Here is a "port" of 6502 EhBASIC for the HBC-56. It includes a keyboard input driver and three output drivers:
- TMS9918
- Character LCD
- Graphics LCD
To run in the emulator (TMS9918 version) using MAKE:
cd code\6502\basic
To build and run manually:
cd code\6502\basic
..\..\..\tools\acme\bin\acme -I ..\lib -I ..\kernel -o basic_tms.o -l basic_tms.o.lmap basic_tms.asm
..\..\..\emulator\bin\Hbc56Emu.exe --rom basic_tms.o
There are two main asm files which jsut include the various components required for each build:
- basic_tms.asm - the TMS9918 verion
- basic_lcd.asm - the LCD version
The LCD version has two possible output drivers. One for a standard character LCD and another for a graphics LCD:
; Troy's HBC-56 - BASIC (For LCD screen)
; Copyright (c) 2021 Troy Schrapel
; This code is licensed under the MIT license
!src "basic_hbc56_core.asm" ; core basic
!src "input.asm" ; input routines
;!src "output_lcd.asm" ; output routines
!src "output_lcd_12864.asm" ; output routines (graphics lcd)
Comment out the output driver you don't need