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bignum is a large precision Decimal implementation in C++ that supports up-to 96 digits precision (i.e., 96 digits in total) and up-to 30 digits scale (i.e., digits after the decimal point).

Build Status


  • Large precision (at most 96 digits) and scale (at most 30 digits) decimal
  • Optimized for speed, and provide compile-time calculation via constexpr expression
  • Each Decimal object occupies fixed 64 bytes; no dynamic allocation;

Currently only Linux platform with gcc/clang is tested. A compiler with C++20 support is required.


A Decimal could be initialized from string/integer/floating point values; precision and scale are auto-detected when initializing a Decimal object.

// Initialize from constant string
    Decimal d1("123.45");
    std::cout << "value: " << d1 << std::endl;  // output "123.45"

// Initialize from std::string or std::string_view
    std::string str = "99999.10";
    Decimal d1(str);
    std::cout << "value: " << d1 << std::endl;  // output "99999.1"

// Initialize from integer or __int128_t
    int64_t i64val = 31415926;
    Decimal d1(i64val);
    std::cout << "value: " << d1 << std::endl;  // output "31415926"

    __int128_t i128val = 9999999999999999999;
    Decimal d2(i128val);
    std::cout << "value: " << d2 << std::endl;  // output "9999999999999999999"

// Initializing from float/double lvalue (e.g., float/double variables) is allowed.
// To prevent misuse, initializing from rvalue (e.g., float/double literal) is not allowed.
    double dval = 3.1415926;
    Decimal d1(dval);
    std::cout << "value: " << d1 << std::endl;  // output "3.14159260000000007"

    // Initialize from float/double literal would cause compile-error such as
    //    " static assertion failed: Using literal floating point value to
    //      initialize Decimal is error-prone, use string literal instead,
    //      i.e., use Decimal("1.23") instead of Decimal(1.23) "
    // [[maybe_unused]] Decimal d2(3.1415926);

Initializing from literal float/double is intentionally prohibitted by default to prevent misuse, as using a float literal might cause unexpected precision loss, e.g., a float initialization Decimal(3.1415926) would result int 3.14159260000000007, instead of the original 3.1415926. Notice that initialization with literal could always be constexpr, and a float literal initialization constexpr Decimal(1.23) has the same performance as a string literal initialization constexpr Decimal("1.23") because these initializations are both done at compile time only. So users should prefer and use literal string initialization.

Users who truely want literal float/double initialization could turn on the BIGNUM_ENABLE_LITERAL_FLOAT_CONSTRUCTOR cmake option, which defines the BIGNUM_ENABLE_LITERAL_FLOAT_CONSTRUCTOR macro at compile time. BIGNUM_ENABLE_LITERAL_FLOAT_CONSTRUCTOR is turned off by default.

Arithmetic operations

#include <iostream>
#include <bignum/decimal.h>

int main() {
    Decimal d1("678.90");
    Decimal d2("123.45");

    std::cout << "d1=" << d1 << std::endl
              << "d2=" << d2 << std::endl
              << "d1 + d2 = " << d1 + d2 << std::endl
              << "d1 - d2 = " << d1 - d2 << std::endl
              << "d1 * d2 = " << d1 * d2 << std::endl
              << "d1 / d2 = " << d1 / d2 << std::endl
              << "d1 % d2 = " << d1 % d2 << std::endl;

Note that even if initializing from float/double literals is not allowed, arithmetic operations with float/double literals is allowed:

#include <iostream>
#include <bignum/decimal.h>

int main() {
    Decimal d1("678.90");
    Decimal d2 = d1 + 3.1415926;
    std::cout << "d2=" << d2 << std::endl;  // Output "d2=682.04159260000000007"

Overflow and rounding behavior

  • Initialization that overflow the maximum precision (i.e., 96 digits in total) or maximum scale (i.e., 30 digits after the decimal point) would result in overflow error. No rounding happens in constructor or assign() interfaces.

  • Multiplication might increase the scale, and if theoretical result scale is larger than Decimal::kMaxScale, it is truncated and rounded to Decimal::kMaxScale.

  • Scale of division result is equal to dividend_scale + Decimal::kDivIncreaseScale. If dividend_scale + Decimal::kDivIncreaseScale is larger than Decimal::kMaxScale, result scale is rounded to Decimal::kMaxScale.

  • Decimal division would never overflow, because bignum::kMinDecimal == -bignum::kMaxDecimal. However, Decimal division might have divide-by-zero error.

  • All rounding is done using the "round-half-up" rule and round away from zero.

  • Casting a Decimal object into integer (e.g, int64, int128) truncates all least significant digits and no rounding would happen, i.e., static_cast<int64_t>(Decimal("123.6")) == 123.

Error handling

There are 3 ways to handle error while using Decimal.

  1. Use the explicit error-handling interfaces which return ErrCode. These interfaces are guaranteed to not throwing any exception.

  2. Define the BIGNUM_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS macro and use try { ... } catch { ... } to handle DecimalError exception (which is derived from std::runtime_error). If using CMake, user could turned on the BIGNUM_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS option to define the macro. The BIGNUM_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS option is turned on by default.

  3. undefine the BIGNUM_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS macro (just turn off the cmake option), and use the interface that does not return ErrCode. If overflow or error happens while using these interfaces, internal assertion will be triggered, which call std::abort() to crash the program.


std::string small_str;
for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::kMaxPrecision; i++) {

std::string large_str;
for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::kMaxPrecision * 2; i++) {

Decimal dsmall(small_str);  // OK

// Method 1, initialization overflow, use the interface without ErrCode return.
// If BIGNUM_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS is defined, exception will be thrown at error;
// if BIGNUM_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS is not defined, assertion will be triggered.
Decimal dlarge;
try {
    dlarge = Decimal(large_str);
} catch (const DecimalError &err) {
    // handle Decimal exception here
} catch (...) {
    // unknown error

// Method 2, initialization overflow, use error-handling interfaces
ErrCode err = dlarge.assign(large_str);
if (err) {
    // handle error here

ErrCode is an plain enum that could be use exchangeably with int:

int err = dlarge.assign(large_str);
if (err) {
    // ...

By defining the BIGNUM_ERROR_NODISCARD macro (simply turn on the BIGNUM_ERROR_NODISCARD cmake option), ErrCode is marked with the C++ [[nodiscard]] attribute and all user code must check for all returned ErrCode object. Explicitly checking all error would make user code more robust. The BIGNUM_ERROR_NODISCARD is NOT defined by default (the cmake option is NOT turned on by default)

All exception throwing interfaces have their error-handling counterparts:

// Initialization, constructor v.s. assign()
    Decimal d1("123.45");

    Decimal d2;
    ErrCode err = d2.assign("123.45");

// Arithmetic operations
    Decimal d1("678.90");
    Decimal d2("123.45");

    Decimal res1 = d1 + d2;
    ErrCode err1 = d1.add(d2);

    Decimal res2 = d1 - d2;
    ErrCode err2 = d1.sub(d2);

    // The same for:
    //  *  vs  mul()
    //  /  vs  div
    //  &  vs  mod

All interfaces are documented at the SYNOPSIS section below.

Cast operations:

Decimal d1("678.90");

// cast to string, gauranteed to succeed;
// requires explicit cast;
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << d1;

    std::string str1 = d1.to_string();
    std::string str2 = static_cast<std::string>(d1);

// cast to double, gauranteed to succeed
// requires explicit cast;
    double dval1 = d1.to_double();
    double dval2 = static_cast<double>(d1);

// cast to bool, gauranteed to succeed;
// implicit cast is allowed;
    // compare to 0
    if (d1) {

    bool b1 = d1.to_bool();
    bool b2 = static_cast<bool>(d1);

// cast to int64_t or __int128_t, truncate all digits after decimal points; might overflow
    // overflow will cause exception or assertion
    int64_t i64 = static_cast<int64_t>(d1);
    __int128_t i128 = static_cast<__int128_t>(d1);

    // overflow will cause exception or assertion
    ErrCode err1 = d1.to_int64(i64);
    ErrCode err2 = d1.to_int128(i128);

compile-time calculation and compile time error

A Decimal could be constructed and calculated at compile time if the expression is declared as constexpr:

    // All calculation in the following expression is done at compile-time.
    constexpr Decimal d1("11223455.66");
    constexpr Decimal d2("23456.77");
    constexpr Decimal res = d1 + d2;

    // The following decimal string is invalid.
    // Because it is declared as constexpr, there would be compile-time error
    constexpr Decimal dinvalid("123aaa.bvb");

    // The following decimal string oveflow the maximum precision.
    // Because it is declared as constexpr, there would be compile-time error
    constexpr Decimal dmaxstrin("99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999");

    // Result of the following decimal calculation overflow the maximum precision.
    // Because it is declared as constexpr, there would be compile-time error
    constexpr Decimal dlarge_1("9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999");
    constexpr Decimal dlarge_2("9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999");
    constexpr Decimal dlarge_result = dlarge_1 * dlarge_2;

Install && Use

Install using CMake

Compile and install bignum into /path/to/install/dir/:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \

The bignum static library locates at /path/to/install/dir/lib/libbignum.a and its include directory locates at /path/to/install/dir/include. The install directory layout:

├── include
│   └── bignum
│       ├── assertion.h
│       ├── decimal.h
│       ├── errcode.h
│       └── gmp_wrapper.h
└── lib
    └── libbignum.a

Simply add /path/to/install/dir/lib/ to your libraries search path and /path/to/install/dir/include to your include files search path and compile.

By default, bignum is built as static library. To build as shared lib, add -DBIGNUM_BUILD_SHARED=ON to the cmake command above.

Synopsis of Decimal class

Public members of the Decimal class are listed for quick reference. Some implementation details are hidden. More details could be found at comments in decimal.h header file.

namespace bignum {
class Decimal final {
        // Maximum decimal digits in total
        constexpr static int32_t kMaxPrecision = 96;

        // Maximum decimal digits after the decimal points
        constexpr static int32_t kMaxScale = 30;

        // Every division increase current scale by 4 until max scale is reached.
        // e.g., a 1.7 / 11 => 0.154545454545... => 0.15455
        // (scale increase from 1 to 5, with rounding).
        // Intermediate result might be increased to maximum of 30+4=34,
        // and then after the calculation, it is decreased to scale 30 by rounding.
        constexpr static int32_t kDivIncreaseScale = 4;

        // default initialization to 0
        constexpr Decimal();

        // Construction using integral values, i.e., (u)int8_t,..,(u)int64_t,__(u)int128_t
        template <IntegralType U>
        constexpr Decimal(U i);

        // Construction using floating point value (lvalue).
        // This interface would throw exception or trigger assertion on overflow.
        // User who want explicit error handling should use the assign(..) interfaces.
        template <FloatingPointType U>
        constexpr Decimal(U &v);

        template <FloatingPointType U>
        constexpr Decimal(U &&) = delete;


        template <FloatingPointType U>
        constexpr Decimal(U v);

        // Construction using string value.
        // This interface would throw exception or trigger assertion on overflow or error.
        // User who want explicit error handling should use the assign(..) interfaces.
        constexpr Decimal(std::string_view sv);
        constexpr Decimal(const char *s);

        constexpr Decimal(const Decimal &rhs);
        constexpr Decimal(Decimal &&rhs);
        constexpr Decimal &operator=(const Decimal &rhs);
        constexpr Decimal &operator=(Decimal &&rhs);

        ~Decimal() = default;

        // Assignment/conversion operators.
        // Return error code instead of exception/assertion.
        template <IntegralType U>
        constexpr ErrCode assign(U i) noexcept;

        template <FloatingPointType U>
        constexpr ErrCode assign(U &f) noexcept;
        template <FloatingPointType U>
        constexpr ErrCode assign(U f) noexcept;

        constexpr ErrCode assign(std::string_view sv) noexcept;

        // Cast operators.
        std::string to_string() const noexcept;
        explicit operator std::string() const noexcept;

        constexpr double to_double() const noexcept;
        explicit constexpr operator double() const noexcept;

        constexpr bool to_bool() const noexcept;
        constexpr operator bool() const noexcept;

        constexpr ErrCode to_int64(int64_t &i) const noexcept;
        explicit constexpr operator int64_t() const;

        constexpr ErrCode to_int128(__int128_t &i) const noexcept;
        explicit constexpr operator __int128_t();

        constexpr ErrCode to_uint64(uint64_t &i) const noexcept;
        explicit constexpr operator uint64_t() const;

        constexpr ErrCode to_uint128(__uint128_t &i) const noexcept;
        explicit constexpr operator __uint128_t();

        // getters && setters
        constexpr int32_t get_scale() const { return m_scale; }
        constexpr bool is_negative() const;

        // operator +=
        constexpr ErrCode add(const Decimal &rhs) noexcept;
        constexpr Decimal &operator+=(const Decimal &rhs);
        constexpr Decimal &operator+=(double f);

        // operator +
        constexpr Decimal operator+(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr Decimal operator+(double f) const;

        // operator -=
        constexpr ErrCode sub(const Decimal &rhs) noexcept;
        constexpr Decimal &operator-=(const Decimal &rhs);
        constexpr Decimal &operator-=(double f);

        // operator -
        constexpr Decimal operator-(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr Decimal operator-(double f) const;
        constexpr Decimal operator-() const;

        // operator *=
        constexpr ErrCode mul(const Decimal &rhs) noexcept;
        constexpr Decimal &operator*=(const Decimal &rhs);
        constexpr Decimal &operator*=(double f);

        // operator *
        constexpr Decimal operator*(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr Decimal operator*(double f) const;

        // operator /=
        constexpr ErrCode div(const Decimal &rhs) noexcept;
        constexpr Decimal &operator/=(const Decimal &rhs);
        constexpr Decimal &operator/=(double f);

        // operator /
        constexpr Decimal operator/(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr Decimal operator/(double f) const;

        // operator %=
        constexpr ErrCode mod(const Decimal &rhs) noexcept;
        constexpr Decimal &operator%=(const Decimal &rhs);
        constexpr Decimal &operator%=(double f);

        // operator %
        constexpr Decimal operator%(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr Decimal operator%(double f) const;

        // Comparison operators.
        constexpr bool operator==(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr bool operator<(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr bool operator<=(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr bool operator!=(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr bool operator>(const Decimal &rhs) const;
        constexpr bool operator>=(const Decimal &rhs) const;

        constexpr bool operator==(double f) const;
        constexpr bool operator<(double f) const;
        constexpr bool operator<=(double f) const;

        constexpr bool operator!=(double f) const { return !(*this == f); }
        constexpr bool operator>(double f) const { return !(*this <= f); }
        constexpr bool operator>=(double f) const { return !(*this < f); }
}  // namespace bignum

namespace std {
inline ostream &operator<<(ostream &oss, bignum::Decimal const &d) {
        oss << static_cast<string>(d);
        return oss;
}  // namespace std

Each Decimal object occupies 64 bytes.