northeast-latest.osrm
docker run --volume=/routing/path/bike/:/data -p 5001:5000 osrm-routed --algorithm mld /data/us-northeast-latest.osrm
docker run --volume=/routing/path/car/:/data -p 5002:5000 osrm-routed --algorithm mld /data/us-northeast-latest.osrm

Now you can point all occurrences to,5001 and 5002 to your respective 3 routing endpoints.

Documentation sites

We are still working on dockerizing the documentation sites. As they are read-only sites and they usually don't change rapidly. It is safe to use their live sites for test purpose right now.