Harvester itself is managed via a managedchart
CRD object, many of the related resources are not exposed to Harvester WebUI, to change it, the kubectl
is the main tool.
And, for most data, the managedchart
is the source of truth.
When a downstream object like harvester deployment
is changed directly, the managedchart
will detect it and show the error/warning messages.
Harvester upgrade script will check if the managedchart
is ready and no error, if not, the upgrade is blocked. In-between the upgrade process, the managedchart
is also checked to wait it is ready.
- ManagedChart Initialization
Via harvester-installer, with the predefined values and those values from user input/configuration file.
kind: ManagedChart
name: harvester
namespace: fleet-local
chart: harvester
releaseName: harvester
version: {{ .HarvesterChartVersion }}
defaultNamespace: harvester-system
timeoutSeconds: 600
enabled: true // predefined
vipEnabled: true
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
clusterPodCIDR: {{ or .ClusterPodCIDR "" }} // from user input or default value
clusterServiceCIDR: {{ or .ClusterServiceCIDR "" }}
clusterDNS: {{ or .ClusterDNS "" }}
- Real Chart
From Harvester chart and those dependency charts/sub charts.
## Specify the default Storage Class of harvester-longhorn.
## Will be set "false" when upgrading for existing default Storage Class.
## defaults to "true".
defaultStorageClass: true
reclaimPolicy: Delete
replicaCount: 3
## Specify to install harvester network controller,
## defaults to "false".
enabled: true
repository: rancher/harvester-network-controller
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: master-head
repository: rancher/harvester-network-helper
tag: master-head
repository: rancher/harvester-network-webhook
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
tag: master-head
{{- if .Values.longhorn.enabled -}}
kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
name: harvester-longhorn
harvesterhci.io/is-reserved-storageclass: "true"
{{- if .Values.storageClass.defaultStorageClass }}
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
{{- end }}
- Dependency charts/sub charts
repository: rancher/harvester-network-controller
pullPolicy: Always
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: "master-head"
nameOverride: ""
# Specify whether to enable VIP, defaults to false
vipEnabled: false
cpu: 100m
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 10m
memory: 64Mi
The data from managedchart is propgated to real chart and it's dependency/sub charts.
e.g. deployment spec, images
e.g. The VIP
The ClusterPodCIDR and related.
clusterPodCIDR: {{ or .ClusterPodCIDR "" }} // from user input or default value
clusterServiceCIDR: {{ or .ClusterServiceCIDR "" }}
clusterDNS: {{ or .ClusterDNS "" }}
Refer PR: harvester/harvester#7445
Those enabled
The annotation storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
on downstream harvester-longhorn
SC object is further changed when user sets another SC as default; but the managedchart is not ammended.
{{- if .Values.storageClass.defaultStorageClass }}
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
{{- end }}
- Change the Image tag
E.g. for debug purpose, or the current image has an known blocker bug and a new image is released to fix the bug, user needs to change below path of data on the managedchart.
- Change the resources
E.g. the default resources are low and OOM happens, set a higher resources
The main process it to keep the current spec and upgrade the managedchart to new version.
Any direct change on downstream objects will be reverted by the managedchart spec
plus chart default values
, besides the special processing on upgrade script.
cat >harvester.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: management.cattle.io/v3
kind: ManagedChart
name: harvester
namespace: fleet-local
kubectl get managedcharts.management.cattle.io -n fleet-local harvester -o yaml | yq e '{"spec": .spec}' - >>harvester.yaml
upgrade_managed_chart_from_version $UPGRADE_PREVIOUS_VERSION harvester harvester.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./harvester.yaml
{{- $certificate := "" }}
{{- $key := "" }}
{{- if .Values.webhook.tls.autoGenerated }}
{{- $serviceName := (printf "%s.%s.svc" (include "snapshot-validation-webhook.fullname" .) (include "snapshot-validation-webhook.namespace" .)) }}
{{- $cert := genSelfSignedCert $serviceName nil (list $serviceName) 3650 }}
{{- $certificate = b64enc $cert.Cert }}
{{- $key = b64enc $cert.Key }}
e.g. The image was customized before, but when upgrading, a new image is more preferred. Now user needs to change manually; or upgrade script updates it.
e.g. The resources setting, ideally, the bigger one should be kept. Now the .spec...resources
is kept.
e.g. the "storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class"
annotation on harvester-longhorn
It is dedicated processed on the upgrade script.
local sc=$(kubectl get sc -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.metadata.annotations."storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class" == "true" and .metadata.name != "harvester-longhorn")')
if [ -n "$sc" ] && [ "$UPGRADE_PREVIOUS_VERSION" != "v1.0.3" ]; then
yq e '.spec.values.storageClass.defaultStorageClass = false' -i harvester.yaml
Harvester allows user to set any storageclass
as default on WebUI, it removes the annotation from old sc and adds it to new sc. But the managedchart harvester
is not updated. The processing is added to upgrade script.
Each data can have a policy to keep current
/ prefer managedchart value
/ prefer chart value
/ read-only
, but apparently it is way more complex.