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Error("unknown type: "+e);return{type:e,name:r}})}ht.prototype=It.prototype={constructor:ht,on:function(t,n){var e=this._,r=Ln(t+"",e),i,o=-1,s=r.length;if(arguments.length<2){for(;++o0)for(var e=new Array(i),r=0,i,o;r=0&&(n=t.slice(0,e))!=="xmlns"&&(t=t.slice(e+1)),Ut.hasOwnProperty(n)?{space:Ut[n],local:t}:t}function Vn(t){return function(){var n=this.ownerDocument,e=this.namespaceURI;return e===St&&n.documentElement.namespaceURI===St?n.createElement(t):n.createElementNS(e,t)}}function Un(t){return function(){return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(t.space,t.local)}}function gn(t){var n=mt(t);return(n.local?Un:Vn)(n)}function Wn(){}function zt(t){return t==null?Wn:function(){return this.querySelector(t)}}function Kn(t){typeof t!="function"&&(t=zt(t));for(var n=this._groups,e=n.length,r=new Array(e),i=0;i=N&&(N=_+1);!($=p[N])&&++N=0;)(s=r[i])&&(o&&s.compareDocumentPosition(o)^4&&o.parentNode.insertBefore(s,o),o=s);return this}function ve(t){t||(t=we);function n(g,c){return g&&c?t(g.__data__,c.__data__):!g-!c}for(var e=this._groups,r=e.length,i=new Array(r),o=0;on?1:t>=n?0:NaN}function me(){var t=arguments[0];return arguments[0]=this,t.apply(null,arguments),this}function be(){return Array.from(this)}function Ne(){for(var t=this._groups,n=0,e=t.length;n1?this.each((n==null?ze:typeof n=="function"?De:Pe)(t,n,e??"")):J(this.node(),t)}function J(t,n){return t.style.getPropertyValue(n)||_n(t).getComputedStyle(t,null).getPropertyValue(n)}function He(t){return function(){delete this[t]}}function Xe(t,n){return function(){this[t]=n}}function Oe(t,n){return function(){var e=n.apply(this,arguments);e==null?delete this[t]:this[t]=e}}function Be(t,n){return arguments.length>1?this.each((n==null?He:typeof n=="function"?Oe:Xe)(t,n)):this.node()[t]}function vn(t){return t.trim().split(/^|\s+/)}function Pt(t){return t.classList||new wn(t)}function wn(t){this._node=t,this._names=vn(t.getAttribute("class")||"")}wn.prototype={add:function(t){var n=this._names.indexOf(t);n<0&&(this._names.push(t),this._node.setAttribute("class",this._names.join(" ")))},remove:function(t){var n=this._names.indexOf(t);n>=0&&(this._names.splice(n,1),this._node.setAttribute("class",this._names.join(" ")))},contains:function(t){return this._names.indexOf(t)>=0}};function mn(t,n){for(var e=Pt(t),r=-1,i=n.length;++r=0&&(e=n.slice(r+1),n=n.slice(0,r)),{type:n,name:e}})}function yr(t){return function(){var n=this.__on;if(n){for(var e=0,r=-1,i=n.length,o;e>8&15|n>>4&240,n>>4&15|n&240,(n&15)<<4|n&15,1):e===8?ft(n>>24&255,n>>16&255,n>>8&255,(n&255)/255):e===4?ft(n>>12&15|n>>8&240,n>>8&15|n>>4&240,n>>4&15|n&240,((n&15)<<4|n&15)/255):null):(n=Ar.exec(t))?new P(n[1],n[2],n[3],1):(n=kr.exec(t))?new P(n[1]*255/100,n[2]*255/100,n[3]*255/100,1):(n=Sr.exec(t))?ft(n[1],n[2],n[3],n[4]):(n=Mr.exec(t))?ft(n[1]*255/100,n[2]*255/100,n[3]*255/100,n[4]):(n=$r.exec(t))?tn(n[1],n[2]/100,n[3]/100,1):(n=Er.exec(t))?tn(n[1],n[2]/100,n[3]/100,n[4]):Kt.hasOwnProperty(t)?Jt(Kt[t]):t==="transparent"?new P(NaN,NaN,NaN,0):null}function Jt(t){return new P(t>>16&255,t>>8&255,t&255,1)}function ft(t,n,e,r){return r<=0&&(t=n=e=NaN),new P(t,n,e,r)}function Rr(t){return t instanceof ut||(t=ot(t)),t?(t=t.rgb(),new P(t.r,t.g,t.b,t.opacity)):new P}function Mt(t,n,e,r){return arguments.length===1?Rr(t):new P(t,n,e,r??1)}function P(t,n,e,r){this.r=+t,this.g=+n,this.b=+e,this.opacity=+r}Dt(P,Mt,kn(ut,{brighter(t){return t=t==null?dt:Math.pow(dt,t),new P(this.r*t,this.g*t,this.b*t,this.opacity)},darker(t){return t=t==null?rt:Math.pow(rt,t),new P(this.r*t,this.g*t,this.b*t,this.opacity)},rgb(){return this},clamp(){return new P(K(this.r),K(this.g),K(this.b),xt(this.opacity))},displayable(){return-.5<=this.r&&this.r<255.5&&-.5<=this.g&&this.g<255.5&&-.5<=this.b&&this.b<255.5&&0<=this.opacity&&this.opacity<=1},hex:Zt,formatHex:Zt,formatHex8:Ir,formatRgb:jt,toString:jt}));function Zt(){return`#${W(this.r)}${W(this.g)}${W(this.b)}`}function Ir(){return`#${W(this.r)}${W(this.g)}${W(this.b)}${W((isNaN(this.opacity)?1:this.opacity)*255)}`}function jt(){const t=xt(this.opacity);return`${t===1?"rgb(":"rgba("}${K(this.r)}, ${K(this.g)}, ${K(this.b)}${t===1?")":`, ${t})`}`}function xt(t){return isNaN(t)?1:Math.max(0,Math.min(1,t))}function K(t){return Math.max(0,Math.min(255,Math.round(t)||0))}function W(t){return t=K(t),(t<16?"0":"")+t.toString(16)}function tn(t,n,e,r){return r<=0?t=n=e=NaN:e<=0||e>=1?t=n=NaN:n<=0&&(t=NaN),new X(t,n,e,r)}function Sn(t){if(t instanceof X)return new X(t.h,t.s,t.l,t.opacity);if(t instanceof ut||(t=ot(t)),!t)return new X;if(t instanceof X)return t;t=t.rgb();var n=t.r/255,e=t.g/255,r=t.b/255,i=Math.min(n,e,r),o=Math.max(n,e,r),s=NaN,a=o-i,f=(o+i)/2;return a?(n===o?s=(e-r)/a+(e0&&f<1?0:s,new X(s,a,f,t.opacity)}function zr(t,n,e,r){return arguments.length===1?Sn(t):new X(t,n,e,r??1)}function X(t,n,e,r){this.h=+t,this.s=+n,this.l=+e,this.opacity=+r}Dt(X,zr,kn(ut,{brighter(t){return t=t==null?dt:Math.pow(dt,t),new X(this.h,this.s,this.l*t,this.opacity)},darker(t){return t=t==null?rt:Math.pow(rt,t),new X(this.h,this.s,this.l*t,this.opacity)},rgb(){var t=this.h%360+(this.h<0)*360,n=isNaN(t)||isNaN(this.s)?0:this.s,e=this.l,r=e+(e<.5?e:1-e)*n,i=2*e-r;return new P(At(t>=240?t-240:t+120,i,r),At(t,i,r),At(t<120?t+240:t-120,i,r),this.opacity)},clamp(){return new X(nn(this.h),lt(this.s),lt(this.l),xt(this.opacity))},displayable(){return(0<=this.s&&this.s<=1||isNaN(this.s))&&0<=this.l&&this.l<=1&&0<=this.opacity&&this.opacity<=1},formatHsl(){const t=xt(this.opacity);return`${t===1?"hsl(":"hsla("}${nn(this.h)}, ${lt(this.s)*100}%, ${lt(this.l)*100}%${t===1?")":`, ${t})`}`}}));function nn(t){return t=(t||0)%360,t<0?t+360:t}function lt(t){return Math.max(0,Math.min(1,t||0))}function At(t,n,e){return(t<60?n+(e-n)*t/60:t<180?e:t<240?n+(e-n)*(240-t)/60:n)*255}const Mn=t=>()=>t;function Pr(t,n){return function(e){return t+e*n}}function Dr(t,n,e){return t=Math.pow(t,e),n=Math.pow(n,e)-t,e=1/e,function(r){return Math.pow(t+r*n,e)}}function Fr(t){return(t=+t)==1?$n:function(n,e){return e-n?Dr(n,e,t):Mn(isNaN(n)?e:n)}}function $n(t,n){var e=n-t;return e?Pr(t,e):Mn(isNaN(t)?n:t)}const en=function t(n){var e=Fr(n);function r(i,o){var s=e((i=Mt(i)).r,(o=Mt(o)).r),a=e(i.g,o.g),f=e(i.b,o.b),u=$n(i.opacity,o.opacity);return function(l){return i.r=s(l),i.g=a(l),i.b=f(l),i.opacity=u(l),i+""}}return r.gamma=t,r}(1);function V(t,n){return t=+t,n=+n,function(e){return t*(1-e)+n*e}}var $t=/[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g,kt=new RegExp($t.source,"g");function Hr(t){return function(){return t}}function Xr(t){return function(n){return t(n)+""}}function Or(t,n){var e=$t.lastIndex=kt.lastIndex=0,r,i,o,s=-1,a=[],f=[];for(t=t+"",n=n+"";(r=$t.exec(t))&&(i=kt.exec(n));)(o=i.index)>e&&(o=n.slice(e,o),a[s]?a[s]+=o:a[++s]=o),(r=r[0])===(i=i[0])?a[s]?a[s]+=i:a[++s]=i:(a[++s]=null,f.push({i:s,x:V(r,i)})),e=kt.lastIndex;return e180?l+=360:l-u>180&&(u+=360),c.push({i:g.push(i(g)+"rotate(",null,r)-2,x:V(u,l)})):l&&g.push(i(g)+"rotate("+l+r)}function a(u,l,g,c){u!==l?c.push({i:g.push(i(g)+"skewX(",null,r)-2,x:V(u,l)}):l&&g.push(i(g)+"skewX("+l+r)}function f(u,l,g,c,h,y){if(u!==g||l!==c){var d=h.push(i(h)+"scale(",null,",",null,")");y.push({i:d-4,x:V(u,g)},{i:d-2,x:V(l,c)})}else(g!==1||c!==1)&&h.push(i(h)+"scale("+g+","+c+")")}return function(u,l){var g=[],c=[];return u=t(u),l=t(l),o(u.translateX,u.translateY,l.translateX,l.translateY,g,c),s(u.rotate,l.rotate,g,c),a(u.skewX,l.skewX,g,c),f(u.scaleX,u.scaleY,l.scaleX,l.scaleY,g,c),u=l=null,function(h){for(var y=-1,d=c.length,p;++y=0&&t._call.call(void 0,n),t=t._next;--Z}function on(){G=(vt=st.now())+bt,Z=tt=0;try{Ur()}finally{Z=0,Kr(),G=0}}function Wr(){var t=st.now(),n=t-vt;n>Cn&&(bt-=n,vt=t)}function Kr(){for(var t,n=_t,e,r=1/0;n;)n._call?(r>n._time&&(r=n._time),t=n,n=n._next):(e=n._next,n._next=null,n=t?t._next=e:_t=e);nt=t,Tt(r)}function Tt(t){if(!Z){tt&&(tt=clearTimeout(tt));var n=t-G;n>24?(t<1/0&&(tt=setTimeout(on,t-st.now()-bt)),j&&(j=clearInterval(j))):(j||(vt=st.now(),j=setInterval(Wr,Cn)),Z=1,Rn(on))}}function sn(t,n,e){var r=new wt;return n=n==null?0:+n,r.restart(i=>{r.stop(),t(i+n)},n,e),r}var Gr=It("start","end","cancel","interrupt"),Qr=[],In=0,an=1,Ct=2,gt=3,un=4,Rt=5,pt=6;function Nt(t,n,e,r,i,o){var s=t.__transition;if(!s)t.__transition={};else if(e in s)return;Jr(t,e,{name:n,index:r,group:i,on:Gr,tween:Qr,time:o.time,delay:o.delay,duration:o.duration,ease:o.ease,timer:null,state:In})}function Xt(t,n){var e=O(t,n);if(e.state>In)throw new Error("too late; already scheduled");return e}function Y(t,n){var e=O(t,n);if(e.state>gt)throw new Error("too late; already running");return e}function O(t,n){var e=t.__transition;if(!e||!(e=e[n]))throw new Error("transition not found");return e}function Jr(t,n,e){var r=t.__transition,i;r[n]=e,e.timer=Ht(o,0,e.time);function o(u){e.state=an,e.timer.restart(s,e.delay,e.time),e.delay<=u&&s(u-e.delay)}function s(u){var l,g,c,h;if(e.state!==an)return f();for(l in r)if(h=r[l],h.name===e.name){if(h.state===gt)return sn(s);h.state===un?(h.state=pt,h.timer.stop(),h.on.call("interrupt",t,t.__data__,h.index,h.group),delete r[l]):+lCt&&r.state=0&&(n=n.slice(0,e)),!n||n==="start"})}function $i(t,n,e){var r,i,o=Mi(n)?Xt:Y;return function(){var s=o(this,t),a=s.on;a!==r&&(i=(r=a).copy()).on(n,e),s.on=i}}function Ei(t,n){var e=this._id;return arguments.length<2?O(this.node(),e).on.on(t):this.each($i(e,t,n))}function Ti(t){return function(){var n=this.parentNode;for(var e in this.__transition)if(+e!==t)return;n&&n.removeChild(this)}}function Ci(){return 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this;if(!e.length)break;(n[p+1&3]||n[p+2&3]||n[p+3&3])&&(r=n,x=p)}for(;e.data!==t;)if(i=e,!(e=e.next))return this;return(o=e.next)&&delete e.next,i?(o?i.next=o:delete i.next,this):n?(o?n[p]=o:delete n[p],(e=n[0]||n[1]||n[2]||n[3])&&e===(n[3]||n[2]||n[1]||n[0])&&!e.length&&(r?r[x]=e:this._root=e),this):(this._root=o,this)}function co(t){for(var n=0,e=t.length;nc.index){var S=h-w.x-w.vx,k=y-w.y-w.vy,b=S*S+k*k;bh+A||Cy+A||mu.r&&(u.r=u[l].r)}function f(){if(n){var u,l=n.length,g;for(e=new Array(l),u=0;u[n($,C,s),$])),v;for(p=0,a=new Array(x);p<_;++p)v=t[p],v.index=p,typeof v.source!="object"&&(v.source=ln(N,v.source)),typeof v.target!="object"&&(v.target=ln(N,v.target)),a[v.source.index]=(a[v.source.index]||0)+1,a[v.target.index]=(a[v.target.index]||0)+1;for(p=0,f=new Array(_);p<_;++p)v=t[p],f[p]=a[v.source.index]/(a[v.source.index]+a[v.target.index]);r=new Array(_),y(),o=new Array(_),d()}}function y(){if(s)for(var p=0,x=t.length;p(t=(So*t+Mo)%cn)/cn}function Eo(t){return t.x}function To(t){return t.y}var Co=10,Ro=Math.PI*(3-Math.sqrt(5));function Io(t){var n,e=1,r=.001,i=1-Math.pow(r,1/300),o=0,s=.6,a=new Map,f=Ht(g),u=It("tick","end"),l=$o();t==null&&(t=[]);function g(){c(),u.call("tick",n),e1?(p==null?a.delete(d):a.set(d,y(p)),n):a.get(d)},find:function(d,p,x){var _=0,N=t.length,v,$,C,m,w;for(x==null?x=1/0:x*=x,_=0;_1?(u.on(d,p),n):u.on(d)}}}function zo(){var t,n,e,r,i=I(-30),o,s=1,a=1/0,f=.81;function u(h){var y,d=t.length,p=Bt(t,Eo,To).visitAfter(g);for(r=h,y=0;y=a)return;(h.data!==n||h.next)&&(x===0&&(x=U(e),v+=x*x),_===0&&(_=U(e),v+=_*_),vIo(u).force("link",ko(f).id(m=>m.id)).force("charge",zo()).force("center",ro(i/2,o/2)).force("collide",No().radius(l)).force("x",Po(i/2)).force("y",Do(o/2));s||(s=g());const c=t.getContext("2d"),h=(m,w=null)=>{f=m.links,u=m.nodes,N(),w&&typeof w=="object"&&Object.keys(w).forEach(M=>{e[M]=w[M]}),c.clearRect(0,0,i,o),s.stop(),s=null,s=e.simulation??g(),s.on("tick",()=>{v()}),e.drag&&_()};let 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X(nn(this.h),lt(this.s),lt(this.l),xt(this.opacity))},displayable(){return(0<=this.s&&this.s<=1||isNaN(this.s))&&0<=this.l&&this.l<=1&&0<=this.opacity&&this.opacity<=1},formatHsl(){const t=xt(this.opacity);return`${t===1?"hsl(":"hsla("}${nn(this.h)}, ${lt(this.s)*100}%, ${lt(this.l)*100}%${t===1?")":`, ${t})`}`}}));function nn(t){return t=(t||0)%360,t<0?t+360:t}function lt(t){return Math.max(0,Math.min(1,t||0))}function At(t,n,e){return(t<60?n+(e-n)*t/60:t<180?e:t<240?n+(e-n)*(240-t)/60:n)*255}const Mn=t=>()=>t;function Pr(t,n){return function(e){return t+e*n}}function Dr(t,n,e){return t=Math.pow(t,e),n=Math.pow(n,e)-t,e=1/e,function(r){return Math.pow(t+r*n,e)}}function Fr(t){return(t=+t)==1?$n:function(n,e){return e-n?Dr(n,e,t):Mn(isNaN(n)?e:n)}}function $n(t,n){var e=n-t;return e?Pr(t,e):Mn(isNaN(t)?n:t)}const en=function t(n){var e=Fr(n);function r(i,o){var s=e((i=Mt(i)).r,(o=Mt(o)).r),a=e(i.g,o.g),f=e(i.b,o.b),u=$n(i.opacity,o.opacity);return function(l){return i.r=s(l),i.g=a(l),i.b=f(l),i.opacity=u(l),i+""}}return r.gamma=t,r}(1);function V(t,n){return t=+t,n=+n,function(e){return t*(1-e)+n*e}}var $t=/[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g,kt=new RegExp($t.source,"g");function Hr(t){return function(){return t}}function Xr(t){return function(n){return t(n)+""}}function Or(t,n){var e=$t.lastIndex=kt.lastIndex=0,r,i,o,s=-1,a=[],f=[];for(t=t+"",n=n+"";(r=$t.exec(t))&&(i=kt.exec(n));)(o=i.index)>e&&(o=n.slice(e,o),a[s]?a[s]+=o:a[++s]=o),(r=r[0])===(i=i[0])?a[s]?a[s]+=i:a[++s]=i:(a[++s]=null,f.push({i:s,x:V(r,i)})),e=kt.lastIndex;return e180?l+=360:l-u>180&&(u+=360),c.push({i:g.push(i(g)+"rotate(",null,r)-2,x:V(u,l)})):l&&g.push(i(g)+"rotate("+l+r)}function a(u,l,g,c){u!==l?c.push({i:g.push(i(g)+"skewX(",null,r)-2,x:V(u,l)}):l&&g.push(i(g)+"skewX("+l+r)}function f(u,l,g,c,h,y){if(u!==g||l!==c){var d=h.push(i(h)+"scale(",null,",",null,")");y.push({i:d-4,x:V(u,g)},{i:d-2,x:V(l,c)})}else(g!==1||c!==1)&&h.push(i(h)+"scale("+g+","+c+")")}return function(u,l){var g=[],c=[];return u=t(u),l=t(l),o(u.translateX,u.translateY,l.translateX,l.translateY,g,c),s(u.rotate,l.rotate,g,c),a(u.skewX,l.skewX,g,c),f(u.scaleX,u.scaleY,l.scaleX,l.scaleY,g,c),u=l=null,function(h){for(var y=-1,d=c.length,p;++y=0&&t._call.call(void 0,n),t=t._next;--Z}function on(){G=(wt=st.now())+bt,Z=tt=0;try{Ur()}finally{Z=0,Kr(),G=0}}function Wr(){var t=st.now(),n=t-wt;n>Cn&&(bt-=n,wt=t)}function Kr(){for(var t,n=_t,e,r=1/0;n;)n._call?(r>n._time&&(r=n._time),t=n,n=n._next):(e=n._next,n._next=null,n=t?t._next=e:_t=e);nt=t,Tt(r)}function Tt(t){if(!Z){tt&&(tt=clearTimeout(tt));var n=t-G;n>24?(t<1/0&&(tt=setTimeout(on,t-st.now()-bt)),j&&(j=clearInterval(j))):(j||(wt=st.now(),j=setInterval(Wr,Cn)),Z=1,Rn(on))}}function sn(t,n,e){var r=new vt;return n=n==null?0:+n,r.restart(i=>{r.stop(),t(i+n)},n,e),r}var Gr=It("start","end","cancel","interrupt"),Qr=[],In=0,an=1,Ct=2,gt=3,un=4,Rt=5,pt=6;function Nt(t,n,e,r,i,o){var s=t.__transition;if(!s)t.__transition={};else if(e in s)return;Jr(t,e,{name:n,index:r,group:i,on:Gr,tween:Qr,time:o.time,delay:o.delay,duration:o.duration,ease:o.ease,timer:null,state:In})}function Xt(t,n){var e=O(t,n);if(e.state>In)throw new Error("too late; already scheduled");return e}function Y(t,n){var e=O(t,n);if(e.state>gt)throw new Error("too late; already running");return e}function O(t,n){var e=t.__transition;if(!e||!(e=e[n]))throw new Error("transition not found");return e}function Jr(t,n,e){var r=t.__transition,i;r[n]=e,e.timer=Ht(o,0,e.time);function o(u){e.state=an,e.timer.restart(s,e.delay,e.time),e.delay<=u&&s(u-e.delay)}function s(u){var l,g,c,h;if(e.state!==an)return f();for(l in r)if(h=r[l],h.name===e.name){if(h.state===gt)return sn(s);h.state===un?(h.state=pt,h.timer.stop(),h.on.call("interrupt",t,t.__data__,h.index,h.group),delete r[l]):+lCt&&r.state=0&&(n=n.slice(0,e)),!n||n==="start"})}function $i(t,n,e){var r,i,o=Mi(n)?Xt:Y;return function(){var s=o(this,t),a=s.on;a!==r&&(i=(r=a).copy()).on(n,e),s.on=i}}function Ei(t,n){var e=this._id;return arguments.length<2?O(this.node(),e).on.on(t):this.each($i(e,t,n))}function Ti(t){return function(){var n=this.parentNode;for(var e in this.__transition)if(+e!==t)return;n&&n.removeChild(this)}}function Ci(){return this.on("end.remove",Ti(this._id))}function Ri(t){var n=this._name,e=this._id;typeof t!="function"&&(t=zt(t));for(var r=this._groups,i=r.length,o=new Array(i),s=0;s=(g=(a+u)/2))?a=g:u=g,(p=e>=(c=(f+l)/2))?f=c:l=c,i=o,!(o=o[x=p<<1|d]))return i[x]=s,t;if(h=+t._x.call(null,o.data),y=+t._y.call(null,o.data),n===h&&e===y)return s.next=o,i?i[x]=s:t._root=s,t;do i=i?i[x]=new Array(4):t._root=new Array(4),(d=n>=(g=(a+u)/2))?a=g:u=g,(p=e>=(c=(f+l)/2))?f=c:l=c;while((x=p<<1|d)===(_=(y>=c)<<1|h>=g));return i[_]=o,i[x]=s,t}function oo(t){var n,e,r=t.length,i,o,s=new Array(r),a=new Array(r),f=1/0,u=1/0,l=-1/0,g=-1/0;for(e=0;el&&(l=i),og&&(g=o));if(f>l||u>g)return this;for(this.cover(f,u).cover(l,g),e=0;et||t>=i||r>n||n>=o;)switch(u=(nl||(a=y.y0)>g||(f=y.x1)=x)<<1|t>=p)&&(y=c[c.length-1],c[c.length-1]=c[c.length-1-d],c[c.length-1-d]=y)}else{var _=t-+this._x.call(null,h.data),N=n-+this._y.call(null,h.data),w=_*_+N*N;if(w=(c=(s+f)/2))?s=c:f=c,(d=g>=(h=(a+u)/2))?a=h:u=h,n=e,!(e=e[p=d<<1|y]))return this;if(!e.length)break;(n[p+1&3]||n[p+2&3]||n[p+3&3])&&(r=n,x=p)}for(;e.data!==t;)if(i=e,!(e=e.next))return this;return(o=e.next)&&delete e.next,i?(o?i.next=o:delete i.next,this):n?(o?n[p]=o:delete n[p],(e=n[0]||n[1]||n[2]||n[3])&&e===(n[3]||n[2]||n[1]||n[0])&&!e.length&&(r?r[x]=e:this._root=e),this):(this._root=o,this)}function co(t){for(var n=0,e=t.length;nc.index){var S=h-v.x-v.vx,k=y-v.y-v.vy,b=S*S+k*k;bh+A||Cy+A||mu.r&&(u.r=u[l].r)}function f(){if(n){var u,l=n.length,g;for(e=new Array(l),u=0;u[n($,C,s),$])),w;for(p=0,a=new Array(x);p<_;++p)w=t[p],w.index=p,typeof w.source!="object"&&(w.source=ln(N,w.source)),typeof w.target!="object"&&(w.target=ln(N,w.target)),a[w.source.index]=(a[w.source.index]||0)+1,a[w.target.index]=(a[w.target.index]||0)+1;for(p=0,f=new Array(_);p<_;++p)w=t[p],f[p]=a[w.source.index]/(a[w.source.index]+a[w.target.index]);r=new Array(_),y(),o=new Array(_),d()}}function y(){if(s)for(var p=0,x=t.length;p(t=(So*t+Mo)%cn)/cn}function Eo(t){return t.x}function To(t){return t.y}var Co=10,Ro=Math.PI*(3-Math.sqrt(5));function Io(t){var n,e=1,r=.001,i=1-Math.pow(r,1/300),o=0,s=.6,a=new Map,f=Ht(g),u=It("tick","end"),l=$o();t==null&&(t=[]);function g(){c(),u.call("tick",n),e1?(p==null?a.delete(d):a.set(d,y(p)),n):a.get(d)},find:function(d,p,x){var _=0,N=t.length,w,$,C,m,v;for(x==null?x=1/0:x*=x,_=0;_1?(u.on(d,p),n):u.on(d)}}}function zo(){var t,n,e,r,i=I(-30),o,s=1,a=1/0,f=.81;function u(h){var y,d=t.length,p=Bt(t,Eo,To).visitAfter(g);for(r=h,y=0;y=a)return;(h.data!==n||h.next)&&(x===0&&(x=U(e),w+=x*x),_===0&&(_=U(e),w+=_*_),wIo(u).force("link",ko(f).id(m=>m.id)).force("charge",zo()).force("center",ro(i/2,o/2)).force("collide",No().radius(l)).force("x",Po(i/2)).force("y",Do(o/2));s||(s=g());const c=t.getContext("2d"),h=(m,v=null)=>{f=m.links,u=m.nodes,N(),v&&typeof v=="object"&&Object.keys(v).forEach(M=>{e[M]=v[M]}),c.clearRect(0,0,i,o),s.stop(),s=null,s=e.simulation??g(),s.on("tick",()=>{w()}),e.drag&&_()};let y={rect:null,text:null,arrow:null};const d=m=>{var D;let v=m.tooltip??e.node.tooltip;if(typeof v=="function"&&(v=v(m)),typeof v!="string")throw new TypeError("tooltip should be string");let M=((D=e.node)==null?void 0:D.tooltipFontSize)??20;c.font=`${M}px serif`;let A=c.measureText(v),S={top:10,left:10,right:10,bottom:10},k=S.left+A.width+S.right,b=S.top+A.actualBoundingBoxAscent+A.actualBoundingBoxDescent+S.bottom,E=m.x-k/2,T=m.y-10-b-l,P=1;E+k>r.width&&(E=r.width-k),E<0&&(E=0),T<0&&(T=m.y+10+l,P=0),y.rect={x:E,y:T,width:k,height:b},y.arrow={x:[m.x-5,T+P*(b-1)],y:[m.x+5,T+P*(b-1)],z:[m.x,m.y-P*l]},y.text={x:E+k/2-A.width/2,y:T+S.top+b/2-A.actualBoundingBoxDescent,content:v},w()},p=(m,v)=>{let M=u.map(A=>(A.d=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(m-A.x,2)+Math.pow(v-A.y,2)),A)).filter((A,S)=>{let k=typeof l=="function"?l(A,S):l;return A.dA.d>=S.d?1:-1),M[0])},x=m=>(m.touches&&(m=m.touches[0]),[(m.clientX-r.left)/(r.right-r.left)*i,(m.clientY-r.top)/(r.bottom-r.top)*o]),_=()=>{let m=!1,v=null,M=Wt(t);M.on("mousedown touchstart",S=>{var T,P;S.preventDefault(),m=!0;let[k,b]=x(S),E=p(k,b);E&&(v=E,v.fx=k,v.fy=b,(T=e.node)!=null&&T.onClick&&((P=e.node)==null||P.onClick(v,S))),S.touches&&d(v)}),M.on("mouseup touchend",S=>{S.preventDefault(),m=!1,S.active||s.alphaTarget(0),v&&(v.x=v.fx,v.y=v.fy),!e.sticky&&v&&(v.fx=null,v.fy=null,v=null)});let A=null;M.on("touchmove mousemove",S=>{var E,T,P;S.preventDefault();let[k,b]=x(S);if(!m||!v){let D=p(k,b);M.style("cursor",D?"grab":"auto"),D&&((E=e.node)!=null&&E.tooltip||D.tooltip)?(d(D),(T=e.node)!=null&&T.onHover&&((P=e.node)==null||P.onHover(D,S))):(y.arrow=null,y.rect=null,y.text=null,w());return}A&&clearTimeout(A),A=setTimeout(()=>{s.alphaTarget(0),m=!1,M.style("cursor","auto")},3e3),M.style("cursor","grabbing"),y.arrow=null,y.rect=null,y.text=null,v.fx=k,v.fy=b,s.alphaTarget(.3).restart()})};function N(){let m=Wt(t);m.on("mousedown touchstart",null),m.on("mouseup touchend",null),m.on("touchmove mousemove",null)}function w(){var m,v,M,A,S;c.save(),c.clearRect(0,0,i,o);for(let k=0;k<=f.length-1;k++){let b=f[k],E=b.color||((m=e.link)==null?void 0:m.color);c.strokeStyle=E?typeof E=="function"?E(b):E:"black",c.beginPath(),c.moveTo(b.source.x,b.source.y),c.lineTo(b.target.x,b.target.y),c.stroke()}c.lineWidth=e.node.strokeWidth??1;for(let k=0;k<=u.length-1;k++){c.strokeStyle=null;let b=u[k],E=b.color||((v=e.node)==null?void 0:v.color),T=b.radius??l;typeof T=="function"&&(T=T(b,k)),c.fillStyle=E?typeof E=="function"?E(b,k):E:a(b.id),c.beginPath(),b.x=Math.max(T,Math.min(i-T,b.x)),b.y=Math.max(T,Math.min(o-T,b.y)),c.arc(b.x,b.y,T,0,Math.PI*2),c.fill();let P=b.stroke||((M=e.node)==null?void 0:M.stroke);P&&(c.strokeStyle=typeof P=="string"?P:"#ffffff",c.stroke()),c.closePath();let D=b.label||((A=e.node)==null?void 0:A.label);D&&(c.font="14px serif",c.fillStyle="black",c.fillText(typeof D=="function"?D(b,k):typeof D=="boolean"?b.id:D,b.x-l/2,b.y+l/2))}if(y.rect&&(c.fillStyle="white",c.strokeStyle="black",c.beginPath(),c.rect(y.rect.x,y.rect.y,y.rect.width,y.rect.height),c.fill(),c.stroke(),c.closePath()),y.arrow&&(c.fillStyle="white",c.beginPath(),c.moveTo(y.arrow.x[0],y.arrow.x[1]),c.lineTo(y.arrow.y[0],y.arrow.y[1]),c.lineTo(y.arrow.z[0],y.arrow.z[1]),c.fill(),c.closePath(),c.beginPath(),c.moveTo(y.arrow.z[0],y.arrow.z[1]),c.lineTo(y.arrow.x[0],y.arrow.x[1]),c.moveTo(y.arrow.z[0],y.arrow.z[1]),c.lineTo(y.arrow.y[0],y.arrow.y[1]),c.stroke(),c.closePath()),y.text){c.fillStyle="black";let k=((S=e.node)==null?void 0:S.tooltipFontSize)??20;c.font=`${k}px serif`,c.fillText(y.text.content,y.text.x,y.text.y)}c.restore()}return s.on("tick",()=>{w()}),(e.drag??!0)&&_(),{update:h,destroy:()=>{s=null,c.clearRect(0,0,i,o),e.drag&&N()}}}module.exports=Oo; diff --git a/dist/d3canvas-networkgraph.es.js b/dist/d3canvas-networkgraph.es.js index 7dd6ae2..49144ea 100644 --- a/dist/d3canvas-networkgraph.es.js +++ b/dist/d3canvas-networkgraph.es.js @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ function Kn(t) { for (var n = this._groups, e = n.length, r = new Array(e), i = 0; i < e; ++i) for (var o = n[i], s = o.length, a = r[i] = new Array(s), f, u, l = 0; l < s; ++l) (f = o[l]) && (u = t.call(f, f.__data__, l, o)) && ("__data__" in f && (u.__data__ = f.__data__), a[l] = u); - return new D(r, this._parents); + return new H(r, this._parents); } function Gn(t) { return t == null ? [] : Array.isArray(t) ? t : Array.from(t); @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ function Zn(t) { for (var n = this._groups, e = n.length, r = [], i = [], o = 0; o < e; ++o) for (var s = n[o], a = s.length, f, u = 0; u < a; ++u) (f = s[u]) && (r.push(t.call(f, f.__data__, u, s)), i.push(f)); - return new D(r, i); + return new H(r, i); } function yn(t) { return function() { @@ -211,13 +211,13 @@ function ae(t) { for (var n = this._groups, e = n.length, r = new Array(e), i = 0; i < e; ++i) for (var o = n[i], s = o.length, a = r[i] = [], f, u = 0; u < s; ++u) (f = o[u]) && t.call(f, f.__data__, u, o) && a.push(f); - return new D(r, this._parents); + return new H(r, this._parents); } function xn(t) { return new Array(t.length); } function ue() { - return new D(this._enter || this._groups.map(xn), this._parents); + return new H(this._enter || this._groups.map(xn), this._parents); } function yt(t, n) { this.ownerDocument = t.ownerDocument, this.namespaceURI = t.namespaceURI, this._next = null, this._parent = t, this.__data__ = n; @@ -268,20 +268,20 @@ function ge(t, n) { for (var o = i.length, s = new Array(o), a = new Array(o), f = new Array(o), u = 0; u < o; ++u) { var l = r[u], g = i[u], c = g.length, h = pe(t.call(l, l && l.__data__, u, r)), y = h.length, d = a[u] = new Array(y), p = s[u] = new Array(y), x = f[u] = new Array(c); e(l, g, d, p, x, h, n); - for (var _ = 0, N = 0, v, $; _ < y; ++_) - if (v = d[_]) { + for (var _ = 0, N = 0, w, $; _ < y; ++_) + if (w = d[_]) { for (_ >= N && (N = _ + 1); !($ = p[N]) && ++N < y; ) ; - v._next = $ || null; + w._next = $ || null; } } - return s = new D(s, r), s._enter = a, s._exit = f, s; + return s = new H(s, r), s._enter = a, s._exit = f, s; } function pe(t) { return typeof t == "object" && "length" in t ? t : Array.from(t); } function ye() { - return new D(this._exit || this._groups.map(xn), this._parents); + return new H(this._exit || this._groups.map(xn), this._parents); } function de(t, n, e) { var r = this.enter(), i = this, o = this.exit(); @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ function xe(t) { (h = u[y] || l[y]) && (c[y] = h); for (; f < i; ++f) a[f] = e[f]; - return new D(a, this._parents); + return new H(a, this._parents); } function _e() { for (var t = this._groups, n = -1, e = t.length; ++n < e; ) @@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ function _e() { (s = r[i]) && (o && s.compareDocumentPosition(o) ^ 4 && o.parentNode.insertBefore(s, o), o = s); return this; } -function ve(t) { - t || (t = we); +function we(t) { + t || (t = ve); function n(g, c) { return g && c ? t(g.__data__, c.__data__) : !g - !c; } @@ -311,9 +311,9 @@ function ve(t) { (u = s[l]) && (f[l] = u); f.sort(n); } - return new D(i, this._parents).order(); + return new H(i, this._parents).order(); } -function we(t, n) { +function ve(t, n) { return t < n ? -1 : t > n ? 1 : t >= n ? 0 : NaN; } function me() { @@ -431,16 +431,16 @@ function Oe(t, n) { function Be(t, n) { return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((n == null ? He : typeof n == "function" ? Oe : Xe)(t, n)) : this.node()[t]; } -function vn(t) { +function wn(t) { return t.trim().split(/^|\s+/); } function Pt(t) { - return t.classList || new wn(t); + return t.classList || new vn(t); } -function wn(t) { - this._node = t, this._names = vn(t.getAttribute("class") || ""); +function vn(t) { + this._node = t, this._names = wn(t.getAttribute("class") || ""); } -wn.prototype = { +vn.prototype = { add: function(t) { var n = this._names.indexOf(t); n < 0 && (this._names.push(t), this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" "))); @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ function qe(t, n) { }; } function Ve(t, n) { - var e = vn(t + ""); + var e = wn(t + ""); if (arguments.length < 2) { for (var r = Pt(this.node()), i = -1, o = e.length; ++i < o; ) if (!r.contains(e[i])) @@ -627,13 +627,13 @@ function _r(t, n) { return Nn(this, t, n); }; } -function vr(t, n) { +function wr(t, n) { return function() { return Nn(this, t, n.apply(this, arguments)); }; } -function wr(t, n) { - return this.each((typeof n == "function" ? vr : _r)(t, n)); +function vr(t, n) { + return this.each((typeof n == "function" ? wr : _r)(t, n)); } function* mr() { for (var t = this._groups, n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; ++n) @@ -641,17 +641,17 @@ function* mr() { (s = r[i]) && (yield s); } var An = [null]; -function D(t, n) { +function H(t, n) { this._groups = t, this._parents = n; } function at() { - return new D([[document.documentElement]], An); + return new H([[document.documentElement]], An); } function br() { return this; } -D.prototype = at.prototype = { - constructor: D, +H.prototype = at.prototype = { + constructor: H, select: Kn, selectAll: Zn, selectChild: ee, @@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ D.prototype = at.prototype = { merge: xe, selection: br, order: _e, - sort: ve, + sort: we, call: me, nodes: be, node: Ne, @@ -685,11 +685,11 @@ D.prototype = at.prototype = { clone: cr, datum: hr, on: xr, - dispatch: wr, + dispatch: vr, [Symbol.iterator]: mr }; function Wt(t) { - return typeof t == "string" ? new D([[document.querySelector(t)]], [document.documentElement]) : new D([[t]], An); + return typeof t == "string" ? new H([[document.querySelector(t)]], [document.documentElement]) : new H([[t]], An); } function Dt(t, n, e) { t.prototype = n.prototype = e, e.constructor = t; @@ -881,35 +881,35 @@ function Qt() { } function ot(t) { var n, e; - return t = (t + "").trim().toLowerCase(), (n = Nr.exec(t)) ? (e = n[1].length, n = parseInt(n[1], 16), e === 6 ? Jt(n) : e === 3 ? new P(n >> 8 & 15 | n >> 4 & 240, n >> 4 & 15 | n & 240, (n & 15) << 4 | n & 15, 1) : e === 8 ? ft(n >> 24 & 255, n >> 16 & 255, n >> 8 & 255, (n & 255) / 255) : e === 4 ? ft(n >> 12 & 15 | n >> 8 & 240, n >> 8 & 15 | n >> 4 & 240, n >> 4 & 15 | n & 240, ((n & 15) << 4 | n & 15) / 255) : null) : (n = Ar.exec(t)) ? new P(n[1], n[2], n[3], 1) : (n = kr.exec(t)) ? new P(n[1] * 255 / 100, n[2] * 255 / 100, n[3] * 255 / 100, 1) : (n = Sr.exec(t)) ? ft(n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4]) : (n = Mr.exec(t)) ? ft(n[1] * 255 / 100, n[2] * 255 / 100, n[3] * 255 / 100, n[4]) : (n = $r.exec(t)) ? tn(n[1], n[2] / 100, n[3] / 100, 1) : (n = Er.exec(t)) ? tn(n[1], n[2] / 100, n[3] / 100, n[4]) : Kt.hasOwnProperty(t) ? Jt(Kt[t]) : t === "transparent" ? new P(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0) : null; + return t = (t + "").trim().toLowerCase(), (n = Nr.exec(t)) ? (e = n[1].length, n = parseInt(n[1], 16), e === 6 ? Jt(n) : e === 3 ? new F(n >> 8 & 15 | n >> 4 & 240, n >> 4 & 15 | n & 240, (n & 15) << 4 | n & 15, 1) : e === 8 ? ft(n >> 24 & 255, n >> 16 & 255, n >> 8 & 255, (n & 255) / 255) : e === 4 ? ft(n >> 12 & 15 | n >> 8 & 240, n >> 8 & 15 | n >> 4 & 240, n >> 4 & 15 | n & 240, ((n & 15) << 4 | n & 15) / 255) : null) : (n = Ar.exec(t)) ? new F(n[1], n[2], n[3], 1) : (n = kr.exec(t)) ? new F(n[1] * 255 / 100, n[2] * 255 / 100, n[3] * 255 / 100, 1) : (n = Sr.exec(t)) ? ft(n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4]) : (n = Mr.exec(t)) ? ft(n[1] * 255 / 100, n[2] * 255 / 100, n[3] * 255 / 100, n[4]) : (n = $r.exec(t)) ? tn(n[1], n[2] / 100, n[3] / 100, 1) : (n = Er.exec(t)) ? tn(n[1], n[2] / 100, n[3] / 100, n[4]) : Kt.hasOwnProperty(t) ? Jt(Kt[t]) : t === "transparent" ? new F(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0) : null; } function Jt(t) { - return new P(t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, t & 255, 1); + return new F(t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, t & 255, 1); } function ft(t, n, e, r) { - return r <= 0 && (t = n = e = NaN), new P(t, n, e, r); + return r <= 0 && (t = n = e = NaN), new F(t, n, e, r); } function Rr(t) { - return t instanceof ut || (t = ot(t)), t ? (t = t.rgb(), new P(t.r, t.g, t.b, t.opacity)) : new P(); + return t instanceof ut || (t = ot(t)), t ? (t = t.rgb(), new F(t.r, t.g, t.b, t.opacity)) : new F(); } function Mt(t, n, e, r) { - return arguments.length === 1 ? Rr(t) : new P(t, n, e, r ?? 1); + return arguments.length === 1 ? Rr(t) : new F(t, n, e, r ?? 1); } -function P(t, n, e, r) { +function F(t, n, e, r) { this.r = +t, this.g = +n, this.b = +e, this.opacity = +r; } -Dt(P, Mt, kn(ut, { +Dt(F, Mt, kn(ut, { brighter(t) { - return t = t == null ? dt : Math.pow(dt, t), new P(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t, this.opacity); + return t = t == null ? dt : Math.pow(dt, t), new F(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t, this.opacity); }, darker(t) { - return t = t == null ? rt : Math.pow(rt, t), new P(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t, this.opacity); + return t = t == null ? rt : Math.pow(rt, t), new F(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t, this.opacity); }, rgb() { return this; }, clamp() { - return new P(K(this.r), K(this.g), K(this.b), xt(this.opacity)); + return new F(K(this.r), K(this.g), K(this.b), xt(this.opacity)); }, displayable() { return -0.5 <= this.r && this.r < 255.5 && -0.5 <= this.g && this.g < 255.5 && -0.5 <= this.b && this.b < 255.5 && 0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1; @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Dt(X, zr, kn(ut, { }, rgb() { var t = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360, n = isNaN(t) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s, e = this.l, r = e + (e < 0.5 ? e : 1 - e) * n, i = 2 * e - r; - return new P( + return new F( At(t >= 240 ? t - 240 : t + 120, i, r), At(t, i, r), At(t < 120 ? t + 240 : t - 120, i, r), @@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ function Tn(t, n, e, r) { }; }; } -var Lr = Tn(Br, "px, ", "px)", "deg)"), qr = Tn(Yr, ", ", ")", ")"), Z = 0, tt = 0, j = 0, Cn = 1e3, _t, nt, vt = 0, G = 0, bt = 0, st = typeof performance == "object" && performance.now ? performance : Date, Rn = typeof window == "object" && window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) : function(t) { +var Lr = Tn(Br, "px, ", "px)", "deg)"), qr = Tn(Yr, ", ", ")", ")"), Z = 0, tt = 0, j = 0, Cn = 1e3, _t, nt, wt = 0, G = 0, bt = 0, st = typeof performance == "object" && performance.now ? performance : Date, Rn = typeof window == "object" && window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) : function(t) { setTimeout(t, 17); }; function Ft() { @@ -1121,11 +1121,11 @@ function Ft() { function Vr() { G = 0; } -function wt() { +function vt() { this._call = this._time = this._next = null; } -wt.prototype = Ht.prototype = { - constructor: wt, +vt.prototype = Ht.prototype = { + constructor: vt, restart: function(t, n, e) { if (typeof t != "function") throw new TypeError("callback is not a function"); @@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ wt.prototype = Ht.prototype = { } }; function Ht(t, n, e) { - var r = new wt(); + var r = new vt(); return r.restart(t, n, e), r; } function Ur() { @@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ function Ur() { --Z; } function on() { - G = (vt = st.now()) + bt, Z = tt = 0; + G = (wt = st.now()) + bt, Z = tt = 0; try { Ur(); } finally { @@ -1154,8 +1154,8 @@ function on() { } } function Wr() { - var t = st.now(), n = t - vt; - n > Cn && (bt -= n, vt = t); + var t = st.now(), n = t - wt; + n > Cn && (bt -= n, wt = t); } function Kr() { for (var t, n = _t, e, r = 1 / 0; n; ) @@ -1166,11 +1166,11 @@ function Tt(t) { if (!Z) { tt && (tt = clearTimeout(tt)); var n = t - G; - n > 24 ? (t < 1 / 0 && (tt = setTimeout(on, t - st.now() - bt)), j && (j = clearInterval(j))) : (j || (vt = st.now(), j = setInterval(Wr, Cn)), Z = 1, Rn(on)); + n > 24 ? (t < 1 / 0 && (tt = setTimeout(on, t - st.now() - bt)), j && (j = clearInterval(j))) : (j || (wt = st.now(), j = setInterval(Wr, Cn)), Z = 1, Rn(on)); } } function sn(t, n, e) { - var r = new wt(); + var r = new vt(); return n = n == null ? 0 : +n, r.restart((i) => { r.stop(), t(i + n); }, n, e), r; @@ -1425,14 +1425,14 @@ function _i(t, n) { Y(this, t).duration = +n.apply(this, arguments); }; } -function vi(t, n) { +function wi(t, n) { return n = +n, function() { Y(this, t).duration = n; }; } -function wi(t) { +function vi(t) { var n = this._id; - return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof t == "function" ? _i : vi)(n, t)) : O(this.node(), n).duration; + return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof t == "function" ? _i : wi)(n, t)) : O(this.node(), n).duration; } function mi(t, n) { if (typeof n != "function") @@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ q.prototype = { remove: Ci, tween: ei, delay: xi, - duration: wi, + duration: vi, ease: bi, easeVarying: Ai, end: Ji, @@ -1821,9 +1821,9 @@ function fo(t, n, e) { new R(h[0], s, a, p, x) ), (d = (n >= x) << 1 | t >= p) && (y = c[c.length - 1], c[c.length - 1] = c[c.length - 1 - d], c[c.length - 1 - d] = y); } else { - var _ = t - +this._x.call(null, h.data), N = n - +this._y.call(null, h.data), v = _ * _ + N * N; - if (v < e) { - var $ = Math.sqrt(e = v); + var _ = t - +this._x.call(null, h.data), N = n - +this._y.call(null, h.data), w = _ * _ + N * N; + if (w < e) { + var $ = Math.sqrt(e = w); i = t - $, o = n - $, l = t + $, g = n + $, r = h.data; } } @@ -1894,14 +1894,14 @@ function xo(t) { function _o(t) { return arguments.length ? (this._x = t, this) : this._x; } -function vo(t) { +function wo(t) { return t[1]; } -function wo(t) { +function vo(t) { return arguments.length ? (this._y = t, this) : this._y; } function Bt(t, n, e) { - var r = new Yt(n ?? xo, e ?? vo, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN); + var r = new Yt(n ?? xo, e ?? wo, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN); return t == null ? r : r.addAll(t); } function Yt(t, n, e, r, i, o) { @@ -1937,7 +1937,7 @@ z.size = go; z.visit = po; z.visitAfter = yo; z.x = _o; -z.y = wo; +z.y = vo; function I(t) { return function() { return t; @@ -1959,16 +1959,16 @@ function No(t) { for (var u, l = n.length, g, c, h, y, d, p, x = 0; x < o; ++x) for (g = Bt(n, mo, bo).visitAfter(a), u = 0; u < l; ++u) c = n[u], d = e[c.index], p = d * d, h = c.x + c.vx, y = c.y + c.vy, g.visit(_); - function _(N, v, $, C, m) { - var w = N.data, M = N.r, A = d + M; - if (w) { - if (w.index > c.index) { - var S = h - w.x - w.vx, k = y - w.y - w.vy, b = S * S + k * k; - b < A * A && (S === 0 && (S = U(r), b += S * S), k === 0 && (k = U(r), b += k * k), b = (A - (b = Math.sqrt(b))) / b * i, c.vx += (S *= b) * (A = (M *= M) / (p + M)), c.vy += (k *= b) * A, w.vx -= S * (A = 1 - A), w.vy -= k * A); + function _(N, w, $, C, m) { + var v = N.data, M = N.r, A = d + M; + if (v) { + if (v.index > c.index) { + var S = h - v.x - v.vx, k = y - v.y - v.vy, b = S * S + k * k; + b < A * A && (S === 0 && (S = U(r), b += S * S), k === 0 && (k = U(r), b += k * k), b = (A - (b = Math.sqrt(b))) / b * i, c.vx += (S *= b) * (A = (M *= M) / (p + M)), c.vy += (k *= b) * A, v.vx -= S * (A = 1 - A), v.vy -= k * A); } return; } - return v > h + A || C < h - A || $ > y + A || m < y - A; + return w > h + A || C < h - A || $ > y + A || m < y - A; } } function a(u) { @@ -2011,16 +2011,16 @@ function ko(t) { } function c(p) { for (var x = 0, _ = t.length; x < l; ++x) - for (var N = 0, v, $, C, m, w, M, A; N < _; ++N) - v = t[N], $ = v.source, C = v.target, m = C.x + C.vx - $.x - $.vx || U(u), w = C.y + C.vy - $.y - $.vy || U(u), M = Math.sqrt(m * m + w * w), M = (M - o[N]) / M * p * r[N], m *= M, w *= M, C.vx -= m * (A = f[N]), C.vy -= w * A, $.vx += m * (A = 1 - A), $.vy += w * A; + for (var N = 0, w, $, C, m, v, M, A; N < _; ++N) + w = t[N], $ = w.source, C = w.target, m = C.x + C.vx - $.x - $.vx || U(u), v = C.y + C.vy - $.y - $.vy || U(u), M = Math.sqrt(m * m + v * v), M = (M - o[N]) / M * p * r[N], m *= M, v *= M, C.vx -= m * (A = f[N]), C.vy -= v * A, $.vx += m * (A = 1 - A), $.vy += v * A; } function h() { if (s) { - var p, x = s.length, _ = t.length, N = new Map(s.map(($, C) => [n($, C, s), $])), v; + var p, x = s.length, _ = t.length, N = new Map(s.map(($, C) => [n($, C, s), $])), w; for (p = 0, a = new Array(x); p < _; ++p) - v = t[p], v.index = p, typeof v.source != "object" && (v.source = ln(N, v.source)), typeof v.target != "object" && (v.target = ln(N, v.target)), a[v.source.index] = (a[v.source.index] || 0) + 1, a[v.target.index] = (a[v.target.index] || 0) + 1; + w = t[p], w.index = p, typeof w.source != "object" && (w.source = ln(N, w.source)), typeof w.target != "object" && (w.target = ln(N, w.target)), a[w.source.index] = (a[w.source.index] || 0) + 1, a[w.target.index] = (a[w.target.index] || 0) + 1; for (p = 0, f = new Array(_); p < _; ++p) - v = t[p], f[p] = a[v.source.index] / (a[v.source.index] + a[v.target.index]); + w = t[p], f[p] = a[w.source.index] / (a[w.source.index] + a[w.target.index]); r = new Array(_), y(), o = new Array(_), d(); } } @@ -2070,8 +2070,8 @@ function Io(t) { var p, x = t.length, _; d === void 0 && (d = 1); for (var N = 0; N < d; ++N) - for (e += (o - e) * i, a.forEach(function(v) { - v(e); + for (e += (o - e) * i, a.forEach(function(w) { + w(e); }), p = 0; p < x; ++p) _ = t[p], _.fx == null ? _.x += _.vx *= s : (_.x = _.fx, _.vx = 0), _.fy == null ? _.y += _.vy *= s : (_.y = _.fy, _.vy = 0); return n; @@ -2121,10 +2121,10 @@ function Io(t) { return arguments.length > 1 ? (p == null ? a.delete(d) : a.set(d, y(p)), n) : a.get(d); }, find: function(d, p, x) { - var _ = 0, N = t.length, v, $, C, m, w; + var _ = 0, N = t.length, w, $, C, m, v; for (x == null ? x = 1 / 0 : x *= x, _ = 0; _ < N; ++_) - m = t[_], v = d - m.x, $ = p - m.y, C = v * v + $ * $, C < x && (w = m, x = C); - return w; + m = t[_], w = d - m.x, $ = p - m.y, C = w * w + $ * $, C < x && (v = m, x = C); + return v; }, on: function(d, p) { return arguments.length > 1 ? (u.on(d, p), n) : u.on(d); @@ -2146,10 +2146,10 @@ function zo() { } } function g(h) { - var y = 0, d, p, x = 0, _, N, v; + var y = 0, d, p, x = 0, _, N, w; if (h.length) { - for (_ = N = v = 0; v < 4; ++v) - (d = h[v]) && (p = Math.abs(d.value)) && (y += d.value, x += p, _ += p * d.x, N += p * d.y); + for (_ = N = w = 0; w < 4; ++w) + (d = h[w]) && (p = Math.abs(d.value)) && (y += d.value, x += p, _ += p * d.x, N += p * d.y); h.x = _ / x, h.y = N / x; } else { d = h, d.x = d.data.x, d.y = d.data.y; @@ -2162,14 +2162,14 @@ function zo() { function c(h, y, d, p) { if (!h.value) return !0; - var x = h.x - n.x, _ = h.y - n.y, N = p - y, v = x * x + _ * _; - if (N * N / f < v) - return v < a && (x === 0 && (x = U(e), v += x * x), _ === 0 && (_ = U(e), v += _ * _), v < s && (v = Math.sqrt(s * v)), n.vx += x * h.value * r / v, n.vy += _ * h.value * r / v), !0; - if (h.length || v >= a) + var x = h.x - n.x, _ = h.y - n.y, N = p - y, w = x * x + _ * _; + if (N * N / f < w) + return w < a && (x === 0 && (x = U(e), w += x * x), _ === 0 && (_ = U(e), w += _ * _), w < s && (w = Math.sqrt(s * w)), n.vx += x * h.value * r / w, n.vy += _ * h.value * r / w), !0; + if (h.length || w >= a) return; - (h.data !== n || h.next) && (x === 0 && (x = U(e), v += x * x), _ === 0 && (_ = U(e), v += _ * _), v < s && (v = Math.sqrt(s * v))); + (h.data !== n || h.next) && (x === 0 && (x = U(e), w += x * x), _ === 0 && (_ = U(e), w += _ * _), w < s && (w = Math.sqrt(s * w))); do - h.data !== n && (N = o[h.data.index] * r / v, n.vx += x * N, n.vy += _ * N); + h.data !== n && (N = o[h.data.index] * r / w, n.vx += x * N, n.vy += _ * N); while (h = h.next); } return u.initialize = function(h, y) { @@ -2340,11 +2340,11 @@ function Oo(t, n, e = { let { links: f, nodes: u } = n, l = ((C = e.node) == null ? void 0 : C.radius) ?? 5; const g = () => Io(u).force("link", ko(f).id((m) => m.id)).force("charge", zo()).force("center", ro(i / 2, o / 2)).force("collide", No().radius(l)).force("x", Po(i / 2)).force("y", Do(o / 2)); s || (s = g()); - const c = t.getContext("2d"), h = (m, w = null) => { - f = m.links, u = m.nodes, N(), w && typeof w == "object" && Object.keys(w).forEach((M) => { - e[M] = w[M]; + const c = t.getContext("2d"), h = (m, v = null) => { + f = m.links, u = m.nodes, N(), v && typeof v == "object" && Object.keys(v).forEach((M) => { + e[M] = v[M]; }), c.clearRect(0, 0, i, o), s.stop(), s = null, s = e.simulation ?? g(), s.on("tick", () => { - v(); + w(); }), e.drag && _(); }; let y = { @@ -2353,69 +2353,69 @@ function Oo(t, n, e = { arrow: null }; const d = (m) => { - var F; - let w = m.tooltip ?? e.node.tooltip; - if (typeof w == "function" && (w = w(m)), typeof w != "string") + var D; + let v = m.tooltip ?? e.node.tooltip; + if (typeof v == "function" && (v = v(m)), typeof v != "string") throw new TypeError("tooltip should be string"); - let M = ((F = e.node) == null ? void 0 : F.tooltipFontSize) ?? 20; + let M = ((D = e.node) == null ? void 0 : D.tooltipFontSize) ?? 20; c.font = `${M}px serif`; - let A = c.measureText(w), S = { + let A = c.measureText(v), S = { top: 10, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10 - }, k = S.left + A.width + S.right, b = S.top + A.actualBoundingBoxAscent + A.actualBoundingBoxDescent + S.bottom, E = m.x - k / 2, T = m.y - 10 - b - l; - E + k > r.width && (E = r.width - k), E < 0 && (E = 0), T < 0 && (T = m.y + 10 + l), y.rect = { + }, k = S.left + A.width + S.right, b = S.top + A.actualBoundingBoxAscent + A.actualBoundingBoxDescent + S.bottom, E = m.x - k / 2, T = m.y - 10 - b - l, P = 1; + E + k > r.width && (E = r.width - k), E < 0 && (E = 0), T < 0 && (T = m.y + 10 + l, P = 0), y.rect = { x: E, y: T, width: k, height: b }, y.arrow = { - x: [m.x - 5, T + b - 2], - y: [m.x + 5, T + b - 2], - z: [m.x, m.y - l] + x: [m.x - 5, T + P * (b - 1)], + y: [m.x + 5, T + P * (b - 1)], + z: [m.x, m.y - P * l] }, y.text = { x: E + k / 2 - A.width / 2, y: T + S.top + b / 2 - A.actualBoundingBoxDescent, - content: w - }, v(); - }, p = (m, w) => { - let M = u.map((A) => (A.d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(m - A.x, 2) + Math.pow(w - A.y, 2)), A)).filter((A, S) => { + content: v + }, w(); + }, p = (m, v) => { + let M = u.map((A) => (A.d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(m - A.x, 2) + Math.pow(v - A.y, 2)), A)).filter((A, S) => { let k = typeof l == "function" ? l(A, S) : l; return A.d < k; }); return M.length === 0 ? null : (M.sort((A, S) => A.d >= S.d ? 1 : -1), M[0]); }, x = (m) => (m.touches && (m = m.touches[0]), [(m.clientX - r.left) / (r.right - r.left) * i, (m.clientY - r.top) / (r.bottom - r.top) * o]), _ = () => { - let m = !1, w = null, M = Wt(t); + let m = !1, v = null, M = Wt(t); M.on("mousedown touchstart", (S) => { - var T, F; + var T, P; S.preventDefault(), m = !0; let [k, b] = x(S), E = p(k, b); - E && (w = E, w.fx = k, w.fy = b, (T = e.node) != null && T.onClick && ((F = e.node) == null || F.onClick(w, S))), S.touches && d(w); + E && (v = E, v.fx = k, v.fy = b, (T = e.node) != null && T.onClick && ((P = e.node) == null || P.onClick(v, S))), S.touches && d(v); }), M.on("mouseup touchend", (S) => { - S.preventDefault(), m = !1, S.active || s.alphaTarget(0), w && (w.x = w.fx, w.y = w.fy), !e.sticky && w && (w.fx = null, w.fy = null, w = null); + S.preventDefault(), m = !1, S.active || s.alphaTarget(0), v && (v.x = v.fx, v.y = v.fy), !e.sticky && v && (v.fx = null, v.fy = null, v = null); }); let A = null; M.on("touchmove mousemove", (S) => { - var E, T, F; + var E, T, P; S.preventDefault(); let [k, b] = x(S); - if (!m || !w) { - let H = p(k, b); - M.style("cursor", H ? "grab" : "auto"), H && ((E = e.node) != null && E.tooltip || H.tooltip) ? (d(H), (T = e.node) != null && T.onHover && ((F = e.node) == null || F.onHover(H, S))) : (y.arrow = null, y.rect = null, y.text = null, v()); + if (!m || !v) { + let D = p(k, b); + M.style("cursor", D ? "grab" : "auto"), D && ((E = e.node) != null && E.tooltip || D.tooltip) ? (d(D), (T = e.node) != null && T.onHover && ((P = e.node) == null || P.onHover(D, S))) : (y.arrow = null, y.rect = null, y.text = null, w()); return; } A && clearTimeout(A), A = setTimeout(() => { s.alphaTarget(0), m = !1, M.style("cursor", "auto"); - }, 3e3), M.style("cursor", "grabbing"), y.arrow = null, y.rect = null, y.text = null, w.fx = k, w.fy = b, s.alphaTarget(0.3).restart(); + }, 3e3), M.style("cursor", "grabbing"), y.arrow = null, y.rect = null, y.text = null, v.fx = k, v.fy = b, s.alphaTarget(0.3).restart(); }); }; function N() { let m = Wt(t); m.on("mousedown touchstart", null), m.on("mouseup touchend", null), m.on("touchmove mousemove", null); } - function v() { - var m, w, M, A, S; + function w() { + var m, v, M, A, S; c.save(), c.clearRect(0, 0, i, o); for (let k = 0; k <= f.length - 1; k++) { let b = f[k], E = b.color || ((m = e.link) == null ? void 0 : m.color); @@ -2424,12 +2424,12 @@ function Oo(t, n, e = { c.lineWidth = e.node.strokeWidth ?? 1; for (let k = 0; k <= u.length - 1; k++) { c.strokeStyle = null; - let b = u[k], E = b.color || ((w = e.node) == null ? void 0 : w.color), T = b.radius ?? l; + let b = u[k], E = b.color || ((v = e.node) == null ? void 0 : v.color), T = b.radius ?? l; typeof T == "function" && (T = T(b, k)), c.fillStyle = E ? typeof E == "function" ? E(b, k) : E : a(b.id), c.beginPath(), b.x = Math.max(T, Math.min(i - T, b.x)), b.y = Math.max(T, Math.min(o - T, b.y)), c.arc(b.x, b.y, T, 0, Math.PI * 2), c.fill(); - let F = b.stroke || ((M = e.node) == null ? void 0 : M.stroke); - F && (c.strokeStyle = typeof F == "string" ? F : "#ffffff", c.stroke()), c.closePath(); - let H = b.label || ((A = e.node) == null ? void 0 : A.label); - H && (c.font = "14px serif", c.fillStyle = "black", c.fillText(typeof H == "function" ? H(b, k) : typeof H == "boolean" ? b.id : H, b.x - l / 2, b.y + l / 2)); + let P = b.stroke || ((M = e.node) == null ? void 0 : M.stroke); + P && (c.strokeStyle = typeof P == "string" ? P : "#ffffff", c.stroke()), c.closePath(); + let D = b.label || ((A = e.node) == null ? void 0 : A.label); + D && (c.font = "14px serif", c.fillStyle = "black", c.fillText(typeof D == "function" ? D(b, k) : typeof D == "boolean" ? b.id : D, b.x - l / 2, b.y + l / 2)); } if (y.rect && (c.fillStyle = "white", c.strokeStyle = "black", c.beginPath(), c.rect(y.rect.x, y.rect.y, y.rect.width, y.rect.height), c.fill(), c.stroke(), c.closePath()), y.arrow && (c.fillStyle = "white", c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(y.arrow.x[0], y.arrow.x[1]), c.lineTo(y.arrow.y[0], y.arrow.y[1]), c.lineTo(y.arrow.z[0], y.arrow.z[1]), c.fill(), c.closePath(), c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(y.arrow.z[0], y.arrow.z[1]), c.lineTo(y.arrow.x[0], y.arrow.x[1]), c.moveTo(y.arrow.z[0], y.arrow.z[1]), c.lineTo(y.arrow.y[0], y.arrow.y[1]), c.stroke(), c.closePath()), y.text) { c.fillStyle = "black"; @@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@ function Oo(t, n, e = { c.restore(); } return s.on("tick", () => { - v(); + w(); }), (e.drag ?? !0) && _(), { update: h, destroy: () => { diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 97b8f0a..30413dd 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "d3canvas-networkgraph", - "version": "0.1.3", + "version": "0.1.4", "description": "D3 networkgraph built in HTML canvas", "keywords": [ "d3-networkgraph", diff --git a/src/d3-canvas-networkgraph.js b/src/d3-canvas-networkgraph.js index 307f1af..820d7e9 100644 --- a/src/d3-canvas-networkgraph.js +++ b/src/d3-canvas-networkgraph.js @@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ export default function (canvas, data, options = { let rectHeight = padding.top + textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent + textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent + padding.bottom; let rectStartingPointX = node.x - rectWidth / 2; let rectStartingPointY = node.y - 10 - rectHeight - radius; + let directionUpward = 1; if (rectStartingPointX + rectWidth > canvasRect.width) { rectStartingPointX = canvasRect.width - rectWidth; } @@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ export default function (canvas, data, options = { if (rectStartingPointY < 0) { rectStartingPointY = node.y + 10 + radius; + directionUpward = 0; } // draw rect @@ -135,9 +137,9 @@ export default function (canvas, data, options = { } // draw arrow _tooltip.arrow = { - x: [node.x - 5, rectStartingPointY + rectHeight - 2], - y: [node.x + 5, rectStartingPointY + rectHeight - 2], - z: [node.x, node.y - radius] + x: [node.x - 5, rectStartingPointY + directionUpward * (rectHeight - 1)], + y: [node.x + 5, rectStartingPointY + directionUpward * (rectHeight - 1)], + z: [node.x, node.y - directionUpward * radius] }