diff --git a/a11y-meta-display-guide/2.0/draft/techniques/epub-metadata/index.html b/a11y-meta-display-guide/2.0/draft/techniques/epub-metadata/index.html
index 079322b..160be3a 100755
--- a/a11y-meta-display-guide/2.0/draft/techniques/epub-metadata/index.html
+++ b/a11y-meta-display-guide/2.0/draft/techniques/epub-metadata/index.html
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
Variables setup
- LET conformance be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="dcterms:conformsTo" and matches(normalize-space(.), 'EPUB Accessibility 1\.1 - WCAG 2\.[0-2] Level [A]+')]/normalize-space(.)
+ LET conformance be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="dcterms:conformsTo" and matches(normalize-space(), 'EPUB Accessibility 1\.1 - WCAG 2\.[0-2] Level [A]+')]
IF conformance is NOT empty:
@@ -421,13 +421,13 @@ Variables setup
- LET certifier be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="a11y:certifiedBy"]/normalize-space(.)
+ LET certifier be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="a11y:certifiedBy"]
- LET certifier_credentials be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="a11y:certifierCredential"]/normalize-space(.)
+ LET certifier_credentials be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="a11y:certifierCredential"]
- LET certification_date be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="dcterms:date" and @refines=//meta[@property="a11y:certifiedBy"]/@id]/normalize-space(.)]
+ LET certification_date be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="dcterms:date" and @refines=//meta[@property="a11y:certifiedBy"]/@id]]
- LET certifier_report be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="a11y:certifierReport"]/normalize-space(.)
+ LET certifier_report be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath /package/metadata/meta[@property="a11y:certifierReport"]
@@ -943,11 +943,11 @@ Variables setup
- LET package_document be the result of calling preprocessing given package_document_as_text.
- - LET accessibility_summary be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath
+ - LET accessibility_summary be the value of the node extracted from package_document, using the xpath
- - LET lang_attribute_accessibility_summary be the value of the node extracted from check for node on package_document,
+ - LET lang_attribute_accessibility_summary be the value of the node extracted from check for node on package_document,
- - LET language_of_text be the value of the node extracted from check for node on package_document,
+ - LET language_of_text be the value of the node extracted from check for node on package_document,