A wrapper extending the base @polkadot/keyring
interface for usage in the browser: Key management of user accounts including generation and retrieval of keyring pairs from a variety of input combinations.
Add it to your project by yarn add @vue-polkadot/vue-keyring
All module methods are exposed through a single default export.
<script lang="ts">
import keyring from '@vue-polkadot/vue-keyring'
import FileSaver from 'file-saver';
export default class Accounts extends Vue {
// No accounts (or test accounts) should be loaded until after the chain determination.
// Chain determination occurs outside of Keyring.
// Loading `keyring.loadAll({ type: 'ed25519' | 'sr25519' })` is triggered
// from the API after the chain is received
public loadKeyring(): void {
ss58Format: 42, type: 'sr25519',
isDevelopment: true });
public forgetAccount(address: string): void {
// create json backup of your account
public makeBackup(address: string, password: string): void {
if (!address) {
try {
const addressKeyring = address && keyring.getPair(address);
const json = addressKeyring && keyring.backupAccount(addressKeyring, password);
const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(json)], { type: 'application/json; charset=utf-8' });
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `${address}.json`);
} catch (error) {
- Difference between Keyring Accounts and Addresses?
- From the perspective of the keyring, it saves a particular user's unlocked identities as an account, a la keyring.saveAccount(pair, password). So with these accounts you are able to send and sign transactions.
- To save addresses without unlocking them (i.e. because a user might want to have easy access to addresses they frequently transact with), use keyring.saveAddress(address, meta)
- What are 'external' accounts, i.e. when to set the
meta key to true?- An external account is one where the keys are not managed by keyring, e.g. in Parity Signer or Ledger Nano.
- SS58 Encode / Decode?
- SS58 is a simple address format designed for Substrate based chains. You can read about its specification in more detail in the Parity Wiki.
bump package.version
yarn build:basic
npm publish --access public