INSTRUCTIONS - Player one clicks a square to reveal part of a number between 0 and 9. They can either guess the number or pass the turn to player 2. Guess correctly to score the value of that number, plus a point for each remaining square uncovered. (For example, guessing the number 7 with 4 squares still covered would score 11 points.) Guess incorrectly and the points are awarded to the opposing player. The game continues until one of the players reaches the chosen target score.
TECHNOLOGIES USED - HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Buzz(for sound effects)
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - None if connected to the internet so links to Bootstrap, jquery and Buzz libraries work
- Reversing an array
- Preventing muliple clicks on the pass button, grid cells
- Styling the dropdown boxes
- Missing comma in an array broke the code
- Selecting a dropdown box rather than buttons (FIXED)
- Underestimating the maths required to reverse or inverse an array
FIXES (in order of priority)
- Improve the flow
- Simplify functions (especially bindStartButton and bindReset)
- Restart game returns to selection screen
- Ensure orientation remains the same for each game
- Prevent game from hanging if nobody guesses <-- unlikely to happen but will break game
- Add text explaining what mode you're in
- Use jQuery to change game-screen size rather than hard coded HTML
- Add high score table
- Add more sprite sizes / arrays
- Replace Target Score with a timer
- Replace inner html text with modals
- Improve positioning of game-screen
- Pixelated fades
- More sound
- Add number bar showing solutions on bottom left of screen
- Move numGUESS from top left to top centre
numGUESS - created and coded by Jules Waite