- added stop file support, i.e., when this file appears the poller will stop polling
- switched to underscores in project name
- added support for batch processing of files
- using shutil.move instead of os.rename to work across file-system boundaries
- added the output_num_files boolean property to the Poller class, which extends the logging output by outputting a x/y string as well (x=current file index, y=total number of files in a batch)
- the Poller.logging property no longer returns the check_file method
- fixed high CPU usage (ie constant polling) when using unlimited files to list (max_files=0)
- poll_wait and watchdog_check_interval are now float instead of int to allow for sub-second poll waits
- internal delays when poller is busy have been dropped from 1s to 0.1s
- keyboard_interrupt method is now public
- fixed race condition between watchdog reacting to new files and watchdog checking for files at specific intervals
- logging now distinguishes between DEBUG/INFO/ERROR levels
- keyboard interrupts via CTRL+C are now handled correctly
- in watchdog mode, an initial scan of the input directory is now performed, in case files were already present
- added params object to allow attaching of arbitrary parameters to be used by the check_file and process_file methods; this avoids accidentally overriding Poller attributes that were introduced in later versions.
- added support for using watchdog for reacting to file creation events, speeding up polling
- poll method now skips directories, which could be listed if no extensions are supplied to restrict the polling.
- added other_input_files glob list and delete_other_input_files to manage additional files that may reside in the input directory along side the actual files that are being processed.
- initial release