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在本篇指南中,任何一处代码都可以复制粘贴到开发人员工具中的控制台(Console)中执行并查看执行结果。我们可以通过:打开浏览器 > 按 F12 > 选择 Console 标签,三个步骤打开控制台。强烈建议各位朋友在学习本篇指南的同时,保持你的控制台处于打开状态,随时将代码粘贴进去执行并查看结果,这将更好的帮助我们提升学习效果。
在 JavaScript 中我们有如下的数据类型和数据结构
在 JavaScript 中,任何一个数字属于 Number
类型, 而且需要注意的是,整数和小数在JavaScript 没有任何区别。
// 这是一条注释, 同一行中,任何出现在 // 之后的内容都不会执行
2 + 4 // 6
(2 * 4) // 8
// 括号在这里的作用和数学运算中的括号完全一致
2 / 4 // 0.5
2 ** 4 // 16 (2 * 2 * 2 * 2)
5 % 4 // 1 (这里是算余数的,编程中一般把这个操作叫 取模 运算)
或者 `
'pan cake'
"pancake cake"
在使用 '
或 "
包裹起来的字符串中,不能有字面的换行符存在。但是我们可以用一个特殊字符来替代字面换行符,那就是 \n
可以看做是一个新版的 '
或者 "
"this makes\nme hungry"
`this makes
me hungry`
在生活中很少会有非黑即白的事情存在,很多东西都是相对的,参考系不同,结果也就不一样。但是,在 JavaScript 中有一个东西还真就是非黑即白的存在,那就是布尔值。一个布尔类型的数据的值只可能有两个,true (真) 或者 false (假)。
我们可以使用 !
!true // false
!false // true
1 === 1 // true (判断相等)
1 !== 1 // false (判断不等)
4 > 3 // true (判断是否大于)
3 >= 3 // true (判断是否大于等于)
4 <= 3 // false (判断是否小于)
4 < 3 // false (判断是否小于等于)
// && 逻辑与,可以理解为并且,当两个数据同为 true 时 结果才为 true
true && true // true
true && false // false (哪个在前哪个在后不影响结果)
false && false // false
// || 逻辑或,可以理解为或者,当两个数据中只要有一个是 true 时 结果都为 true
true || true // true
true || false // true (哪个在前哪个在后不影响结果)
false || false // false
在 JavaScript 中表示一个数据为空值得方式有两种:
那么这两种方式有什么区别呢?当一个值从一开始就没有被定义的时候,一般就会出现 undefined
通常不会自然存在,都是人为设置的值,在之后的操作中可能会为其设置新的值。我们现在不需要在这个事情上花费太多精力,只需要知道 JavaScript 中有这两个空值,并且在参与逻辑运算时,这两个空值都会被当做 false
下面的值在被当做布尔值使用时,结果总是 false。
0 // (零)
'' // (空字符串)
NaN // Not a Number, 不是一个数字,一般是在我们用非数字进行数学运算时产生的。
除过上面这些值,JavaScript 其他值,在当做布尔值使用时,永远都是 true。
let x // 和 let x = undefined 等价
let y = 4
let someValue = "a string"
let anotherValue = 4 < 3 // 换种方式就是 anotherValue = false
y // 4
someValue // "a string"
We use the reserved keyword "let" in order to tell javascript that we want our variables to not only exist but also to have a initial value. After that we can read our variables by simply using their names. We can always reassign new values to our variables that were declared with "let":
y = 6
y // 6
y = y + 2
y // 8
someValue + " " + someValue // "a string a string"
It's highly not recommended to use math operators for any values that are not Numbers, but JS is really permissive at its core so this type of stuff exists, we can achieve this same result with a more modern fashion using ``
`${someValue} ${someValue}` // "a string a string"
An object in javascript is a structure where you can have as many data types as you want aggregated in a single data type.
let exampleObject = {
"property": "value",
"anotherProperty": 2,
Objects are a bunch of Key:Values. Every key has a value, if a key doesn't exist you will receive undefined as a value when trying to access it.
exampleObject.property // "value"
exampleObject["property"] // "value"
Since keys are mostly always string, javascript has removed the need to use ' in Keys so its cleaner to declare objects:
exampleObject = {
property: "value",
anotherProperty: 2,
exampleObject.property // "value"
Object is a really powerful data type in JS, as you learn the next data types (Arrays/Lists and Functions) you'll see how easy it is to achieve high complexity solution with only these blocks. We use objects to aggregate data that has some kind of connection between them. Let's say you want to register a shirt on an e-commerce:
let shirt = {
color: "blue",
price: 19.90,
description: "A blue t-shirt, you'll never need another one in your life!",
shirt.price // 19.90
Objects allow you to structure "new data types" that are specific to your problem's needs. Here is a secret: all the types we've seen until now are built on top of an "Object" because everything in JS is an Object.This will make more sense as you learn more concepts.
Since a Value in an object can be any data type, it can also be an object, this is how our structures start to quickly gain complexity:
let setOfClothes = {
shirt: {
color: "blue",
price: 19.90,
description: "A blue t-shirt, you'll never need another one in your life!",
pants: {
color: "red",
price: 19.70,
description: "A red pant!",
setOfClothes.shirt.color // "blue"
setOfClothes.pants.color // "red"
When using an object you store values in "named keys". Objects are an unordered list of values where you can assign keys to access those values. An Array (also called a List) is an ordered list of values where the key is the position of the element in the list.
let listOfFruits = ["apple", "banana", "mayonnaise"]
listOfFruits[0] // "apple"
listOfFruits[1] // "banana"
listOfFruits[2] // "mayonnaise"
Arrays have some properties because they are also objects, but you should not assign new properties to them
listOfFruits.length // 3
Arrays and Lists are extremely useful in many scenarios, specially when you want to apply operations to a large amount of data that has the same type We'll dive deeper into them later.
You can merge objects into other objects or arrays into other arrays. This is a largely useful operation that javascript has a sweet new syntax for you to do it:
let objectA = { name: "Avocado" }
let objectB = { name: "Orange", size: 1 }
let objectAB = {
} // { name: "Orange", size: 1 }
let objectBA = {
} // { name: "Avocado", size: 1 }
let anotherObject = {
color: "green",
} // { name: "Avocado", size: 1, color: "green" }
and you can do the same with arrays
let arrayA = [1, 2, 3]
let arrayB = [4, 5, 6]
let arrayAB = [
] // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
let arrayBA = [
] // [4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3]
One of the most beautiful parts in JS are functions. Function is a data type that allow you to store a piece of code so you can then execute it later on. It allows you to easily customize the input value from the usage perspective and when you mix Functions with Arrays, Objects, and the other data types you can achieve any operation you desire. Let's understand the basic concepts of functions:
let addNumbers = function (someNumber, anotherNumber) {
// someNumber and anotherNumber are variables that we are going to use inside
// the function and will be passed by the code who calls this function with
// (). This commonly called "argument" or "parameter". You can name parameters
// as you like and have as many as you want.
// you can do lots of things here
return someNumber + anotherNumber
addNumbers // Function
In order to execute the code inside the function we need to invoke it with parenthesis and send the values for our variables declared in the first line of our function declaration
addNumbers(1, 2) // 3
addNumbers("a", "b") // "ab"
OMG we just went full illegal and used addNumbers
to actually add strings! JS is a really permissive language and with great power comes great responsibility. Functions by default do not care about what types you send when you use them, since in js the + operator can also be used by strings our function will work, but it's our responsibility to build the tools that we want if we want to prevent unwanted scenarios (or if you want strong type safety in JS you can use something like rescript, elm, or typescript).
We can write functions in a shorter way thanks to the new versions of javascript:
let divide = (x, y) => {
// you can do lots of things here
return x / y
let multiply = (x, y) => x * y
This is a really neat way to write short functions, if you omit {} it will automatically return the value.
We use many functions that are standard from JS in order to write our programs. A classic one is:
console.log("Hi there!")
is a default function that will print a value into your console. Until now we've been typing and returning values one by one, when running a program with many lines and values we often use console.log to debug or describe actions in our developer console.
One last subject we need before being able to mix all concepts: Conditional execution of code. At many times you'll only want to execute code if a condition is met, and we do it like this:
3 === 4
below can be replaced for anything that returns a boolean, you can invoke function that returns a boolean for example
if (3 === 4) {
} else {
} // if you run this it will only log "nay"
You can also assign values to variables given a condition. for example:
let someVar = 3 === 4 ? "yayy" : "nay" // someVar = "nay"
or you can use whitespace to help with readability
let otherVar = 4 === 4
? "yayy"
: "nay" // otherVar = "yayy"
Both methods to execute code and assign values conditionally will be used as you progress.
By now we have learned about complex types such as Functions, Objects, Arrays and simpler types like Number, String, Boolean, and emptiness. When developing in javascript you can always use any type anywhere. For example you could have an Array of Objects that has Functions inside them, or you can have a Function that receives another Function as a variable. There is truly no limits as to what you do with the types that you just learned, this is both really awesome and really dangerous because it's easy to lose track of what function deals with what part of your problem if you don't organize your code properly.
There is no one - right - way - fits - all to learn how to organize code, you will learn by writing it and applying to real cases and learning what works and what gives you headaches on maintenance time.
Now lets dive into a scenario where we have an Array of numbers and a function that increments a number by 1:
let list = [1, 2, 3]
let increment = (x) => x + 1
// this is equivalent to:
increment = function (x) {
return x + 1
Let's say we want to apply increment to all the values inside our list. It would be quite cumbersome to do it like this:
let newList = [increment(1), increment(2), increment(3)] // [2, 3, 4]
If this list had 10000 elements we would last forever to write this code. To help us, Arrays has 3 built-in functions that helps you to apply transformations in the whole list: map, filter an reduce. Map is the first one we'll learn and it solves exactly the case above:
newList = list.map(increment) // [2, 3, 4]
This may seem really magical but lets dive deeper into whats happening here
list is an Array and arrays have the map function by default. The map functions receives a function and applies it individually to the array values, the return of this function will be the new value, when finished it returns a whole new Array with tall new values. we can write the code above in other ways, such as
newList = list.map((element) => increment(element))
newList = list.map(function (element) { return increment(element) })
Let's see another example but this time using a more complex data type inside our Array and we'll also use some of our Merge knowledge
let anotherList = [
name: 'Apple',
tastes: 'Really Good',
name: 'Banana',
tastes: 'Really Good',
This time we have a list of Objects where an object represents a fruit and how do we think it tastes. Let's say that today we really hate fruits and we need to fix our list in order to match reality
let anotherNewList = anotherList.map((fruit) => {
return {
tastes: "Really Bad",
console.log(anotherNewList) /*
name: 'Apple',
tastes: 'Really Bad',
name: 'Banana',
tastes: 'Really Bad',
This can be rewritten in a shorter manner to achieve the same result:
anotherNewList = anotherList.map((fruit) => ({
tastes: "Really Bad",
Merging is extremely useful for creating new objects that inherit all old properties allowing you to manually override the values you want. We've use this in the examples above in order to use map to create a list of new objects given our list of old objects.
Map is used to apply transformation to all data inside a list. But what if we want to filter some elements out before applying transformations? We use a method called filter for that.
The usage of filter is really similar to map. It's a built-in array function that you also sends a function as input just like map, but instead of returning a new value you return either true or false to determine whether an element should be kept or thrown away. Here is an example:
let isEven = x => x % 2 === 0
// returns true when X is even and false when X its odd
let numList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let newNumList = numList.filter(isEven) // [2, 4]
And we could also have more complex types inside the array
let moreFruits = [
name: "Apple",
tastes: "Really Good",
name: "Banana",
tastes: "Just Good",
let newFruitList = moreFruits.filter(fruit => fruit.tastes === "Really Good")
// [ { name: "Apple", tastes: "Really Good" } ]
Since both map and filter are guaranteed to always return a new array we can always chain another map or filter, this is a really sweet way to chain operations even if you are working only with 1 element inside the array. As you progress into programming you'll see how wonderfully this property really is, but for now let's just try to grasp the basic usage:
let products = [
{ name: "Skate", category: "Sports", price: 100 },
{ name: "Ball", category: "Sports", price: 10 },
{ name: "Shirt", category: "Clothes", price: 50 },
Let's say we want to generate a list that has only Sports products and we'll also apply a 20% discount on them.
.filter(product => product.category === "Sports")
.map(product => ({ ...product, price: product.price * 0.8 }))
// [
// { name: "Ball", category: "Sports", price: 8 },
// { name: "Shirt", category: "Clothes", price: 40 },
// ]
Remember: you can chain maps and filters as much as you want!
Reduce, the parent of map and filter, is the most powerful function in our triad (map, filter, reduce) because you can simply write both map and filter with reduce and really you can do whatever you want with its power. Reduce allows you to produce any data type you want by reading an array and applying a function to all elements, but the difference between map and reduce is that the reduce function will maintain a variable that is always passed forward to the next iteration so you can build up anything you want by reading the array element by element and then building up this shared variable (called accumulator).
Let's see this in practice:
let moreProducts = [
{ name: "Skate", category: "Sports", price: 100 },
{ name: "Ball", category: "Sports", price: 10 },
{ name: "Shirt", category: "Clothes", price: 50 },
How would you sum the prices of all products? Let's do it with reduce:
moreProducts.reduce((accumulator, product) => accumulator + product.price, 0)
// 160
The execution of the above code happens like this:
// (0, { ... price: 100 }) => 0 + 100
// (100, { ... price: 10 }) => 100 + 10
// (110, { ... price: 50 }) => 110 + 50
// 160
Note that the accumulator is always the result of the previous function invocation, and the initial accumulator is passed to the initial reduce function as a second argument.
In this case we reduced an array to a number but you could use any type and any kind of operation you want. Let's use reduce in a more complex scenario where we want to apply a series of functions to a value:
let someFunctions = [
x => x + 2,
x => x * 10,
x => `The final result is ${x}`,
someFunctions.reduce((accumulator, func) => func(accumulator), 30)
// The final result is 320
Note that because reduce is not guaranteed to return an Array (it will return whatever type you want as the accumulator) you have to be careful when chaining maps and filters after using a reduce.
Sometimes we need to repeat actions and if either map or reduce seems to not fit we can use both methods below
// Loop
let x = 0
while (x < 5) {
x = x + 1
} // Will log 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 in separate lines in your console
// Recursion
let aFunc = x => {
if (x < 5) {
return aFunc(x + 1)
aFunc(0) // Will log 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 in separate lines in your console
Loops take a more "mutable" approach while "recursion" looks more like the functions we learned. The only problem with recursion in JS is that for large loops (for example more than 10 thousand elements but it depends on many things) if you don't know what you are doing you might "explode the function call stack". There are many ways to avoid this, but the most efficient one I've seen simply convert your recursions into loops, this technique is called "trampoline" (also linked on a reference in the end of this guide), we wont dig further into this but feel free to use both loops and recursion, you'll learn better about the usage of both if you try them in practice and decide for yourself the best use-case for them!
With all the tools above you are ready to transform anything into anything you want. I'd like to introduce you now to the concept of Mutability and Immutability so we can learn about state management, which will help us understand how to better manage our code.
Mutation is the act of changing an existing variable without creating a new variable. Thorough this guide there were a few examples where a variable was declared with "let" and then later on it was reassigned to another variable, that is a mutation. Here are some examples of mutations:
let a = 1 // No mutation happened here
a = a + 1 // This is a mutation
let b = { value: "something" } // No mutation happened here
b.value = "something else" // This is a mutation
let c = [1, 2, 3] // No mutation happened here
c[0] = c[0] + 1 // This is a mutation
c[1] = c[1] + 1 // This is a mutation
c[2] = c[2] + 1 // This is a mutation
console.log(c) // [4, 5, 6]
Here are the same examples avoiding mutations
let a = 1
let newA = a + 1
let b = { value: "something" }
let newB = { ...b, value: "something else" } // {value: "something else"}
let c = [1, 2, 3]
let newC = c.map(x => x + 1) // [2, 3, 4]
Note: map, filter, and reduce will always produce new values instead of mutating the old value, this is part of why they are amazing tools
We can clearly see that in the second example we had to create more variables and invent more names, but in the long run you'll be able to grasp how this allows you to write clearer and more debugable code.
One of the most common source of errors in programming happens by sharing a variable among many functions and mutating it, but this procedure is also a necessity for most of the programs. Let's learn now how to share a variable with functions to act as a storage and try to keep our mutations contained so our program's complexity doesn't outgrow us.
Our functions have access to all variables in the scope that it was declared. Let's see what this means in practice:
let x = 0
let someFunc = () => {
console.log(x) // 0
See how someFunc
can access x
. Lets see how this wouldn't be possible
let someFunc = () => {
let y = 1
let otherFunc = () => {
console.log(y) // y is not defined (undefined)
can't access y
because its only visible inside someFunc
scope. Let's see other example:
let someFunc = () => {
let otherFunc = () => {
let z = 2
console.log(z) // z is not defined (undefined)
cant access z
because only otherFunc
can. But now lets make an example where it works:
let a = 1
let someFunc = () => {
let b = 2
let otherFunc = () => {
let c = 3
console.log(a) // 1
console.log(b) // 2
console.log(c) // 3
can access everything. someFunc
can access a
, and b
. The rest of the program will only be able to access a
. Lets see how we use this in practice:
let createStatefulObject = (initialValue) => {
let value = initialValue
return {
increment: (amount = 1) => {
// "amount = 1" means that if amount is not sent it will be defaulted to 1
value = value + amount
display: () => {
console.log(`Value is: ${value}`)
let object = createStatefulObject(0)
object.display() // Value is: 0
object.display() // Value is: 1
object.display() // Value is: 6
The thing to note here is that we cannot access value
inside our object without using the functions that we returned. This is a technique that uses the parent function scope to hold a variable that can be used by all inner functions but cannot be accessed by outside. This property of sharing scopes between functions is called "Closure".
Functions have a secret they don't want you to know, but I'll tell you, this
is the secret. There is an implicit argument that every function has by default named this
, and the way it behaves depends on who calls your function or where did you declare it. this
is normally used by some techniques to store scope like demonstrated on the section above, but we'll avoid using it in this guide since we can achieve the same results with other techniques. We can override this
by using call
and bind
let thisFunc = function () { console.log(this) }
// Doesn't work with short arrow functions
thisFunc() // Window (In the browser this will log the Window object)
thisFunc.call(1) // 1
thisFunc.call("ayy") // "ayy"
let bindExample = thisFunc.bind(3)
bindExample() // 3
bindExample() // 3
let boundSomething = thisFunc.bind("something")
boundSomething() // "something"
boundSomething() // "something"
bindExample() // 3
bindExample() // 3
So we can use call
to override this
and execute a function or we can use bind
to override this
and create a new function that will remember that value for whenever we want to use it. The cool thing about bind
and call
is that they also accept the other variables of your function, you can ignore the this
usage in order to use bind
to simply store values in functions arguments for later usage. This technique is called "partial application" and it looks like this in practice:
let sum = (x, y) => x + y
sum(1, 2) // 3
let sum5 = sum.bind(null, 5)
// The first parameter is `this`, the second is `x`, the third is `y`, etc...
sum5(10) // 15
sum5(2) // 7
In the example above we used bind to simply store a number, but since this is JS you can use to store anything you want. Partial application is a handy way of creating new more specific functions based on any function that you already have, this is a really powerful tool! When you move on to start building larger applications you can use "partial application" to solve many common problems such as "dependency injection":
let dependencies = {
database: {
createUser: query => { console.log(`User Created: ${query}`) },
let routes = [
name: 'createCharacter',
handler: function (dependencies, query) {
name: 'attackMonster',
handler: function (dependencies, query) {
// this would handle some logic on attacking a monster
let boundRoutes = routes.map(route => ({
handler: route.handler.bind(null, dependencies)
// User Created: Blorms
The example above might be really painful to understand if you are still learning the ropes, but it's an example on how you can use bind
in order to partially apply a dependency object into a bunch of routes that will be used by us. This example is really rough and incomplete but the goal was to focus on the bind
usage rather than providing a real dependency scenario, we'll need the next section in order to deal with those:
Until now everything we did was "synchronous". This means that the code executes each line as expected in the top-down order, but sometimes our functions are impossible to be able to return a value instantly (for example, imagine fetching data from a server, you have to request, wait for the server to compute, then finally you receive the response). Since Javascript was designed for the browser environment and many of the interactions happens Asynchronously (Async) it was born with tools to deal with those scenarios but the tools rapidly evolved, let's see how JS deals with async operations:
Callback is the fundamental async mechanic that builds all the other tools we'll see. Today we avoid using callbacks because most of the modern tools implement promises (and therefore async/await), but here is how a callback works:
let ding = () => {
setTimeout(ding, 1000)
// setTimeout is a default JS function that waits (in our case 1000 milliseconds)
// and then executes the callback function that you send to it after waiting
In the example above we'll see dong! before ding! and this is only possible because ding
was put on hold by setTimeout
, so ding
acted as a callback. With this we can better understand how callbacks help dealing with executing code that doesn't follow the synchronous structure, but they have a problem that as soon as you start using them you`ll find out.
Lets meet our friend "callback hell"
setTimeout(()) => {
setTimeout(()) => {
setTimeout(()) => {
console.log("This will show up after 3 seconds")
// say hello to callback hell!!
// here we tried to chain up 3 functions that wait 1 second
// but this will only go deeper and deeper the more
// callbacks you need to chain :D so imagine chaining
// up 20 times! We'll see how Promises avoid creating
// deeper levels of indentation later on.
}, 1000)
}, 1000)
}, 1000)
So lets move on to the structure that swore to destroy the callback hell but instead also brought it's own type of hell:
Promise is a structure that proposes to deal better with async interactions than callbacks, specially when you need to chain interactions. You can see a Promise as a "complex data type" just like arrays, objects, and functions.
let p = new Promise(resolve => {
// we won't go through "new" in this guide but you'll find
// reference on this guide's end if you want to learn about it
console.log(p) // Promise
p.then(x => console.log(`X is: ${x}`)) // X is: 2
The thing about promises is that once you throw a value inside a promise chain you can only access that value by using .then
provided by the Promise type (much like map is provided by the Array type).
Let's see how to convert a callback into a promise:
let setTimeoutPromisified = waitTime => new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("any data"), waitTime)
// `new` is something we won't be looking at on this guide but basically
// it provides the functions `this` with many special properties that has
// no use for us at the moment in this example. You can think that
// `new Something()`
// could be internally rewritten to be used as something like
// `createSomething()`
// like we've done with `createStatefulObject` a couple sections back
.then((anyData) => {
console.log(anyData) // "any data"
return setTimeoutPromisified(1000)
// "return x" works just like "resolve(x)" inside the promise chain
.then(() => setTimeoutPromisified(1000))
.then(() => setTimeoutPromisified(1000))
.then(() => {
console.log("this will show up after 4 seconds passed")
return setTimeoutPromisified(1000)
.then(() => setTimeoutPromisified(1000))
.then(() => setTimeoutPromisified(1000))
.then(() => setTimeoutPromisified(1000))
.then(() => setTimeoutPromisified(1000))
.then(() => setTimeoutPromisified(1000))
.then(() => {
console.log("this will show up after 10 seconds passed")
// look how we don't go many levels deeper to
// achieve the same chain we had in the callback hell
Basically Promises solve the callback problem by giving you the structure of using .then() to declare what happens after something ends, and something ends by calling the resolve
function (which is just a callback). Promises have many other properties that I won't go into now but they are worth looking into and will be referenced on this guide's end.
Let's see where Promises will make your life a bit difficult:
Promise.resolve(5) // This is a neat way to start a promise chain!
.then(x => {
console.log(x) // 5
return "abc"
.then(y => {
console.log(y) // "abc"
return [1, 2, 3]
.then(z => {
console.log(z) // [1, 2, 3]
// what if we wanted to console log "x" or "y" here?
// this is where promises "fail", you would have to either
// keep passing down everything you want or you have to create a
// mutable variable in the upper scope to keep what you want to use later.
// both ways aren't neat solutions, so this is highly inconvenient.
Before moving on to how to deal with async and solve the presented problem above I'd like to show you some cool programing moment. I'm gonna throw the code here and let you have your own thoughts:
.then(x => x * 2)
.then(x => x + 10)
.then(x => console.log(`X is ${x}`)) // X is 20
.map(x => x * 2)
.map(x => x + 10)
.map(x => console.log(`X is ${x}`)) // X is 20
Can you spot the difference? Basically both Array and Promise are really special types that provides us with functions that work with its inner values and are always guaranteed to return the same type (Promise.then always return a Promise that guarantees to have .then, just like Array.map is always guarantees to return an Array). The only difference in both solution is that Promises accept async functions while array.map is strictly sync. In functional programming this concept of "types that are container to values and allow you to chain operations" is deeply explored along with the most obscure corners of math.
async/await lets you write promises just like you would write synchronous code, and that's where we do the full circle from callbacks to being able to write code that looks mostly what all the code we wrote in the first 2 parts of this guide looked like. The cool thing about async/await is that it's just a more intuitive way to deal with promises, this means that all functions created with async are promises, and everything that is a promise can be awaited inside an async function. Let's see what this looks like:
let setTimeoutPromisified = waitTime => new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("bling"), waitTime)
let aFunction = async () => {
let data = await setTimeoutPromisified(1000)
let data2 = await setTimeoutPromisified(1000)
let data3 = await setTimeoutPromisified(1000)
// await can be used inside async functions and will not only wait
// for the promise to resolve but will also unwrap the value inside
// it and put it on the variable which we were not able to do before
// using async/await we have no problem using
// all the variables produced by previous promises
console.log(`${data} ${data2} ${data3}`) // "bling bling bling"" will be logged after 3 sec
console.log(await setTimeoutPromisified(1000)) // "bling" will be logged after 4 sec
console.log(await setTimeoutPromisified(1000)) // "bling" will be logged after 5 sec
console.log(await setTimeoutPromisified(1000)) // "bling" will be logged after 6 sec
aFunction() // This is just a Promise! "async function = Promise"
In order to start getting serious and moving out of the console of our browser we should acquire some better coding tools. I recommend you go ahead and install:
Visual Studio Code - A free and very powerful code editor that works for many languages and it's easy to hop into.
Node.js + npm - This will install both Node.js and npm in your system. Node.js is used to run javascript outside of your browser, npm is used to both install code from other and share yours.
After doing that you should create a folder, open VSCode, and drag the folder into VSCode. This will make that folder become the project's root folder. Let's start by installing some package from npm that we want to use!
Let's say we want to fetch someone's address given their zipcode. Here in Brazil zipcode is called "cep" and we have npm package called "cep-promise" that gives us a neat promise-based interface to fetch our zipcode.
- First on your VSCode click Terminal -> New Terminal
- Then type
npm init
and fill up what you want but you can just spam enter - Then type
npm install cep-promise
After that you'll see that some files were generated for us: package.json
and a folder called node_modules
contains information about your project (given innpm init
), you can write some bash scripts there as well, and it also contains a short list of dependencies in case you delete node_modules and wants to reinstall it.npm install
without a package name install everything on the list. -
contains all the files from the dependencies you installed. You normally don't send this file to other people, you simple send package.json and let them donpm install
by themselves.
Now lets create a newFile.js
to write or code:
const cep = require('cep-promise')
// 'require' is a predefined node.js function that
// allows us to import installed packages
cep('5010000') // this is our example zipcode
// {
// "cep": "05010000",
// "state": "SP",
// "city": "São Paulo",
// "street": "Rua Caiubí",
// "neighborhood": "Perdizes",
// }
You can install pretty much any package you want and be happy integrating stuff! Sometimes packages are made for browser instead of node.js, this is why you should always read the readme's of the packages you use in order to understand if that package does run in node/browser.
This guide is simply a lightning-speed introduction to many concepts. There are three references that I used to study JS myself and you'll find more information about the language either on them or at many different sources thorough the web. JS has grown so much and has so many tools that it's easy to find many wars on which is the better way to do something with JS, but I'd say you should focus on your own development as a developer and learn as many tools as you want to. The more tools you learn the better at solving problems you become, and eventually you'll get the hang by yourself on what tools are the best for what kind of scenario. I hope you had fun reading this and keep evolving your programming skills!
Different ways to deal with Modules
We've seen about "require" but modules are quite complex in JS since we have both browser and server environments so support, it's good to learn the different ways people use to export code depending on their target platform and available tools. The most common ones today are CommonJS (require/module.exports) and ES Modules (import/export). -
Eloquent JavaScript
This book will guide you much more in depth about most of the tools presented on this guide. -
Javascript: The Definitive Guide
This book is a huge guide that includes reference material on both Javascript and Browser-specific javascript. -
Javascript: The Good Parts
Although this book is 80% about bad parts, when it does get to the good parts it helps you understand some of the direction that this guide took. -
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
I have not personally used this one in the past but it does look pretty neat! -
You Don't Know JS Probably one of the most complete and popular free books on JS. It covers most of the language, and all of the dirty parts in detail like
, etc.
Here is a list of things that you might want to study in order to better understand javascript as a whole and wasn't in this guide: