The NTRU post-quantum asymmetric cipher compiled to WebAssembly using Emscripten. A simple JavaScript wrapper is provided to make NTRU easy to use in web applications.
The default parameter set is EES743EP1 (roughly 256-bit strength, as per
NTRU's documentation).
To change this, modify line 13 of Makefile and rebuild with make
(async () => {
const keyPair /*: {privateKey: Uint8Array; publicKey: Uint8Array} */ =
await ntru.keyPair()
const plaintext /*: Uint8Array */ =
new Uint8Array([104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 0]) // "hello"
const encrypted /*: Uint8Array */ =
await ntru.encrypt(plaintext, keyPair.publicKey)
const decrypted /*: Uint8Array */ =
await ntru.decrypt(encrypted, keyPair.privateKey) // same as plaintext
Note: NTRU generally shouldn't be used to directly encrypt your data; in most cases, you'll want to pair it with a symmetric cipher and use it to encrypt symmetric keys.
Breaking changes in major versions:
- As part of upgrading from asm.js to WebAssembly (with asm.js included as a fallback), the API is fully asynchronous.
- Removed some undocumented functions as part of minor API cleanup.