diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e3ea8f1..6e4e47a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -73,3 +73,4 @@ OtherStuff
diff --git a/ICON_1.res b/ICON_1.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..673ac03
Binary files /dev/null and b/ICON_1.res differ
diff --git a/ICON_2.res b/ICON_2.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf08ada
Binary files /dev/null and b/ICON_2.res differ
diff --git a/ICON_3.res b/ICON_3.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c152c7
Binary files /dev/null and b/ICON_3.res differ
diff --git a/Manifest1.res b/Manifest1.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b6b273
Binary files /dev/null and b/Manifest1.res differ
diff --git a/PNGIMAGE_1.res b/PNGIMAGE_1.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f8f844
Binary files /dev/null and b/PNGIMAGE_1.res differ
diff --git a/PNGIMAGE_2.res b/PNGIMAGE_2.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea10d65
Binary files /dev/null and b/PNGIMAGE_2.res differ
diff --git a/WinXCorners.bdsproj b/WinXCorners.bdsproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3bd942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WinXCorners.bdsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ 7.0
+ 8
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ True
+ True
+ WinTypes=Windows;WinProcs=Windows;DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE;
+ False
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ 0
+ 0
+ False
+ 1
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ 16384
+ 1048576
+ 4194304
+ vcl;rtl;vclx;dbrtl;vcldb;adortl;dbxcds;dbexpress;xmlrtl;vclie;inet;inetdbbde;inetdbxpress;VclSmp;dsnap;bdertl;teeui;teedb;tee;vcldbx;vclactnband
+ False
+ False
+ True
+ False
+ $00000000
+ True
+ False
+ 1
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ 1033
+ 1252
diff --git a/WinXCorners.dpr b/WinXCorners.dpr
index c4d59d8..2f0b6f1 100644
--- a/WinXCorners.dpr
+++ b/WinXCorners.dpr
@@ -1,42 +1,25 @@
program WinXCorners;
-{$R *.dres}
+{.$R *.dres}
- madExcept,
- madLinkDisAsm,
- madListHardware,
- madListProcesses,
- madListModules,
- Vcl.Forms,
- Winapi.Windows,
+ Forms,
+ Windows,
Main in 'Main.pas' {frmMain},
frmSettings in 'frmSettings.pas' {frmTrayPopup},
XCombobox in 'XCombobox.pas',
osdgui in 'osdgui.pas' {frmOSD},
- frmAdvanced in 'frmAdvanced.pas' {frmAdvSettings};
+ frmAdvanced in 'frmAdvanced.pas' {frmAdvSettings},
+ functions in 'functions.pas';
{$R *.res}
+{$R PNGIMAGE_1.res}
+{$R PNGIMAGE_2.res}
+{$R ICON_1.res}
+{$R ICON_2.res}
+{$R ICON_3.res}
+{$ifdef ver360}
+{$R Manifest1.res}
AppHandle: HWND;
@@ -50,7 +33,7 @@ begin
Application.ShowMainForm := False;
- Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := False;
+// Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := False;
Application.Title := 'WinXCorners';
Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain);
Application.CreateForm(TfrmTrayPopup, frmTrayPopup);
diff --git a/WinXCorners.dproj b/WinXCorners.dproj
index 34ed40a..a3c6c7f 100644
--- a/WinXCorners.dproj
+++ b/WinXCorners.dproj
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

- 18.6
+ 20.1
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
+ true
+ Base
+ true
@@ -29,6 +34,12 @@
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
@@ -40,6 +51,12 @@
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
@@ -53,6 +70,8 @@
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Windows\UWP\delphi_UwpDefault_44.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Windows\UWP\delphi_UwpDefault_150.png
@@ -64,6 +83,14 @@
+ Winapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ Debug
+ true
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=$(MSBuildProjectName);FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProgramID=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductName=$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ 1033
+ $(BDS)\bin\default_app.manifest
@@ -86,6 +113,9 @@
+ PerMonitorV2
@@ -95,10 +125,9 @@
- otherstuff\aaaab.ico
+ WinXCorners_Icon3.ico
- true
@@ -106,6 +135,9 @@
+ PerMonitorV2
@@ -126,6 +158,7 @@
@@ -146,10 +179,6 @@
- Cfg_2
- Base
@@ -157,6 +186,10 @@
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
@@ -167,77 +200,101 @@
- Microsoft Office 2000 Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
- Microsoft Office XP Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
+ Embarcadero C++Builder Office 2000 Servers Package
+ Embarcadero C++Builder Office XP Servers Package
+ Microsoft Office 2000 Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
+ Microsoft Office XP Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
+ Ethea IconFontsImageList FMX components
+ Drag and Drop Component Suite
+ Delphi Tag Editor
+ TurboPack DOSCommand Designtime Package for Delphi
+ JCL Package containing common units for JCL Experts
+ JCL Debug IDE extension
+ JCL Project Analyzer
+ JCL Open and Save IDE dialogs with favorite folders
+ JCL Package containing repository wizards
+ JCL Debug Window of XMM registers
+ JCL Stack Trace Viewer
+ Mustangpeak Common Library Delphi DesignTime Package
+ Graphics32 Design Time Package
+ Png components for Delphi designtime
+ HGM Components
+ Delphi4Python - Export forms for Python
+ Python4Delphi - Design-time Engine Package
+ Python4Delphi - Design-Time Engine Package for VCL
+ Python4Delphi - Design-time Engine Package for FMX
+ P4D - Python Environments Project Menu Extension
+ P4D - Python Environments
+ Ethea IconFontsImageList VCL components
+ P4D AI&ML extension for Python packages
+ P4D Data Sciences - RemBG
+ P4D Data Sciences - PyQT5
+ P4D Data Sciences - PSUtil
+ P4D Data Sciences - Pillow
+ P4D Data Sciences - MoviePy
+ P4D Data Sciences - H5Py
+ P4D Data Sciences - Boto3
+ THtmlViewer, TFrameViewer, and TFrameBrowser
+ GLScene Engine
+ GLScene GPU Computing
+ CEF4Delphi
+ Internet Embedded Web Browser Components
+ File C:\Users\vhanl\Documents\Skia4Delphi\Library\RAD Studio 11 Alexandria\Win32\Release\Bpl\Skia.Package.FMX280.bpl not found
+ File C:\Users\vhanl\Documents\Skia4Delphi\Library\RAD Studio 11 Alexandria\Win32\Release\Bpl\Skia.Package.VCL280.bpl not found
+ File C:\Users\vhanl\Documents\Skia4Delphi\Library\RAD Studio 11 Alexandria\Win32\Release\Bpl\Skia.Package.FMX.Designtime280.bpl not found
+ File C:\Users\vhanl\Documents\Skia4Delphi\Library\RAD Studio 11 Alexandria\Win32\Release\Bpl\Skia.Package.VCL.Designtime280.bpl not found
+ KControls Development Suite - design time package
+ Vue Design Components for Firemonkey
+ priyatna.org - NiceGrid
+ P4D Data Sciences - MatplotLib
+ P4D Data Sciences - NLTK
+ P4D Data Sciences - ONNXRuntime
+ P4D Data Sciences - SciPy
+ P4D Data Sciences - NumPy
+ P4D Data Sciences - Scikit-Learn
+ P4D Data Sciences - PyTorch
+ P4D Data Sciences - OpenCV
+ P4D Data Sciences - TensorFlow
+ P4D Data Sciences - Pandas
+ P4D Data Sciences - Keras
+ P4D Data Sciences - PyAnime4k
+ DelphiWebScript Runtime
+ JVEsoft Cross Platform Infrastructure Component Suite
+ Alcinoe
+ Zeos Database Components
+ TFrameStand and TFormStand Designtime Package
+ Overbyte ICS FMX Design-Time Package for Delphi 11.0
+ Chrome Tabs
+ ATTabs - lite OS-independant tabs
+ DCPcrypt cryptographic component library v2 BETA 3
+ TTextEditor control package - designtime
+ Winsoft PDFium Component Suite
+ TurboPack SynEdit Delphi designtime package
+ zControls
+ MustangPeak EasyListview Designtime Package
+ VirtualTreeView Controls
+ Virtual Shell Tools Delphi Designtime Package
+ Toolbar2000 Design Package (Jordan Russell)
+ Toolbar2000 -- SpTBXLib Design Package
+ Ethea SVGIconImageList VCL components
+ Ethea SVGIconImageList FMX components
+ MWK - SVG-Unterstützung Designtime
+ SynWeb component suite
- .\
- true
- .\
- true
- .\
- true
- .\
- true
- .\
- true
- WinXCorners.exe
- true
- .\
- true
- .\
- true
- WinXCorners.exe
- true
- .\
- true
- .\
- true
@@ -250,10 +307,14 @@
- 1
+ 64
+ classes
+ 64
@@ -261,10 +322,8 @@
- library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ res\xml
@@ -273,97 +332,382 @@
+ library\lib\armeabi
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\mips
+ 1
+ library\lib\arm64-v8a
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v21
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v21
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values-v21
+ 1
+ res\values-v31
+ 1
+ res\values-v31
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v26
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v26
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v33
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v33
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values-night-v21
+ 1
+ res\values-night-v21
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-ldpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-small
+ 1
+ res\drawable-normal
+ 1
+ res\drawable-large
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xlarge
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v24
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v24
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable-night-anydpi-v21
+ 1
+ res\drawable-night-anydpi-v21
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v31
+ 1
+ res\drawable-anydpi-v31
+ 1
+ res\drawable-night-anydpi-v31
+ 1
+ res\drawable-night-anydpi-v31
+ 1
@@ -388,6 +732,11 @@
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ .framework
@@ -401,7 +750,7 @@
@@ -415,6 +764,11 @@
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ .dylib
@@ -429,7 +783,7 @@
@@ -443,6 +797,11 @@
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ .dylib
@@ -452,13 +811,16 @@
+ 0
@@ -469,247 +831,421 @@
+ Contents\Resources\StartUp\
+ 0
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ ..\
+ ..\
+ ..\
+ 1
+ Contents
+ 1
+ Contents
+ 1
+ Contents
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\arm64-v8a
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ 0
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ ..\
+ ..\
+ ..\
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen
+ 64
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen
+ 64
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- ..\
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- ..\
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- ..\
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- ..\
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- Contents
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- Contents
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- Contents\Resources
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- Contents\Resources
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- Contents\MacOS
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- Contents\MacOS
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 0
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- Assets
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- Assets
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- Assets
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- Assets
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ False
diff --git a/WinXCorners.res b/WinXCorners.res
index e718720..c122fee 100644
Binary files a/WinXCorners.res and b/WinXCorners.res differ
diff --git a/WinXHelper.bdsproj b/WinXHelper.bdsproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b870bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WinXHelper.bdsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ WinXHelper.dpr
+ 7.0
+ 8
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ True
+ True
+ WinTypes=Windows;WinProcs=Windows;DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE;
+ False
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ 0
+ 0
+ False
+ 1
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ 16384
+ 1048576
+ 4194304
+ False
+ False
+ True
+ False
+ $00000000
+ False
+ False
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ 2058
+ 1252
diff --git a/WinXHelper.dpr b/WinXHelper.dpr
index 362f4c9..8a34a2e 100644
--- a/WinXHelper.dpr
+++ b/WinXHelper.dpr
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ var
TargetWnd: THandle;
Msg: PCopyDataStruct;
// MsgStr: String;
+ aNil: Cardinal;
//if Code < 0 then
if (Code < 0) or (Code = HC_NOREMOVE) then
@@ -61,7 +62,8 @@ begin
Msg^.cbData := SizeOf(TMouseHookStruct) + 1;
Msg^.lpData := PMouseHookStruct(lParam);
//PostMessage(TargetWnd, WM_COPYDATA, CurWnd, Integer(Msg));
- SendMessageTimeout(TargetWnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, Integer(Msg), SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 50, nil);
+ aNil := 0;
+ SendMessageTimeout(TargetWnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, Integer(Msg), SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 50, aNil);
@@ -98,6 +100,8 @@ begin
procedure RunHook; stdcall;
+ WH_MOUSE_LL = 14;
GlobalData^.HookHandle := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, @HookProc, HInstance, 0);
if GlobalData^.HookHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
diff --git a/WinXHelper.res b/WinXHelper.res
index 59bd1db..e726929 100644
Binary files a/WinXHelper.res and b/WinXHelper.res differ
diff --git a/compile.cmd b/compile.cmd
index c46a03c..6eec8a7 100644
--- a/compile.cmd
+++ b/compile.cmd
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@echo off
-SET MSBUILD="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
-SET RSVARS="C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\bin\rsvars.bat"
+rem SET MSBUILD="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
+SET MSBUILD="c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
+SET RSVARS="C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\bin\rsvars.bat"
SET PROJECT=WinXCorners.dproj
call %RSVARS%
-%MSBUILD% %PROJECT% "/t:Clean,Make" "/p:config=Debug" "/verbosity:minimal"
+%MSBUILD% %PROJECT% "/t:Clean,Make" "/p:config=Release" "/verbosity:minimal"
diff --git a/functions.pas b/functions.pas
index 444b93f..9b6bbe6 100644
--- a/functions.pas
+++ b/functions.pas
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
-Windows, Classes, TlHelp32, PsAPI, SysUtils, Registry, Graphics, DWMApi, PNGImage{,
-UXTHeme, Themes} {uxtheme and themes for rendering text on glass },
+Windows, Classes, TlHelp32, PsAPI, SysUtils, Registry, Graphics, DWMApi, PNGImage,
OleAcc, Variants, DirectDraw, ActiveX;
diff --git a/obj/JCAPIMIN.OBJ b/obj/JCAPIMIN.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0dbacc
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCAPIMIN.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCAPISTD.OBJ b/obj/JCAPISTD.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e5b62d
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCAPISTD.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCCOEFCT.OBJ b/obj/JCCOEFCT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f1038d
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCCOEFCT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCCOLOR.OBJ b/obj/JCCOLOR.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..417440e
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCCOLOR.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCDCTMGR.OBJ b/obj/JCDCTMGR.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d799844
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCDCTMGR.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCHUFF.OBJ b/obj/JCHUFF.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8052ab0
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCHUFF.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCINIT.OBJ b/obj/JCINIT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cf70af
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCINIT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCMAINCT.OBJ b/obj/JCMAINCT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43971d2
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCMAINCT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCMARKER.OBJ b/obj/JCMARKER.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0de11d
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCMARKER.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCMASTER.OBJ b/obj/JCMASTER.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..917b384
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCMASTER.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCOMAPI.OBJ b/obj/JCOMAPI.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e779ea5
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCOMAPI.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCPARAM.OBJ b/obj/JCPARAM.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a69214
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCPARAM.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCPHUFF.OBJ b/obj/JCPHUFF.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65de058
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCPHUFF.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCPREPCT.OBJ b/obj/JCPREPCT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7080e3e
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCPREPCT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCSAMPLE.OBJ b/obj/JCSAMPLE.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c38fad
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCSAMPLE.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JCTRANS.OBJ b/obj/JCTRANS.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..123d555
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JCTRANS.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDAPIMIN.OBJ b/obj/JDAPIMIN.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c6f029
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDAPIMIN.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDAPISTD.OBJ b/obj/JDAPISTD.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a191de9
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDAPISTD.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDATADST.OBJ b/obj/JDATADST.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd68c05
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDATADST.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDATASRC.OBJ b/obj/JDATASRC.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..423fa02
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDATASRC.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDCOEFCT.OBJ b/obj/JDCOEFCT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0ee8d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDCOEFCT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDCOLOR.OBJ b/obj/JDCOLOR.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd24056
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDCOLOR.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDDCTMGR.OBJ b/obj/JDDCTMGR.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80e98dd
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDDCTMGR.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDHUFF.OBJ b/obj/JDHUFF.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b88232
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDHUFF.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDINPUT.OBJ b/obj/JDINPUT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b82bc9
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDINPUT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDMAINCT.OBJ b/obj/JDMAINCT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a38a441
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDMAINCT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDMARKER.OBJ b/obj/JDMARKER.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96507b0
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDMARKER.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDMASTER.OBJ b/obj/JDMASTER.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..799b24d
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDMASTER.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDMERGE.OBJ b/obj/JDMERGE.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce7138
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDMERGE.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDPHUFF.OBJ b/obj/JDPHUFF.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6ca34c
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDPHUFF.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDPOSTCT.OBJ b/obj/JDPOSTCT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683b320
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDPOSTCT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDSAMPLE.OBJ b/obj/JDSAMPLE.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaeede5
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDSAMPLE.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JDTRANS.OBJ b/obj/JDTRANS.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..527086f
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JDTRANS.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JERROR.OBJ b/obj/JERROR.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f9dc6c
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JERROR.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JFDCTFLT.OBJ b/obj/JFDCTFLT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9602a23
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JFDCTFLT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JFDCTFST.OBJ b/obj/JFDCTFST.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea3366a
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JFDCTFST.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JFDCTINT.OBJ b/obj/JFDCTINT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a2ec8c
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JFDCTINT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JIDCTFLT.OBJ b/obj/JIDCTFLT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46bd522
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JIDCTFLT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JIDCTFST.OBJ b/obj/JIDCTFST.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e37f84
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JIDCTFST.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JIDCTINT.OBJ b/obj/JIDCTINT.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6e8c2d
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JIDCTINT.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JIDCTRED.OBJ b/obj/JIDCTRED.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6403cd5
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JIDCTRED.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JMEMMGR.OBJ b/obj/JMEMMGR.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90a844a
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JMEMMGR.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JMEMNOBS.OBJ b/obj/JMEMNOBS.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..112175c
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JMEMNOBS.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JPEGTRAN.OBJ b/obj/JPEGTRAN.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a4cbb0
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JPEGTRAN.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JQUANT1.OBJ b/obj/JQUANT1.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7476dff
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JQUANT1.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JQUANT2.OBJ b/obj/JQUANT2.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7500711
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JQUANT2.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/JUTILS.OBJ b/obj/JUTILS.OBJ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d4102
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/JUTILS.OBJ differ
diff --git a/obj/adler32.obj b/obj/adler32.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84d2850
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/adler32.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/compress.obj b/obj/compress.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90cf74f
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/compress.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/crc32.obj b/obj/crc32.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea14153
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/crc32.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/deflate.obj b/obj/deflate.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ffc8bc
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/deflate.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/gzio.obj b/obj/gzio.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff94037
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/gzio.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/infback.obj b/obj/infback.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2114f10
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/infback.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/inffast.obj b/obj/inffast.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8f5b1f
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/inffast.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/inflate.obj b/obj/inflate.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c53c01
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/inflate.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/inftrees.obj b/obj/inftrees.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c37455e
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/inftrees.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/trees.obj b/obj/trees.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a6110
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/trees.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/uncompr.obj b/obj/uncompr.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12cd70b
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/uncompr.obj differ
diff --git a/obj/zutil.obj b/obj/zutil.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9395409
Binary files /dev/null and b/obj/zutil.obj differ
diff --git a/AnimateEasing.pas b/thirparty/AnimateEasing.pas
similarity index 100%
rename from AnimateEasing.pas
rename to thirparty/AnimateEasing.pas
diff --git a/thirparty/DirectDraw.pas b/thirparty/DirectDraw.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb21c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/DirectDraw.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,7161 @@
+{* *}
+{* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. *}
+{* *}
+{* Files: ddraw.h dvp.h *}
+{* Content: DirectDraw and DirectDrawVideoPort include files *}
+{* *}
+{* DirectX 9.0 Delphi adaptation by Alexey Barkovoy *}
+{* E-Mail: clootie@reactor.ru *}
+{* *}
+{* Modified: 20-Dec-2002 *}
+{* *}
+{* Based upon : *}
+{* DirectX 7.0 Object Pascal adaptation by *}
+{* Erik Unger, e-Mail: DelphiDirectX@next-reality.com *}
+{* *}
+{* Latest version can be downloaded from: *}
+{* http://clootie.narod.ru/delphi/ *}
+{* *}
+{ }
+{ Obtained through: Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators (Project JEDI) }
+{ }
+{ The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla }
+{ Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except }
+{ in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at }
+{ http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html }
+{ }
+{ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, }
+{ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for }
+{ the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. }
+{ }
+{ Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the }
+{ GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the }
+{ provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. }
+{ If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms }
+{ of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file }
+{ under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and }
+{ replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL }
+{ License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use }
+{ your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. }
+{ }
+{ For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html }
+{ }
+// Notes:
+// Possible input defines for this file, mapped to original C values:
+// By default DIRECTDRAW_VERSION_7 (DIRECTDRAW_VERSION = 0x0700) is assumed
+// Also you can use generic DIRECTXx defines, so:
+unit DirectDraw;
+{$I DirectX.inc}
+// Global level dynamic loading support
+// Remove "dots" below to force some kind of dynamic linking
+// Assume for what DirectDraw version we will compile headers
+ {$DEFINE DIRECTDRAW_VERSION_7} // Compiling for DirectDraw7 by default
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+// Emit conditionals to C++Builder compiler
+ {$HPPEMIT '#define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 0x0100'}
+ {$HPPEMIT '#define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 0x0300'}
+ {$HPPEMIT '#define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 0x0500'}
+ {$HPPEMIT '#define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 0x0600'}
+ {$HPPEMIT '#define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 0x0700'}
+// Define symbols for '<=' comparision
+(*$HPPEMIT '#include "ddraw.h"' *)
+(*$HPPEMIT '#include "dvp.h"' *)
+ Windows;
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * File: ddraw.h
+ * Content: DirectDraw include file
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************)
+function MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3: Char): DWORD;
+ * FOURCC codes for DX compressed-texture pixel formats
+ *)
+ //#define FOURCC_DXT1 (MAKEFOURCC('D','X','T','1'))
+ FOURCC_DXT1 = DWORD(Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('1') shl 24));
+ //#define FOURCC_DXT2 (MAKEFOURCC('D','X','T','2'))
+ FOURCC_DXT2 = DWORD(Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('2') shl 24));
+ //#define FOURCC_DXT3 (MAKEFOURCC('D','X','T','3'))
+ FOURCC_DXT3 = DWORD(Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('3') shl 24));
+ //#define FOURCC_DXT4 (MAKEFOURCC('D','X','T','4'))
+ FOURCC_DXT4 = DWORD(Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('4') shl 24));
+ //#define FOURCC_DXT5 (MAKEFOURCC('D','X','T','5'))
+ FOURCC_DXT5 = DWORD(Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('5') shl 24));
+ * GUIDS used by DirectDraw objects
+ *)
+ CLSID_DirectDraw: TGUID = '{D7B70EE0-4340-11CF-B063-0020AFC2CD35}';
+ CLSID_DirectDraw7: TGUID = '{3c305196-50db-11d3-9cfe-00c04fd930c5}';
+ CLSID_DirectDrawClipper: TGUID = '{593817A0-7DB3-11CF-A2DE-00AA00b93356}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM CLSID_DirectDrawClipper}
+ (* These GUID's defined later by typedefing to Delphi interfaces
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDraw, 0x6C14DB80,0xA733,0x11CE,0xA5,0x21,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xE5,0x60 );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDraw2, 0xB3A6F3E0,0x2B43,0x11CF,0xA2,0xDE,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xB9,0x33,0x56 );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDraw4, 0x9c59509a,0x39bd,0x11d1,0x8c,0x4a,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0xd9,0x30,0xc5 );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDraw7, 0x15e65ec0,0x3b9c,0x11d2,0xb9,0x2f,0x00,0x60,0x97,0x97,0xea,0x5b );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawSurface, 0x6C14DB81,0xA733,0x11CE,0xA5,0x21,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xE5,0x60 );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawSurface2, 0x57805885,0x6eec,0x11cf,0x94,0x41,0xa8,0x23,0x03,0xc1,0x0e,0x27 );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawSurface3, 0xDA044E00,0x69B2,0x11D0,0xA1,0xD5,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xB8,0xDF,0xBB );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawSurface4, 0x0B2B8630,0xAD35,0x11D0,0x8E,0xA6,0x00,0x60,0x97,0x97,0xEA,0x5B );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawSurface7, 0x06675a80,0x3b9b,0x11d2,0xb9,0x2f,0x00,0x60,0x97,0x97,0xea,0x5b );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawPalette, 0x6C14DB84,0xA733,0x11CE,0xA5,0x21,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xE5,0x60 );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawClipper, 0x6C14DB85,0xA733,0x11CE,0xA5,0x21,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xE5,0x60 );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawColorControl, 0x4B9F0EE0,0x0D7E,0x11D0,0x9B,0x06,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x03,0xA3,0xB8 );
+ DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawGammaControl, 0x69C11C3E,0xB46B,0x11D1,0xAD,0x7A,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xC2,0x9B,0x4E );
+ *)
+ DD_ROP_SPACE = (256 div 32); // space required to store ROP array
+ *
+ * DirectDraw Structures
+ *
+ * Various structures used to invoke DirectDraw.
+ *
+ *==========================================================================*)
+ NilGUID : TGUID = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}';
+ //Clootie: This was originally in Erik Unger headers - don't know why, so leave it alone
+ TRefGUID = packed record
+ case Integer of
+ 1: (guid : PGUID);
+ 2: (dwFlags : DWORD);
+ end;
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDraw;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDraw2;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDraw4;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDraw7;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawSurface;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawSurface2;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawSurface3;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawSurface4;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawSurface7;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawPalette;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawClipper;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawColorControl;'}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawGammaControl;'}
+ IDirectDraw = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDraw}
+ IDirectDraw2 = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDraw2}
+ IDirectDraw4 = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDraw4}
+ IDirectDraw7 = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDraw7}
+ IDirectDrawSurface = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawSurface}
+ IDirectDrawSurface2 = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawSurface2}
+ IDirectDrawSurface3 = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawSurface3}
+ IDirectDrawSurface4 = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawSurface4}
+ IDirectDrawSurface7 = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawSurface7}
+ IDirectDrawPalette = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawPalette}
+ IDirectDrawClipper = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawClipper}
+ IDirectDrawColorControl = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawColorControl}
+ IDirectDrawGammaControl = interface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawGammaControl}
+ * Generic pixel format with 8-bit RGB and alpha components
+ *)
+ _DDARGB = packed record
+ blue: Byte;
+ green: Byte;
+ red: Byte;
+ alpha: Byte;
+ end;
+ * This version of the structure remains for backwards source compatibility.
+ * The DDARGB structure is the one that should be used for all DirectDraw APIs.
+ *)
+ _DDRGBA = packed record
+ red : Byte;
+ green : Byte;
+ blue : Byte;
+ alpha : Byte;
+ end;
+ * TDDColorKey
+ *)
+ PDDColorKey = ^TDDColorKey;
+ _DDCOLORKEY = packed record
+ dwColorSpaceLowValue: DWORD; // low boundary of color space that is to
+ // be treated as Color Key, inclusive
+ dwColorSpaceHighValue: DWORD; // high boundary of color space that is
+ // to be treated as Color Key, inclusive
+ end;
+// Delphi 5 and up don't allow interfaces in variant records
+// so we have to use pointers instead (which can be type-casted into interfaces):
+ PDirectDrawSurface = Pointer;
+ PDirectDrawSurface = IDirectDrawSurface;
+ * TDDBltFX
+ * Used to pass override information to the DIRECTDRAWSURFACE callback Blt.
+ *)
+ _DDBLTFX = packed record
+ dwSize : DWORD; // size of structure
+ dwDDFX : DWORD; // FX operations
+ dwROP : DWORD; // Win32 raster operations
+ dwDDROP : DWORD; // Raster operations new for DirectDraw
+ dwRotationAngle : DWORD; // Rotation angle for blt
+ dwZBufferOpCode : DWORD; // ZBuffer compares
+ dwZBufferLow : DWORD; // Low limit of Z buffer
+ dwZBufferHigh : DWORD; // High limit of Z buffer
+ dwZBufferBaseDest : DWORD; // Destination base value
+ dwZDestConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify Z constant for destination
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (
+ dwZDestConst : DWORD // Constant to use as Z buffer for dest
+ );
+ 1: (
+ lpDDSZBufferDest : ^PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Z buffer for dest
+ dwZSrcConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify Z constant for source
+ case integer of
+ 0: (
+ dwZSrcConst : DWORD; // Constant to use as Z buffer for src
+ );
+ 1: (
+ lpDDSZBufferSrc : ^PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Z buffer for src
+ dwAlphaEdgeBlendBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify constant for alpha edge blend
+ dwAlphaEdgeBlend : DWORD; // Alpha for edge blending
+ dwReserved : DWORD;
+ dwAlphaDestConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for destination
+ case integer of
+ 0: (
+ dwAlphaDestConst : DWORD; // Constant to use as Alpha Channel
+ );
+ 1: (
+ lpDDSAlphaDest : ^PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Alpha Channel
+ dwAlphaSrcConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for source
+ case integer of
+ 0: (
+ dwAlphaSrcConst : DWORD; // Constant to use as Alpha Channel
+ );
+ 1: (
+ lpDDSAlphaSrc : ^PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Alpha Channel
+ case integer of
+ 0: (
+ dwFillColor : DWORD; // color in RGB or Palettized
+ );
+ 1: (
+ dwFillDepth : DWORD; // depth value for z-buffer
+ );
+ 2: (
+ dwFillPixel : DWORD; // pixel value
+ );
+ 3: (
+ lpDDSPattern : ^PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as pattern
+ ddckDestColorkey : TDDColorKey; // DestColorkey override
+ ddckSrcColorkey : TDDColorKey; // SrcColorkey override
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ end;
+ * TDDSCaps
+ *)
+ PDDSCaps = ^TDDSCaps;
+ _DDSCAPS = packed record
+ dwCaps: DWORD; // capabilities of surface wanted
+ end;
+ * TDDOSCaps
+ *)
+ PDDOSCaps = ^TDDOSCaps;
+ _DDOSCAPS = packed record
+ dwCaps: DWORD; // capabilities of surface wanted
+ end;
+ * This structure is used internally by DirectDraw.
+ *)
+ PDDSCapsEx = ^TDDSCapsEx;
+ _DDSCAPSEX = packed record
+ dwCaps2 : DWORD;
+ dwCaps3 : DWORD;
+ dwCaps4 : DWORD;
+ end;
+ * TDDSCaps2
+ *)
+ PDDSCaps2 = ^TDDSCaps2;
+ _DDSCAPS2 = packed record
+ dwCaps: DWORD; // capabilities of surface wanted
+ dwCaps2 : DWORD;
+ dwCaps3 : DWORD;
+ dwCaps4 : DWORD;
+ end;
+ TDDSCaps2 = _DDSCAPS2;
+ * NOTE: Our choosen structure number scheme is to append a single digit to
+ * the end of the structure giving the version that structure is associated
+ * with.
+ *)
+ * This structure represents the DDCAPS structure released in DirectDraw 1.0. It is used internally
+ * by DirectDraw to interpret caps passed into ddraw by drivers written prior to the release of DirectDraw 2.0.
+ * New applications should use the DDCAPS structure defined below.
+ *)
+ PDDCaps_DX1 = ^TDDCaps_DX1;
+ _DDCAPS_DX1 = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of the DDDRIVERCAPS structure
+ dwCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities
+ dwCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilites
+ dwCKeyCaps: DWORD; // color key capabilities of the surface
+ dwFXCaps: DWORD; // driver specific stretching and effects capabilites
+ dwFXAlphaCaps: DWORD; // alpha driver specific capabilities
+ dwPalCaps: DWORD; // palette capabilities
+ dwSVCaps: DWORD; // stereo vision capabilities
+ dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8
+ dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwZBufferBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_8,16,24,32
+ dwVidMemTotal: DWORD; // total amount of video memory
+ dwVidMemFree: DWORD; // amount of free video memory
+ dwMaxVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // maximum number of visible overlays
+ dwCurrVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // current number of visible overlays
+ dwNumFourCCCodes: DWORD; // number of four cc codes
+ dwAlignBoundarySrc: DWORD; // source rectangle alignment
+ dwAlignSizeSrc: DWORD; // source rectangle byte size
+ dwAlignBoundaryDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle alignment
+ dwAlignSizeDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle byte size
+ dwAlignStrideAlign: DWORD; // stride alignment
+ dwRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported
+ ddsCaps: TDDSCaps; // TDDSCaps structure has all the general capabilities
+ dwMinOverlayStretch: DWORD; // minimum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxOverlayStretch: DWORD; // maximum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMinLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // minimum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // maximum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMinHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // minimum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // maximum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwReserved1: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwReserved2: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwReserved3: DWORD; // reserved
+ end;
+ TDDCaps_DX1 = _DDCAPS_DX1;
+ * This structure is the TDDCaps structure as it was in version 2 and 3 of Direct X.
+ * It is present for back compatability.
+ *)
+ PDDCaps_DX3 = ^TDDCaps_DX3;
+ _DDCAPS_DX3 = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of the DDDRIVERCAPS structure
+ dwCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities
+ dwCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilites
+ dwCKeyCaps: DWORD; // color key capabilities of the surface
+ dwFXCaps: DWORD; // driver specific stretching and effects capabilites
+ dwFXAlphaCaps: DWORD; // alpha driver specific capabilities
+ dwPalCaps: DWORD; // palette capabilities
+ dwSVCaps: DWORD; // stereo vision capabilities
+ dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8
+ dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwZBufferBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_8,16,24,32
+ dwVidMemTotal: DWORD; // total amount of video memory
+ dwVidMemFree: DWORD; // amount of free video memory
+ dwMaxVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // maximum number of visible overlays
+ dwCurrVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // current number of visible overlays
+ dwNumFourCCCodes: DWORD; // number of four cc codes
+ dwAlignBoundarySrc: DWORD; // source rectangle alignment
+ dwAlignSizeSrc: DWORD; // source rectangle byte size
+ dwAlignBoundaryDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle alignment
+ dwAlignSizeDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle byte size
+ dwAlignStrideAlign: DWORD; // stride alignment
+ dwRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported
+ ddsCaps: TDDSCaps; // TDDSCaps structure has all the general capabilities
+ dwMinOverlayStretch: DWORD; // minimum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxOverlayStretch: DWORD; // maximum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMinLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // minimum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // maximum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMinHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // minimum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // maximum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwReserved1: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwReserved2: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwReserved3: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwSVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwSVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwSVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwSVBRops: array[0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->Vmem blts
+ dwVSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for Vmem->System blts
+ dwVSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for Vmem->System blts
+ dwVSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for Vmem->System blts
+ dwVSBRops: array[0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for Vmem->System blts
+ dwSSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->System blts
+ dwSSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->System blts
+ dwSSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->System blts
+ dwSSBRops: array[0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->System blts
+ dwReserved4 : DWORD;
+ dwReserved5 : DWORD;
+ dwReserved6 : DWORD;
+ end;
+ TDDCaps_DX3 = _DDCAPS_DX3;
+ * This structure is the TDDCaps structure as it was in version 5 of Direct X.
+ * It is present for back compatability.
+ *)
+ PDDCaps_DX5 = ^TDDCaps_DX5;
+ _DDCAPS_DX5 = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of the DDDRIVERCAPS structure
+ dwCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities
+ dwCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilites
+ dwCKeyCaps: DWORD; // color key capabilities of the surface
+ dwFXCaps: DWORD; // driver specific stretching and effects capabilites
+ dwFXAlphaCaps: DWORD; // alpha driver specific capabilities
+ dwPalCaps: DWORD; // palette capabilities
+ dwSVCaps: DWORD; // stereo vision capabilities
+ dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8
+ dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwZBufferBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_8,16,24,32
+ dwVidMemTotal: DWORD; // total amount of video memory
+ dwVidMemFree: DWORD; // amount of free video memory
+ dwMaxVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // maximum number of visible overlays
+ dwCurrVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // current number of visible overlays
+ dwNumFourCCCodes: DWORD; // number of four cc codes
+ dwAlignBoundarySrc: DWORD; // source rectangle alignment
+ dwAlignSizeSrc: DWORD; // source rectangle byte size
+ dwAlignBoundaryDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle alignment
+ dwAlignSizeDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle byte size
+ dwAlignStrideAlign: DWORD; // stride alignment
+ dwRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported
+ ddsCaps: TDDSCaps; // TDDSCaps structure has all the general capabilities
+ dwMinOverlayStretch: DWORD; // minimum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxOverlayStretch: DWORD; // maximum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMinLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // minimum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // maximum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMinHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // minimum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // maximum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwReserved1: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwReserved2: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwReserved3: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwSVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwSVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwSVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwSVBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->Vmem blts
+ dwVSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for Vmem->System blts
+ dwVSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for Vmem->System blts
+ dwVSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for Vmem->System blts
+ dwVSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for Vmem->System blts
+ dwSSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->System blts
+ dwSSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->System blts
+ dwSSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->System blts
+ dwSSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->System blts
+ // Members added for DX5:
+ dwMaxVideoPorts: DWORD; // maximum number of usable video ports
+ dwCurrVideoPorts: DWORD; // current number of video ports used
+ dwSVBCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwNLVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for non-local->local vidmem blts
+ dwNLVBCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilities non-local->local vidmem blts
+ dwNLVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for non-local->local vidmem blts
+ dwNLVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for non-local->local blts
+ dwNLVBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported for non-local->local blts
+ end;
+ TDDCaps_DX5 = _DDCAPS_DX5;
+ PDDCaps_DX6 = ^TDDCaps_DX6;
+ _DDCAPS_DX6 = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of the DDDRIVERCAPS structure
+ dwCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities
+ dwCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilites
+ dwCKeyCaps: DWORD; // color key capabilities of the surface
+ dwFXCaps: DWORD; // driver specific stretching and effects capabilites
+ dwFXAlphaCaps: DWORD; // alpha driver specific capabilities
+ dwPalCaps: DWORD; // palette capabilities
+ dwSVCaps: DWORD; // stereo vision capabilities
+ dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8
+ dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8
+ dwZBufferBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_8,16,24,32
+ dwVidMemTotal: DWORD; // total amount of video memory
+ dwVidMemFree: DWORD; // amount of free video memory
+ dwMaxVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // maximum number of visible overlays
+ dwCurrVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // current number of visible overlays
+ dwNumFourCCCodes: DWORD; // number of four cc codes
+ dwAlignBoundarySrc: DWORD; // source rectangle alignment
+ dwAlignSizeSrc: DWORD; // source rectangle byte size
+ dwAlignBoundaryDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle alignment
+ dwAlignSizeDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle byte size
+ dwAlignStrideAlign: DWORD; // stride alignment
+ dwRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported
+ ddsOldCaps: TDDSCaps; // Was dssCaps: TDDSCaps. ddsCaps is of type TDDScaps2 for DX6
+ dwMinOverlayStretch: DWORD; // minimum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxOverlayStretch: DWORD; // maximum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMinLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // minimum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // maximum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMinHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // minimum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwMaxHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // maximum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3
+ dwReserved1: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwReserved2: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwReserved3: DWORD; // reserved
+ dwSVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwSVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwSVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwSVBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->Vmem blts
+ dwVSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for Vmem->System blts
+ dwVSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for Vmem->System blts
+ dwVSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for Vmem->System blts
+ dwVSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for Vmem->System blts
+ dwSSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->System blts
+ dwSSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->System blts
+ dwSSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->System blts
+ dwSSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->System blts
+ // Members added for DX5:
+ dwMaxVideoPorts: DWORD; // maximum number of usable video ports
+ dwCurrVideoPorts: DWORD; // current number of video ports used
+ dwSVBCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts
+ dwNLVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for non-local->local vidmem blts
+ dwNLVBCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilities non-local->local vidmem blts
+ dwNLVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for non-local->local vidmem blts
+ dwNLVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for non-local->local blts
+ dwNLVBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported for non-local->local blts
+ // Members added for DX6 release
+ ddsCaps : TDDSCaps2 ; // Surface Caps
+ end;
+ TDDCaps_DX6 = _DDCAPS_DX6;
+ _DDCAPS_DX7 = TDDCaps_DX6;
+ PDDCaps_DX7 = ^TDDCaps_DX7;
+ TDDCaps_DX7 = TDDCaps_DX6;
+ PDDCaps = PDDCaps_DX7;
+ TDDCaps = TDDCaps_DX7;
+ PDDCaps = PDDCaps_DX6;
+ TDDCaps = TDDCaps_DX6;
+ PDDCaps = PDDCaps_DX5;
+ TDDCaps = TDDCaps_DX5;
+ PDDCaps = PDDCaps_DX3;
+ TDDCaps = TDDCaps_DX3;
+ PDDCaps = PDDCaps_DX1;
+ TDDCaps = TDDCaps_DX1;
+ * TDDPixelFormat
+ *)
+ PDDPixelFormat = ^TDDPixelFormat;
+ _DDPIXELFORMAT = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of structure
+ dwFlags: DWORD; // pixel format flags
+ dwFourCC: DWORD; // (FOURCC code)
+ case Integer of
+ 1: (
+ dwRGBBitCount : DWORD; // how many bits per pixel
+ dwRBitMask : DWORD; // mask for red bit
+ dwGBitMask : DWORD; // mask for green bits
+ dwBBitMask : DWORD; // mask for blue bits
+ dwRGBAlphaBitMask : DWORD; // mask for alpha channel
+ );
+ 2: (
+ dwYUVBitCount : DWORD; // how many bits per pixel
+ dwYBitMask : DWORD; // mask for Y bits
+ dwUBitMask : DWORD; // mask for U bits
+ dwVBitMask : DWORD; // mask for V bits
+ dwYUVAlphaBitMask : DWORD; // mask for alpha channel
+ );
+ 3: (
+ dwZBufferBitDepth : DWORD; // how many total bits/pixel in z buffer (including any stencil bits)
+ dwStencilBitDepth : DWORD; // how many stencil bits (note: dwZBufferBitDepth-dwStencilBitDepth is total Z-only bits)
+ dwZBitMask : DWORD; // mask for Z bits
+ dwStencilBitMask : DWORD; // mask for stencil bits
+ dwLuminanceAlphaBitMask : DWORD; // mask for alpha channel
+ );
+ 4: (
+ dwAlphaBitDepth : DWORD; // how many bits for alpha channels
+ dwLuminanceBitMask : DWORD; // mask for luminance bits
+ dwBumpDvBitMask : DWORD; // mask for bump map V delta bits
+ dwBumpLuminanceBitMask : DWORD; // mask for luminance in bump map
+ dwRGBZBitMask : DWORD; // mask for Z channel
+ );
+ 5: (
+ dwLuminanceBitCount : DWORD; // how many bits per pixel
+ dwBumpDuBitMask : DWORD; // mask for bump map U delta bits
+ Fill1, Fill2 : DWORD;
+ dwYUVZBitMask : DWORD; // mask for Z channel
+ );
+ 6: ( dwBumpBitCount : DWORD; // how many bits per "buxel", total
+ );
+ end;
+ // These definitions are for compatibility with Erik Unger original conversion
+ PDDPixelFormat_DX3 = PDDPixelFormat;
+ TDDPixelFormat_DX3 = TDDPixelFormat;
+ PDDPixelFormat_DX5 = PDDPixelFormat;
+ TDDPixelFormat_DX5 = TDDPixelFormat;
+ PDDPixelFormat_DX6 = PDDPixelFormat;
+ TDDPixelFormat_DX6 = TDDPixelFormat;
+ PDDPixelFormat_DX7 = PDDPixelFormat;
+ TDDPixelFormat_DX7 = TDDPixelFormat;
+ * TDDOverlayFX
+ *)
+ PDDOverlayFX = ^TDDOverlayFX;
+ _DDOVERLAYFX = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of structure
+ dwAlphaEdgeBlendBitDepth: DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify constant for alpha edge blend
+ dwAlphaEdgeBlend: DWORD; // Constant to use as alpha for edge blend
+ dwReserved: DWORD;
+ dwAlphaDestConstBitDepth: DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for destination
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (
+ dwAlphaDestConst: DWORD; // Constant to use as alpha channel for dest
+ dwAlphaSrcConstBitDepth: DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for source
+ dwAlphaSrcConst: DWORD; // Constant to use as alpha channel for src
+ dckDestColorkey: TDDColorKey; // DestColorkey override
+ dckSrcColorkey: TDDColorKey; // DestColorkey override
+ dwDDFX: DWORD; // Overlay FX
+ dwFlags: DWORD; // flags
+ );
+ 1: (
+ lpDDSAlphaDest: ^PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as alpha channel for dest
+ filler: DWORD;
+ lpDDSAlphaSrc: ^PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as alpha channel for src
+ );
+ end;
+ * TDDBltBatch: BltBatch entry structure
+ *)
+ PDDBltBatch = ^TDDBltBatch;
+ _DDBLTBATCH = packed record
+ lprDest: PRect;
+ lpDDSSrc: IDirectDrawSurface;
+ lprSrc: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDBltFx: TDDBltFX;
+ end;
+ * TDDGammaRamp
+ *)
+ PDDGammaRamp = ^TDDGammaRamp;
+ _DDGAMMARAMP = packed record
+ red : array[0..255] of WORD;
+ green : array[0..255] of WORD;
+ blue : array[0..255] of WORD;
+ end;
+ * This is the structure within which DirectDraw returns data about the current graphics driver and chipset
+ *)
+ PDDDeviceIdentifier = ^TDDDeviceIdentifier;
+ tagDDDEVICEIDENTIFIER = packed record
+ //
+ // These elements are for presentation to the user only. They should not be used to identify particular
+ // drivers, since this is unreliable and many different strings may be associated with the same
+ // device, and the same driver from different vendors.
+ //
+ szDriver: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char;
+ szDescription: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char;
+ //
+ // This element is the version of the DirectDraw/3D driver. It is legal to do <, > comparisons
+ // on the whole 64 bits. Caution should be exercised if you use this element to identify problematic
+ // drivers. It is recommended that guidDeviceIdentifier is used for this purpose.
+ //
+ // This version has the form:
+ // wProduct = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart)
+ // wVersion = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart)
+ // wSubVersion = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart)
+ // wBuild = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart)
+ //
+ liDriverVersion: TLargeInteger; // Defined for applications and other 32 bit components
+ //
+ // These elements can be used to identify particular chipsets. Use with extreme caution.
+ // dwVendorId Identifies the manufacturer. May be zero if unknown.
+ // dwDeviceId Identifies the type of chipset. May be zero if unknown.
+ // dwSubSysId Identifies the subsystem, typically this means the particular board. May be zero if unknown.
+ // dwRevision Identifies the revision level of the chipset. May be zero if unknown.
+ //
+ dwVendorId: DWORD;
+ dwDeviceId: DWORD;
+ dwSubSysId: DWORD;
+ dwRevision: DWORD;
+ //
+ // This element can be used to check changes in driver/chipset. This GUID is a unique identifier for the
+ // driver/chipset pair. Use this element if you wish to track changes to the driver/chipset in order to
+ // reprofile the graphics subsystem.
+ // This element can also be used to identify particular problematic drivers.
+ //
+ guidDeviceIdentifier: TGUID;
+ end;
+ TDDDeviceIdentifier = tagDDDEVICEIDENTIFIER;
+ PDDDeviceIdentifier2 = ^TDDDeviceIdentifier2;
+ tagDDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2 = packed record
+ //
+ // These elements are for presentation to the user only. They should not be used to identify particular
+ // drivers, since this is unreliable and many different strings may be associated with the same
+ // device, and the same driver from different vendors.
+ //
+ szDriver: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char;
+ szDescription: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char;
+ //
+ // This element is the version of the DirectDraw/3D driver. It is legal to do <, > comparisons
+ // on the whole 64 bits. Caution should be exercised if you use this element to identify problematic
+ // drivers. It is recommended that guidDeviceIdentifier is used for this purpose.
+ //
+ // This version has the form:
+ // wProduct = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart)
+ // wVersion = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart)
+ // wSubVersion = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart)
+ // wBuild = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart)
+ //
+ liDriverVersion: TLargeInteger; // Defined for applications and other 32 bit components
+ //
+ // These elements can be used to identify particular chipsets. Use with extreme caution.
+ // dwVendorId Identifies the manufacturer. May be zero if unknown.
+ // dwDeviceId Identifies the type of chipset. May be zero if unknown.
+ // dwSubSysId Identifies the subsystem, typically this means the particular board. May be zero if unknown.
+ // dwRevision Identifies the revision level of the chipset. May be zero if unknown.
+ //
+ dwVendorId: DWORD;
+ dwDeviceId: DWORD;
+ dwSubSysId: DWORD;
+ dwRevision: DWORD;
+ //
+ // This element can be used to check changes in driver/chipset. This GUID is a unique identifier for the
+ // driver/chipset pair. Use this element if you wish to track changes to the driver/chipset in order to
+ // reprofile the graphics subsystem.
+ // This element can also be used to identify particular problematic drivers.
+ //
+ guidDeviceIdentifier: TGUID;
+ (*
+ * This element is used to determine the Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL)
+ * certification level for this driver/device pair.
+ *)
+ dwWHQLLevel: DWORD;
+ end;
+ TDDDeviceIdentifier2 = tagDDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2;
+ * callbacks
+ *)
+ TClipperCallback = function(lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper; hWnd: HWND;
+ Code: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$NODEFINE TClipperCallback}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef LPCLIPPERCALLBACK TClipperCallback;'}
+ TSurfacesStreamingCallback = function(arg: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$NODEFINE TSurfacesStreamingCallback}
+ * TDDSurfaceDesc
+ *)
+ PDDSurfaceDesc = ^TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ _DDSURFACEDESC = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDSurfaceDesc structure
+ dwFlags: DWORD; // determines what fields are valid
+ dwHeight: DWORD; // height of surface to be created
+ dwWidth: DWORD; // width of input surface
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (
+ dwLinearSize: DWORD; // unused at the moment
+ );
+ 1: (
+ lPitch: Longint; // distance to start of next line (return value only)
+ dwBackBufferCount: DWORD; // number of back buffers requested
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (
+ dwMipMapCount: DWORD; // number of mip-map levels requested
+ dwAlphaBitDepth: DWORD; // depth of alpha buffer requested
+ dwReserved: DWORD; // reserved
+ lpSurface: Pointer; // pointer to the associated surface memory
+ ddckCKDestOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination overlay use
+ ddckCKDestBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination blt use
+ ddckCKSrcOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for source overlay use
+ ddckCKSrcBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for source blt use
+ ddpfPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat; // pixel format description of the surface
+ ddsCaps: TDDSCaps; // direct draw surface capabilities
+ );
+ 1: (
+ dwZBufferBitDepth: DWORD; // depth of Z buffer requested
+ );
+ 2: (
+ dwRefreshRate: DWORD; // refresh rate (used when display mode is described)
+ );
+ );
+ end;
+ // These definitions are for compatibility with Erik Unger original conversion
+ PDDSurfaceDesc_DX5 = PDDSurfaceDesc;
+ TDDSurfaceDesc_DX5 = TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ PDDSurfaceDesc_DX6 = PDDSurfaceDesc;
+ TDDSurfaceDesc_DX6 = TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ * TDDSurfaceDesc2
+ *)
+ PDDSurfaceDesc2 = ^TDDSurfaceDesc2;
+ _DDSURFACEDESC2 = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDSurfaceDesc structure
+ dwFlags: DWORD; // determines what fields are valid
+ dwHeight: DWORD; // height of surface to be created
+ dwWidth: DWORD; // width of input surface
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (
+ lPitch : Longint; // distance to start of next line (return value only)
+ );
+ 1: (
+ dwLinearSize : DWORD; // Formless late-allocated optimized surface size
+ dwBackBufferCount: DWORD; // number of back buffers requested
+ case Integer of
+ 0: (
+ dwMipMapCount: DWORD; // number of mip-map levels requested
+ dwAlphaBitDepth: DWORD; // depth of alpha buffer requested
+ dwReserved: DWORD; // reserved
+ lpSurface: Pointer; // pointer to the associated surface memory
+ ddckCKDestOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination overlay use
+ ddckCKDestBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination blt use
+ ddckCKSrcOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for source overlay use
+ ddckCKSrcBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for source blt use
+ ddpfPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat; // pixel format description of the surface
+ ddsCaps: TDDSCaps2; // direct draw surface capabilities
+ dwTextureStage: DWORD; // stage in multitexture cascade
+ );
+ 1: (
+ dwRefreshRate: DWORD; // refresh rate (used when display mode is described)
+ );
+ );
+ end;
+ TDDSurfaceDesc2 = _DDSURFACEDESC2;
+ * TDDOptSurfaceDesc
+ *)
+ PDDOptSurfaceDesc = ^TDDOptSurfaceDesc;
+ _DDOPTSURFACEDESC = packed record
+ dwSize : DWORD; // size of the DDOPTSURFACEDESC structure
+ dwFlags : DWORD; // determines what fields are valid
+ ddSCaps : TDDSCaps2; // Common caps like: Memory type
+ ddOSCaps : TDDOSCaps; // Common caps like: Memory type
+ guid : TGUID; // Compression technique GUID
+ dwCompressionRatio : DWORD; // Compression ratio
+ end;
+ *)
+ PDDColorControl = ^TDDColorControl;
+ _DDCOLORCONTROL = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD;
+ dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lBrightness: Longint;
+ lContrast: Longint;
+ lHue: Longint;
+ lSaturation: Longint;
+ lSharpness: Longint;
+ lGamma: Longint;
+ lColorEnable: Longint;
+ dwReserved1: DWORD;
+ end;
+ * callbacks
+ *)
+ TDDEnumModesCallback = function (const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$NODEFINE TDDEnumModesCallback}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef LPCLIPPERCALLBACK TDDEnumModesCallback;'}
+ TDDEnumModesCallback2 = function (const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2;
+ lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$NODEFINE TDDEnumModesCallback2}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef LPDDENUMMODESCALLBACK2 TDDEnumModesCallback2;'}
+ TDDEnumSurfacesCallback = function (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface;
+ const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$NODEFINE TDDEnumSurfacesCallback}
+ TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2 = function (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4;
+ const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$NODEFINE TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef LPDDENUMSURFACESCALLBACK2 TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2;'}
+ TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7 = function (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7;
+ const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$NODEFINE TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7}
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef LPDDENUMSURFACESCALLBACK7 TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7;'}
+ * IDirectDraw
+ * IDirectDrawClipper
+ * IDirectDrawPalette
+ * IDirectDrawSurface
+ *)
+ * IDirectDraw
+ *)
+ IDirectDraw = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{6C14DB80-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}']
+ (*** IDirectDraw methods ***)
+ function Compact: HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreateClipper(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreatePalette(dwFlags: DWORD; lpColorTable: Pointer;
+ out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreateSurface(var lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ out lplpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DuplicateSurface(lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface;
+ out lplpDupDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumDisplayModes(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSurfaceDesc: PDDSurfaceDesc; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumModesCallback: TDDEnumModesCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumSurfaces(dwFlags: DWORD; const lpDDSD: TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function FlipToGDISurface: HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCaps(lpDDDriverCaps: PDDCaps; lpDDHELCaps: PDDCaps): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDisplayMode(out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFourCCCodes(var lpNumCodes: DWORD; lpCodes: PDWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetGDISurface(out lplpGDIDDSSurface: IDirectDrawSurface): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetMonitorFrequency(out lpdwFrequency: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetScanLine(out lpdwScanLine: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetVerticalBlankStatus(out lpbIsInVB: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpGUID: PGUID): HResult; stdcall;
+ function RestoreDisplayMode: HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Warning! SetDisplayMode differs between DirectDraw 1 and DirectDraw 2 ***)
+ function SetDisplayMode(dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD;
+ dwBpp: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function WaitForVerticalBlank(dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ IDirectDraw2 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{B3A6F3E0-2B43-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}']
+ (*** IDirectDraw methods ***)
+ function Compact: HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreateClipper(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreatePalette(dwFlags: DWORD; lpColorTable: Pointer;
+ out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreateSurface(var lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ out lplpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DuplicateSurface(lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface;
+ out lplpDupDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumDisplayModes(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSurfaceDesc: PDDSurfaceDesc; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumModesCallback: TDDEnumModesCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumSurfaces(dwFlags: DWORD; var lpDDSD: TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function FlipToGDISurface: HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCaps(lpDDDriverCaps: PDDCaps; lpDDHELCaps: PDDCaps): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDisplayMode(out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFourCCCodes(var lpNumCodes: DWORD; lpCodes: PDWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetGDISurface(out lplpGDIDDSSurface: IDirectDrawSurface): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetMonitorFrequency(out lpdwFrequency: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetScanLine(out lpdwScanLine: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetVerticalBlankStatus(out lpbIsInVB: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpGUID: PGUID): HResult; stdcall;
+ function RestoreDisplayMode: HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetDisplayMode(dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD; dwBPP: DWORD;
+ dwRefreshRate: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function WaitForVerticalBlank(dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the v2 interface ***)
+ function GetAvailableVidMem(var lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps;
+ out lpdwTotal, lpdwFree: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ IDirectDraw4 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{9c59509a-39bd-11d1-8c4a-00c04fd930c5}']
+ (*** IDirectDraw methods ***)
+ function Compact: HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreateClipper(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreatePalette(dwFlags: DWORD; lpColorTable: Pointer;
+ out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreateSurface(const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2;
+ out lplpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DuplicateSurface(lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4;
+ out lplpDupDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumDisplayModes(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSurfaceDesc: PDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumModesCallback: TDDEnumModesCallback2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumSurfaces(dwFlags: DWORD; const lpDDSD: TDDSurfaceDesc2;
+ lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2):
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function FlipToGDISurface: HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCaps(lpDDDriverCaps: PDDCaps; lpDDHELCaps: PDDCaps): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDisplayMode(out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFourCCCodes(var lpNumCodes: DWORD; lpCodes: PDWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetGDISurface(out lplpGDIDDSSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetMonitorFrequency(out lpdwFrequency: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetScanLine(out lpdwScanLine: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetVerticalBlankStatus(out lpbIsInVB: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpGUID: PGUID): HResult; stdcall;
+ function RestoreDisplayMode: HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetDisplayMode(dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD; dwBPP: DWORD;
+ dwRefreshRate: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function WaitForVerticalBlank(dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the v2 interface ***)
+ function GetAvailableVidMem(const lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2;
+ out lpdwTotal, lpdwFree: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the V4 Interface ***)
+ function GetSurfaceFromDC(hdc: Windows.HDC;
+ out lpDDS4: IDirectDrawSurface4): HResult; stdcall;
+ function RestoreAllSurfaces: HResult; stdcall;
+ function TestCooperativeLevel: HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDeviceIdentifier(out lpdddi: TDDDeviceIdentifier;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ IDirectDraw7 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{15e65ec0-3b9c-11d2-b92f-00609797ea5b}']
+ (*** IDirectDraw methods ***)
+ function Compact: HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreateClipper(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreatePalette(dwFlags: DWORD; lpColorTable: Pointer;
+ out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function CreateSurface(const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2;
+ out lplpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DuplicateSurface(lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7;
+ out lplpDupDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumDisplayModes(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSurfaceDesc: PDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumModesCallback: TDDEnumModesCallback2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumSurfaces(dwFlags: DWORD; const lpDDSD: TDDSurfaceDesc2;
+ lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function FlipToGDISurface: HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCaps(lpDDDriverCaps: PDDCaps; lpDDHELCaps: PDDCaps): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDisplayMode(out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFourCCCodes(var lpNumCodes: DWORD; lpCodes: PDWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetGDISurface(out lplpGDIDDSSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetMonitorFrequency(out lpdwFrequency: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetScanLine(out lpdwScanLine: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetVerticalBlankStatus(out lpbIsInVB: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpGUID: PGUID): HResult; stdcall;
+ function RestoreDisplayMode: HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetDisplayMode(dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD; dwBPP: DWORD;
+ dwRefreshRate: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function WaitForVerticalBlank(dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the v2 interface ***)
+ function GetAvailableVidMem(const lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2;
+ out lpdwTotal, lpdwFree: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the V4 Interface ***)
+ function GetSurfaceFromDC(hdc: Windows.HDC;
+ out lpDDS: IDirectDrawSurface7): HResult; stdcall;
+ function RestoreAllSurfaces: HResult; stdcall;
+ function TestCooperativeLevel: HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDeviceIdentifier(out lpdddi: TDDDeviceIdentifier2;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function StartModeTest(const lpModesToTest; dwNumEntries, dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EvaluateMode(dwFlags: DWORD; out pSecondsUntilTimeout: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ * IDirectDrawPalette
+ *)
+ IDirectDrawPalette = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{6C14DB84-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}']
+ (*** IDirectDrawPalette methods ***)
+ function GetCaps(out lpdwCaps: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetEntries(dwFlags: DWORD; dwBase: DWORD; dwNumEntries: DWORD;
+ lpEntries: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpDD: IDirectDraw; dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDColorTable: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetEntries(dwFlags: DWORD; dwStartingEntry: DWORD;
+ dwCount: DWORD; lpEntries: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ * IDirectDrawClipper
+ *)
+ IDirectDrawClipper = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{6C14DB85-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}']
+ (*** IDirectDrawClipper methods ***)
+ function GetClipList(lpRect: PRect; lpClipList: PRgnData;
+ var lpdwSize: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetHWnd(out lphWnd: HWND): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpDD: IDirectDraw; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function IsClipListChanged(out lpbChanged: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetClipList(lpClipList: PRgnData; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetHWnd(dwFlags: DWORD; hWnd: HWND): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ * IDirectDrawSurface and related interfaces
+ *)
+ IDirectDrawSurface = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{6C14DB81-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}']
+ (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***)
+ function AddAttachedSurface(lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function AddOverlayDirtyRect(const lpRect: TRect): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Blt(lpDestRect: PRect;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltBatch(const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltFast(dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwTrans: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DeleteAttachedSurface(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumAttachedSurfaces(lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumOverlayZOrders(dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Flip(lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetAttachedSurface(var lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps;
+ (*out*)var lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetBltStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCaps(out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetClipper(out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDC(out lphDC: HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFlipStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetOverlayPosition(out lplX, lplY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPalette(out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPixelFormat(out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetSurfaceDesc(out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpDD: IDirectDraw;
+ out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function IsLost: HResult; stdcall;
+ function Lock(lpDestRect: PRect; out lpDDSurfaceDesc:
+ TDDSurfaceDesc; dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle): HResult; stdcall;
+ function ReleaseDC(hDC: Windows.HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function _Restore: HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetClipper(lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetOverlayPosition(lX, lY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetPalette(lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Unlock(lpSurfaceData: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlay(lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; lpDestRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayDisplay(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayZOrder(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ * IDirectDrawSurface2 and related interfaces
+ *)
+ IDirectDrawSurface2 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{57805885-6eec-11cf-9441-a82303c10e27}']
+ (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***)
+ function AddAttachedSurface(lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function AddOverlayDirtyRect(const lpRect: TRect): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Blt(lpDestRect: PRect;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltBatch(const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltFast(dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwTrans: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DeleteAttachedSurface(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumAttachedSurfaces(lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumOverlayZOrders(dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Flip(lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface2;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetAttachedSurface(var lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps;
+ out lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetBltStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCaps(out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetClipper(out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDC(out lphDC: HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFlipStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetOverlayPosition(out lplX, lplY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPalette(out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPixelFormat(out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetSurfaceDesc(out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpDD: IDirectDraw;
+ out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function IsLost: HResult; stdcall;
+ function Lock(lpDestRect: PRect;
+ out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; dwFlags: DWORD;
+ hEvent: THandle): HResult; stdcall;
+ function ReleaseDC(hDC: Windows.HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function _Restore: HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetClipper(lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetOverlayPosition(lX, lY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetPalette(lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Unlock(lpSurfaceData: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlay(lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2; lpDestRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayDisplay(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayZOrder(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface2): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the v2 interface ***)
+ function GetDDInterface(var lplpDD: IDirectDraw): HResult; stdcall;
+ function PageLock(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function PageUnlock(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ IDirectDrawSurface3 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{DA044E00-69B2-11D0-A1D5-00AA00B8DFBB}']
+ (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***)
+ function AddAttachedSurface(lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function AddOverlayDirtyRect(const lpRect: TRect): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Blt(lpDestRect: PRect;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltBatch(const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltFast(dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwTrans: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DeleteAttachedSurface(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumAttachedSurfaces(lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumOverlayZOrders(dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Flip(lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface3;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetAttachedSurface(var lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps;
+ out lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetBltStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCaps(out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetClipper(out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDC(out lphDC: HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFlipStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetOverlayPosition(out lplX, lplY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPalette(out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPixelFormat(out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetSurfaceDesc(out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpDD: IDirectDraw;
+ out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function IsLost: HResult; stdcall;
+ function Lock(lpDestRect: PRect;
+ out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; dwFlags: DWORD;
+ hEvent: THandle): HResult; stdcall;
+ function ReleaseDC(hDC: Windows.HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function _Restore: HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetClipper(lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetOverlayPosition(lX, lY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetPalette(lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Unlock(lpSurfaceData: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlay(lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3; lpDestRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayDisplay(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayZOrder(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface3): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the v2 interface ***)
+ function GetDDInterface(out lplpDD: IDirectDraw): HResult; stdcall;
+ function PageLock(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function PageUnlock(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the V3 interface ***)
+ function SetSurfaceDesc(const lpddsd: TDDSurfaceDesc; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ * IDirectDrawSurface4 and related interfaces
+ *)
+ IDirectDrawSurface4 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{0B2B8630-AD35-11D0-8EA6-00609797EA5B}']
+ (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***)
+ function AddAttachedSurface(lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function AddOverlayDirtyRect(const lpRect: TRect): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Blt(lpDestRect: PRect;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltBatch(const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltFast(dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwTrans: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DeleteAttachedSurface(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumAttachedSurfaces(lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumOverlayZOrders(dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Flip(lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface4;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetAttachedSurface(const lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2;
+ out lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetBltStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCaps(out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetClipper(out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDC(out lphDC: HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFlipStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetOverlayPosition(out lplX, lplY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPalette(out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPixelFormat(out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetSurfaceDesc(out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpDD: IDirectDraw;
+ out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function IsLost: HResult; stdcall;
+ function Lock(lpDestRect: PRect;
+ out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; dwFlags: DWORD;
+ hEvent: THandle): HResult; stdcall;
+ function ReleaseDC(hDC: Windows.HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function _Restore: HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetClipper(lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetOverlayPosition(lX, lY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetPalette(lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Unlock(lpRect: PRect): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlay(lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4; lpDestRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayDisplay(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayZOrder(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface4): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the v2 interface ***)
+ function GetDDInterface(out lplpDD: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function PageLock(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function PageUnlock(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the V3 interface ***)
+ function SetSurfaceDesc(const lpddsd2: TDDSurfaceDesc2; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the v4 interface ***)
+ function SetPrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID; lpData: Pointer;
+ cbSize: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID; lpBuffer: Pointer;
+ var lpcbBufferSize: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function FreePrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetUniquenessValue(out lpValue: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function ChangeUniquenessValue: HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ IDirectDrawSurface7 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{06675a80-3b9b-11d2-b92f-00609797ea5b}']
+ (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***)
+ function AddAttachedSurface(lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function AddOverlayDirtyRect(const lpRect: TRect): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Blt(lpDestRect: PRect;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltBatch(const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function BltFast(dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD;
+ lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7; lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ dwTrans: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DeleteAttachedSurface(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumAttachedSurfaces(lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumOverlayZOrders(dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Flip(lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface7;
+ dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetAttachedSurface(const lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2;
+ out lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetBltStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCaps(out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetClipper(out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDC(out lphDC: HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFlipStatus(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetOverlayPosition(out lplX, lplY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPalette(out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPixelFormat(out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetSurfaceDesc(out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Initialize(lpDD: IDirectDraw;
+ out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2): HResult; stdcall;
+ function IsLost: HResult; stdcall;
+ function Lock(lpDestRect: PRect;
+ out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; dwFlags: DWORD;
+ hEvent: THandle): HResult; stdcall;
+ function ReleaseDC(hDC: Windows.HDC): HResult; stdcall;
+ function _Restore: HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetClipper(lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetColorKey(dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) :
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetOverlayPosition(lX, lY: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetPalette(lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Unlock(lpRect: PRect): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlay(lpSrcRect: PRect;
+ lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7; lpDestRect: PRect;
+ dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayDisplay(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateOverlayZOrder(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface7): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the v2 interface ***)
+ function GetDDInterface(out lplpDD: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function PageLock(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function PageUnlock(dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the V3 interface ***)
+ function SetSurfaceDesc(const lpddsd2: TDDSurfaceDesc2; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Added in the v4 interface ***)
+ function SetPrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID; lpData: Pointer;
+ cbSize: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID; lpBuffer: Pointer;
+ var lpcbBufferSize: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function FreePrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetUniquenessValue(out lpValue: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function ChangeUniquenessValue: HResult; stdcall;
+ (*** Moved Texture7 methods here ***)
+ function SetPriority(dwPriority: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPriority(out lpdwPriority: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetLOD(dwMaxLOD: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetLOD(out lpdwMaxLOD: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ IDirectDrawColorControl = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{4B9F0EE0-0D7E-11D0-9B06-00A0C903A3B8}']
+ function GetColorControls(out lpColorControl: TDDColorControl): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetColorControls(const lpColorControl: TDDColorControl): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ * IDirectDrawGammaControl
+ *)
+ IDirectDrawGammaControl = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{69C11C3E-B46B-11D1-AD7A-00C04FC29B4E}']
+ function GetGammaRamp(dwFlags: DWORD; out lpRampData: TDDGammaRamp): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetGammaRamp(dwFlags: DWORD; const lpRampData: TDDGammaRamp): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ IID_IDirectDraw = IDirectDraw;
+ IID_IDirectDraw2 = IDirectDraw2;
+ IID_IDirectDraw4 = IDirectDraw4;
+ IID_IDirectDraw7 = IDirectDraw7;
+ IID_IDirectDrawSurface = IDirectDrawSurface;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawSurface}
+ IID_IDirectDrawSurface2 = IDirectDrawSurface2;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawSurface2}
+ IID_IDirectDrawSurface3 = IDirectDrawSurface3;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawSurface3}
+ IID_IDirectDrawSurface4 = IDirectDrawSurface4;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawSurface4}
+ IID_IDirectDrawSurface7 = IDirectDrawSurface7;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawSurface7}
+ IID_IDirectDrawPalette = IDirectDrawPalette;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawPalette}
+ IID_IDirectDrawClipper = IDirectDrawClipper;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawClipper}
+ IID_IDirectDrawColorControl = IDirectDrawColorControl;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawColorControl}
+ IID_IDirectDrawGammaControl = IDirectDrawGammaControl;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawGammaControl}
+ * ddsCaps field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_CAPS = $00000001; // default
+ * dwHeight field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_HEIGHT = $00000002;
+ * dwWidth field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_WIDTH = $00000004;
+ * lPitch is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_PITCH = $00000008;
+ * dwBackBufferCount is valid.
+ *)
+ * dwZBufferBitDepth is valid. (shouldnt be used in DDSURFACEDESC2)
+ *)
+ * dwAlphaBitDepth is valid.
+ *)
+ * lpSurface is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_LPSURFACE = $00000800;
+ * ddpfPixelFormat is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_PIXELFORMAT = $00001000;
+ * ddckCKDestOverlay is valid.
+ *)
+ * ddckCKDestBlt is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_CKDESTBLT = $00004000;
+ * ddckCKSrcOverlay is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_CKSRCOVERLAY = $00008000;
+ * ddckCKSrcBlt is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_CKSRCBLT = $00010000;
+ * dwMipMapCount is valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT = $00020000;
+ (*
+ * dwRefreshRate is valid
+ *)
+ DDSD_REFRESHRATE = $00040000;
+ * dwLinearSize is valid
+ *)
+ DDSD_LINEARSIZE = $00080000;
+ * dwTextureStage is valid
+ *)
+ DDSD_TEXTURESTAGE = $00100000;
+ * dwFVF is valid
+ *)
+ DDSD_FVF = $00200000;
+ * dwSrcVBHandle is valid
+ *)
+ DDSD_SRCVBHANDLE = $00400000;
+ * dwDepth is valid
+ *)
+ DDSD_DEPTH = $00800000;
+ * All input fields are valid.
+ *)
+ DDSD_ALL = $00fff9ee;
+ * guid field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDOSD_GUID = $00000001;
+ * dwCompressionRatio field is valid.
+ *)
+ * ddSCaps field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDOSD_SCAPS = $00000004;
+ * ddOSCaps field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDOSD_OSCAPS = $00000008;
+ * All input fields are valid.
+ *)
+ DDOSD_ALL = $0000000f;
+ * The surface's optimized pixelformat is compressed
+ *)
+ * The surface's optimized pixelformat is reordered
+ *)
+ * The opt surface is a monolithic mipmap
+ *)
+ * The valid Surf caps:
+ * DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY = $00004000;
+ * DDSCAPS_LOCALVIDMEM = $10000000;
+ *)
+ * The valid OptSurf caps
+ *)
+ *)
+ * lBrightness field is valid.
+ *)
+ * lContrast field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDCOLOR_CONTRAST = $00000002;
+ * lHue field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDCOLOR_HUE = $00000004;
+ * lSaturation field is valid.
+ *)
+ * lSharpness field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDCOLOR_SHARPNESS = $00000010;
+ * lGamma field is valid.
+ *)
+ DDCOLOR_GAMMA = $00000020;
+ * lColorEnable field is valid.
+ *)
+ *
+ * Direct Draw Capability Flags
+ *
+ * These flags are used to describe the capabilities of a given Surface.
+ * All flags are bit flags.
+ *
+ *==========================================================================*)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * This bit currently has no meaning.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_RESERVED1 = $00000001;
+ * Indicates that this surface contains alpha-only information.
+ * (To determine if a surface is RGBA/YUVA, the pixel format must be
+ * interrogated.)
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_ALPHA = $00000002;
+ * Indicates that this surface is a backbuffer. It is generally
+ * set by CreateSurface when the DDSCAPS_FLIP capability bit is set.
+ * It indicates that this surface is THE back buffer of a surface
+ * flipping structure. DirectDraw supports N surfaces in a
+ * surface flipping structure. Only the surface that immediately
+ * precedeces the DDSCAPS_FRONTBUFFER has this capability bit set.
+ * The other surfaces are identified as back buffers by the presence
+ * of the DDSCAPS_FLIP capability, their attachment order, and the
+ * capabilities. The bit is sent to CreateSurface when a standalone
+ * back buffer is being created. This surface could be attached to
+ * a front buffer and/or back buffers to form a flipping surface
+ * structure after the CreateSurface call. See AddAttachments for
+ * a detailed description of the behaviors in this case.
+ *)
+ * Indicates a complex surface structure is being described. A
+ * complex surface structure results in the creation of more than
+ * one surface. The additional surfaces are attached to the root
+ * surface. The complex structure can only be destroyed by
+ * destroying the root.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_COMPLEX = $00000008;
+ * Indicates that this surface is a part of a surface flipping structure.
+ * When it is passed to CreateSurface the DDSCAPS_FRONTBUFFER and
+ * DDSCAP_BACKBUFFER bits are not set. They are set by CreateSurface
+ * on the resulting creations. The dwBackBufferCount field in the
+ * TDDSurfaceDesc structure must be set to at least 1 in order for
+ * the CreateSurface call to succeed. The DDSCAPS_COMPLEX capability
+ * must always be set with creating multiple surfaces through CreateSurface.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_FLIP = $00000010;
+ * Indicates that this surface is THE front buffer of a surface flipping
+ * structure. It is generally set by CreateSurface when the DDSCAPS_FLIP
+ * capability bit is set.
+ * If this capability is sent to CreateSurface then a standalonw front buffer
+ * is created. This surface will not have the DDSCAPS_FLIP capability.
+ * It can be attached to other back buffers to form a flipping structure.
+ * See AddAttachments for a detailed description of the behaviors in this
+ * case.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that this surface is any offscreen surface that is not an overlay,
+ * texture, zbuffer, front buffer, back buffer, or alpha surface. It is used
+ * to identify plain vanilla surfaces.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that this surface is an overlay. It may or may not be directly visible
+ * depending on whether or not it is currently being overlayed onto the primary
+ * surface. DDSCAPS_VISIBLE can be used to determine whether or not it is being
+ * overlayed at the moment.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_OVERLAY = $00000080;
+ * Indicates that unique DirectDrawPalette objects can be created and
+ * attached to this surface.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_PALETTE = $00000100;
+ * Indicates that this surface is the primary surface. The primary
+ * surface represents what the user is seeing at the moment.
+ *)
+ * This flag used to be DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACELEFT, which is now
+ * obsolete.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_RESERVED3 = $00000400;
+ * Indicates that this surface memory was allocated in system memory
+ *)
+ * Indicates that this surface can be used as a 3D texture. It does not
+ * indicate whether or not the surface is being used for that purpose.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_TEXTURE = $00001000;
+ * Indicates that a surface may be a destination for 3D rendering. This
+ * bit must be set in order to query for a Direct3D Device Interface
+ * from this surface.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE = $00002000;
+ * Indicates that this surface exists in video memory.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that changes made to this surface are immediately visible.
+ * It is always set for the primary surface and is set for overlays while
+ * they are being overlayed and texture maps while they are being textured.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_VISIBLE = $00008000;
+ * Indicates that only writes are permitted to the surface. Read accesses
+ * from the surface may or may not generate a protection fault, but the
+ * results of a read from this surface will not be meaningful. READ ONLY.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_WRITEONLY = $00010000;
+ * Indicates that this surface is a z buffer. A z buffer does not contain
+ * displayable information. Instead it contains bit depth information that is
+ * used to determine which pixels are visible and which are obscured.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER = $00020000;
+ * Indicates surface will have a DC associated long term
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_OWNDC = $00040000;
+ * Indicates surface should be able to receive live video
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_LIVEVIDEO = $00080000;
+ * Indicates surface should be able to have a stream decompressed
+ * to it by the hardware.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_HWCODEC = $00100000;
+ * Surface is a ModeX surface.
+ *
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_MODEX = $00200000;
+ * Indicates surface is one level of a mip-map. This surface will
+ * be attached to other DDSCAPS_MIPMAP surfaces to form the mip-map.
+ * This can be done explicitly, by creating a number of surfaces and
+ * attaching them with AddAttachedSurface or by implicitly by CreateSurface.
+ * If this bit is set then DDSCAPS_TEXTURE must also be set.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_MIPMAP = $00400000;
+ * This bit is reserved. It should not be specified.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_RESERVED2 = $00800000;
+ * Indicates that memory for the surface is not allocated until the surface
+ * is loaded (via the Direct3D texture Load() function).
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the surface will recieve data from a video port.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_VIDEOPORT = $08000000;
+ * Indicates that a video memory surface is resident in true, local video
+ * memory rather than non-local video memory. If this flag is specified then
+ * so must DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY. This flag is mutually exclusive with
+ *)
+ * Indicates that a video memory surface is resident in non-local video
+ * memory rather than true, local video memory. If this flag is specified
+ * then so must DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY. This flag is mutually exclusive with
+ *)
+ * Indicates that this surface is a standard VGA mode surface, and not a
+ * ModeX surface. (This flag will never be set in combination with the
+ * DDSCAPS_MODEX flag).
+ *)
+ * Indicates that this surface will be an optimized surface. This flag is
+ * currently only valid in conjunction with the DDSCAPS_TEXTURE flag. The surface
+ * will be created without any underlying video memory until loaded.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS_OPTIMIZED = $80000000;
+ * This bit is reserved
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS2_RESERVED4 = $00000002;
+ * Indicates to the driver that this surface will be locked very frequently
+ * (for procedural textures, dynamic lightmaps, etc). Surfaces with this cap
+ * set must also have DDSCAPS_TEXTURE. This cap cannot be used with
+ *)
+ * Indicates to the driver that this surface can be re-ordered/retiled on
+ * load. This operation will not change the size of the texture. It is
+ * relatively fast and symmetrical, since the application may lock these
+ * bits (although it will take a performance hit when doing so). Surfaces
+ * with this cap set must also have DDSCAPS_TEXTURE. This cap cannot be
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS2_HINTSTATIC = $00000008;
+ * Indicates that the client would like this texture surface to be managed by the
+ * DirectDraw/Direct3D runtime. Surfaces with this cap set must also have
+ *)
+ * These bits are reserved for internal use *)
+ DDSCAPS2_RESERVED1 = $00000020;
+ DDSCAPS2_RESERVED2 = $00000040;
+ * Indicates to the driver that this surface will never be locked again.
+ * The driver is free to optimize this surface via retiling and actual compression.
+ * All calls to Lock() or Blts from this surface will fail. Surfaces with this
+ * cap set must also have DDSCAPS_TEXTURE. This cap cannot be used with
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS2_OPAQUE = $00000080;
+ * Applications should set this bit at CreateSurface time to indicate that they
+ * intend to use antialiasing. Only valid if DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE is also set.
+ *)
+ * This flag is used at CreateSurface time to indicate that this set of
+ * surfaces is a cubic environment map
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP = $00000200;
+ * These flags preform two functions:
+ * - At CreateSurface time, they define which of the six cube faces are
+ * required by the application.
+ * - After creation, each face in the cubemap will have exactly one of these
+ * bits set.
+ *)
+ * This macro may be used to specify all faces of a cube map at CreateSurface time
+ *)
+ * This flag is an additional flag which is present on mipmap sublevels from DX7 onwards
+ * It enables easier use of GetAttachedSurface rather than EnumAttachedSurfaces for surface
+ * constructs such as Cube Maps, wherein there are more than one mipmap surface attached
+ * to the root surface.
+ * This caps bit is ignored by CreateSurface
+ *)
+(* This flag indicates that the texture should be managed by D3D only *)
+(* This flag indicates that the managed surface can be safely lost *)
+(* indicates that this surface is part of a stereo flipping chain *)
+ * Indicates that the surface is a volume.
+ * Can be combined with DDSCAPS_MIPMAP to indicate a multi-level volume
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS2_VOLUME = $00200000;
+ * Indicates that the surface may be locked multiple times by the application.
+ * This cap cannot be used with DDSCAPS2_OPAQUE.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the vertex buffer data can be used to render points and
+ * point sprites.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS2_POINTS = $00800000;
+ * Indicates that the vertex buffer data can be used to render rt pactches.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS2_RTPATCHES = $01000000;
+ * Indicates that the vertex buffer data can be used to render n patches.
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS2_NPATCHES = $02000000;
+ * This bit is reserved for internal use
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS2_RESERVED3 = $04000000;
+ * Indicates that the contents of the backbuffer do not have to be preserved
+ * the contents of the backbuffer after they are presented.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that all surfaces in this creation chain should be given an alpha channel.
+ * This flag will be set on primary surface chains that may have no explicit pixel format
+ * (and thus take on the format of the current display mode).
+ * The driver should infer that all these surfaces have a format having an alpha channel.
+ * (e.g. assume D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 if the display mode is x888.)
+ *)
+ * Indicates that all surfaces in this creation chain is extended primary surface format.
+ * This flag will be set on extended primary surface chains that always have explicit pixel
+ * format and the pixel format is typically GDI (Graphics Device Interface) couldn't handle,
+ * thus only used with fullscreen application. (e.g. D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10 format)
+ *)
+ * Indicates that all surfaces in this creation chain is additional primary surface.
+ * This flag will be set on primary surface chains which must present on the adapter
+ * id provided on dwCaps4. Typically this will be used to create secondary primary surface
+ * on DualView display adapter.
+ *)
+ * This is a mask that indicates the set of bits that may be set
+ * at createsurface time to indicate number of samples per pixel
+ * when multisampling
+ *)
+ * This is a mask that indicates the set of bits that may be set
+ * at createsurface time to indicate the quality level of rendering
+ * for the current number of samples per pixel
+ *)
+ * This bit is reserved for internal use
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS3_RESERVED1 = $00000100;
+ * This bit is reserved for internal use
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS3_RESERVED2 = $00000200;
+ * This indicates whether this surface has light-weight miplevels
+ *)
+ * This indicates that the mipsublevels for this surface are auto-generated
+ *)
+ * This indicates that the mipsublevels for this surface are auto-generated
+ *)
+ DDSCAPS3_DMAP = $00001000;
+ (****************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Display hardware has 3D acceleration.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_3D = $00000001;
+ * Indicates that DirectDraw will support only dest rectangles that are aligned
+ * on DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignBoundaryDest boundaries of the surface, respectively.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that DirectDraw will support only source rectangles whose sizes in
+ * BYTEs are DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignSizeDest multiples, respectively. READ ONLY.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that DirectDraw will support only source rectangles that are aligned
+ * on DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignBoundarySrc boundaries of the surface, respectively.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that DirectDraw will support only source rectangles whose sizes in
+ * BYTEs are DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignSizeSrc multiples, respectively. READ ONLY.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that DirectDraw will create video memory surfaces that have a stride
+ * alignment equal to DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignStride. READ ONLY.
+ *)
+ * Display hardware is capable of blt operations.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_BLT = $00000040;
+ * Display hardware is capable of asynchronous blt operations.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_BLTQUEUE = $00000080;
+ * Display hardware is capable of color space conversions during the blt operation.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_BLTFOURCC = $00000100;
+ * Display hardware is capable of stretching during blt operations.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH = $00000200;
+ * Display hardware is shared with GDI.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_GDI = $00000400;
+ * Display hardware can overlay.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_OVERLAY = $00000800;
+ * Set if display hardware supports overlays but can not clip them.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that overlay hardware is capable of color space conversions during
+ * the overlay operation.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that stretching can be done by the overlay hardware.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that unique DirectDrawPalettes can be created for DirectDrawSurfaces
+ * other than the primary surface.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_PALETTE = $00008000;
+ * Indicates that palette changes can be syncd with the veritcal refresh.
+ *)
+ * Display hardware can return the current scan line.
+ *)
+ * This flag used to bo DDCAPS_STEREOVIEW, which is now obsolete
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_RESERVED1 = $00040000;
+ * Display hardware is capable of generating a vertical blank interrupt.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_VBI = $00080000;
+ * Supports the use of z buffers with blt operations.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_ZBLTS = $00100000;
+ * Supports Z Ordering of overlays.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_ZOVERLAYS = $00200000;
+ * Supports color key
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_COLORKEY = $00400000;
+ * Supports alpha surfaces
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_ALPHA = $00800000;
+ * colorkey is hardware assisted(DDCAPS_COLORKEY will also be set)
+ *)
+ * no hardware support at all
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_NOHARDWARE = $02000000;
+ * Display hardware is capable of color fill with bltter
+ *)
+ * Display hardware is bank switched, and potentially very slow at
+ * random access to VRAM.
+ *)
+ * Display hardware is capable of depth filling Z-buffers with bltter
+ *)
+ * Display hardware is capable of clipping while bltting.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS_CANCLIP = $20000000;
+ * Display hardware is capable of clipping while stretch bltting.
+ *)
+ * Display hardware is capable of bltting to or from system memory
+ *)
+ (****************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Display hardware is certified
+ *)
+ DDCAPS2_CERTIFIED = $00000001;
+ * Driver cannot interleave 2D operations (lock and blt) to surfaces with
+ * Direct3D rendering operations between calls to BeginScene() and EndScene()
+ *)
+ * Display hardware contains a video port
+ *)
+ DDCAPS2_VIDEOPORT = $00000004;
+ * The overlay can be automatically flipped according to the video port
+ * VSYNCs, providing automatic doubled buffered display of video port
+ * data using an overlay
+ *)
+ * Overlay can display each field of interlaced data individually while
+ * it is interleaved in memory without causing jittery artifacts.
+ *)
+ * Overlay can display each field of interlaced data individually while
+ * it is not interleaved in memory without causing jittery artifacts.
+ *)
+ * The overlay surface contains color controls (brightness, sharpness, etc.)
+ *)
+ * The primary surface contains color controls (gamma, etc.)
+ *)
+ * RGBZ -> RGB supported for 16:16 RGB:Z
+ *)
+ DDCAPS2_CANDROPZ16BIT = $00000100;
+ * Driver supports non-local video memory.
+ *)
+ * Dirver supports non-local video memory but has different capabilities for
+ * non-local video memory surfaces. If this bit is set then so must
+ *)
+ * Driver neither requires nor prefers surfaces to be pagelocked when performing
+ * blts involving system memory surfaces
+ *)
+ * Driver can create surfaces which are wider than the primary surface
+ *)
+ * Driver supports bob without using a video port by handling the
+ * DDFLIP_ODD and DDFLIP_EVEN flags specified in Flip.
+ *)
+ * Driver supports bob using hardware
+ *)
+ * Driver supports bltting any FOURCC surface to another surface of the same FOURCC
+ *)
+ DDCAPS2_COPYFOURCC = $00008000;
+ * Driver supports loadable gamma ramps for the primary surface
+ *)
+ * Driver can render in windowed mode.
+ *)
+ * A calibrator is available to adjust the gamma ramp according to the
+ * physical display properties so that the result will be identical on
+ * all calibrated systems.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the driver will respond to DDFLIP_INTERVALn flags
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the driver will respond to DDFLIP_NOVSYNC
+ *)
+ DDCAPS2_FLIPNOVSYNC = $00400000;
+ * Driver supports management of video memory, if this flag is ON,
+ * driver manages the texture if requested with DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE on
+ * DirectX manages the texture if this flag is OFF and surface has DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE on
+ *)
+ * The Direct3D texture manager uses this cap to decide whether to put managed
+ * surfaces in non-local video memory. If the cap is set, the texture manager will
+ * put managed surfaces in non-local vidmem. Drivers that cannot texture from
+ * local vidmem SHOULD NOT set this cap.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the driver supports DX7 type of stereo in at least one mode (which may
+ * not necessarily be the current mode). Applications should use IDirectDraw7 (or higher)
+ * ::EnumDisplayModes and check the DDSURFACEDESC.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 field for the presence of
+ * DDSCAPS2_STEREOSURFACELEFT to check if a particular mode supports stereo. The application
+ * can also use IDirectDraw7(or higher)::GetDisplayMode to check the current mode.
+ *)
+ DDCAPS2_STEREO = $02000000;
+ * This caps bit is intended for internal DirectDraw use.
+ * -It is only valid if DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEMCAPS is set.
+ * -If this bit is set, then DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM MUST be set by the driver (and
+ * all the assoicated system memory blt caps must be correct).
+ * -It implies that the system->video blt caps in DDCAPS also apply to system to
+ * nonlocal blts. I.e. the dwSVBCaps, dwSVBCKeyCaps, dwSVBFXCaps and dwSVBRops
+ * members of DDCAPS (DDCORECAPS) are filled in correctly.
+ * -Any blt from system to nonlocal memory that matches these caps bits will
+ * be passed to the driver.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is intended to enable the driver itself to do efficient reordering
+ * of textures. This is NOT meant to imply that hardware can write into AGP memory.
+ * This operation is not currently supported.
+ *)
+ *)
+ DDCAPS2_RESERVED1 = $08000000;
+ * Driver supports management of video memory, if this flag is ON,
+ * driver manages the resource if requested with DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE on
+ * DirectX manages the resource if this flag is OFF and surface has DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE on
+ *)
+ * Driver supports dynamic textures. This will allow the application to set
+ * D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC (DDSCAPS2_HINTDYNAMIC for drivers) at texture create time.
+ * Video memory dynamic textures WILL be lockable by applications. It is
+ * expected that these locks will be very efficient (which implies that the
+ * driver should always maintain a linear copy, a pointer to which can be
+ * quickly handed out to the application).
+ *)
+ * Driver supports auto-generation of mipmaps.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Supports alpha blending around the edge of a source color keyed surface.
+ * For Blt.
+ *)
+ * Supports alpha information in the pixel format. The bit depth of alpha
+ * information in the pixel format can be 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value becomes
+ * more opaque as the alpha value increases. (0 is transparent.)
+ * For Blt.
+ *)
+ * Supports alpha information in the pixel format. The bit depth of alpha
+ * information in the pixel format can be 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value
+ * becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque.)
+ * This flag can only be set if DDCAPS_ALPHA is set.
+ * For Blt.
+ *)
+ * Supports alpha only surfaces. The bit depth of an alpha only surface can be
+ * 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more opaque as the alpha value increases.
+ * (0 is transparent.)
+ * For Blt.
+ *)
+ * The depth of the alpha channel data can range can be 1,2,4, or 8.
+ * The NEG suffix indicates that this alpha channel becomes more transparent
+ * as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque.) This flag can only be set if
+ * DDCAPS_ALPHA is set.
+ * For Blt.
+ *)
+ * Supports alpha blending around the edge of a source color keyed surface.
+ * For Overlays.
+ *)
+ * Supports alpha information in the pixel format. The bit depth of alpha
+ * information in the pixel format can be 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value becomes
+ * more opaque as the alpha value increases. (0 is transparent.)
+ * For Overlays.
+ *)
+ * Supports alpha information in the pixel format. The bit depth of alpha
+ * information in the pixel format can be 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value
+ * becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque.)
+ * This flag can only be set if DDCAPS_ALPHA is set.
+ * For Overlays.
+ *)
+ * Supports alpha only surfaces. The bit depth of an alpha only surface can be
+ * 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more opaque as the alpha value increases.
+ * (0 is transparent.)
+ * For Overlays.
+ *)
+ * The depth of the alpha channel data can range can be 1,2,4, or 8.
+ * The NEG suffix indicates that this alpha channel becomes more transparent
+ * as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque.) This flag can only be set if
+ * DDCAPS_ALPHA is set.
+ * For Overlays.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Uses arithmetic operations to stretch and shrink surfaces during blt
+ * rather than pixel doubling techniques. Along the Y axis.
+ *)
+ * Uses arithmetic operations to stretch during blt
+ * rather than pixel doubling techniques. Along the Y axis. Only
+ * works for x1, x2, etc.
+ *)
+ * Supports mirroring left to right in blt.
+ *)
+ * Supports mirroring top to bottom in blt.
+ *)
+ * Supports arbitrary rotation for blts.
+ *)
+ * Supports 90 degree rotations for blts.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the
+ * x axis (horizontal direction) for blts.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports integer shrinking (1x,2x,) of a surface
+ * along the x axis (horizontal direction) for blts.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the
+ * y axis (horizontal direction) for blts.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports integer shrinking (1x,2x,) of a surface
+ * along the y axis (vertical direction) for blts.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the
+ * x axis (horizontal direction) for blts.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports integer stretching (1x,2x,) of a surface
+ * along the x axis (horizontal direction) for blts.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the
+ * y axis (horizontal direction) for blts.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports integer stretching (1x,2x,) of a surface
+ * along the y axis (vertical direction) for blts.
+ *)
+ * Uses arithmetic operations to stretch and shrink surfaces during
+ * overlay rather than pixel doubling techniques. Along the Y axis
+ * for overlays.
+ *)
+ * Uses arithmetic operations to stretch surfaces during
+ * overlay rather than pixel doubling techniques. Along the Y axis
+ * for overlays. Only works for x1, x2, etc.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the
+ * x axis (horizontal direction) for overlays.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports integer shrinking (1x,2x,) of a surface
+ * along the x axis (horizontal direction) for overlays.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the
+ * y axis (horizontal direction) for overlays.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports integer shrinking (1x,2x,) of a surface
+ * along the y axis (vertical direction) for overlays.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the
+ * x axis (horizontal direction) for overlays.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports integer stretching (1x,2x,) of a surface
+ * along the x axis (horizontal direction) for overlays.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the
+ * y axis (horizontal direction) for overlays.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports integer stretching (1x,2x,) of a surface
+ * along the y axis (vertical direction) for overlays.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports mirroring of overlays across the vertical axis
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports mirroring of overlays across the horizontal axis
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw supports deinterlacing of overlay surfaces
+ *)
+ * Driver can do alpha blending for blits.
+ *)
+ DDFXCAPS_BLTALPHA = $00000001;
+ * Driver can do geometric transformations (or warps) for blits.
+ *)
+ * Driver can do surface-reconstruction filtering for warped blits.
+ *)
+ * Driver can do alpha blending for overlays.
+ *)
+ * Driver can do geometric transformations (or warps) for overlays.
+ *)
+ * Driver can do surface-reconstruction filtering for warped overlays.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * This flag used to be DDSVCAPS_ENIGMA, which is now obsolete
+ *)
+ DDSVCAPS_RESERVED1 = $00000001;
+ * This flag used to be DDSVCAPS_FLICKER, which is now obsolete
+ *)
+ DDSVCAPS_RESERVED2 = $00000002;
+ * This flag used to be DDSVCAPS_REDBLUE, which is now obsolete
+ *)
+ DDSVCAPS_RESERVED3 = $00000004;
+ * This flag used to be DDSVCAPS_SPLIT, which is now obsolete
+ *)
+ DDSVCAPS_RESERVED4 = $00000008;
+ * The stereo view is accomplished with switching technology
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Index is 4 bits. There are sixteen color entries in the palette table.
+ *)
+ DDPCAPS_4BIT = $00000001;
+ * Index is onto a 8 bit color index. This field is only valid with the
+ * DDPCAPS_1BIT, DDPCAPS_2BIT or DDPCAPS_4BIT capability and the target
+ * surface is in 8bpp. Each color entry is one byte long and is an index
+ * into destination surface's 8bpp palette.
+ *)
+ DDPCAPS_8BITENTRIES = $00000002;
+ * Index is 8 bits. There are 256 color entries in the palette table.
+ *)
+ DDPCAPS_8BIT = $00000004;
+ * Indicates that this DIRECTDRAWPALETTE should use the palette color array
+ * passed into the lpDDColorArray parameter to initialize the DIRECTDRAWPALETTE
+ * object.
+ * This flag is obsolete. DirectDraw always initializes the color array from
+ * the lpDDColorArray parameter. The definition remains for source-level
+ * compatibility.
+ *)
+ * This palette is the one attached to the primary surface. Changing this
+ * table has immediate effect on the display unless DDPSETPAL_VSYNC is specified
+ * and supported.
+ *)
+ * This palette is the one attached to the primary surface left. Changing
+ * this table has immediate effect on the display for the left eye unless
+ * DDPSETPAL_VSYNC is specified and supported.
+ *)
+ * This palette can have all 256 entries defined
+ *)
+ DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 = $00000040;
+ * This palette can have modifications to it synced with the monitors
+ * refresh rate.
+ *)
+ DDPCAPS_VSYNC = $00000080;
+ * Index is 1 bit. There are two color entries in the palette table.
+ *)
+ DDPCAPS_1BIT = $00000100;
+ * Index is 2 bit. There are four color entries in the palette table.
+ *)
+ DDPCAPS_2BIT = $00000200;
+ * The peFlags member of PALETTEENTRY denotes an 8 bit alpha value
+ *)
+ DDPCAPS_ALPHA = $00000400;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+(* 0 is the only legal value *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * The passed pointer is an IUnknown ptr. The cbData argument to SetPrivateData
+ * must be set to SizeOf(IUnknown^). DirectDraw will call AddRef through this
+ * pointer and Release when the private data is destroyed. This includes when
+ * the surface or palette is destroyed before such priovate data is destroyed.
+ *)
+ * Private data is only valid for the current state of the object,
+ * as determined by the uniqueness value.
+ *)
+ DDSPD_VOLATILE = $00000002;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: These are only used to indicate supported bit depths. These
+ * are flags only, they are not to be used as an actual bit depth. The
+ * absolute numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32 are used to indicate actual
+ * bit depths in a surface or for changing the display mode.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * 1 bit per pixel.
+ *)
+ DDBD_1 = $00004000;
+ * 2 bits per pixel.
+ *)
+ DDBD_2 = $00002000;
+ * 4 bits per pixel.
+ *)
+ DDBD_4 = $00001000;
+ * 8 bits per pixel.
+ *)
+ DDBD_8 = $00000800;
+ * 16 bits per pixel.
+ *)
+ DDBD_16 = $00000400;
+ * 24 bits per pixel.
+ *)
+ DDBD_24 = $00000200;
+ * 32 bits per pixel.
+ *)
+ DDBD_32 = $00000100;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Set if the structure contains a color space. Not set if the structure
+ * contains a single color key.
+ *)
+ DDCKEY_COLORSPACE = $00000001;
+ * Set if the structure specifies a color key or color space which is to be
+ * used as a destination color key for blt operations.
+ *)
+ DDCKEY_DESTBLT = $00000002;
+ * Set if the structure specifies a color key or color space which is to be
+ * used as a destination color key for overlay operations.
+ *)
+ * Set if the structure specifies a color key or color space which is to be
+ * used as a source color key for blt operations.
+ *)
+ DDCKEY_SRCBLT = $00000008;
+ * Set if the structure specifies a color key or color space which is to be
+ * used as a source color key for overlay operations.
+ *)
+ DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY = $00000010;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Supports transparent blting using a color key to identify the replaceable
+ * bits of the destination surface for RGB colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports transparent blting using a color space to identify the replaceable
+ * bits of the destination surface for RGB colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports transparent blting using a color space to identify the replaceable
+ * bits of the destination surface for YUV colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports transparent blting using a color key to identify the replaceable
+ * bits of the destination surface for YUV colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports overlaying using colorkeying of the replaceable bits of the surface
+ * being overlayed for RGB colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports a color space as the color key for the destination for RGB colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports a color space as the color key for the destination for YUV colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports only one active destination color key value for visible overlay
+ * surfaces.
+ *)
+ * Supports overlaying using colorkeying of the replaceable bits of the
+ * surface being overlayed for YUV colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports transparent blting using the color key for the source with
+ * this surface for RGB colors.
+ *)
+ DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT = $00000200;
+ * Supports transparent blting using a color space for the source with
+ * this surface for RGB colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports transparent blting using a color space for the source with
+ * this surface for YUV colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports transparent blting using the color key for the source with
+ * this surface for YUV colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports overlays using the color key for the source with this
+ * overlay surface for RGB colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports overlays using a color space as the source color key for
+ * the overlay surface for RGB colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports overlays using a color space as the source color key for
+ * the overlay surface for YUV colors.
+ *)
+ * Supports only one active source color key value for visible
+ * overlay surfaces.
+ *)
+ * Supports overlays using the color key for the source with this
+ * overlay surface for YUV colors.
+ *)
+ * there are no bandwidth trade-offs for using colorkey with an overlay
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * The surface has alpha channel information in the pixel format.
+ *)
+ DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS = $00000001;
+ * The pixel format contains alpha only information
+ *)
+ DDPF_ALPHA = $00000002;
+ * The FourCC code is valid.
+ *)
+ DDPF_FOURCC = $00000004;
+ * The surface is 4-bit color indexed.
+ *)
+ * The surface is indexed into a palette which stores indices
+ * into the destination surface's 8-bit palette.
+ *)
+ * The surface is 8-bit color indexed.
+ *)
+ * The RGB data in the pixel format structure is valid.
+ *)
+ DDPF_RGB = $00000040;
+ * The surface will accept pixel data in the format specified
+ * and compress it during the write.
+ *)
+ DDPF_COMPRESSED = $00000080;
+ * The surface will accept RGB data and translate it during
+ * the write to YUV data. The format of the data to be written
+ * will be contained in the pixel format structure. The DDPF_RGB
+ * flag will be set.
+ *)
+ DDPF_RGBTOYUV = $00000100;
+ * pixel format is YUV - YUV data in pixel format struct is valid
+ *)
+ DDPF_YUV = $00000200;
+ * pixel format is a z buffer only surface
+ *)
+ DDPF_ZBUFFER = $00000400;
+ * The surface is 1-bit color indexed.
+ *)
+ * The surface is 2-bit color indexed.
+ *)
+ * The surface contains Z information in the pixels
+ *)
+ DDPF_ZPIXELS = $00002000;
+ * The surface contains stencil information along with Z
+ *)
+ * Premultiplied alpha format -- the color components have been
+ * premultiplied by the alpha component.
+ *)
+ DDPF_ALPHAPREMULT = $00008000;
+ * Luminance data in the pixel format is valid.
+ * Use this flag for luminance-only or luminance+alpha surfaces,
+ * the bit depth is then ddpf.dwLuminanceBitCount.
+ *)
+ DDPF_LUMINANCE = $00020000;
+ * Luminance data in the pixel format is valid.
+ * Use this flag when hanging luminance off bumpmap surfaces,
+ * the bit mask for the luminance portion of the pixel is then
+ * ddpf.dwBumpLuminanceBitMask
+ *)
+ * Bump map dUdV data in the pixel format is valid.
+ *)
+ DDPF_BUMPDUDV = $00080000;
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *==========================================================================*)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Enumerate all of the surfaces that meet the search criterion.
+ *)
+ * A search hit is a surface that matches the surface description.
+ *)
+ * A search hit is a surface that does not match the surface description.
+ *)
+ * Enumerate the first surface that can be created which meets the search criterion.
+ *)
+ * Enumerate the surfaces that already exist that meet the search criterion.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * The desired mode is a standard VGA mode
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Enumerate Modes with different refresh rates. EnumDisplayModes guarantees
+ * that a particular mode will be enumerated only once. This flag specifies whether
+ * the refresh rate is taken into account when determining if a mode is unique.
+ *)
+ * Enumerate VGA modes. Specify this flag if you wish to enumerate supported VGA
+ * modes such as mode 0x13 in addition to the usual ModeX modes (which are always
+ * enumerated if the application has previously called SetCooperativeLevel with the
+ * DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX flag set).
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Exclusive mode owner will be responsible for the entire primary surface.
+ * GDI can be ignored. used with DD
+ *)
+ DDSCL_FULLSCREEN = $00000001;
+ * allow CTRL_ALT_DEL to work while in fullscreen exclusive mode
+ *)
+ DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT = $00000002;
+ * prevents DDRAW from modifying the application window.
+ * prevents DDRAW from minimize/restore the application window on activation.
+ *)
+ * app wants to work as a regular Windows application
+ *)
+ DDSCL_NORMAL = $00000008;
+ * app wants exclusive access
+ *)
+ DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE = $00000010;
+ * app can deal with non-windows display modes
+ *)
+ DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX = $00000040;
+ * this window will receive the focus messages
+ *)
+ * this window is associated with the DDRAW object and will
+ * cover the screen in fullscreen mode
+ *)
+ * app wants DDRAW to create a window to be associated with the
+ * DDRAW object
+ *)
+ * App explicitly asks DDRAW/D3D to be multithread safe. This makes D3D
+ * take the global crtisec more frequently.
+ *)
+ * App specifies that it would like to keep the FPU set up for optimal Direct3D
+ * performance (single precision and exceptions disabled) so Direct3D
+ * does not need to explicitly set the FPU each time. This is assumed by
+ * default in DirectX 7. See also DDSCL_FPUPRESERVE
+ *)
+ DDSCL_FPUSETUP = $00000800;
+ * App specifies that it needs either double precision FPU or FPU exceptions
+ * enabled. This makes Direct3D explicitly set the FPU state eah time it is
+ * called. Setting the flag will reduce Direct3D performance. The flag is
+ * assumed by default in DirectX 6 and earlier. See also DDSCL_FPUSETUP
+ *)
+ DDSCL_FPUPRESERVE = $00001000;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface
+ * attached to the destination surface as the alpha channel for this blt.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_ALPHADEST = $00000001;
+ * Use the dwConstAlphaDest field in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha channel
+ * for the destination surface for this blt.
+ *)
+ * The NEG suffix indicates that the destination surface becomes more
+ * transparent as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque)
+ *)
+ * Use the lpDDSAlphaDest field in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha
+ * channel for the destination for this blt.
+ *)
+ * Use the dwAlphaEdgeBlend field in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha channel
+ * for the edges of the image that border the color key colors.
+ *)
+ * Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface
+ * attached to the source surface as the alpha channel for this blt.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_ALPHASRC = $00000020;
+ * Use the dwConstAlphaSrc field in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha channel
+ * for the source for this blt.
+ *)
+ * The NEG suffix indicates that the source surface becomes more transparent
+ * as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque)
+ *)
+ DDBLT_ALPHASRCNEG = $00000080;
+ * Use the lpDDSAlphaSrc field in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha channel
+ * for the source for this blt.
+ *)
+ * Do this blt asynchronously through the FIFO in the order received. If
+ * there is no room in the hardware FIFO fail the call.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_ASYNC = $00000200;
+ * Uses the dwFillColor field in the DDBLTFX structure as the RGB color
+ * to fill the destination rectangle on the destination surface with.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_COLORFILL = $00000400;
+ * Uses the dwDDFX field in the DDBLTFX structure to specify the effects
+ * to use for the blt.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_DDFX = $00000800;
+ * Uses the dwDDROPS field in the DDBLTFX structure to specify the ROPS
+ * that are not part of the Win32 API.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_DDROPS = $00001000;
+ * Use the color key associated with the destination surface.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_KEYDEST = $00002000;
+ * Use the dckDestColorkey field in the DDBLTFX structure as the color key
+ * for the destination surface.
+ *)
+ * Use the color key associated with the source surface.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_KEYSRC = $00008000;
+ * Use the dckSrcColorkey field in the DDBLTFX structure as the color key
+ * for the source surface.
+ *)
+ * Use the dwROP field in the DDBLTFX structure for the raster operation
+ * for this blt. These ROPs are the same as the ones defined in the Win32 API.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_ROP = $00020000;
+ * Use the dwRotationAngle field in the DDBLTFX structure as the angle
+ * (specified in 1/100th of a degree) to rotate the surface.
+ *)
+ * Z-buffered blt using the z-buffers attached to the source and destination
+ * surfaces and the dwZBufferOpCode field in the DDBLTFX structure as the
+ * z-buffer opcode.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_ZBUFFER = $00080000;
+ * Z-buffered blt using the dwConstDest Zfield and the dwZBufferOpCode field
+ * in the DDBLTFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode respectively
+ * for the destination.
+ *)
+ * Z-buffered blt using the lpDDSDestZBuffer field and the dwZBufferOpCode
+ * field in the DDBLTFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode
+ * respectively for the destination.
+ *)
+ * Z-buffered blt using the dwConstSrcZ field and the dwZBufferOpCode field
+ * in the DDBLTFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode respectively
+ * for the source.
+ *)
+ * Z-buffered blt using the lpDDSSrcZBuffer field and the dwZBufferOpCode
+ * field in the DDBLTFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode
+ * respectively for the source.
+ *)
+ * wait until the device is ready to handle the blt
+ * this will cause blt to not return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING
+ *)
+ DDBLT_WAIT = $01000000;
+ * Uses the dwFillDepth field in the DDBLTFX structure as the depth value
+ * to fill the destination rectangle on the destination Z-buffer surface
+ * with.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_DEPTHFILL = $02000000;
+ * Return immediately (with DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING) if the device is not
+ * ready to schedule the blt at the time Blt() is called.
+ *)
+ DDBLT_DONOTWAIT = $08000000;
+ * These flags indicate a presentation blt (i.e. a blt
+ * that moves surface contents from an offscreen back buffer to the primary
+ * surface). The driver is not allowed to "queue" more than three such blts.
+ * The "end" of the presentation blt is indicated, since the
+ * blt may be clipped, in which case the runtime will call the driver with
+ * several blts. All blts (even if not clipped) are tagged with DDBLT_PRESENTATION
+ * and the last (even if not clipped) additionally with DDBLT_LAST_PRESENTATION.
+ * Thus the true rule is that the driver must not schedule a DDBLT_PRESENTATION
+ * blt if there are 3 or more DDBLT_PRESENTLAST blts in the hardware pipe.
+ * If there are such blts in the pipe, the driver should return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING
+ * until the oldest queued DDBLT_LAST_PRESENTATION blts has been retired (i.e. the
+ * pixels have been actually written to the primary surface). Once the oldest blt
+ * has been retired, the driver is free to schedule the current blt.
+ * The goal is to provide a mechanism whereby the device's hardware queue never
+ * gets more than 3 frames ahead of the frames being generated by the application.
+ * When excessive queueing occurs, applications become unusable because the application
+ * visibly lags user input, and such problems make windowed interactive applications impossible.
+ * Some drivers may not have sufficient knowledge of their hardware's FIFO to know
+ * when a certain blt has been retired. Such drivers should code cautiously, and
+ * simply not allow any frames to be queued at all. DDBLT_LAST_PRESENTATION should cause
+ * such drivers to return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING until the accelerator is completely
+ * finished- exactly as if the application had called Lock on the source surface
+ * before calling Blt.
+ * In other words, the driver is allowed and encouraged to
+ * generate as much latency as it can, but never more than 3 frames worth.
+ * Implementation detail: Drivers should count blts against the SOURCE surface, not
+ * against the primary surface. This enables multiple parallel windowed application
+ * to function more optimally.
+ * This flag is passed only to DX8 or higher drivers.
+ *
+ *
+ *)
+ * If DDBLT_EXTENDED_FLAGS is set, then the driver should re-interpret
+ * other flags according to the definitions that follow.
+ * For example, bit 0 (0x00000001L) means DDBLT_ALPHADEST, unless
+ * DDBLT_EXTENDED_FLAGS is also set, in which case bit 0 means
+ * Only DirectX9 and higher drivers will be given extended blt flags.
+ * Only flags explicitly mentioned here should be re-interpreted.
+ * All other flags retain their original meanings.
+ *
+ * List of re-interpreted flags:
+ *
+ * Bit Hex value New meaning old meaning
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ *)
+ * This flag indidcates that the source surface contains content in a
+ * linear color space. The driver may perform gamma correction to the
+ * desktop color space (i.e. sRGB, gamma 2.2) as part of this blt.
+ * If the device can perform such a conversion as part of the copy,
+ * the driver should also set D3DCAPS3_LINEAR_TO_SRGB_PRESENTATION
+ *
+ * FOR USE BY THE DIRECT3D RUNTIME. Use IDirect3DSwapChain9::Present
+ * and specify D3DPRESENT_LINEAR_CONTENT in order to use this functionality.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ DDBLTFAST_WAIT = $00000010;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ DDFLIP_WAIT = $00000001;
+ * Indicates that the target surface contains the even field of video data.
+ * This flag is only valid with an overlay surface.
+ *)
+ DDFLIP_EVEN = $00000002;
+ * Indicates that the target surface contains the odd field of video data.
+ * This flag is only valid with an overlay surface.
+ *)
+ DDFLIP_ODD = $00000004;
+ * Causes DirectDraw to perform the physical flip immediately and return
+ * to the application. Typically, what was the front buffer but is now the back
+ * buffer will still be visible (depending on timing) until the next vertical
+ * retrace. Subsequent operations involving the two flipped surfaces will
+ * not check to see if the physical flip has finished (i.e. will not return
+ * DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING for that reason (but may for other reasons)).
+ * This allows an application to perform Flips at a higher frequency than the
+ * monitor refresh rate, but may introduce visible artifacts.
+ * Only effective if DDCAPS2_FLIPNOVSYNC is set. If that bit is not set,
+ * DDFLIP_NOVSYNC has no effect.
+ *)
+ DDFLIP_NOVSYNC = $00000008;
+ * Flip Interval Flags. These flags indicate how many vertical retraces to wait between
+ * each flip. The default is one. DirectDraw will return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING for each
+ * surface involved in the flip until the specified number of vertical retraces has
+ * ocurred. Only effective if DDCAPS2_FLIPINTERVAL is set. If that bit is not set,
+ * DDFLIP_INTERVALn has no effect.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw will flip on every other vertical sync
+ *)
+ DDFLIP_INTERVAL2 = $02000000;
+ * DirectDraw will flip on every third vertical sync
+ *)
+ DDFLIP_INTERVAL3 = $03000000;
+ * DirectDraw will flip on every fourth vertical sync
+ *)
+ DDFLIP_INTERVAL4 = $04000000;
+ * DirectDraw will flip and display a main stereo surface
+ *)
+ DDFLIP_STEREO = $00000010;
+ * On IDirectDrawSurface7 and higher interfaces, the default is DDFLIP_WAIT. If you wish
+ * to override the default and use time when the accelerator is busy (as denoted by
+ *)
+ DDFLIP_DONOTWAIT = $00000020;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface
+ * attached to the destination surface as the alpha channel for the
+ * destination overlay.
+ *)
+ DDOVER_ALPHADEST = $00000001;
+ * Use the dwConstAlphaDest field in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the
+ * destination alpha channel for this overlay.
+ *)
+ * The NEG suffix indicates that the destination surface becomes more
+ * transparent as the alpha value increases.
+ *)
+ * Use the lpDDSAlphaDest field in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the alpha
+ * channel destination for this overlay.
+ *)
+ * Use the dwAlphaEdgeBlend field in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the alpha
+ * channel for the edges of the image that border the color key colors.
+ *)
+ * Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface
+ * attached to the source surface as the source alpha channel for this overlay.
+ *)
+ DDOVER_ALPHASRC = $00000020;
+ * Use the dwConstAlphaSrc field in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the source
+ * alpha channel for this overlay.
+ *)
+ * The NEG suffix indicates that the source surface becomes more transparent
+ * as the alpha value increases.
+ *)
+ * Use the lpDDSAlphaSrc field in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the alpha channel
+ * source for this overlay.
+ *)
+ * Turn this overlay off.
+ *)
+ DDOVER_HIDE = $00000200;
+ * Use the color key associated with the destination surface.
+ *)
+ DDOVER_KEYDEST = $00000400;
+ * Use the dckDestColorkey field in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the color key
+ * for the destination surface
+ *)
+ * Use the color key associated with the source surface.
+ *)
+ DDOVER_KEYSRC = $00001000;
+ * Use the dckSrcColorkey field in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the color key
+ * for the source surface.
+ *)
+ * Turn this overlay on.
+ *)
+ DDOVER_SHOW = $00004000;
+ * Add a dirty rect to an emulated overlayed surface.
+ *)
+ * Redraw all dirty rects on an emulated overlayed surface.
+ *)
+ * Redraw the entire surface on an emulated overlayed surface.
+ *)
+ DDOVER_REFRESHALL = $00020000;
+ * Use the overlay FX flags to define special overlay FX
+ *)
+ DDOVER_DDFX = $00080000;
+ * Autoflip the overlay when ever the video port autoflips
+ *)
+ DDOVER_AUTOFLIP = $00100000;
+ * Display each field of video port data individually without
+ * causing any jittery artifacts
+ *)
+ DDOVER_BOB = $00200000;
+ * Indicates that bob/weave decisions should not be overridden by other
+ * interfaces.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the surface memory is composed of interleaved fields.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that bob will be performed using hardware rather than
+ * software or emulated.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that overlay FX structure contains valid ARGB scaling factors.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that ARGB scaling factors can be degraded to fit driver capabilities.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * The default. Set to indicate that Lock should return a valid memory pointer
+ * to the top of the specified rectangle. If no rectangle is specified then a
+ * pointer to the top of the surface is returned.
+ *)
+ DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR = $00000000; // = default
+ * Set to indicate that Lock should wait until it can obtain a valid memory
+ * pointer before returning. If this bit is set, Lock will never return
+ *)
+ DDLOCK_WAIT = $00000001;
+ * Set if an event handle is being passed to Lock. Lock will trigger the event
+ * when it can return the surface memory pointer requested.
+ *)
+ DDLOCK_EVENT = $00000002;
+ * Indicates that the surface being locked will only be read from.
+ *)
+ DDLOCK_READONLY = $00000010;
+ * Indicates that the surface being locked will only be written to
+ *)
+ DDLOCK_WRITEONLY = $00000020;
+ * Indicates that a system wide lock should not be taken when this surface
+ * is locked. This has several advantages (cursor responsiveness, ability
+ * to call more Windows functions, easier debugging) when locking video
+ * memory surfaces. However, an application specifying this flag must
+ * comply with a number of conditions documented in the help file.
+ * Furthermore, this flag cannot be specified when locking the primary.
+ *)
+ DDLOCK_NOSYSLOCK = $00000800;
+ * Used only with Direct3D Vertex Buffer Locks. Indicates that no vertices
+ * that were referred to in Draw*PrimtiveVB calls since the start of the
+ * frame (or the last lock without this flag) will be modified during the
+ * lock. This can be useful when one is only appending data to the vertex
+ * buffer
+ *)
+ * Indicates that no assumptions will be made about the contents of the
+ * surface or vertex buffer during this lock.
+ * This enables two things:
+ * - Direct3D or the driver may provide an alternative memory
+ * area as the vertex buffer. This is useful when one plans to clear the
+ * contents of the vertex buffer and fill in new data.
+ * - Drivers sometimes store surface data in a re-ordered format.
+ * When the application locks the surface, the driver is forced to un-re-order
+ * the surface data before allowing the application to see the surface contents.
+ * This flag is a hint to the driver that it can skip the un-re-ordering process
+ * since the application plans to overwrite every single pixel in the surface
+ * or locked rectangle (and so erase any un-re-ordered pixels anyway).
+ * Applications should always set this flag when they intend to overwrite the entire
+ * surface or locked rectangle.
+ *)
+ (*
+ * DDLOCK_OKTOSWAP is an older, less informative name for DDLOCK_DISCARDCONTENTS
+ *)
+ DDLOCK_OKTOSWAP = $00002000;
+ * On IDirectDrawSurface7 and higher interfaces, the default is DDLOCK_WAIT. If you wish
+ * to override the default and use time when the accelerator is busy (as denoted by
+ *)
+ DDLOCK_DONOTWAIT = $00004000;
+ * This indicates volume texture lock with front and back specified.
+ *)
+ * This indicates that the driver should not update dirty rect information for this lock.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * No flags defined at present
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * No flags defined at present
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * If stretching, use arithmetic stretching along the Y axis for this blt.
+ *)
+ * Do this blt mirroring the surface left to right. Spin the
+ * surface around its y-axis.
+ *)
+ * Do this blt mirroring the surface up and down. Spin the surface
+ * around its x-axis.
+ *)
+ * Schedule this blt to avoid tearing.
+ *)
+ DDBLTFX_NOTEARING = $00000008;
+ * Do this blt rotating the surface one hundred and eighty degrees.
+ *)
+ DDBLTFX_ROTATE180 = $00000010;
+ * Do this blt rotating the surface two hundred and seventy degrees.
+ *)
+ DDBLTFX_ROTATE270 = $00000020;
+ * Do this blt rotating the surface ninety degrees.
+ *)
+ DDBLTFX_ROTATE90 = $00000040;
+ * Do this z blt using dwZBufferLow and dwZBufferHigh as range values
+ * specified to limit the bits copied from the source surface.
+ *)
+ * Do this z blt adding the dwZBufferBaseDest to each of the sources z values
+ * before comparing it with the desting z values.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * If stretching, use arithmetic stretching along the Y axis for this overlay.
+ *)
+ * Mirror the overlay across the vertical axis
+ *)
+ * Mirror the overlay across the horizontal axis
+ *)
+ * Deinterlace the overlay, if possible
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * return when the vertical blank interval begins
+ *)
+ * set up an event to trigger when the vertical blank begins
+ *)
+ * return when the vertical blank interval ends and display begins
+ *)
+ DDWAITVB_BLOCKEND = $00000004;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * is it OK to flip now?
+ *)
+ DDGFS_CANFLIP = $00000001;
+ * is the last flip finished?
+ *)
+ DDGFS_ISFLIPDONE = $00000002;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * is it OK to blt now?
+ *)
+ DDGBS_CANBLT = $00000001;
+ * is the blt to the surface finished?
+ *)
+ DDGBS_ISBLTDONE = $00000002;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Enumerate overlays back to front.
+ *)
+ * Enumerate overlays front to back
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Send overlay to front
+ *)
+ * Send overlay to back
+ *)
+ * Move Overlay forward
+ *)
+ * Move Overlay backward
+ *)
+ * Move Overlay in front of relative surface
+ *)
+ * Move Overlay in back of relative surface
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Request calibrator to adjust the gamma ramp according to the physical
+ * properties of the display so that the result should appear identical
+ * on all systems.
+ *)
+ DDSGR_CALIBRATE = $00000001;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Indicates that the mode being tested has passed
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Indicates that the mode being tested has passed
+ *)
+ DDEM_MODEPASSED = $00000001;
+ * Indicates that the mode being tested has failed
+ *)
+ DDEM_MODEFAILED = $00000002;
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * The return values from DirectDraw Commands and Surface that return an HRESULT
+ * are codes from DirectDraw concerning the results of the action
+ * requested by DirectDraw.
+ *
+ *==========================================================================*)
+ * Status is OK
+ *
+ * Issued by: DirectDraw Commands and all callbacks
+ *)
+ DD_OK = 0;
+ *
+ *
+ * EnumCallback returns are used to control the flow of the DIRECTDRAW and
+ * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE object enumerations. They can only be returned by
+ * enumeration callback routines.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * stop the enumeration
+ *)
+ * continue the enumeration
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ * Errors are represented by negative values and cannot be combined.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ _FACDD = $876;
+ _MAKE_DDHRESULT = HResult(1 shl 31) or HResult(_FACDD shl 16);
+//#define MAKE_DDHRESULT( code ) MAKE_HRESULT( 1, _FACDD, code )
+function MAKE_DDHRESULT(Code: DWORD): HResult;
+ * This object is already initialized
+ *)
+ * This surface can not be attached to the requested surface.
+ *)
+ * This surface can not be detached from the requested surface.
+ *)
+ * Support is currently not available.
+ *)
+ * An exception was encountered while performing the requested operation
+ *)
+ * Generic failure.
+ *)
+ * Height of rectangle provided is not a multiple of reqd alignment
+ *)
+ * Unable to match primary surface creation request with existing
+ * primary surface.
+ *)
+ * One or more of the caps bits passed to the callback are incorrect.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw does not support provided Cliplist.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw does not support the requested mode
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw received a pointer that was an invalid DIRECTDRAW object.
+ *)
+ * One or more of the parameters passed to the callback function are
+ * incorrect.
+ *)
+ * pixel format was invalid as specified
+ *)
+ * Rectangle provided was invalid.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because one or more surfaces are locked
+ *)
+ * There is no 3D present.
+ *)
+ DDERR_NO3D = HResult(_MAKE_DDHRESULT + 170);
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no alpha accleration
+ * hardware present or available.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no stereo
+ * hardware present or available.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware
+ * present which supports stereo surfaces
+ *)
+ * no clip list available
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no color conversion
+ * hardware present or available.
+ *)
+ * Create function called without DirectDraw object method SetCooperativeLevel
+ * being called.
+ *)
+ * Surface doesn't currently have a color key
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support
+ * of the dest color key.
+ *)
+ * No DirectDraw support possible with current display driver
+ *)
+ * Operation requires the application to have exclusive mode but the
+ * application does not have exclusive mode.
+ *)
+ * Flipping visible surfaces is not supported.
+ *)
+ * There is no GDI present.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware present
+ * or available.
+ *)
+ * Requested item was not found
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no overlay hardware
+ * present or available.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because the source and destination
+ * rectangles are on the same surface and overlap each other.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no appropriate raster
+ * op hardware present or available.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no rotation hardware
+ * present or available.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support
+ * for stretching
+ *)
+ * DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color palette and the requested operation
+ * requires 4 bit color palette.
+ *)
+ * DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color index palette and the requested
+ * operation requires 4 bit color index palette.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw Surface is not in 8 bit color mode and the requested operation
+ * requires 8 bit color.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no texture mapping
+ * hardware present or available.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support
+ * for vertical blank synchronized operations.
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support
+ * for zbuffer blting.
+ *)
+ * Overlay surfaces could not be z layered based on their BltOrder because
+ * the hardware does not support z layering of overlays.
+ *)
+ * The hardware needed for the requested operation has already been
+ * allocated.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation.
+ *)
+ * DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation.
+ *)
+ * hardware does not support clipped overlays
+ *)
+ * Can only have ony color key active at one time for overlays
+ *)
+ * Access to this palette is being refused because the palette is already
+ * locked by another thread.
+ *)
+ * No src color key specified for this operation.
+ *)
+ * This surface is already attached to the surface it is being attached to.
+ *)
+ * This surface is already a dependency of the surface it is being made a
+ * dependency of.
+ *)
+ * Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is already
+ * locked by another thread.
+ *)
+ * Access to this surface is being refused because no driver exists
+ * which can supply a pointer to the surface.
+ * This is most likely to happen when attempting to lock the primary
+ * surface when no DCI provider is present.
+ * Will also happen on attempts to lock an optimized surface.
+ *)
+ * Access to Surface refused because Surface is obscured.
+ *)
+ * Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is gone.
+ * The DIRECTDRAWSURFACE object representing this surface should
+ * have Restore called on it.
+ *)
+ * The requested surface is not attached.
+ *)
+ * Height requested by DirectDraw is too large.
+ *)
+ * Size requested by DirectDraw is too large -- The individual height and
+ * width are OK.
+ *)
+ * Width requested by DirectDraw is too large.
+ *)
+ * Action not supported.
+ *)
+ * FOURCC format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw
+ *)
+ * Bitmask in the pixel format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw
+ *)
+ * The specified stream contains invalid data
+ *)
+ * vertical blank is in progress
+ *)
+ * Informs DirectDraw that the previous Blt which is transfering information
+ * to or from this Surface is incomplete.
+ *)
+ * The specified surface type requires specification of the COMPLEX flag
+ *)
+ * Rectangle provided was not horizontally aligned on reqd. boundary
+ *)
+ * The GUID passed to DirectDrawCreate is not a valid DirectDraw driver
+ * identifier.
+ *)
+ * A DirectDraw object representing this driver has already been created
+ * for this process.
+ *)
+ * A hardware only DirectDraw object creation was attempted but the driver
+ * did not support any hardware.
+ *)
+ * this process already has created a primary surface
+ *)
+ * software emulation not available.
+ *)
+ * region passed to Clipper::GetClipList is too small.
+ *)
+ * an attempt was made to set a clip list for a clipper objec that
+ * is already monitoring an hwnd.
+ *)
+ * No clipper object attached to surface object
+ *)
+ * Clipper notification requires an HWND or
+ * no HWND has previously been set as the CooperativeLevel HWND.
+ *)
+ * HWND used by DirectDraw CooperativeLevel has been subclassed,
+ * this prevents DirectDraw from restoring state.
+ *)
+ * The CooperativeLevel HWND has already been set.
+ * It can not be reset while the process has surfaces or palettes created.
+ *)
+ * No palette object attached to this surface.
+ *)
+ * No hardware support for 16 or 256 color palettes.
+ *)
+ * If a clipper object is attached to the source surface passed into a
+ * BltFast call.
+ *)
+ * No blter.
+ *)
+ * No DirectDraw ROP hardware.
+ *)
+ * returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on a hidden overlay
+ *)
+ * returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on a overlay that UpdateOverlay
+ * has never been called on to establish a destionation.
+ *)
+ * returned when the position of the overlay on the destionation is no longer
+ * legal for that destionation.
+ *)
+ * returned when an overlay member is called for a non-overlay surface
+ *)
+ * An attempt was made to set the cooperative level when it was already
+ * set to exclusive.
+ *)
+ * An attempt has been made to flip a surface that is not flippable.
+ *)
+ * Can't duplicate primary & 3D surfaces, or surfaces that are implicitly
+ * created.
+ *)
+ * Surface was not locked. An attempt to unlock a surface that was not
+ * locked at all, or by this process, has been attempted.
+ *)
+ * Windows can not create any more DCs, or a DC was requested for a paltte-indexed
+ * surface when the surface had no palette AND the display mode was not palette-indexed
+ * (in this case DirectDraw cannot select a proper palette into the DC)
+ *)
+ * No DC was ever created for this surface.
+ *)
+ * This surface can not be restored because it was created in a different
+ * mode.
+ *)
+ * This surface can not be restored because it is an implicitly created
+ * surface.
+ *)
+ * The surface being used is not a palette-based surface
+ *)
+ * The display is currently in an unsupported mode
+ *)
+ * Operation could not be carried out because there is no mip-map
+ * texture mapping hardware present or available.
+ *)
+ * The requested action could not be performed because the surface was of
+ * the wrong type.
+ *)
+ * Device does not support optimized surfaces, therefore no video memory optimized surfaces
+ *)
+ * Surface is an optimized surface, but has not yet been allocated any memory
+ *)
+ * Attempt was made to create or set a device window without first setting
+ * the focus window
+ *)
+ * Attempt was made to set a palette on a mipmap sublevel
+ *)
+ * A DC has already been returned for this surface. Only one DC can be
+ * retrieved per surface.
+ *)
+ * An attempt was made to allocate non-local video memory from a device
+ * that does not support non-local video memory.
+ *)
+ * The attempt to page lock a surface failed.
+ *)
+ * The attempt to page unlock a surface failed.
+ *)
+ * An attempt was made to page unlock a surface with no outstanding page locks.
+ *)
+ * There is more data available than the specified buffer size could hold
+ *)
+ * The data has expired and is therefore no longer valid.
+ *)
+ * The mode test has finished executing.
+ *)
+ * The mode test has switched to a new mode.
+ *)
+ * D3D has not yet been initialized.
+ *)
+ * The video port is not active
+ *)
+ * The monitor does not have EDID data.
+ *)
+ * The driver does not enumerate display mode refresh rates.
+ *)
+ * Surfaces created by one direct draw device cannot be used directly by
+ * another direct draw device.
+ *)
+ * An attempt was made to invoke an interface member of a DirectDraw object
+ * created by CoCreateInstance() before it was initialized.
+ *)
+(* Alpha bit depth constants *)
+ * API's
+ *)
+ DirectDrawDll = 'ddraw.dll';
+ HMonitor = THandle;
+ TDDEnumCallbackA = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PAnsiChar;
+ lpDriverName: PAnsiChar; lpContext: Pointer): BOOL; stdcall;
+ TDDEnumCallbackW = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PWideChar;
+ lpDriverName: PWideChar; lpContext: Pointer): BOOL; stdcall;
+ TDDEnumCallback = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PChar;
+ lpDriverName: PChar; lpContext: Pointer): BOOL; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM TDDEnumCallback}
+ TDDEnumCallbackExA = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PAnsiChar;
+ lpDriverName: PAnsiChar; lpContext: Pointer; Monitor: HMonitor): BOOL;
+ stdcall;
+ TDDEnumCallbackExW = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PWideChar;
+ lpDriverName: PWideChar; lpContext: Pointer; Monitor: HMonitor): BOOL;
+ stdcall;
+ TDDEnumCallbackEx = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PChar;
+ lpDriverName: PChar; lpContext: Pointer; Monitor: HMonitor): BOOL;
+ stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM TDDEnumCallbackEx}
+function DirectDrawLoaded: Boolean;
+function UnLoadDirectDraw: Boolean;
+function LoadDirectDraw: Boolean;
+ DirectDrawEnumerateA : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackA;
+ lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateA}
+ DirectDrawEnumerateW : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackW;
+ lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateW}
+ DirectDrawEnumerate : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallback;
+ lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerate}
+ DirectDrawEnumerateExA : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackExA;
+ lpContext: Pointer; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateExA}
+ DirectDrawEnumerateExW : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackExW;
+ lpContext: Pointer; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateExW}
+ DirectDrawEnumerateEx : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackEx;
+ lpContext: Pointer; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateEx}
+ DirectDrawCreate : function (lpGUID: PGUID;
+ out lplpDD: IDirectDraw;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawCreate}
+ DirectDrawCreateEx : function (lpGUID: PGUID;
+ out lplpDD: IDirectDraw7; const iid: TGUID;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawCreateEx}
+ DirectDrawCreateClipper : function (dwFlags: DWORD;
+ out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawCreateClipper}
+function DirectDrawEnumerateA(lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackA; lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; external DirectDrawDll;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateA}
+function DirectDrawEnumerateW(lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackW; lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; external DirectDrawDll;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateW}
+function DirectDrawEnumerate(lpCallback: TDDEnumCallback; lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ external DirectDrawDll name {$IFDEF UNICODE}'DirectDrawEnumerateW'{$ELSE}'DirectDrawEnumerateA'{$ENDIF};
+{$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerate}
+function DirectDrawEnumerateExA(lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackExA; lpContext: Pointer; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall; external DirectDrawDll;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateExA}
+function DirectDrawEnumerateExW(lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackExW; lpContext: Pointer; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall; external DirectDrawDll;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateExW}
+function DirectDrawEnumerateEx(lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackEx; lpContext: Pointer; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ external DirectDrawDll name {$IFDEF UNICODE}'DirectDrawEnumerateExW'{$ELSE}'DirectDrawEnumerateExA'{$ENDIF};
+{$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawEnumerateEx}
+function DirectDrawCreate(lpGUID: PGUID; out lplpDD: IDirectDraw;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall; external DirectDrawDll;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawCreate}
+function DirectDrawCreateEx(lpGUID: PGUID; out lplpDD: IDirectDraw7;
+ const iid: TGUID; pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall; external DirectDrawDll;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawCreateEx}
+function DirectDrawCreateClipper(dwFlags: DWORD; out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall; external DirectDrawDll;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DirectDrawCreateClipper}
+ * Flags for DirectDrawEnumerateEx
+ * DirectDrawEnumerateEx supercedes DirectDrawEnumerate. You must use GetProcAddress to
+ * obtain a function pointer (of type LPDIRECTDRAWENUMERATEEX) to DirectDrawEnumerateEx.
+ * By default, only the primary display device is enumerated.
+ * DirectDrawEnumerate is equivalent to DirectDrawEnumerate(,,DDENUM_NONDISPLAYDEVICES)
+ *)
+ * This flag causes enumeration of any GDI display devices which are part of
+ * the Windows Desktop
+ *)
+ * This flag causes enumeration of any GDI display devices which are not
+ * part of the Windows Desktop
+ *)
+ * This flag causes enumeration of non-display devices
+ *)
+ REGSTR_PATH_DDHW = 'Hardware\DirectDrawDrivers';
+ * Flags for the IDirectDraw4::GetDeviceIdentifier method
+ *)
+ * This flag causes GetDeviceIdentifier to return information about the host (typically 2D) adapter in a system equipped
+ * with a stacked secondary 3D adapter. Such an adapter appears to the application as if it were part of the
+ * host adapter, but is typically physcially located on a separate card. The stacked secondary's information is
+ * returned when GetDeviceIdentifier's dwFlags field is zero, since this most accurately reflects the qualities
+ * of the DirectDraw object involved.
+ *)
+ * Macros for interpretting DDEVICEIDENTIFIER2.dwWHQLLevel
+ *)
+function GET_WHQL_DAY(dwWHQLLevel: DWORD): DWORD;
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * File: dvp.h
+ * Content: DirectDrawVideoPort include file
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************)
+ * GUIDS used by DirectDrawVideoPort objects
+ *)
+ IID_IDDVideoPortContainer,
+ IID_IDirectDrawVideoPort,
+ IID_IDirectDrawVideoPortNotify
+ - are defined later in Delphi header
+ DDVPTYPE_E_HREFH_VREFH: TGUID = (D1:$54F39980;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8));
+ DDVPTYPE_E_HREFH_VREFL: TGUID = (D1:$92783220;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8));
+ DDVPTYPE_E_HREFL_VREFH: TGUID = (D1:$A07A02E0;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8));
+ DDVPTYPE_E_HREFL_VREFL: TGUID = (D1:$E09C77E0;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8));
+ DDVPTYPE_CCIR656: TGUID = (D1:$FCA326A0;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8));
+ DDVPTYPE_BROOKTREE: TGUID = (D1:$1352A560;D2:$DA61;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8));
+ DDVPTYPE_PHILIPS: TGUID = (D1:$332CF160;D2:$DA61;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8));
+ * These definitions are required to allow polymorphic structure members (i.e. those
+ * that are referred to both as DWORDs and as pointers) to resolve into a type
+ * of correct size to hold the largest of those two types (i.e. pointer) on 64 bit
+ * systems. For 32 bit environments, ULONG_PTR resolves to a DWORD.
+ *)
+ *
+ * DirectDraw Structures
+ *
+ * Various structures used to invoke DirectDraw.
+ *
+ *==========================================================================*)
+ *)
+ PDDVideoPortConnect = ^TDDVideoPortConnect;
+ _DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDVideoPortConnect structure
+ dwPortWidth: DWORD; // Width of the video port
+ guidTypeID: TGUID; // Description of video port connection
+ dwFlags: DWORD; // Connection flags
+ dwReserved1: ULONG_PTR; // Reserved, set to zero.
+ end;
+ *)
+ PDDVideoPortCaps = ^TDDVideoPortCaps;
+ _DDVIDEOPORTCAPS = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDVideoPortCaps structure
+ dwFlags: DWORD; // indicates which fields contain data
+ dwMaxWidth: DWORD; // max width of the video port field
+ dwMaxVBIWidth: DWORD; // max width of the VBI data
+ dwMaxHeight: DWORD; // max height of the video port field
+ dwVideoPortID: DWORD; // Video port ID (0 - (dwMaxVideoPorts -1))
+ dwCaps: DWORD; // Video port capabilities
+ dwFX: DWORD; // More video port capabilities
+ dwNumAutoFlipSurfaces: DWORD; // Number of autoflippable surfaces
+ dwAlignVideoPortBoundary: DWORD; // Byte restriction of placement within the surface
+ dwAlignVideoPortPrescaleWidth: DWORD; // Byte restriction of width after prescaling
+ dwAlignVideoPortCropBoundary: DWORD; // Byte restriction of left cropping
+ dwAlignVideoPortCropWidth: DWORD; // Byte restriction of cropping width
+ dwPreshrinkXStep: DWORD; // Width can be shrunk in steps of 1/x
+ dwPreshrinkYStep: DWORD; // Height can be shrunk in steps of 1/x
+ dwNumVBIAutoFlipSurfaces: DWORD; // Number of VBI autoflippable surfaces allowed
+ dwNumPreferredAutoflip: DWORD; // Optimal number of autoflippable surfaces for hardware
+ wNumFilterTapsX: Word; // Number of taps the prescaler uses in the X direction (0 - no prescale, 1 - replication, etc.)
+ wNumFilterTapsY: Word; // Number of taps the prescaler uses in the Y direction (0 - no prescale, 1 - replication, etc.)
+ end;
+ * The dwMaxWidth and dwMaxVBIWidth members are valid
+ *)
+ DDVPD_WIDTH = $00000001;
+ * The dwMaxHeight member is valid
+ *)
+ DDVPD_HEIGHT = $00000002;
+ * The dwVideoPortID member is valid
+ *)
+ DDVPD_ID = $00000004;
+ * The dwCaps member is valid
+ *)
+ DDVPD_CAPS = $00000008;
+ * The dwFX member is valid
+ *)
+ DDVPD_FX = $00000010;
+ * The dwNumAutoFlipSurfaces member is valid
+ *)
+ DDVPD_AUTOFLIP = $00000020;
+ * All of the alignment members are valid
+ *)
+ DDVPD_ALIGN = $00000040;
+ * The dwNumPreferredAutoflip member is valid
+ *)
+ * The wNumFilterTapsX and wNumFilterTapsY fields are valid
+ *)
+ *)
+ PDDVideoPortDesc = ^TDDVideoPortDesc;
+ _DDVIDEOPORTDESC = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDVideoPortDesc structure
+ dwFieldWidth: DWORD; // width of the video port field
+ dwVBIWidth: DWORD; // width of the VBI data
+ dwFieldHeight: DWORD; // height of the video port field
+ dwMicrosecondsPerField: DWORD; // Microseconds per video field
+ dwMaxPixelsPerSecond: DWORD; // Maximum pixel rate per second
+ dwVideoPortID: DWORD; // Video port ID (0 - (dwMaxVideoPorts -1))
+ dwReserved1: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero (struct padding)
+ VideoPortType: TDDVideoPortConnect; // Description of video port connection
+ dwReserved2: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero
+ dwReserved3: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero
+ end;
+ *)
+ PDDVideoPortInfo = ^TDDVideoPortInfo;
+ _DDVIDEOPORTINFO = packed record
+ dwSize: DWORD; // Size of the structure
+ dwOriginX: DWORD; // Placement of the video data within the surface.
+ dwOriginY: DWORD; // Placement of the video data within the surface.
+ dwVPFlags: DWORD; // Video port options
+ rCrop: TRect; // Cropping rectangle (optional).
+ dwPrescaleWidth: DWORD; // Determines pre-scaling/zooming in the X direction (optional).
+ dwPrescaleHeight: DWORD; // Determines pre-scaling/zooming in the Y direction (optional).
+ lpddpfInputFormat: PDDPixelFormat; // Video format written to the video port
+ lpddpfVBIInputFormat: PDDPixelFormat; // Input format of the VBI data
+ lpddpfVBIOutputFormat: PDDPixelFormat; // Output format of the data
+ dwVBIHeight: DWORD; // Specifies the number of lines of data within the vertical blanking interval.
+ dwReserved1: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero
+ dwReserved2: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero
+ end;
+ *)
+ PDDVideoPortBandWidth = ^TDDVideoPortBandWidth;
+ dwSize: DWORD; // Size of the structure
+ dwCaps: DWORD;
+ dwOverlay: DWORD; // Zoom factor at which overlay is supported
+ dwColorkey: DWORD; // Zoom factor at which overlay w/ colorkey is supported
+ dwYInterpolate: DWORD; // Zoom factor at which overlay w/ Y interpolation is supported
+ dwYInterpAndColorkey: DWORD; // Zoom factor at which ovelray w/ Y interpolation and colorkeying is supported
+ dwReserved1: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero
+ dwReserved2: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero
+ end;
+ *)
+ PDDVideoPortStatus = ^TDDVideoPortStatus;
+ dwSize: DWORD; // Size of the structure
+ bInUse: BOOL; // TRUE if video port is currently being used
+ dwFlags: DWORD; // Currently not used
+ dwReserved1: DWORD; // Reserved for future use
+ VideoPortType: TDDVideoPortConnect; // Information about the connection
+ dwReserved2: DWORD; // Reserved for future use
+ dwReserved3: DWORD; // Reserved for future use
+ end;
+ *)
+ PDDVideoPortNotify = ^TDDVideoPortNotify;
+ _DDVIDEOPORTNOTIFY = packed record
+ ApproximateTimeStamp: Int64; // Timestamp in the event notification
+ lField: Longint; // 0 if even, 1 if odd, -1 if unknown
+ dwSurfaceIndex: Longword; // Index in the surface chain of the surface that received the sample
+ lDone: Longint; // Call InterlockedIncrement on this when done with sample
+ end;
+ *
+ * Video Port Flags
+ *
+ * All flags are bit flags.
+ *
+ *==========================================================================*)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * When this is set by the driver and passed to the client, this
+ * indicates that the video port is capable of double clocking the data.
+ * When this is set by the client, this indicates that the video port
+ * should enable double clocking. This flag is only valid with external
+ * syncs.
+ *)
+ * When this is set by the driver and passed to the client, this
+ * indicates that the video port is capable of using an external VACT
+ * signal. When this is set by the client, this indicates that the
+ * video port should use the external VACT signal.
+ *)
+ DDVPCONNECT_VACT = $00000002;
+ * When this is set by the driver and passed to the client, this
+ * indicates that the video port is capable of treating even fields
+ * like odd fields and visa versa. When this is set by the client,
+ * this indicates that the video port should treat even fields like odd
+ * fields.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that any data written to the video port during the VREF
+ * period will not be written into the frame buffer. This flag is read only.
+ *)
+ * When this is set be the driver and passed to the client, this
+ * indicates that the device will write half lines into the frame buffer
+ * if half lines are provided by the decoder. If this is set by the client,
+ * this indicates that the decoder will be supplying half lines.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the signal is interlaced. This flag is only
+ * set by the client.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that video port is shareable and that this video port
+ * will use the even fields. This flag is only set by the client.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that video port is shareable and that this video port
+ * will use the odd fields. This flag is only set by the client.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Flip can be performed automatically to avoid tearing.
+ *)
+ DDVPCAPS_AUTOFLIP = $00000001;
+ * Supports interlaced video
+ *)
+ * Supports non-interlaced video
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the device can return whether the current field
+ * of an interlaced signal is even or odd.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the device can return the current line of video
+ * being written into the frame buffer.
+ *)
+ * Allows two gen-locked video streams to share a single video port,
+ * where one stream uses the even fields and the other uses the odd
+ * fields. Separate parameters (including address, scaling,
+ * cropping, etc.) are maintained for both fields.)
+ *)
+ * Even fields of video can be automatically discarded.
+ *)
+ * Odd fields of video can be automatically discarded.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the device is capable of driving the graphics
+ * VSYNC with the video port VSYNC.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that data within the vertical blanking interval can
+ * be written to a different surface.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the video port can perform color operations
+ * on the incoming data before it is written to the frame buffer.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the video port can accept VBI data in a different
+ * width or format than the regular video data.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the video port can write data directly to system memory
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the VBI and video portions of the video stream can
+ * be controlled by an independent processes.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the video port contains high quality hardware
+ * de-interlacing hardware that should be used instead of the
+ * bob/weave algorithms.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Limited cropping is available to crop out the vertical interval data.
+ *)
+ * Incoming data can be cropped in the X direction before it is written
+ * to the surface.
+ *)
+ DDVPFX_CROPX = $00000002;
+ * Incoming data can be cropped in the Y direction before it is written
+ * to the surface.
+ *)
+ DDVPFX_CROPY = $00000004;
+ * Supports interleaving interlaced fields in memory.
+ *)
+ DDVPFX_INTERLEAVE = $00000008;
+ * Supports mirroring left to right as the video data is written
+ * into the frame buffer.
+ *)
+ * Supports mirroring top to bottom as the video data is written
+ * into the frame buffer.
+ *)
+ * Data can be arbitrarily shrunk in the X direction before it
+ * is written to the surface.
+ *)
+ DDVPFX_PRESHRINKX = $00000040;
+ * Data can be arbitrarily shrunk in the Y direction before it
+ * is written to the surface.
+ *)
+ DDVPFX_PRESHRINKY = $00000080;
+ * Data can be binary shrunk (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc.) in the X
+ * direction before it is written to the surface.
+ *)
+ * Data can be binary shrunk (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc.) in the Y
+ * direction before it is written to the surface.
+ *)
+ * Data can be shrunk in increments of 1/x in the X direction
+ * (where X is specified in the TDDVideoPortCaps.dwPreshrinkXStep)
+ * before it is written to the surface.
+ *)
+ * Data can be shrunk in increments of 1/x in the Y direction
+ * (where X is specified in the TDDVideoPortCaps.dwPreshrinkYStep)
+ * before it is written to the surface.
+ *)
+ * Data can be arbitrarily stretched in the X direction before
+ * it is written to the surface.
+ *)
+ * Data can be arbitrarily stretched in the Y direction before
+ * it is written to the surface.
+ *)
+ * Data can be integer stretched in the X direction before it is
+ * written to the surface.
+ *)
+ * Data can be integer stretched in the Y direction before it is
+ * written to the surface.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that data within the vertical blanking interval can
+ * be converted independently of the remaining video data.
+ *)
+ DDVPFX_VBICONVERT = $00010000;
+ * Indicates that scaling can be disabled for data within the
+ * vertical blanking interval.
+ *)
+ DDVPFX_VBINOSCALE = $00020000;
+ * Indicates that the video data can ignore the left and right
+ * cropping coordinates when cropping oversampled VBI data.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that interleaving can be disabled for data within the
+ * vertical blanking interval.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Perform automatic flipping. Auto-flipping is performed between
+ * the overlay surface that was attached to the video port using
+ * IDirectDrawVideoPort::AttachSurface and the overlay surfaces that
+ * are attached to the surface via the IDirectDrawSurface::AttachSurface
+ * method. The flip order is the order in which the overlay surfaces
+ * were. attached.
+ *)
+ DDVP_AUTOFLIP = $00000001;
+ * Perform conversion using the ddpfOutputFormat information.
+ *)
+ DDVP_CONVERT = $00000002;
+ * Perform cropping using the specified rectangle.
+ *)
+ DDVP_CROP = $00000004;
+ * Indicates that interlaced fields should be interleaved in memory.
+ *)
+ DDVP_INTERLEAVE = $00000008;
+ * Indicates that the data should be mirrored left to right as it's
+ * written into the frame buffer.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the data should be mirrored top to bottom as it's
+ * written into the frame buffer.
+ *)
+ DDVP_MIRRORUPDOWN = $00000020;
+ * Perform pre-scaling/zooming based on the pre-scale parameters.
+ *)
+ DDVP_PRESCALE = $00000040;
+ * Ignore input of even fields.
+ *)
+ * Ignore input of odd fields.
+ *)
+ * Drive the graphics VSYNCs using the video port VYSNCs.
+ *)
+ DDVP_SYNCMASTER = $00000200;
+ * The ddpfVBIOutputFormatFormat member contains data that should be used
+ * to convert the data within the vertical blanking interval.
+ *)
+ DDVP_VBICONVERT = $00000400;
+ * Indicates that data within the vertical blanking interval
+ * should not be scaled.
+ *)
+ DDVP_VBINOSCALE = $00000800;
+ * Indicates that these bob/weave decisions should not be
+ * overriden by other interfaces.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the video data should ignore the left and right
+ * cropping coordinates when cropping the VBI data.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that interleaving can be disabled for data within the
+ * vertical blanking interval.
+ *)
+ * Indicates that the video port should use the hardware
+ * de-interlacing hardware.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Return formats for the video data
+ *)
+ DDVPFORMAT_VIDEO = $00000001;
+ * Return formats for the VBI data
+ *)
+ DDVPFORMAT_VBI = $00000002;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Surface should receive video data (and VBI data if a surface
+ * is not explicitly attached for that purpose)
+ *)
+ DDVPTARGET_VIDEO = $00000001;
+ * Surface should receive VBI data
+ *)
+ DDVPTARGET_VBI = $00000002;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Waits until the beginning of the next VSYNC
+ *)
+ DDVPWAIT_BEGIN = $00000001;
+ * Waits until the end of the next/current VSYNC
+ *)
+ DDVPWAIT_END = $00000002;
+ * Waits until the beginning of the specified line
+ *)
+ DDVPWAIT_LINE = $00000003;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * Flips the normal video surface
+ *)
+ DDVPFLIP_VIDEO = $00000001;
+ * Flips the VBI surface
+ *)
+ DDVPFLIP_VBI = $00000002;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * No video signal is present at the video port
+ *)
+ DDVPSQ_NOSIGNAL = $00000001;
+ * A valid video signal is present at the video port
+ *)
+ DDVPSQ_SIGNALOK = $00000002;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * The specified height/width refer to the size of the video port data
+ * written into memory, after prescaling has occured.
+ *)
+ DDVPB_VIDEOPORT = $00000001;
+ * The specified height/width refer to the source size of the overlay.
+ *)
+ DDVPB_OVERLAY = $00000002;
+ * This is a query for the device to return which caps this device requires.
+ *)
+ DDVPB_TYPE = $00000004;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * The bandwidth for this device is dependant on the overlay source size.
+ *)
+ DDVPBCAPS_SOURCE = $00000001;
+ * The bandwidth for this device is dependant on the overlay destination
+ * size.
+ *)
+ *
+ * DDVIDEOPORTCONTAINER CreateVideoPort flags
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * The process only wants to control the VBI portion of the video stream.
+ *)
+ * The process only wants to control the non-VBI (video) portion of
+ * the video stream.
+ *)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+ * The video port interface is only controlling the VBI portion of the
+ * video stream
+ *)
+ * The video port interface is only controlling the video portion of the
+ * video stream
+ *)
+ * API's
+ *)
+ TDDEnumVideoCallback = function (lpTDDVideoPortCaps: PDDVideoPortCaps;
+ lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM TDDEnumVideoCallback}
+ * IDirectDrawVideoPort
+ * IVideoPort
+ *)
+ IDirectDrawVideoPort = interface;
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawVideoPort;'}
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawVideoPort}
+ * IDirectDrawVideoPortContainer
+ *)
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDDVideoPortContainer;'}
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDDVideoPortContainer}
+ IDDVideoPortContainer = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{6C142760-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}']
+ (*** IDDVideoPortContainer methods ***)
+ function CreateVideoPort(dwFlags: DWORD; var lpTDDVideoPortDesc:
+ TDDVideoPortDesc; var lplpDDVideoPort: IDirectDrawVideoPort;
+ pUnkOuter: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumVideoPorts(dwFlags: DWORD;
+ lpTDDVideoPortCaps: PDDVideoPortCaps; lpContext: Pointer;
+ lpEnumVideoCallback: TDDEnumVideoCallback): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetVideoPortConnectInfo(dwPortId: DWORD; var lpNumEntries: DWORD;
+ lpConnectInfo: PDDVideoPortConnect): HResult; stdcall;
+ function QueryVideoPortStatus(dwPortId: DWORD;
+ var lpVPStatus: TDDVideoPortStatus): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ * IDirectDrawVideoPort
+ *)
+ IDirectDrawVideoPort = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{B36D93E0-2B43-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}']
+ (*** IDirectDrawVideoPort methods ***)
+ function Flip(lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetBandwidthInfo(var lpddpfFormat: TDDPixelFormat;
+ dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD;
+ var lpBandwidth: TDDVideoPortBandWidth): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetColorControls(var lpColorControl: TDDColorControl): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetInputFormats(var lpNumFormats: DWORD; var lpFormats:
+ TDDPixelFormat; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetOutputFormats(var lpInputFormat: TDDPixelFormat;
+ var lpNumFormats: DWORD; lpFormats: PDDPixelFormat; dwFlags: DWORD):
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetFieldPolarity(var lpbVideoField: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetVideoLine(var lpdwLine: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetVideoSignalStatus(varlpdwStatus: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetColorControls(var lpColorControl: TDDColorControl): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetTargetSurface(lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; dwFlags: DWORD):
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ function StartVideo(var lpVideoInfo: TDDVideoPortInfo): HResult; stdcall;
+ function StopVideo: HResult; stdcall;
+ function UpdateVideo(var lpVideoInfo: TDDVideoPortInfo): HResult; stdcall;
+ function WaitForSync(dwFlags: DWORD; dwLine: DWORD; dwTimeout: DWORD):
+ HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ IID_IDDVideoPortContainer = IDDVideoPortContainer;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDDVideoPortContainer}
+ IID_IDirectDrawVideoPort = IDirectDrawVideoPort;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IID_IDirectDrawVideoPort}
+ * IDirectDrawVideoPort
+ *)
+ {$HPPEMIT 'typedef System::DelphiInterface _di_IDirectDrawVideoPortNotify;'}
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IDirectDrawVideoPortNotify}
+ IDirectDrawVideoPortNotify = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{6C142760-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}']
+ (*** IVideoPort methods ***)
+ function AcquireNotification(hEvent: THandle; const params: TDDVideoPortNotify): HResult; stdcall;
+ function ReleaseNotification(hEvent: THandle): HResult; stdcall;
+ end;
+ DDrawDLL : HMODULE = 0;
+function DDErrorString(Value: HResult): String;
+//#define MAKE_DDHRESULT( code ) MAKE_HRESULT( 1, _FACDD, code )
+function MAKE_DDHRESULT(Code: DWORD): HResult;
+ Result:= MakeResult(1, _FACDD, code);
+//#define GET_WHQL_YEAR( dwWHQLLevel ) \
+// ( (dwWHQLLevel) / 0x10000 )
+ Result := (dwWHQLLevel) div $10000;
+//#define GET_WHQL_MONTH( dwWHQLLevel ) \
+// ( ( (dwWHQLLevel) / 0x100 ) & 0x00ff )
+ Result := ((dwWHQLLevel) div $100) and $00ff;
+//#define GET_WHQL_DAY( dwWHQLLevel ) \
+// ( (dwWHQLLevel) & 0xff )
+function GET_WHQL_DAY(dwWHQLLevel: DWORD): DWORD;
+ Result := (dwWHQLLevel) and $ff;
+function MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3: Char): DWORD;
+ Result := DWORD(Byte(ch0) shl 0) or
+ DWORD(Byte(ch1) shl 8) or
+ DWORD(Byte(ch2) shl 16) or
+ DWORD(Byte(ch3) shl 24);
+function DDErrorString(Value: HResult): String;
+ case Value of
+ DD_OK: Result := 'The request completed successfully.';
+ DDERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED: Result := 'This object is already initialized.';
+ DDERR_BLTFASTCANTCLIP: Result := ' if a clipper object is attached to the source surface passed into a BltFast call.';
+ DDERR_CANNOTATTACHSURFACE: Result := 'This surface can not be attached to the requested surface.';
+ DDERR_CANNOTDETACHSURFACE: Result := 'This surface can not be detached from the requested surface.';
+ DDERR_CANTCREATEDC: Result := 'Windows can not create any more DCs.';
+ DDERR_CANTDUPLICATE: Result := 'Cannot duplicate primary & 3D surfaces, or surfaces that are implicitly created.';
+ DDERR_CLIPPERISUSINGHWND: Result := 'An attempt was made to set a cliplist for a clipper object that is already monitoring an hwnd.';
+ DDERR_COLORKEYNOTSET: Result := 'No src color key specified for this operation.';
+ DDERR_CURRENTLYNOTAVAIL: Result := 'Support is currently not available.';
+ DDERR_DIRECTDRAWALREADYCREATED: Result := 'A DirectDraw object representing this driver has already been created for this process.';
+ DDERR_EXCEPTION: Result := 'An exception was encountered while performing the requested operation.';
+ DDERR_EXCLUSIVEMODEALREADYSET: Result := 'An attempt was made to set the cooperative level when it was already set to exclusive.';
+ DDERR_GENERIC: Result := 'Generic failure.';
+ DDERR_HEIGHTALIGN: Result := 'Height of rectangle provided is not a multiple of reqd alignment.';
+ DDERR_HWNDALREADYSET: Result := 'The CooperativeLevel HWND has already been set. It can not be reset while the process has surfaces or palettes created.';
+ DDERR_HWNDSUBCLASSED: Result := 'HWND used by DirectDraw CooperativeLevel has been subclassed, this prevents DirectDraw from restoring state.';
+ DDERR_IMPLICITLYCREATED: Result := 'This surface can not be restored because it is an implicitly created surface.';
+ DDERR_INCOMPATIBLEPRIMARY: Result := 'Unable to match primary surface creation request with existing primary surface.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDCAPS: Result := 'One or more of the caps bits passed to the callback are incorrect.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDCLIPLIST: Result := 'DirectDraw does not support the provided cliplist.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDDIRECTDRAWGUID: Result := 'The GUID passed to DirectDrawCreate is not a valid DirectDraw driver identifier.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDMODE: Result := 'DirectDraw does not support the requested mode.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT: Result := 'DirectDraw received a pointer that was an invalid DIRECTDRAW object.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS: Result := 'One or more of the parameters passed to the function are incorrect.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDPIXELFORMAT: Result := 'The pixel format was invalid as specified.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDPOSITION: Result := 'Returned when the position of the overlay on the destination is no longer legal for that destination.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDRECT: Result := 'Rectangle provided was invalid.';
+ DDERR_LOCKEDSURFACES: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because one or more surfaces are locked.';
+ DDERR_NO3D: Result := 'There is no 3D present.';
+ DDERR_NOALPHAHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no alpha accleration hardware present or available.';
+ DDERR_NOBLTHW: Result := 'No blitter hardware present.';
+ DDERR_NOCLIPLIST: Result := 'No cliplist available.';
+ DDERR_NOCLIPPERATTACHED: Result := 'No clipper object attached to surface object.';
+ DDERR_NOCOLORCONVHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no color conversion hardware present or available.';
+ DDERR_NOCOLORKEY: Result := 'Surface does not currently have a color key';
+ DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support of the destination color key.';
+ DDERR_NOCOOPERATIVELEVELSET: Result := 'Create function called without DirectDraw object method SetCooperativeLevel being called.';
+ DDERR_NODC: Result := 'No DC was ever created for this surface.';
+ DDERR_NODDROPSHW: Result := 'No DirectDraw ROP hardware.';
+ DDERR_NODIRECTDRAWHW: Result := 'A hardware-only DirectDraw object creation was attempted but the driver did not support any hardware.';
+ DDERR_NOEMULATION: Result := 'Software emulation not available.';
+ DDERR_NOEXCLUSIVEMODE: Result := 'Operation requires the application to have exclusive mode but the application does not have exclusive mode.';
+ DDERR_NOFLIPHW: Result := 'Flipping visible surfaces is not supported.';
+ DDERR_NOGDI: Result := 'There is no GDI present.';
+ DDERR_NOHWND: Result := 'Clipper notification requires an HWND or no HWND has previously been set as the CooperativeLevel HWND.';
+ DDERR_NOMIRRORHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware present or available.';
+ DDERR_NOOVERLAYDEST: Result := 'Returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on an overlay that UpdateOverlay has never been called on to establish a destination.';
+ DDERR_NOOVERLAYHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no overlay hardware present or available.';
+ DDERR_NOPALETTEATTACHED: Result := 'No palette object attached to this surface.';
+ DDERR_NOPALETTEHW: Result := 'No hardware support for 16 or 256 color palettes.';
+ DDERR_NORASTEROPHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no appropriate raster op hardware present or available.';
+ DDERR_NOROTATIONHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no rotation hardware present or available.';
+ DDERR_NOSTRETCHHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for stretching.';
+ DDERR_NOT4BITCOLOR: Result := 'DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color palette and the requested operation requires 4 bit color palette.';
+ DDERR_NOT4BITCOLORINDEX: Result := 'DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color index palette and the requested operation requires 4 bit color index palette.';
+ DDERR_NOT8BITCOLOR: Result := 'DirectDrawSurface is not in 8 bit color mode and the requested operation requires 8 bit color.';
+ DDERR_NOTAOVERLAYSURFACE: Result := 'Returned when an overlay member is called for a non-overlay surface.';
+ DDERR_NOTEXTUREHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no texture mapping hardware present or available.';
+ DDERR_NOTFLIPPABLE: Result := 'An attempt has been made to flip a surface that is not flippable.';
+ DDERR_NOTFOUND: Result := 'Requested item was not found.';
+ DDERR_NOTLOCKED: Result := 'Surface was not locked. An attempt to unlock a surface that was not locked at all, or by this process, has been attempted.';
+ DDERR_NOTPALETTIZED: Result := 'The surface being used is not a palette-based surface.';
+ DDERR_NOVSYNCHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for vertical blank synchronized operations.';
+ DDERR_NOZBUFFERHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for zbuffer blitting.';
+ DDERR_NOZOVERLAYHW: Result := 'Overlay surfaces could not be z layered based on their BltOrder because the hardware does not support z layering of overlays.';
+ DDERR_OUTOFCAPS: Result := 'The hardware needed for the requested operation has already been allocated.';
+ DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY: Result := 'DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation.';
+ DDERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY: Result := 'DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation.';
+ DDERR_OVERLAYCANTCLIP: Result := 'The hardware does not support clipped overlays.';
+ DDERR_OVERLAYCOLORKEYONLYONEACTIVE: Result := 'Can only have ony color key active at one time for overlays.';
+ DDERR_OVERLAYNOTVISIBLE: Result := 'Returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on a hidden overlay.';
+ DDERR_PALETTEBUSY: Result := 'Access to this palette is being refused because the palette is already locked by another thread.';
+ DDERR_PRIMARYSURFACEALREADYEXISTS: Result := 'This process already has created a primary surface.';
+ DDERR_REGIONTOOSMALL: Result := 'Region passed to Clipper::GetClipList is too small.';
+ DDERR_SURFACEALREADYATTACHED: Result := 'This surface is already attached to the surface it is being attached to.';
+ DDERR_SURFACEALREADYDEPENDENT: Result := 'This surface is already a dependency of the surface it is being made a dependency of.';
+ DDERR_SURFACEBUSY: Result := 'Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is already locked by another thread.';
+ DDERR_SURFACEISOBSCURED: Result := 'Access to surface refused because the surface is obscured.';
+ DDERR_SURFACELOST: Result := 'Access to this surface is being refused because the surface memory is gone. The DirectDrawSurface object representing this surface should have Restore called on it.';
+ DDERR_SURFACENOTATTACHED: Result := 'The requested surface is not attached.';
+ DDERR_TOOBIGHEIGHT: Result := 'Height requested by DirectDraw is too large.';
+ DDERR_TOOBIGSIZE: Result := 'Size requested by DirectDraw is too large, but the individual height and width are OK.';
+ DDERR_TOOBIGWIDTH: Result := 'Width requested by DirectDraw is too large.';
+ DDERR_UNSUPPORTED: Result := 'Action not supported.';
+ DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT: Result := 'FOURCC format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw.';
+ DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMASK: Result := 'Bitmask in the pixel format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw.';
+ DDERR_VERTICALBLANKINPROGRESS: Result := 'Vertical blank is in progress.';
+ DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING: Result := 'Informs DirectDraw that the previous Blt which is transfering information to or from this Surface is incomplete.';
+ DDERR_WRONGMODE: Result := 'This surface can not be restored because it was created in a different mode.';
+ DDERR_XALIGN: Result := 'Rectangle provided was not horizontally aligned on required boundary.';
+ // new:
+ DDERR_OVERLAPPINGRECTS: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because the source and destination rectangles are on the same surface and overlap each other.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDSTREAM: Result := 'The specified stream contains invalid data';
+ DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMODE: Result := 'The display is currently in an unsupported mode';
+ DDERR_NOMIPMAPHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no mip-map texture mapping hardware present or available.';
+ DDERR_INVALIDSURFACETYPE: Result := 'The requested action could not be performed because the surface was of the wrong type.';
+ DDERR_NOOPTIMIZEHW: Result := 'Device does not support optimized surfaces, therefore no video memory optimized surfaces';
+ DDERR_NOTLOADED: Result := 'Surface is an optimized surface, but has not yet been allocated any memory';
+ DDERR_NOFOCUSWINDOW: Result := 'Attempt was made to create or set a device window without first setting the focus window';
+ DDERR_DCALREADYCREATED: Result := 'A DC has already been returned for this surface. Only one DC can be retrieved per surface.';
+ DDERR_NONONLOCALVIDMEM: Result := 'An attempt was made to allocate non-local video memory from a device that does not support non-local video memory.';
+ DDERR_CANTPAGELOCK: Result := 'The attempt to page lock a surface failed.';
+ DDERR_CANTPAGEUNLOCK: Result := 'The attempt to page unlock a surface failed.';
+ DDERR_NOTPAGELOCKED: Result := 'An attempt was made to page unlock a surface with no outstanding page locks.';
+ DDERR_MOREDATA: Result := 'There is more data available than the specified buffer size could hold';
+ DDERR_EXPIRED: Result := 'The data has expired and is therefore no longer valid.';
+ DDERR_VIDEONOTACTIVE: Result := 'The video port is not active';
+ DDERR_DEVICEDOESNTOWNSURFACE: Result := 'Surfaces created by one direct draw device cannot be used directly by another direct draw device.';
+ DDERR_NOTINITIALIZED: Result := 'An attempt was made to invoke an interface member of a DirectDraw object created by CoCreateInstance() before it was initialized.';
+ else Result := 'Unrecognized Error';
+ end;
+ DirectDrawLib: THandle = 0;
+function DirectDrawLoaded: Boolean;
+ Result:= DirectDrawLib <> 0;
+function UnLoadDirectDraw: Boolean;
+ Result:= True;
+ if DirectDrawLoaded then
+ begin
+ Result:= FreeLibrary(DirectDrawLib);
+ DirectDrawEnumerateA := nil;
+ DirectDrawEnumerateW := nil;
+ DirectDrawEnumerate := nil;
+ DirectDrawEnumerateExA := nil;
+ DirectDrawEnumerateExW := nil;
+ DirectDrawEnumerateEx := nil;
+ DirectDrawCreate := nil;
+ DirectDrawCreateEx := nil;
+ DirectDrawCreateClipper := nil;
+ NtDirectDrawCreate := nil;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ DirectDrawLib:= 0;
+ end;
+function LoadDirectDraw: Boolean;
+ Result:= DirectDrawLoaded;
+ if (not Result) then
+ begin
+ DirectDrawLib:= LoadLibrary(DirectDrawDll);
+ if DirectDrawLoaded then
+ begin
+ DirectDrawEnumerateA := GetProcAddress(DirectDrawLib, 'DirectDrawEnumerateA');
+ DirectDrawEnumerateW := GetProcAddress(DirectDrawLib, 'DirectDrawEnumerateW');
+ DirectDrawEnumerate := GetProcAddress(DirectDrawLib, 'DirectDrawEnumerateW');
+ {$ELSE}
+ DirectDrawEnumerate := GetProcAddress(DirectDrawLib, 'DirectDrawEnumerateA');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ DirectDrawEnumerateExA := GetProcAddress(DirectDrawLib, 'DirectDrawEnumerateExA');
+ DirectDrawEnumerateExW := GetProcAddress(DirectDrawLib, 'DirectDrawEnumerateExW');
+ DirectDrawEnumerateEx := GetProcAddress(DirectDrawLib, 'DirectDrawEnumerateExW');
+ {$ELSE}
+ DirectDrawEnumerateEx := GetProcAddress(DirectDrawLib, 'DirectDrawEnumerateExA');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ DirectDrawCreate := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawCreate');
+ DirectDrawCreateEx := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawCreateEx');
+ DirectDrawCreateClipper := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawCreateClipper');
+ NtDirectDrawCreate := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'NtDirectDrawCreate');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Result:= Assigned(DirectDrawCreate); // At least basic procedure is found!
+ if not Result then UnLoadDirectDraw;
+ end;
+ end;
+function DirectDrawLoaded: Boolean;
+begin // Stub function for static linking
+ Result:= True;
+function UnLoadDirectDraw: Boolean;
+begin // Stub function for static linking
+ Result:= True; // should emulate "normal" behaviour
+function LoadDirectDraw: Boolean;
+begin // Stub function for static linking
+ Result:= True;
+ LoadDirectDraw;
+ UnLoadDirectDraw;
diff --git a/thirparty/DirectX.inc b/thirparty/DirectX.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a5da80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/DirectX.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ }
+{ The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version }
+{ 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the }
+{ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ }
+{ }
+{ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, }
+{ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for }
+{ the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. }
+{ }
+{ The Original Code is DirectX.inc. }
+{ }
+// Borland compilers support
+{$INCLUDE versions.inc}
+// Additional settings
diff --git a/thirparty/DwmApi.pas b/thirparty/DwmApi.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2478f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/DwmApi.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+{ }
+{ Delphi Runtime Library }
+{ }
+{ File: dwmapi.h }
+{ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation }
+{ All Rights Reserved. }
+{ }
+{ Translator: Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. }
+{ Copyright(c) 1995-2010 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. }
+{ }
+{ Win32 API Desktop Window Manager Interface Unit }
+unit Dwmapi;
+{$HPPEMIT ''}
+{$HPPEMIT '#include "dwmapi.h"'}
+{$HPPEMIT '#pragma link "dwmapi.lib"'}
+{$HPPEMIT ''}
+uses Windows, Uxtheme;
+ // Blur behind data structures
+ DWM_BB_ENABLE = $00000001; // fEnable has been specified
+ DWM_BB_BLURREGION = $00000002; // hRgnBlur has been specified
+ DWM_BB_TRANSITIONONMAXIMIZED = $00000004; // fTransitionOnMaximized has been specified
+ dwFlags: DWORD;
+ fEnable: BOOL;
+ hRgnBlur: HRGN;
+ fTransitionOnMaximized: BOOL;
+ end;
+ TDwmBlurBehind = DWM_BLURBEHIND;
+ PDwmBlurBehind = ^TDwmBlurbehind;
+// Window attributes
+ DWMWA_NCRENDERING_ENABLED = 1; // [get] Is non-client rendering enabled/disabled
+ DWMWA_NCRENDERING_POLICY = 2; // [set] Non-client rendering policy
+ DWMWA_TRANSITIONS_FORCEDISABLED = 3; // [set] Potentially enable/forcibly disable transitions
+ DWMWA_ALLOW_NCPAINT = 4; // [set] Allow contents rendered in the non-client area to be visible on the DWM-drawn frame.
+ DWMWA_CAPTION_BUTTON_BOUNDS = 5; // [get] Bounds of the caption button area in window-relative space.
+ DWMWA_NONCLIENT_RTL_LAYOUT = 6; // [set] Is non-client content RTL mirrored
+ DWMWA_FORCE_ICONIC_REPRESENTATION = 7; // [set] Force this window to display iconic thumbnails.
+ DWMWA_FLIP3D_POLICY = 8; // [set] Designates how Flip3D will treat the window.
+ DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS = 9; // [get] Gets the extended frame bounds rectangle in screen space
+ DWMWA_HAS_ICONIC_BITMAP = 10; // [set] Indicates an available bitmap when there is no better thumbnail representation.
+ DWMWA_DISALLOW_PEEK = 11; // [set] Don't invoke Peek on the window.
+ DWMWA_EXCLUDED_FROM_PEEK = 12; // [set] LivePreview exclusion information
+ DWMWA_LAST = 13;
+ // Non-client rendering policy attribute values
+ DWMNCRP_USEWINDOWSTYLE = 0; // Enable/disable non-client rendering based on window style
+ DWMNCRP_DISABLED = 1; // Disabled non-client rendering; window style is ignored
+ DWMNCRP_ENABLED = 2; // Enabled non-client rendering; window style is ignored
+ // Values designating how Flip3D treats a given window.
+ DWMFLIP3D_DEFAULT = 0; // Hide or include the window in Flip3D based on window style and visibility.
+ DWMFLIP3D_EXCLUDEBELOW = 1; // Display the window under Flip3D and disabled.
+ DWMFLIP3D_EXCLUDEABOVE = 2; // Display the window above Flip3D and enabled.
+// Thumbnails
+ DWM_TNP_RECTSOURCE = $00000002;
+ DWM_TNP_OPACITY = $00000004;
+ DWM_TNP_VISIBLE = $00000008;
+ dwFlags: DWORD;
+ rcDestination: TRect;
+ rcSource: TRect;
+ opacity: Byte;
+ fVisible: BOOL;
+ fSourceClientAreaOnly: BOOL;
+ end;
+ TDwmThumbnailProperties = DWM_THUMBNAIL_PROPERTIES;
+ PDwmThumbnailProperties = ^TDwmThumbnailProperties;
+// Video enabling apis
+ uiNumerator: Cardinal;
+ uiDenominator: Cardinal;
+ end;
+ TUnsignedRatio = UNSIGNED_RATIO;
+ PUnsignedRatio = ^TUnsignedRatio;
+ DWM_TIMING_INFO = record
+ cbSize: Cardinal;
+ // Data on DWM composition overall
+ // Monitor refresh rate
+ rateRefresh: TUnsignedRatio;
+ // Actual period
+// qpcRefreshPeriod: QPC_TIME;
+ // composition rate
+ rateCompose: TUnsignedRatio;
+ // QPC time at a VSync interupt
+// qpcVBlank: QPC_TIME;
+ // DWM refresh count of the last vsync
+ // DWM refresh count is a 64bit number where zero is
+ // the first refresh the DWM woke up to process
+// cRefresh: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // DX refresh count at the last Vsync Interupt
+ // DX refresh count is a 32bit number with zero
+ // being the first refresh after the card was initialized
+ // DX increments a counter when ever a VSync ISR is processed
+ // It is possible for DX to miss VSyncs
+ //
+ // There is not a fixed mapping between DX and DWM refresh counts
+ // because the DX will rollover and may miss VSync interupts
+ cDXRefresh: UINT;
+ // QPC time at a compose time.
+// qpcCompose: QPC_TIME;
+ // Frame number that was composed at qpcCompose
+// cFrame: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // The present number DX uses to identify renderer frames
+ cDXPresent: UINT;
+ // Refresh count of the frame that was composed at qpcCompose
+// cRefreshFrame: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // DWM frame number that was last submitted
+// cFrameSubmitted: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // DX Present number that was last submitted
+ cDXPresentSubmitted: UINT;
+ // DWM frame number that was last confirmed presented
+// cFrameConfirmed: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // DX Present number that was last confirmed presented
+ cDXPresentConfirmed: UINT;
+ // The target refresh count of the last
+ // frame confirmed completed by the GPU
+// cRefreshConfirmed: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // DX refresh count when the frame was confirmed presented
+ cDXRefreshConfirmed: UINT;
+ // Number of frames the DWM presented late
+ // AKA Glitches
+// cFramesLate: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // the number of composition frames that
+ // have been issued but not confirmed completed
+ cFramesOutstanding: UINT;
+ // Following fields are only relavent when an HWND is specified
+ // Display frame
+ // Last frame displayed
+// cFrameDisplayed: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // QPC time of the composition pass when the frame was displayed
+// qpcFrameDisplayed: QPC_TIME;
+ // Count of the VSync when the frame should have become visible
+// cRefreshFrameDisplayed: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // Complete frames: DX has notified the DWM that the frame is done rendering
+ // ID of the the last frame marked complete (starts at 0)
+// cFrameComplete: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // QPC time when the last frame was marked complete
+// qpcFrameComplete: QPC_TIME;
+ // Pending frames:
+ // The application has been submitted to DX but not completed by the GPU
+ // ID of the the last frame marked pending (starts at 0)
+// cFramePending: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // QPC time when the last frame was marked pending
+// qpcFramePending: QPC_TIME;
+ // number of unique frames displayed
+// cFramesDisplayed: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // number of new completed frames that have been received
+// cFramesComplete: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // number of new frames submitted to DX but not yet complete
+// cFramesPending: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // number of frames available but not displayed, used or dropped
+// cFramesAvailable: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // number of rendered frames that were never
+ // displayed because composition occured too late
+// cFramesDropped: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // number of times an old frame was composed
+ // when a new frame should have been used
+ // but was not available
+// cFramesMissed: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // the refresh at which the next frame is
+ // scheduled to be displayed
+// cRefreshNextDisplayed: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // the refresh at which the next DX present is
+ // scheduled to be displayed
+// cRefreshNextPresented: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // The total number of refreshes worth of content
+ // for this HWND that have been displayed by the DWM
+ // since DwmSetPresentParameters was called
+// cRefreshesDisplayed: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // The total number of refreshes worth of content
+ // that have been presented by the application
+ // since DwmSetPresentParameters was called
+// cRefreshesPresented: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // The actual refresh # when content for this
+ // window started to be displayed
+ // it may be different than that requested
+ // DwmSetPresentParameters
+// cRefreshStarted: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ // Total number of pixels DX redirected
+ // to the DWM.
+ // If Queueing is used the full buffer
+ // is transfered on each present.
+ // If not queuing it is possible only
+ // a dirty region is updated
+// cPixelsReceived: ULONGLONG;
+ // Total number of pixels drawn.
+ // Does not take into account if
+ // if the window is only partial drawn
+ // do to clipping or dirty rect management
+// cPixelsDrawn: ULONGLONG;
+ // The number of buffers in the flipchain
+ // that are empty. An application can
+ // present that number of times and guarantee
+ // it won't be blocked waiting for a buffer to
+ // become empty to present to
+// cBuffersEmpty: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ end;
+ TDwmTimingInfo = DWM_TIMING_INFO;
+ PDwmTimingInfo = ^TDwmTimingInfo;
+ // includes the first refresh of the output frame
+ // use the source frame that includes the most
+ // refreshes of out the output frame
+ // in case of multiple source frames with the
+ // same coverage the last will be used
+ // Sentinel value
+ c_DwmMaxQueuedBuffers = 8;
+ c_DwmMaxMonitors = 16;
+ c_DwmMaxAdapters = 16;
+ cbSize: Cardinal;
+ fQueue: BOOL;
+// cRefreshStart: DWM_FRAME_COUNT;
+ cBuffer: UINT;
+ fUseSourceRate: BOOL;
+ rateSource: TUnsignedRatio;
+ cRefreshesPerFrame: UINT;
+ end;
+ TDwmPresentParameters = DWM_PRESENT_PARAMETERS;
+ PDwmPresentParameters = ^TDwmPresentParameters;
+function DwmDefWindowProc(hWnd: HWND; msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM;
+ var plResult: LRESULT): BOOL; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmDefWindowProc}
+function DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(hWnd: HWND;
+ var pBlurBehind: TDwmBlurbehind): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow}
+function DwmEnableComposition(uCompositionAction: UINT): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmEnableComposition}
+function DwmEnableMMCSS(fEnableMMCSS: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+function DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hWnd: HWND; const pMarInset: TMargins): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea}
+function DwmGetColorizationColor(var pcrColorization: DWORD;
+ var pfOpaqueBlend: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmGetColorizationColor}
+function DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo(hwnd: HWND;
+ var pTimingInfo: TDwmTimingInfo): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo}
+function DwmGetWindowAttribute(hwnd: HWND; dwAttribute: DWORD;
+ pvAttribute: Pointer; cbAttribute: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmGetWindowAttribute}
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmIsCompositionEnabled}
+function DwmIsCompositionEnabled(var pfEnabled: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+function DwmModifyPreviousDxFrameDuration(hwnd: HWND; cRefreshes: Integer;
+ fRelative: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmModifyPreviousDxFrameDuration}
+function DwmQueryThumbnailSourceSize(hThumbnail: HTHUMBNAIL;
+ pSize: PSIZE): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmQueryThumbnailSourceSize}
+function DwmRegisterThumbnail(hwndDestination: HWND; hwndSource: HWND;
+ phThumbnailId: PHTHUMBNAIL): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmRegisterThumbnail}
+function DwmSetDxFrameDuration(hwnd: HWND; cRefreshes: Integer): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmSetDxFrameDuration}
+function DwmSetPresentParameters(hwnd: HWND;
+ var pPresentParams: TDwmPresentParameters): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmSetPresentParameters}
+function DwmSetWindowAttribute(hwnd: HWND; dwAttribute: DWORD;
+ pvAttribute: Pointer; cbAttribute: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmSetWindowAttribute}
+function DwmUnregisterThumbnail(hThumbnailId: HTHUMBNAIL): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmUnregisterThumbnail}
+function DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(hThumbnailId: HTHUMBNAIL;
+ var ptnProperties: TDwmThumbnailProperties): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties}
+ DWM_SIT_DISPLAYFRAME = $00000001; // Display a window frame around the provided bitmap
+function DwmSetIconicThumbnail(hwnd: HWND; hbmp: HBITMAP;
+ dwSITFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmSetIconicThumbnail}
+function DwmSetIconicLivePreviewBitmap(hwnd: HWND; hbmp: HBITMAP;
+ var pptClient: TPoint; dwSITFlags: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmSetIconicLivePreviewBitmap}
+function DwmInvalidateIconicBitmaps(hwnd: HWND): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmInvalidateIconicBitmaps}
+function DwmAttachMilContent(hwnd: HWND): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmAttachMilContent}
+function DwmDetachMilContent(hwnd: HWND): HResult; stdcall;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmDetachMilContent}
+function DwmFlush: HResult; stdcall;
+ MilMatrix3x2D = record
+ S_11: Double;
+ S_12: Double;
+ S_21: Double;
+ S_22: Double;
+ DX: Double;
+ DY: Double;
+ end;
+ _MilMatrix3x2D = MilMatrix3x2D;
+ TMilMatrix3x2D = MilMatrix3x2D;
+ PMilMatrix3x2D = ^TMilMatrix3x2D;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM MilMatrix3x2D}
+// Compatibility for Vista dwm api.
+ MIL_MATRIX3X2D = MilMatrix3x2D;
+function DwmGetGraphicsStreamTransformHint(uIndex: UINT;
+ var pTransform: TMilMatrix3x2D): HResult;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmGetGraphicsStreamTransformHint}
+function DwmGetGraphicsStreamClient(uIndex: UINT;
+ var pClientUuid: TGUID): HResult;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmGetGraphicsStreamClient}
+function DwmGetTransportAttributes(var pfIsRemoting: BOOL;
+ var pfIsConnected: BOOL; var pDwGeneration: DWORD): HResult;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DwmGetTransportAttributes}
+function DwmCompositionEnabled: Boolean;
+ SysUtils;
+ ModName = 'DWMAPI.DLL';
+function DwmDefWindowProc; external ModName name 'DwmDefWindowProc';
+function DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow; external ModName name 'DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow';
+function DwmEnableComposition; external ModName name 'DwmEnableComposition';
+function DwmEnableMMCSS; external ModName name 'DwmEnableMMCSS';
+function DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea; external ModName name 'DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea';
+function DwmGetColorizationColor; external ModName name 'DwmGetColorizationColor';
+function DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo; external ModName name 'DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo';
+function DwmGetWindowAttribute; external ModName name 'DwmGetWindowAttribute';
+function DwmIsCompositionEnabled; external ModName name 'DwmIsCompositionEnabled';
+function DwmModifyPreviousDxFrameDuration; external ModName name 'DwmModifyPreviousDxFrameDuration';
+function DwmQueryThumbnailSourceSize; external ModName name 'DwmQueryThumbnailSourceSize';
+function DwmRegisterThumbnail; external ModName name 'DwmRegisterThumbnail';
+function DwmSetDxFrameDuration; external ModName name 'DwmSetDxFrameDuration';
+function DwmSetPresentParameters; external ModName name 'DwmSetPresentParameters';
+function DwmSetWindowAttribute; external ModName name 'DwmSetWindowAttribute';
+function DwmUnregisterThumbnail; external ModName name 'DwmUnregisterThumbnail';
+function DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties; external ModName name 'DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties';
+function DwmSetIconicThumbnail; external ModName name 'DwmSetIconicThumbnail';
+function DwmSetIconicLivePreviewBitmap; external ModName name 'DwmSetIconicLivePreviewBitmap';
+function DwmInvalidateIconicBitmaps; external ModName name 'DwmInvalidateIconicBitmaps';
+function DwmAttachMilContent; external ModName name 'DwmAttachMilContent';
+function DwmDetachMilContent; external ModName name 'DwmDetachMilContent';
+function DwmFlush; external ModName name 'DwmFlush';
+function DwmGetGraphicsStreamTransformHint; external ModName name 'DwmGetGraphicsStreamTransformHint';
+function DwmGetGraphicsStreamClient; external ModName name 'DwmGetGraphicsStreamClient';
+function DwmGetTransportAttributes; external ModName name 'DwmGetTransportAttributes';
+function DwmCompositionEnabled: Boolean;
+ LEnabled: BOOL;
+ Result := (Win32MajorVersion >= 6) and (DwmIsCompositionEnabled(LEnabled) = S_OK) and LEnabled;
diff --git a/thirparty/GDIPAPI.pas b/thirparty/GDIPAPI.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b64672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/GDIPAPI.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,7015 @@
+ {******************************************************************}
+ { GDI+ API }
+ { }
+ { home page : http://www.progdigy.com }
+ { email : hgourvest@progdigy.com }
+ { }
+ { date : 15-02-2002 }
+ { }
+ { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to }
+ { the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may }
+ { not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may }
+ { obtain a copy of the License at }
+ { http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html }
+ { }
+ { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an }
+ { "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or }
+ { implied. See the License for the specific language governing }
+ { rights and limitations under the License. }
+ { }
+ { *****************************************************************}
+unit GDIPAPI;
+* GDI+ public header file
+ Windows,
+ ActiveX,
+ DirectDraw,
+ Math;
+ INT16 = type Smallint;
+ UINT16 = type Word;
+ PUINT16 = ^UINT16;
+ UINT32 = type Cardinal;
+ TSingleDynArray = array of Single;
+* GDI+ Private Memory Management APIs
+const WINGDIPDLL = 'gdiplus.dll';
+// Memory Allocation APIs
+function GdipAlloc(size: ULONG): pointer; stdcall;
+procedure GdipFree(ptr: pointer); stdcall;
+* GDI+ base memory allocation class
+ TGdiplusBase = class
+ public
+ class function NewInstance: TObject; override;
+ procedure FreeInstance; override;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Enumeration Types
+// Default bezier flattening tolerance in device pixels.
+ {$EXTERNALSYM FlatnessDefault}
+ FlatnessDefault = 0.25;
+// Graphics and Container State cookies
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GraphicsState}
+ GraphicsState = UINT;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GraphicsContainer}
+ GraphicsContainer = UINT;
+// Fill mode constants
+ FillMode = (
+ FillModeAlternate, // 0
+ FillModeWinding // 1
+ );
+ TFillMode = FillMode;
+// Quality mode constants
+ {$EXTERNALSYM QualityMode}
+ QualityMode = (
+ QualityModeInvalid = -1,
+ QualityModeDefault = 0,
+ QualityModeLow = 1, // Best performance
+ QualityModeHigh = 2 // Best rendering quality
+ );
+ TQualityMode = QualityMode;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM QualityMode}
+ QualityMode = Integer;
+ const
+ QualityModeInvalid = -1;
+ QualityModeDefault = 0;
+ QualityModeLow = 1; // Best performance
+ QualityModeHigh = 2; // Best rendering quality
+// Alpha Compositing mode constants
+ {$EXTERNALSYM CompositingMode}
+ CompositingMode = (
+ CompositingModeSourceOver, // 0
+ CompositingModeSourceCopy // 1
+ );
+ TCompositingMode = CompositingMode;
+// Alpha Compositing quality constants
+ {$EXTERNALSYM CompositingQuality}
+ CompositingQuality = (
+ CompositingQualityInvalid = ord(QualityModeInvalid),
+ CompositingQualityDefault = ord(QualityModeDefault),
+ CompositingQualityHighSpeed = ord(QualityModeLow),
+ CompositingQualityHighQuality = ord(QualityModeHigh),
+ CompositingQualityGammaCorrected,
+ CompositingQualityAssumeLinear
+ );
+ TCompositingQuality = CompositingQuality;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM CompositingQuality}
+ CompositingQuality = Integer;
+ const
+ CompositingQualityInvalid = QualityModeInvalid;
+ CompositingQualityDefault = QualityModeDefault;
+ CompositingQualityHighSpeed = QualityModeLow;
+ CompositingQualityHighQuality = QualityModeHigh;
+ CompositingQualityGammaCorrected = 3;
+ CompositingQualityAssumeLinear = 4;
+ TCompositingQuality = CompositingQuality;
+// Unit constants
+ // {$EXTERNALSYM Unit}
+ Unit_ = (
+ UnitWorld, // 0 -- World coordinate (non-physical unit)
+ UnitDisplay, // 1 -- Variable -- for PageTransform only
+ UnitPixel, // 2 -- Each unit is one device pixel.
+ UnitPoint, // 3 -- Each unit is a printer's point, or 1/72 inch.
+ UnitInch, // 4 -- Each unit is 1 inch.
+ UnitDocument, // 5 -- Each unit is 1/300 inch.
+ UnitMillimeter // 6 -- Each unit is 1 millimeter.
+ );
+ TUnit = Unit_;
+// MetafileFrameUnit
+// The frameRect for creating a metafile can be specified in any of these
+// units. There is an extra frame unit value (MetafileFrameUnitGdi) so
+// that units can be supplied in the same units that GDI expects for
+// frame rects -- these units are in .01 (1/100ths) millimeter units
+// as defined by GDI.
+ {$EXTERNALSYM MetafileFrameUnit}
+ MetafileFrameUnit = (
+ MetafileFrameUnitPixel = ord(UnitPixel),
+ MetafileFrameUnitPoint = ord(UnitPoint),
+ MetafileFrameUnitInch = ord(UnitInch),
+ MetafileFrameUnitDocument = ord(UnitDocument),
+ MetafileFrameUnitMillimeter = ord(UnitMillimeter),
+ MetafileFrameUnitGdi // GDI compatible .01 MM units
+ );
+ TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnit;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM MetafileFrameUnit}
+ MetafileFrameUnit = Integer;
+ const
+ MetafileFrameUnitPixel = 2;
+ MetafileFrameUnitPoint = 3;
+ MetafileFrameUnitInch = 4;
+ MetafileFrameUnitDocument = 5;
+ MetafileFrameUnitMillimeter = 6;
+ MetafileFrameUnitGdi = 7; // GDI compatible .01 MM units
+ TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnit;
+// Coordinate space identifiers
+ {$EXTERNALSYM CoordinateSpace}
+ CoordinateSpace = (
+ CoordinateSpaceWorld, // 0
+ CoordinateSpacePage, // 1
+ CoordinateSpaceDevice // 2
+ );
+ TCoordinateSpace = CoordinateSpace;
+// Various wrap modes for brushes
+ WrapMode = (
+ WrapModeTile, // 0
+ WrapModeTileFlipX, // 1
+ WrapModeTileFlipY, // 2
+ WrapModeTileFlipXY, // 3
+ WrapModeClamp // 4
+ );
+ TWrapMode = WrapMode;
+// Various hatch styles
+ {$EXTERNALSYM HatchStyle}
+ HatchStyle = (
+ HatchStyleHorizontal, // = 0,
+ HatchStyleVertical, // = 1,
+ HatchStyleForwardDiagonal, // = 2,
+ HatchStyleBackwardDiagonal, // = 3,
+ HatchStyleCross, // = 4,
+ HatchStyleDiagonalCross, // = 5,
+ HatchStyle05Percent, // = 6,
+ HatchStyle10Percent, // = 7,
+ HatchStyle20Percent, // = 8,
+ HatchStyle25Percent, // = 9,
+ HatchStyle30Percent, // = 10,
+ HatchStyle40Percent, // = 11,
+ HatchStyle50Percent, // = 12,
+ HatchStyle60Percent, // = 13,
+ HatchStyle70Percent, // = 14,
+ HatchStyle75Percent, // = 15,
+ HatchStyle80Percent, // = 16,
+ HatchStyle90Percent, // = 17,
+ HatchStyleLightDownwardDiagonal, // = 18,
+ HatchStyleLightUpwardDiagonal, // = 19,
+ HatchStyleDarkDownwardDiagonal, // = 20,
+ HatchStyleDarkUpwardDiagonal, // = 21,
+ HatchStyleWideDownwardDiagonal, // = 22,
+ HatchStyleWideUpwardDiagonal, // = 23,
+ HatchStyleLightVertical, // = 24,
+ HatchStyleLightHorizontal, // = 25,
+ HatchStyleNarrowVertical, // = 26,
+ HatchStyleNarrowHorizontal, // = 27,
+ HatchStyleDarkVertical, // = 28,
+ HatchStyleDarkHorizontal, // = 29,
+ HatchStyleDashedDownwardDiagonal, // = 30,
+ HatchStyleDashedUpwardDiagonal, // = 31,
+ HatchStyleDashedHorizontal, // = 32,
+ HatchStyleDashedVertical, // = 33,
+ HatchStyleSmallConfetti, // = 34,
+ HatchStyleLargeConfetti, // = 35,
+ HatchStyleZigZag, // = 36,
+ HatchStyleWave, // = 37,
+ HatchStyleDiagonalBrick, // = 38,
+ HatchStyleHorizontalBrick, // = 39,
+ HatchStyleWeave, // = 40,
+ HatchStylePlaid, // = 41,
+ HatchStyleDivot, // = 42,
+ HatchStyleDottedGrid, // = 43,
+ HatchStyleDottedDiamond, // = 44,
+ HatchStyleShingle, // = 45,
+ HatchStyleTrellis, // = 46,
+ HatchStyleSphere, // = 47,
+ HatchStyleSmallGrid, // = 48,
+ HatchStyleSmallCheckerBoard, // = 49,
+ HatchStyleLargeCheckerBoard, // = 50,
+ HatchStyleOutlinedDiamond, // = 51,
+ HatchStyleSolidDiamond, // = 52,
+ HatchStyleTotal // = 53,
+ );
+ const
+ HatchStyleLargeGrid = HatchStyleCross; // 4
+ HatchStyleMin = HatchStyleHorizontal;
+ HatchStyleMax = HatchStyleSolidDiamond;
+ THatchStyle = HatchStyle;
+// Dash style constants
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DashStyle}
+ DashStyle = (
+ DashStyleSolid, // 0
+ DashStyleDash, // 1
+ DashStyleDot, // 2
+ DashStyleDashDot, // 3
+ DashStyleDashDotDot, // 4
+ DashStyleCustom // 5
+ );
+ TDashStyle = DashStyle;
+// Dash cap constants
+ DashCap = (
+ DashCapFlat = 0,
+ DashCapRound = 2,
+ DashCapTriangle = 3
+ );
+ TDashCap = DashCap;
+ DashCap = Integer;
+ const
+ DashCapFlat = 0;
+ DashCapRound = 2;
+ DashCapTriangle = 3;
+ TDashCap = DashCap;
+// Line cap constants (only the lowest 8 bits are used).
+ LineCap = (
+ LineCapFlat = 0,
+ LineCapSquare = 1,
+ LineCapRound = 2,
+ LineCapTriangle = 3,
+ LineCapNoAnchor = $10, // corresponds to flat cap
+ LineCapSquareAnchor = $11, // corresponds to square cap
+ LineCapRoundAnchor = $12, // corresponds to round cap
+ LineCapDiamondAnchor = $13, // corresponds to triangle cap
+ LineCapArrowAnchor = $14, // no correspondence
+ LineCapCustom = $ff, // custom cap
+ LineCapAnchorMask = $f0 // mask to check for anchor or not.
+ );
+ TLineCap = LineCap;
+ LineCap = Integer;
+ const
+ LineCapFlat = 0;
+ LineCapSquare = 1;
+ LineCapRound = 2;
+ LineCapTriangle = 3;
+ LineCapNoAnchor = $10; // corresponds to flat cap
+ LineCapSquareAnchor = $11; // corresponds to square cap
+ LineCapRoundAnchor = $12; // corresponds to round cap
+ LineCapDiamondAnchor = $13; // corresponds to triangle cap
+ LineCapArrowAnchor = $14; // no correspondence
+ LineCapCustom = $ff; // custom cap
+ LineCapAnchorMask = $f0; // mask to check for anchor or not.
+ TLineCap = LineCap;
+// Custom Line cap type constants
+ {$EXTERNALSYM CustomLineCapType}
+ CustomLineCapType = (
+ CustomLineCapTypeDefault,
+ CustomLineCapTypeAdjustableArrow
+ );
+ TCustomLineCapType = CustomLineCapType;
+// Line join constants
+ LineJoin = (
+ LineJoinMiter,
+ LineJoinBevel,
+ LineJoinRound,
+ LineJoinMiterClipped
+ );
+ TLineJoin = LineJoin;
+// Path point types (only the lowest 8 bits are used.)
+// The lowest 3 bits are interpreted as point type
+// The higher 5 bits are reserved for flags.
+ {$Z1}
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PathPointType}
+ PathPointType = (
+ PathPointTypeStart = $00, // move
+ PathPointTypeLine = $01, // line
+ PathPointTypeBezier = $03, // default Bezier (= cubic Bezier)
+ PathPointTypePathTypeMask = $07, // type mask (lowest 3 bits).
+ PathPointTypeDashMode = $10, // currently in dash mode.
+ PathPointTypePathMarker = $20, // a marker for the path.
+ PathPointTypeCloseSubpath = $80, // closed flag
+ // Path types used for advanced path.
+ PathPointTypeBezier3 = $03 // cubic Bezier
+ );
+ TPathPointType = PathPointType;
+ {$Z4}
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PathPointType}
+ PathPointType = Byte;
+ const
+ PathPointTypeStart : Byte = $00; // move
+ PathPointTypeLine : Byte = $01; // line
+ PathPointTypeBezier : Byte = $03; // default Bezier (= cubic Bezier)
+ PathPointTypePathTypeMask : Byte = $07; // type mask (lowest 3 bits).
+ PathPointTypeDashMode : Byte = $10; // currently in dash mode.
+ PathPointTypePathMarker : Byte = $20; // a marker for the path.
+ PathPointTypeCloseSubpath : Byte = $80; // closed flag
+ // Path types used for advanced path.
+ PathPointTypeBezier3 : Byte = $03; // cubic Bezier
+ TPathPointType = PathPointType;
+// WarpMode constants
+ WarpMode = (
+ WarpModePerspective, // 0
+ WarpModeBilinear // 1
+ );
+ TWarpMode = WarpMode;
+// LineGradient Mode
+ {$EXTERNALSYM LinearGradientMode}
+ LinearGradientMode = (
+ LinearGradientModeHorizontal, // 0
+ LinearGradientModeVertical, // 1
+ LinearGradientModeForwardDiagonal, // 2
+ LinearGradientModeBackwardDiagonal // 3
+ );
+ TLinearGradientMode = LinearGradientMode;
+// Region Comine Modes
+ {$EXTERNALSYM CombineMode}
+ CombineMode = (
+ CombineModeReplace, // 0
+ CombineModeIntersect, // 1
+ CombineModeUnion, // 2
+ CombineModeXor, // 3
+ CombineModeExclude, // 4
+ CombineModeComplement // 5 (Exclude From)
+ );
+ TCombineMode = CombineMode;
+ // Image types
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageType}
+ ImageType = (
+ ImageTypeUnknown, // 0
+ ImageTypeBitmap, // 1
+ ImageTypeMetafile // 2
+ );
+ TImageType = ImageType;
+// Interpolation modes
+ {$EXTERNALSYM InterpolationMode}
+ InterpolationMode = (
+ InterpolationModeInvalid = ord(QualityModeInvalid),
+ InterpolationModeDefault = ord(QualityModeDefault),
+ InterpolationModeLowQuality = ord(QualityModeLow),
+ InterpolationModeHighQuality = ord(QualityModeHigh),
+ InterpolationModeBilinear,
+ InterpolationModeBicubic,
+ InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor,
+ InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear,
+ InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic
+ );
+ TInterpolationMode = InterpolationMode;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM InterpolationMode}
+ InterpolationMode = Integer;
+ const
+ InterpolationModeInvalid = QualityModeInvalid;
+ InterpolationModeDefault = QualityModeDefault;
+ InterpolationModeLowQuality = QualityModeLow;
+ InterpolationModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh;
+ InterpolationModeBilinear = 3;
+ InterpolationModeBicubic = 4;
+ InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor = 5;
+ InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear = 6;
+ InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic = 7;
+ TInterpolationMode = InterpolationMode;
+// Pen types
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PenAlignment}
+ PenAlignment = (
+ PenAlignmentCenter,
+ PenAlignmentInset
+ );
+ TPenAlignment = PenAlignment;
+// Brush types
+ {$EXTERNALSYM BrushType}
+ BrushType = (
+ BrushTypeSolidColor,
+ BrushTypeHatchFill,
+ BrushTypeTextureFill,
+ BrushTypePathGradient,
+ BrushTypeLinearGradient
+ );
+ TBrushType = BrushType;
+// Pen's Fill types
+ PenType = (
+ PenTypeSolidColor = ord(BrushTypeSolidColor),
+ PenTypeHatchFill = ord(BrushTypeHatchFill),
+ PenTypeTextureFill = ord(BrushTypeTextureFill),
+ PenTypePathGradient = ord(BrushTypePathGradient),
+ PenTypeLinearGradient = ord(BrushTypeLinearGradient),
+ PenTypeUnknown = -1
+ );
+ TPenType = PenType;
+ PenType = Integer;
+ const
+ PenTypeSolidColor = 0;
+ PenTypeHatchFill = 1;
+ PenTypeTextureFill = 2;
+ PenTypePathGradient = 3;
+ PenTypeLinearGradient = 4;
+ PenTypeUnknown = -1;
+ TPenType = PenType;
+// Matrix Order
+ {$EXTERNALSYM MatrixOrder}
+ MatrixOrder = (
+ MatrixOrderPrepend,
+ MatrixOrderAppend
+ );
+ TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrder;
+// Generic font families
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GenericFontFamily}
+ GenericFontFamily = (
+ GenericFontFamilySerif,
+ GenericFontFamilySansSerif,
+ GenericFontFamilyMonospace
+ );
+ TGenericFontFamily = GenericFontFamily;
+// FontStyle: face types and common styles
+ {$EXTERNALSYM FontStyle}
+ FontStyle = Integer;
+ const
+ FontStyleRegular = Integer(0);
+ FontStyleBold = Integer(1);
+ FontStyleItalic = Integer(2);
+ FontStyleBoldItalic = Integer(3);
+ FontStyleUnderline = Integer(4);
+ FontStyleStrikeout = Integer(8);
+ Type
+ TFontStyle = FontStyle;
+// Smoothing Mode
+ {$EXTERNALSYM SmoothingMode}
+ SmoothingMode = (
+ SmoothingModeInvalid = ord(QualityModeInvalid),
+ SmoothingModeDefault = ord(QualityModeDefault),
+ SmoothingModeHighSpeed = ord(QualityModeLow),
+ SmoothingModeHighQuality = ord(QualityModeHigh),
+ SmoothingModeNone,
+ SmoothingModeAntiAlias
+ );
+ TSmoothingMode = SmoothingMode;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM SmoothingMode}
+ SmoothingMode = Integer;
+ const
+ SmoothingModeInvalid = QualityModeInvalid;
+ SmoothingModeDefault = QualityModeDefault;
+ SmoothingModeHighSpeed = QualityModeLow;
+ SmoothingModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh;
+ SmoothingModeNone = 3;
+ SmoothingModeAntiAlias = 4;
+ TSmoothingMode = SmoothingMode;
+// Pixel Format Mode
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelOffsetMode}
+ PixelOffsetMode = (
+ PixelOffsetModeInvalid = Ord(QualityModeInvalid),
+ PixelOffsetModeDefault = Ord(QualityModeDefault),
+ PixelOffsetModeHighSpeed = Ord(QualityModeLow),
+ PixelOffsetModeHighQuality = Ord(QualityModeHigh),
+ PixelOffsetModeNone, // No pixel offset
+ PixelOffsetModeHalf // Offset by -0.5, -0.5 for fast anti-alias perf
+ );
+ TPixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelOffsetMode}
+ PixelOffsetMode = Integer;
+ const
+ PixelOffsetModeInvalid = QualityModeInvalid;
+ PixelOffsetModeDefault = QualityModeDefault;
+ PixelOffsetModeHighSpeed = QualityModeLow;
+ PixelOffsetModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh;
+ PixelOffsetModeNone = 3; // No pixel offset
+ PixelOffsetModeHalf = 4; // Offset by -0.5, -0.5 for fast anti-alias perf
+ TPixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode;
+// Text Rendering Hint
+ {$EXTERNALSYM TextRenderingHint}
+ TextRenderingHint = (
+ TextRenderingHintSystemDefault, // Glyph with system default rendering hint
+ TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit, // Glyph bitmap with hinting
+ TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel, // Glyph bitmap without hinting
+ TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit, // Glyph anti-alias bitmap with hinting
+ TextRenderingHintAntiAlias, // Glyph anti-alias bitmap without hinting
+ TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit // Glyph CT bitmap with hinting
+ );
+ TTextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint;
+// Metafile Types
+ {$EXTERNALSYM MetafileType}
+ MetafileType = (
+ MetafileTypeInvalid, // Invalid metafile
+ MetafileTypeWmf, // Standard WMF
+ MetafileTypeWmfPlaceable, // Placeable WMF
+ MetafileTypeEmf, // EMF (not EMF+)
+ MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly, // EMF+ without dual, down-level records
+ MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual // EMF+ with dual, down-level records
+ );
+ TMetafileType = MetafileType;
+// Specifies the type of EMF to record
+ EmfType = (
+ EmfTypeEmfOnly = Ord(MetafileTypeEmf), // no EMF+, only EMF
+ EmfTypeEmfPlusOnly = Ord(MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly), // no EMF, only EMF+
+ EmfTypeEmfPlusDual = Ord(MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual) // both EMF+ and EMF
+ );
+ TEmfType = EmfType;
+ EmfType = Integer;
+ const
+ EmfTypeEmfOnly = Ord(MetafileTypeEmf); // no EMF+, only EMF
+ EmfTypeEmfPlusOnly = Ord(MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly); // no EMF, only EMF+
+ EmfTypeEmfPlusDual = Ord(MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual); // both EMF+ and EMF
+ TEmfType = EmfType;
+// EMF+ Persistent object types
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ObjectType}
+ ObjectType = (
+ ObjectTypeInvalid,
+ ObjectTypeBrush,
+ ObjectTypePen,
+ ObjectTypePath,
+ ObjectTypeRegion,
+ ObjectTypeImage,
+ ObjectTypeFont,
+ ObjectTypeStringFormat,
+ ObjectTypeImageAttributes,
+ ObjectTypeCustomLineCap
+ );
+ TObjectType = ObjectType;
+ ObjectTypeMax = ObjectTypeCustomLineCap;
+ ObjectTypeMin = ObjectTypeBrush;
+function ObjectTypeIsValid(type_: ObjectType): BOOL;
+// EMF+ Records
+ // We have to change the WMF record numbers so that they don't conflict with
+ // the EMF and EMF+ record numbers.
+ GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE = $00010000;
+// macros
+function GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(n: integer): Integer;
+function GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_TO_WMF(n: integer): Integer;
+function GDIP_IS_WMF_RECORDTYPE(n: integer): BOOL;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EmfPlusRecordType}
+ EmfPlusRecordType = (
+ // Since we have to enumerate GDI records right along with GDI+ records,
+ // We list all the GDI records here so that they can be part of the
+ // same enumeration type which is used in the enumeration callback.
+ WmfRecordTypeArc = (META_ARC or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE),
+ WmfRecordTypeEllipse = (META_ELLIPSE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE),
+ WmfRecordTypePie = (META_PIE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE),
+ WmfRecordTypeRectangle = (META_RECTANGLE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE),
+ WmfRecordTypePolygon = (META_POLYGON or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE),
+ WmfRecordTypePolyline = (META_POLYLINE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE),
+ WmfRecordTypeEscape = (META_ESCAPE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE),
+ WmfRecordTypeDrawText = ($062F or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_DRAWTEXT
+ WmfRecordTypeChord = (META_CHORD or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE),
+ WmfRecordTypeSetLayout = ($0149 or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_SETLAYOUT
+ WmfRecordTypeResetDC = ($014C or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_RESETDC
+ WmfRecordTypeStartDoc = ($014D or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_STARTDOC
+ WmfRecordTypeStartPage = ($004F or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_STARTPAGE
+ WmfRecordTypeEndPage = ($0050 or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_ENDPAGE
+ WmfRecordTypeAbortDoc = ($0052 or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_ABORTDOC
+ WmfRecordTypeEndDoc = ($005E or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_ENDDOC
+ WmfRecordTypeCreateBrush = ($00F8 or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_CREATEBRUSH
+ WmfRecordTypeCreateBitmapIndirect = ($02FD or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_CREATEBITMAPINDIRECT
+ WmfRecordTypeCreateBitmap = ($06FE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE), // META_CREATEBITMAP
+ EmfRecordTypeHeader = EMR_HEADER,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyBezier = EMR_POLYBEZIER,
+ EmfRecordTypePolygon = EMR_POLYGON,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyline = EMR_POLYLINE,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyBezierTo = EMR_POLYBEZIERTO,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyLineTo = EMR_POLYLINETO,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyPolyline = EMR_POLYPOLYLINE,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyPolygon = EMR_POLYPOLYGON,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetWindowExtEx = EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetWindowOrgEx = EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetViewportExtEx = EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetViewportOrgEx = EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetBrushOrgEx = EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX,
+ EmfRecordTypeEOF = EMR_EOF,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetPixelV = EMR_SETPIXELV,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetMapperFlags = EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetMapMode = EMR_SETMAPMODE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetBkMode = EMR_SETBKMODE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetPolyFillMode = EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetROP2 = EMR_SETROP2,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetStretchBltMode = EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetTextAlign = EMR_SETTEXTALIGN,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetColorAdjustment = EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetTextColor = EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetBkColor = EMR_SETBKCOLOR,
+ EmfRecordTypeOffsetClipRgn = EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN,
+ EmfRecordTypeMoveToEx = EMR_MOVETOEX,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetMetaRgn = EMR_SETMETARGN,
+ EmfRecordTypeExcludeClipRect = EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT,
+ EmfRecordTypeIntersectClipRect = EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT,
+ EmfRecordTypeScaleViewportExtEx = EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX,
+ EmfRecordTypeScaleWindowExtEx = EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX,
+ EmfRecordTypeSaveDC = EMR_SAVEDC,
+ EmfRecordTypeRestoreDC = EMR_RESTOREDC,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetWorldTransform = EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM,
+ EmfRecordTypeModifyWorldTransform = EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM,
+ EmfRecordTypeSelectObject = EMR_SELECTOBJECT,
+ EmfRecordTypeCreatePen = EMR_CREATEPEN,
+ EmfRecordTypeCreateBrushIndirect = EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT,
+ EmfRecordTypeDeleteObject = EMR_DELETEOBJECT,
+ EmfRecordTypeAngleArc = EMR_ANGLEARC,
+ EmfRecordTypeEllipse = EMR_ELLIPSE,
+ EmfRecordTypeRectangle = EMR_RECTANGLE,
+ EmfRecordTypeRoundRect = EMR_ROUNDRECT,
+ EmfRecordTypeArc = EMR_ARC,
+ EmfRecordTypeChord = EMR_CHORD,
+ EmfRecordTypePie = EMR_PIE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSelectPalette = EMR_SELECTPALETTE,
+ EmfRecordTypeCreatePalette = EMR_CREATEPALETTE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetPaletteEntries = EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES,
+ EmfRecordTypeResizePalette = EMR_RESIZEPALETTE,
+ EmfRecordTypeRealizePalette = EMR_REALIZEPALETTE,
+ EmfRecordTypeExtFloodFill = EMR_EXTFLOODFILL,
+ EmfRecordTypeLineTo = EMR_LINETO,
+ EmfRecordTypeArcTo = EMR_ARCTO,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyDraw = EMR_POLYDRAW,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetArcDirection = EMR_SETARCDIRECTION,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetMiterLimit = EMR_SETMITERLIMIT,
+ EmfRecordTypeBeginPath = EMR_BEGINPATH,
+ EmfRecordTypeEndPath = EMR_ENDPATH,
+ EmfRecordTypeCloseFigure = EMR_CLOSEFIGURE,
+ EmfRecordTypeFillPath = EMR_FILLPATH,
+ EmfRecordTypeStrokeAndFillPath = EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH,
+ EmfRecordTypeStrokePath = EMR_STROKEPATH,
+ EmfRecordTypeFlattenPath = EMR_FLATTENPATH,
+ EmfRecordTypeWidenPath = EMR_WIDENPATH,
+ EmfRecordTypeSelectClipPath = EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH,
+ EmfRecordTypeAbortPath = EMR_ABORTPATH,
+ EmfRecordTypeReserved_069 = 69, // Not Used
+ EmfRecordTypeGdiComment = EMR_GDICOMMENT,
+ EmfRecordTypeFillRgn = EMR_FILLRGN,
+ EmfRecordTypeFrameRgn = EMR_FRAMERGN,
+ EmfRecordTypeInvertRgn = EMR_INVERTRGN,
+ EmfRecordTypePaintRgn = EMR_PAINTRGN,
+ EmfRecordTypeExtSelectClipRgn = EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN,
+ EmfRecordTypeBitBlt = EMR_BITBLT,
+ EmfRecordTypeStretchBlt = EMR_STRETCHBLT,
+ EmfRecordTypeMaskBlt = EMR_MASKBLT,
+ EmfRecordTypePlgBlt = EMR_PLGBLT,
+ EmfRecordTypeStretchDIBits = EMR_STRETCHDIBITS,
+ EmfRecordTypeExtCreateFontIndirect = EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW,
+ EmfRecordTypeExtTextOutA = EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA,
+ EmfRecordTypeExtTextOutW = EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyBezier16 = EMR_POLYBEZIER16,
+ EmfRecordTypePolygon16 = EMR_POLYGON16,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyline16 = EMR_POLYLINE16,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyBezierTo16 = EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16,
+ EmfRecordTypePolylineTo16 = EMR_POLYLINETO16,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyPolyline16 = EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyPolygon16 = EMR_POLYPOLYGON16,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyDraw16 = EMR_POLYDRAW16,
+ EmfRecordTypeCreateMonoBrush = EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH,
+ EmfRecordTypeExtCreatePen = EMR_EXTCREATEPEN,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyTextOutA = EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA,
+ EmfRecordTypePolyTextOutW = EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetICMMode = 98, // EMR_SETICMMODE,
+ EmfRecordTypeCreateColorSpace = 99, // EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetColorSpace = 100, // EMR_SETCOLORSPACE,
+ EmfRecordTypeDeleteColorSpace = 101, // EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE,
+ EmfRecordTypeGLSRecord = 102, // EMR_GLSRECORD,
+ EmfRecordTypeGLSBoundedRecord = 103, // EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD,
+ EmfRecordTypePixelFormat = 104, // EMR_PIXELFORMAT,
+ EmfRecordTypeDrawEscape = 105, // EMR_RESERVED_105,
+ EmfRecordTypeExtEscape = 106, // EMR_RESERVED_106,
+ EmfRecordTypeStartDoc = 107, // EMR_RESERVED_107,
+ EmfRecordTypeSmallTextOut = 108, // EMR_RESERVED_108,
+ EmfRecordTypeForceUFIMapping = 109, // EMR_RESERVED_109,
+ EmfRecordTypeNamedEscape = 110, // EMR_RESERVED_110,
+ EmfRecordTypeColorCorrectPalette = 111, // EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetICMProfileA = 112, // EMR_SETICMPROFILEA,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetICMProfileW = 113, // EMR_SETICMPROFILEW,
+ EmfRecordTypeAlphaBlend = 114, // EMR_ALPHABLEND,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetLayout = 115, // EMR_SETLAYOUT,
+ EmfRecordTypeTransparentBlt = 116, // EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT,
+ EmfRecordTypeReserved_117 = 117, // Not Used
+ EmfRecordTypeGradientFill = 118, // EMR_GRADIENTFILL,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetLinkedUFIs = 119, // EMR_RESERVED_119,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetTextJustification = 120, // EMR_RESERVED_120,
+ EmfRecordTypeColorMatchToTargetW = 121, // EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW,
+ EmfRecordTypeCreateColorSpaceW = 122, // EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW,
+ EmfRecordTypeMax = 122,
+ EmfRecordTypeMin = 1,
+ // That is the END of the GDI EMF records.
+ // Now we start the list of EMF+ records. We leave quite
+ // a bit of room here for the addition of any new GDI
+ // records that may be added later.
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeInvalid = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeEndOfFile,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeComment,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeGetDC,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiFormatStart,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiFormatSection,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiFormatEnd,
+ // For all persistent objects
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeObject,
+ // Drawing Records
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeClear,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRects,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawRects,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPolygon,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawLines,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawEllipse,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPie,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPie,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawArc,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRegion,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPath,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillClosedCurve,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawClosedCurve,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawCurve,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawBeziers,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImage,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawString,
+ // Graphics State Records
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetRenderingOrigin,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetAntiAliasMode,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextRenderingHint,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextContrast,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetInterpolationMode,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPixelOffsetMode,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingMode,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingQuality,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSave,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeRestore,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainer,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainerNoParams,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeEndContainer,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetWorldTransform,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeResetWorldTransform,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiplyWorldTransform,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeTranslateWorldTransform,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeScaleWorldTransform,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeRotateWorldTransform,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPageTransform,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeResetClip,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRect,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipPath,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRegion,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeOffsetClip,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawDriverString,
+ EmfPlusRecordTotal,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMax = EmfPlusRecordTotal-1,
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMin = EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader
+ );
+ TEmfPlusRecordType = EmfPlusRecordType;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EmfPlusRecordType}
+ EmfPlusRecordType = Integer;
+ // Since we have to enumerate GDI records right along with GDI+ records,
+ // We list all the GDI records here so that they can be part of the
+ // same enumeration type which is used in the enumeration callback.
+ const
+ WmfRecordTypeArc = (META_ARC or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+ WmfRecordTypeEllipse = (META_ELLIPSE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+ WmfRecordTypePie = (META_PIE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+ WmfRecordTypeRectangle = (META_RECTANGLE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+ WmfRecordTypePolygon = (META_POLYGON or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+ WmfRecordTypePolyline = (META_POLYLINE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+ WmfRecordTypeEscape = (META_ESCAPE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+ WmfRecordTypeDrawText = ($062F or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_DRAWTEXT
+ WmfRecordTypeChord = (META_CHORD or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+ WmfRecordTypeSetLayout = ($0149 or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_SETLAYOUT
+ WmfRecordTypeResetDC = ($014C or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_RESETDC
+ WmfRecordTypeStartDoc = ($014D or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_STARTDOC
+ WmfRecordTypeStartPage = ($004F or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_STARTPAGE
+ WmfRecordTypeEndPage = ($0050 or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_ENDPAGE
+ WmfRecordTypeAbortDoc = ($0052 or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_ABORTDOC
+ WmfRecordTypeEndDoc = ($005E or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_ENDDOC
+ WmfRecordTypeCreateBrush = ($00F8 or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_CREATEBRUSH
+ WmfRecordTypeCreateBitmapIndirect = ($02FD or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_CREATEBITMAPINDIRECT
+ WmfRecordTypeCreateBitmap = ($06FE or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE); // META_CREATEBITMAP
+ EmfRecordTypeHeader = EMR_HEADER;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyBezier = EMR_POLYBEZIER;
+ EmfRecordTypePolygon = EMR_POLYGON;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyline = EMR_POLYLINE;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyBezierTo = EMR_POLYBEZIERTO;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyLineTo = EMR_POLYLINETO;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyPolyline = EMR_POLYPOLYLINE;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyPolygon = EMR_POLYPOLYGON;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetWindowExtEx = EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetWindowOrgEx = EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetViewportExtEx = EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetViewportOrgEx = EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetBrushOrgEx = EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX;
+ EmfRecordTypeEOF = EMR_EOF;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetPixelV = EMR_SETPIXELV;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetMapperFlags = EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetMapMode = EMR_SETMAPMODE;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetBkMode = EMR_SETBKMODE;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetPolyFillMode = EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetROP2 = EMR_SETROP2;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetStretchBltMode = EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetTextAlign = EMR_SETTEXTALIGN;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetColorAdjustment = EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetTextColor = EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetBkColor = EMR_SETBKCOLOR;
+ EmfRecordTypeOffsetClipRgn = EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN;
+ EmfRecordTypeMoveToEx = EMR_MOVETOEX;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetMetaRgn = EMR_SETMETARGN;
+ EmfRecordTypeExcludeClipRect = EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT;
+ EmfRecordTypeIntersectClipRect = EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT;
+ EmfRecordTypeScaleViewportExtEx = EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX;
+ EmfRecordTypeScaleWindowExtEx = EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX;
+ EmfRecordTypeSaveDC = EMR_SAVEDC;
+ EmfRecordTypeRestoreDC = EMR_RESTOREDC;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetWorldTransform = EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM;
+ EmfRecordTypeModifyWorldTransform = EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM;
+ EmfRecordTypeSelectObject = EMR_SELECTOBJECT;
+ EmfRecordTypeCreatePen = EMR_CREATEPEN;
+ EmfRecordTypeCreateBrushIndirect = EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT;
+ EmfRecordTypeDeleteObject = EMR_DELETEOBJECT;
+ EmfRecordTypeAngleArc = EMR_ANGLEARC;
+ EmfRecordTypeEllipse = EMR_ELLIPSE;
+ EmfRecordTypeRectangle = EMR_RECTANGLE;
+ EmfRecordTypeRoundRect = EMR_ROUNDRECT;
+ EmfRecordTypeArc = EMR_ARC;
+ EmfRecordTypeChord = EMR_CHORD;
+ EmfRecordTypePie = EMR_PIE;
+ EmfRecordTypeSelectPalette = EMR_SELECTPALETTE;
+ EmfRecordTypeCreatePalette = EMR_CREATEPALETTE;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetPaletteEntries = EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES;
+ EmfRecordTypeResizePalette = EMR_RESIZEPALETTE;
+ EmfRecordTypeRealizePalette = EMR_REALIZEPALETTE;
+ EmfRecordTypeExtFloodFill = EMR_EXTFLOODFILL;
+ EmfRecordTypeLineTo = EMR_LINETO;
+ EmfRecordTypeArcTo = EMR_ARCTO;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyDraw = EMR_POLYDRAW;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetArcDirection = EMR_SETARCDIRECTION;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetMiterLimit = EMR_SETMITERLIMIT;
+ EmfRecordTypeBeginPath = EMR_BEGINPATH;
+ EmfRecordTypeEndPath = EMR_ENDPATH;
+ EmfRecordTypeCloseFigure = EMR_CLOSEFIGURE;
+ EmfRecordTypeFillPath = EMR_FILLPATH;
+ EmfRecordTypeStrokeAndFillPath = EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH;
+ EmfRecordTypeStrokePath = EMR_STROKEPATH;
+ EmfRecordTypeFlattenPath = EMR_FLATTENPATH;
+ EmfRecordTypeWidenPath = EMR_WIDENPATH;
+ EmfRecordTypeSelectClipPath = EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH;
+ EmfRecordTypeAbortPath = EMR_ABORTPATH;
+ EmfRecordTypeReserved_069 = 69; // Not Used
+ EmfRecordTypeGdiComment = EMR_GDICOMMENT;
+ EmfRecordTypeFillRgn = EMR_FILLRGN;
+ EmfRecordTypeFrameRgn = EMR_FRAMERGN;
+ EmfRecordTypeInvertRgn = EMR_INVERTRGN;
+ EmfRecordTypePaintRgn = EMR_PAINTRGN;
+ EmfRecordTypeExtSelectClipRgn = EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN;
+ EmfRecordTypeBitBlt = EMR_BITBLT;
+ EmfRecordTypeStretchBlt = EMR_STRETCHBLT;
+ EmfRecordTypeMaskBlt = EMR_MASKBLT;
+ EmfRecordTypePlgBlt = EMR_PLGBLT;
+ EmfRecordTypeStretchDIBits = EMR_STRETCHDIBITS;
+ EmfRecordTypeExtCreateFontIndirect = EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW;
+ EmfRecordTypeExtTextOutA = EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA;
+ EmfRecordTypeExtTextOutW = EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyBezier16 = EMR_POLYBEZIER16;
+ EmfRecordTypePolygon16 = EMR_POLYGON16;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyline16 = EMR_POLYLINE16;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyBezierTo16 = EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16;
+ EmfRecordTypePolylineTo16 = EMR_POLYLINETO16;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyPolyline16 = EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyPolygon16 = EMR_POLYPOLYGON16;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyDraw16 = EMR_POLYDRAW16;
+ EmfRecordTypeCreateMonoBrush = EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH;
+ EmfRecordTypeExtCreatePen = EMR_EXTCREATEPEN;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyTextOutA = EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA;
+ EmfRecordTypePolyTextOutW = EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW;
+ EmfRecordTypeSetICMMode = 98; // EMR_SETICMMODE,
+ EmfRecordTypeCreateColorSpace = 99; // EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetColorSpace = 100; // EMR_SETCOLORSPACE,
+ EmfRecordTypeDeleteColorSpace = 101; // EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE,
+ EmfRecordTypeGLSRecord = 102; // EMR_GLSRECORD,
+ EmfRecordTypeGLSBoundedRecord = 103; // EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD,
+ EmfRecordTypePixelFormat = 104; // EMR_PIXELFORMAT,
+ EmfRecordTypeDrawEscape = 105; // EMR_RESERVED_105,
+ EmfRecordTypeExtEscape = 106; // EMR_RESERVED_106,
+ EmfRecordTypeStartDoc = 107; // EMR_RESERVED_107,
+ EmfRecordTypeSmallTextOut = 108; // EMR_RESERVED_108,
+ EmfRecordTypeForceUFIMapping = 109; // EMR_RESERVED_109,
+ EmfRecordTypeNamedEscape = 110; // EMR_RESERVED_110,
+ EmfRecordTypeColorCorrectPalette = 111; // EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetICMProfileA = 112; // EMR_SETICMPROFILEA,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetICMProfileW = 113; // EMR_SETICMPROFILEW,
+ EmfRecordTypeAlphaBlend = 114; // EMR_ALPHABLEND,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetLayout = 115; // EMR_SETLAYOUT,
+ EmfRecordTypeTransparentBlt = 116; // EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT,
+ EmfRecordTypeReserved_117 = 117; // Not Used
+ EmfRecordTypeGradientFill = 118; // EMR_GRADIENTFILL,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetLinkedUFIs = 119; // EMR_RESERVED_119,
+ EmfRecordTypeSetTextJustification = 120; // EMR_RESERVED_120,
+ EmfRecordTypeColorMatchToTargetW = 121; // EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW,
+ EmfRecordTypeCreateColorSpaceW = 122; // EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW,
+ EmfRecordTypeMax = 122;
+ EmfRecordTypeMin = 1;
+ // That is the END of the GDI EMF records.
+ // Now we start the list of EMF+ records. We leave quite
+ // a bit of room here for the addition of any new GDI
+ // records that may be added later.
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeInvalid = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 1;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeEndOfFile = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 2;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeComment = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 3;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeGetDC = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 4;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiFormatStart = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 5;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiFormatSection = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 6;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiFormatEnd = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 7;
+ // For all persistent objects
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeObject = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 8;
+ // Drawing Records
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeClear = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 9;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRects = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 10;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawRects = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 11;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPolygon = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 12;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawLines = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 13;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 14;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawEllipse = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 15;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPie = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 16;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPie = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 17;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawArc = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 18;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRegion = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 19;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPath = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 20;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 21;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeFillClosedCurve = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 22;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawClosedCurve = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 23;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawCurve = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 24;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawBeziers = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 25;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImage = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 26;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 27;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawString = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 28;
+ // Graphics State Records
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetRenderingOrigin = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 29;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetAntiAliasMode = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 30;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextRenderingHint = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 31;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextContrast = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 32;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetInterpolationMode = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 33;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPixelOffsetMode = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 34;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingMode = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 35;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingQuality = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 36;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSave = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 37;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeRestore = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 38;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainer = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 39;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainerNoParams = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 40;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeEndContainer = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 41;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetWorldTransform = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 42;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeResetWorldTransform = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 43;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiplyWorldTransform = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 44;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeTranslateWorldTransform = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 45;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeScaleWorldTransform = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 46;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeRotateWorldTransform = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 47;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPageTransform = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 48;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeResetClip = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 49;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRect = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 50;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipPath = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 51;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRegion = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 52;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeOffsetClip = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 53;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawDriverString = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 54;
+ EmfPlusRecordTotal = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE + 55;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMax = EmfPlusRecordTotal-1;
+ EmfPlusRecordTypeMin = EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader;
+ TEmfPlusRecordType = EmfPlusRecordType;
+// StringFormatFlags
+// String format flags
+// DirectionRightToLeft - For horizontal text, the reading order is
+// right to left. This value is called
+// the base embedding level by the Unicode
+// bidirectional engine.
+// For vertical text, columns are read from
+// right to left.
+// By default, horizontal or vertical text is
+// read from left to right.
+// DirectionVertical - Individual lines of text are vertical. In
+// each line, characters progress from top to
+// bottom.
+// By default, lines of text are horizontal,
+// each new line below the previous line.
+// NoFitBlackBox - Allows parts of glyphs to overhang the
+// bounding rectangle.
+// By default glyphs are first aligned
+// inside the margines, then any glyphs which
+// still overhang the bounding box are
+// repositioned to avoid any overhang.
+// For example when an italic
+// lower case letter f in a font such as
+// Garamond is aligned at the far left of a
+// rectangle, the lower part of the f will
+// reach slightly further left than the left
+// edge of the rectangle. Setting this flag
+// will ensure the character aligns visually
+// with the lines above and below, but may
+// cause some pixels outside the formatting
+// rectangle to be clipped or painted.
+// DisplayFormatControl - Causes control characters such as the
+// left-to-right mark to be shown in the
+// output with a representative glyph.
+// NoFontFallback - Disables fallback to alternate fonts for
+// characters not supported in the requested
+// font. Any missing characters will be
+// be displayed with the fonts missing glyph,
+// usually an open square.
+// NoWrap - Disables wrapping of text between lines
+// when formatting within a rectangle.
+// NoWrap is implied when a point is passed
+// instead of a rectangle, or when the
+// specified rectangle has a zero line length.
+// NoClip - By default text is clipped to the
+// formatting rectangle. Setting NoClip
+// allows overhanging pixels to affect the
+// device outside the formatting rectangle.
+// Pixels at the end of the line may be
+// affected if the glyphs overhang their
+// cells, and either the NoFitBlackBox flag
+// has been set, or the glyph extends to far
+// to be fitted.
+// Pixels above/before the first line or
+// below/after the last line may be affected
+// if the glyphs extend beyond their cell
+// ascent / descent. This can occur rarely
+// with unusual diacritic mark combinations.
+ {$EXTERNALSYM StringFormatFlags}
+ StringFormatFlags = Integer;
+ const
+ StringFormatFlagsDirectionRightToLeft = $00000001;
+ StringFormatFlagsDirectionVertical = $00000002;
+ StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox = $00000004;
+ StringFormatFlagsDisplayFormatControl = $00000020;
+ StringFormatFlagsNoFontFallback = $00000400;
+ StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces = $00000800;
+ StringFormatFlagsNoWrap = $00001000;
+ StringFormatFlagsLineLimit = $00002000;
+ StringFormatFlagsNoClip = $00004000;
+ TStringFormatFlags = StringFormatFlags;
+// StringTrimming
+ {$EXTERNALSYM StringTrimming}
+ StringTrimming = (
+ StringTrimmingNone,
+ StringTrimmingCharacter,
+ StringTrimmingWord,
+ StringTrimmingEllipsisCharacter,
+ StringTrimmingEllipsisWord,
+ StringTrimmingEllipsisPath
+ );
+ TStringTrimming = StringTrimming;
+// National language digit substitution
+ {$EXTERNALSYM StringDigitSubstitute}
+ StringDigitSubstitute = (
+ StringDigitSubstituteUser, // As NLS setting
+ StringDigitSubstituteNone,
+ StringDigitSubstituteNational,
+ StringDigitSubstituteTraditional
+ );
+ TStringDigitSubstitute = StringDigitSubstitute;
+ PStringDigitSubstitute = ^TStringDigitSubstitute;
+// Hotkey prefix interpretation
+ {$EXTERNALSYM HotkeyPrefix}
+ HotkeyPrefix = (
+ HotkeyPrefixNone,
+ HotkeyPrefixShow,
+ HotkeyPrefixHide
+ );
+ THotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix;
+// String alignment flags
+ {$EXTERNALSYM StringAlignment}
+ StringAlignment = (
+ // Left edge for left-to-right text,
+ // right for right-to-left text,
+ // and top for vertical
+ StringAlignmentNear,
+ StringAlignmentCenter,
+ StringAlignmentFar
+ );
+ TStringAlignment = StringAlignment;
+// DriverStringOptions
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DriverStringOptions}
+ DriverStringOptions = Integer;
+ const
+ DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup = 1;
+ DriverStringOptionsVertical = 2;
+ DriverStringOptionsRealizedAdvance = 4;
+ DriverStringOptionsLimitSubpixel = 8;
+ TDriverStringOptions = DriverStringOptions;
+// Flush Intention flags
+ {$EXTERNALSYM FlushIntention}
+ FlushIntention = (
+ FlushIntentionFlush, // Flush all batched rendering operations
+ FlushIntentionSync // Flush all batched rendering operations
+ // and wait for them to complete
+ );
+ TFlushIntention = FlushIntention;
+// Image encoder parameter related types
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderParameterValueType}
+ EncoderParameterValueType = Integer;
+ const
+ EncoderParameterValueTypeByte : Integer = 1; // 8-bit unsigned int
+ EncoderParameterValueTypeASCII : Integer = 2; // 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII
+ // code. NULL terminated.
+ EncoderParameterValueTypeShort : Integer = 3; // 16-bit unsigned int
+ EncoderParameterValueTypeLong : Integer = 4; // 32-bit unsigned int
+ EncoderParameterValueTypeRational : Integer = 5; // Two Longs. The first Long is the
+ // numerator, the second Long expresses the
+ // denomintor.
+ EncoderParameterValueTypeLongRange : Integer = 6; // Two longs which specify a range of
+ // integer values. The first Long specifies
+ // the lower end and the second one
+ // specifies the higher end. All values
+ // are inclusive at both ends
+ EncoderParameterValueTypeUndefined : Integer = 7; // 8-bit byte that can take any value
+ // depending on field definition
+ EncoderParameterValueTypeRationalRange : Integer = 8; // Two Rationals. The first Rational
+ // specifies the lower end and the second
+ // specifies the higher end. All values
+ // are inclusive at both ends
+ TEncoderParameterValueType = EncoderParameterValueType;
+// Image encoder value types
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderValue}
+ EncoderValue = (
+ EncoderValueColorTypeCMYK,
+ EncoderValueColorTypeYCCK,
+ EncoderValueCompressionLZW,
+ EncoderValueCompressionCCITT3,
+ EncoderValueCompressionCCITT4,
+ EncoderValueCompressionRle,
+ EncoderValueCompressionNone,
+ EncoderValueScanMethodInterlaced,
+ EncoderValueScanMethodNonInterlaced,
+ EncoderValueVersionGif87,
+ EncoderValueVersionGif89,
+ EncoderValueRenderProgressive,
+ EncoderValueRenderNonProgressive,
+ EncoderValueTransformRotate90,
+ EncoderValueTransformRotate180,
+ EncoderValueTransformRotate270,
+ EncoderValueTransformFlipHorizontal,
+ EncoderValueTransformFlipVertical,
+ EncoderValueMultiFrame,
+ EncoderValueLastFrame,
+ EncoderValueFlush,
+ EncoderValueFrameDimensionTime,
+ EncoderValueFrameDimensionResolution,
+ EncoderValueFrameDimensionPage
+ );
+ TEncoderValue = EncoderValue;
+// Conversion of Emf To WMF Bits flags
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EmfToWmfBitsFlags}
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlags = (
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault = $00000000,
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlagsEmbedEmf = $00000001,
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlagsIncludePlaceable = $00000002,
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlagsNoXORClip = $00000004
+ );
+ TEmfToWmfBitsFlags = EmfToWmfBitsFlags;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EmfToWmfBitsFlags}
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlags = Integer;
+ const
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault = $00000000;
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlagsEmbedEmf = $00000001;
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlagsIncludePlaceable = $00000002;
+ EmfToWmfBitsFlagsNoXORClip = $00000004;
+ TEmfToWmfBitsFlags = EmfToWmfBitsFlags;
+* GDI+ Types
+// Callback functions
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageAbort}
+ ImageAbort = function: BOOL; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DrawImageAbort}
+ DrawImageAbort = ImageAbort;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GetThumbnailImageAbort}
+ GetThumbnailImageAbort = ImageAbort;
+ // Callback for EnumerateMetafile methods. The parameters are:
+ // recordType WMF, EMF, or EMF+ record type
+ // flags (always 0 for WMF/EMF records)
+ // dataSize size of the record data (in bytes), or 0 if no data
+ // data pointer to the record data, or NULL if no data
+ // callbackData pointer to callbackData, if any
+ // This method can then call Metafile::PlayRecord to play the
+ // record that was just enumerated. If this method returns
+ // FALSE, the enumeration process is aborted. Otherwise, it continues.
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EnumerateMetafileProc}
+ EnumerateMetafileProc = function(recordType: EmfPlusRecordType; flags: UINT;
+ dataSize: UINT; data: PBYTE; callbackData: pointer): BOOL; stdcall;
+// Primitive data types
+// NOTE:
+// Types already defined in standard header files:
+// INT8
+// UINT8
+// INT16
+// UINT16
+// INT32
+// UINT32
+// INT64
+// UINT64
+// Avoid using the following types:
+// LONG - use INT
+// ULONG - use UINT
+// DWORD - use UINT32
+ { from float.h }
+ FLT_MAX = 3.402823466e+38; // max value
+ FLT_MIN = 1.175494351e-38; // min positive value
+ REAL_EPSILON = 1.192092896e-07; // FLT_EPSILON
+// Status return values from GDI+ methods
+ Status = (
+ Ok,
+ GenericError,
+ InvalidParameter,
+ OutOfMemory,
+ ObjectBusy,
+ InsufficientBuffer,
+ NotImplemented,
+ Win32Error,
+ WrongState,
+ Aborted,
+ FileNotFound,
+ ValueOverflow,
+ AccessDenied,
+ UnknownImageFormat,
+ FontFamilyNotFound,
+ FontStyleNotFound,
+ NotTrueTypeFont,
+ UnsupportedGdiplusVersion,
+ GdiplusNotInitialized,
+ PropertyNotFound,
+ PropertyNotSupported
+ );
+ TStatus = Status;
+// Represents a dimension in a 2D coordinate system (floating-point coordinates)
+ PGPSizeF = ^TGPSizeF;
+ TGPSizeF = packed record
+ Width : Single;
+ Height : Single;
+ end;
+ function MakeSize(Width, Height: Single): TGPSizeF; overload;
+// Represents a dimension in a 2D coordinate system (integer coordinates)
+ PGPSize = ^TGPSize;
+ TGPSize = packed record
+ Width : Integer;
+ Height : Integer;
+ end;
+ function MakeSize(Width, Height: Integer): TGPSize; overload;
+// Represents a location in a 2D coordinate system (floating-point coordinates)
+ PGPPointF = ^TGPPointF;
+ TGPPointF = packed record
+ X : Single;
+ Y : Single;
+ end;
+ TPointFDynArray = array of TGPPointF;
+ function MakePoint(X, Y: Single): TGPPointF; overload;
+// Represents a location in a 2D coordinate system (integer coordinates)
+ PGPPoint = ^TGPPoint;
+ TGPPoint = packed record
+ X : Integer;
+ Y : Integer;
+ end;
+ TPointDynArray = array of TGPPoint;
+ function MakePoint(X, Y: Integer): TGPPoint; overload;
+// Represents a rectangle in a 2D coordinate system (floating-point coordinates)
+ PGPRectF = ^TGPRectF;
+ TGPRectF = packed record
+ X : Single;
+ Y : Single;
+ Width : Single;
+ Height: Single;
+ end;
+ TRectFDynArray = array of TGPRectF;
+ function MakeRect(x, y, width, height: Single): TGPRectF; overload;
+ function MakeRect(location: TGPPointF; size: TGPSizeF): TGPRectF; overload;
+ PGPRect = ^TGPRect;
+ TGPRect = packed record
+ X : Integer;
+ Y : Integer;
+ Width : Integer;
+ Height: Integer;
+ end;
+ TRectDynArray = array of TGPRect;
+ function MakeRect(x, y, width, height: Integer): TGPRect; overload;
+ function MakeRect(location: TGPPoint; size: TGPSize): TGPRect; overload;
+ function MakeRect(const Rect: TRect): TGPRect; overload;
+ TPathData = packed class
+ public
+ Count : Integer;
+ Points : PGPPointF;
+ Types : PBYTE;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ end;
+ PCharacterRange = ^TCharacterRange;
+ TCharacterRange = packed record
+ First : Integer;
+ Length : Integer;
+ end;
+ function MakeCharacterRange(First, Length: Integer): TCharacterRange;
+* GDI+ Startup and Shutdown APIs
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DebugEventLevel}
+ DebugEventLevel = (
+ DebugEventLevelFatal,
+ DebugEventLevelWarning
+ );
+ TDebugEventLevel = DebugEventLevel;
+ // Callback function that GDI+ can call, on debug builds, for assertions
+ // and warnings.
+ {$EXTERNALSYM DebugEventProc}
+ DebugEventProc = procedure(level: DebugEventLevel; message: PChar); stdcall;
+ // Notification functions which the user must call appropriately if
+ // "SuppressBackgroundThread" (below) is set.
+ {$EXTERNALSYM NotificationHookProc}
+ NotificationHookProc = function(out token: ULONG): Status; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM NotificationUnhookProc}
+ NotificationUnhookProc = procedure(token: ULONG); stdcall;
+ // Input structure for GdiplusStartup
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdiplusStartupInput}
+ GdiplusStartupInput = packed record
+ GdiplusVersion : Cardinal; // Must be 1
+ DebugEventCallback : DebugEventProc; // Ignored on free builds
+ SuppressBackgroundThread: BOOL; // FALSE unless you're prepared to call
+ // the hook/unhook functions properly
+ SuppressExternalCodecs : BOOL; // FALSE unless you want GDI+ only to use
+ end; // its internal image codecs.
+ TGdiplusStartupInput = GdiplusStartupInput;
+ PGdiplusStartupInput = ^TGdiplusStartupInput;
+ // Output structure for GdiplusStartup()
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdiplusStartupOutput}
+ GdiplusStartupOutput = packed record
+ // The following 2 fields are NULL if SuppressBackgroundThread is FALSE.
+ // Otherwise, they are functions which must be called appropriately to
+ // replace the background thread.
+ //
+ // These should be called on the application's main message loop - i.e.
+ // a message loop which is active for the lifetime of GDI+.
+ // "NotificationHook" should be called before starting the loop,
+ // and "NotificationUnhook" should be called after the loop ends.
+ NotificationHook : NotificationHookProc;
+ NotificationUnhook: NotificationUnhookProc;
+ end;
+ TGdiplusStartupOutput = GdiplusStartupOutput;
+ PGdiplusStartupOutput = ^TGdiplusStartupOutput;
+ // GDI+ initialization. Must not be called from DllMain - can cause deadlock.
+ //
+ // Must be called before GDI+ API's or constructors are used.
+ //
+ // token - may not be NULL - accepts a token to be passed in the corresponding
+ // GdiplusShutdown call.
+ // input - may not be NULL
+ // output - may be NULL only if input->SuppressBackgroundThread is FALSE.
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdiplusStartup}
+ function GdiplusStartup(out token: ULONG; input: PGdiplusStartupInput;
+ output: PGdiplusStartupOutput): Status; stdcall;
+ // GDI+ termination. Must be called before GDI+ is unloaded.
+ // Must not be called from DllMain - can cause deadlock.
+ //
+ // GDI+ API's may not be called after GdiplusShutdown. Pay careful attention
+ // to GDI+ object destructors.
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdiplusShutdown}
+ procedure GdiplusShutdown(token: ULONG); stdcall;
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2001, Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+* Gdiplus Pixel Formats
+* Abstract:
+* GDI+ Pixel Formats
+ ARGB64 = Int64;
+ RED_SHIFT = 16;
+ // In-memory pixel data formats:
+ // bits 0-7 = format index
+ // bits 8-15 = pixel size (in bits)
+ // bits 16-23 = flags
+ // bits 24-31 = reserved
+ PixelFormat = Integer;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat}
+ TPixelFormat = PixelFormat;
+ PixelFormatIndexed = $00010000; // Indexes into a palette
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormatIndexed}
+ PixelFormatGDI = $00020000; // Is a GDI-supported format
+ PixelFormatAlpha = $00040000; // Has an alpha component
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormatAlpha}
+ PixelFormatPAlpha = $00080000; // Pre-multiplied alpha
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormatPAlpha}
+ PixelFormatExtended = $00100000; // Extended color 16 bits/channel
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormatExtended}
+ PixelFormatCanonical = $00200000;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormatCanonical}
+ PixelFormatUndefined = 0;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormatUndefined}
+ PixelFormatDontCare = 0;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormatDontCare}
+ PixelFormat1bppIndexed = (1 or ( 1 shl 8) or PixelFormatIndexed or PixelFormatGDI);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat1bppIndexed}
+ PixelFormat4bppIndexed = (2 or ( 4 shl 8) or PixelFormatIndexed or PixelFormatGDI);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat4bppIndexed}
+ PixelFormat8bppIndexed = (3 or ( 8 shl 8) or PixelFormatIndexed or PixelFormatGDI);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat8bppIndexed}
+ PixelFormat16bppGrayScale = (4 or (16 shl 8) or PixelFormatExtended);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat16bppGrayScale}
+ PixelFormat16bppRGB555 = (5 or (16 shl 8) or PixelFormatGDI);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat16bppRGB555}
+ PixelFormat16bppRGB565 = (6 or (16 shl 8) or PixelFormatGDI);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat16bppRGB565}
+ PixelFormat16bppARGB1555 = (7 or (16 shl 8) or PixelFormatAlpha or PixelFormatGDI);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat16bppARGB1555}
+ PixelFormat24bppRGB = (8 or (24 shl 8) or PixelFormatGDI);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat24bppRGB}
+ PixelFormat32bppRGB = (9 or (32 shl 8) or PixelFormatGDI);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat32bppRGB}
+ PixelFormat32bppARGB = (10 or (32 shl 8) or PixelFormatAlpha or PixelFormatGDI or PixelFormatCanonical);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat32bppARGB}
+ PixelFormat32bppPARGB = (11 or (32 shl 8) or PixelFormatAlpha or PixelFormatPAlpha or PixelFormatGDI);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat32bppPARGB}
+ PixelFormat48bppRGB = (12 or (48 shl 8) or PixelFormatExtended);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat48bppRGB}
+ PixelFormat64bppARGB = (13 or (64 shl 8) or PixelFormatAlpha or PixelFormatCanonical or PixelFormatExtended);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat64bppARGB}
+ PixelFormat64bppPARGB = (14 or (64 shl 8) or PixelFormatAlpha or PixelFormatPAlpha or PixelFormatExtended);
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormat64bppPARGB}
+ PixelFormatMax = 15;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PixelFormatMax}
+{$EXTERNALSYM GetPixelFormatSize}
+function GetPixelFormatSize(pixfmt: PixelFormat): UINT;
+{$EXTERNALSYM IsIndexedPixelFormat}
+function IsIndexedPixelFormat(pixfmt: PixelFormat): BOOL;
+{$EXTERNALSYM IsAlphaPixelFormat}
+function IsAlphaPixelFormat(pixfmt: PixelFormat): BOOL;
+{$EXTERNALSYM IsExtendedPixelFormat}
+function IsExtendedPixelFormat(pixfmt: PixelFormat): BOOL;
+// Determine if the Pixel Format is Canonical format:
+// PixelFormat32bppARGB
+// PixelFormat32bppPARGB
+// PixelFormat64bppARGB
+// PixelFormat64bppPARGB
+{$EXTERNALSYM IsCanonicalPixelFormat}
+function IsCanonicalPixelFormat(pixfmt: PixelFormat): BOOL;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PaletteFlags}
+ PaletteFlags = (
+ PaletteFlagsHasAlpha = $0001,
+ PaletteFlagsGrayScale = $0002,
+ PaletteFlagsHalftone = $0004
+ );
+ TPaletteFlags = PaletteFlags;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PaletteFlags}
+ PaletteFlags = Integer;
+ const
+ PaletteFlagsHasAlpha = $0001;
+ PaletteFlagsGrayScale = $0002;
+ PaletteFlagsHalftone = $0004;
+ TPaletteFlags = PaletteFlags;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ColorPalette}
+ ColorPalette = packed record
+ Flags : UINT ; // Palette flags
+ Count : UINT ; // Number of color entries
+ Entries: array [0..0] of ARGB ; // Palette color entries
+ end;
+ TColorPalette = ColorPalette;
+ PColorPalette = ^TColorPalette;
+* GDI+ Color Object
+// Color mode
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ColorMode}
+ ColorMode = (
+ ColorModeARGB32,
+ ColorModeARGB64
+ );
+ TColorMode = ColorMode;
+// Color Channel flags
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ColorChannelFlags}
+ ColorChannelFlags = (
+ ColorChannelFlagsC,
+ ColorChannelFlagsM,
+ ColorChannelFlagsY,
+ ColorChannelFlagsK,
+ ColorChannelFlagsLast
+ );
+ TColorChannelFlags = ColorChannelFlags;
+// Color
+ // Common color constants
+ aclAliceBlue = $FFF0F8FF;
+ aclAntiqueWhite = $FFFAEBD7;
+ aclAqua = $FF00FFFF;
+ aclAquamarine = $FF7FFFD4;
+ aclAzure = $FFF0FFFF;
+ aclBeige = $FFF5F5DC;
+ aclBisque = $FFFFE4C4;
+ aclBlack = $FF000000;
+ aclBlanchedAlmond = $FFFFEBCD;
+ aclBlue = $FF0000FF;
+ aclBlueViolet = $FF8A2BE2;
+ aclBrown = $FFA52A2A;
+ aclBurlyWood = $FFDEB887;
+ aclCadetBlue = $FF5F9EA0;
+ aclChartreuse = $FF7FFF00;
+ aclChocolate = $FFD2691E;
+ aclCoral = $FFFF7F50;
+ aclCornflowerBlue = $FF6495ED;
+ aclCornsilk = $FFFFF8DC;
+ aclCrimson = $FFDC143C;
+ aclCyan = $FF00FFFF;
+ aclDarkBlue = $FF00008B;
+ aclDarkCyan = $FF008B8B;
+ aclDarkGoldenrod = $FFB8860B;
+ aclDarkGray = $FFA9A9A9;
+ aclDarkGreen = $FF006400;
+ aclDarkKhaki = $FFBDB76B;
+ aclDarkMagenta = $FF8B008B;
+ aclDarkOliveGreen = $FF556B2F;
+ aclDarkOrange = $FFFF8C00;
+ aclDarkOrchid = $FF9932CC;
+ aclDarkRed = $FF8B0000;
+ aclDarkSalmon = $FFE9967A;
+ aclDarkSeaGreen = $FF8FBC8B;
+ aclDarkSlateBlue = $FF483D8B;
+ aclDarkSlateGray = $FF2F4F4F;
+ aclDarkTurquoise = $FF00CED1;
+ aclDarkViolet = $FF9400D3;
+ aclDeepPink = $FFFF1493;
+ aclDeepSkyBlue = $FF00BFFF;
+ aclDimGray = $FF696969;
+ aclDodgerBlue = $FF1E90FF;
+ aclFirebrick = $FFB22222;
+ aclFloralWhite = $FFFFFAF0;
+ aclForestGreen = $FF228B22;
+ aclFuchsia = $FFFF00FF;
+ aclGainsboro = $FFDCDCDC;
+ aclGhostWhite = $FFF8F8FF;
+ aclGold = $FFFFD700;
+ aclGoldenrod = $FFDAA520;
+ aclGray = $FF808080;
+ aclGreen = $FF008000;
+ aclGreenYellow = $FFADFF2F;
+ aclHoneydew = $FFF0FFF0;
+ aclHotPink = $FFFF69B4;
+ aclIndianRed = $FFCD5C5C;
+ aclIndigo = $FF4B0082;
+ aclIvory = $FFFFFFF0;
+ aclKhaki = $FFF0E68C;
+ aclLavender = $FFE6E6FA;
+ aclLavenderBlush = $FFFFF0F5;
+ aclLawnGreen = $FF7CFC00;
+ aclLemonChiffon = $FFFFFACD;
+ aclLightBlue = $FFADD8E6;
+ aclLightCoral = $FFF08080;
+ aclLightCyan = $FFE0FFFF;
+ aclLightGoldenrodYellow = $FFFAFAD2;
+ aclLightGray = $FFD3D3D3;
+ aclLightGreen = $FF90EE90;
+ aclLightPink = $FFFFB6C1;
+ aclLightSalmon = $FFFFA07A;
+ aclLightSeaGreen = $FF20B2AA;
+ aclLightSkyBlue = $FF87CEFA;
+ aclLightSlateGray = $FF778899;
+ aclLightSteelBlue = $FFB0C4DE;
+ aclLightYellow = $FFFFFFE0;
+ aclLime = $FF00FF00;
+ aclLimeGreen = $FF32CD32;
+ aclLinen = $FFFAF0E6;
+ aclMagenta = $FFFF00FF;
+ aclMaroon = $FF800000;
+ aclMediumAquamarine = $FF66CDAA;
+ aclMediumBlue = $FF0000CD;
+ aclMediumOrchid = $FFBA55D3;
+ aclMediumPurple = $FF9370DB;
+ aclMediumSeaGreen = $FF3CB371;
+ aclMediumSlateBlue = $FF7B68EE;
+ aclMediumSpringGreen = $FF00FA9A;
+ aclMediumTurquoise = $FF48D1CC;
+ aclMediumVioletRed = $FFC71585;
+ aclMidnightBlue = $FF191970;
+ aclMintCream = $FFF5FFFA;
+ aclMistyRose = $FFFFE4E1;
+ aclMoccasin = $FFFFE4B5;
+ aclNavajoWhite = $FFFFDEAD;
+ aclNavy = $FF000080;
+ aclOldLace = $FFFDF5E6;
+ aclOlive = $FF808000;
+ aclOliveDrab = $FF6B8E23;
+ aclOrange = $FFFFA500;
+ aclOrangeRed = $FFFF4500;
+ aclOrchid = $FFDA70D6;
+ aclPaleGoldenrod = $FFEEE8AA;
+ aclPaleGreen = $FF98FB98;
+ aclPaleTurquoise = $FFAFEEEE;
+ aclPaleVioletRed = $FFDB7093;
+ aclPapayaWhip = $FFFFEFD5;
+ aclPeachPuff = $FFFFDAB9;
+ aclPeru = $FFCD853F;
+ aclPink = $FFFFC0CB;
+ aclPlum = $FFDDA0DD;
+ aclPowderBlue = $FFB0E0E6;
+ aclPurple = $FF800080;
+ aclRed = $FFFF0000;
+ aclRosyBrown = $FFBC8F8F;
+ aclRoyalBlue = $FF4169E1;
+ aclSaddleBrown = $FF8B4513;
+ aclSalmon = $FFFA8072;
+ aclSandyBrown = $FFF4A460;
+ aclSeaGreen = $FF2E8B57;
+ aclSeaShell = $FFFFF5EE;
+ aclSienna = $FFA0522D;
+ aclSilver = $FFC0C0C0;
+ aclSkyBlue = $FF87CEEB;
+ aclSlateBlue = $FF6A5ACD;
+ aclSlateGray = $FF708090;
+ aclSnow = $FFFFFAFA;
+ aclSpringGreen = $FF00FF7F;
+ aclSteelBlue = $FF4682B4;
+ aclTan = $FFD2B48C;
+ aclTeal = $FF008080;
+ aclThistle = $FFD8BFD8;
+ aclTomato = $FFFF6347;
+ aclTransparent = $00FFFFFF;
+ aclTurquoise = $FF40E0D0;
+ aclViolet = $FFEE82EE;
+ aclWheat = $FFF5DEB3;
+ aclWhite = $FFFFFFFF;
+ aclWhiteSmoke = $FFF5F5F5;
+ aclYellow = $FFFFFF00;
+ aclYellowGreen = $FF9ACD32;
+ // Shift count and bit mask for A, R, G, B components
+ AlphaShift = 24;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM AlphaShift}
+ RedShift = 16;
+ GreenShift = 8;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GreenShift}
+ BlueShift = 0;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM BlueShift}
+ AlphaMask = $ff000000;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM AlphaMask}
+ RedMask = $00ff0000;
+ GreenMask = $0000ff00;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GreenMask}
+ BlueMask = $000000ff;
+{ TGPColor = class
+ protected
+ Argb: ARGB;
+ public
+ constructor Create; overload;
+ constructor Create(r, g, b: Byte); overload;
+ constructor Create(a, r, g, b: Byte); overload;
+ constructor Create(Value: ARGB); overload;
+ function GetAlpha: BYTE;
+ function GetA: BYTE;
+ function GetRed: BYTE;
+ function GetR: BYTE;
+ function GetGreen: Byte;
+ function GetG: Byte;
+ function GetBlue: Byte;
+ function GetB: Byte;
+ function GetValue: ARGB;
+ procedure SetValue(Value: ARGB);
+ procedure SetFromCOLORREF(rgb: COLORREF);
+ function MakeARGB(a, r, g, b: Byte): ARGB;
+ end; }
+ PGPColor = ^TGPColor;
+ TGPColor = ARGB;
+ TColorDynArray = array of TGPColor;
+ function MakeColor(r, g, b: Byte): ARGB; overload;
+ function MakeColor(a, r, g, b: Byte): ARGB; overload;
+ function GetAlpha(color: ARGB): BYTE;
+ function GetRed(color: ARGB): BYTE;
+ function GetGreen(color: ARGB): BYTE;
+ function GetBlue(color: ARGB): BYTE;
+ function ColorRefToARGB(rgb: COLORREF): ARGB;
+ function ARGBToColorRef(Color: ARGB): COLORREF;
+* GDI+ Metafile Related Structures
+ { from Windef.h }
+ RECTL = Windows.TRect;
+ SIZEL = Windows.TSize;
+ ENHMETAHEADER3 = packed record
+ iType : DWORD; // Record type EMR_HEADER
+ nSize : DWORD; // Record size in bytes. This may be greater
+ // than the sizeof(ENHMETAHEADER).
+ rclBounds : RECTL; // Inclusive-inclusive bounds in device units
+ rclFrame : RECTL; // Inclusive-inclusive Picture Frame .01mm unit
+ dSignature : DWORD; // Signature. Must be ENHMETA_SIGNATURE.
+ nVersion : DWORD; // Version number
+ nBytes : DWORD; // Size of the metafile in bytes
+ nRecords : DWORD; // Number of records in the metafile
+ nHandles : WORD; // Number of handles in the handle table
+ // Handle index zero is reserved.
+ sReserved : WORD; // Reserved. Must be zero.
+ nDescription : DWORD; // Number of chars in the unicode desc string
+ // This is 0 if there is no description string
+ offDescription : DWORD; // Offset to the metafile description record.
+ // This is 0 if there is no description string
+ nPalEntries : DWORD; // Number of entries in the metafile palette.
+ szlDevice : SIZEL; // Size of the reference device in pels
+ szlMillimeters : SIZEL; // Size of the reference device in millimeters
+ end;
+ // Placeable WMFs
+ // Placeable Metafiles were created as a non-standard way of specifying how
+ // a metafile is mapped and scaled on an output device.
+ // Placeable metafiles are quite wide-spread, but not directly supported by
+ // the Windows API. To playback a placeable metafile using the Windows API,
+ // you will first need to strip the placeable metafile header from the file.
+ // This is typically performed by copying the metafile to a temporary file
+ // starting at file offset 22 (0x16). The contents of the temporary file may
+ // then be used as input to the Windows GetMetaFile(), PlayMetaFile(),
+ // CopyMetaFile(), etc. GDI functions.
+ // Each placeable metafile begins with a 22-byte header,
+ // followed by a standard metafile:
+ PWMFRect16 = packed record
+ Left : INT16;
+ Top : INT16;
+ Right : INT16;
+ Bottom : INT16;
+ end;
+ TPWMFRect16 = PWMFRect16;
+ PPWMFRect16 = ^TPWMFRect16;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM WmfPlaceableFileHeader}
+ WmfPlaceableFileHeader = packed record
+ Hmf : INT16; // Metafile HANDLE number (always 0)
+ BoundingBox : PWMFRect16; // Coordinates in metafile units
+ Inch : INT16; // Number of metafile units per inch
+ Reserved : UINT32; // Reserved (always 0)
+ Checksum : INT16; // Checksum value for previous 10 WORDs
+ end;
+ TWmfPlaceableFileHeader = WmfPlaceableFileHeader;
+ PWmfPlaceableFileHeader = ^TWmfPlaceableFileHeader;
+ // Key contains a special identification value that indicates the presence
+ // of a placeable metafile header and is always 0x9AC6CDD7.
+ // Handle is used to stored the handle of the metafile in memory. When written
+ // to disk, this field is not used and will always contains the value 0.
+ // Left, Top, Right, and Bottom contain the coordinates of the upper-left
+ // and lower-right corners of the image on the output device. These are
+ // measured in twips.
+ // A twip (meaning "twentieth of a point") is the logical unit of measurement
+ // used in Windows Metafiles. A twip is equal to 1/1440 of an inch. Thus 720
+ // twips equal 1/2 inch, while 32,768 twips is 22.75 inches.
+ // Inch contains the number of twips per inch used to represent the image.
+ // Normally, there are 1440 twips per inch; however, this number may be
+ // changed to scale the image. A value of 720 indicates that the image is
+ // double its normal size, or scaled to a factor of 2:1. A value of 360
+ // indicates a scale of 4:1, while a value of 2880 indicates that the image
+ // is scaled down in size by a factor of two. A value of 1440 indicates
+ // a 1:1 scale ratio.
+ // Reserved is not used and is always set to 0.
+ // Checksum contains a checksum value for the previous 10 WORDs in the header.
+ // This value can be used in an attempt to detect if the metafile has become
+ // corrupted. The checksum is calculated by XORing each WORD value to an
+ // initial value of 0.
+ // If the metafile was recorded with a reference Hdc that was a display.
+ TMetafileHeader = packed class
+ public
+ Type_ : TMetafileType;
+ Size : UINT; // Size of the metafile (in bytes)
+ Version : UINT; // EMF+, EMF, or WMF version
+ EmfPlusFlags : UINT;
+ DpiX : Single;
+ DpiY : Single;
+ X : Integer; // Bounds in device units
+ Y : Integer;
+ Width : Integer;
+ Height : Integer;
+ Header : record
+ case integer of
+ 0: (WmfHeader: TMETAHEADER;);
+ 1: (EmfHeader: TENHMETAHEADER3);
+ end;
+ EmfPlusHeaderSize : Integer; // size of the EMF+ header in file
+ LogicalDpiX : Integer; // Logical Dpi of reference Hdc
+ LogicalDpiY : Integer; // usually valid only for EMF+
+ public
+ property GetType: TMetafileType read Type_;
+ property GetMetafileSize: UINT read Size;
+ // If IsEmfPlus, this is the EMF+ version; else it is the WMF or EMF ver
+ property GetVersion: UINT read Version;
+ // Get the EMF+ flags associated with the metafile
+ property GetEmfPlusFlags: UINT read EmfPlusFlags;
+ property GetDpiX: Single read DpiX;
+ property GetDpiY: Single read DpiY;
+ procedure GetBounds(out Rect: TGPRect);
+ // Is it any type of WMF (standard or Placeable Metafile)?
+ function IsWmf: BOOL;
+ // Is this an Placeable Metafile?
+ function IsWmfPlaceable: BOOL;
+ // Is this an EMF (not an EMF+)?
+ function IsEmf: BOOL;
+ // Is this an EMF or EMF+ file?
+ function IsEmfOrEmfPlus: BOOL;
+ // Is this an EMF+ file?
+ function IsEmfPlus: BOOL;
+ // Is this an EMF+ dual (has dual, down-level records) file?
+ function IsEmfPlusDual: BOOL;
+ // Is this an EMF+ only (no dual records) file?
+ function IsEmfPlusOnly: BOOL;
+ // If it's an EMF+ file, was it recorded against a display Hdc?
+ function IsDisplay: BOOL;
+ // Get the WMF header of the metafile (if it is a WMF)
+ function GetWmfHeader: PMetaHeader;
+ // Get the EMF header of the metafile (if it is an EMF)
+ function GetEmfHeader: PENHMETAHEADER3;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Imaging GUIDs
+// Image file format identifiers
+ ImageFormatUndefined : TGUID = '{b96b3ca9-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageFormatUndefined}
+ ImageFormatMemoryBMP : TGUID = '{b96b3caa-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageFormatMemoryBMP}
+ ImageFormatBMP : TGUID = '{b96b3cab-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ ImageFormatEMF : TGUID = '{b96b3cac-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ ImageFormatWMF : TGUID = '{b96b3cad-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ ImageFormatJPEG : TGUID = '{b96b3cae-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ ImageFormatPNG : TGUID = '{b96b3caf-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ ImageFormatGIF : TGUID = '{b96b3cb0-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ ImageFormatTIFF : TGUID = '{b96b3cb1-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ ImageFormatEXIF : TGUID = '{b96b3cb2-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ ImageFormatIcon : TGUID = '{b96b3cb5-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageFormatIcon}
+// Predefined multi-frame dimension IDs
+ FrameDimensionTime : TGUID = '{6aedbd6d-3fb5-418a-83a6-7f45229dc872}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM FrameDimensionTime}
+ FrameDimensionResolution : TGUID = '{84236f7b-3bd3-428f-8dab-4ea1439ca315}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM FrameDimensionResolution}
+ FrameDimensionPage : TGUID = '{7462dc86-6180-4c7e-8e3f-ee7333a7a483}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM FrameDimensionPage}
+// Property sets
+ FormatIDImageInformation : TGUID = '{e5836cbe-5eef-4f1d-acde-ae4c43b608ce}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM FormatIDImageInformation}
+ FormatIDJpegAppHeaders : TGUID = '{1c4afdcd-6177-43cf-abc7-5f51af39ee85}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM FormatIDJpegAppHeaders}
+// Encoder parameter sets
+ EncoderCompression : TGUID = '{e09d739d-ccd4-44ee-8eba-3fbf8be4fc58}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderCompression}
+ EncoderColorDepth : TGUID = '{66087055-ad66-4c7c-9a18-38a2310b8337}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderColorDepth}
+ EncoderScanMethod : TGUID = '{3a4e2661-3109-4e56-8536-42c156e7dcfa}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderScanMethod}
+ EncoderVersion : TGUID = '{24d18c76-814a-41a4-bf53-1c219cccf797}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderVersion}
+ EncoderRenderMethod : TGUID = '{6d42c53a-229a-4825-8bb7-5c99e2b9a8b8}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderRenderMethod}
+ EncoderQuality : TGUID = '{1d5be4b5-fa4a-452d-9cdd-5db35105e7eb}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderQuality}
+ EncoderTransformation : TGUID = '{8d0eb2d1-a58e-4ea8-aa14-108074b7b6f9}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderTransformation}
+ EncoderLuminanceTable : TGUID = '{edb33bce-0266-4a77-b904-27216099e717}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderLuminanceTable}
+ EncoderChrominanceTable : TGUID = '{f2e455dc-09b3-4316-8260-676ada32481c}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderChrominanceTable}
+ EncoderSaveFlag : TGUID = '{292266fc-ac40-47bf-8cfc-a85b89a655de}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderSaveFlag}
+ CodecIImageBytes : TGUID = '{025d1823-6c7d-447b-bbdb-a3cbc3dfa2fc}';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM CodecIImageBytes}
+ {$EXTERNALSYM IImageBytes}
+ IImageBytes = Interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{025D1823-6C7D-447B-BBDB-A3CBC3DFA2FC}']
+ // Return total number of bytes in the IStream
+ function CountBytes(out pcb: UINT): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ // Locks "cb" bytes, starting from "ulOffset" in the stream, and returns the
+ // pointer to the beginning of the locked memory chunk in "ppvBytes"
+ function LockBytes(cb: UINT; ulOffset: ULONG; out ppvBytes: pointer): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ // Unlocks "cb" bytes, pointed by "pvBytes", starting from "ulOffset" in the
+ // stream
+ function UnlockBytes(pvBytes: pointer; cb: UINT; ulOffset: ULONG): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ end;
+// ImageCodecInfo structure
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageCodecInfo}
+ ImageCodecInfo = packed record
+ Clsid : TGUID;
+ FormatID : TGUID;
+ CodecName : PWCHAR;
+ DllName : PWCHAR;
+ FormatDescription : PWCHAR;
+ FilenameExtension : PWCHAR;
+ MimeType : PWCHAR;
+ Flags : DWORD;
+ Version : DWORD;
+ SigCount : DWORD;
+ SigSize : DWORD;
+ SigPattern : PBYTE;
+ SigMask : PBYTE;
+ end;
+ TImageCodecInfo = ImageCodecInfo;
+ PImageCodecInfo = ^TImageCodecInfo;
+// Information flags about image codecs
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageCodecFlags}
+ ImageCodecFlags = (
+ ImageCodecFlagsEncoder = $00000001,
+ ImageCodecFlagsDecoder = $00000002,
+ ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap = $00000004,
+ ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector = $00000008,
+ ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode = $00000010,
+ ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode = $00000020,
+ ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin = $00010000,
+ ImageCodecFlagsSystem = $00020000,
+ ImageCodecFlagsUser = $00040000
+ );
+ TImageCodecFlags = ImageCodecFlags;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageCodecFlags}
+ ImageCodecFlags = Integer;
+ const
+ ImageCodecFlagsEncoder = $00000001;
+ ImageCodecFlagsDecoder = $00000002;
+ ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap = $00000004;
+ ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector = $00000008;
+ ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode = $00000010;
+ ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode = $00000020;
+ ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin = $00010000;
+ ImageCodecFlagsSystem = $00020000;
+ ImageCodecFlagsUser = $00040000;
+ TImageCodecFlags = ImageCodecFlags;
+// Access modes used when calling Image::LockBits
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageLockMode}
+ ImageLockMode = Integer;
+ const
+ ImageLockModeRead = $0001;
+ ImageLockModeWrite = $0002;
+ ImageLockModeUserInputBuf = $0004;
+ TImageLockMode = ImageLockMode;
+// Information about image pixel data
+ {$EXTERNALSYM BitmapData}
+ BitmapData = packed record
+ Width : UINT;
+ Height : UINT;
+ Stride : Integer;
+ PixelFormat : PixelFormat;
+ Scan0 : Pointer;
+ Reserved : UINT;
+ end;
+ TBitmapData = BitmapData;
+ PBitmapData = ^TBitmapData;
+// Image flags
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageFlags}
+ ImageFlags = (
+ ImageFlagsNone = 0,
+ // Low-word: shared with SINKFLAG_x
+ ImageFlagsScalable = $0001,
+ ImageFlagsHasAlpha = $0002,
+ ImageFlagsHasTranslucent = $0004,
+ ImageFlagsPartiallyScalable = $0008,
+ // Low-word: color space definition
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceRGB = $0010,
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceCMYK = $0020,
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceGRAY = $0040,
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCBCR = $0080,
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCCK = $0100,
+ // Low-word: image size info
+ ImageFlagsHasRealDPI = $1000,
+ ImageFlagsHasRealPixelSize = $2000,
+ // High-word
+ ImageFlagsReadOnly = $00010000,
+ ImageFlagsCaching = $00020000
+ );
+ TImageFlags = ImageFlags;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ImageFlags}
+ ImageFlags = Integer;
+ const
+ ImageFlagsNone = 0;
+ // Low-word: shared with SINKFLAG_x
+ ImageFlagsScalable = $0001;
+ ImageFlagsHasAlpha = $0002;
+ ImageFlagsHasTranslucent = $0004;
+ ImageFlagsPartiallyScalable = $0008;
+ // Low-word: color space definition
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceRGB = $0010;
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceCMYK = $0020;
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceGRAY = $0040;
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCBCR = $0080;
+ ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCCK = $0100;
+ // Low-word: image size info
+ ImageFlagsHasRealDPI = $1000;
+ ImageFlagsHasRealPixelSize = $2000;
+ // High-word
+ ImageFlagsReadOnly = $00010000;
+ ImageFlagsCaching = $00020000;
+ TImageFlags = ImageFlags;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM RotateFlipType}
+ RotateFlipType = (
+ RotateNoneFlipNone = 0,
+ Rotate90FlipNone = 1,
+ Rotate180FlipNone = 2,
+ Rotate270FlipNone = 3,
+ RotateNoneFlipX = 4,
+ Rotate90FlipX = 5,
+ Rotate180FlipX = 6,
+ Rotate270FlipX = 7,
+ RotateNoneFlipY = Rotate180FlipX,
+ Rotate90FlipY = Rotate270FlipX,
+ Rotate180FlipY = RotateNoneFlipX,
+ Rotate270FlipY = Rotate90FlipX,
+ RotateNoneFlipXY = Rotate180FlipNone,
+ Rotate90FlipXY = Rotate270FlipNone,
+ Rotate180FlipXY = RotateNoneFlipNone,
+ Rotate270FlipXY = Rotate90FlipNone
+ );
+ TRotateFlipType = RotateFlipType;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM RotateFlipType}
+ RotateFlipType = (
+ RotateNoneFlipNone, // = 0,
+ Rotate90FlipNone, // = 1,
+ Rotate180FlipNone, // = 2,
+ Rotate270FlipNone, // = 3,
+ RotateNoneFlipX, // = 4,
+ Rotate90FlipX, // = 5,
+ Rotate180FlipX, // = 6,
+ Rotate270FlipX // = 7,
+ );
+ const
+ RotateNoneFlipY = Rotate180FlipX;
+ Rotate90FlipY = Rotate270FlipX;
+ Rotate180FlipY = RotateNoneFlipX;
+ Rotate270FlipY = Rotate90FlipX;
+ RotateNoneFlipXY = Rotate180FlipNone;
+ Rotate90FlipXY = Rotate270FlipNone;
+ Rotate180FlipXY = RotateNoneFlipNone;
+ Rotate270FlipXY = Rotate90FlipNone;
+ TRotateFlipType = RotateFlipType;
+// Encoder Parameter structure
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderParameter}
+ EncoderParameter = packed record
+ Guid : TGUID; // GUID of the parameter
+ NumberOfValues : ULONG; // Number of the parameter values
+ Type_ : ULONG; // Value type, like ValueTypeLONG etc.
+ Value : Pointer; // A pointer to the parameter values
+ end;
+ TEncoderParameter = EncoderParameter;
+ PEncoderParameter = ^TEncoderParameter;
+// Encoder Parameters structure
+ {$EXTERNALSYM EncoderParameters}
+ EncoderParameters = packed record
+ Count : UINT; // Number of parameters in this structure
+ Parameter : array[0..0] of TEncoderParameter; // Parameter values
+ end;
+ TEncoderParameters = EncoderParameters;
+ PEncoderParameters = ^TEncoderParameters;
+// Property Item
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyItem}
+ PropertyItem = record // NOT PACKED !!
+ id : PROPID; // ID of this property
+ length : ULONG; // Length of the property value, in bytes
+ type_ : WORD; // Type of the value, as one of TAG_TYPE_XXX
+ value : Pointer; // property value
+ end;
+ TPropertyItem = PropertyItem;
+ PPropertyItem = ^TPropertyItem;
+// Image property types
+ PropertyTagTypeByte : Integer = 1;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTypeByte}
+ PropertyTagTypeASCII : Integer = 2;
+ PropertyTagTypeShort : Integer = 3;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTypeShort}
+ PropertyTagTypeLong : Integer = 4;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTypeLong}
+ PropertyTagTypeRational : Integer = 5;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTypeRational}
+ PropertyTagTypeUndefined : Integer = 7;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTypeUndefined}
+ PropertyTagTypeSLONG : Integer = 9;
+ PropertyTagTypeSRational : Integer = 10;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTypeSRational}
+// Image property ID tags
+ PropertyTagExifIFD = $8769;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifIFD}
+ PropertyTagGpsIFD = $8825;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsIFD}
+ PropertyTagNewSubfileType = $00FE;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagNewSubfileType}
+ PropertyTagSubfileType = $00FF;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagSubfileType}
+ PropertyTagImageWidth = $0100;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagImageWidth}
+ PropertyTagImageHeight = $0101;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagImageHeight}
+ PropertyTagBitsPerSample = $0102;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagBitsPerSample}
+ PropertyTagCompression = $0103;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagCompression}
+ PropertyTagPhotometricInterp = $0106;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPhotometricInterp}
+ PropertyTagThreshHolding = $0107;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThreshHolding}
+ PropertyTagCellWidth = $0108;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagCellWidth}
+ PropertyTagCellHeight = $0109;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagCellHeight}
+ PropertyTagFillOrder = $010A;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagFillOrder}
+ PropertyTagDocumentName = $010D;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagDocumentName}
+ PropertyTagImageDescription = $010E;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagImageDescription}
+ PropertyTagEquipMake = $010F;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagEquipMake}
+ PropertyTagEquipModel = $0110;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagEquipModel}
+ PropertyTagStripOffsets = $0111;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagStripOffsets}
+ PropertyTagOrientation = $0112;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagOrientation}
+ PropertyTagSamplesPerPixel = $0115;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagSamplesPerPixel}
+ PropertyTagRowsPerStrip = $0116;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagRowsPerStrip}
+ PropertyTagStripBytesCount = $0117;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagStripBytesCount}
+ PropertyTagMinSampleValue = $0118;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagMinSampleValue}
+ PropertyTagMaxSampleValue = $0119;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagMaxSampleValue}
+ PropertyTagXResolution = $011A; // Image resolution in width direction
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagXResolution}
+ PropertyTagYResolution = $011B; // Image resolution in height direction
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagYResolution}
+ PropertyTagPlanarConfig = $011C; // Image data arrangement
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPlanarConfig}
+ PropertyTagPageName = $011D;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPageName}
+ PropertyTagXPosition = $011E;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagXPosition}
+ PropertyTagYPosition = $011F;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagYPosition}
+ PropertyTagFreeOffset = $0120;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagFreeOffset}
+ PropertyTagFreeByteCounts = $0121;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagFreeByteCounts}
+ PropertyTagGrayResponseUnit = $0122;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGrayResponseUnit}
+ PropertyTagGrayResponseCurve = $0123;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGrayResponseCurve}
+ PropertyTagT4Option = $0124;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagT4Option}
+ PropertyTagT6Option = $0125;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagT6Option}
+ PropertyTagResolutionUnit = $0128; // Unit of X and Y resolution
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagResolutionUnit}
+ PropertyTagPageNumber = $0129;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPageNumber}
+ PropertyTagTransferFuncition = $012D;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTransferFuncition}
+ PropertyTagSoftwareUsed = $0131;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagSoftwareUsed}
+ PropertyTagDateTime = $0132;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagDateTime}
+ PropertyTagArtist = $013B;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagArtist}
+ PropertyTagHostComputer = $013C;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagHostComputer}
+ PropertyTagPredictor = $013D;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPredictor}
+ PropertyTagWhitePoint = $013E;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagWhitePoint}
+ PropertyTagPrimaryChromaticities = $013F;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPrimaryChromaticities}
+ PropertyTagColorMap = $0140;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagColorMap}
+ PropertyTagHalftoneHints = $0141;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagHalftoneHints}
+ PropertyTagTileWidth = $0142;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTileWidth}
+ PropertyTagTileLength = $0143;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTileLength}
+ PropertyTagTileOffset = $0144;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTileOffset}
+ PropertyTagTileByteCounts = $0145;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTileByteCounts}
+ PropertyTagInkSet = $014C;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagInkSet}
+ PropertyTagInkNames = $014D;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagInkNames}
+ PropertyTagNumberOfInks = $014E;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagNumberOfInks}
+ PropertyTagDotRange = $0150;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagDotRange}
+ PropertyTagTargetPrinter = $0151;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTargetPrinter}
+ PropertyTagExtraSamples = $0152;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExtraSamples}
+ PropertyTagSampleFormat = $0153;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagSampleFormat}
+ PropertyTagSMinSampleValue = $0154;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagSMinSampleValue}
+ PropertyTagSMaxSampleValue = $0155;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagSMaxSampleValue}
+ PropertyTagTransferRange = $0156;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagTransferRange}
+ PropertyTagJPEGProc = $0200;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGProc}
+ PropertyTagJPEGInterFormat = $0201;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGInterFormat}
+ PropertyTagJPEGInterLength = $0202;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGInterLength}
+ PropertyTagJPEGRestartInterval = $0203;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGRestartInterval}
+ PropertyTagJPEGLosslessPredictors = $0205;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGLosslessPredictors}
+ PropertyTagJPEGPointTransforms = $0206;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGPointTransforms}
+ PropertyTagJPEGQTables = $0207;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGQTables}
+ PropertyTagJPEGDCTables = $0208;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGDCTables}
+ PropertyTagJPEGACTables = $0209;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGACTables}
+ PropertyTagYCbCrCoefficients = $0211;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagYCbCrCoefficients}
+ PropertyTagYCbCrSubsampling = $0212;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagYCbCrSubsampling}
+ PropertyTagYCbCrPositioning = $0213;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagYCbCrPositioning}
+ PropertyTagREFBlackWhite = $0214;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagREFBlackWhite}
+ PropertyTagICCProfile = $8773; // This TAG is defined by ICC
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagICCProfile}
+ // for embedded ICC in TIFF
+ PropertyTagGamma = $0301;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGamma}
+ PropertyTagICCProfileDescriptor = $0302;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagICCProfileDescriptor}
+ PropertyTagSRGBRenderingIntent = $0303;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagSRGBRenderingIntent}
+ PropertyTagImageTitle = $0320;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagImageTitle}
+ PropertyTagCopyright = $8298;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagCopyright}
+// Extra TAGs (Like Adobe Image Information tags etc.)
+ PropertyTagResolutionXUnit = $5001;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagResolutionXUnit}
+ PropertyTagResolutionYUnit = $5002;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagResolutionYUnit}
+ PropertyTagResolutionXLengthUnit = $5003;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagResolutionXLengthUnit}
+ PropertyTagResolutionYLengthUnit = $5004;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagResolutionYLengthUnit}
+ PropertyTagPrintFlags = $5005;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPrintFlags}
+ PropertyTagPrintFlagsVersion = $5006;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPrintFlagsVersion}
+ PropertyTagPrintFlagsCrop = $5007;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPrintFlagsCrop}
+ PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidth = $5008;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidth}
+ PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidthScale = $5009;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidthScale}
+ PropertyTagHalftoneLPI = $500A;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagHalftoneLPI}
+ PropertyTagHalftoneLPIUnit = $500B;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagHalftoneLPIUnit}
+ PropertyTagHalftoneDegree = $500C;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagHalftoneDegree}
+ PropertyTagHalftoneShape = $500D;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagHalftoneShape}
+ PropertyTagHalftoneMisc = $500E;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagHalftoneMisc}
+ PropertyTagHalftoneScreen = $500F;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagHalftoneScreen}
+ PropertyTagJPEGQuality = $5010;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagJPEGQuality}
+ PropertyTagGridSize = $5011;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGridSize}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailFormat = $5012; // 1 = JPEG, 0 = RAW RGB
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailFormat}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailWidth = $5013;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailWidth}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailHeight = $5014;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailHeight}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailColorDepth = $5015;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailColorDepth}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailPlanes = $5016;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailPlanes}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailRawBytes = $5017;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailRawBytes}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailSize = $5018;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailSize}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailCompressedSize = $5019;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailCompressedSize}
+ PropertyTagColorTransferFunction = $501A;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagColorTransferFunction}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailData = $501B; // RAW thumbnail bits in
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailData}
+ // JPEG format or RGB format
+ // depends on
+ // PropertyTagThumbnailFormat
+ // Thumbnail related TAGs
+ PropertyTagThumbnailImageWidth = $5020; // Thumbnail width
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailImageWidth}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailImageHeight = $5021; // Thumbnail height
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailImageHeight}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailBitsPerSample = $5022; // Number of bits per
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailBitsPerSample}
+ // component
+ PropertyTagThumbnailCompression = $5023; // Compression Scheme
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailCompression}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailPhotometricInterp = $5024; // Pixel composition
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailPhotometricInterp}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailImageDescription = $5025; // Image Tile
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailImageDescription}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailEquipMake = $5026; // Manufacturer of Image
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailEquipMake}
+ // Input equipment
+ PropertyTagThumbnailEquipModel = $5027; // Model of Image input
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailEquipModel}
+ // equipment
+ PropertyTagThumbnailStripOffsets = $5028; // Image data location
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailStripOffsets}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailOrientation = $5029; // Orientation of image
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailOrientation}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailSamplesPerPixel = $502A; // Number of components
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailSamplesPerPixel}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailRowsPerStrip = $502B; // Number of rows per strip
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailRowsPerStrip}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailStripBytesCount = $502C; // Bytes per compressed
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailStripBytesCount}
+ // strip
+ PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionX = $502D; // Resolution in width
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionX}
+ // direction
+ PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionY = $502E; // Resolution in height
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionY}
+ // direction
+ PropertyTagThumbnailPlanarConfig = $502F; // Image data arrangement
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailPlanarConfig}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionUnit = $5030; // Unit of X and Y
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionUnit}
+ // Resolution
+ PropertyTagThumbnailTransferFunction = $5031; // Transfer function
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailTransferFunction}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailSoftwareUsed = $5032; // Software used
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailSoftwareUsed}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailDateTime = $5033; // File change date and
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailDateTime}
+ // time
+ PropertyTagThumbnailArtist = $5034; // Person who created the
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailArtist}
+ // image
+ PropertyTagThumbnailWhitePoint = $5035; // White point chromaticity
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailWhitePoint}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities = $5036;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities}
+ // Chromaticities of
+ // primaries
+ PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients = $5037; // Color space transforma-
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients}
+ // tion coefficients
+ PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling = $5038; // Subsampling ratio of Y
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling}
+ // to C
+ PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrPositioning = $5039; // Y and C position
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrPositioning}
+ PropertyTagThumbnailRefBlackWhite = $503A; // Pair of black and white
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailRefBlackWhite}
+ // reference values
+ PropertyTagThumbnailCopyRight = $503B; // CopyRight holder
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagThumbnailCopyRight}
+ PropertyTagLuminanceTable = $5090;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagLuminanceTable}
+ PropertyTagChrominanceTable = $5091;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagChrominanceTable}
+ PropertyTagFrameDelay = $5100;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagFrameDelay}
+ PropertyTagLoopCount = $5101;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagLoopCount}
+ PropertyTagPixelUnit = $5110; // Unit specifier for pixel/unit
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPixelUnit}
+ PropertyTagPixelPerUnitX = $5111; // Pixels per unit in X
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPixelPerUnitX}
+ PropertyTagPixelPerUnitY = $5112; // Pixels per unit in Y
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPixelPerUnitY}
+ PropertyTagPaletteHistogram = $5113; // Palette histogram
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagPaletteHistogram}
+ // EXIF specific tag
+ PropertyTagExifExposureTime = $829A;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifExposureTime}
+ PropertyTagExifFNumber = $829D;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifFNumber}
+ PropertyTagExifExposureProg = $8822;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifExposureProg}
+ PropertyTagExifSpectralSense = $8824;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifSpectralSense}
+ PropertyTagExifISOSpeed = $8827;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifISOSpeed}
+ PropertyTagExifOECF = $8828;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifOECF}
+ PropertyTagExifVer = $9000;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifVer}
+ PropertyTagExifDTOrig = $9003; // Date & time of original
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifDTOrig}
+ PropertyTagExifDTDigitized = $9004; // Date & time of digital data generation
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifDTDigitized}
+ PropertyTagExifCompConfig = $9101;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifCompConfig}
+ PropertyTagExifCompBPP = $9102;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifCompBPP}
+ PropertyTagExifShutterSpeed = $9201;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifShutterSpeed}
+ PropertyTagExifAperture = $9202;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifAperture}
+ PropertyTagExifBrightness = $9203;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifBrightness}
+ PropertyTagExifExposureBias = $9204;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifExposureBias}
+ PropertyTagExifMaxAperture = $9205;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifMaxAperture}
+ PropertyTagExifSubjectDist = $9206;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifSubjectDist}
+ PropertyTagExifMeteringMode = $9207;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifMeteringMode}
+ PropertyTagExifLightSource = $9208;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifLightSource}
+ PropertyTagExifFlash = $9209;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifFlash}
+ PropertyTagExifFocalLength = $920A;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifFocalLength}
+ PropertyTagExifMakerNote = $927C;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifMakerNote}
+ PropertyTagExifUserComment = $9286;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifUserComment}
+ PropertyTagExifDTSubsec = $9290; // Date & Time subseconds
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifDTSubsec}
+ PropertyTagExifDTOrigSS = $9291; // Date & Time original subseconds
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifDTOrigSS}
+ PropertyTagExifDTDigSS = $9292; // Date & TIme digitized subseconds
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifDTDigSS}
+ PropertyTagExifFPXVer = $A000;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifFPXVer}
+ PropertyTagExifColorSpace = $A001;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifColorSpace}
+ PropertyTagExifPixXDim = $A002;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifPixXDim}
+ PropertyTagExifPixYDim = $A003;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifPixYDim}
+ PropertyTagExifRelatedWav = $A004; // related sound file
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifRelatedWav}
+ PropertyTagExifInterop = $A005;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifInterop}
+ PropertyTagExifFlashEnergy = $A20B;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifFlashEnergy}
+ PropertyTagExifSpatialFR = $A20C; // Spatial Frequency Response
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifSpatialFR}
+ PropertyTagExifFocalXRes = $A20E; // Focal Plane X Resolution
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifFocalXRes}
+ PropertyTagExifFocalYRes = $A20F; // Focal Plane Y Resolution
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifFocalYRes}
+ PropertyTagExifFocalResUnit = $A210; // Focal Plane Resolution Unit
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifFocalResUnit}
+ PropertyTagExifSubjectLoc = $A214;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifSubjectLoc}
+ PropertyTagExifExposureIndex = $A215;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifExposureIndex}
+ PropertyTagExifSensingMethod = $A217;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifSensingMethod}
+ PropertyTagExifFileSource = $A300;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifFileSource}
+ PropertyTagExifSceneType = $A301;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifSceneType}
+ PropertyTagExifCfaPattern = $A302;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagExifCfaPattern}
+ PropertyTagGpsVer = $0000;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsVer}
+ PropertyTagGpsLatitudeRef = $0001;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsLatitudeRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsLatitude = $0002;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsLatitude}
+ PropertyTagGpsLongitudeRef = $0003;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsLongitudeRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsLongitude = $0004;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsLongitude}
+ PropertyTagGpsAltitudeRef = $0005;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsAltitudeRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsAltitude = $0006;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsAltitude}
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsTime = $0007;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsGpsTime}
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsSatellites = $0008;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsGpsSatellites}
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsStatus = $0009;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsGpsStatus}
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsMeasureMode = $00A;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsGpsMeasureMode}
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsDop = $000B; // Measurement precision
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsGpsDop}
+ PropertyTagGpsSpeedRef = $000C;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsSpeedRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsSpeed = $000D;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsSpeed}
+ PropertyTagGpsTrackRef = $000E;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsTrackRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsTrack = $000F;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsTrack}
+ PropertyTagGpsImgDirRef = $0010;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsImgDirRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsImgDir = $0011;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsImgDir}
+ PropertyTagGpsMapDatum = $0012;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsMapDatum}
+ PropertyTagGpsDestLatRef = $0013;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsDestLatRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsDestLat = $0014;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsDestLat}
+ PropertyTagGpsDestLongRef = $0015;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsDestLongRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsDestLong = $0016;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsDestLong}
+ PropertyTagGpsDestBearRef = $0017;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsDestBearRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsDestBear = $0018;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsDestBear}
+ PropertyTagGpsDestDistRef = $0019;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsDestDistRef}
+ PropertyTagGpsDestDist = $001A;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM PropertyTagGpsDestDist}
+* GDI+ Color Matrix object, used with Graphics.DrawImage
+// Color matrix
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ColorMatrix}
+ ColorMatrix = packed array[0..4, 0..4] of Single;
+ TColorMatrix = ColorMatrix;
+ PColorMatrix = ^TColorMatrix;
+// Color Matrix flags
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ColorMatrixFlags}
+ ColorMatrixFlags = (
+ ColorMatrixFlagsDefault,
+ ColorMatrixFlagsSkipGrays,
+ ColorMatrixFlagsAltGray
+ );
+ TColorMatrixFlags = ColorMatrixFlags;
+// Color Adjust Type
+ {$EXTERNALSYM ColorAdjustType}
+ ColorAdjustType = (
+ ColorAdjustTypeDefault,
+ ColorAdjustTypeBitmap,
+ ColorAdjustTypeBrush,
+ ColorAdjustTypePen,
+ ColorAdjustTypeText,
+ ColorAdjustTypeCount,
+ ColorAdjustTypeAny // Reserved
+ );
+ TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustType;
+// Color Map
+ ColorMap = packed record
+ oldColor: TGPColor;
+ newColor: TGPColor;
+ end;
+ TColorMap = ColorMap;
+ PColorMap = ^TColorMap;
+// Private GDI+ classes for internal type checking
+ GpGraphics = Pointer;
+ GpBrush = Pointer;
+ GpTexture = Pointer;
+ GpSolidFill = Pointer;
+ GpLineGradient = Pointer;
+ GpPathGradient = Pointer;
+ GpHatch = Pointer;
+ GpPen = Pointer;
+ GpCustomLineCap = Pointer;
+ GpAdjustableArrowCap = Pointer;
+ GpImage = Pointer;
+ GpBitmap = Pointer;
+ GpMetafile = Pointer;
+ GpImageAttributes = Pointer;
+ GpPath = Pointer;
+ GpRegion = Pointer;
+ GpPathIterator = Pointer;
+ GpFontFamily = Pointer;
+ GpFont = Pointer;
+ GpStringFormat = Pointer;
+ GpFontCollection = Pointer;
+ GpCachedBitmap = Pointer;
+ GpStatus = TStatus;
+ GpFillMode = TFillMode;
+ GpWrapMode = TWrapMode;
+ GpUnit = TUnit;
+ GpCoordinateSpace = TCoordinateSpace;
+ GpPointF = PGPPointF;
+ GpPoint = PGPPoint;
+ GpRectF = PGPRectF;
+ GpRect = PGPRect;
+ GpSizeF = PGPSizeF;
+ GpHatchStyle = THatchStyle;
+ GpDashStyle = TDashStyle;
+ GpLineCap = TLineCap;
+ GpDashCap = TDashCap;
+ GpPenAlignment = TPenAlignment;
+ GpLineJoin = TLineJoin;
+ GpPenType = TPenType;
+ GpMatrix = Pointer;
+ GpBrushType = TBrushType;
+ GpMatrixOrder = TMatrixOrder;
+ GpFlushIntention = TFlushIntention;
+ GpPathData = TPathData;
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2001, Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+* GdiplusFlat.h
+* Abstract:
+* Private GDI+ header file.
+ function GdipCreatePath(brushMode: GPFILLMODE;
+ out path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreatePath}
+ function GdipCreatePath2(v1: GPPOINTF; v2: PBYTE; v3: Integer; v4: GPFILLMODE;
+ out path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreatePath2}
+ function GdipCreatePath2I(v1: GPPOINT; v2: PBYTE; v3: Integer; v4: GPFILLMODE;
+ out path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreatePath2I}
+ function GdipClonePath(path: GPPATH;
+ out clonePath: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipClonePath}
+ function GdipDeletePath(path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeletePath}
+ function GdipResetPath(path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipResetPath}
+ function GdipGetPointCount(path: GPPATH;
+ out count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPointCount}
+ function GdipGetPathTypes(path: GPPATH; types: PBYTE;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathTypes}
+ function GdipGetPathPoints(v1: GPPATH; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathPoints}
+ function GdipGetPathPointsI(v1: GPPATH; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathPointsI}
+ function GdipGetPathFillMode(path: GPPATH;
+ var fillmode: GPFILLMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathFillMode}
+ function GdipSetPathFillMode(path: GPPATH;
+ fillmode: GPFILLMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathFillMode}
+ function GdipGetPathData(path: GPPATH;
+ pathData: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathData}
+ function GdipStartPathFigure(path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipStartPathFigure}
+ function GdipClosePathFigure(path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipClosePathFigure}
+ function GdipClosePathFigures(path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipClosePathFigures}
+ function GdipSetPathMarker(path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathMarker}
+ function GdipClearPathMarkers(path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipClearPathMarkers}
+ function GdipReversePath(path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipReversePath}
+ function GdipGetPathLastPoint(path: GPPATH;
+ lastPoint: GPPOINTF): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathLastPoint}
+ function GdipAddPathLine(path: GPPATH;
+ x1, y1, x2, y2: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathLine}
+ function GdipAddPathLine2(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathLine2}
+ function GdipAddPathArc(path: GPPATH; x, y, width, height, startAngle,
+ sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathArc}
+ function GdipAddPathBezier(path: GPPATH;
+ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathBezier}
+ function GdipAddPathBeziers(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathBeziers}
+ function GdipAddPathCurve(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathCurve}
+ function GdipAddPathCurve2(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer;
+ tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathCurve2}
+ function GdipAddPathCurve3(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer;
+ offset: Integer; numberOfSegments: Integer;
+ tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathCurve3}
+ function GdipAddPathClosedCurve(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathClosedCurve}
+ function GdipAddPathClosedCurve2(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer; tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathClosedCurve2}
+ function GdipAddPathRectangle(path: GPPATH; x: Single; y: Single;
+ width: Single; height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathRectangle}
+ function GdipAddPathRectangles(path: GPPATH; rects: GPRECTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathRectangles}
+ function GdipAddPathEllipse(path: GPPATH; x: Single; y: Single;
+ width: Single; height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathEllipse}
+ function GdipAddPathPie(path: GPPATH; x: Single; y: Single; width: Single;
+ height: Single; startAngle: Single; sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathPie}
+ function GdipAddPathPolygon(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathPolygon}
+ function GdipAddPathPath(path: GPPATH; addingPath: GPPATH;
+ connect: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathPath}
+ function GdipAddPathString(path: GPPATH; string_: PWCHAR; length: Integer;
+ family: GPFONTFAMILY; style: Integer; emSize: Single; layoutRect: PGPRectF;
+ format: GPSTRINGFORMAT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathString}
+ function GdipAddPathStringI(path: GPPATH; string_: PWCHAR; length: Integer;
+ family: GPFONTFAMILY; style: Integer; emSize: Single; layoutRect: PGPRect;
+ format: GPSTRINGFORMAT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathStringI}
+ function GdipAddPathLineI(path: GPPATH; x1: Integer; y1: Integer; x2: Integer;
+ y2: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathLineI}
+ function GdipAddPathLine2I(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathLine2I}
+ function GdipAddPathArcI(path: GPPATH; x: Integer; y: Integer; width: Integer;
+ height: Integer; startAngle: Single; sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathArcI}
+ function GdipAddPathBezierI(path: GPPATH; x1: Integer; y1: Integer;
+ x2: Integer; y2: Integer; x3: Integer; y3: Integer; x4: Integer;
+ y4: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathBezierI}
+ function GdipAddPathBeziersI(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathBeziersI}
+ function GdipAddPathCurveI(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathCurveI}
+ function GdipAddPathCurve2I(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINT; count: Integer;
+ tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathCurve2I}
+ function GdipAddPathCurve3I(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINT; count: Integer;
+ offset: Integer; numberOfSegments: Integer;
+ tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathCurve3I}
+ function GdipAddPathClosedCurveI(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathClosedCurveI}
+ function GdipAddPathClosedCurve2I(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer; tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathClosedCurve2I}
+ function GdipAddPathRectangleI(path: GPPATH; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ width: Integer; height: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathRectangleI}
+ function GdipAddPathRectanglesI(path: GPPATH; rects: GPRECT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathRectanglesI}
+ function GdipAddPathEllipseI(path: GPPATH; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ width: Integer; height: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathEllipseI}
+ function GdipAddPathPieI(path: GPPATH; x: Integer; y: Integer; width: Integer;
+ height: Integer; startAngle: Single; sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathPieI}
+ function GdipAddPathPolygonI(path: GPPATH; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipAddPathPolygonI}
+ function GdipFlattenPath(path: GPPATH; matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ flatness: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFlattenPath}
+ function GdipWindingModeOutline(path: GPPATH; matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ flatness: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipWindingModeOutline}
+ function GdipWidenPath(nativePath: GPPATH; pen: GPPEN; matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ flatness: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipWidenPath}
+ function GdipWarpPath(path: GPPATH; matrix: GPMATRIX; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer; srcx: Single; srcy: Single; srcwidth: Single;
+ srcheight: Single; warpMode: WARPMODE; flatness: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipWarpPath}
+ function GdipTransformPath(path: GPPATH; matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTransformPath}
+ function GdipGetPathWorldBounds(path: GPPATH; bounds: GPRECTF;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX; pen: GPPEN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathWorldBounds}
+ function GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI(path: GPPATH; bounds: GPRECT;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX; pen: GPPEN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI}
+ function GdipIsVisiblePathPoint(path: GPPATH; x: Single; y: Single;
+ graphics: GPGRAPHICS; out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisiblePathPoint}
+ function GdipIsVisiblePathPointI(path: GPPATH; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ graphics: GPGRAPHICS; out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisiblePathPointI}
+ function GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPoint(path: GPPATH; x: Single; y: Single;
+ pen: GPPEN; graphics: GPGRAPHICS; out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPoint}
+ function GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPointI(path: GPPATH; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ pen: GPPEN; graphics: GPGRAPHICS; out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPointI}
+// PathIterator APIs
+ function GdipCreatePathIter(out iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreatePathIter}
+ function GdipDeletePathIter(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeletePathIter}
+ function GdipPathIterNextSubpath(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ var resultCount: Integer; var startIndex: Integer; var endIndex: Integer;
+ out isClosed: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterNextSubpath}
+ function GdipPathIterNextSubpathPath(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ var resultCount: Integer; path: GPPATH;
+ out isClosed: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterNextSubpathPath}
+ function GdipPathIterNextPathType(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ var resultCount: Integer; pathType: PBYTE; var startIndex: Integer;
+ var endIndex: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterNextPathType}
+ function GdipPathIterNextMarker(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ var resultCount: Integer; var startIndex: Integer;
+ var endIndex: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterNextMarker}
+ function GdipPathIterNextMarkerPath(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ var resultCount: Integer; path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterNextMarkerPath}
+ function GdipPathIterGetCount(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ out count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterGetCount}
+ function GdipPathIterGetSubpathCount(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ out count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterGetSubpathCount}
+ function GdipPathIterIsValid(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ out valid: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterIsValid}
+ function GdipPathIterHasCurve(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ out hasCurve: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterHasCurve}
+ function GdipPathIterRewind(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterRewind}
+ function GdipPathIterEnumerate(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ var resultCount: Integer; points: GPPOINTF; types: PBYTE;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterEnumerate}
+ function GdipPathIterCopyData(iterator: GPPATHITERATOR;
+ var resultCount: Integer; points: GPPOINTF; types: PBYTE;
+ startIndex: Integer; endIndex: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPathIterCopyData}
+// Matrix APIs
+ function GdipCreateMatrix(out matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateMatrix}
+ function GdipCreateMatrix2(m11: Single; m12: Single; m21: Single; m22: Single;
+ dx: Single; dy: Single; out matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateMatrix2}
+ function GdipCreateMatrix3(rect: GPRECTF; dstplg: GPPOINTF;
+ out matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateMatrix3}
+ function GdipCreateMatrix3I(rect: GPRECT; dstplg: GPPOINT;
+ out matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateMatrix3I}
+ function GdipCloneMatrix(matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ out cloneMatrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneMatrix}
+ function GdipDeleteMatrix(matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeleteMatrix}
+ function GdipSetMatrixElements(matrix: GPMATRIX; m11: Single; m12: Single;
+ m21: Single; m22: Single; dx: Single; dy: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetMatrixElements}
+ function GdipMultiplyMatrix(matrix: GPMATRIX; matrix2: GPMATRIX;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipMultiplyMatrix}
+ function GdipTranslateMatrix(matrix: GPMATRIX; offsetX: Single;
+ offsetY: Single; order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslateMatrix}
+ function GdipScaleMatrix(matrix: GPMATRIX; scaleX: Single; scaleY: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipScaleMatrix}
+ function GdipRotateMatrix(matrix: GPMATRIX; angle: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRotateMatrix}
+ function GdipShearMatrix(matrix: GPMATRIX; shearX: Single; shearY: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipShearMatrix}
+ function GdipInvertMatrix(matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipInvertMatrix}
+ function GdipTransformMatrixPoints(matrix: GPMATRIX; pts: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTransformMatrixPoints}
+ function GdipTransformMatrixPointsI(matrix: GPMATRIX; pts: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTransformMatrixPointsI}
+ function GdipVectorTransformMatrixPoints(matrix: GPMATRIX; pts: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipVectorTransformMatrixPoints}
+ function GdipVectorTransformMatrixPointsI(matrix: GPMATRIX; pts: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipVectorTransformMatrixPointsI}
+ function GdipGetMatrixElements(matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ matrixOut: PSingle): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetMatrixElements}
+ function GdipIsMatrixInvertible(matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsMatrixInvertible}
+ function GdipIsMatrixIdentity(matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsMatrixIdentity}
+ function GdipIsMatrixEqual(matrix: GPMATRIX; matrix2: GPMATRIX;
+ out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsMatrixEqual}
+// Region APIs
+ function GdipCreateRegion(out region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateRegion}
+ function GdipCreateRegionRect(rect: GPRECTF;
+ out region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateRegionRect}
+ function GdipCreateRegionRectI(rect: GPRECT;
+ out region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateRegionRectI}
+ function GdipCreateRegionPath(path: GPPATH;
+ out region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateRegionPath}
+ function GdipCreateRegionRgnData(regionData: PBYTE; size: Integer;
+ out region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateRegionRgnData}
+ function GdipCreateRegionHrgn(hRgn: HRGN;
+ out region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateRegionHrgn}
+ function GdipCloneRegion(region: GPREGION;
+ out cloneRegion: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneRegion}
+ function GdipDeleteRegion(region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeleteRegion}
+ function GdipSetInfinite(region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetInfinite}
+ function GdipSetEmpty(region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetEmpty}
+ function GdipCombineRegionRect(region: GPREGION; rect: GPRECTF;
+ combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCombineRegionRect}
+ function GdipCombineRegionRectI(region: GPREGION; rect: GPRECT;
+ combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCombineRegionRectI}
+ function GdipCombineRegionPath(region: GPREGION; path: GPPATH;
+ combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCombineRegionPath}
+ function GdipCombineRegionRegion(region: GPREGION; region2: GPREGION;
+ combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCombineRegionRegion}
+ function GdipTranslateRegion(region: GPREGION; dx: Single;
+ dy: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslateRegion}
+ function GdipTranslateRegionI(region: GPREGION; dx: Integer;
+ dy: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslateRegionI}
+ function GdipTransformRegion(region: GPREGION;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTransformRegion}
+ function GdipGetRegionBounds(region: GPREGION; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ rect: GPRECTF): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetRegionBounds}
+ function GdipGetRegionBoundsI(region: GPREGION; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ rect: GPRECT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetRegionBoundsI}
+ function GdipGetRegionHRgn(region: GPREGION; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ out hRgn: HRGN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetRegionHRgn}
+ function GdipIsEmptyRegion(region: GPREGION; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsEmptyRegion}
+ function GdipIsInfiniteRegion(region: GPREGION; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsInfiniteRegion}
+ function GdipIsEqualRegion(region: GPREGION; region2: GPREGION;
+ graphics: GPGRAPHICS; out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsEqualRegion}
+ function GdipGetRegionDataSize(region: GPREGION;
+ out bufferSize: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetRegionDataSize}
+ function GdipGetRegionData(region: GPREGION; buffer: PBYTE;
+ bufferSize: UINT; sizeFilled: PUINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetRegionData}
+ function GdipIsVisibleRegionPoint(region: GPREGION; x: Single; y: Single;
+ graphics: GPGRAPHICS; out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisibleRegionPoint}
+ function GdipIsVisibleRegionPointI(region: GPREGION; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ graphics: GPGRAPHICS; out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisibleRegionPointI}
+ function GdipIsVisibleRegionRect(region: GPREGION; x: Single; y: Single;
+ width: Single; height: Single; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisibleRegionRect}
+ function GdipIsVisibleRegionRectI(region: GPREGION; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ width: Integer; height: Integer; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ out result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisibleRegionRectI}
+ function GdipGetRegionScansCount(region: GPREGION; out count: UINT;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetRegionScansCount}
+ function GdipGetRegionScans(region: GPREGION; rects: GPRECTF;
+ out count: Integer; matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetRegionScans}
+ function GdipGetRegionScansI(region: GPREGION; rects: GPRECT;
+ out count: Integer; matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetRegionScansI}
+// Brush APIs
+ function GdipCloneBrush(brush: GPBRUSH;
+ out cloneBrush: GPBRUSH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneBrush}
+ function GdipDeleteBrush(brush: GPBRUSH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeleteBrush}
+ function GdipGetBrushType(brush: GPBRUSH;
+ out type_: GPBRUSHTYPE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetBrushType}
+// HatchBrush APIs
+ function GdipCreateHatchBrush(hatchstyle: Integer; forecol: ARGB;
+ backcol: ARGB; out brush: GPHATCH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateHatchBrush}
+ function GdipGetHatchStyle(brush: GPHATCH;
+ out hatchstyle: GPHATCHSTYLE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetHatchStyle}
+ function GdipGetHatchForegroundColor(brush: GPHATCH;
+ out forecol: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetHatchForegroundColor}
+ function GdipGetHatchBackgroundColor(brush: GPHATCH;
+ out backcol: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetHatchBackgroundColor}
+// TextureBrush APIs
+ function GdipCreateTexture(image: GPIMAGE; wrapmode: GPWRAPMODE;
+ var texture: GPTEXTURE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateTexture}
+ function GdipCreateTexture2(image: GPIMAGE; wrapmode: GPWRAPMODE;
+ x: Single; y: Single; width: Single; height: Single;
+ out texture: GPTEXTURE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateTexture2}
+ function GdipCreateTextureIA(image: GPIMAGE;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES; x: Single; y: Single; width: Single;
+ height: Single; out texture: GPTEXTURE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateTextureIA}
+ function GdipCreateTexture2I(image: GPIMAGE; wrapmode: GPWRAPMODE; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer; width: Integer; height: Integer;
+ out texture: GPTEXTURE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateTexture2I}
+ function GdipCreateTextureIAI(image: GPIMAGE;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES; x: Integer; y: Integer; width: Integer;
+ height: Integer; out texture: GPTEXTURE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateTextureIAI}
+ function GdipGetTextureTransform(brush: GPTEXTURE;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetTextureTransform}
+ function GdipSetTextureTransform(brush: GPTEXTURE;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetTextureTransform}
+ function GdipResetTextureTransform(brush: GPTEXTURE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipResetTextureTransform}
+ function GdipMultiplyTextureTransform(brush: GPTEXTURE; matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipMultiplyTextureTransform}
+ function GdipTranslateTextureTransform(brush: GPTEXTURE; dx: Single;
+ dy: Single; order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslateTextureTransform}
+ function GdipScaleTextureTransform(brush: GPTEXTURE; sx: Single; sy: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipScaleTextureTransform}
+ function GdipRotateTextureTransform(brush: GPTEXTURE; angle: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRotateTextureTransform}
+ function GdipSetTextureWrapMode(brush: GPTEXTURE;
+ wrapmode: GPWRAPMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetTextureWrapMode}
+ function GdipGetTextureWrapMode(brush: GPTEXTURE;
+ var wrapmode: GPWRAPMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetTextureWrapMode}
+ function GdipGetTextureImage(brush: GPTEXTURE;
+ out image: GPIMAGE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetTextureImage}
+// SolidBrush APIs
+ function GdipCreateSolidFill(color: ARGB;
+ out brush: GPSOLIDFILL): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateSolidFill}
+ function GdipSetSolidFillColor(brush: GPSOLIDFILL;
+ color: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetSolidFillColor}
+ function GdipGetSolidFillColor(brush: GPSOLIDFILL;
+ out color: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetSolidFillColor}
+// LineBrush APIs
+ function GdipCreateLineBrush(point1: GPPOINTF; point2: GPPOINTF; color1: ARGB;
+ color2: ARGB; wrapMode: GPWRAPMODE;
+ out lineGradient: GPLINEGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateLineBrush}
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushI(point1: GPPOINT; point2: GPPOINT; color1: ARGB;
+ color2: ARGB; wrapMode: GPWRAPMODE;
+ out lineGradient: GPLINEGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateLineBrushI}
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect(rect: GPRECTF; color1: ARGB;
+ out lineGradient: GPLINEGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect}
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectI(rect: GPRECT; color1: ARGB;
+ out lineGradient: GPLINEGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectI}
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngle(rect: GPRECTF; color1: ARGB;
+ color2: ARGB; angle: Single; isAngleScalable: Bool; wrapMode: GPWRAPMODE;
+ out lineGradient: GPLINEGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngle}
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngleI(rect: GPRECT; color1: ARGB;
+ color2: ARGB; angle: Single; isAngleScalable: Bool; wrapMode: GPWRAPMODE;
+ out lineGradient: GPLINEGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngleI}
+ function GdipSetLineColors(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; color1: ARGB;
+ color2: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetLineColors}
+ function GdipGetLineColors(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ colors: PARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLineColors}
+ function GdipGetLineRect(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ rect: GPRECTF): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLineRect}
+ function GdipGetLineRectI(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ rect: GPRECT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLineRectI}
+ function GdipSetLineGammaCorrection(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ useGammaCorrection: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetLineGammaCorrection}
+ function GdipGetLineGammaCorrection(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ out useGammaCorrection: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLineGammaCorrection}
+ function GdipGetLineBlendCount(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ out count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLineBlendCount}
+ function GdipGetLineBlend(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; blend: PSingle;
+ positions: PSingle; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLineBlend}
+ function GdipSetLineBlend(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; blend: PSingle;
+ positions: PSingle; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetLineBlend}
+ function GdipGetLinePresetBlendCount(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ out count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLinePresetBlendCount}
+ function GdipGetLinePresetBlend(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; blend: PARGB;
+ positions: PSingle; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLinePresetBlend}
+ function GdipSetLinePresetBlend(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; blend: PARGB;
+ positions: PSingle; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetLinePresetBlend}
+ function GdipSetLineSigmaBlend(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; focus: Single;
+ scale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetLineSigmaBlend}
+ function GdipSetLineLinearBlend(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; focus: Single;
+ scale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetLineLinearBlend}
+ function GdipSetLineWrapMode(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ wrapmode: GPWRAPMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetLineWrapMode}
+ function GdipGetLineWrapMode(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ out wrapmode: GPWRAPMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLineWrapMode}
+ function GdipGetLineTransform(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLineTransform}
+ function GdipSetLineTransform(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetLineTransform}
+ function GdipResetLineTransform(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipResetLineTransform}
+ function GdipMultiplyLineTransform(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipMultiplyLineTransform}
+ function GdipTranslateLineTransform(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; dx: Single;
+ dy: Single; order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslateLineTransform}
+ function GdipScaleLineTransform(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; sx: Single; sy: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipScaleLineTransform}
+ function GdipRotateLineTransform(brush: GPLINEGRADIENT; angle: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRotateLineTransform}
+// PathGradientBrush APIs
+ function GdipCreatePathGradient(points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer;
+ wrapMode: GPWRAPMODE; out polyGradient: GPPATHGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreatePathGradient}
+ function GdipCreatePathGradientI(points: GPPOINT; count: Integer;
+ wrapMode: GPWRAPMODE; out polyGradient: GPPATHGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreatePathGradientI}
+ function GdipCreatePathGradientFromPath(path: GPPATH;
+ out polyGradient: GPPATHGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreatePathGradientFromPath}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientCenterColor(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ out colors: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientCenterColor}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientCenterColor(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ colors: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientCenterColor}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ color: PARGB; var count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ color: PARGB; var count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientPath(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientPath}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientPath(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientPath}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientCenterPoint(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ points: GPPOINTF): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientCenterPoint}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientCenterPointI(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ points: GPPOINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientCenterPointI}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientCenterPoint(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ points: GPPOINTF): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientCenterPoint}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientCenterPointI(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ points: GPPOINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientCenterPointI}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientRect(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ rect: GPRECTF): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientRect}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientRectI(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ rect: GPRECT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientRectI}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientPointCount(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ var count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientPointCount}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ var count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientGammaCorrection(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ useGammaCorrection: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientGammaCorrection}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientGammaCorrection(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ var useGammaCorrection: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientGammaCorrection}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientBlendCount(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ var count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientBlendCount}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientBlend(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ blend: PSingle; positions: PSingle; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientBlend}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientBlend(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ blend: PSingle; positions: PSingle; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientBlend}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlendCount(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ var count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlendCount}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlend(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ blend: PARGB; positions: PSingle; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlend}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientPresetBlend(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ blend: PARGB; positions: PSingle; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientPresetBlend}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientSigmaBlend(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ focus: Single; scale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientSigmaBlend}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientLinearBlend(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ focus: Single; scale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientLinearBlend}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientWrapMode(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ var wrapmode: GPWRAPMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientWrapMode}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientWrapMode(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ wrapmode: GPWRAPMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientWrapMode}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientTransform(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientTransform}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientTransform(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientTransform}
+ function GdipResetPathGradientTransform(
+ brush: GPPATHGRADIENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipResetPathGradientTransform}
+ function GdipMultiplyPathGradientTransform(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX; order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipMultiplyPathGradientTransform}
+ function GdipTranslatePathGradientTransform(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ dx: Single; dy: Single; order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslatePathGradientTransform}
+ function GdipScalePathGradientTransform(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ sx: Single; sy: Single; order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipScalePathGradientTransform}
+ function GdipRotatePathGradientTransform(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ angle: Single; order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRotatePathGradientTransform}
+ function GdipGetPathGradientFocusScales(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ var xScale: Single; var yScale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPathGradientFocusScales}
+ function GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales(brush: GPPATHGRADIENT;
+ xScale: Single; yScale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales}
+// Pen APIs
+ function GdipCreatePen1(color: ARGB; width: Single; unit_: GPUNIT;
+ out pen: GPPEN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreatePen1}
+ function GdipCreatePen2(brush: GPBRUSH; width: Single; unit_: GPUNIT;
+ out pen: GPPEN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreatePen2}
+ function GdipClonePen(pen: GPPEN; out clonepen: GPPEN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipClonePen}
+ function GdipDeletePen(pen: GPPEN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeletePen}
+ function GdipSetPenWidth(pen: GPPEN; width: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenWidth}
+ function GdipGetPenWidth(pen: GPPEN; out width: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenWidth}
+ function GdipSetPenUnit(pen: GPPEN; unit_: GPUNIT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenUnit}
+ function GdipGetPenUnit(pen: GPPEN; var unit_: GPUNIT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenUnit}
+ function GdipSetPenLineCap197819(pen: GPPEN; startCap: GPLINECAP;
+ endCap: GPLINECAP; dashCap: GPDASHCAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenLineCap197819}
+ function GdipSetPenStartCap(pen: GPPEN;
+ startCap: GPLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenStartCap}
+ function GdipSetPenEndCap(pen: GPPEN; endCap: GPLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenEndCap}
+ function GdipSetPenDashCap197819(pen: GPPEN;
+ dashCap: GPDASHCAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenDashCap197819}
+ function GdipGetPenStartCap(pen: GPPEN;
+ out startCap: GPLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenStartCap}
+ function GdipGetPenEndCap(pen: GPPEN;
+ out endCap: GPLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenEndCap}
+ function GdipGetPenDashCap197819(pen: GPPEN;
+ out dashCap: GPDASHCAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenDashCap197819}
+ function GdipSetPenLineJoin(pen: GPPEN;
+ lineJoin: GPLINEJOIN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenLineJoin}
+ function GdipGetPenLineJoin(pen: GPPEN;
+ var lineJoin: GPLINEJOIN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenLineJoin}
+ function GdipSetPenCustomStartCap(pen: GPPEN;
+ customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenCustomStartCap}
+ function GdipGetPenCustomStartCap(pen: GPPEN;
+ out customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenCustomStartCap}
+ function GdipSetPenCustomEndCap(pen: GPPEN;
+ customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenCustomEndCap}
+ function GdipGetPenCustomEndCap(pen: GPPEN;
+ out customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenCustomEndCap}
+ function GdipSetPenMiterLimit(pen: GPPEN;
+ miterLimit: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenMiterLimit}
+ function GdipGetPenMiterLimit(pen: GPPEN;
+ out miterLimit: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenMiterLimit}
+ function GdipSetPenMode(pen: GPPEN;
+ penMode: GPPENALIGNMENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenMode}
+ function GdipGetPenMode(pen: GPPEN;
+ var penMode: GPPENALIGNMENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenMode}
+ function GdipSetPenTransform(pen: GPPEN;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenTransform}
+ function GdipGetPenTransform(pen: GPPEN;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenTransform}
+ function GdipResetPenTransform(pen: GPPEN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipResetPenTransform}
+ function GdipMultiplyPenTransform(pen: GPPEN; matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipMultiplyPenTransform}
+ function GdipTranslatePenTransform(pen: GPPEN; dx: Single; dy: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslatePenTransform}
+ function GdipScalePenTransform(pen: GPPEN; sx: Single; sy: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipScalePenTransform}
+ function GdipRotatePenTransform(pen: GPPEN; angle: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRotatePenTransform}
+ function GdipSetPenColor(pen: GPPEN; argb: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenColor}
+ function GdipGetPenColor(pen: GPPEN; out argb: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenColor}
+ function GdipSetPenBrushFill(pen: GPPEN; brush: GPBRUSH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenBrushFill}
+ function GdipGetPenBrushFill(pen: GPPEN;
+ out brush: GPBRUSH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenBrushFill}
+ function GdipGetPenFillType(pen: GPPEN;
+ out type_: GPPENTYPE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenFillType}
+ function GdipGetPenDashStyle(pen: GPPEN;
+ out dashstyle: GPDASHSTYLE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenDashStyle}
+ function GdipSetPenDashStyle(pen: GPPEN;
+ dashstyle: GPDASHSTYLE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenDashStyle}
+ function GdipGetPenDashOffset(pen: GPPEN;
+ out offset: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenDashOffset}
+ function GdipSetPenDashOffset(pen: GPPEN; offset: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenDashOffset}
+ function GdipGetPenDashCount(pen: GPPEN;
+ var count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenDashCount}
+ function GdipSetPenDashArray(pen: GPPEN; dash: PSingle;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenDashArray}
+ function GdipGetPenDashArray(pen: GPPEN; dash: PSingle;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenDashArray}
+ function GdipGetPenCompoundCount(pen: GPPEN;
+ out count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenCompoundCount}
+ function GdipSetPenCompoundArray(pen: GPPEN; dash: PSingle;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPenCompoundArray}
+ function GdipGetPenCompoundArray(pen: GPPEN; dash: PSingle;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPenCompoundArray}
+// CustomLineCap APIs
+ function GdipCreateCustomLineCap(fillPath: GPPATH; strokePath: GPPATH;
+ baseCap: GPLINECAP; baseInset: Single;
+ out customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateCustomLineCap}
+ function GdipDeleteCustomLineCap(
+ customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeleteCustomLineCap}
+ function GdipCloneCustomLineCap(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ out clonedCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneCustomLineCap}
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapType(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ var capType: CUSTOMLINECAPTYPE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCustomLineCapType}
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ startCap: GPLINECAP; endCap: GPLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps}
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ var startCap: GPLINECAP; var endCap: GPLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps}
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ lineJoin: GPLINEJOIN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin}
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ var lineJoin: GPLINEJOIN): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin}
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseCap(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ baseCap: GPLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseCap}
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseCap(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ var baseCap: GPLINECAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseCap}
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseInset(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ inset: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseInset}
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseInset(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ var inset: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseInset}
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapWidthScale(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ widthScale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetCustomLineCapWidthScale}
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapWidthScale(customCap: GPCUSTOMLINECAP;
+ var widthScale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCustomLineCapWidthScale}
+// AdjustableArrowCap APIs
+ function GdipCreateAdjustableArrowCap(height: Single;
+ width: Single;
+ isFilled: Bool;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateAdjustableArrowCap}
+ function GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapHeight(cap: GPADJUSTABLEARROWCAP;
+ height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapHeight}
+ function GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapHeight(cap: GPADJUSTABLEARROWCAP;
+ var height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapHeight}
+ function GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapWidth(cap: GPADJUSTABLEARROWCAP;
+ width: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapWidth}
+ function GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapWidth(cap: GPADJUSTABLEARROWCAP;
+ var width: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapWidth}
+ function GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset(cap: GPADJUSTABLEARROWCAP;
+ middleInset: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset}
+ function GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset(cap: GPADJUSTABLEARROWCAP;
+ var middleInset: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset}
+ function GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapFillState(cap: GPADJUSTABLEARROWCAP;
+ fillState: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapFillState}
+ function GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapFillState(cap: GPADJUSTABLEARROWCAP;
+ var fillState: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapFillState}
+// Image APIs
+ function GdipLoadImageFromStream(stream: ISTREAM;
+ out image: GPIMAGE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipLoadImageFromStream}
+ function GdipLoadImageFromFile(filename: PWCHAR;
+ out image: GPIMAGE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipLoadImageFromFile}
+ function GdipLoadImageFromStreamICM(stream: ISTREAM;
+ out image: GPIMAGE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipLoadImageFromStreamICM}
+ function GdipLoadImageFromFileICM(filename: PWCHAR;
+ out image: GPIMAGE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipLoadImageFromFileICM}
+ function GdipCloneImage(image: GPIMAGE;
+ out cloneImage: GPIMAGE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneImage}
+ function GdipDisposeImage(image: GPIMAGE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDisposeImage}
+ function GdipSaveImageToFile(image: GPIMAGE;
+ filename: PWCHAR;
+ clsidEncoder: PGUID;
+ encoderParams: PENCODERPARAMETERS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSaveImageToFile}
+ function GdipSaveImageToStream(image: GPIMAGE;
+ stream: ISTREAM;
+ clsidEncoder: PGUID;
+ encoderParams: PENCODERPARAMETERS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSaveImageToStream}
+ function GdipSaveAdd(image: GPIMAGE;
+ encoderParams: PENCODERPARAMETERS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSaveAdd}
+ function GdipSaveAddImage(image: GPIMAGE;
+ newImage: GPIMAGE;
+ encoderParams: PENCODERPARAMETERS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSaveAddImage}
+ function GdipGetImageGraphicsContext(image: GPIMAGE;
+ out graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageGraphicsContext}
+ function GdipGetImageBounds(image: GPIMAGE;
+ srcRect: GPRECTF;
+ var srcUnit: GPUNIT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageBounds}
+ function GdipGetImageDimension(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var width: Single;
+ var height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageDimension}
+ function GdipGetImageType(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var type_: IMAGETYPE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageType}
+ function GdipGetImageWidth(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var width: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageWidth}
+ function GdipGetImageHeight(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var height: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageHeight}
+ function GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var resolution: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution}
+ function GdipGetImageVerticalResolution(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var resolution: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageVerticalResolution}
+ function GdipGetImageFlags(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var flags: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageFlags}
+ function GdipGetImageRawFormat(image: GPIMAGE;
+ format: PGUID): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageRawFormat}
+ function GdipGetImagePixelFormat(image: GPIMAGE;
+ out format: TPIXELFORMAT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImagePixelFormat}
+ function GdipGetImageThumbnail(image: GPIMAGE; thumbWidth: UINT;
+ thumbHeight: UINT; out thumbImage: GPIMAGE;
+ callback: GETTHUMBNAILIMAGEABORT; callbackData: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageThumbnail}
+ function GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize(image: GPIMAGE;
+ clsidEncoder: PGUID; out size: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize}
+ function GdipGetEncoderParameterList(image: GPIMAGE; clsidEncoder: PGUID;
+ size: UINT; buffer: PENCODERPARAMETERS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetEncoderParameterList}
+ function GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var count: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount}
+ function GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList(image: GPIMAGE; dimensionIDs: PGUID;
+ count: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList}
+ function GdipImageGetFrameCount(image: GPIMAGE; dimensionID: PGUID;
+ var count: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipImageGetFrameCount}
+ function GdipImageSelectActiveFrame(image: GPIMAGE; dimensionID: PGUID;
+ frameIndex: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipImageSelectActiveFrame}
+ function GdipImageRotateFlip(image: GPIMAGE;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipImageRotateFlip}
+ function GdipGetImagePalette(image: GPIMAGE; palette: PCOLORPALETTE;
+ size: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImagePalette}
+ function GdipSetImagePalette(image: GPIMAGE;
+ palette: PCOLORPALETTE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImagePalette}
+ function GdipGetImagePaletteSize(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var size: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImagePaletteSize}
+ function GdipGetPropertyCount(image: GPIMAGE;
+ var numOfProperty: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPropertyCount}
+ function GdipGetPropertyIdList(image: GPIMAGE; numOfProperty: UINT;
+ list: PPROPID): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPropertyIdList}
+ function GdipGetPropertyItemSize(image: GPIMAGE; propId: PROPID;
+ var size: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPropertyItemSize}
+ function GdipGetPropertyItem(image: GPIMAGE; propId: PROPID; propSize: UINT;
+ buffer: PPROPERTYITEM): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPropertyItem}
+ function GdipGetPropertySize(image: GPIMAGE; var totalBufferSize: UINT;
+ var numProperties: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPropertySize}
+ function GdipGetAllPropertyItems(image: GPIMAGE; totalBufferSize: UINT;
+ numProperties: UINT; allItems: PPROPERTYITEM): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetAllPropertyItems}
+ function GdipRemovePropertyItem(image: GPIMAGE;
+ propId: PROPID): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRemovePropertyItem}
+ function GdipSetPropertyItem(image: GPIMAGE;
+ item: PPROPERTYITEM): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPropertyItem}
+ function GdipImageForceValidation(image: GPIMAGE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipImageForceValidation}
+// Bitmap APIs
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromStream(stream: ISTREAM;
+ out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromStream}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromFile(filename: PWCHAR;
+ out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromFile}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM(stream: ISTREAM;
+ out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromFileICM(filename: PWCHAR;
+ var bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromFileICM}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(width: Integer; height: Integer;
+ stride: Integer; format: PIXELFORMAT; scan0: PBYTE;
+ out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics(width: Integer; height: Integer;
+ target: GPGRAPHICS; out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromDirectDrawSurface(surface: IDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7;
+ out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromDirectDrawSurface}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromGdiDib(gdiBitmapInfo: PBitmapInfo;
+ gdiBitmapData: Pointer; out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromGdiDib}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hbm: HBITMAP; hpal: HPALETTE;
+ out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP}
+ function GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(bitmap: GPBITMAP; out hbmReturn: HBITMAP;
+ background: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON(hicon: HICON;
+ out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON}
+ function GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap(bitmap: GPBITMAP;
+ out hbmReturn: HICON): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap}
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromResource(hInstance: HMODULE;
+ lpBitmapName: PWCHAR; out bitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateBitmapFromResource}
+ function GdipCloneBitmapArea(x: Single; y: Single; width: Single;
+ height: Single; format: PIXELFORMAT; srcBitmap: GPBITMAP;
+ out dstBitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneBitmapArea}
+ function GdipCloneBitmapAreaI(x: Integer; y: Integer; width: Integer;
+ height: Integer; format: PIXELFORMAT; srcBitmap: GPBITMAP;
+ out dstBitmap: GPBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneBitmapAreaI}
+ function GdipBitmapLockBits(bitmap: GPBITMAP; rect: GPRECT; flags: UINT;
+ format: PIXELFORMAT; lockedBitmapData: PBITMAPDATA): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipBitmapLockBits}
+ function GdipBitmapUnlockBits(bitmap: GPBITMAP;
+ lockedBitmapData: PBITMAPDATA): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipBitmapUnlockBits}
+ function GdipBitmapGetPixel(bitmap: GPBITMAP; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ var color: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipBitmapGetPixel}
+ function GdipBitmapSetPixel(bitmap: GPBITMAP; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ color: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipBitmapSetPixel}
+ function GdipBitmapSetResolution(bitmap: GPBITMAP; xdpi: Single;
+ ydpi: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipBitmapSetResolution}
+// ImageAttributes APIs
+ function GdipCreateImageAttributes(
+ out imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateImageAttributes}
+ function GdipCloneImageAttributes(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ out cloneImageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneImageAttributes}
+ function GdipDisposeImageAttributes(
+ imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDisposeImageAttributes}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesToIdentity(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesToIdentity}
+ function GdipResetImageAttributes(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipResetImageAttributes}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ type_: COLORADJUSTTYPE; enableFlag: Bool; colorMatrix: PCOLORMATRIX;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ type_: COLORADJUSTTYPE; enableFlag: Bool;
+ threshold: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesGamma(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ type_: COLORADJUSTTYPE; enableFlag: Bool; gamma: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesGamma}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ type_: COLORADJUSTTYPE; enableFlag: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ type_: COLORADJUSTTYPE; enableFlag: Bool; colorLow: ARGB;
+ colorHigh: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ type_: COLORADJUSTTYPE; enableFlag: Bool;
+ channelFlags: COLORCHANNELFLAGS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ type_: COLORADJUSTTYPE; enableFlag: Bool;
+ colorProfileFilename: PWCHAR): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable(imageattr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ type_: COLORADJUSTTYPE; enableFlag: Bool; mapSize: UINT;
+ map: PCOLORMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode(imageAttr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ wrap: WRAPMODE; argb: ARGB; clamp: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode}
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesICMMode(imageAttr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ on_: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetImageAttributesICMMode}
+ function GdipGetImageAttributesAdjustedPalette(imageAttr: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ colorPalette: PCOLORPALETTE;
+ colorAdjustType: COLORADJUSTTYPE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageAttributesAdjustedPalette}
+// Graphics APIs
+ function GdipFlush(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ intention: GPFLUSHINTENTION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFlush}
+ function GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc: HDC;
+ out graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateFromHDC}
+ function GdipCreateFromHDC2(hdc: HDC; hDevice: THandle;
+ out graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateFromHDC2}
+ function GdipCreateFromHWND(hwnd: HWND;
+ out graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ function GdipCreateFromHWNDICM(hwnd: HWND;
+ out graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ function GdipDeleteGraphics(graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeleteGraphics}
+ function GdipGetDC(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; var hdc: HDC): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ function GdipReleaseDC(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; hdc: HDC): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipReleaseDC}
+ function GdipSetCompositingMode(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ compositingMode: COMPOSITINGMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetCompositingMode}
+ function GdipGetCompositingMode(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var compositingMode: COMPOSITINGMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCompositingMode}
+ function GdipSetRenderingOrigin(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetRenderingOrigin}
+ function GdipGetRenderingOrigin(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; var x: Integer;
+ var y: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetRenderingOrigin}
+ function GdipSetCompositingQuality(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ compositingQuality: COMPOSITINGQUALITY): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetCompositingQuality}
+ function GdipGetCompositingQuality(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var compositingQuality: COMPOSITINGQUALITY): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCompositingQuality}
+ function GdipSetSmoothingMode(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ smoothingMode: SMOOTHINGMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetSmoothingMode}
+ function GdipGetSmoothingMode(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var smoothingMode: SMOOTHINGMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetSmoothingMode}
+ function GdipSetPixelOffsetMode(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ pixelOffsetMode: PIXELOFFSETMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPixelOffsetMode}
+ function GdipGetPixelOffsetMode(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var pixelOffsetMode: PIXELOFFSETMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPixelOffsetMode}
+ function GdipSetTextRenderingHint(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetTextRenderingHint}
+ function GdipGetTextRenderingHint(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var mode: TEXTRENDERINGHINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetTextRenderingHint}
+ function GdipSetTextContrast(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ contrast: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetTextContrast}
+ function GdipGetTextContrast(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var contrast: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetTextContrast}
+ function GdipSetInterpolationMode(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ interpolationMode: INTERPOLATIONMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetInterpolationMode}
+ function GdipGetInterpolationMode(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var interpolationMode: INTERPOLATIONMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetInterpolationMode}
+ function GdipSetWorldTransform(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetWorldTransform}
+ function GdipResetWorldTransform(graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipResetWorldTransform}
+ function GdipMultiplyWorldTransform(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; matrix: GPMATRIX;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipMultiplyWorldTransform}
+ function GdipTranslateWorldTransform(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; dx: Single;
+ dy: Single; order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslateWorldTransform}
+ function GdipScaleWorldTransform(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; sx: Single; sy: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipScaleWorldTransform}
+ function GdipRotateWorldTransform(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; angle: Single;
+ order: GPMATRIXORDER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRotateWorldTransform}
+ function GdipGetWorldTransform(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetWorldTransform}
+ function GdipResetPageTransform(graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipResetPageTransform}
+ function GdipGetPageUnit(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var unit_: GPUNIT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPageUnit}
+ function GdipGetPageScale(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var scale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetPageScale}
+ function GdipSetPageUnit(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ unit_: GPUNIT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPageUnit}
+ function GdipSetPageScale(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ scale: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetPageScale}
+ function GdipGetDpiX(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var dpi: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ function GdipGetDpiY(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var dpi: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ function GdipTransformPoints(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTransformPoints}
+ function GdipTransformPointsI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ points: GPPOINT; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTransformPointsI}
+ function GdipGetNearestColor(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ argb: PARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetNearestColor}
+// Creates the Win9x Halftone Palette (even on NT) with correct Desktop colors
+ function GdipCreateHalftonePalette: HPALETTE; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateHalftonePalette}
+ function GdipDrawLine(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x1: Single;
+ y1: Single; x2: Single; y2: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawLine}
+ function GdipDrawLineI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x1: Integer;
+ y1: Integer; x2: Integer; y2: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawLineI}
+ function GdipDrawLines(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawLines}
+ function GdipDrawLinesI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawLinesI}
+ function GdipDrawArc(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x: Single; y: Single;
+ width: Single; height: Single; startAngle: Single;
+ sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawArc}
+ function GdipDrawArcI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer; width: Integer; height: Integer; startAngle: Single;
+ sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ function GdipDrawBezier(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x1: Single;
+ y1: Single; x2: Single; y2: Single; x3: Single; y3: Single; x4: Single;
+ y4: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawBezier}
+ function GdipDrawBezierI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x1: Integer;
+ y1: Integer; x2: Integer; y2: Integer; x3: Integer; y3: Integer;
+ x4: Integer; y4: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawBezierI}
+ function GdipDrawBeziers(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawBeziers}
+ function GdipDrawBeziersI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawBeziersI}
+ function GdipDrawRectangle(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x: Single;
+ y: Single; width: Single; height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawRectangle}
+ function GdipDrawRectangleI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer; width: Integer; height: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawRectangleI}
+ function GdipDrawRectangles(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; rects: GPRECTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawRectangles}
+ function GdipDrawRectanglesI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; rects: GPRECT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawRectanglesI}
+ function GdipDrawEllipse(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x: Single;
+ y: Single; width: Single; height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawEllipse}
+ function GdipDrawEllipseI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer; width: Integer; height: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawEllipseI}
+ function GdipDrawPie(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x: Single; y: Single;
+ width: Single; height: Single; startAngle: Single;
+ sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawPie}
+ function GdipDrawPieI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer; width: Integer; height: Integer; startAngle: Single;
+ sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ function GdipDrawPolygon(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawPolygon}
+ function GdipDrawPolygonI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawPolygonI}
+ function GdipDrawPath(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN;
+ path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawPath}
+ function GdipDrawCurve(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawCurve}
+ function GdipDrawCurveI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawCurveI}
+ function GdipDrawCurve2(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer; tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawCurve2}
+ function GdipDrawCurve2I(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer; tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawCurve2I}
+ function GdipDrawCurve3(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINTF;
+ count: Integer; offset: Integer; numberOfSegments: Integer;
+ tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawCurve3}
+ function GdipDrawCurve3I(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN; points: GPPOINT;
+ count: Integer; offset: Integer; numberOfSegments: Integer;
+ tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawCurve3I}
+ function GdipDrawClosedCurve(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN;
+ points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawClosedCurve}
+ function GdipDrawClosedCurveI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN;
+ points: GPPOINT; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawClosedCurveI}
+ function GdipDrawClosedCurve2(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN;
+ points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer; tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawClosedCurve2}
+ function GdipDrawClosedCurve2I(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; pen: GPPEN;
+ points: GPPOINT; count: Integer; tension: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawClosedCurve2I}
+ function GdipGraphicsClear(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ color: ARGB): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGraphicsClear}
+ function GdipFillRectangle(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH; x: Single;
+ y: Single; width: Single; height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillRectangle}
+ function GdipFillRectangleI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer; width: Integer; height: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillRectangleI}
+ function GdipFillRectangles(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ rects: GPRECTF; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillRectangles}
+ function GdipFillRectanglesI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ rects: GPRECT; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillRectanglesI}
+ function GdipFillPolygon(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer; fillMode: GPFILLMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillPolygon}
+ function GdipFillPolygonI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ points: GPPOINT; count: Integer; fillMode: GPFILLMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillPolygonI}
+ function GdipFillPolygon2(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillPolygon2}
+ function GdipFillPolygon2I(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ points: GPPOINT; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillPolygon2I}
+ function GdipFillEllipse(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH; x: Single;
+ y: Single; width: Single; height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillEllipse}
+ function GdipFillEllipseI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer; width: Integer; height: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillEllipseI}
+ function GdipFillPie(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH; x: Single;
+ y: Single; width: Single; height: Single; startAngle: Single;
+ sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillPie}
+ function GdipFillPieI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer; width: Integer; height: Integer; startAngle: Single;
+ sweepAngle: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ function GdipFillPath(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ path: GPPATH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillPath}
+ function GdipFillClosedCurve(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillClosedCurve}
+ function GdipFillClosedCurveI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ points: GPPOINT; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillClosedCurveI}
+ function GdipFillClosedCurve2(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer; tension: Single;
+ fillMode: GPFILLMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillClosedCurve2}
+ function GdipFillClosedCurve2I(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ points: GPPOINT; count: Integer; tension: Single;
+ fillMode: GPFILLMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillClosedCurve2I}
+ function GdipFillRegion(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; brush: GPBRUSH;
+ region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFillRegion}
+ function GdipDrawImage(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE; x: Single;
+ y: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImage}
+ function GdipDrawImageI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImageI}
+ function GdipDrawImageRect(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE; x: Single;
+ y: Single; width: Single; height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImageRect}
+ function GdipDrawImageRectI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer; width: Integer; height: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImageRectI}
+ function GdipDrawImagePoints(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE;
+ dstpoints: GPPOINTF; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImagePoints}
+ function GdipDrawImagePointsI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE;
+ dstpoints: GPPOINT; count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImagePointsI}
+ function GdipDrawImagePointRect(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE;
+ x: Single; y: Single; srcx: Single; srcy: Single; srcwidth: Single;
+ srcheight: Single; srcUnit: GPUNIT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImagePointRect}
+ function GdipDrawImagePointRectI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE;
+ x: Integer; y: Integer; srcx: Integer; srcy: Integer; srcwidth: Integer;
+ srcheight: Integer; srcUnit: GPUNIT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImagePointRectI}
+ function GdipDrawImageRectRect(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE;
+ dstx: Single; dsty: Single; dstwidth: Single; dstheight: Single;
+ srcx: Single; srcy: Single; srcwidth: Single; srcheight: Single;
+ srcUnit: GPUNIT; imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ callback: DRAWIMAGEABORT; callbackData: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImageRectRect}
+ function GdipDrawImageRectRectI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE;
+ dstx: Integer; dsty: Integer; dstwidth: Integer; dstheight: Integer;
+ srcx: Integer; srcy: Integer; srcwidth: Integer; srcheight: Integer;
+ srcUnit: GPUNIT; imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES;
+ callback: DRAWIMAGEABORT; callbackData: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImageRectRectI}
+ function GdipDrawImagePointsRect(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE;
+ points: GPPOINTF; count: Integer; srcx: Single; srcy: Single;
+ srcwidth: Single; srcheight: Single; srcUnit: GPUNIT;
+ callbackData: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImagePointsRect}
+ function GdipDrawImagePointsRectI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; image: GPIMAGE;
+ points: GPPOINT; count: Integer; srcx: Integer; srcy: Integer;
+ srcwidth: Integer; srcheight: Integer; srcUnit: GPUNIT;
+ callbackData: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawImagePointsRectI}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destPoint: PGPPointF; callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC;
+ callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destPoint: PGPPoint; callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC;
+ callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destRect: PGPRectF; callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC;
+ callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destRect: PGPRect; callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC;
+ callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destPoints: PGPPointF; count: Integer;
+ callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC; callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destPoints: PGPPoint; count: Integer;
+ callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC; callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destPoint: PGPPointF; srcRect: PGPRectF; srcUnit: TUNIT;
+ callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC; callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destPoint: PGPPoint; srcRect: PGPRect; srcUnit: TUNIT;
+ callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC; callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destRect: PGPRectF; srcRect: PGPRectF; srcUnit: TUNIT;
+ callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC; callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destRect: PGPRect; srcRect: PGPRect; srcUnit: TUNIT;
+ callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC; callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destPoints: PGPPointF; count: Integer; srcRect: PGPRectF;
+ srcUnit: TUNIT; callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC; callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints}
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ metafile: GPMETAFILE; destPoints: PGPPoint; count: Integer; srcRect: PGPRect;
+ srcUnit: TUNIT; callback: ENUMERATEMETAFILEPROC; callbackData: Pointer;
+ imageAttributes: GPIMAGEATTRIBUTES): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI}
+ function GdipPlayMetafileRecord(metafile: GPMETAFILE;
+ recordType: EMFPLUSRECORDTYPE; flags: UINT; dataSize: UINT;
+ data: PBYTE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPlayMetafileRecord}
+ function GdipSetClipGraphics(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; srcgraphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetClipGraphics}
+ function GdipSetClipRect(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; x: Single; y: Single;
+ width: Single; height: Single; combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetClipRect}
+ function GdipSetClipRectI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ width: Integer; height: Integer;
+ combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetClipRectI}
+ function GdipSetClipPath(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; path: GPPATH;
+ combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetClipPath}
+ function GdipSetClipRegion(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; region: GPREGION;
+ combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetClipRegion}
+ function GdipSetClipHrgn(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; hRgn: HRGN;
+ combineMode: COMBINEMODE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetClipHrgn}
+ function GdipResetClip(graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipResetClip}
+ function GdipTranslateClip(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; dx: Single;
+ dy: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslateClip}
+ function GdipTranslateClipI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; dx: Integer;
+ dy: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipTranslateClipI}
+ function GdipGetClip(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ region: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetClip}
+ function GdipGetClipBounds(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ rect: GPRECTF): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetClipBounds}
+ function GdipGetClipBoundsI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ rect: GPRECT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetClipBoundsI}
+ function GdipIsClipEmpty(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ result: PBool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsClipEmpty}
+ function GdipGetVisibleClipBounds(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ rect: GPRECTF): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetVisibleClipBounds}
+ function GdipGetVisibleClipBoundsI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ rect: GPRECT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetVisibleClipBoundsI}
+ function GdipIsVisibleClipEmpty(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisibleClipEmpty}
+ function GdipIsVisiblePoint(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; x: Single; y: Single;
+ var result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisiblePoint}
+ function GdipIsVisiblePointI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ var result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisiblePointI}
+ function GdipIsVisibleRect(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; x: Single; y: Single;
+ width: Single; height: Single; var result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisibleRect}
+ function GdipIsVisibleRectI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ width: Integer; height: Integer; var result: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsVisibleRectI}
+ function GdipSaveGraphics(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var state: GRAPHICSSTATE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSaveGraphics}
+ function GdipRestoreGraphics(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ state: GRAPHICSSTATE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRestoreGraphics}
+ function GdipBeginContainer(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; dstrect: GPRECTF;
+ srcrect: GPRECTF; unit_: GPUNIT;
+ var state: GRAPHICSCONTAINER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipBeginContainer}
+ function GdipBeginContainerI(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; dstrect: GPRECT;
+ srcrect: GPRECT; unit_: GPUNIT;
+ var state: GRAPHICSCONTAINER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipBeginContainerI}
+ function GdipBeginContainer2(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var state: GRAPHICSCONTAINER): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipBeginContainer2}
+ function GdipEndContainer(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEndContainer}
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromWmf(hWmf: HMETAFILE;
+ header: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromWmf}
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromEmf(hEmf: HENHMETAFILE;
+ header: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromEmf}
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromFile(filename: PWCHAR;
+ header: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromFile}
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromStream(stream: ISTREAM;
+ header: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromStream}
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromMetafile(metafile: GPMETAFILE;
+ header: Pointer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromMetafile}
+ function GdipGetHemfFromMetafile(metafile: GPMETAFILE;
+ var hEmf: HENHMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetHemfFromMetafile}
+ function GdipCreateStreamOnFile(filename: PWCHAR; access: UINT;
+ out stream: ISTREAM): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateStreamOnFile}
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf(hWmf: HMETAFILE; deleteWmf: Bool;
+ out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf}
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromEmf(hEmf: HENHMETAFILE; deleteEmf: Bool;
+ out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateMetafileFromEmf}
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromFile(file_: PWCHAR;
+ out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateMetafileFromFile}
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromWmfFile(file_: PWCHAR;
+ out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateMetafileFromWmfFile}
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromStream(stream: ISTREAM;
+ out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateMetafileFromStream}
+ function GdipRecordMetafile(referenceHdc: HDC; type_: EMFTYPE;
+ description: PWCHAR; out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRecordMetafile}
+ function GdipRecordMetafileI(referenceHdc: HDC; type_: EMFTYPE;
+ frameRect: GPRECT; frameUnit: METAFILEFRAMEUNIT; description: PWCHAR;
+ out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRecordMetafileI}
+ function GdipRecordMetafileFileName(fileName: PWCHAR; referenceHdc: HDC;
+ type_: EMFTYPE; frameRect: GPRECTF; frameUnit: METAFILEFRAMEUNIT;
+ description: PWCHAR; out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRecordMetafileFileName}
+ function GdipRecordMetafileFileNameI(fileName: PWCHAR; referenceHdc: HDC;
+ type_: EMFTYPE; frameRect: GPRECT; frameUnit: METAFILEFRAMEUNIT;
+ description: PWCHAR; out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRecordMetafileFileNameI}
+ function GdipRecordMetafileStream(stream: ISTREAM; referenceHdc: HDC;
+ type_: EMFTYPE; frameRect: GPRECTF; frameUnit: METAFILEFRAMEUNIT;
+ description: PWCHAR; out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRecordMetafileStream}
+ function GdipRecordMetafileStreamI(stream: ISTREAM; referenceHdc: HDC;
+ type_: EMFTYPE; frameRect: GPRECT; frameUnit: METAFILEFRAMEUNIT;
+ description: PWCHAR; out metafile: GPMETAFILE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipRecordMetafileStreamI}
+ function GdipSetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit(metafile: GPMETAFILE;
+ metafileRasterizationLimitDpi: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit}
+ function GdipGetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit(metafile: GPMETAFILE;
+ var metafileRasterizationLimitDpi: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit}
+ function GdipGetImageDecodersSize(out numDecoders: UINT;
+ out size: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageDecodersSize}
+ function GdipGetImageDecoders(numDecoders: UINT; size: UINT;
+ decoders: PIMAGECODECINFO): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageDecoders}
+ function GdipGetImageEncodersSize(out numEncoders: UINT;
+ out size: UINT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageEncodersSize}
+ function GdipGetImageEncoders(numEncoders: UINT; size: UINT;
+ encoders: PIMAGECODECINFO): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetImageEncoders}
+ function GdipComment(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; sizeData: UINT;
+ data: PBYTE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipComment}
+// FontFamily APIs
+ function GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(name: PWCHAR;
+ fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION;
+ out FontFamily: GPFONTFAMILY): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName}
+ function GdipDeleteFontFamily(FontFamily: GPFONTFAMILY): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeleteFontFamily}
+ function GdipCloneFontFamily(FontFamily: GPFONTFAMILY;
+ out clonedFontFamily: GPFONTFAMILY): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneFontFamily}
+ function GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif(
+ out nativeFamily: GPFONTFAMILY): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif}
+ function GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif(
+ out nativeFamily: GPFONTFAMILY): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif}
+ function GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace(
+ out nativeFamily: GPFONTFAMILY): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace}
+ function GdipGetFamilyName(family: GPFONTFAMILY; name: PWideChar;
+ language: LANGID): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetFamilyName}
+ function GdipIsStyleAvailable(family: GPFONTFAMILY; style: Integer;
+ var IsStyleAvailable: Bool): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipIsStyleAvailable}
+ function GdipFontCollectionEnumerable(fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION;
+ graphics: GPGRAPHICS; var numFound: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFontCollectionEnumerable}
+ function GdipFontCollectionEnumerate(fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION;
+ numSought: Integer; gpfamilies: array of GPFONTFAMILY;
+ var numFound: Integer; graphics: GPGRAPHICS): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipFontCollectionEnumerate}
+ function GdipGetEmHeight(family: GPFONTFAMILY; style: Integer;
+ out EmHeight: UINT16): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetEmHeight}
+ function GdipGetCellAscent(family: GPFONTFAMILY; style: Integer;
+ var CellAscent: UINT16): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCellAscent}
+ function GdipGetCellDescent(family: GPFONTFAMILY; style: Integer;
+ var CellDescent: UINT16): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetCellDescent}
+ function GdipGetLineSpacing(family: GPFONTFAMILY; style: Integer;
+ var LineSpacing: UINT16): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLineSpacing}
+// Font APIs
+ function GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc: HDC; out font: GPFONT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateFontFromDC}
+ function GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc: HDC; logfont: PLOGFONTA;
+ out font: GPFONT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA}
+ function GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(hdc: HDC; logfont: PLOGFONTW;
+ out font: GPFONT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW}
+ function GdipCreateFont(fontFamily: GPFONTFAMILY; emSize: Single;
+ style: Integer; unit_: Integer; out font: GPFONT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateFont}
+ function GdipCloneFont(font: GPFONT;
+ out cloneFont: GPFONT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneFont}
+ function GdipDeleteFont(font: GPFONT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeleteFont}
+ function GdipGetFamily(font: GPFONT;
+ out family: GPFONTFAMILY): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetFamily}
+ function GdipGetFontStyle(font: GPFONT;
+ var style: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetFontStyle}
+ function GdipGetFontSize(font: GPFONT; var size: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetFontSize}
+ function GdipGetFontUnit(font: GPFONT; var unit_: TUNIT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetFontUnit}
+ function GdipGetFontHeight(font: GPFONT; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetFontHeight}
+ function GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(font: GPFONT; dpi: Single;
+ var height: Single): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI}
+ function GdipGetLogFontA(font: GPFONT; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var logfontA: LOGFONTA): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLogFontA}
+ function GdipGetLogFontW(font: GPFONT; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ var logfontW: LOGFONTW): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetLogFontW}
+ function GdipNewInstalledFontCollection(
+ out fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipNewInstalledFontCollection}
+ function GdipNewPrivateFontCollection(
+ out fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipNewPrivateFontCollection}
+ function GdipDeletePrivateFontCollection(
+ out fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeletePrivateFontCollection}
+ function GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyCount(fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION;
+ var numFound: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyCount}
+ function GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyList(fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION;
+ numSought: Integer; gpfamilies: GPFONTFAMILY;
+ var numFound: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyList}
+ function GdipPrivateAddFontFile(fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION;
+ filename: PWCHAR): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPrivateAddFontFile}
+ function GdipPrivateAddMemoryFont(fontCollection: GPFONTCOLLECTION;
+ memory: Pointer; length: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipPrivateAddMemoryFont}
+// Text APIs
+ function GdipDrawString(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; string_: PWCHAR;
+ length: Integer; font: GPFONT; layoutRect: PGPRectF;
+ stringFormat: GPSTRINGFORMAT; brush: GPBRUSH): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawString}
+ function GdipMeasureString(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; string_: PWCHAR;
+ length: Integer; font: GPFONT; layoutRect: PGPRectF;
+ stringFormat: GPSTRINGFORMAT; boundingBox: PGPRectF;
+ codepointsFitted: PInteger; linesFilled: PInteger): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipMeasureString}
+ function GdipMeasureCharacterRanges(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; string_: PWCHAR;
+ length: Integer; font: GPFONT; layoutRect: PGPRectF;
+ stringFormat: GPSTRINGFORMAT; regionCount: Integer;
+ const regions: GPREGION): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipMeasureCharacterRanges}
+ function GdipDrawDriverString(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; const text: PUINT16;
+ length: Integer; const font: GPFONT; const brush: GPBRUSH;
+ const positions: PGPPointF; flags: Integer;
+ const matrix: GPMATRIX): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawDriverString}
+ function GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics: GPGRAPHICS; text: PUINT16;
+ length: Integer; font: GPFONT; positions: PGPPointF; flags: Integer;
+ matrix: GPMATRIX; boundingBox: PGPRectF): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipMeasureDriverString}
+// String format APIs
+ function GdipCreateStringFormat(formatAttributes: Integer; language: LANGID;
+ out format: GPSTRINGFORMAT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateStringFormat}
+ function GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault(
+ out format: GPSTRINGFORMAT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault}
+ function GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic(
+ out format: GPSTRINGFORMAT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic}
+ function GdipDeleteStringFormat(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeleteStringFormat}
+ function GdipCloneStringFormat(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ out newFormat: GPSTRINGFORMAT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCloneStringFormat}
+ function GdipSetStringFormatFlags(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ flags: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetStringFormatFlags}
+ function GdipGetStringFormatFlags(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ out flags: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetStringFormatFlags}
+ function GdipSetStringFormatAlign(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetStringFormatAlign}
+ function GdipGetStringFormatAlign(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ out align: STRINGALIGNMENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetStringFormatAlign}
+ function GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign}
+ function GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ out align: STRINGALIGNMENT): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign}
+ function GdipSetStringFormatTrimming(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ trimming: STRINGTRIMMING): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetStringFormatTrimming}
+ function GdipGetStringFormatTrimming(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ out trimming: STRINGTRIMMING): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetStringFormatTrimming}
+ function GdipSetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ hotkeyPrefix: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix}
+ function GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ out hotkeyPrefix: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix}
+ function GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ firstTabOffset: Single; count: Integer;
+ tabStops: PSingle): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetStringFormatTabStops}
+ function GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ count: Integer; firstTabOffset: PSingle;
+ tabStops: PSingle): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetStringFormatTabStops}
+ function GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ out count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount}
+ function GdipSetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ language: LANGID;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetStringFormatDigitSubstitution}
+ function GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ language: PUINT; substitute: PSTRINGDIGITSUBSTITUTE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution}
+ function GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ out count: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount}
+ function GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges(format: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ rangeCount: Integer; ranges: PCHARACTERRANGE): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges}
+// Cached Bitmap APIs
+ function GdipCreateCachedBitmap(bitmap: GPBITMAP; graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ out cachedBitmap: GPCACHEDBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipCreateCachedBitmap}
+ function GdipDeleteCachedBitmap(
+ cachedBitmap: GPCACHEDBITMAP): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDeleteCachedBitmap}
+ function GdipDrawCachedBitmap(graphics: GPGRAPHICS;
+ cachedBitmap: GPCACHEDBITMAP; x: Integer;
+ y: Integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipDrawCachedBitmap}
+ function GdipEmfToWmfBits(hemf: HENHMETAFILE; cbData16: UINT; pData16: PBYTE;
+ iMapMode: Integer; eFlags: Integer): UINT; stdcall;
+ {$EXTERNALSYM GdipEmfToWmfBits}
+ function GdipAlloc; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAlloc';
+ procedure GdipFree; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFree';
+ function GdiplusStartup; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdiplusStartup';
+ procedure GdiplusShutdown; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdiplusShutdown';
+ function GdipCreatePath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreatePath';
+ function GdipCreatePath2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreatePath2';
+ function GdipCreatePath2I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreatePath2I';
+ function GdipClonePath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipClonePath';
+ function GdipDeletePath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeletePath';
+ function GdipResetPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipResetPath';
+ function GdipGetPointCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPointCount';
+ function GdipGetPathTypes; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathTypes';
+ function GdipGetPathPoints; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathPoints';
+ function GdipGetPathPointsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathPointsI';
+ function GdipGetPathFillMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathFillMode';
+ function GdipSetPathFillMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathFillMode';
+ function GdipGetPathData; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathData';
+ function GdipStartPathFigure; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipStartPathFigure';
+ function GdipClosePathFigure; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipClosePathFigure';
+ function GdipClosePathFigures; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipClosePathFigures';
+ function GdipSetPathMarker; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathMarker';
+ function GdipClearPathMarkers; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipClearPathMarkers';
+ function GdipReversePath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipReversePath';
+ function GdipGetPathLastPoint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathLastPoint';
+ function GdipAddPathLine; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathLine';
+ function GdipAddPathLine2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathLine2';
+ function GdipAddPathArc; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathArc';
+ function GdipAddPathBezier; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathBezier';
+ function GdipAddPathBeziers; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathBeziers';
+ function GdipAddPathCurve; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathCurve';
+ function GdipAddPathCurve2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathCurve2';
+ function GdipAddPathCurve3; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathCurve3';
+ function GdipAddPathClosedCurve; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathClosedCurve';
+ function GdipAddPathClosedCurve2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathClosedCurve2';
+ function GdipAddPathRectangle; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathRectangle';
+ function GdipAddPathRectangles; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathRectangles';
+ function GdipAddPathEllipse; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathEllipse';
+ function GdipAddPathPie; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathPie';
+ function GdipAddPathPolygon; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathPolygon';
+ function GdipAddPathPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathPath';
+ function GdipAddPathString; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathString';
+ function GdipAddPathStringI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathStringI';
+ function GdipAddPathLineI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathLineI';
+ function GdipAddPathLine2I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathLine2I';
+ function GdipAddPathArcI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathArcI';
+ function GdipAddPathBezierI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathBezierI';
+ function GdipAddPathBeziersI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathBeziersI';
+ function GdipAddPathCurveI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathCurveI';
+ function GdipAddPathCurve2I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathCurve2I';
+ function GdipAddPathCurve3I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathCurve3I';
+ function GdipAddPathClosedCurveI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathClosedCurveI';
+ function GdipAddPathClosedCurve2I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathClosedCurve2I';
+ function GdipAddPathRectangleI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathRectangleI';
+ function GdipAddPathRectanglesI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathRectanglesI';
+ function GdipAddPathEllipseI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathEllipseI';
+ function GdipAddPathPieI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathPieI';
+ function GdipAddPathPolygonI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipAddPathPolygonI';
+ function GdipFlattenPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFlattenPath';
+ function GdipWindingModeOutline; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipWindingModeOutline';
+ function GdipWidenPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipWidenPath';
+ function GdipWarpPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipWarpPath';
+ function GdipTransformPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTransformPath';
+ function GdipGetPathWorldBounds; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathWorldBounds';
+ function GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI';
+ function GdipIsVisiblePathPoint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisiblePathPoint';
+ function GdipIsVisiblePathPointI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisiblePathPointI';
+ function GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPoint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPoint';
+ function GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPointI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPointI';
+ function GdipCreatePathIter; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreatePathIter';
+ function GdipDeletePathIter; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeletePathIter';
+ function GdipPathIterNextSubpath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterNextSubpath';
+ function GdipPathIterNextSubpathPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterNextSubpathPath';
+ function GdipPathIterNextPathType; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterNextPathType';
+ function GdipPathIterNextMarker; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterNextMarker';
+ function GdipPathIterNextMarkerPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterNextMarkerPath';
+ function GdipPathIterGetCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterGetCount';
+ function GdipPathIterGetSubpathCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterGetSubpathCount';
+ function GdipPathIterIsValid; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterIsValid';
+ function GdipPathIterHasCurve; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterHasCurve';
+ function GdipPathIterRewind; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterRewind';
+ function GdipPathIterEnumerate; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterEnumerate';
+ function GdipPathIterCopyData; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPathIterCopyData';
+ function GdipCreateMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateMatrix';
+ function GdipCreateMatrix2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateMatrix2';
+ function GdipCreateMatrix3; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateMatrix3';
+ function GdipCreateMatrix3I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateMatrix3I';
+ function GdipCloneMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneMatrix';
+ function GdipDeleteMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeleteMatrix';
+ function GdipSetMatrixElements; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetMatrixElements';
+ function GdipMultiplyMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipMultiplyMatrix';
+ function GdipTranslateMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslateMatrix';
+ function GdipScaleMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipScaleMatrix';
+ function GdipRotateMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRotateMatrix';
+ function GdipShearMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipShearMatrix';
+ function GdipInvertMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipInvertMatrix';
+ function GdipTransformMatrixPoints; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTransformMatrixPoints';
+ function GdipTransformMatrixPointsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTransformMatrixPointsI';
+ function GdipVectorTransformMatrixPoints; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipVectorTransformMatrixPoints';
+ function GdipVectorTransformMatrixPointsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipVectorTransformMatrixPointsI';
+ function GdipGetMatrixElements; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetMatrixElements';
+ function GdipIsMatrixInvertible; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsMatrixInvertible';
+ function GdipIsMatrixIdentity; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsMatrixIdentity';
+ function GdipIsMatrixEqual; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsMatrixEqual';
+ function GdipCreateRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateRegion';
+ function GdipCreateRegionRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateRegionRect';
+ function GdipCreateRegionRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateRegionRectI';
+ function GdipCreateRegionPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateRegionPath';
+ function GdipCreateRegionRgnData; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateRegionRgnData';
+ function GdipCreateRegionHrgn; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateRegionHrgn';
+ function GdipCloneRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneRegion';
+ function GdipDeleteRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeleteRegion';
+ function GdipSetInfinite; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetInfinite';
+ function GdipSetEmpty; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetEmpty';
+ function GdipCombineRegionRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCombineRegionRect';
+ function GdipCombineRegionRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCombineRegionRectI';
+ function GdipCombineRegionPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCombineRegionPath';
+ function GdipCombineRegionRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCombineRegionRegion';
+ function GdipTranslateRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslateRegion';
+ function GdipTranslateRegionI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslateRegionI';
+ function GdipTransformRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTransformRegion';
+ function GdipGetRegionBounds; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetRegionBounds';
+ function GdipGetRegionBoundsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetRegionBoundsI';
+ function GdipGetRegionHRgn; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetRegionHRgn';
+ function GdipIsEmptyRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsEmptyRegion';
+ function GdipIsInfiniteRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsInfiniteRegion';
+ function GdipIsEqualRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsEqualRegion';
+ function GdipGetRegionDataSize; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetRegionDataSize';
+ function GdipGetRegionData; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetRegionData';
+ function GdipIsVisibleRegionPoint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisibleRegionPoint';
+ function GdipIsVisibleRegionPointI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisibleRegionPointI';
+ function GdipIsVisibleRegionRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisibleRegionRect';
+ function GdipIsVisibleRegionRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisibleRegionRectI';
+ function GdipGetRegionScansCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetRegionScansCount';
+ function GdipGetRegionScans; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetRegionScans';
+ function GdipGetRegionScansI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetRegionScansI';
+ function GdipCloneBrush; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneBrush';
+ function GdipDeleteBrush; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeleteBrush';
+ function GdipGetBrushType; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetBrushType';
+ function GdipCreateHatchBrush; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateHatchBrush';
+ function GdipGetHatchStyle; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetHatchStyle';
+ function GdipGetHatchForegroundColor; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetHatchForegroundColor';
+ function GdipGetHatchBackgroundColor; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetHatchBackgroundColor';
+ function GdipCreateTexture; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateTexture';
+ function GdipCreateTexture2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateTexture2';
+ function GdipCreateTextureIA; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateTextureIA';
+ function GdipCreateTexture2I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateTexture2I';
+ function GdipCreateTextureIAI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateTextureIAI';
+ function GdipGetTextureTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetTextureTransform';
+ function GdipSetTextureTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetTextureTransform';
+ function GdipResetTextureTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipResetTextureTransform';
+ function GdipMultiplyTextureTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipMultiplyTextureTransform';
+ function GdipTranslateTextureTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslateTextureTransform';
+ function GdipScaleTextureTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipScaleTextureTransform';
+ function GdipRotateTextureTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRotateTextureTransform';
+ function GdipSetTextureWrapMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetTextureWrapMode';
+ function GdipGetTextureWrapMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetTextureWrapMode';
+ function GdipGetTextureImage; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetTextureImage';
+ function GdipCreateSolidFill; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateSolidFill';
+ function GdipSetSolidFillColor; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetSolidFillColor';
+ function GdipGetSolidFillColor; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetSolidFillColor';
+ function GdipCreateLineBrush; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateLineBrush';
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateLineBrushI';
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect';
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectI';
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngle; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngle';
+ function GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngleI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngleI';
+ function GdipSetLineColors; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetLineColors';
+ function GdipGetLineColors; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLineColors';
+ function GdipGetLineRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLineRect';
+ function GdipGetLineRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLineRectI';
+ function GdipSetLineGammaCorrection; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetLineGammaCorrection';
+ function GdipGetLineGammaCorrection; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLineGammaCorrection';
+ function GdipGetLineBlendCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLineBlendCount';
+ function GdipGetLineBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLineBlend';
+ function GdipSetLineBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetLineBlend';
+ function GdipGetLinePresetBlendCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLinePresetBlendCount';
+ function GdipGetLinePresetBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLinePresetBlend';
+ function GdipSetLinePresetBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetLinePresetBlend';
+ function GdipSetLineSigmaBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetLineSigmaBlend';
+ function GdipSetLineLinearBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetLineLinearBlend';
+ function GdipSetLineWrapMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetLineWrapMode';
+ function GdipGetLineWrapMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLineWrapMode';
+ function GdipGetLineTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLineTransform';
+ function GdipSetLineTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetLineTransform';
+ function GdipResetLineTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipResetLineTransform';
+ function GdipMultiplyLineTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipMultiplyLineTransform';
+ function GdipTranslateLineTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslateLineTransform';
+ function GdipScaleLineTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipScaleLineTransform';
+ function GdipRotateLineTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRotateLineTransform';
+ function GdipCreatePathGradient; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreatePathGradient';
+ function GdipCreatePathGradientI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreatePathGradientI';
+ function GdipCreatePathGradientFromPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreatePathGradientFromPath';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientCenterColor; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientCenterColor';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientCenterColor; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientCenterColor';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientPath';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientPath';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientCenterPoint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientCenterPoint';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientCenterPointI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientCenterPointI';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientCenterPoint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientCenterPoint';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientCenterPointI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientCenterPointI';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientRect';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientRectI';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientPointCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientPointCount';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientGammaCorrection; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientGammaCorrection';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientGammaCorrection; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientGammaCorrection';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientBlendCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientBlendCount';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientBlend';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientBlend';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlendCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlendCount';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlend';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientPresetBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientPresetBlend';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientSigmaBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientSigmaBlend';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientLinearBlend; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientLinearBlend';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientWrapMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientWrapMode';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientWrapMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientWrapMode';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientTransform';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientTransform';
+ function GdipResetPathGradientTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipResetPathGradientTransform';
+ function GdipMultiplyPathGradientTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipMultiplyPathGradientTransform';
+ function GdipTranslatePathGradientTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslatePathGradientTransform';
+ function GdipScalePathGradientTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipScalePathGradientTransform';
+ function GdipRotatePathGradientTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRotatePathGradientTransform';
+ function GdipGetPathGradientFocusScales; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPathGradientFocusScales';
+ function GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales';
+ function GdipCreatePen1; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreatePen1';
+ function GdipCreatePen2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreatePen2';
+ function GdipClonePen; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipClonePen';
+ function GdipDeletePen; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeletePen';
+ function GdipSetPenWidth; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenWidth';
+ function GdipGetPenWidth; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenWidth';
+ function GdipSetPenUnit; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenUnit';
+ function GdipGetPenUnit; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenUnit';
+ function GdipSetPenLineCap197819; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenLineCap197819';
+ function GdipSetPenStartCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenStartCap';
+ function GdipSetPenEndCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenEndCap';
+ function GdipSetPenDashCap197819; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenDashCap197819';
+ function GdipGetPenStartCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenStartCap';
+ function GdipGetPenEndCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenEndCap';
+ function GdipGetPenDashCap197819; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenDashCap197819';
+ function GdipSetPenLineJoin; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenLineJoin';
+ function GdipGetPenLineJoin; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenLineJoin';
+ function GdipSetPenCustomStartCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenCustomStartCap';
+ function GdipGetPenCustomStartCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenCustomStartCap';
+ function GdipSetPenCustomEndCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenCustomEndCap';
+ function GdipGetPenCustomEndCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenCustomEndCap';
+ function GdipSetPenMiterLimit; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenMiterLimit';
+ function GdipGetPenMiterLimit; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenMiterLimit';
+ function GdipSetPenMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenMode';
+ function GdipGetPenMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenMode';
+ function GdipSetPenTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenTransform';
+ function GdipGetPenTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenTransform';
+ function GdipResetPenTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipResetPenTransform';
+ function GdipMultiplyPenTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipMultiplyPenTransform';
+ function GdipTranslatePenTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslatePenTransform';
+ function GdipScalePenTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipScalePenTransform';
+ function GdipRotatePenTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRotatePenTransform';
+ function GdipSetPenColor; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenColor';
+ function GdipGetPenColor; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenColor';
+ function GdipSetPenBrushFill; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenBrushFill';
+ function GdipGetPenBrushFill; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenBrushFill';
+ function GdipGetPenFillType; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenFillType';
+ function GdipGetPenDashStyle; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenDashStyle';
+ function GdipSetPenDashStyle; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenDashStyle';
+ function GdipGetPenDashOffset; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenDashOffset';
+ function GdipSetPenDashOffset; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenDashOffset';
+ function GdipGetPenDashCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenDashCount';
+ function GdipSetPenDashArray; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenDashArray';
+ function GdipGetPenDashArray; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenDashArray';
+ function GdipGetPenCompoundCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenCompoundCount';
+ function GdipSetPenCompoundArray; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPenCompoundArray';
+ function GdipGetPenCompoundArray; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPenCompoundArray';
+ function GdipCreateCustomLineCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateCustomLineCap';
+ function GdipDeleteCustomLineCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeleteCustomLineCap';
+ function GdipCloneCustomLineCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneCustomLineCap';
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapType; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCustomLineCapType';
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps';
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps';
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin';
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin';
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseCap';
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseCap';
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseInset; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseInset';
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseInset; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseInset';
+ function GdipSetCustomLineCapWidthScale; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetCustomLineCapWidthScale';
+ function GdipGetCustomLineCapWidthScale; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCustomLineCapWidthScale';
+ function GdipCreateAdjustableArrowCap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateAdjustableArrowCap';
+ function GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapHeight; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapHeight';
+ function GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapHeight; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapHeight';
+ function GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapWidth; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapWidth';
+ function GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapWidth; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapWidth';
+ function GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset';
+ function GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset';
+ function GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapFillState; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapFillState';
+ function GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapFillState; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapFillState';
+ function GdipLoadImageFromStream; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipLoadImageFromStream';
+ function GdipLoadImageFromFile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipLoadImageFromFile';
+ function GdipLoadImageFromStreamICM; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipLoadImageFromStreamICM';
+ function GdipLoadImageFromFileICM; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipLoadImageFromFileICM';
+ function GdipCloneImage; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneImage';
+ function GdipDisposeImage; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDisposeImage';
+ function GdipSaveImageToFile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSaveImageToFile';
+ function GdipSaveImageToStream; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSaveImageToStream';
+ function GdipSaveAdd; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSaveAdd';
+ function GdipSaveAddImage; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSaveAddImage';
+ function GdipGetImageGraphicsContext; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageGraphicsContext';
+ function GdipGetImageBounds; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageBounds';
+ function GdipGetImageDimension; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageDimension';
+ function GdipGetImageType; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageType';
+ function GdipGetImageWidth; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageWidth';
+ function GdipGetImageHeight; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageHeight';
+ function GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution';
+ function GdipGetImageVerticalResolution; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageVerticalResolution';
+ function GdipGetImageFlags; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageFlags';
+ function GdipGetImageRawFormat; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageRawFormat';
+ function GdipGetImagePixelFormat; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImagePixelFormat';
+ function GdipGetImageThumbnail; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageThumbnail';
+ function GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize';
+ function GdipGetEncoderParameterList; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetEncoderParameterList';
+ function GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount';
+ function GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList';
+ function GdipImageGetFrameCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipImageGetFrameCount';
+ function GdipImageSelectActiveFrame; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipImageSelectActiveFrame';
+ function GdipImageRotateFlip; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipImageRotateFlip';
+ function GdipGetImagePalette; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImagePalette';
+ function GdipSetImagePalette; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImagePalette';
+ function GdipGetImagePaletteSize; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImagePaletteSize';
+ function GdipGetPropertyCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPropertyCount';
+ function GdipGetPropertyIdList; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPropertyIdList';
+ function GdipGetPropertyItemSize; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPropertyItemSize';
+ function GdipGetPropertyItem; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPropertyItem';
+ function GdipGetPropertySize; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPropertySize';
+ function GdipGetAllPropertyItems; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetAllPropertyItems';
+ function GdipRemovePropertyItem; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRemovePropertyItem';
+ function GdipSetPropertyItem; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPropertyItem';
+ function GdipImageForceValidation; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipImageForceValidation';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromStream; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromStream';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromFile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromFile';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromFileICM; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromFileICM';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromDirectDrawSurface; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromDirectDrawSurface';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromGdiDib; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromGdiDib';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP';
+ function GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON';
+ function GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap';
+ function GdipCreateBitmapFromResource; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateBitmapFromResource';
+ function GdipCloneBitmapArea; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneBitmapArea';
+ function GdipCloneBitmapAreaI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneBitmapAreaI';
+ function GdipBitmapLockBits; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipBitmapLockBits';
+ function GdipBitmapUnlockBits; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipBitmapUnlockBits';
+ function GdipBitmapGetPixel; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipBitmapGetPixel';
+ function GdipBitmapSetPixel; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipBitmapSetPixel';
+ function GdipBitmapSetResolution; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipBitmapSetResolution';
+ function GdipCreateImageAttributes; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateImageAttributes';
+ function GdipCloneImageAttributes; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneImageAttributes';
+ function GdipDisposeImageAttributes; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDisposeImageAttributes';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesToIdentity; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesToIdentity';
+ function GdipResetImageAttributes; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipResetImageAttributes';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesGamma; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesGamma';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode';
+ function GdipSetImageAttributesICMMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetImageAttributesICMMode';
+ function GdipGetImageAttributesAdjustedPalette; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageAttributesAdjustedPalette';
+ function GdipFlush; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFlush';
+ function GdipCreateFromHDC; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateFromHDC';
+ function GdipCreateFromHDC2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateFromHDC2';
+ function GdipCreateFromHWND; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateFromHWND';
+ function GdipCreateFromHWNDICM; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateFromHWNDICM';
+ function GdipDeleteGraphics; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeleteGraphics';
+ function GdipGetDC; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetDC';
+ function GdipReleaseDC; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipReleaseDC';
+ function GdipSetCompositingMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetCompositingMode';
+ function GdipGetCompositingMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCompositingMode';
+ function GdipSetRenderingOrigin; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetRenderingOrigin';
+ function GdipGetRenderingOrigin; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetRenderingOrigin';
+ function GdipSetCompositingQuality; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetCompositingQuality';
+ function GdipGetCompositingQuality; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCompositingQuality';
+ function GdipSetSmoothingMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetSmoothingMode';
+ function GdipGetSmoothingMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetSmoothingMode';
+ function GdipSetPixelOffsetMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPixelOffsetMode';
+ function GdipGetPixelOffsetMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPixelOffsetMode';
+ function GdipSetTextRenderingHint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetTextRenderingHint';
+ function GdipGetTextRenderingHint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetTextRenderingHint';
+ function GdipSetTextContrast; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetTextContrast';
+ function GdipGetTextContrast; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetTextContrast';
+ function GdipSetInterpolationMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetInterpolationMode';
+ function GdipGetInterpolationMode; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetInterpolationMode';
+ function GdipSetWorldTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetWorldTransform';
+ function GdipResetWorldTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipResetWorldTransform';
+ function GdipMultiplyWorldTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipMultiplyWorldTransform';
+ function GdipTranslateWorldTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslateWorldTransform';
+ function GdipScaleWorldTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipScaleWorldTransform';
+ function GdipRotateWorldTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRotateWorldTransform';
+ function GdipGetWorldTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetWorldTransform';
+ function GdipResetPageTransform; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipResetPageTransform';
+ function GdipGetPageUnit; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPageUnit';
+ function GdipGetPageScale; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetPageScale';
+ function GdipSetPageUnit; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPageUnit';
+ function GdipSetPageScale; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetPageScale';
+ function GdipGetDpiX; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetDpiX';
+ function GdipGetDpiY; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetDpiY';
+ function GdipTransformPoints; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTransformPoints';
+ function GdipTransformPointsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTransformPointsI';
+ function GdipGetNearestColor; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetNearestColor';
+ function GdipCreateHalftonePalette; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateHalftonePalette';
+ function GdipDrawLine; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawLine';
+ function GdipDrawLineI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawLineI';
+ function GdipDrawLines; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawLines';
+ function GdipDrawLinesI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawLinesI';
+ function GdipDrawArc; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawArc';
+ function GdipDrawArcI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawArcI';
+ function GdipDrawBezier; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawBezier';
+ function GdipDrawBezierI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawBezierI';
+ function GdipDrawBeziers; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawBeziers';
+ function GdipDrawBeziersI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawBeziersI';
+ function GdipDrawRectangle; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawRectangle';
+ function GdipDrawRectangleI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawRectangleI';
+ function GdipDrawRectangles; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawRectangles';
+ function GdipDrawRectanglesI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawRectanglesI';
+ function GdipDrawEllipse; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawEllipse';
+ function GdipDrawEllipseI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawEllipseI';
+ function GdipDrawPie; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawPie';
+ function GdipDrawPieI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawPieI';
+ function GdipDrawPolygon; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawPolygon';
+ function GdipDrawPolygonI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawPolygonI';
+ function GdipDrawPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawPath';
+ function GdipDrawCurve; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawCurve';
+ function GdipDrawCurveI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawCurveI';
+ function GdipDrawCurve2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawCurve2';
+ function GdipDrawCurve2I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawCurve2I';
+ function GdipDrawCurve3; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawCurve3';
+ function GdipDrawCurve3I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawCurve3I';
+ function GdipDrawClosedCurve; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawClosedCurve';
+ function GdipDrawClosedCurveI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawClosedCurveI';
+ function GdipDrawClosedCurve2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawClosedCurve2';
+ function GdipDrawClosedCurve2I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawClosedCurve2I';
+ function GdipGraphicsClear; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGraphicsClear';
+ function GdipFillRectangle; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillRectangle';
+ function GdipFillRectangleI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillRectangleI';
+ function GdipFillRectangles; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillRectangles';
+ function GdipFillRectanglesI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillRectanglesI';
+ function GdipFillPolygon; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillPolygon';
+ function GdipFillPolygonI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillPolygonI';
+ function GdipFillPolygon2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillPolygon2';
+ function GdipFillPolygon2I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillPolygon2I';
+ function GdipFillEllipse; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillEllipse';
+ function GdipFillEllipseI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillEllipseI';
+ function GdipFillPie; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillPie';
+ function GdipFillPieI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillPieI';
+ function GdipFillPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillPath';
+ function GdipFillClosedCurve; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillClosedCurve';
+ function GdipFillClosedCurveI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillClosedCurveI';
+ function GdipFillClosedCurve2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillClosedCurve2';
+ function GdipFillClosedCurve2I; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillClosedCurve2I';
+ function GdipFillRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFillRegion';
+ function GdipDrawImage; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImage';
+ function GdipDrawImageI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImageI';
+ function GdipDrawImageRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImageRect';
+ function GdipDrawImageRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImageRectI';
+ function GdipDrawImagePoints; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImagePoints';
+ function GdipDrawImagePointsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImagePointsI';
+ function GdipDrawImagePointRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImagePointRect';
+ function GdipDrawImagePointRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImagePointRectI';
+ function GdipDrawImageRectRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImageRectRect';
+ function GdipDrawImageRectRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImageRectRectI';
+ function GdipDrawImagePointsRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImagePointsRect';
+ function GdipDrawImagePointsRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawImagePointsRectI';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints';
+ function GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI';
+ function GdipPlayMetafileRecord; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPlayMetafileRecord';
+ function GdipSetClipGraphics; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetClipGraphics';
+ function GdipSetClipRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetClipRect';
+ function GdipSetClipRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetClipRectI';
+ function GdipSetClipPath; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetClipPath';
+ function GdipSetClipRegion; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetClipRegion';
+ function GdipSetClipHrgn; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetClipHrgn';
+ function GdipResetClip; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipResetClip';
+ function GdipTranslateClip; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslateClip';
+ function GdipTranslateClipI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipTranslateClipI';
+ function GdipGetClip; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetClip';
+ function GdipGetClipBounds; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetClipBounds';
+ function GdipGetClipBoundsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetClipBoundsI';
+ function GdipIsClipEmpty; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsClipEmpty';
+ function GdipGetVisibleClipBounds; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetVisibleClipBounds';
+ function GdipGetVisibleClipBoundsI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetVisibleClipBoundsI';
+ function GdipIsVisibleClipEmpty; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisibleClipEmpty';
+ function GdipIsVisiblePoint; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisiblePoint';
+ function GdipIsVisiblePointI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisiblePointI';
+ function GdipIsVisibleRect; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisibleRect';
+ function GdipIsVisibleRectI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsVisibleRectI';
+ function GdipSaveGraphics; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSaveGraphics';
+ function GdipRestoreGraphics; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRestoreGraphics';
+ function GdipBeginContainer; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipBeginContainer';
+ function GdipBeginContainerI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipBeginContainerI';
+ function GdipBeginContainer2; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipBeginContainer2';
+ function GdipEndContainer; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEndContainer';
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromWmf; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromWmf';
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromEmf; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromEmf';
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromFile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromFile';
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromStream; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromStream';
+ function GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromMetafile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromMetafile';
+ function GdipGetHemfFromMetafile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetHemfFromMetafile';
+ function GdipCreateStreamOnFile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateStreamOnFile';
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf';
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromEmf; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateMetafileFromEmf';
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromFile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateMetafileFromFile';
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromWmfFile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateMetafileFromWmfFile';
+ function GdipCreateMetafileFromStream; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateMetafileFromStream';
+ function GdipRecordMetafile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRecordMetafile';
+ function GdipRecordMetafileI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRecordMetafileI';
+ function GdipRecordMetafileFileName; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRecordMetafileFileName';
+ function GdipRecordMetafileFileNameI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRecordMetafileFileNameI';
+ function GdipRecordMetafileStream; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRecordMetafileStream';
+ function GdipRecordMetafileStreamI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipRecordMetafileStreamI';
+ function GdipSetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit';
+ function GdipGetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit';
+ function GdipGetImageDecodersSize; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageDecodersSize';
+ function GdipGetImageDecoders; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageDecoders';
+ function GdipGetImageEncodersSize; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageEncodersSize';
+ function GdipGetImageEncoders; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetImageEncoders';
+ function GdipComment; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipComment';
+ function GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName';
+ function GdipDeleteFontFamily; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeleteFontFamily';
+ function GdipCloneFontFamily; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneFontFamily';
+ function GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif';
+ function GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif';
+ function GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace';
+ function GdipGetFamilyName; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetFamilyName';
+ function GdipIsStyleAvailable; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipIsStyleAvailable';
+ function GdipFontCollectionEnumerable; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFontCollectionEnumerable';
+ function GdipFontCollectionEnumerate; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipFontCollectionEnumerate';
+ function GdipGetEmHeight; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetEmHeight';
+ function GdipGetCellAscent; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCellAscent';
+ function GdipGetCellDescent; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetCellDescent';
+ function GdipGetLineSpacing; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLineSpacing';
+ function GdipCreateFontFromDC; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateFontFromDC';
+ function GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA';
+ function GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW';
+ function GdipCreateFont; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateFont';
+ function GdipCloneFont; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneFont';
+ function GdipDeleteFont; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeleteFont';
+ function GdipGetFamily; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetFamily';
+ function GdipGetFontStyle; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetFontStyle';
+ function GdipGetFontSize; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetFontSize';
+ function GdipGetFontUnit; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetFontUnit';
+ function GdipGetFontHeight; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetFontHeight';
+ function GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI';
+ function GdipGetLogFontA; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLogFontA';
+ function GdipGetLogFontW; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetLogFontW';
+ function GdipNewInstalledFontCollection; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipNewInstalledFontCollection';
+ function GdipNewPrivateFontCollection; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipNewPrivateFontCollection';
+ function GdipDeletePrivateFontCollection; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeletePrivateFontCollection';
+ function GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyCount';
+ function GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyList; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyList';
+ function GdipPrivateAddFontFile; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPrivateAddFontFile';
+ function GdipPrivateAddMemoryFont; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipPrivateAddMemoryFont';
+ function GdipDrawString; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawString';
+ function GdipMeasureString; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipMeasureString';
+ function GdipMeasureCharacterRanges; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipMeasureCharacterRanges';
+ function GdipDrawDriverString; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawDriverString';
+ function GdipMeasureDriverString; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipMeasureDriverString';
+ function GdipCreateStringFormat; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateStringFormat';
+ function GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault';
+ function GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic';
+ function GdipDeleteStringFormat; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeleteStringFormat';
+ function GdipCloneStringFormat; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCloneStringFormat';
+ function GdipSetStringFormatFlags; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetStringFormatFlags';
+ function GdipGetStringFormatFlags; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetStringFormatFlags';
+ function GdipSetStringFormatAlign; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetStringFormatAlign';
+ function GdipGetStringFormatAlign; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetStringFormatAlign';
+ function GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign';
+ function GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign';
+ function GdipSetStringFormatTrimming; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetStringFormatTrimming';
+ function GdipGetStringFormatTrimming; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetStringFormatTrimming';
+ function GdipSetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix';
+ function GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix';
+ function GdipSetStringFormatTabStops; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetStringFormatTabStops';
+ function GdipGetStringFormatTabStops; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetStringFormatTabStops';
+ function GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount';
+ function GdipSetStringFormatDigitSubstitution; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetStringFormatDigitSubstitution';
+ function GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution';
+ function GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount';
+ function GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges';
+ function GdipCreateCachedBitmap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipCreateCachedBitmap';
+ function GdipDeleteCachedBitmap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDeleteCachedBitmap';
+ function GdipDrawCachedBitmap; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipDrawCachedBitmap';
+ function GdipEmfToWmfBits; external WINGDIPDLL name 'GdipEmfToWmfBits';
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TGdiplusBase class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class function TGdiplusBase.NewInstance: TObject;
+ begin
+ Result := InitInstance(GdipAlloc(ULONG(instanceSize)));
+ end;
+ procedure TGdiplusBase.FreeInstance;
+ begin
+ CleanupInstance;
+ GdipFree(Self);
+ end;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// macros
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function ObjectTypeIsValid(type_: ObjectType): BOOL;
+ result := ((type_ >= ObjectTypeMin) and (type_ <= ObjectTypeMax));
+function GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(n: integer): Integer;
+ result := (n or GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+function GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_TO_WMF(n: integer): Integer;
+ result := n and (not GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE);
+function GDIP_IS_WMF_RECORDTYPE(n: integer): BOOL;
+ result := ((n and GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE) <> 0);
+// TGPPoint Util
+ function MakePoint(X, Y: Integer): TGPPoint;
+ begin
+ result.X := X;
+ result.Y := Y;
+ end;
+ function MakePoint(X, Y: Single): TGPPointF;
+ begin
+ Result.X := X;
+ result.Y := Y;
+ end;
+// TGPSize Util
+ function MakeSize(Width, Height: Single): TGPSizeF;
+ begin
+ result.Width := Width;
+ result.Height := Height;
+ end;
+ function MakeSize(Width, Height: Integer): TGPSize;
+ begin
+ result.Width := Width;
+ result.Height := Height;
+ end;
+// TCharacterRange Util
+ function MakeCharacterRange(First, Length: Integer): TCharacterRange;
+ begin
+ result.First := First;
+ result.Length := Length;
+ end;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RectF class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function MakeRect(x, y, width, height: Single): TGPRectF; overload;
+ begin
+ Result.X := x;
+ Result.Y := y;
+ Result.Width := width;
+ Result.Height := height;
+ end;
+ function MakeRect(location: TGPPointF; size: TGPSizeF): TGPRectF; overload;
+ begin
+ Result.X := location.X;
+ Result.Y := location.Y;
+ Result.Width := size.Width;
+ Result.Height := size.Height;
+ end;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Rect class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function MakeRect(x, y, width, height: Integer): TGPRect; overload;
+ begin
+ Result.X := x;
+ Result.Y := y;
+ Result.Width := width;
+ Result.Height := height;
+ end;
+ function MakeRect(location: TGPPoint; size: TGPSize): TGPRect; overload;
+ begin
+ Result.X := location.X;
+ Result.Y := location.Y;
+ Result.Width := size.Width;
+ Result.Height := size.Height;
+ end;
+ function MakeRect(const Rect: TRect): TGPRect;
+ begin
+ Result.X := rect.Left;
+ Result.Y := Rect.Top;
+ Result.Width := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
+ Result.Height:= Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top;
+ end;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// PathData class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constructor TPathData.Create;
+ begin
+ Count := 0;
+ Points := nil;
+ Types := nil;
+ end;
+ destructor TPathData.destroy;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Points) then freemem(Points);
+ if assigned(Types) then freemem(Types);
+ end;
+function GetPixelFormatSize(pixfmt: PixelFormat): UINT;
+ result := (pixfmt shr 8) and $ff;
+function IsIndexedPixelFormat(pixfmt: PixelFormat): BOOL;
+ result := (pixfmt and PixelFormatIndexed) <> 0;
+function IsAlphaPixelFormat(pixfmt: PixelFormat): BOOL;
+ result := (pixfmt and PixelFormatAlpha) <> 0;
+function IsExtendedPixelFormat(pixfmt: PixelFormat): BOOL;
+ result := (pixfmt and PixelFormatExtended) <> 0;
+function IsCanonicalPixelFormat(pixfmt: PixelFormat): BOOL;
+ result := (pixfmt and PixelFormatCanonical) <> 0;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Color class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+{ constructor TGPColor.Create;
+ begin
+ Argb := DWORD(Black);
+ end;
+ // Construct an opaque Color object with
+ // the specified Red, Green, Blue values.
+ //
+ // Color values are not premultiplied.
+ constructor TGPColor.Create(r, g, b: Byte);
+ begin
+ Argb := MakeARGB(255, r, g, b);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPColor.Create(a, r, g, b: Byte);
+ begin
+ Argb := MakeARGB(a, r, g, b);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPColor.Create(Value: ARGB);
+ begin
+ Argb := Value;
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.GetAlpha: BYTE;
+ begin
+ result := BYTE(Argb shr AlphaShift);
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.GetA: BYTE;
+ begin
+ result := GetAlpha;
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.GetRed: BYTE;
+ begin
+ result := BYTE(Argb shr RedShift);
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.GetR: BYTE;
+ begin
+ result := GetRed;
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.GetGreen: Byte;
+ begin
+ result := BYTE(Argb shr GreenShift);
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.GetG: Byte;
+ begin
+ result := GetGreen;
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.GetBlue: Byte;
+ begin
+ result := BYTE(Argb shr BlueShift);
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.GetB: Byte;
+ begin
+ result := GetBlue;
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.GetValue: ARGB;
+ begin
+ result := Argb;
+ end;
+ procedure TGPColor.SetValue(Value: ARGB);
+ begin
+ Argb := Value;
+ end;
+ procedure TGPColor.SetFromCOLORREF(rgb: COLORREF);
+ begin
+ Argb := MakeARGB(255, GetRValue(rgb), GetGValue(rgb), GetBValue(rgb));
+ end;
+ begin
+ result := RGB(GetRed, GetGreen, GetBlue);
+ end;
+ function TGPColor.MakeARGB(a, r, g, b: Byte): ARGB;
+ begin
+ result := ((DWORD(b) shl BlueShift) or
+ (DWORD(g) shl GreenShift) or
+ (DWORD(r) shl RedShift) or
+ (DWORD(a) shl AlphaShift));
+ end; }
+ function MakeColor(r, g, b: Byte): ARGB; overload;
+ begin
+ result := MakeColor(255, r, g, b);
+ end;
+ function MakeColor(a, r, g, b: Byte): ARGB; overload;
+ begin
+ result := ((DWORD(b) shl BlueShift) or
+ (DWORD(g) shl GreenShift) or
+ (DWORD(r) shl RedShift) or
+ (DWORD(a) shl AlphaShift));
+ end;
+ function GetAlpha(color: ARGB): BYTE;
+ begin
+ result := BYTE(color shr AlphaShift);
+ end;
+ function GetRed(color: ARGB): BYTE;
+ begin
+ result := BYTE(color shr RedShift);
+ end;
+ function GetGreen(color: ARGB): BYTE;
+ begin
+ result := BYTE(color shr GreenShift);
+ end;
+ function GetBlue(color: ARGB): BYTE;
+ begin
+ result := BYTE(color shr BlueShift);
+ end;
+ function ColorRefToARGB(rgb: COLORREF): ARGB;
+ begin
+ result := MakeColor(255, GetRValue(rgb), GetGValue(rgb), GetBValue(rgb));
+ end;
+ function ARGBToColorRef(Color: ARGB): COLORREF;
+ begin
+ result := RGB(GetRed(Color), GetGreen(Color), GetBlue(Color));
+ end;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MetafileHeader class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure TMetafileHeader.GetBounds(out Rect: TGPRect);
+ begin
+ rect.X := X;
+ rect.Y := Y;
+ rect.Width := Width;
+ rect.Height := Height;
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.IsWmf: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := ((Type_ = MetafileTypeWmf) or (Type_ = MetafileTypeWmfPlaceable));
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.IsWmfPlaceable: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := (Type_ = MetafileTypeWmfPlaceable);
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.IsEmf: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := (Type_ = MetafileTypeEmf);
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.IsEmfOrEmfPlus: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := (Type_ >= MetafileTypeEmf);
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.IsEmfPlus: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := (Type_ >= MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly)
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.IsEmfPlusDual: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := (Type_ = MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual)
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.IsEmfPlusOnly: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := (Type_ = MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly)
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.IsDisplay: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := (IsEmfPlus and ((EmfPlusFlags and GDIP_EMFPLUSFLAGS_DISPLAY) <> 0));
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.GetWmfHeader: PMetaHeader;
+ begin
+ if IsWmf then result := @Header.WmfHeader
+ else result := nil;
+ end;
+ function TMetafileHeader.GetEmfHeader: PENHMETAHEADER3;
+ begin
+ if IsEmfOrEmfPlus then result := @Header.EmfHeader
+ else result := nil;
+ end;
diff --git a/thirparty/GDIPObj.pas b/thirparty/GDIPObj.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26316f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/GDIPObj.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,8003 @@
+ {******************************************************************}
+ { GDI+ Class }
+ { }
+ { home page : http://www.progdigy.com }
+ { email : hgourvest@progdigy.com }
+ { }
+ { date : 15-02-2002 }
+ { }
+ { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to }
+ { the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may }
+ { not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may }
+ { obtain a copy of the License at }
+ { http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html }
+ { }
+ { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an }
+ { "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or }
+ { implied. See the License for the specific language governing }
+ { rights and limitations under the License. }
+ { }
+ { *****************************************************************}
+unit GDIPOBJ;
+ Windows,
+ ActiveX,
+ DirectDraw,
+* GDI+ Codec Image APIs
+// Codec Management APIs
+ function GetImageDecodersSize(out numDecoders, size: UINT): TStatus;
+ function GetImageDecoders(numDecoders, size: UINT;
+ decoders: PImageCodecInfo): TStatus;
+ function GetImageEncodersSize(out numEncoders, size: UINT): TStatus;
+ function GetImageEncoders(numEncoders, size: UINT;
+ encoders: PImageCodecInfo): TStatus;
+* Private GDI+ header file.
+// GDI+ classes for forward reference
+ TGPGraphics = class;
+ TGPPen = class;
+ TGPBrush = class;
+ TGPMatrix = class;
+ TGPBitmap = class;
+ TGPMetafile = class;
+ TGPFontFamily = class;
+ TGPGraphicsPath = class;
+ TGPRegion = class;
+ TGPImage = class;
+ TGPHatchBrush = class;
+ TGPSolidBrush = class;
+ TGPLinearGradientBrush = class;
+ TGPPathGradientBrush = class;
+ TGPFont = class;
+ TGPFontCollection = class;
+ TGPInstalledFontCollection = class;
+ TGPPrivateFontCollection = class;
+ TGPImageAttributes = class;
+ TGPCachedBitmap = class;
+* GDI+ Region, Font, Image, CustomLineCap class definitions.
+ TGPRegion = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeRegion: GpRegion;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativeRegion(nativeRegion: GpRegion);
+ constructor Create(nativeRegion: GpRegion); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(rect: TGPRectF); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(rect: TGPRect); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(path: TGPGraphicsPath); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(regionData: PBYTE; size: Integer); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hRgn: HRGN); reintroduce; overload;
+ function FromHRGN(hRgn: HRGN): TGPRegion;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Clone: TGPRegion;
+ function MakeInfinite: TStatus;
+ function MakeEmpty: TStatus;
+ function GetDataSize: UINT;
+ // buffer - where to put the data
+ // bufferSize - how big the buffer is (should be at least as big as GetDataSize())
+ // sizeFilled - if not NULL, this is an OUT param that says how many bytes
+ // of data were written to the buffer.
+ function GetData(buffer: PBYTE; bufferSize: UINT;
+ sizeFilled: PUINT = nil): TStatus;
+ function Intersect(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function Intersect(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function Intersect(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus; overload;
+ function Intersect(region: TGPRegion): TStatus; overload;
+ function Union(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function Union(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function Union(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus; overload;
+ function Union(region: TGPRegion): TStatus; overload;
+ function Xor_(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function Xor_(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function Xor_(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus; overload;
+ function Xor_(region: TGPRegion): TStatus; overload;
+ function Exclude(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function Exclude(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function Exclude(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus; overload;
+ function Exclude(region: TGPRegion): TStatus; overload;
+ function Complement(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function Complement(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function Complement(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus; overload;
+ function Complement(region: TGPRegion): TStatus; overload;
+ function Translate(dx, dy: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function Translate(dx, dy: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function Transform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function GetBounds(out rect: TGPRect; g: TGPGraphics): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetBounds(out rect: TGPRectF; g: TGPGraphics): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetHRGN(g: TGPGraphics): HRGN;
+ function IsEmpty(g: TGPGraphics): BOOL;
+ function IsInfinite(g: TGPGraphics): BOOL ;
+ function IsVisible(x, y: Integer; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(const point: TGPPoint; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(x, y: Single; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(const point: TGPPointF; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(x, y, width, height: Integer; g: TGPGraphics): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(const rect: TGPRect; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(x, y, width, height: Single; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(const rect: TGPRectF; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function Equals(region: TGPRegion; g: TGPGraphics): BOOL;
+ function GetRegionScansCount(matrix: TGPMatrix): UINT;
+ function GetRegionScans(matrix: TGPMatrix ;rects: PGPRectF; out count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetRegionScans(matrix: TGPMatrix; rects: PGPRect; out count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+// FontFamily
+ TGPFontFamily = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeFamily: GpFontFamily;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(nativeOrig: GpFontFamily;
+ status: TStatus); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(name: WideString; fontCollection: TGPFontCollection = nil); reintroduce; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ class function GenericSansSerif: TGPFontFamily;
+ class function GenericSerif: TGPFontFamily;
+ class function GenericMonospace: TGPFontFamily;
+ function GetFamilyName(out name: String; language: LANGID = 0): TStatus;
+ function Clone: TGPFontFamily;
+ function IsAvailable: BOOL;
+ function IsStyleAvailable(style: Integer): BOOL;
+ function GetEmHeight(style: Integer): UINT16;
+ function GetCellAscent(style: Integer): UINT16;
+ function GetCellDescent(style: Integer): UINT16;
+ function GetLineSpacing(style: Integer): UINT16;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+// Font Collection
+ TGPFontCollection = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeFontCollection: GpFontCollection;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function GetFamilyCount: Integer;
+ function GetFamilies(numSought: Integer; out gpfamilies: array of TGPFontFamily;
+ out numFound: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+ TGPInstalledFontCollection = class(TGPFontCollection)
+ public
+ constructor Create; reintroduce;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TGPPrivateFontCollection = class(TGPFontCollection)
+ public
+ constructor Create; reintroduce;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function AddFontFile(filename: WideString): TStatus;
+ function AddMemoryFont(memory: Pointer; length: Integer): TStatus;
+ end;
+// TFont
+ TGPFont = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeFont: GpFont;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativeFont(Font: GpFont);
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(font: GpFont; status: TStatus); overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create(hdc: HDC); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hdc: HDC; logfont: PLogFontA); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hdc: HDC; logfont: PLogFontW); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hdc: HDC; hfont: HFONT); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(family: TGPFontFamily; emSize: Single;
+ style: TFontStyle = FontStyleRegular;
+ unit_: TUnit = UnitPoint); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(familyName: WideString; emSize: Single;
+ style: TFontStyle = FontStyleRegular; unit_: TUnit = UnitPoint;
+ fontCollection: TGPFontCollection = nil); reintroduce; overload;
+ function GetLogFontA(g: TGPGraphics; out logfontA: TLogFontA): TStatus;
+ function GetLogFontW(g: TGPGraphics; out logfontW: TLogFontW): TStatus;
+ function Clone: TGPFont;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function IsAvailable: BOOL;
+ function GetStyle: Integer;
+ function GetSize: Single;
+ function GetUnit: TUnit;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ function GetHeight(graphics: TGPGraphics): Single; overload;
+ function GetHeight(dpi: Single): Single; overload;
+ function GetFamily(family: TGPFontFamily): TStatus;
+ end;
+// Abstract base class for Image and Metafile
+ TGPImage = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeImage: GpImage;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ loadStatus: TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativeImage(nativeImage: GpImage);
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(nativeImage: GpImage; status: TStatus); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create(filename: WideString; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(stream: IStream; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE); reintroduce; overload;
+ function FromFile(filename: WideString; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE): TGPImage;
+ function FromStream(stream: IStream; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE): TGPImage;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Clone: TGPImage;
+ function Save(filename: WideString; const clsidEncoder: TGUID;
+ encoderParams: PEncoderParameters = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function Save(stream: IStream; const clsidEncoder: TGUID;
+ encoderParams: PEncoderParameters = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function SaveAdd(encoderParams: PEncoderParameters): TStatus; overload;
+ function SaveAdd(newImage: TGPImage; encoderParams: PEncoderParameters): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetType: TImageType;
+ function GetPhysicalDimension(out size: TGPSizeF): TStatus;
+ function GetBounds(out srcRect: TGPRectF; out srcUnit: TUnit): TStatus;
+ function GetWidth: UINT;
+ function GetHeight: UINT;
+ function GetHorizontalResolution: Single;
+ function GetVerticalResolution: Single;
+ function GetFlags: UINT;
+ function GetRawFormat(out format: TGUID): TStatus;
+ function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
+ function GetPaletteSize: Integer;
+ function GetPalette(palette: PColorPalette; size: Integer): TStatus;
+ function SetPalette(palette: PColorPalette): TStatus;
+ function GetThumbnailImage(thumbWidth, thumbHeight: UINT;
+ callback: GetThumbnailImageAbort = nil; callbackData: pointer = nil): TGPImage;
+ function GetFrameDimensionsCount: UINT;
+ function GetFrameDimensionsList(dimensionIDs: PGUID; count: UINT): TStatus;
+ function GetFrameCount(const dimensionID: TGUID): UINT;
+ function SelectActiveFrame(const dimensionID: TGUID; frameIndex: UINT): TStatus;
+ function RotateFlip(rotateFlipType: TRotateFlipType): TStatus;
+ function GetPropertyCount: UINT;
+ function GetPropertyIdList(numOfProperty: UINT; list: PPropID): TStatus;
+ function GetPropertyItemSize(propId: PROPID): UINT;
+ function GetPropertyItem(propId: PROPID; propSize: UINT; buffer: PPropertyItem): TStatus;
+ function GetPropertySize(out totalBufferSize, numProperties : UINT): TStatus;
+ function GetAllPropertyItems(totalBufferSize, numProperties: UINT;
+ allItems: PPROPERTYITEM): TStatus;
+ function RemovePropertyItem(propId: TPROPID): TStatus;
+ function SetPropertyItem(const item: TPropertyItem): TStatus;
+ function GetEncoderParameterListSize(const clsidEncoder: TGUID): UINT;
+ function GetEncoderParameterList(const clsidEncoder: TGUID; size: UINT;
+ buffer: PEncoderParameters): TStatus;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+ TGPBitmap = class(TGPImage)
+ protected
+ constructor Create(nativeBitmap: GpBitmap); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create(filename: WideString; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(stream: IStream; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE); reintroduce; overload;
+ function FromFile(filename: WideString; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE): TGPBitmap;
+ function FromStream(stream: IStream; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE): TGPBitmap;
+ constructor Create(width, height, stride: Integer; format: TPixelFormat; scan0: PBYTE); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(width, height: Integer; format: TPixelFormat = PixelFormat32bppARGB); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(width, height: Integer; target: TGPGraphics); reintroduce; overload;
+ function Clone(rect: TGPRect; format: TPixelFormat): TGPBitmap; overload;
+ function Clone(x, y, width, height: Integer; format: TPixelFormat): TGPBitmap; overload;
+ function Clone(rect: TGPRectF; format: TPixelFormat): TGPBitmap; overload;
+ function Clone(x, y, width, height: Single; format: TPixelFormat): TGPBitmap; overload;
+ function LockBits(rect: TGPRect; flags: UINT; format: TPixelFormat; out lockedBitmapData: TBitmapData): TStatus;
+ function UnlockBits(var lockedBitmapData: TBitmapData): TStatus;
+ function GetPixel(x, y: Integer; out color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function SetPixel(x, y: Integer; color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function SetResolution(xdpi, ydpi: Single): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(surface: IDirectDrawSurface7); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(var gdiBitmapInfo: TBITMAPINFO; gdiBitmapData: Pointer); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hbm: HBITMAP; hpal: HPALETTE); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hicon: HICON); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hInstance: HMODULE; bitmapName: WideString); reintroduce; overload;
+ function FromDirectDrawSurface7(surface: IDirectDrawSurface7): TGPBitmap;
+ function FromBITMAPINFO(var gdiBitmapInfo: TBITMAPINFO; gdiBitmapData: Pointer): TGPBitmap;
+ function FromHBITMAP(hbm: HBITMAP; hpal: HPALETTE): TGPBitmap;
+ function FromHICON(hicon: HICON): TGPBitmap;
+ function FromResource(hInstance: HMODULE; bitmapName: WideString): TGPBitmap;
+ function GetHBITMAP(colorBackground: TGPColor; out hbmReturn: HBITMAP): TStatus;
+ function GetHICON(out hicon: HICON): TStatus;
+ end;
+ TGPCustomLineCap = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeCap: GpCustomLineCap;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativeCap(nativeCap: GpCustomLineCap);
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(nativeCap: GpCustomLineCap;
+ status: TStatus); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(fillPath, strokePath: TGPGraphicsPath;
+ baseCap: TLineCap = LineCapFlat;
+ baseInset: Single = 0); reintroduce; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Clone: TGPCustomLineCap;
+ function SetStrokeCap(strokeCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ function SetStrokeCaps(startCap, endCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ function GetStrokeCaps(out startCap, endCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ function SetStrokeJoin(lineJoin: TLineJoin): TStatus;
+ function GetStrokeJoin: TLineJoin;
+ function SetBaseCap(baseCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ function GetBaseCap: TLineCap;
+ function SetBaseInset(inset: Single): TStatus;
+ function GetBaseInset: Single;
+ function SetWidthScale(widthScale: Single): TStatus;
+ function GetWidthScale: Single;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+ TGPCachedBitmap = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeCachedBitmap: GpCachedBitmap;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ public
+ constructor Create(bitmap: TGPBitmap; graphics: TGPGraphics); reintroduce;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Image Attributes used with Graphics.DrawImage
+* There are 5 possible sets of color adjustments:
+* ColorAdjustDefault,
+* ColorAdjustBitmap,
+* ColorAdjustBrush,
+* ColorAdjustPen,
+* ColorAdjustText,
+* Bitmaps, Brushes, Pens, and Text will all use any color adjustments
+* that have been set into the default ImageAttributes until their own
+* color adjustments have been set. So as soon as any "Set" method is
+* called for Bitmaps, Brushes, Pens, or Text, then they start from
+* scratch with only the color adjustments that have been set for them.
+* Calling Reset removes any individual color adjustments for a type
+* and makes it revert back to using all the default color adjustments
+* (if any). The SetToIdentity method is a way to force a type to
+* have no color adjustments at all, regardless of what previous adjustments
+* have been set for the defaults or for that type.
+ TGPImageAttributes = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeImageAttr: GpImageAttributes;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativeImageAttr(nativeImageAttr: GpImageAttributes);
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(imageAttr: GpImageAttributes;
+ status: GpStatus); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Clone: TGPImageAttributes;
+ function SetToIdentity(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function Reset(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetColorMatrix(const colorMatrix: TColorMatrix;
+ mode: TColorMatrixFlags = ColorMatrixFlagsDefault;
+ type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function ClearColorMatrix(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetColorMatrices(const colorMatrix: TColorMatrix; const grayMatrix: TColorMatrix;
+ mode: TColorMatrixFlags = ColorMatrixFlagsDefault;
+ type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function ClearColorMatrices(Type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetThreshold(threshold: Single; type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function ClearThreshold(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetGamma(gamma: Single; type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function ClearGamma( type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetNoOp(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function ClearNoOp(Type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetColorKey(colorLow, colorHigh: TGPColor; type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function ClearColorKey(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetOutputChannel(channelFlags: TColorChannelFlags; type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function ClearOutputChannel(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetOutputChannelColorProfile(colorProfileFilename: WideString;
+ type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function ClearOutputChannelColorProfile(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetRemapTable(mapSize: Cardinal; map: PColorMap; type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function ClearRemapTable(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ function SetBrushRemapTable(mapSize: Cardinal; map: PColorMap): TStatus;
+ function ClearBrushRemapTable: TStatus;
+ function SetWrapMode(wrap: TWrapMode; color: TGPColor = aclBlack; clamp: BOOL = FALSE): TStatus;
+ // The flags of the palette are ignored.
+ function GetAdjustedPalette(colorPalette: PColorPalette; colorAdjustType: TColorAdjustType): TStatus;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Matrix class
+ TMatrixArray = array[0..5] of Single;
+ TGPMatrix = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeMatrix: GpMatrix;
+ lastResult: GpStatus ;
+ procedure SetNativeMatrix(nativeMatrix: GpMatrix);
+ function SetStatus(status: GpStatus): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(nativeMatrix: GpMatrix); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ // Default constructor is set to identity matrix.
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy: Single); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(const rect: TGPRectF; const dstplg: TGPPointF); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(const rect: TGPRect; const dstplg: TGPPoint); reintroduce; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Clone: TGPMatrix;
+ function GetElements(const m: TMatrixArray): TStatus;
+ function SetElements(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy: Single): TStatus;
+ function OffsetX: Single;
+ function OffsetY: Single;
+ function Reset: TStatus;
+ function Multiply(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus; // ok
+ function Translate(offsetX, offsetY: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus; // ok
+ function Scale(scaleX, scaleY: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus; // ok
+ function Rotate(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus; // ok
+ function RotateAt(angle: Single; const center: TGPPointF; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus; // ok
+ function Shear(shearX, shearY: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus; // ok
+ function Invert: TStatus; // ok
+ function TransformPoints(pts: PGPPointF; count: Integer = 1): TStatus; overload;
+ function TransformPoints(pts: PGPPoint; count: Integer = 1): TStatus; overload;
+ function TransformVectors(pts: PGPPointF; count: Integer = 1): TStatus; overload;
+ function TransformVectors(pts: PGPPoint; count: Integer = 1): TStatus; overload;
+ function IsInvertible: BOOL;
+ function IsIdentity: BOOL;
+ function Equals(matrix: TGPMatrix): BOOL;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Brush class
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Abstract base class for various brush types
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TGPBrush = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeBrush: GpBrush;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativeBrush(nativeBrush: GpBrush);
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(nativeBrush: GpBrush; status: TStatus); overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Clone: TGPBrush; virtual;
+ function GetType: TBrushType;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Solid Fill Brush Object
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TGPSolidBrush = class(TGPBrush)
+ public
+ constructor Create(color: TGPColor); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ function GetColor(out color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function SetColor(color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ end;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Texture Brush Fill Object
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TGPTextureBrush = class(TGPBrush)
+ public
+ constructor Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode = WrapModeTile); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode; dstRect: TGPRectF); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(image: TGPImage; dstRect: TGPRectF; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(image: TGPImage; dstRect: TGPRect; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode; dstRect: TGPRect); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode; dstX, dstY, dstWidth,
+ dstHeight: Single); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode; dstX, dstY, dstWidth,
+ dstHeight: Integer); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ function SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ function MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single; order: MatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function RotateTransform(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function SetWrapMode(wrapMode: TWrapMode): TStatus;
+ function GetWrapMode: TWrapMode;
+ function GetImage: TGPImage;
+ end;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Linear Gradient Brush Object
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TGPLinearGradientBrush = class(TGPBrush)
+ public
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(const point1, point2: TGPPointF; color1,
+ color2: TGPColor); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(const point1, point2: TGPPoint; color1,
+ color2: TGPColor); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(rect: TGPRectF; color1, color2: TGPColor;
+ mode: TLinearGradientMode); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(rect: TGPRect; color1, color2: TGPColor;
+ mode: TLinearGradientMode); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(rect: TGPRectF; color1, color2: TGPColor; angle: Single;
+ isAngleScalable: BOOL = FALSE); overload;
+ constructor Create(rect: TGPRect; color1, color2: TGPColor; angle: Single;
+ isAngleScalable: BOOL = FALSE); overload;
+ function SetLinearColors(color1, color2: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function GetLinearColors(out color1, color2: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function GetRectangle(out rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetRectangle(out rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function SetGammaCorrection(useGammaCorrection: BOOL): TStatus;
+ function GetGammaCorrection: BOOL;
+ function GetBlendCount: Integer;
+ function SetBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetInterpolationColorCount: Integer;
+ function SetInterpolationColors(presetColors: PGPColor; blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetInterpolationColors(presetColors: PGPColor; blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function SetBlendBellShape(focus: Single; scale: Single = 1.0): TStatus;
+ function SetBlendTriangularShape(focus: Single; scale: Single = 1.0): TStatus;
+ function SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ function MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function RotateTransform(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function SetWrapMode(wrapMode: TWrapMode): TStatus;
+ function GetWrapMode: TWrapMode;
+ end;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Hatch Brush Object
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TGPHatchBrush = class(TGPBrush)
+ public
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hatchStyle: THatchStyle; foreColor: TGPColor; backColor: TGPColor = aclBlack); reintroduce; overload; // ok
+ function GetHatchStyle: THatchStyle;
+ function GetForegroundColor(out color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function GetBackgroundColor(out color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Pen class
+// Pen class
+ TGPPen = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativePen: GpPen;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativePen(nativePen: GpPen);
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(nativePen: GpPen; status: TStatus); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create(color: TGPColor; width: Single = 1.0); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(brush: TGPBrush; width: Single = 1.0); reintroduce; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Clone: TGPPen;
+ function SetWidth(width: Single): TStatus;
+ function GetWidth: Single;
+ // Set/get line caps: start, end, and dash
+ // Line cap and join APIs by using LineCap and LineJoin enums.
+ function SetLineCap(startCap, endCap: TLineCap; dashCap: TDashCap): TStatus;
+ function SetStartCap(startCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ function SetEndCap(endCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ function SetDashCap(dashCap: TDashCap): TStatus;
+ function GetStartCap: TLineCap;
+ function GetEndCap: TLineCap;
+ function GetDashCap: TDashCap;
+ function SetLineJoin(lineJoin: TLineJoin): TStatus;
+ function GetLineJoin: TLineJoin;
+ function SetCustomStartCap(customCap: TGPCustomLineCap): TStatus;
+ function GetCustomStartCap(customCap: TGPCustomLineCap): TStatus;
+ function SetCustomEndCap(customCap: TGPCustomLineCap): TStatus;
+ function GetCustomEndCap(customCap: TGPCustomLineCap): TStatus;
+ function SetMiterLimit(miterLimit: Single): TStatus;
+ function GetMiterLimit: Single;
+ function SetAlignment(penAlignment: TPenAlignment): TStatus;
+ function GetAlignment: TPenAlignment;
+ function SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ function MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function RotateTransform(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function GetPenType: TPenType;
+ function SetColor(color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function SetBrush(brush: TGPBrush): TStatus;
+ function GetColor(out Color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function GetBrush: TGPBrush;
+ function GetDashStyle: TDashStyle;
+ function SetDashStyle(dashStyle: TDashStyle): TStatus;
+ function GetDashOffset: Single;
+ function SetDashOffset(dashOffset: Single): TStatus;
+ function SetDashPattern(dashArray: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetDashPatternCount: Integer;
+ function GetDashPattern(dashArray: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function SetCompoundArray(compoundArray: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetCompoundArrayCount: Integer;
+ function GetCompoundArray(compoundArray: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+* GDI+ StringFormat class
+ TGPStringFormat = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeFormat: GpStringFormat;
+ lastError: TStatus;
+ function SetStatus(newStatus: GpStatus): TStatus;
+ procedure Assign(source: TGPStringFormat);
+ constructor Create(clonedStringFormat: GpStringFormat; status: TStatus); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create(formatFlags: Integer = 0; language: LANGID = LANG_NEUTRAL); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(format: TGPStringFormat); reintroduce; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ class function GenericDefault: TGPStringFormat;
+ class function GenericTypographic: TGPStringFormat;
+ function Clone: TGPStringFormat;
+ function SetFormatFlags(flags: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetFormatFlags: Integer;
+ function SetAlignment(align: TStringAlignment): TStatus;
+ function GetAlignment: TStringAlignment;
+ function SetLineAlignment(align: TStringAlignment): TStatus;
+ function GetLineAlignment: TStringAlignment;
+ function SetHotkeyPrefix(hotkeyPrefix: THotkeyPrefix): TStatus;
+ function GetHotkeyPrefix: THotkeyPrefix;
+ function SetTabStops(firstTabOffset: Single; count: Integer; tabStops: PSingle): TStatus;
+ function GetTabStopCount: Integer;
+ function GetTabStops(count: Integer; firstTabOffset, tabStops: PSingle): TStatus;
+ function SetDigitSubstitution(language: LANGID; substitute: TStringDigitSubstitute): TStatus;
+ function GetDigitSubstitutionLanguage: LANGID;
+ function GetDigitSubstitutionMethod: TStringDigitSubstitute;
+ function SetTrimming(trimming: TStringTrimming): TStatus;
+ function GetTrimming: TStringTrimming;
+ function SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(rangeCount: Integer; ranges: PCharacterRange): TStatus;
+ function GetMeasurableCharacterRangeCount: Integer;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Graphics Path class
+ TGPGraphicsPath = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativePath: GpPath;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativePath(nativePath: GpPath);
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ constructor Create(nativePath: GpPath); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ constructor Create(path: TGPGraphicsPath); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(fillMode: TFillMode = FillModeAlternate); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(points: PGPPointF; types: PBYTE; count: Integer;
+ fillMode: TFillMode = FillModeAlternate); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(points: PGPPoint; types: PBYTE; count: Integer;
+ fillMode: TFillMode = FillModeAlternate); reintroduce; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Clone: TGPGraphicsPath;
+ // Reset the path object to empty (and fill mode to FillModeAlternate)
+ function Reset: TStatus;
+ function GetFillMode: TFillMode;
+ function SetFillMode(fillmode: TFillMode): TStatus;
+ function GetPathData(pathData: TPathData): TStatus;
+ function StartFigure: TStatus;
+ function CloseFigure: TStatus;
+ function CloseAllFigures: TStatus;
+ function SetMarker: TStatus;
+ function ClearMarkers: TStatus;
+ function Reverse: TStatus;
+ function GetLastPoint(out lastPoint: TGPPointF): TStatus;
+ function AddLine(const pt1, pt2: TGPPointF): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddLines(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddLine(const pt1, pt2: TGPPoint): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddLines(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddArc(rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddArc(x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddArc(rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddArc(x, y, width, height: Integer; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddBezier(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TGPPointF): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddBeziers(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddBezier(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TGPPoint): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddBeziers(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddCurve(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddCurve(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddCurve(points: PGPPointF; count, offset, numberOfSegments: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddCurve(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddCurve(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddCurve(points: PGPPoint; count, offset, numberOfSegments: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddClosedCurve(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddClosedCurve(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddClosedCurve(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddClosedCurve(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddRectangle(rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddRectangles(rects: PGPRectF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddRectangle(rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddRectangles(rects: PGPRect; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddEllipse(rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddEllipse(x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddEllipse(rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddEllipse(x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddPie(rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddPie(x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddPie(rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddPie(x, y, width, height: Integer; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddPolygon(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddPolygon(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddPath(addingPath: TGPGraphicsPath; connect: Bool): TStatus;
+ function AddString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; family : TGPFontFamily;
+ style : Integer; emSize : Single; origin : TGPPointF; format : TGPStringFormat): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddString(string_: WideString; length : Integer; family : TGPFontFamily;
+ style : Integer; emSize : Single; layoutRect: TGPRectF; format : TGPStringFormat): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddString(string_: WideString; length : Integer; family : TGPFontFamily;
+ style : Integer; emSize : Single; origin : TGPPoint; format : TGPStringFormat): TStatus; overload;
+ function AddString(string_: WideString; length : Integer; family : TGPFontFamily;
+ style : Integer; emSize : Single; layoutRect: TGPRect; format : TGPStringFormat): TStatus; overload;
+ function Transform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ // This is not always the tightest bounds.
+ function GetBounds(out bounds: TGPRectF; matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; pen: TGPPen = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetBounds(out bounds: TGPRect; matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; pen: TGPPen = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ // Once flattened, the resultant path is made of line segments and
+ // the original path information is lost. When matrix is NULL the
+ // identity matrix is assumed.
+ function Flatten(matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; flatness: Single = FlatnessDefault): TStatus;
+ function Widen(pen: TGPPen; matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; flatness: Single = FlatnessDefault): TStatus;
+ function Outline(matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; flatness: Single = FlatnessDefault): TStatus;
+ // Once this is called, the resultant path is made of line segments and
+ // the original path information is lost. When matrix is NULL, the
+ // identity matrix is assumed.
+ function Warp(destPoints: PGPPointF; count: Integer; srcRect: TGPRectF;
+ matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; warpMode: TWarpMode = WarpModePerspective;
+ flatness: Single = FlatnessDefault): TStatus;
+ function GetPointCount: Integer;
+ function GetPathTypes(types: PBYTE; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetPathPoints(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetPathPoints(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ function IsVisible(point: TGPPointF; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(x, y: Single; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(point: TGPPoint; g : TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(x, y: Integer; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsOutlineVisible(point: TGPPointF; pen: TGPPen; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsOutlineVisible(x, y: Single; pen: TGPPen; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsOutlineVisible(point: TGPPoint; pen: TGPPen; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsOutlineVisible(x, y: Integer; pen: TGPPen; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL; overload;
+ end;
+// GraphisPathIterator class
+ TGPGraphicsPathIterator = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeIterator: GpPathIterator;
+ lastResult : TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativeIterator(nativeIterator: GpPathIterator);
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ public
+ constructor Create(path: TGPGraphicsPath); reintroduce;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function NextSubpath(out startIndex, endIndex: Integer; out isClosed: bool): Integer; overload;
+ function NextSubpath(path: TGPGraphicsPath; out isClosed: BOOL): Integer; overload;
+ function NextPathType(out pathType: TPathPointType; out startIndex, endIndex: Integer): Integer;
+ function NextMarker(out startIndex, endIndex: Integer): Integer; overload;
+ function NextMarker(path: TGPGraphicsPath): Integer; overload;
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ function GetSubpathCount: Integer;
+ function HasCurve: BOOL;
+ procedure Rewind;
+ function Enumerate(points: PGPPointF; types: PBYTE; count: Integer): Integer;
+ function CopyData(points: PGPPointF; types: PBYTE; startIndex, endIndex: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+// Path Gradient Brush
+ TGPPathGradientBrush = class(TGPBrush)
+ public
+ constructor Create(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer;
+ wrapMode: TWrapMode = WrapModeClamp); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer;
+ wrapMode: TWrapMode = WrapModeClamp); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(path: TGPGraphicsPath); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ function GetCenterColor(out Color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function SetCenterColor(color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ function GetPointCount: Integer;
+ function GetSurroundColorCount: Integer;
+ function GetSurroundColors(colors: PARGB; var count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function SetSurroundColors(colors: PARGB; var count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetGraphicsPath(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ function SetGraphicsPath(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ function GetCenterPoint(out point: TGPPointF): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetCenterPoint(out point: TGPPoint): TStatus; overload;
+ function SetCenterPoint(point: TGPPointF): TStatus; overload;
+ function SetCenterPoint(point: TGPPoint): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetRectangle(out rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetRectangle(out rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function SetGammaCorrection(useGammaCorrection: BOOL): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetGammaCorrection: BOOL; overload;
+ function GetBlendCount: Integer;
+ function GetBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function SetBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetInterpolationColorCount: Integer;
+ function SetInterpolationColors(presetColors: PARGB; blendPositions: PSingle;
+ count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetInterpolationColors(presetColors: PARGB;
+ blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ function SetBlendBellShape(focus: Single; scale: Single = 1.0): TStatus;
+ function SetBlendTriangularShape(focus: Single; scale: Single = 1.0): TStatus;
+ function GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ function MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix;
+ order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single;
+ order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single;
+ order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function RotateTransform(angle: Single;
+ order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function GetFocusScales(out xScale, yScale: Single): TStatus;
+ function SetFocusScales(xScale, yScale: Single): TStatus;
+ function GetWrapMode: TWrapMode;
+ function SetWrapMode(wrapMode: TWrapMode): TStatus;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Graphics Object
+ TGPGraphics = class(TGdiplusBase)
+ protected
+ nativeGraphics: GpGraphics;
+ lastResult: TStatus;
+ procedure SetNativeGraphics(graphics: GpGraphics);
+ function SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ function GetNativeGraphics: GpGraphics;
+ function GetNativePen(pen: TGPPen): GpPen;
+ constructor Create(graphics: GpGraphics); reintroduce; overload;
+ public
+ function FromHDC(hdc: HDC): TGPGraphics; overload;
+ function FromHDC(hdc: HDC; hdevice: THANDLE): TGPGraphics; overload;
+ function FromHWND(hwnd: HWND; icm: BOOL = FALSE): TGPGraphics;
+ function FromImage(image: TGPImage): TGPGraphics;
+ constructor Create(hdc: HDC); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hdc: HDC; hdevice: THANDLE); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(hwnd: HWND; icm: BOOL{ = FALSE}); reintroduce; overload;
+ constructor Create(image: TGPImage); reintroduce; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Flush(intention: TFlushIntention = FlushIntentionFlush);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // GDI Interop methods
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Locks the graphics until ReleaseDC is called
+ function GetHDC: HDC;
+ procedure ReleaseHDC(hdc: HDC);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Rendering modes
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function SetRenderingOrigin(x, y: Integer): TStatus;
+ function GetRenderingOrigin(out x, y: Integer): TStatus;
+ function SetCompositingMode(compositingMode: TCompositingMode): TStatus;
+ function GetCompositingMode: TCompositingMode;
+ function SetCompositingQuality(compositingQuality: TCompositingQuality): TStatus;
+ function GetCompositingQuality: TCompositingQuality;
+ function SetTextRenderingHint(newMode: TTextRenderingHint): TStatus;
+ function GetTextRenderingHint: TTextRenderingHint;
+ function SetTextContrast(contrast: UINT): TStatus; // 0..12
+ function GetTextContrast: UINT;
+ function GetInterpolationMode: TInterpolationMode;
+ function SetInterpolationMode(interpolationMode: TInterpolationMode): TStatus;
+ function GetSmoothingMode: TSmoothingMode;
+ function SetSmoothingMode(smoothingMode: TSmoothingMode): TStatus;
+ function GetPixelOffsetMode: TPixelOffsetMode;
+ function SetPixelOffsetMode(pixelOffsetMode: TPixelOffsetMode): TStatus;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Manipulate current world transform
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ function MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function RotateTransform(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ function GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ function SetPageUnit(unit_: TUnit): TStatus;
+ function SetPageScale(scale: Single): TStatus;
+ function GetPageUnit: TUnit;
+ function GetPageScale: Single;
+ function GetDpiX: Single;
+ function GetDpiY: Single;
+ function TransformPoints(destSpace: TCoordinateSpace; srcSpace: TCoordinateSpace;
+ pts: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function TransformPoints(destSpace: TCoordinateSpace; srcSpace: TCoordinateSpace;
+ pts: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // GetNearestColor (for <= 8bpp surfaces). Note: Alpha is ignored.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function GetNearestColor(var color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ // DrawLine(s)
+ function DrawLine(pen: TGPPen; x1, y1, x2, y2: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawLine(pen: TGPPen; const pt1, pt2: TGPPointF): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawLines(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawLine(pen: TGPPen; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawLine(pen: TGPPen; const pt1, pt2: TGPPoint): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawLines(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ // DrawArc
+ function DrawArc(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawArc(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawArc(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Integer; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawArc(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ // DrawBezier(s)
+ function DrawBezier(pen: TGPPen; x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawBezier(pen: TGPPen; const pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TGPPointF): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawBeziers(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawBezier(pen: TGPPen; x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawBezier(pen: TGPPen; const pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TGPPoint): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawBeziers(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ // DrawRectangle(s)
+ function DrawRectangle(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawRectangle(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawRectangles(pen: TGPPen; rects: PGPRectF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawRectangle(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawRectangle(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawRectangles(pen: TGPPen; rects: PGPRect; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ // DrawEllipse
+ function DrawEllipse(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawEllipse(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawEllipse(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawEllipse(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ // DrawPie
+ function DrawPie(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawPie(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawPie(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawPie(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Integer; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ // DrawPolygon
+ function DrawPolygon(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawPolygon(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ // DrawPath
+ function DrawPath(pen: TGPPen; path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ // DrawCurve
+ function DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count, offset,
+ numberOfSegments: Integer; tension: Single = 0.5): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count, offset, numberOfSegments: Integer;
+ tension: Single = 0.5): TStatus; overload;
+ // DrawClosedCurve
+ function DrawClosedCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawClosedCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawClosedCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawClosedCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ // Clear
+ function Clear(color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ // FillRectangle(s)
+ function FillRectangle(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillRectangle(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillRectangles(brush: TGPBrush; rects: PGPRectF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillRectangle(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillRectangle(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillRectangles(brush: TGPBrush; rects: PGPRect; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ // FillPolygon
+ function FillPolygon(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillPolygon(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer; fillMode: TFillMode): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillPolygon(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillPolygon(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer; fillMode: TFillMode): TStatus; overload;
+ // FillEllipse
+ function FillEllipse(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillEllipse(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillEllipse(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillEllipse(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ // FillPie
+ function FillPie(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillPie(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillPie(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillPie(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Integer; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ // FillPath
+ function FillPath(brush: TGPBrush; path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ // FillClosedCurve
+ function FillClosedCurve(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillClosedCurve(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer;
+ fillMode: TFillMode; tension: Single = 0.5 ): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillClosedCurve(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function FillClosedCurve(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer;
+ fillMode: TFillMode; tension: Single = 0.5): TStatus; overload;
+ // FillRegion
+ function FillRegion(brush: TGPBrush; region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ // DrawString
+ function DrawString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRect: TGPRectF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; brush: TGPBrush): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const origin: TGPPointF; brush: TGPBrush): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const origin: TGPPointF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; brush: TGPBrush): TStatus; overload;
+ // MeasureString
+ function MeasureString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRect: TGPRectF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; out boundingBox: TGPRectF;
+ codepointsFitted: PInteger = nil; linesFilled: PInteger = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function MeasureString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRectSize: TGPSizeF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; out size: TGPSizeF;
+ codepointsFitted: PInteger = nil; linesFilled: PInteger = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function MeasureString(string_: WideString ; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const origin: TGPPointF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat;
+ out boundingBox: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function MeasureString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRect: TGPRectF; out boundingBox: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function MeasureString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const origin: TGPPointF; out boundingBox: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ // MeasureCharacterRanges
+ function MeasureCharacterRanges(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRect: TGPRectF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; regionCount: Integer;
+ const regions: array of TGPRegion): TStatus; overload;
+ // DrawDriverString
+ function DrawDriverString(text: PUINT16; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ brush: TGPBrush; positions: PGPPointF; flags: Integer; matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ // MeasureDriverString
+ function MeasureDriverString(text: PUINT16; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ positions: PGPPointF; flags: Integer; matrix: TGPMatrix;
+ out boundingBox: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ // Draw a cached bitmap on this graphics destination offset by
+ // x, y. Note this will fail with WrongState if the CachedBitmap
+ // native format differs from this Graphics.
+ function DrawCachedBitmap(cb: TGPCachedBitmap; x, y: Integer): TStatus;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const point: TGPPointF): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const point: TGPPoint): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ // Affine Draw Image
+ // destPoints.length = 3: rect => parallelogram
+ // destPoints[0] <=> top-left corner of the source rectangle
+ // destPoints[1] <=> top-right corner
+ // destPoints[2] <=> bottom-left corner
+ // destPoints.length = 4: rect => quad
+ // destPoints[3] <=> bottom-right corner
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; destPoints: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; destPoints: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight: Single; srcUnit: TUnit): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const destRect: TGPRectF; srcx, srcy,
+ srcwidth, srcheight: Single; srcUnit: TUnit;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil; callback: DrawImageAbort = nil;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; destPoints: PGPPointF; count: Integer;
+ srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight: Single; srcUnit: TUnit;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil; callback: DrawImageAbort = nil;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y, srcx, srcy, srcwidth,
+ srcheight: Integer; srcUnit: TUnit): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const destRect: TGPRect; srcx, srcy,
+ srcwidth, srcheight: Integer; srcUnit: TUnit;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil; callback: DrawImageAbort = nil;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function DrawImage(image: TGPImage; destPoints: PGPPoint;
+ count, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight: Integer; srcUnit: TUnit;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil; callback: DrawImageAbort = nil;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ // The following methods are for playing an EMF+ to a graphics
+ // via the enumeration interface. Each record of the EMF+ is
+ // sent to the callback (along with the callbackData). Then
+ // the callback can invoke the Metafile::PlayRecord method
+ // to play the particular record.
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destPoint: TGPPointF;
+ callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destPoint: TGPPoint;
+ callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destRect: TGPRectF;
+ callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destRect: TGPRect;
+ callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; destPoints: PGPPointF;
+ count: Integer; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; destPoints: PGPPoint;
+ count: Integer; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destPoint: TGPPointF;
+ const srcRect: TGPRectF; srcUnit: TUnit; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData: pointer = nil; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil
+ ): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile : TGPMetafile; const destPoint : TGPPoint;
+ const srcRect : TGPRect; srcUnit : TUnit; callback : EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData : Pointer = nil; imageAttributes : TGPImageAttributes = nil
+ ): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destRect: TGPRectF;
+ const srcRect: TGPRectF; srcUnit: TUnit; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile : TGPMetafile; const destRect, srcRect: TGPRect;
+ srcUnit : TUnit; callback : EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData : Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes : TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile( metafile: TGPMetafile; destPoints: PGPPointF;
+ count: Integer; const srcRect: TGPRectF; srcUnit: TUnit; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ function EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; destPoints: PGPPoint;
+ count: Integer; const srcRect: TGPRect; srcUnit: TUnit; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus; overload;
+ // SetClip
+ function SetClip(g: TGPGraphics; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus; overload;
+ function SetClip(rect: TGPRectF; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus; overload;
+ function SetClip(rect: TGPRect; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus; overload;
+ function SetClip(path: TGPGraphicsPath; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus; overload;
+ function SetClip(region: TGPRegion; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus; overload;
+ // This is different than the other SetClip methods because it assumes
+ // that the HRGN is already in device units, so it doesn't transform
+ // the coordinates in the HRGN.
+ function SetClip(hRgn: HRGN; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus; overload;
+ // IntersectClip
+ function IntersectClip(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function IntersectClip(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function IntersectClip(region: TGPRegion): TStatus; overload;
+ // ExcludeClip
+ function ExcludeClip(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function ExcludeClip(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function ExcludeClip(region: TGPRegion): TStatus; overload;
+ function ResetClip: TStatus;
+ function TranslateClip(dx, dy: Single): TStatus; overload;
+ function TranslateClip(dx, dy: Integer): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetClip(region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ function GetClipBounds(out rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetClipBounds(out rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function IsClipEmpty: Bool;
+ function GetVisibleClipBounds(out rect: TGPRectF): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetVisibleClipBounds(out rect: TGPRect): TStatus; overload;
+ function IsVisibleClipEmpty: BOOL;
+ function IsVisible(x, y: Integer): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(const point: TGPPoint): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(x, y, width, height: Integer): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(const rect: TGPRect): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(x, y: Single): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(const point: TGPPointF): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(x, y, width, height: Single): BOOL; overload;
+ function IsVisible(const rect: TGPRectF): BOOL; overload;
+ function Save: GraphicsState;
+ function Restore(gstate: GraphicsState): TStatus;
+ function BeginContainer(const dstrect,srcrect: TGPRectF; unit_: TUnit): GraphicsContainer; overload;
+ function BeginContainer(const dstrect, srcrect: TGPRect; unit_: TUnit): GraphicsContainer; overload;
+ function BeginContainer: GraphicsContainer; overload;
+ function EndContainer(state: GraphicsContainer): TStatus;
+ // Only valid when recording metafiles.
+ function AddMetafileComment(data: PBYTE; sizeData: UINT): TStatus;
+ function GetHalftonePalette: HPALETTE;
+ function GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ end;
+* GDI+ CustomLineCap APIs
+ TGPAdjustableArrowCap = class(TGPCustomLineCap)
+ public
+ constructor Create(height, width: Single; isFilled: Bool = TRUE);
+ function SetHeight(height: Single): TStatus;
+ function GetHeight: Single;
+ function SetWidth(width: Single): TStatus;
+ function GetWidth: Single;
+ function SetMiddleInset(middleInset: Single): TStatus;
+ function GetMiddleInset: Single;
+ function SetFillState(isFilled: Bool): TStatus;
+ function IsFilled: BOOL;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Metafile class
+ TGPMetafile = class(TGPImage)
+ public
+ // Playback a metafile from a HMETAFILE
+ // If deleteWmf is TRUE, then when the metafile is deleted,
+ // the hWmf will also be deleted. Otherwise, it won't be.
+ constructor Create(hWmf: HMETAFILE; var wmfPlaceableFileHeader: TWmfPlaceableFileHeader;
+ deleteWmf: BOOL = FALSE); overload;
+ // Playback a metafile from a HENHMETAFILE
+ // If deleteEmf is TRUE, then when the metafile is deleted,
+ // the hEmf will also be deleted. Otherwise, it won't be.
+ constructor Create(hEmf: HENHMETAFILE; deleteEmf: BOOL = FALSE); overload;
+ constructor Create(filename: WideString); overload;
+ // Playback a WMF metafile from a file.
+ constructor Create(filename: WideString; var wmfPlaceableFileHeader: TWmfPlaceableFileHeader); overload;
+ constructor Create(stream: IStream); overload;
+ // Record a metafile to memory.
+ constructor Create(referenceHdc: HDC; type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual;
+ description: PWCHAR = nil); overload;
+ // Record a metafile to memory.
+ constructor Create(referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRectF;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil); overload;
+ // Record a metafile to memory.
+ constructor Create(referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRect;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil); overload;
+ constructor Create(fileName: WideString;referenceHdc: HDC;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil); overload;
+ constructor Create(fileName: WideString; referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRectF;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil); overload;
+ constructor Create( fileName: WideString; referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRect;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil); overload;
+ constructor Create(stream: IStream; referenceHdc: HDC;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil); overload;
+ constructor Create(stream: IStream; referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRectF;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil); overload;
+ constructor Create(stream : IStream; referenceHdc : HDC; frameRect : TGPRect;
+ frameUnit : TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi;
+ type_ : TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description : PWCHAR = nil); overload;
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; overload;
+ function GetMetafileHeader(hWmf: HMETAFILE; var wmfPlaceableFileHeader: TWmfPlaceableFileHeader;
+ header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus; overload;
+ function GetMetafileHeader(hEmf: HENHMETAFILE; header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus; overload; // ok
+ function GetMetafileHeader(filename: WideString; header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus; overload; // ok
+ function GetMetafileHeader(stream: IStream; header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus; overload; // ok
+ function GetMetafileHeader(header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus; overload; // ok
+ // Once this method is called, the Metafile object is in an invalid state
+ // and can no longer be used. It is the responsiblity of the caller to
+ // invoke DeleteEnhMetaFile to delete this hEmf. // ok
+ // Used in conjuction with Graphics::EnumerateMetafile to play an EMF+
+ // The data must be DWORD aligned if it's an EMF or EMF+. It must be
+ // WORD aligned if it's a WMF.
+ function PlayRecord(recordType: TEmfPlusRecordType; flags, dataSize: UINT; data: PBYTE): TStatus;
+ // If you're using a printer HDC for the metafile, but you want the
+ // metafile rasterized at screen resolution, then use this API to set
+ // the rasterization dpi of the metafile to the screen resolution,
+ // e.g. 96 dpi or 120 dpi.
+ function SetDownLevelRasterizationLimit(metafileRasterizationLimitDpi: UINT): TStatus;
+ function GetDownLevelRasterizationLimit: UINT;
+ function EmfToWmfBits(hemf: HENHMETAFILE; cbData16: UINT; pData16: PBYTE;
+ iMapMode: Integer = MM_ANISOTROPIC; eFlags: TEmfToWmfBitsFlags = EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault): UINT;
+ end;
+ GenericSansSerifFontFamily : TGPFontFamily = nil;
+ GenericSerifFontFamily : TGPFontFamily = nil;
+ GenericMonospaceFontFamily : TGPFontFamily = nil;
+ GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer: TGPStringFormat = nil;
+ GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer : TGPStringFormat = nil;
+ StartupInput: TGDIPlusStartupInput;
+ gdiplusToken: ULONG;
+* Image Attributes
+* Abstract:
+* GDI+ Image Attributes used with Graphics.DrawImage
+* There are 5 possible sets of color adjustments:
+* ColorAdjustDefault,
+* ColorAdjustBitmap,
+* ColorAdjustBrush,
+* ColorAdjustPen,
+* ColorAdjustText,
+* Bitmaps, Brushes, Pens, and Text will all use any color adjustments
+* that have been set into the default ImageAttributes until their own
+* color adjustments have been set. So as soon as any "Set" method is
+* called for Bitmaps, Brushes, Pens, or Text, then they start from
+* scratch with only the color adjustments that have been set for them.
+* Calling Reset removes any individual color adjustments for a type
+* and makes it revert back to using all the default color adjustments
+* (if any). The SetToIdentity method is a way to force a type to
+* have no color adjustments at all, regardless of what previous adjustments
+* have been set for the defaults or for that type.
+ constructor TGPImageAttributes.Create;
+ begin
+ nativeImageAttr := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateImageAttributes(nativeImageAttr);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPImageAttributes.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDisposeImageAttributes(nativeImageAttr);
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.Clone: TGPImageAttributes;
+ var clone: GpImageAttributes;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipCloneImageAttributes(nativeImageAttr, clone));
+ result := TGPImageAttributes.Create(clone, lastResult);
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetToIdentity(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesToIdentity(nativeImageAttr, type_));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.Reset(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipResetImageAttributes(nativeImageAttr, type_));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(const colorMatrix: TColorMatrix;
+ mode: TColorMatrixFlags = ColorMatrixFlagsDefault;
+ type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix(nativeImageAttr,
+ type_, TRUE, @colorMatrix, nil, mode));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearColorMatrix(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix(nativeImageAttr, type_,
+ FALSE, nil, nil, ColorMatrixFlagsDefault));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetColorMatrices(const colorMatrix: TColorMatrix;
+ const grayMatrix: TColorMatrix; mode: TColorMatrixFlags = ColorMatrixFlagsDefault;
+ type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix(nativeImageAttr, type_,
+ TRUE, @colorMatrix, @grayMatrix, mode));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearColorMatrices(Type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix( nativeImageAttr,
+ type_, FALSE, nil, nil, ColorMatrixFlagsDefault));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetThreshold(threshold: Single; type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold( nativeImageAttr, type_,
+ TRUE, threshold));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearThreshold(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold(nativeImageAttr, type_,
+ FALSE, 0.0));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetGamma(gamma: Single; type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesGamma(nativeImageAttr, type_, TRUE, gamma));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearGamma(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesGamma(nativeImageAttr, type_, FALSE, 0.0));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetNoOp(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp(nativeImageAttr, type_, TRUE));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearNoOp(Type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp( nativeImageAttr, type_, FALSE));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetColorKey(colorLow, colorHigh: TGPColor;
+ type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys(nativeImageAttr, type_,
+ TRUE, colorLow, colorHigh));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearColorKey(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys(nativeImageAttr, type_,
+ FALSE, 0, 0));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetOutputChannel(channelFlags: TColorChannelFlags;
+ type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel(nativeImageAttr,
+ type_, TRUE, channelFlags));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearOutputChannel(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel(nativeImageAttr,
+ type_, FALSE, ColorChannelFlagsLast));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetOutputChannelColorProfile(colorProfileFilename: WideString;
+ type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile(nativeImageAttr,
+ type_, TRUE, PWideChar(colorProfileFilename)));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearOutputChannelColorProfile(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile(nativeImageAttr,
+ type_, FALSE, nil));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetRemapTable(mapSize: Cardinal; map: PColorMap;
+ type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable(nativeImageAttr, type_,
+ TRUE, mapSize, map));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearRemapTable(type_: TColorAdjustType = ColorAdjustTypeDefault): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable(nativeImageAttr, type_,
+ FALSE, 0, nil));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetBrushRemapTable(mapSize: Cardinal; map: PColorMap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetRemapTable(mapSize, map, ColorAdjustTypeBrush);
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.ClearBrushRemapTable: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := ClearRemapTable(ColorAdjustTypeBrush);
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetWrapMode(wrap: TWrapMode; color: TGPColor = aclBlack;
+ clamp: BOOL = FALSE): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode(nativeImageAttr, wrap, color, clamp));
+ end;
+ // The flags of the palette are ignored.
+ function TGPImageAttributes.GetAdjustedPalette(colorPalette: PColorPalette;
+ colorAdjustType: TColorAdjustType): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetImageAttributesAdjustedPalette(nativeImageAttr,
+ colorPalette, colorAdjustType));
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPImageAttributes.Create(imageAttr: GpImageAttributes; status: TStatus);
+ begin
+ SetNativeImageAttr(imageAttr);
+ lastResult := status;
+ end;
+ procedure TGPImageAttributes.SetNativeImageAttr(nativeImageAttr: GpImageAttributes);
+ begin
+ self.nativeImageAttr := nativeImageAttr;
+ end;
+ function TGPImageAttributes.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Matrix class
+ // Default constructor is set to identity matrix.
+ constructor TGPMatrix.Create;
+ var matrix: GpMatrix;
+ begin
+ matrix := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateMatrix(matrix);
+ SetNativeMatrix(matrix);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMatrix.Create(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy: Single);
+ var matrix: GpMatrix;
+ begin
+ matrix := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateMatrix2(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy, matrix);
+ SetNativeMatrix(matrix);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMatrix.Create(const rect: TGPRectF; const dstplg: TGPPointF);
+ var matrix: GpMatrix;
+ begin
+ matrix := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateMatrix3(@rect, @dstplg, matrix);
+ SetNativeMatrix(matrix);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMatrix.Create(const rect: TGPRect; const dstplg: TGPPoint);
+ var matrix: GpMatrix;
+ begin
+ matrix := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateMatrix3I(@rect, @dstplg, matrix);
+ SetNativeMatrix(matrix);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPMatrix.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeleteMatrix(nativeMatrix);
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.Clone: TGPMatrix;
+ var cloneMatrix: GpMatrix;
+ begin
+ cloneMatrix := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipCloneMatrix(nativeMatrix, cloneMatrix));
+ if (lastResult <> Ok) then
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result := TGPMatrix.Create(cloneMatrix);
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.GetElements(const m: TMatrixArray): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetMatrixElements(nativeMatrix, @m));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.SetElements(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetMatrixElements(nativeMatrix,
+ m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.OffsetX: Single;
+ var elements: TMatrixArray;
+ begin
+ if (GetElements(elements) = Ok) then
+ result := elements[4]
+ else
+ result := 0.0;
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.OffsetY: Single;
+ var elements: TMatrixArray;
+ begin
+ if (GetElements(elements) = Ok) then result := elements[5]
+ else result := 0.0;
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.Reset: TStatus;
+ begin
+ // set identity matrix elements
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetMatrixElements(nativeMatrix, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.Multiply(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMultiplyMatrix(nativeMatrix, matrix.nativeMatrix, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.Translate(offsetX, offsetY: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, offsetX, offsetY, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.Scale(scaleX, scaleY: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipScaleMatrix(nativeMatrix, scaleX, scaleY, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.Rotate(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipRotateMatrix(nativeMatrix, angle, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.RotateAt(angle: Single; const center: TGPPointF; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if(order = MatrixOrderPrepend) then
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, center.X, center.Y, order));
+ SetStatus(GdipRotateMatrix(nativeMatrix, angle, order));
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, -center.X, -center.Y,
+ order));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, - center.X, - center.Y, order));
+ SetStatus(GdipRotateMatrix(nativeMatrix, angle, order));
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, center.X, center.Y,
+ order));
+ end;
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.Shear(shearX, shearY: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipShearMatrix(nativeMatrix, shearX, shearY, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.Invert: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipInvertMatrix(nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ // float version
+ function TGPMatrix.TransformPoints(pts: PGPPointF; count: Integer = 1): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTransformMatrixPoints(nativeMatrix, pts, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.TransformPoints(pts: PGPPoint; count: Integer = 1): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTransformMatrixPointsI(nativeMatrix, pts, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.TransformVectors(pts: PGPPointF; count: Integer = 1): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipVectorTransformMatrixPoints( nativeMatrix, pts, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.TransformVectors(pts: PGPPoint; count: Integer = 1): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipVectorTransformMatrixPointsI(nativeMatrix, pts, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.IsInvertible: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsMatrixInvertible(nativeMatrix, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.IsIdentity: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := False;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsMatrixIdentity(nativeMatrix, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.Equals(matrix: TGPMatrix): BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsMatrixEqual(nativeMatrix, matrix.nativeMatrix, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMatrix.Create(nativeMatrix: GpMatrix);
+ begin
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ SetNativeMatrix(nativeMatrix);
+ end;
+ procedure TGPMatrix.SetNativeMatrix(nativeMatrix: GpMatrix);
+ begin
+ self.nativeMatrix := nativeMatrix;
+ end;
+ function TGPMatrix.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+* GDI+ StringFormat class
+ constructor TGPStringFormat.Create(formatFlags: Integer = 0; language: LANGID = LANG_NEUTRAL);
+ begin
+ nativeFormat := nil;
+ lastError := GdipCreateStringFormat(formatFlags, language, nativeFormat);
+ end;
+ class function TGPStringFormat.GenericDefault: TGPStringFormat;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer) then
+ begin
+ GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer := TGPStringFormat.Create;
+ GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer.lastError :=
+ GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault(GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer.nativeFormat);
+ end;
+ result := GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer;
+ end;
+ class function TGPStringFormat.GenericTypographic: TGPStringFormat;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer) then
+ begin
+ GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer := TGPStringFormat.Create;
+ GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer.lastError :=
+ GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic(GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer.nativeFormat);
+ end;
+ result := GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPStringFormat.Create(format: TGPStringFormat);
+ var gpstf: GPSTRINGFORMAT;
+ begin
+ nativeFormat := nil;
+ if assigned(format) then gpstf := format.nativeFormat
+ else gpstf := nil;
+ lastError := GdipCloneStringFormat(gpstf, nativeFormat);
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.Clone: TGPStringFormat;
+ var
+ clonedStringFormat: GpStringFormat;
+ begin
+ clonedStringFormat := nil;
+ lastError := GdipCloneStringFormat(nativeFormat, clonedStringFormat);
+ if (lastError = Ok) then
+ result := TGPStringFormat.Create(clonedStringFormat, lastError)
+ else
+ result := nil;
+ end;
+ destructor TGPStringFormat.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeleteStringFormat(nativeFormat);
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.SetFormatFlags(flags: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetStringFormatFlags(nativeFormat, flags));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetFormatFlags: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatFlags(nativeFormat, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.SetAlignment(align: TStringAlignment): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetStringFormatAlign(nativeFormat, align));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetAlignment: TStringAlignment;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatAlign(nativeFormat, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.SetLineAlignment(align: TStringAlignment): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign(nativeFormat, align));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetLineAlignment: TStringAlignment;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign(nativeFormat, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.SetHotkeyPrefix(hotkeyPrefix: THotkeyPrefix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(nativeFormat, Integer(hotkeyPrefix)));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetHotkeyPrefix: THotkeyPrefix;
+ var HotkeyPrefix: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(nativeFormat, HotkeyPrefix));
+ result := THotkeyPrefix(HotkeyPrefix);
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.SetTabStops(firstTabOffset: Single; count: Integer; tabStops: PSingle): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(nativeFormat, firstTabOffset, count, tabStops));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetTabStopCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(nativeFormat, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetTabStops(count: Integer; firstTabOffset, tabStops: PSingle): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(nativeFormat, count, firstTabOffset, tabStops));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.SetDigitSubstitution(language: LANGID; substitute: TStringDigitSubstitute): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(nativeFormat, language, substitute));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetDigitSubstitutionLanguage: LANGID;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(nativeFormat, @result, nil));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetDigitSubstitutionMethod: TStringDigitSubstitute;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(nativeFormat, nil, @result));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.SetTrimming(trimming: TStringTrimming): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetStringFormatTrimming(nativeFormat, trimming));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetTrimming: TStringTrimming;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatTrimming(nativeFormat, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(rangeCount: Integer;
+ ranges: PCharacterRange): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges(nativeFormat,
+ rangeCount, ranges));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetMeasurableCharacterRangeCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount(nativeFormat, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastError;
+ lastError := Ok;
+ end;
+ function TGPStringFormat.SetStatus(newStatus: GpStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (newStatus <> Ok) then lastError := newStatus;
+ result := newStatus;
+ end;
+ // operator =
+ procedure TGPStringFormat.Assign(source: TGPStringFormat);
+ begin
+ assert(assigned(source));
+ GdipDeleteStringFormat(nativeFormat);
+ lastError := GdipCloneStringFormat(source.nativeFormat, nativeFormat);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPStringFormat.Create(clonedStringFormat: GpStringFormat; status: TStatus);
+ begin
+ lastError := status;
+ nativeFormat := clonedStringFormat;
+ end;
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TAdjustableArrowCap
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constructor TGPAdjustableArrowCap.Create(height, width: Single; isFilled: Bool = TRUE);
+ var cap: GpAdjustableArrowCap;
+ begin
+ cap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateAdjustableArrowCap(height, width, isFilled, cap);
+ SetNativeCap(cap);
+ end;
+ function TGPAdjustableArrowCap.SetHeight(height: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapHeight(GpAdjustableArrowCap(nativeCap), height));
+ end;
+ function TGPAdjustableArrowCap.GetHeight: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapHeight(GpAdjustableArrowCap(nativeCap), result));
+ end;
+ function TGPAdjustableArrowCap.SetWidth(width: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapWidth(GpAdjustableArrowCap(nativeCap), width));
+ end;
+ function TGPAdjustableArrowCap.GetWidth: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapWidth(GpAdjustableArrowCap(nativeCap), result));
+ end;
+ function TGPAdjustableArrowCap.SetMiddleInset(middleInset: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset(GpAdjustableArrowCap(nativeCap), middleInset));
+ end;
+ function TGPAdjustableArrowCap.GetMiddleInset: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset(
+ GpAdjustableArrowCap(nativeCap), result));
+ end;
+ function TGPAdjustableArrowCap.SetFillState(isFilled: Bool): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapFillState(
+ GpAdjustableArrowCap(nativeCap), isFilled));
+ end;
+ function TGPAdjustableArrowCap.IsFilled: BOOL;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapFillState(
+ GpAdjustableArrowCap(nativeCap), result));
+ end;
+* GDI+ Metafile class
+ // Playback a metafile from a HMETAFILE
+ // If deleteWmf is TRUE, then when the metafile is deleted,
+ // the hWmf will also be deleted. Otherwise, it won't be.
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(hWmf: HMETAFILE;
+ var wmfPlaceableFileHeader: TWmfPlaceableFileHeader; deleteWmf: BOOL = FALSE);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf(hWmf, deleteWmf, @wmfPlaceableFileHeader, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ // Playback a metafile from a HENHMETAFILE
+ // If deleteEmf is TRUE, then when the metafile is deleted,
+ // the hEmf will also be deleted. Otherwise, it won't be.
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(hEmf: HENHMETAFILE; deleteEmf: BOOL = FALSE);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateMetafileFromEmf(hEmf, deleteEmf, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(filename: WideString);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateMetafileFromFile(PWideChar(filename), metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ // Playback a WMF metafile from a file.
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(filename: Widestring; var wmfPlaceableFileHeader: TWmfPlaceableFileHeader);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateMetafileFromWmfFile(PWideChar(filename), @wmfPlaceableFileHeader, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(stream: IStream);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateMetafileFromStream(stream, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ // Record a metafile to memory.
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(referenceHdc: HDC; type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual;
+ description: PWCHAR = nil);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipRecordMetafile(referenceHdc, type_, nil, MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+ description, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ // Record a metafile to memory.
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRectF;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil);
+ var metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipRecordMetafile(referenceHdc, type_, @frameRect, frameUnit,
+ description, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ // Record a metafile to memory.
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRect;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipRecordMetafileI(referenceHdc, type_, @frameRect, frameUnit,
+ description, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(fileName: WideString; referenceHdc: HDC;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipRecordMetafileFileName(PWideChar(fileName),
+ referenceHdc, type_, nil, MetafileFrameUnitGdi, description, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(fileName: WideString; referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRectF;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi; type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual;
+ description: PWCHAR = nil);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipRecordMetafileFileName(PWideChar(fileName), referenceHdc,
+ type_, @frameRect, frameUnit, description, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(fileName: WideString; referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRect;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi; type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual;
+ description: PWCHAR = nil);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipRecordMetafileFileNameI(PWideChar(fileName),
+ referenceHdc, type_, @frameRect, frameUnit, description, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(stream: IStream; referenceHdc: HDC;
+ type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual; description: PWCHAR = nil);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipRecordMetafileStream(stream, referenceHdc, type_, nil,
+ MetafileFrameUnitGdi, description, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(stream: IStream; referenceHdc: HDC; frameRect: TGPRectF;
+ frameUnit: TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi; type_: TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual;
+ description: PWCHAR = nil);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipRecordMetafileStream(stream, referenceHdc, type_,
+ @frameRect, frameUnit, description, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create(stream : IStream; referenceHdc : HDC; frameRect : TGPRect;
+ frameUnit : TMetafileFrameUnit = MetafileFrameUnitGdi; type_ : TEmfType = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual;
+ description : PWCHAR = nil);
+ var
+ metafile: GpMetafile;
+ begin
+ metafile := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipRecordMetafileStreamI(stream, referenceHdc, type_,
+ @frameRect, frameUnit, description, metafile);
+ SetNativeImage(metafile);
+ end;
+ function TGPMetafile.GetMetafileHeader(hWmf: HMETAFILE;
+ var wmfPlaceableFileHeader: TWmfPlaceableFileHeader; header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromWmf(hWmf, @wmfPlaceableFileHeader, @header.Type_);
+ end;
+ function TGPMetafile.GetMetafileHeader(hEmf: HENHMETAFILE; header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromEmf(hEmf, @header.Type_);
+ end;
+ function TGPMetafile.GetMetafileHeader(filename: WideString; header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromFile(PWideChar(filename), @header.Type_);
+ end;
+ function TGPMetafile.GetMetafileHeader(stream: IStream; header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromStream(stream, @header.Type_);
+ end;
+ function TGPMetafile.GetMetafileHeader(header: TMetafileHeader): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromMetafile(GpMetafile(nativeImage),
+ @header.Type_));
+ end;
+ // Once this method is called, the Metafile object is in an invalid state
+ // and can no longer be used. It is the responsiblity of the caller to
+ // invoke DeleteEnhMetaFile to delete this hEmf.
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetHemfFromMetafile(GpMetafile(nativeImage), result));
+ end;
+ // Used in conjuction with Graphics::EnumerateMetafile to play an EMF+
+ // The data must be DWORD aligned if it's an EMF or EMF+. It must be
+ // WORD aligned if it's a WMF.
+ function TGPMetafile.PlayRecord(recordType: TEmfPlusRecordType; flags, dataSize: UINT;
+ data: PBYTE): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipPlayMetafileRecord(GpMetafile(nativeImage),
+ recordType, flags, dataSize, data));
+ end;
+ // If you're using a printer HDC for the metafile, but you want the
+ // metafile rasterized at screen resolution, then use this API to set
+ // the rasterization dpi of the metafile to the screen resolution,
+ // e.g. 96 dpi or 120 dpi.
+ function TGPMetafile.SetDownLevelRasterizationLimit(metafileRasterizationLimitDpi: UINT): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit(
+ GpMetafile(nativeImage), metafileRasterizationLimitDpi));
+ end;
+ function TGPMetafile.GetDownLevelRasterizationLimit: UINT;
+ var metafileRasterizationLimitDpi: UINT;
+ begin
+ metafileRasterizationLimitDpi := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit(
+ GpMetafile(nativeImage), metafileRasterizationLimitDpi));
+ result := metafileRasterizationLimitDpi;
+ end;
+ function TGPMetafile.EmfToWmfBits(hemf: HENHMETAFILE; cbData16: UINT; pData16: PBYTE;
+ iMapMode: Integer = MM_ANISOTROPIC; eFlags: TEmfToWmfBitsFlags = EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault): UINT;
+ begin
+ result := GdipEmfToWmfBits(hemf, cbData16, pData16, iMapMode, Integer(eFlags));
+ end;
+ constructor TGPMetafile.Create;
+ begin
+ SetNativeImage(nil);
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Codec Image APIs
+// Codec Management APIs
+ function GetImageDecodersSize(out numDecoders, size: UINT): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := GdipGetImageDecodersSize(numDecoders, size);
+ end;
+ function GetImageDecoders(numDecoders, size: UINT;
+ decoders: PImageCodecInfo): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := GdipGetImageDecoders(numDecoders, size, decoders);
+ end;
+ function GetImageEncodersSize(out numEncoders, size: UINT): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := GdipGetImageEncodersSize(numEncoders, size);
+ end;
+ function GetImageEncoders(numEncoders, size: UINT;
+ encoders: PImageCodecInfo): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := GdipGetImageEncoders(numEncoders, size, encoders);
+ end;
+* GDI+ Region class implementation
+ constructor TGPRegion.Create;
+ var
+ region: GpRegion;
+ begin
+ region := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateRegion(region);
+ SetNativeRegion(region);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPRegion.Create(rect: TGPRectF);
+ var
+ region: GpRegion;
+ begin
+ region := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateRegionRect(@rect, region);
+ SetNativeRegion(region);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPRegion.Create(rect: TGPRect);
+ var
+ region: GpRegion;
+ begin
+ region := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateRegionRectI(@rect, region);
+ SetNativeRegion(region);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPRegion.Create(path: TGPGraphicsPath);
+ var
+ region: GpRegion;
+ begin
+ region := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateRegionPath(path.nativePath, region);
+ SetNativeRegion(region);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPRegion.Create(regionData: PBYTE; size: Integer);
+ var
+ region: GpRegion;
+ begin
+ region := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateRegionRgnData(regionData, size, region);
+ SetNativeRegion(region);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPRegion.Create(hRgn: HRGN);
+ var
+ region: GpRegion;
+ begin
+ region := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateRegionHrgn(hRgn, region);
+ SetNativeRegion(region);
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.FromHRGN(hRgn: HRGN): TGPRegion;
+ var
+ region: GpRegion;
+ begin
+ region := nil;
+ if (GdipCreateRegionHrgn(hRgn, region) = Ok) then
+ begin
+ result := TGPRegion.Create(region);
+ if (result = nil) then
+ GdipDeleteRegion(region);
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ result := nil;
+ end;
+ destructor TGPRegion.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeleteRegion(nativeRegion);
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Clone: TGPRegion;
+ var region: GpRegion;
+ begin
+ region := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipCloneRegion(nativeRegion, region));
+ result := TGPRegion.Create(region);
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.MakeInfinite: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetInfinite(nativeRegion));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.MakeEmpty: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetEmpty(nativeRegion));
+ end;
+ // Get the size of the buffer needed for the GetData method
+ function TGPRegion.GetDataSize: UINT;
+ var bufferSize: UINT;
+ begin
+ bufferSize := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetRegionDataSize(nativeRegion, bufferSize));
+ result := bufferSize;
+ end;
+ // buffer - where to put the data
+ // bufferSize - how big the buffer is (should be at least as big as GetDataSize())
+ // sizeFilled - if not nil, this is an OUT param that says how many bytes
+ // of data were written to the buffer.
+ function TGPRegion.GetData(buffer: PBYTE; bufferSize: UINT; sizeFilled: PUINT = nil): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetRegionData(nativeRegion, buffer, bufferSize, sizeFilled));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Intersect(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, @rect, CombineModeIntersect));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Intersect(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, @rect, CombineModeIntersect));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Intersect(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion, path.nativePath,
+ CombineModeIntersect));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Intersect(region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion, region.nativeRegion,
+ CombineModeIntersect));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Union(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, @rect, CombineModeUnion));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Union(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, @rect, CombineModeUnion));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Union(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion, path.nativePath, CombineModeUnion));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Union(region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion, region.nativeRegion,
+ CombineModeUnion));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Xor_(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, @rect, CombineModeXor));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Xor_(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, @rect, CombineModeXor));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Xor_(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion, path.nativePath, CombineModeXor));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Xor_(region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion, region.nativeRegion,
+ CombineModeXor));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Exclude(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, @rect, CombineModeExclude));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Exclude(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, @rect, CombineModeExclude));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Exclude(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion, path.nativePath, CombineModeExclude));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Exclude(region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion,
+ region.nativeRegion,
+ CombineModeExclude));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Complement(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, @rect,
+ CombineModeComplement));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Complement(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, @rect,
+ CombineModeComplement));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Complement(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion,
+ path.nativePath,
+ CombineModeComplement));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Complement(region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion,
+ region.nativeRegion,
+ CombineModeComplement));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Translate(dx, dy: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateRegion(nativeRegion, dx, dy));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Translate(dx, dy: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateRegionI(nativeRegion, dx, dy));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Transform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTransformRegion(nativeRegion,
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.GetBounds(out rect: TGPRect; g: TGPGraphics): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetRegionBoundsI(nativeRegion,
+ g.nativeGraphics,
+ @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.GetBounds(out rect: TGPRectF; g: TGPGraphics): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetRegionBounds(nativeRegion,
+ g.nativeGraphics,
+ @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.GetHRGN(g: TGPGraphics): HRGN;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetRegionHRgn(nativeRegion, g.nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsEmpty(g: TGPGraphics): BOOL;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsEmptyRegion(nativeRegion, g.nativeGraphics, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsInfinite(g: TGPGraphics): BOOL ;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsInfiniteRegion(nativeRegion, g.nativeGraphics, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsVisible(x, y: Integer; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ GPX: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ if assigned(g) then gpx := g.nativeGraphics else gpx := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRegionPointI(nativeRegion, X, Y, gpx, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsVisible(const point: TGPPoint; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ GPX: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ if assigned(g) then gpx := g.nativeGraphics else gpx := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRegionPointI(nativeRegion, point.X, point.Y, gpx, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsVisible(x, y: Single; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ GPX: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ if assigned(g) then gpx := g.nativeGraphics else gpx := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRegionPoint(nativeRegion, X, Y, gpx, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsVisible(const point: TGPPointF; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ GPX: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ if assigned(g) then gpx := g.nativeGraphics else gpx := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRegionPoint(nativeRegion, point.X, point.Y, gpx, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsVisible(x, y, width, height: Integer; g: TGPGraphics): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ GPX: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ if assigned(g) then gpx := g.nativeGraphics else gpx := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRegionRectI(nativeRegion,
+ X,
+ Y,
+ Width,
+ Height,
+ gpx,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsVisible(const rect: TGPRect; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ GPX: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ if assigned(g) then gpx := g.nativeGraphics else gpx := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRegionRectI(nativeRegion,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height,
+ gpx,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsVisible(x, y, width, height: Single; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ GPX: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ if assigned(g) then gpx := g.nativeGraphics else gpx := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRegionRect(nativeRegion, X,
+ Y, Width,
+ Height,
+ gpx,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.IsVisible(const rect: TGPRectF; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ GPX: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ if assigned(g) then gpx := g.nativeGraphics else gpx := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRegionRect(nativeRegion, rect.X,
+ rect.Y, rect.Width,
+ rect.Height,
+ gpx,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.Equals(region: TGPRegion; g: TGPGraphics): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsEqualRegion(nativeRegion,
+ region.nativeRegion,
+ g.nativeGraphics,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.GetRegionScansCount(matrix: TGPMatrix): UINT;
+ var Count: UINT;
+ begin
+ count := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetRegionScansCount(nativeRegion, count, matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ result := count;
+ end;
+ // If rects is nil, result := the count of rects in the region.
+ // Otherwise, assume rects is big enough to hold all the region rects
+ // and fill them in and result := the number of rects filled in.
+ // The rects are result :=ed in the units specified by the matrix
+ // (which is typically a world-to-device transform).
+ // Note that the number of rects result :=ed can vary, depending on the
+ // matrix that is used.
+ function TGPRegion.GetRegionScans(matrix: TGPMatrix; rects: PGPRectF; out count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetRegionScans(nativeRegion,
+ rects,
+ count,
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.GetRegionScans(matrix: TGPMatrix; rects: PGPRect; out count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetRegionScansI(nativeRegion,
+ rects,
+ count,
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ function TGPRegion.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPRegion.Create(nativeRegion: GpRegion);
+ begin
+ SetNativeRegion(nativeRegion);
+ end;
+ procedure TGPRegion.SetNativeRegion(nativeRegion: GpRegion);
+ begin
+ self.nativeRegion := nativeRegion;
+ end;
+* GDI+ CustomLineCap APIs
+ constructor TGPCustomLineCap.Create(fillPath, strokePath: TGPGraphicsPath;
+ baseCap: TLineCap = LineCapFlat; baseInset: Single = 0);
+ var nativeFillPath, nativeStrokePath: GpPath;
+ begin
+ nativeCap := nil;
+ nativeFillPath := nil;
+ nativeStrokePath := nil;
+ if assigned(fillPath) then nativeFillPath := fillPath.nativePath;
+ if assigned(strokePath) then nativeStrokePath := strokePath.nativePath;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateCustomLineCap(nativeFillPath, nativeStrokePath,
+ baseCap, baseInset, nativeCap);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPCustomLineCap.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeleteCustomLineCap(nativeCap);
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.Clone: TGPCustomLineCap;
+ var newNativeLineCap: GpCustomLineCap;
+ begin
+ newNativeLineCap := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipCloneCustomLineCap(nativeCap, newNativeLineCap));
+ if (lastResult = Ok) then
+ begin
+ result := TGPCustomLineCap.Create(newNativeLineCap, lastResult);
+ if (result = nil) then
+ SetStatus(GdipDeleteCustomLineCap(newNativeLineCap));
+ end
+ else
+ result := nil;
+ end;
+ // This changes both the start and end cap.
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.SetStrokeCap(strokeCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStrokeCaps(strokeCap, strokeCap);
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.SetStrokeCaps(startCap, endCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps(nativeCap, startCap, endCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.GetStrokeCaps(out startCap, endCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps(nativeCap, startCap, endCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.SetStrokeJoin(lineJoin: TLineJoin): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin(nativeCap, lineJoin));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.GetStrokeJoin: TLineJoin;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin(nativeCap, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.SetBaseCap(baseCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseCap(nativeCap, baseCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.GetBaseCap: TLineCap;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseCap(nativeCap, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.SetBaseInset(inset: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseInset(nativeCap, inset));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.GetBaseInset: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseInset(nativeCap, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.SetWidthScale(widthScale: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetCustomLineCapWidthScale(nativeCap, widthScale));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.GetWidthScale: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetCustomLineCapWidthScale(nativeCap, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPCustomLineCap.Create;
+ begin
+ nativeCap := nil;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPCustomLineCap.Create(nativeCap: GpCustomLineCap; status: TStatus);
+ begin
+ lastResult := status;
+ SetNativeCap(nativeCap);
+ end;
+ procedure TGPCustomLineCap.SetNativeCap(nativeCap: GpCustomLineCap);
+ begin
+ self.nativeCap := nativeCap;
+ end;
+ function TGPCustomLineCap.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+* CachedBitmap class definition
+* GDI+ CachedBitmap is a representation of an accelerated drawing
+* that has restrictions on what operations are allowed in order
+* to accelerate the drawing to the destination.
+ constructor TGPCachedBitmap.Create(bitmap: TGPBitmap; graphics: TGPGraphics);
+ begin
+ nativeCachedBitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateCachedBitmap(
+ GpBitmap(bitmap.nativeImage),
+ graphics.nativeGraphics,
+ nativeCachedBitmap);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPCachedBitmap.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeleteCachedBitmap(nativeCachedBitmap);
+ end;
+ function TGPCachedBitmap.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Pen class
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Pen class
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constructor TGPPen.Create(color: TGPColor; width: Single = 1.0);
+ var unit_: TUnit;
+ begin
+ unit_ := UnitWorld;
+ nativePen := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreatePen1(color, width, unit_, nativePen);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPPen.Create(brush: TGPBrush; width: Single = 1.0);
+ var unit_: TUnit;
+ begin
+ unit_ := UnitWorld;
+ nativePen := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreatePen2(brush.nativeBrush, width, unit_, nativePen);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPPen.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeletePen(nativePen);
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.Clone: TGPPen;
+ var clonePen: GpPen;
+ begin
+ clonePen := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipClonePen(nativePen, clonePen);
+ result := TGPPen.Create(clonePen, lastResult);
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetWidth(width: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenWidth(nativePen, width));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetWidth: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenWidth(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ // Set/get line caps: start, end, and dash
+ // Line cap and join APIs by using LineCap and LineJoin enums.
+ function TGPPen.SetLineCap(startCap, endCap: TLineCap; dashCap: TDashCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenLineCap197819(nativePen, startCap, endCap, dashCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetStartCap(startCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenStartCap(nativePen, startCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetEndCap(endCap: TLineCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenEndCap(nativePen, endCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetDashCap(dashCap: TDashCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenDashCap197819(nativePen, dashCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetStartCap: TLineCap;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenStartCap(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetEndCap: TLineCap;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenEndCap(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetDashCap: TDashCap;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenDashCap197819(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetLineJoin(lineJoin: TLineJoin): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenLineJoin(nativePen, lineJoin));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetLineJoin: TLineJoin;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenLineJoin(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetCustomStartCap(customCap: TGPCustomLineCap): TStatus;
+ var nativeCap: GpCustomLineCap;
+ begin
+ nativeCap := nil;
+ if assigned(customCap) then nativeCap := customCap.nativeCap;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenCustomStartCap(nativePen, nativeCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetCustomStartCap(customCap: TGPCustomLineCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if(customCap = nil) then
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter)
+ else
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPenCustomStartCap(nativePen, customCap.nativeCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetCustomEndCap(customCap: TGPCustomLineCap): TStatus;
+ var nativeCap: GpCustomLineCap;
+ begin
+ nativeCap := nil;
+ if assigned(customCap) then nativeCap := customCap.nativeCap;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenCustomEndCap(nativePen, nativeCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetCustomEndCap(customCap: TGPCustomLineCap): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if(customCap = nil) then
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter)
+ else
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPenCustomEndCap(nativePen, customCap.nativeCap));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetMiterLimit(miterLimit: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenMiterLimit(nativePen, miterLimit));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetMiterLimit: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenMiterLimit(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetAlignment(penAlignment: TPenAlignment): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenMode(nativePen, penAlignment));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetAlignment: TPenAlignment;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenMode(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenTransform(nativePen, matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPenTransform(nativePen, matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipResetPenTransform(nativePen));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMultiplyPenTransform(nativePen, matrix.nativeMatrix, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslatePenTransform(nativePen, dx, dy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipScalePenTransform(nativePen, sx, sy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.RotateTransform(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipRotatePenTransform(nativePen, angle, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetPenType: TPenType;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenFillType(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetColor(color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenColor(nativePen, color));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetBrush(brush: TGPBrush): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenBrushFill(nativePen, brush.nativeBrush));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetColor(out Color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ var
+ type_: TPenType;
+ argb: DWORD;
+ begin
+ type_ := GetPenType;
+ if (type_ <> PenTypeSolidColor) then
+ begin
+ result := WrongState;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenColor(nativePen, argb));
+ if (lastResult = Ok) then color := argb;
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetBrush: TGPBrush;
+ var
+ type_: TPenType;
+ Brush: TGPBrush;
+ nativeBrush: GpBrush;
+ begin
+ type_ := GetPenType;
+ brush := nil;
+ case type_ of
+ PenTypeSolidColor : brush := TGPSolidBrush.Create;
+ PenTypeHatchFill : brush := TGPHatchBrush.Create;
+ PenTypeTextureFill : brush := TGPTextureBrush.Create;
+ PenTypePathGradient : brush := TGPBrush.Create;
+ PenTypeLinearGradient : brush := TGPLinearGradientBrush.Create;
+ end;
+ if (brush <> nil) then
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenBrushFill(nativePen, nativeBrush));
+ brush.SetNativeBrush(nativeBrush);
+ end;
+ result := brush;
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetDashStyle: TDashStyle;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenDashStyle(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetDashStyle(dashStyle: TDashStyle): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenDashStyle(nativePen, dashStyle));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetDashOffset: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenDashOffset(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetDashOffset(dashOffset: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenDashOffset(nativePen, dashOffset));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetDashPattern(dashArray: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenDashArray(nativePen, dashArray, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetDashPatternCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenDashCount(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetDashPattern(dashArray: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPenDashArray(nativePen, dashArray, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetCompoundArray(compoundArray: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPenCompoundArray(nativePen, compoundArray, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetCompoundArrayCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPenCompoundCount(nativePen, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetCompoundArray(compoundArray: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (count <= 0) then
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter)
+ else
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPenCompoundArray(nativePen, compoundArray, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPPen.Create(nativePen: GpPen; status: TStatus);
+ begin
+ lastResult := status;
+ SetNativePen(nativePen);
+ end;
+ procedure TGPPen.SetNativePen(nativePen: GpPen);
+ begin
+ self.nativePen := nativePen;
+ end;
+ function TGPPen.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Brush class
+// Abstract base class for various brush types
+ destructor TGPBrush.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeleteBrush(nativeBrush);
+ end;
+ function TGPBrush.Clone: TGPBrush;
+ var
+ brush: GpBrush;
+ newBrush: TGPBrush;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipCloneBrush(nativeBrush, brush));
+ newBrush := TGPBrush.Create(brush, lastResult);
+ if (newBrush = nil) then
+ GdipDeleteBrush(brush);
+ result := newBrush;
+ end;
+ function TGPBrush.GetType: TBrushType;
+ var type_: TBrushType;
+ begin
+ type_ := TBrushType(-1);
+ SetStatus(GdipGetBrushType(nativeBrush, type_));
+ result := type_;
+ end;
+ function TGPBrush.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBrush.Create;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBrush.Create(nativeBrush: GpBrush; status: TStatus);
+ begin
+ lastResult := status;
+ SetNativeBrush(nativeBrush);
+ end;
+ procedure TGPBrush.SetNativeBrush(nativeBrush: GpBrush);
+ begin
+ self.nativeBrush := nativeBrush;
+ end;
+ function TGPBrush.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+// Solid Fill Brush Object
+ constructor TGPSolidBrush.Create(color: TGPColor);
+ var
+ brush: GpSolidFill;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateSolidFill(color, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ function TGPSolidBrush.GetColor(out color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetSolidFillColor(GPSOLIDFILL(nativeBrush), color));
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ function TGPSolidBrush.SetColor(color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetSolidFillColor(GpSolidFill(nativeBrush),
+ color));
+ end;
+ constructor TGPSolidBrush.Create;
+ begin
+ // hide parent function
+ end;
+// Texture Brush Fill Object
+ constructor TGPTextureBrush.Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode = WrapModeTile);
+ var texture: GpTexture;
+ begin
+ //texture := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateTexture(image.nativeImage, wrapMode, texture);
+ SetNativeBrush(texture);
+ end;
+ // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
+ // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
+ // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
+ // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width
+ // and height values matter for metafiles.
+ constructor TGPTextureBrush.Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode; dstRect: TGPRectF);
+ var texture: GpTexture;
+ begin
+ texture := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateTexture2(image.nativeImage, wrapMode, dstRect.X,
+ dstRect.Y, dstRect.Width, dstRect.Height, texture);
+ SetNativeBrush(texture);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPTextureBrush.Create(image: TGPImage; dstRect: TGPRectF; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil);
+ var texture: GpTexture;
+ ImgAtt: GpImageAttributes;
+ begin
+ texture := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then ImgAtt := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr
+ else ImgAtt := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateTextureIA(image.nativeImage, ImgAtt, dstRect.X,
+ dstRect.Y, dstRect.Width, dstRect.Height, texture);
+ SetNativeBrush(texture);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPTextureBrush.Create(image: TGPImage; dstRect: TGPRect; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil);
+ var texture: GpTexture;
+ ImgAtt: GpImageAttributes;
+ begin
+ texture := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then ImgAtt := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr
+ else ImgAtt := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateTextureIAI(image.nativeImage, ImgAtt, dstRect.X,
+ dstRect.Y, dstRect.Width, dstRect.Height, texture);
+ SetNativeBrush(texture);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPTextureBrush.Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode; dstRect: TGPRect);
+ var texture: GpTexture;
+ begin
+ texture := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateTexture2I(image.nativeImage, wrapMode, dstRect.X,
+ dstRect.Y, dstRect.Width, dstRect.Height, texture);
+ SetNativeBrush(texture);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPTextureBrush.Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode; dstX, dstY, dstWidth, dstHeight: Single);
+ var texture: GpTexture;
+ begin
+ texture := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateTexture2(image.nativeImage, wrapMode, dstX, dstY,
+ dstWidth, dstHeight, texture);
+ SetNativeBrush(texture);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPTextureBrush.Create(image: TGPImage; wrapMode: TWrapMode; dstX, dstY, dstWidth, dstHeight: Integer);
+ var texture: GpTexture;
+ begin
+ texture := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateTexture2I(image.nativeImage, wrapMode, dstX, dstY,
+ dstWidth, dstHeight, texture);
+ SetNativeBrush(texture);
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetTextureTransform(GpTexture(nativeBrush),
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetTextureTransform(GpTexture(nativeBrush),
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipResetTextureTransform(GpTexture(nativeBrush)));
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMultiplyTextureTransform(GpTexture(nativeBrush),
+ matrix.nativeMatrix, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single; order: MatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateTextureTransform(GpTexture(nativeBrush),
+ dx, dy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipScaleTextureTransform(GpTexture(nativeBrush),
+ sx, sy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.RotateTransform(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipRotateTextureTransform(GpTexture(nativeBrush),
+ angle, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.SetWrapMode(wrapMode: TWrapMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetTextureWrapMode(GpTexture(nativeBrush), wrapMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.GetWrapMode: TWrapMode;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetTextureWrapMode(GpTexture(nativeBrush), result));
+ end;
+ function TGPTextureBrush.GetImage: TGPImage;
+ var image: GpImage;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetTextureImage(GpTexture(nativeBrush), image));
+ result := TGPImage.Create(image, lastResult);
+ if (result = nil) then
+ GdipDisposeImage(image);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPTextureBrush.Create;
+ begin
+ // hide parent function
+ end;
+// Linear Gradient Brush Object
+ constructor TGPLinearGradientBrush.Create(const point1, point2: TGPPointF; color1, color2: TGPColor);
+ var brush: GpLineGradient;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateLineBrush(@point1, @point2, color1, color2, WrapModeTile, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPLinearGradientBrush.Create(const point1, point2: TGPPoint; color1, color2: TGPColor);
+ var brush: GpLineGradient;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateLineBrushI(@point1, @point2, color1,
+ color2, WrapModeTile, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPLinearGradientBrush.Create(rect: TGPRectF; color1, color2: TGPColor; mode: TLinearGradientMode);
+ var brush: GpLineGradient;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect(@rect, color1,
+ color2, mode, WrapModeTile, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPLinearGradientBrush.Create(rect: TGPRect; color1, color2: TGPColor; mode: TLinearGradientMode);
+ var brush: GpLineGradient;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectI(@rect, color1,
+ color2, mode, WrapModeTile, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPLinearGradientBrush.Create(rect: TGPRectF; color1, color2: TGPColor; angle: Single; isAngleScalable: BOOL = FALSE);
+ var brush: GpLineGradient;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngle(@rect, color1,
+ color2, angle, isAngleScalable, WrapModeTile, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPLinearGradientBrush.Create(rect: TGPRect; color1, color2: TGPColor; angle: Single; isAngleScalable: BOOL = FALSE);
+ var brush: GpLineGradient;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngleI(@rect, color1,
+ color2, angle, isAngleScalable, WrapModeTile, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.SetLinearColors(color1, color2: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetLineColors(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ color1, color2));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetLinearColors(out color1, color2: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ var colors: array[0..1] of TGPColor;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetLineColors(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), @colors));
+ if (lastResult = Ok) then
+ begin
+ color1 := colors[0];
+ color2 := colors[1];
+ end;
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetRectangle(out rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetLineRect(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetRectangle(out rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetLineRectI(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.SetGammaCorrection(useGammaCorrection: BOOL): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetLineGammaCorrection(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ useGammaCorrection));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetGammaCorrection: BOOL;
+ var useGammaCorrection: BOOL;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetLineGammaCorrection(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ useGammaCorrection));
+ result := useGammaCorrection;
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetBlendCount: Integer;
+ var count: Integer;
+ begin
+ count := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetLineBlendCount(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), count));
+ result := count;
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.SetBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetLineBlend(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ blendFactors, blendPositions, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if ((count <= 0) or (blendFactors = nil) or (blendPositions = nil)) then
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter)
+ else
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetLineBlend(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), blendFactors,
+ blendPositions, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetInterpolationColorCount: Integer;
+ var count: Integer;
+ begin
+ count := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetLinePresetBlendCount(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), count));
+ result := count;
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.SetInterpolationColors(presetColors: PGPColor;
+ blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (count <= 0) then
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter)
+ else
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetLinePresetBlend(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ PARGB(presetColors), blendPositions, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetInterpolationColors(presetColors: PGPColor; blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (count <= 0) then
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter)
+ else
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetLinePresetBlend(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ PARGB(presetColors), blendPositions, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.SetBlendBellShape(focus: Single; scale: Single = 1.0): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetLineSigmaBlend(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), focus, scale));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.SetBlendTriangularShape(focus: Single; scale: Single = 1.0): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetLineLinearBlend(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), focus, scale));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetLineTransform(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetLineTransform(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipResetLineTransform(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush)));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMultiplyLineTransform(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ matrix.nativeMatrix,
+ order));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateLineTransform(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ dx, dy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipScaleLineTransform(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ sx, sy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.RotateTransform(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipRotateLineTransform(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush),
+ angle, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.SetWrapMode(wrapMode: TWrapMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetLineWrapMode(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), wrapMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPLinearGradientBrush.GetWrapMode: TWrapMode;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetLineWrapMode(GpLineGradient(nativeBrush), result));
+ end;
+ constructor TGPLinearGradientBrush.Create;
+ begin
+ // hide parent function
+ end;
+// Hatch Brush Object
+ constructor TGPHatchBrush.Create(hatchStyle: THatchStyle; foreColor: TGPColor; backColor: TGPColor = aclBlack);
+ var
+ brush: GpHatch;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateHatchBrush(Integer(hatchStyle), foreColor, backColor, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ function TGPHatchBrush.GetHatchStyle: THatchStyle;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetHatchStyle(GpHatch(nativeBrush), result));
+ end;
+ function TGPHatchBrush.GetForegroundColor(out color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetHatchForegroundColor(GpHatch(nativeBrush), color));
+ end;
+ function TGPHatchBrush.GetBackgroundColor(out color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetHatchBackgroundColor(GpHatch(nativeBrush), color));
+ end;
+ constructor TGPHatchBrush.Create;
+ begin
+ end;
+ constructor TGPImage.Create(filename: WideString;
+ useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE);
+ begin
+ nativeImage := nil;
+ if(useEmbeddedColorManagement) then
+ begin
+ lastResult := GdipLoadImageFromFileICM(
+ PWideChar(filename),
+ nativeImage
+ );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lastResult := GdipLoadImageFromFile(
+ PWideChar(filename),
+ nativeImage
+ );
+ end;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPImage.Create(stream: IStream;
+ useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE);
+ begin
+ nativeImage := nil;
+ if(useEmbeddedColorManagement) then
+ lastResult := GdipLoadImageFromStreamICM(stream, nativeImage)
+ else lastResult := GdipLoadImageFromStream(stream, nativeImage);
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.FromFile(filename: WideString;
+ useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE): TGPImage;
+ begin
+ result := TGPImage.Create(
+ PWideChar(filename),
+ useEmbeddedColorManagement
+ );
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.FromStream(stream: IStream;
+ useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE): TGPImage;
+ begin
+ result := TGPImage.Create(
+ stream,
+ useEmbeddedColorManagement
+ );
+ end;
+ destructor TGPImage.destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDisposeImage(nativeImage);
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.Clone: TGPImage;
+ var cloneimage: GpImage;
+ begin
+ cloneimage := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipCloneImage(nativeImage, cloneimage));
+ result := TGPImage.Create(cloneimage, lastResult);
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.Save(filename: WideString; const clsidEncoder: TGUID;
+ encoderParams: PEncoderParameters = nil): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSaveImageToFile(nativeImage,
+ PWideChar(filename),
+ @clsidEncoder,
+ encoderParams));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.Save(stream: IStream; const clsidEncoder: TGUID;
+ encoderParams: PEncoderParameters = nil): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSaveImageToStream(nativeImage,
+ stream,
+ @clsidEncoder,
+ encoderParams));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.SaveAdd(encoderParams: PEncoderParameters): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSaveAdd(nativeImage,
+ encoderParams));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.SaveAdd(newImage: TGPImage;
+ encoderParams: PEncoderParameters): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (newImage = nil) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSaveAddImage(nativeImage,
+ newImage.nativeImage,
+ encoderParams));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetType: TImageType;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetImageType(nativeImage, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetPhysicalDimension(out size: TGPSizeF): TStatus;
+ var
+ width, height: Single;
+ status: TStatus;
+ begin
+ status := SetStatus(GdipGetImageDimension(nativeImage, width, height));
+ size.Width := width;
+ size.Height := height;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetBounds(out srcRect: TGPRectF; out srcUnit: TUnit): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetImageBounds(nativeImage, @srcRect, srcUnit));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetWidth: UINT;
+ var width: UINT;
+ begin
+ width := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetImageWidth(nativeImage, width));
+ result := width;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetHeight: UINT;
+ var height: UINT;
+ begin
+ height := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetImageHeight(nativeImage, height));
+ result := height;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetHorizontalResolution: Single;
+ var resolution: Single;
+ begin
+ resolution := 0.0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution(nativeImage, resolution));
+ result := resolution;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetVerticalResolution: Single;
+ var resolution: Single;
+ begin
+ resolution := 0.0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetImageVerticalResolution(nativeImage, resolution));
+ result := resolution;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetFlags: UINT;
+ var flags: UINT;
+ begin
+ flags := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetImageFlags(nativeImage, flags));
+ result := flags;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetRawFormat(out format: TGUID): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetImageRawFormat(nativeImage, @format));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetImagePixelFormat(nativeImage, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetPaletteSize: Integer;
+ var size: Integer;
+ begin
+ size := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetImagePaletteSize(nativeImage, size));
+ result := size;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetPalette(palette: PColorPalette; size: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetImagePalette(nativeImage, palette, size));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.SetPalette(palette: PColorPalette): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetImagePalette(nativeImage, palette));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetThumbnailImage(thumbWidth, thumbHeight: UINT;
+ callback: GetThumbnailImageAbort = nil;
+ callbackData: pointer = nil): TGPImage;
+ var
+ thumbimage: GpImage;
+ newImage: TGPImage;
+ begin
+ thumbimage := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetImageThumbnail(nativeImage,
+ thumbWidth, thumbHeight,
+ thumbimage,
+ callback, callbackData));
+ newImage := TGPImage.Create(thumbimage, lastResult);
+ if (newImage = nil) then
+ GdipDisposeImage(thumbimage);
+ result := newImage;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetFrameDimensionsCount: UINT;
+ var count: UINT;
+ begin
+ count := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount(nativeImage, count));
+ result := count;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetFrameDimensionsList(dimensionIDs: PGUID; count: UINT): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList(nativeImage, dimensionIDs, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetFrameCount(const dimensionID: TGUID): UINT;
+ var count: UINT;
+ begin
+ count := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipImageGetFrameCount(nativeImage, @dimensionID, count));
+ result := count;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.SelectActiveFrame(const dimensionID: TGUID; frameIndex: UINT): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipImageSelectActiveFrame(nativeImage,
+ @dimensionID,
+ frameIndex));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.RotateFlip(rotateFlipType: TRotateFlipType): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipImageRotateFlip(nativeImage,
+ rotateFlipType));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetPropertyCount: UINT;
+ var numProperty: UINT;
+ begin
+ numProperty := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPropertyCount(nativeImage, numProperty));
+ result := numProperty;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetPropertyIdList(numOfProperty: UINT; list: PPropID): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPropertyIdList(nativeImage, numOfProperty, list));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetPropertyItemSize(propId: PROPID): UINT;
+ var size: UINT;
+ begin
+ size := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPropertyItemSize(nativeImage, propId, size));
+ result := size;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetPropertyItem(propId: PROPID; propSize: UINT;
+ buffer: PPropertyItem): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPropertyItem(nativeImage,
+ propId, propSize, buffer));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetPropertySize(out totalBufferSize, numProperties : UINT): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPropertySize(nativeImage,
+ totalBufferSize,
+ numProperties));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetAllPropertyItems(totalBufferSize, numProperties: UINT;
+ allItems: PPROPERTYITEM): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetAllPropertyItems(nativeImage,
+ totalBufferSize,
+ numProperties,
+ allItems));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.RemovePropertyItem(propId: TPROPID): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipRemovePropertyItem(nativeImage, propId));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.SetPropertyItem(const item: TPropertyItem): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPropertyItem(nativeImage, @item));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetEncoderParameterListSize(const clsidEncoder: TGUID): UINT;
+ var size: UINT;
+ begin
+ size := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize(nativeImage, @clsidEncoder, size));
+ result := size;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetEncoderParameterList(const clsidEncoder: TGUID; size: UINT;
+ buffer: PEncoderParameters): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetEncoderParameterList(nativeImage,
+ @clsidEncoder,
+ size,
+ buffer));
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPImage.Create(nativeImage: GpImage; status: TStatus);
+ begin
+ SetNativeImage(nativeImage);
+ lastResult := status;
+ end;
+ procedure TGPImage.SetNativeImage(nativeImage: GpImage);
+ begin
+ self.nativeImage := nativeImage;
+ end;
+ function TGPImage.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ // TGPBitmap
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(filename: WideString; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ if(useEmbeddedColorManagement) then
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromFileICM(PWideChar(filename), bitmap)
+ else
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromFile(PWideChar(filename), bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(stream: IStream; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ if(useEmbeddedColorManagement) then
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM(stream, bitmap)
+ else
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromStream(stream, bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.FromFile(filename: WideString; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE): TGPBitmap;
+ begin
+ result := TGPBitmap.Create(
+ PWideChar(filename),
+ useEmbeddedColorManagement
+ );
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.FromStream(stream: IStream; useEmbeddedColorManagement: BOOL = FALSE): TGPBitmap;
+ begin
+ result := TGPBitmap.Create(
+ stream,
+ useEmbeddedColorManagement
+ );
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(width, height, stride: Integer; format: TPixelFormat; scan0: PBYTE);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(width,
+ height,
+ stride,
+ format,
+ scan0,
+ bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(width, height: Integer; format: TPixelFormat = PixelFormat32bppARGB);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(width,
+ height,
+ 0,
+ format,
+ nil,
+ bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(width, height: Integer; target: TGPGraphics);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics(width,
+ height,
+ target.nativeGraphics,
+ bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.Clone(rect: TGPRect; format: TPixelFormat): TGPBitmap;
+ begin
+ result := Clone(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, format);
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.Clone(x, y, width, height: Integer; format: TPixelFormat): TGPBitmap;
+ var
+ bitmap: TGPBitmap;
+ gpdstBitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ gpdstBitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCloneBitmapAreaI(
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ format,
+ GpBitmap(nativeImage),
+ gpdstBitmap);
+ if (lastResult = Ok) then
+ begin
+ bitmap := TGPBitmap.Create(gpdstBitmap);
+ if (bitmap = nil) then
+ GdipDisposeImage(gpdstBitmap);
+ result := bitmap;
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ result := nil;
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.Clone(rect: TGPRectF; format: TPixelFormat): TGPBitmap;
+ begin
+ result := Clone(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, format);
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.Clone(x, y, width, height: Single; format: TPixelFormat): TGPBitmap;
+ var
+ bitmap: TGPBitmap;
+ gpdstBitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ gpdstBitmap := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipCloneBitmapArea(
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ format,
+ GpBitmap(nativeImage),
+ gpdstBitmap));
+ if (lastResult = Ok) then
+ begin
+ bitmap := TGPBitmap.Create(gpdstBitmap);
+ if (bitmap = nil) then
+ GdipDisposeImage(gpdstBitmap);
+ result := bitmap;
+ end
+ else
+ result := nil;
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.LockBits(rect: TGPRect; flags: UINT; format: TPixelFormat;
+ out lockedBitmapData: TBitmapData): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipBitmapLockBits(
+ GpBitmap(nativeImage),
+ @rect,
+ flags,
+ format,
+ @lockedBitmapData));
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.UnlockBits(var lockedBitmapData: TBitmapData): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipBitmapUnlockBits(
+ GpBitmap(nativeImage),
+ @lockedBitmapData));
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.GetPixel(x, y: Integer; out color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipBitmapGetPixel(GpBitmap(nativeImage), x, y, color));
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.SetPixel(x, y: Integer; color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipBitmapSetPixel(
+ GpBitmap(nativeImage),
+ x, y,
+ color));
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.SetResolution(xdpi, ydpi: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipBitmapSetResolution(
+ GpBitmap(nativeImage),
+ xdpi, ydpi));
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(surface: IDirectDrawSurface7);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromDirectDrawSurface(surface, bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(var gdiBitmapInfo: TBITMAPINFO; gdiBitmapData: Pointer);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromGdiDib(@gdiBitmapInfo, gdiBitmapData, bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(hbm: HBITMAP; hpal: HPALETTE);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hbm, hpal, bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(hicon: HICON);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON(hicon, bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(hInstance: HMODULE; bitmapName: WideString);
+ var bitmap: GpBitmap;
+ begin
+ bitmap := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateBitmapFromResource(hInstance, PWideChar(bitmapName), bitmap);
+ SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.FromDirectDrawSurface7(surface: IDirectDrawSurface7): TGPBitmap;
+ begin
+ result := TGPBitmap.Create(surface);
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.FromBITMAPINFO(var gdiBitmapInfo: TBITMAPINFO; gdiBitmapData: Pointer): TGPBitmap;
+ begin
+ result := TGPBitmap.Create(gdiBitmapInfo, gdiBitmapData);
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.FromHBITMAP(hbm: HBITMAP; hpal: HPALETTE): TGPBitmap;
+ begin
+ result := TGPBitmap.Create(hbm, hpal);
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.FromHICON(hicon: HICON): TGPBitmap;
+ begin
+ result := TGPBitmap.Create(hicon);
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.FromResource(hInstance: HMODULE; bitmapName: WideString): TGPBitmap;
+ begin
+ result := TGPBitmap.Create(hInstance, PWideChar(bitmapName));
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.GetHBITMAP(colorBackground: TGPColor; out hbmreturn: HBITMAP): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(
+ GpBitmap(nativeImage),
+ hbmreturn,
+ colorBackground));
+ end;
+ function TGPBitmap.GetHICON(out hicon: HICON): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap(
+ GpBitmap(nativeImage),
+ hicon));
+ end;
+ constructor TGPBitmap.Create(nativeBitmap: GpBitmap);
+ begin
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ SetNativeImage(nativeBitmap);
+ end;
+* GDI+ Graphics Object
+ function TGPGraphics.FromHDC(hdc: HDC): TGPGraphics;
+ begin
+ result := TGPGraphics.Create(hdc);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FromHDC(hdc: HDC; hdevice: THANDLE): TGPGraphics;
+ begin
+ result := TGPGraphics.Create(hdc, hdevice);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FromHWND(hwnd: HWND; icm: BOOL = FALSE): TGPGraphics;
+ begin
+ result := TGPGraphics.Create(hwnd, icm);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FromImage(image: TGPImage): TGPGraphics;
+ begin
+ result := TGPGraphics.Create(image);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPGraphics.Create(hdc: HDC);
+ var graphics: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ graphics:= nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, graphics);
+ SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPGraphics.Create(hdc: HDC; hdevice: THANDLE);
+ var graphics: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ graphics:= nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFromHDC2(hdc, hdevice, graphics);
+ SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPGraphics.Create(hwnd: HWND; icm: BOOL{ = FALSE});
+ var graphics: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ graphics:= nil;
+ if icm then lastResult := GdipCreateFromHWNDICM(hwnd, graphics)
+ else lastResult := GdipCreateFromHWND(hwnd, graphics);
+ SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPGraphics.Create(image: TGPImage);
+ var graphics: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ graphics:= nil;
+ if (image <> nil) then
+ lastResult := GdipGetImageGraphicsContext(image.nativeImage, graphics);
+ SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPGraphics.destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeleteGraphics(nativeGraphics);
+ end;
+ procedure TGPGraphics.Flush(intention: TFlushIntention = FlushIntentionFlush);
+ begin
+ GdipFlush(nativeGraphics, intention);
+ end;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // GDI Interop methods
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Locks the graphics until ReleaseDC is called
+ function TGPGraphics.GetHDC: HDC;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetDC(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ procedure TGPGraphics.ReleaseHDC(hdc: HDC);
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipReleaseDC(nativeGraphics, hdc));
+ end;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Rendering modes
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function TGPGraphics.SetRenderingOrigin(x, y: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetRenderingOrigin(nativeGraphics, x, y));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetRenderingOrigin(out x, y: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetRenderingOrigin(nativeGraphics, x, y));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetCompositingMode(compositingMode: TCompositingMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetCompositingMode(nativeGraphics,
+ compositingMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetCompositingMode: TCompositingMode;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetCompositingMode(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetCompositingQuality(compositingQuality: TCompositingQuality): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetCompositingQuality( nativeGraphics, compositingQuality));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetCompositingQuality: TCompositingQuality;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetCompositingQuality(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetTextRenderingHint(newMode: TTextRenderingHint): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetTextRenderingHint(nativeGraphics, newMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetTextRenderingHint: TTextRenderingHint;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetTextRenderingHint(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetTextContrast(contrast: UINT): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetTextContrast(nativeGraphics, contrast));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetTextContrast: UINT;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetTextContrast(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetInterpolationMode: TInterpolationMode;
+ var mode: TInterpolationMode;
+ begin
+ mode := InterpolationModeInvalid;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetInterpolationMode(nativeGraphics, mode));
+ result := mode;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetInterpolationMode(interpolationMode: TInterpolationMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetInterpolationMode(nativeGraphics,
+ interpolationMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetSmoothingMode: TSmoothingMode;
+ var smoothingMode: TSmoothingMode;
+ begin
+ smoothingMode := SmoothingModeInvalid;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetSmoothingMode(nativeGraphics, smoothingMode));
+ result := smoothingMode;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetSmoothingMode(smoothingMode: TSmoothingMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetSmoothingMode(nativeGraphics, smoothingMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetPixelOffsetMode: TPixelOffsetMode;
+ var pixelOffsetMode: TPixelOffsetMode;
+ begin
+ pixelOffsetMode := PixelOffsetModeInvalid;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPixelOffsetMode(nativeGraphics, pixelOffsetMode));
+ result := pixelOffsetMode;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetPixelOffsetMode(pixelOffsetMode: TPixelOffsetMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPixelOffsetMode(nativeGraphics, pixelOffsetMode));
+ end;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Manipulate current world transform
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function TGPGraphics.SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics, matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipResetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMultiplyWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+ matrix.nativeMatrix,
+ order));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+ dx, dy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipScaleWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+ sx, sy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.RotateTransform(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipRotateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+ angle, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetPageUnit(unit_: TUnit): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPageUnit(nativeGraphics,
+ unit_));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetPageScale(scale: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPageScale(nativeGraphics,
+ scale));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetPageUnit: TUnit;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPageUnit(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetPageScale: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPageScale(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetDpiX: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetDpiX(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetDpiY: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetDpiY(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.TransformPoints(destSpace: TCoordinateSpace;
+ srcSpace: TCoordinateSpace;
+ pts: PGPPointF;
+ count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTransformPoints(nativeGraphics,
+ destSpace,
+ srcSpace,
+ pts,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.TransformPoints(destSpace: TCoordinateSpace;
+ srcSpace: TCoordinateSpace;
+ pts: PGPPoint;
+ count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTransformPointsI(nativeGraphics,
+ destSpace,
+ srcSpace,
+ pts,
+ count));
+ end;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // GetNearestColor (for <= 8bpp surfaces). Note: Alpha is ignored.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function TGPGraphics.GetNearestColor(var color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetNearestColor(nativeGraphics, @color));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawLine(pen: TGPPen; x1, y1, x2, y2: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawLine(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen, x1, y1, x2,
+ y2));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawLine(pen: TGPPen; const pt1, pt2: TGPPointF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawLine(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawLines(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawLines(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawLine(pen: TGPPen; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawLineI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ x1,
+ y1,
+ x2,
+ y2));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawLine(pen: TGPPen; const pt1, pt2: TGPPoint): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawLine(pen,
+ pt1.X,
+ pt1.Y,
+ pt2.X,
+ pt2.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawLines(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawLinesI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawArc(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawArc(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawArc(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawArc(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawArc(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Integer; startAngle,
+ sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawArcI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawArc(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawArc(pen,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawBezier(pen: TGPPen; x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawBezier(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen, x1, y1,
+ x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawBezier(pen: TGPPen; const pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TGPPointF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawBezier(pen,
+ pt1.X,
+ pt1.Y,
+ pt2.X,
+ pt2.Y,
+ pt3.X,
+ pt3.Y,
+ pt4.X,
+ pt4.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawBeziers(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawBeziers(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawBezier(pen: TGPPen; x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawBezierI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ x1,
+ y1,
+ x2,
+ y2,
+ x3,
+ y3,
+ x4,
+ y4));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawBezier(pen: TGPPen; const pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TGPPoint): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawBezier(pen,
+ pt1.X,
+ pt1.Y,
+ pt2.X,
+ pt2.Y,
+ pt3.X,
+ pt3.Y,
+ pt4.X,
+ pt4.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawBeziers(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawBeziersI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawRectangle(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawRectangle(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawRectangle(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen, x, y,
+ width, height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawRectangles(pen: TGPPen; rects: PGPRectF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawRectangles(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ rects, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawRectangle(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawRectangle(pen,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawRectangle(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawRectangleI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawRectangles(pen: TGPPen; rects: PGPRect; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawRectanglesI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ rects,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawEllipse(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawEllipse(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawEllipse(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawEllipse(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawEllipse(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawEllipse(pen,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawEllipse(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawEllipseI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawPie(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawPie(pen,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawPie(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawPie(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawPie(pen: TGPPen; const rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawPie(pen,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawPie(pen: TGPPen; x, y, width, height: Integer;
+ startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawPieI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawPolygon(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawPolygon(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawPolygon(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawPolygonI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawPath(pen: TGPPen; path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ var
+ nPen: GpPen;
+ nPath: GpPath;
+ begin
+ if assigned(pen) then nPen := pen.nativePen else nPen := nil;
+ if assigned(path) then nPath := path.nativePath else nPath := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawPath(nativeGraphics, nPen, nPath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen, points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve2(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen, points,
+ count, tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count, offset,
+ numberOfSegments: Integer; tension: Single = 0.5): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen, points,
+ count, offset,
+ numberOfSegments, tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawCurveI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve2I(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count,
+ tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count, offset,
+ numberOfSegments: Integer; tension: Single = 0.5): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawCurve3I(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count,
+ offset,
+ numberOfSegments,
+ tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawClosedCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurve(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawClosedCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer;
+ tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points, count,
+ tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawClosedCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurveI(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawClosedCurve(pen: TGPPen; points: PGPPoint;
+ count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics,
+ pen.nativePen,
+ points,
+ count,
+ tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.Clear(color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGraphicsClear(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ color));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillRectangle(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := FillRectangle(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillRectangle(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillRectangle(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush, x, y,
+ width, height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillRectangles(brush: TGPBrush; rects: PGPRectF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillRectangles(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ rects, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillRectangle(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := FillRectangle(brush,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillRectangle(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillRectangleI(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillRectangles(brush: TGPBrush; rects: PGPRect; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillRectanglesI(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ rects,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillPolygon(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := FillPolygon(brush, points, count, FillModeAlternate);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillPolygon(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer;
+ fillMode: TFillMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillPolygon(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ points, count, fillMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillPolygon(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := FillPolygon(brush, points, count, FillModeAlternate);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillPolygon(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer;
+ fillMode: TFillMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillPolygonI(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ points, count,
+ fillMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillEllipse(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := FillEllipse(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillEllipse(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillEllipse(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush, x, y,
+ width, height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillEllipse(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := FillEllipse(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillEllipse(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillEllipseI(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillPie(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := FillPie(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillPie(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillPie(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush, x, y,
+ width, height, startAngle,
+ sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillPie(brush: TGPBrush; const rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := FillPie(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillPie(brush: TGPBrush; x, y, width, height: Integer; startAngle,
+ sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillPieI(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillPath(brush: TGPBrush; path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillPath(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ path.nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillClosedCurve(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillClosedCurve(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPointF; count: Integer;
+ fillMode: TFillMode; tension: Single = 0.5): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ points, count,
+ tension, fillMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillClosedCurve(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurveI(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillClosedCurve(brush: TGPBrush; points: PGPPoint;
+ count: Integer; fillMode: TFillMode; tension: Single = 0.5): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ points, count,
+ tension, fillMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.FillRegion(brush: TGPBrush; region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFillRegion(nativeGraphics,
+ brush.nativeBrush,
+ region.nativeRegion));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawString( string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRect: TGPRectF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; brush: TGPBrush): TStatus;
+ var
+ nFont: GpFont;
+ nStringFormat: GpStringFormat;
+ nBrush: GpBrush;
+ begin
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ if assigned(stringFormat) then nstringFormat := stringFormat.nativeFormat else nstringFormat := nil;
+ if assigned(brush) then nbrush := brush.nativeBrush else nbrush := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ PWideChar(string_),
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ @layoutRect,
+ nstringFormat,
+ nbrush));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const origin: TGPPointF; brush: TGPBrush): TStatus;
+ var
+ rect: TGPRectF;
+ nfont: Gpfont;
+ nBrush: GpBrush;
+ begin
+ rect.X := origin.X;
+ rect.Y := origin.Y;
+ rect.Width := 0.0;
+ rect.Height := 0.0;
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ if assigned(Brush) then nBrush := Brush.nativeBrush else nBrush := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ PWideChar(string_),
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ @rect,
+ nil,
+ nbrush));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const origin: TGPPointF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; brush: TGPBrush): TStatus;
+ var
+ rect: TGPRectF;
+ nFont: GpFont;
+ nStringFormat: GpStringFormat;
+ nBrush: GpBrush;
+ begin
+ rect.X := origin.X;
+ rect.Y := origin.Y;
+ rect.Width := 0.0;
+ rect.Height := 0.0;
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ if assigned(stringFormat) then nstringFormat := stringFormat.nativeFormat else nstringFormat := nil;
+ if assigned(brush) then nbrush := brush.nativeBrush else nbrush := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ PWideChar(string_),
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ @rect,
+ nstringFormat,
+ nbrush));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.MeasureString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRect: TGPRectF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; out boundingBox: TGPRectF;
+ codepointsFitted: PInteger = nil; linesFilled: PInteger = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nFont: GpFont;
+ nStringFormat: GpStringFormat;
+ begin
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ if assigned(stringFormat) then nstringFormat := stringFormat.nativeFormat else nstringFormat := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ PWideChar(string_),
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ @layoutRect,
+ nstringFormat,
+ @boundingBox,
+ codepointsFitted,
+ linesFilled
+ ));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.MeasureString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRectSize: TGPSizeF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; out size: TGPSizeF;
+ codepointsFitted: PInteger = nil; linesFilled: PInteger = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ layoutRect, boundingBox: TGPRectF;
+ status: TStatus;
+ nFont: GpFont;
+ nStringFormat: GpStringFormat;
+ begin
+ layoutRect.X := 0;
+ layoutRect.Y := 0;
+ layoutRect.Width := layoutRectSize.Width;
+ layoutRect.Height := layoutRectSize.Height;
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ if assigned(stringFormat) then nstringFormat := stringFormat.nativeFormat else nstringFormat := nil;
+ status := SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ PWideChar(string_),
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ @layoutRect,
+ nstringFormat,
+ @boundingBox,
+ codepointsFitted,
+ linesFilled
+ ));
+ if (status = Ok) then
+ begin
+ size.Width := boundingBox.Width;
+ size.Height := boundingBox.Height;
+ end;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.MeasureString(string_: WideString ; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const origin: TGPPointF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; out boundingBox: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ var
+ rect: TGPRectF;
+ nFont: GpFont;
+ nstringFormat: GpstringFormat;
+ begin
+ rect.X := origin.X;
+ rect.Y := origin.Y;
+ rect.Width := 0.0;
+ rect.Height := 0.0;
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ if assigned(stringFormat) then nstringFormat := stringFormat.nativeFormat else nstringFormat := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ PWideChar(string_),
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ @rect,
+ nstringFormat,
+ @boundingBox,
+ nil,
+ nil
+ ));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.MeasureString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRect: TGPRectF; out boundingBox: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ var
+ nFont: GpFont;
+ begin
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ PWideChar(string_),
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ @layoutRect,
+ nil,
+ @boundingBox,
+ nil,
+ nil
+ ));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.MeasureString(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const origin: TGPPointF; out boundingBox: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ var
+ nFont: GpFont;
+ rect: TGPRectF;
+ begin
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ rect.X := origin.X;
+ rect.Y := origin.Y;
+ rect.Width := 0.0;
+ rect.Height := 0.0;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMeasureString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ PWideChar(string_),
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ @rect,
+ nil,
+ @boundingBox,
+ nil,
+ nil
+ ));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.MeasureCharacterRanges(string_: WideString; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ const layoutRect: TGPRectF; stringFormat: TGPStringFormat; regionCount: Integer;
+ const regions: array of TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ var
+ nativeRegions: Pointer;
+ i: Integer;
+ Status: TStatus;
+ nFont: GpFont;
+ nstringFormat: GpstringFormat;
+ type
+ TArrayGpRegion = array of GpRegion;
+ begin
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ if assigned(stringFormat) then nstringFormat := stringFormat.nativeFormat else nstringFormat := nil;
+ if (regionCount <= 0) then
+ begin
+ result := InvalidParameter;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ getmem(nativeRegions, Sizeof(GpRegion)* regionCount);
+ for i := 0 to regionCount - 1 do
+ TArrayGpRegion(nativeRegions)[i] := regions[i].nativeRegion;
+ status := SetStatus(GdipMeasureCharacterRanges(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ PWideChar(string_),
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ @layoutRect,
+ nstringFormat,
+ regionCount,
+ nativeRegions
+ ));
+ freemem(nativeRegions, Sizeof(GpRegion)* regionCount);
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawDriverString(text: PUINT16; length: Integer; font: TGPFont
+ ; brush: TGPBrush; positions: PGPPointF; flags: Integer
+ ; matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ var
+ nfont: Gpfont;
+ nbrush: Gpbrush;
+ nmatrix: Gpmatrix;
+ begin
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ if assigned(brush) then nbrush := brush.nativeBrush else nbrush := nil;
+ if assigned(matrix) then nmatrix := matrix.nativeMatrix else nmatrix := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawDriverString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ text,
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ nbrush,
+ positions,
+ flags,
+ nmatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.MeasureDriverString(text: PUINT16; length: Integer; font: TGPFont;
+ positions: PGPPointF; flags: Integer; matrix: TGPMatrix;
+ out boundingBox: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ var
+ nfont: Gpfont;
+ nmatrix: Gpmatrix;
+ begin
+ if assigned(font) then nfont := font.nativeFont else nfont := nil;
+ if assigned(matrix) then nmatrix := matrix.nativeMatrix else nmatrix := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMeasureDriverString(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ text,
+ length,
+ nfont,
+ positions,
+ flags,
+ nmatrix,
+ @boundingBox
+ ));
+ end;
+ // Draw a cached bitmap on this graphics destination offset by
+ // x, y. Note this will fail with WrongState if the CachedBitmap
+ // native format differs from this Graphics.
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawCachedBitmap(cb: TGPCachedBitmap; x, y: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawCachedBitmap(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ cb.nativeCachedBitmap,
+ x, y
+ ));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const point: TGPPointF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawImage(image, point.X, point.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y: Single): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImage(nativeGraphics, nImage, x, y));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawImage(image, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRect(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const point: TGPPoint): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawImage(image, point.X, point.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y: Integer): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then
+ nImage := Image.nativeImage
+ else
+ nImage := nil;
+ if Assigned(nImage) then
+ begin
+ if Image.lastResult<>win32Error then
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImageI(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ x,
+ y))
+ else
+ result := GdiplusNotInitialized;
+ end
+ else
+ result := GdiplusNotInitialized;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := DrawImage(image,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRectI(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height));
+ end;
+ // Affine Draw Image
+ // destPoints.length = 3: rect => parallelogram
+ // destPoints[0] <=> top-left corner of the source rectangle
+ // destPoints[1] <=> top-right corner
+ // destPoints[2] <=> bottom-left corner
+ // destPoints.length = 4: rect => quad
+ // destPoints[3] <=> bottom-right corner
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; destPoints: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ begin
+ if (((count <> 3) and (count <> 4)) or (destPoints = nil)) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePoints(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ destPoints, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; destPoints: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ begin
+ if (((count <> 3) and (count <> 4))or (destPoints = nil)) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointsI(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ destPoints,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight: Single;
+ srcUnit: TUnit): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointRect(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ x, y,
+ srcx, srcy,
+ srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const destRect: TGPRectF; srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight: Single;
+ srcUnit: TUnit; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil; callback: DrawImageAbort = nil;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRectRect(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ destRect.X,
+ destRect.Y,
+ destRect.Width,
+ destRect.Height,
+ srcx, srcy,
+ srcwidth, srcheight,
+ srcUnit,
+ nimageAttributes,
+ callback,
+ callbackData));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; destPoints: PGPPointF; count: Integer;
+ srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight: Single; srcUnit: TUnit;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil; callback: DrawImageAbort = nil;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointsRect(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ destPoints, count,
+ srcx, srcy,
+ srcwidth,
+ srcheight,
+ srcUnit,
+ nimageAttributes,
+ callback,
+ callbackData));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; x, y, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight: Integer;
+ srcUnit: TUnit): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointRectI(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ x,
+ y,
+ srcx,
+ srcy,
+ srcwidth,
+ srcheight,
+ srcUnit));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; const destRect: TGPRect; srcx, srcy, srcwidth,
+ srcheight: Integer; srcUnit: TUnit; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil;
+ callback: DrawImageAbort = nil; callbackData: Pointer = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImageRectRectI(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ destRect.X,
+ destRect.Y,
+ destRect.Width,
+ destRect.Height,
+ srcx,
+ srcy,
+ srcwidth,
+ srcheight,
+ srcUnit,
+ nimageAttributes,
+ callback,
+ callbackData));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.DrawImage(image: TGPImage; destPoints: PGPPoint;
+ count, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight: Integer; srcUnit: TUnit;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil; callback: DrawImageAbort = nil;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nImage: GpImage;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Image) then nImage := Image.nativeImage else nImage := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipDrawImagePointsRectI(nativeGraphics,
+ nimage,
+ destPoints,
+ count,
+ srcx,
+ srcy,
+ srcwidth,
+ srcheight,
+ srcUnit,
+ nimageAttributes,
+ callback,
+ callbackData));
+ end;
+ // The following methods are for playing an EMF+ to a graphics
+ // via the enumeration interface. Each record of the EMF+ is
+ // sent to the callback (along with the callbackData). Then
+ // the callback can invoke the Metafile::PlayRecord method
+ // to play the particular record.
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destPoint: TGPPointF;
+ callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ @destPoint,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destPoint: TGPPoint;
+ callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ @destPoint,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destRect: TGPRectF;
+ callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ @destRect,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destRect: TGPRect;
+ callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ @destRect,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; destPoints: PGPPointF;
+ count: Integer; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ destPoints,
+ count,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; destPoints: PGPPoint;
+ count: Integer; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData: Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ destPoints,
+ count,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destPoint: TGPPointF;
+ const srcRect: TGPRectF; srcUnit: TUnit; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData: pointer = nil; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ @destPoint,
+ @srcRect,
+ srcUnit,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile : TGPMetafile; const destPoint : TGPPoint;
+ const srcRect : TGPRect; srcUnit : TUnit; callback : EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData : Pointer = nil; imageAttributes : TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ @destPoint,
+ @srcRect,
+ srcUnit,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; const destRect: TGPRectF;
+ const srcRect: TGPRectF; srcUnit: TUnit; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ @destRect,
+ @srcRect,
+ srcUnit,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile : TGPMetafile; const destRect, srcRect: TGPRect;
+ srcUnit : TUnit; callback : EnumerateMetafileProc; callbackData : Pointer = nil;
+ imageAttributes : TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ @destRect,
+ @srcRect,
+ srcUnit,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile( metafile: TGPMetafile; destPoints: PGPPointF;
+ count: Integer; const srcRect: TGPRectF; srcUnit: TUnit; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ destPoints,
+ count,
+ @srcRect,
+ srcUnit,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafile(metafile: TGPMetafile; destPoints: PGPPoint;
+ count: Integer; const srcRect: TGPRect; srcUnit: TUnit; callback: EnumerateMetafileProc;
+ callbackData: Pointer = nil; imageAttributes: TGPImageAttributes = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nMetafile: GpMetafile;
+ nimageAttributes: GpimageAttributes;
+ begin
+ if assigned(Metafile) then nMetafile := GpMetafile(Metafile.nativeImage) else nMetafile := nil;
+ if assigned(imageAttributes) then nimageAttributes := imageAttributes.nativeImageAttr else nimageAttributes := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI(
+ nativeGraphics,
+ nmetafile,
+ destPoints,
+ count,
+ @srcRect,
+ srcUnit,
+ callback,
+ callbackData,
+ nimageAttributes));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetClip(g: TGPGraphics; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipGraphics(nativeGraphics,
+ g.nativeGraphics,
+ combineMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetClip(rect: TGPRectF; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics,
+ rect.X, rect.Y,
+ rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ combineMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetClip(rect: TGPRect; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics,
+ rect.X, rect.Y,
+ rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ combineMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetClip(path: TGPGraphicsPath; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipPath(nativeGraphics,
+ path.nativePath,
+ combineMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetClip(region: TGPRegion; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics,
+ region.nativeRegion,
+ combineMode));
+ end;
+ // This is different than the other SetClip methods because it assumes
+ // that the HRGN is already in device units, so it doesn't transform
+ // the coordinates in the HRGN.
+ function TGPGraphics.SetClip(hRgn: HRGN; combineMode: TCombineMode = CombineModeReplace): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipHrgn(nativeGraphics, hRgn,
+ combineMode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IntersectClip(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics,
+ rect.X, rect.Y,
+ rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ CombineModeIntersect));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IntersectClip(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics,
+ rect.X, rect.Y,
+ rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ CombineModeIntersect));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IntersectClip(region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics,
+ region.nativeRegion,
+ CombineModeIntersect));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.ExcludeClip(const rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics,
+ rect.X, rect.Y,
+ rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ CombineModeExclude));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.ExcludeClip(const rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics,
+ rect.X, rect.Y,
+ rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ CombineModeExclude));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.ExcludeClip(region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics,
+ region.nativeRegion,
+ CombineModeExclude));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.ResetClip: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipResetClip(nativeGraphics));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.TranslateClip(dx, dy: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateClip(nativeGraphics, dx, dy));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.TranslateClip(dx, dy: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslateClipI(nativeGraphics,
+ dx, dy));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetClip(region: TGPRegion): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetClip(nativeGraphics,
+ region.nativeRegion));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetClipBounds(out rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetClipBounds(nativeGraphics, @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetClipBounds(out rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetClipBoundsI(nativeGraphics, @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsClipEmpty: Bool;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsClipEmpty(nativeGraphics, @booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetVisibleClipBounds(out rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetVisibleClipBounds(nativeGraphics, @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetVisibleClipBounds(out rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetVisibleClipBoundsI(nativeGraphics, @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsVisibleClipEmpty: BOOL;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleClipEmpty(nativeGraphics, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsVisible(x, y: Integer): BOOL;
+ var pt: TGPPoint;
+ begin
+ pt.X := x; pt.Y := y;
+ result := IsVisible(pt);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsVisible(const point: TGPPoint): BOOL;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisiblePointI(nativeGraphics,
+ point.X,
+ point.Y,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsVisible(x, y, width, height: Integer): BOOL;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := TRUE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRectI(nativeGraphics,
+ X,
+ Y,
+ Width,
+ Height,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsVisible(const rect: TGPRect): BOOL;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := TRUE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRectI(nativeGraphics,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsVisible(x, y: Single): BOOL;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisiblePoint(nativeGraphics,
+ X,
+ Y,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsVisible(const point: TGPPointF): BOOL;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisiblePoint(nativeGraphics,
+ point.X,
+ point.Y,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsVisible(x, y, width, height: Single): BOOL;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := TRUE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRect(nativeGraphics,
+ X,
+ Y,
+ Width,
+ Height,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.IsVisible(const rect: TGPRectF): BOOL;
+ var booln: BOOL;
+ begin
+ booln := TRUE;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisibleRect(nativeGraphics,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height,
+ booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.Save: GraphicsState;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipSaveGraphics(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.Restore(gstate: GraphicsState): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipRestoreGraphics(nativeGraphics,
+ gstate));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.BeginContainer(const dstrect,srcrect: TGPRectF; unit_: TUnit): GraphicsContainer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipBeginContainer(nativeGraphics, @dstrect,
+ @srcrect, unit_, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.BeginContainer(const dstrect, srcrect: TGPRect; unit_: TUnit): GraphicsContainer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipBeginContainerI(nativeGraphics, @dstrect,
+ @srcrect, unit_, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.BeginContainer: GraphicsContainer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipBeginContainer2(nativeGraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.EndContainer(state: GraphicsContainer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipEndContainer(nativeGraphics, state));
+ end;
+ // Only valid when recording metafiles.
+ function TGPGraphics.AddMetafileComment(data: PBYTE; sizeData: UINT): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipComment(nativeGraphics, sizeData, data));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetHalftonePalette: HPALETTE;
+ begin
+ result := GdipCreateHalftonePalette;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPGraphics.Create(graphics: GpGraphics);
+ begin
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+ end;
+ procedure TGPGraphics.SetNativeGraphics(graphics: GpGraphics);
+ begin
+ self.nativeGraphics := graphics;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetNativeGraphics: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ result := self.nativeGraphics;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphics.GetNativePen(pen: TGPPen): GpPen;
+ begin
+ result := pen.nativePen;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Font Family class
+ constructor TGPFontFamily.Create;
+ begin
+ nativeFamily := nil;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPFontFamily.Create(name: WideString; fontCollection: TGPFontCollection = nil);
+ var nfontCollection: GpfontCollection;
+ begin
+ nativeFamily := nil;
+ if assigned(fontCollection) then nfontCollection := fontCollection.nativeFontCollection else nfontCollection := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(PWideChar(name), nfontCollection, nativeFamily);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPFontFamily.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeleteFontFamily (nativeFamily);
+ end;
+ class function TGPFontFamily.GenericSansSerif: TGPFontFamily;
+ var
+ nFontFamily: GpFontFamily;
+ begin
+ if (GenericSansSerifFontFamily <> nil) then
+ begin
+ result := GenericSansSerifFontFamily;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ GenericSansSerifFontFamily := TGPFontFamily.Create;
+ GenericSansSerifFontFamily.lastResult := GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif(nFontFamily);
+ GenericSansSerifFontFamily.nativeFamily := nFontFamily;
+ result := GenericSansSerifFontFamily;
+ end;
+ class function TGPFontFamily.GenericSerif: TGPFontFamily;
+ var nFontFamily: GpFontFamily;
+ begin
+ if (GenericSerifFontFamily <> nil) then
+ begin
+ result := GenericSerifFontFamily;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ GenericSerifFontFamily := TGPFontFamily.Create;// (GenericSerifFontFamilyBuffer);
+ GenericSerifFontFamily.lastResult := GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif(nFontFamily);
+ GenericSerifFontFamily.nativeFamily := nFontFamily;
+ result := GenericSerifFontFamily;
+ end;
+ class function TGPFontFamily.GenericMonospace: TGPFontFamily;
+ var nFontFamily: GpFontFamily;
+ begin
+ if (GenericMonospaceFontFamily <> nil) then
+ begin
+ result := GenericMonospaceFontFamily;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ GenericMonospaceFontFamily := TGPFontFamily.Create;// (GenericMonospaceFontFamilyBuffer);
+ GenericMonospaceFontFamily.lastResult := GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace(nFontFamily);
+ GenericMonospaceFontFamily.nativeFamily := nFontFamily;
+ result := GenericMonospaceFontFamily;
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.GetFamilyName(out name: string; language: LANGID = 0): TStatus;
+ var str: array[0..LF_FACESIZE - 1] of WideChar;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetFamilyName(nativeFamily, @str, language));
+ name := str;
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.Clone: TGPFontFamily;
+ var
+ clonedFamily: GpFontFamily;
+ begin
+ clonedFamily := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipCloneFontFamily (nativeFamily, clonedFamily));
+ result := TGPFontFamily.Create(clonedFamily, lastResult);
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.IsAvailable: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := (nativeFamily <> nil);
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(style: Integer): BOOL;
+ var
+ StyleAvailable: BOOL;
+ status: TStatus;
+ begin
+ status := SetStatus(GdipIsStyleAvailable(nativeFamily, style, StyleAvailable));
+ if (status <> Ok) then StyleAvailable := FALSE;
+ result := StyleAvailable;
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.GetEmHeight(style: Integer): UINT16;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetEmHeight(nativeFamily, style, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.GetCellAscent(style: Integer): UINT16;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetCellAscent(nativeFamily, style, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.GetCellDescent(style: Integer): UINT16;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetCellDescent(nativeFamily, style, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.GetLineSpacing(style: Integer): UINT16;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetLineSpacing(nativeFamily, style, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ function TGPFontFamily.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPFontFamily.Create(nativeOrig: GpFontFamily; status: TStatus);
+ begin
+ lastResult := status;
+ nativeFamily := nativeOrig;
+ end;
+* GDI+ Font class
+ constructor TGPFont.Create(hdc: HDC);
+ var font: GpFont;
+ begin
+ font := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font);
+ SetNativeFont(font);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPFont.Create(hdc: HDC; logfont: PLogFontA);
+ var font: GpFont;
+ begin
+ font := nil;
+ if assigned(logfont) then
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, logfont, font)
+ else
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font);
+ SetNativeFont(font);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPFont.Create(hdc: HDC; logfont: PLogFontW);
+ var font: GpFont;
+ begin
+ font := nil;
+ if assigned(logfont) then
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(hdc, logfont, font)
+ else
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font);
+ SetNativeFont(font);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPFont.Create(hdc: HDC; hfont: HFONT);
+ var
+ font: GpFont;
+ begin
+ font := nil;
+ if BOOL(hfont) then
+ begin
+ if( BOOL(GetObjectA(hfont, sizeof(LOGFONTA), @lf))) then
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, @lf, font)
+ else
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font);
+ end
+ else
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, font);
+ SetNativeFont(font);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPFont.Create(family: TGPFontFamily; emSize: Single;
+ style: TFontStyle = FontStyleRegular; unit_: TUnit = UnitPoint);
+ var
+ font: GpFont;
+ nFontFamily: GpFontFamily;
+ begin
+ font := nil;
+ if assigned(Family) then nFontFamily := Family.nativeFamily else nFontFamily := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFont(nFontFamily, emSize, Integer(style), Integer(unit_), font);
+ SetNativeFont(font);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPFont.Create(familyName: WideString; emSize: Single;
+ style: TFontStyle = FontStyleRegular; unit_: TUnit = UnitPoint;
+ fontCollection: TGPFontCollection = nil);
+ var
+ family: TGPFontFamily;
+ nativeFamily: GpFontFamily;
+ begin
+ nativeFont := nil;
+ family := TGPFontFamily.Create(familyName, fontCollection);
+ nativeFamily := family.nativeFamily;
+ lastResult := family.GetLastStatus;
+ if (lastResult <> Ok) then
+ begin
+ nativeFamily := TGPFontFamily.GenericSansSerif.nativeFamily;
+ lastResult := TGPFontFamily.GenericSansSerif.lastResult;
+ if (lastResult <> Ok) then
+ begin
+ family.Free;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFont(nativeFamily,
+ emSize,
+ integer(style),
+ integer(unit_),
+ nativeFont);
+ if (lastResult <> Ok) then
+ begin
+ nativeFamily := TGPFontFamily.GenericSansSerif.nativeFamily;
+ lastResult := TGPFontFamily.GenericSansSerif.lastResult;
+ if (lastResult <> Ok) then
+ begin
+ family.Free;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ lastResult := GdipCreateFont(
+ nativeFamily,
+ emSize,
+ Integer(style),
+ Integer(unit_),
+ nativeFont);
+ end;
+ family.Free;
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.GetLogFontA(g: TGPGraphics; out logfontA: TLogFontA): TStatus;
+ var nGraphics: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ if assigned(g) then nGraphics := g.nativeGraphics else nGraphics := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetLogFontA(nativeFont, nGraphics, logfontA));
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.GetLogFontW(g: TGPGraphics; out logfontW: TLogFontW): TStatus;
+ var nGraphics: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ if assigned(g) then nGraphics := g.nativeGraphics else nGraphics := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetLogFontW(nativeFont, nGraphics, logfontW));
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.Clone: TGPFont;
+ var cloneFont: GpFont;
+ begin
+ cloneFont := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipCloneFont(nativeFont, cloneFont));
+ result := TGPFont.Create(cloneFont, lastResult);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPFont.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeleteFont(nativeFont);
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.IsAvailable: BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := (nativeFont <> nil);
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.GetStyle: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetFontStyle(nativeFont, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.GetSize: Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetFontSize(nativeFont, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.GetUnit: TUnit;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetFontUnit(nativeFont, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.GetHeight(graphics: TGPGraphics): Single;
+ var ngraphics: Gpgraphics;
+ begin
+ if assigned(graphics) then ngraphics := graphics.nativeGraphics else ngraphics := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetFontHeight(nativeFont, ngraphics, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.GetHeight(dpi: Single): Single;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(nativeFont, dpi, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.GetFamily(family: TGPFontFamily): TStatus;
+ var
+ status: TStatus;
+ nFamily: GpFontFamily;
+ begin
+ if (family = nil) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ status := GdipGetFamily(nativeFont, nFamily);
+ family.nativeFamily := nFamily;
+ family.SetStatus(status);
+ result := SetStatus(status);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPFont.Create(font: GpFont; status: TStatus);
+ begin
+ lastResult := status;
+ SetNativeFont(font);
+ end;
+ procedure TGPFont.SetNativeFont(Font: GpFont);
+ begin
+ nativeFont := Font;
+ end;
+ function TGPFont.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+* Font collections (Installed and Private)
+ constructor TGPFontCollection.Create;
+ begin
+ nativeFontCollection := nil;
+ end;
+ destructor TGPFontCollection.Destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+ function TGPFontCollection.GetFamilyCount: Integer;
+ var
+ numFound: Integer;
+ begin
+ numFound := 0;
+ lastResult := GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyCount(nativeFontCollection, numFound);
+ result := numFound;
+ end;
+ function TGPFontCollection.GetFamilies(numSought: Integer; out gpfamilies: array of TGPFontFamily;
+ out numFound: Integer): TStatus;
+ var
+ nativeFamilyList: Pointer;
+ Status: TStatus;
+ i: Integer;
+ type
+ ArrGpFontFamily = array of GpFontFamily;
+ begin
+ if ((numSought <= 0) or (length(gpfamilies) = 0)) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ numFound := 0;
+ getMem(nativeFamilyList, numSought * SizeOf(GpFontFamily));
+ if nativeFamilyList = nil then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ status := SetStatus(GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyList(
+ nativeFontCollection,
+ numSought,
+ nativeFamilyList,
+ numFound
+ ));
+ if (status = Ok) then
+ for i := 0 to numFound - 1 do
+ GdipCloneFontFamily(ArrGpFontFamily(nativeFamilyList)[i], gpfamilies[i].nativeFamily);
+ Freemem(nativeFamilyList, numSought * SizeOf(GpFontFamily));
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ function TGPFontCollection.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ function TGPFontCollection.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ lastResult := status;
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPInstalledFontCollection.Create;
+ begin
+ nativeFontCollection := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipNewInstalledFontCollection(nativeFontCollection);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPInstalledFontCollection.Destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPPrivateFontCollection.Create;
+ begin
+ nativeFontCollection := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipNewPrivateFontCollection(nativeFontCollection);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPPrivateFontCollection.destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeletePrivateFontCollection(nativeFontCollection);
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+ function TGPPrivateFontCollection.AddFontFile(filename: WideString): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipPrivateAddFontFile(nativeFontCollection, PWideChar(filename)));
+ end;
+ function TGPPrivateFontCollection.AddMemoryFont(memory: Pointer; length: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipPrivateAddMemoryFont(
+ nativeFontCollection,
+ memory,
+ length));
+ end;
+* GDI+ Graphics Path class
+ constructor TGPGraphicsPath.Create(fillMode: TFillMode = FillModeAlternate);
+ begin
+ nativePath := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreatePath(fillMode, nativePath);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPGraphicsPath.Create(points: PGPPointF; types: PBYTE; count: Integer;
+ fillMode: TFillMode = FillModeAlternate);
+ begin
+ nativePath := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreatePath2(points, types, count, fillMode, nativePath);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPGraphicsPath.Create(points: PGPPoint; types: PBYTE; count: Integer;
+ fillMode: TFillMode = FillModeAlternate);
+ begin
+ nativePath := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreatePath2I(points, types, count, fillMode, nativePath);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPGraphicsPath.destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeletePath(nativePath);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.Clone: TGPGraphicsPath;
+ var
+ clonepath: GpPath;
+ begin
+ clonepath := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipClonePath(nativePath, clonepath));
+ result := TGPGraphicsPath.Create(clonepath);
+ end;
+ // Reset the path object to empty (and fill mode to FillModeAlternate)
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.Reset: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipResetPath(nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetFillMode: TFillMode;
+ var FMode: TFillMode;
+ begin
+ FMode := FillModeAlternate;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathFillMode(nativePath, result));
+ result := FMode;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.SetFillMode(fillmode: TFillMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathFillMode(nativePath, fillmode));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetPathData(pathData: TPathData): TStatus;
+ var
+ count: Integer;
+ begin
+ count := GetPointCount;
+ if ((count <= 0) or ((pathData.Count > 0) and (pathData.Count < Count))) then
+ begin
+ pathData.Count := 0;
+ if assigned(pathData.Points) then
+ begin
+ FreeMem(pathData.Points);
+ pathData.Points := nil;
+ end;
+ if assigned(pathData.Types) then
+ begin
+ freemem(pathData.Types);
+ pathData.Types := nil;
+ end;
+ if (count <= 0) then
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (pathData.Count = 0) then
+ begin
+ getmem(pathData.Points, SizeOf(TGPPointF) * count);
+ if (pathData.Points = nil) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Getmem(pathData.Types, count);
+ if (pathData.Types = nil) then
+ begin
+ freemem(pathData.Points);
+ pathData.Points := nil;
+ result := SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ pathData.Count := count;
+ end;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathData(nativePath, @pathData.Count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.StartFigure: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipStartPathFigure(nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.CloseFigure: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipClosePathFigure(nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.CloseAllFigures: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipClosePathFigures(nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.SetMarker: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathMarker(nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.ClearMarkers: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipClearPathMarkers(nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.Reverse: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipReversePath(nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetLastPoint(out lastPoint: TGPPointF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathLastPoint(nativePath,
+ @lastPoint));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddLine(const pt1, pt2: TGPPointF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddLine(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathLine(nativePath, x1, y1,
+ x2, y2));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddLines(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathLine2(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddLine(const pt1, pt2: TGPPoint): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddLine(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathLineI(nativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddLines(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathLine2I(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddArc(rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height,
+ startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddArc(x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathArc(nativePath, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddArc(rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddArc(x, y, width, height: Integer; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathArcI(nativePath, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddBezier(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TGPPointF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddBezier(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X, pt4.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathBezier(nativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddBeziers(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathBeziers(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddBezier(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TGPPoint): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddBezier(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X, pt4.Y);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathBezierI(nativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddBeziers(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathBeziersI(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddCurve(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathCurve(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddCurve(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer;
+ tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathCurve2(nativePath, points, count, tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddCurve(points: PGPPointF; count, offset,
+ numberOfSegments: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathCurve3(nativePath, points, count, offset,
+ numberOfSegments, tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddCurve(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathCurveI(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddCurve(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathCurve2I(nativePath, points, count, tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddCurve(points: PGPPoint; count, offset,
+ numberOfSegments: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathCurve3I(nativePath, points, count, offset,
+ numberOfSegments, tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddClosedCurve(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathClosedCurve(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddClosedCurve(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathClosedCurve2(nativePath, points, count, tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddClosedCurve(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathClosedCurveI(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddClosedCurve(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer; tension: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathClosedCurve2I(nativePath, points, count, tension));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddRectangle(rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathRectangle(nativePath,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddRectangles(rects: PGPRectF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathRectangles(nativePath,
+ rects,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddRectangle(rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathRectangleI(nativePath,
+ rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddRectangles(rects: PGPRect; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathRectanglesI(nativePath,
+ rects,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddEllipse(rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddEllipse(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddEllipse(x, y, width, height: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathEllipse(nativePath,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddEllipse(rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddEllipse(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddEllipse(x, y, width, height: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathEllipseI(nativePath,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddPie(rect: TGPRectF; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddPie(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle,
+ sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddPie(x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathPie(nativePath, x, y, width,
+ height, startAngle,
+ sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddPie(rect: TGPRect; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := AddPie(rect.X,
+ rect.Y,
+ rect.Width,
+ rect.Height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddPie(x, y, width, height: Integer; startAngle, sweepAngle: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathPieI(nativePath,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ startAngle,
+ sweepAngle));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddPolygon(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathPolygon(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddPolygon(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathPolygonI(nativePath, points,
+ count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddPath(addingPath: TGPGraphicsPath; connect: Bool): TStatus;
+ var
+ nativePath2: GpPath;
+ begin
+ nativePath2 := nil;
+ if assigned(addingPath) then nativePath2 := addingPath.nativePath;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathPath(nativePath, nativePath2, connect));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddString(
+ string_: WideString; length: Integer;
+ family : TGPFontFamily;
+ style : Integer;
+ emSize : Single; // World units
+ origin : TGPPointF;
+ format : TGPStringFormat): TStatus;
+ var
+ rect : TGPRectF;
+ begin
+ rect.X := origin.X;
+ rect.Y := origin.Y;
+ rect.Width := 0.0;
+ rect.Height := 0.0;
+ gpff := nil;
+ gpsf := nil;
+ if assigned(family) then gpff := family.nativeFamily;
+ if assigned(format) then gpsf := format.nativeFormat;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathString(nativePath, PWideChar(string_), length, gpff,
+ style, emSize, @rect, gpsf));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddString(
+ string_: WideString;
+ length : Integer;
+ family : TGPFontFamily;
+ style : Integer;
+ emSize : Single; // World units
+ layoutRect: TGPRectF;
+ format : TGPStringFormat): TStatus;
+ var
+ begin
+ gpff := nil;
+ gpsf := nil;
+ if assigned(family) then gpff := family.nativeFamily;
+ if assigned(format) then gpsf := format.nativeFormat;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathString( nativePath, PWideChar(string_), length, gpff,
+ style, emSize, @layoutRect, gpsf));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddString(
+ string_: WideString;
+ length : Integer;
+ family : TGPFontFamily;
+ style : Integer;
+ emSize : Single; // World units
+ origin : TGPPoint;
+ format : TGPStringFormat): TStatus;
+ var
+ rect : TGPRect;
+ begin
+ rect.X := origin.X;
+ rect.Y := origin.Y;
+ rect.Width := 0;
+ rect.Height := 0;
+ gpff := nil;
+ gpsf := nil;
+ if assigned(family) then gpff := family.nativeFamily;
+ if assigned(format) then gpsf := format.nativeFormat;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathStringI(nativePath, PWideChar(string_), length, gpff,
+ style, emSize, @rect, gpsf));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.AddString(
+ string_: WideString;
+ length : Integer;
+ family : TGPFontFamily;
+ style : Integer;
+ emSize : Single; // World units
+ layoutRect: TGPRect;
+ format : TGPStringFormat): TStatus;
+ var
+ begin
+ gpff := nil;
+ gpsf := nil;
+ if assigned(family) then gpff := family.nativeFamily;
+ if assigned(format) then gpsf := format.nativeFormat;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipAddPathStringI( nativePath, PWideChar(string_), length, gpff,
+ style, emSize, @layoutRect, gpsf));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.Transform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if assigned(matrix) then
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTransformPath(nativePath, matrix.nativeMatrix))
+ else
+ result := Ok;
+ end;
+ // This is not always the tightest bounds.
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetBounds(out bounds: TGPRectF; matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; pen: TGPPen = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nativeMatrix: GpMatrix;
+ nativePen: GpPen;
+ begin
+ nativeMatrix := nil;
+ nativePen := nil;
+ if assigned(matrix) then nativeMatrix := matrix.nativeMatrix;
+ if assigned(pen) then nativePen := pen.nativePen;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathWorldBounds(nativePath, @bounds, nativeMatrix, nativePen));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetBounds(out bounds: TGPRect; matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; pen: TGPPen = nil): TStatus;
+ var
+ nativeMatrix: GpMatrix;
+ nativePen: GpPen;
+ begin
+ nativeMatrix := nil;
+ nativePen := nil;
+ if assigned(matrix) then nativeMatrix := matrix.nativeMatrix;
+ if assigned(pen) then nativePen := pen.nativePen;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI(nativePath, @bounds, nativeMatrix, nativePen));
+ end;
+ // Once flattened, the resultant path is made of line segments and
+ // the original path information is lost. When matrix is nil the
+ // identity matrix is assumed.
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.Flatten(matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; flatness: Single = FlatnessDefault): TStatus;
+ var nativeMatrix: GpMatrix;
+ begin
+ nativeMatrix := nil;
+ if assigned(matrix) then nativeMatrix := matrix.nativeMatrix;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipFlattenPath(nativePath, nativeMatrix, flatness));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.Widen(pen: TGPPen; matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; flatness: Single = FlatnessDefault): TStatus;
+ var nativeMatrix: GpMatrix;
+ begin
+ nativeMatrix := nil;
+ if assigned(matrix) then nativeMatrix := matrix.nativeMatrix;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipWidenPath(nativePath, pen.nativePen, nativeMatrix, flatness));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.Outline(matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; flatness: Single = FlatnessDefault): TStatus;
+ var nativeMatrix: GpMatrix;
+ begin
+ nativeMatrix := nil;
+ if assigned(matrix) then nativeMatrix := matrix.nativeMatrix;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipWindingModeOutline(nativePath, nativeMatrix, flatness));
+ end;
+ // Once this is called, the resultant path is made of line segments and
+ // the original path information is lost. When matrix is nil, the
+ // identity matrix is assumed.
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.Warp(destPoints: PGPPointF; count: Integer; srcRect: TGPRectF;
+ matrix: TGPMatrix = nil; warpMode: TWarpMode = WarpModePerspective;
+ flatness: Single = FlatnessDefault): TStatus;
+ var nativeMatrix: GpMatrix;
+ begin
+ nativeMatrix := nil;
+ if assigned(matrix) then nativeMatrix := matrix.nativeMatrix;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipWarpPath(nativePath, nativeMatrix, destPoints,
+ count, srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height,
+ warpMode, flatness));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetPointCount: Integer;
+ var count: Integer;
+ begin
+ count := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPointCount(nativePath, count));
+ result := count;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetPathTypes(types: PBYTE; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathTypes(nativePath, types, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetPathPoints(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathPoints(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetPathPoints(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathPointsI(nativePath, points, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.IsVisible(point: TGPPointF; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := IsVisible(point.X, point.Y, g);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.IsVisible(x, y: Single; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ nativeGraphics: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ nativeGraphics := nil;
+ if assigned(g) then nativeGraphics := g.nativeGraphics;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisiblePathPoint(nativePath, x, y, nativeGraphics, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.IsVisible(point: TGPPoint; g : TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := IsVisible(point.X, point.Y, g);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.IsVisible(x, y: Integer; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ nativeGraphics: GpGraphics;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ nativeGraphics := nil;
+ if assigned(g) then nativeGraphics := g.nativeGraphics;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsVisiblePathPointI(nativePath, x, y, nativeGraphics, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.IsOutlineVisible(point: TGPPointF; pen: TGPPen; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := IsOutlineVisible(point.X, point.Y, pen, g);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.IsOutlineVisible(x, y: Single; pen: TGPPen; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ nativeGraphics: GpGraphics;
+ nativePen: GpPen;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ nativeGraphics := nil;
+ nativePen := nil;
+ if assigned(g) then nativeGraphics := g.nativeGraphics;
+ if assigned(pen) then nativePen := pen.nativePen;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPoint(nativePath, x, y, nativePen,
+ nativeGraphics, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.IsOutlineVisible(point: TGPPoint; pen: TGPPen; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ begin
+ result := IsOutlineVisible(point.X, point.Y, pen, g);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.IsOutlineVisible(x, y: Integer; pen: TGPPen; g: TGPGraphics = nil): BOOL;
+ var
+ booln: BOOL;
+ nativeGraphics: GpGraphics;
+ nativePen: GpPen;
+ begin
+ booln := FALSE;
+ nativeGraphics := nil;
+ nativePen := nil;
+ if assigned(g) then nativeGraphics := g.nativeGraphics;
+ if assigned(pen) then nativePen := pen.nativePen;
+ SetStatus(GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPointI(nativePath, x, y, nativePen,
+ nativeGraphics, booln));
+ result := booln;
+ end;
+ constructor TGPGraphicsPath.Create(path: TGPGraphicsPath);
+ var clonepath: GpPath;
+ begin
+ clonepath := nil;
+ SetStatus(GdipClonePath(path.nativePath, clonepath));
+ SetNativePath(clonepath);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPGraphicsPath.Create(nativePath: GpPath);
+ begin
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ SetNativePath(nativePath);
+ end;
+ procedure TGPGraphicsPath.SetNativePath(nativePath: GpPath);
+ begin
+ self.nativePath := nativePath;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPath.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then LastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+// GraphisPathIterator class
+ constructor TGPGraphicsPathIterator.Create(path: TGPGraphicsPath);
+ var
+ nativePath: GpPath;
+ iter: GpPathIterator;
+ begin
+ nativePath := nil;
+ if assigned(path) then nativePath := path.nativePath;
+ iter := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreatePathIter(iter, nativePath);
+ SetNativeIterator(iter);
+ end;
+ destructor TGPGraphicsPathIterator.Destroy;
+ begin
+ GdipDeletePathIter(nativeIterator);
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.NextSubpath(out startIndex, endIndex: Integer; out isClosed: bool): Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterNextSubpath(nativeIterator, result, startIndex, endIndex, isClosed));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.NextSubpath(path: TGPGraphicsPath; out isClosed: BOOL): Integer;
+ var
+ nativePath: GpPath;
+ resultCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ nativePath := nil;
+ if assigned(path) then nativePath := path.nativePath;
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterNextSubpathPath(nativeIterator, resultCount,
+ nativePath, isClosed));
+ result := resultCount;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.NextPathType(out pathType: TPathPointType; out startIndex, endIndex: Integer): Integer;
+ var
+ resultCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterNextPathType(nativeIterator, resultCount, @pathType,
+ startIndex, endIndex));
+ result := resultCount;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.NextMarker(out startIndex, endIndex: Integer): Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterNextMarker(nativeIterator, result, startIndex, endIndex));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.NextMarker(path: TGPGraphicsPath): Integer;
+ var nativePath: GpPath;
+ begin
+ nativePath := nil;
+ if assigned(path) then nativePath := path.nativePath;
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterNextMarkerPath(nativeIterator, result, nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.GetCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterGetCount(nativeIterator, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.GetSubpathCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterGetSubpathCount(nativeIterator, result));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.HasCurve: BOOL;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterHasCurve(nativeIterator, result));
+ end;
+ procedure TGPGraphicsPathIterator.Rewind;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterRewind(nativeIterator));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.Enumerate(points: PGPPointF; types: PBYTE;
+ count: Integer): Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterEnumerate(nativeIterator, result, points, types, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.CopyData(points: PGPPointF; types: PBYTE;
+ startIndex, endIndex: Integer): Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipPathIterCopyData(nativeIterator, result, points, types,
+ startIndex, endIndex));
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.GetLastStatus: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ lastResult := Ok;
+ end;
+ procedure TGPGraphicsPathIterator.SetNativeIterator(nativeIterator: GpPathIterator);
+ begin
+ self.nativeIterator := nativeIterator;
+ end;
+ function TGPGraphicsPathIterator.SetStatus(status: TStatus): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if (status <> Ok) then lastResult := status;
+ result := status;
+ end;
+// Path Gradient Brush
+ constructor TGPPathGradientBrush.Create(points: PGPPointF; count: Integer; wrapMode: TWrapMode = WrapModeClamp);
+ var brush: GpPathGradient;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreatePathGradient(points, count, wrapMode, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPPathGradientBrush.Create(points: PGPPoint; count: Integer; wrapMode: TWrapMode = WrapModeClamp);
+ var brush: GpPathGradient;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreatePathGradientI(points, count, wrapMode, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ constructor TGPPathGradientBrush.Create(path: TGPGraphicsPath);
+ var brush: GpPathGradient;
+ begin
+ brush := nil;
+ lastResult := GdipCreatePathGradientFromPath(path.nativePath, brush);
+ SetNativeBrush(brush);
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetCenterColor(out Color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientCenterColor(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), Color));
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetCenterColor(color: TGPColor): TStatus;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientCenterColor(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),color));
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetPointCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientPointCount(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetSurroundColorCount: Integer;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetSurroundColors(colors: PARGB; var count: Integer): TStatus;
+ var
+ count1: Integer;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(colors) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), count1));
+ if(lastResult <> Ok) then
+ begin
+ result := lastResult;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if((count < count1) or (count1 <= 0)) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InsufficientBuffer);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), colors, count1));
+ if(lastResult = Ok) then
+ count := count1;
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetSurroundColors(colors: PARGB; var count: Integer): TStatus;
+ var
+ count1: Integer;
+ type
+ TDynArrDWORD = array of DWORD;
+ begin
+ if (colors = nil) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ count1 := GetPointCount;
+ if((count > count1) or (count1 <= 0)) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ count1 := count;
+ SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), colors, count1));
+ if(lastResult = Ok) then count := count1;
+ result := lastResult;
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetGraphicsPath(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if(path = nil) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientPath(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), path.nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetGraphicsPath(path: TGPGraphicsPath): TStatus;
+ begin
+ if(path = nil) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientPath(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), path.nativePath));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetCenterPoint(out point: TGPPointF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientCenterPoint(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), @point));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetCenterPoint(out point: TGPPoint): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientCenterPointI(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), @point));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetCenterPoint(point: TGPPointF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientCenterPoint(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), @point));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetCenterPoint(point: TGPPoint): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientCenterPointI(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), @point));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetRectangle(out rect: TGPRectF): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientRect(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetRectangle(out rect: TGPRect): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientRectI(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), @rect));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetGammaCorrection(useGammaCorrection: BOOL): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientGammaCorrection(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ useGammaCorrection));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetGammaCorrection: BOOL;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientGammaCorrection(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetBlendCount: Integer;
+ var count: Integer;
+ begin
+ count := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientBlendCount(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), count));
+ result := count;
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions:PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientBlend(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ blendFactors, blendPositions, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientBlend(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ blendFactors, blendPositions, count));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetInterpolationColorCount: Integer;
+ var count: Integer;
+ begin
+ count := 0;
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlendCount(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), count));
+ result := count;
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetInterpolationColors(presetColors: PARGB;
+ blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ var
+ status: TStatus;
+ begin
+ if ((count <= 0) or (presetColors = nil)) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ status := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientPresetBlend(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ presetColors, blendPositions, count));
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetInterpolationColors(presetColors: PARGB;
+ blendPositions: PSingle; count: Integer): TStatus;
+ var
+ status: GpStatus;
+ i: Integer;
+ argbs: PARGB;
+ begin
+ if ((count <= 0) or (presetColors = nil)) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ getmem(argbs, count*SizeOf(ARGB));
+ if (argbs = nil) then
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ status := SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlend(nativeBrush, argbs,
+ blendPositions, count));
+ for i := 0 to count - 1 do
+ TColorDynArray(presetColors)[i] := TColorDynArray(argbs)[i];
+ freemem(argbs);
+ result := status;
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetBlendBellShape(focus: Single; scale: Single = 1.0): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientSigmaBlend(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), focus, scale));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetBlendTriangularShape(focus: Single; scale: Single = 1.0): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientLinearBlend(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), focus, scale));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientTransform(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientTransform(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ matrix.nativeMatrix));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.ResetTransform: TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipResetPathGradientTransform(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush)));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.MultiplyTransform(matrix: TGPMatrix; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipMultiplyPathGradientTransform(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ matrix.nativeMatrix,
+ order));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.TranslateTransform(dx, dy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipTranslatePathGradientTransform(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ dx, dy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.ScaleTransform(sx, sy: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipScalePathGradientTransform(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ sx, sy, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.RotateTransform(angle: Single; order: TMatrixOrder = MatrixOrderPrepend): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipRotatePathGradientTransform(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush),
+ angle, order));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetFocusScales(out xScale, yScale: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientFocusScales(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), xScale, yScale));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetFocusScales(xScale, yScale: Single): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), xScale, yScale));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.GetWrapMode: TWrapMode;
+ begin
+ SetStatus(GdipGetPathGradientWrapMode(GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), result));
+ end;
+ function TGPPathGradientBrush.SetWrapMode(wrapMode: TWrapMode): TStatus;
+ begin
+ result := SetStatus(GdipSetPathGradientWrapMode(
+ GpPathGradient(nativeBrush), wrapMode));
+ end;
+ constructor TGPPathGradientBrush.Create;
+ begin
+ // �crase la fonction parent
+ end;
+ // Initialize StartupInput structure
+ StartupInput.DebugEventCallback := nil;
+ StartupInput.SuppressBackgroundThread := False;
+ StartupInput.SuppressExternalCodecs := False;
+ StartupInput.GdiplusVersion := 1;
+ // Initialize GDI+
+ GdiplusStartup(gdiplusToken, @StartupInput, nil);
+ if assigned(GenericSansSerifFontFamily) then GenericSansSerifFontFamily.Free;
+ if assigned(GenericSerifFontFamily) then GenericSerifFontFamily.Free;
+ if assigned(GenericMonospaceFontFamily) then GenericMonospaceFontFamily.Free;
+ if assigned(GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer) then GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer.free;
+ if assigned(GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer) then GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer.Free;
+ // Close GDI +
+ GdiplusShutdown(gdiplusToken);
diff --git a/thirparty/GDIPUTIL.pas b/thirparty/GDIPUTIL.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..664aa61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/GDIPUTIL.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+ {******************************************************************}
+ { GDI+ Util }
+ { }
+ { home page : http://www.progdigy.com }
+ { email : hgourvest@progdigy.com }
+ { }
+ { date : 15-02-2002 }
+ { }
+ { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to }
+ { the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may }
+ { not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may }
+ { obtain a copy of the License at }
+ { http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html }
+ { }
+ { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an }
+ { "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or }
+ { implied. See the License for the specific language governing }
+ { rights and limitations under the License. }
+ { }
+ { *****************************************************************}
+unit rkGDIPUTIL;
+ Windows,
+function ValueTypeFromULONG(Type_: ULONG): String;
+function GetMetaDataIDString(id: ULONG): string;
+function GetEncoderClsid(format: String; out pClsid: TGUID): integer;
+function GetStatus(Stat: TStatus): string;
+function PixelFormatString(PixelFormat: TPixelFormat): string;
+{from WinNT.h}
+// creates a language identifier from a primary language identifier and a
+// sublanguage identifier for the TStringFormat & TFontFamily class.
+function MakeLangID(PrimaryLanguage, SubLanguage: LANGID): WORD;
+function ValueTypeFromULONG(Type_: ULONG): String;
+ case Type_ of
+ 0 : result := 'Nothing';
+ 1 : result := 'PropertyTagTypeByte';
+ 2 : result := 'PropertyTagTypeASCII';
+ 3 : result := 'PropertyTagTypeShort';
+ 4 : result := 'PropertyTagTypeLong';
+ 5 : result := 'PropertyTagTypeRational';
+ 6 : result := 'Nothing';
+ 7 : result := 'PropertyTagTypeUndefined';
+ 8 : result := 'Nothing';
+ 9 : result := 'PropertyTagTypeSLONG';
+ 10: result := 'PropertyTagTypeSRational';
+ else
+ result := '';
+ end;
+function GetMetaDataIDString(id: ULONG): string;
+ case id of
+ PropertyTagExifIFD : result := 'PropertyTagExifIFD';
+ PropertyTagGpsIFD : result := 'PropertyTagGpsIFD';
+ PropertyTagNewSubfileType : result := 'PropertyTagNewSubfileType';
+ PropertyTagSubfileType : result := 'PropertyTagSubfileType';
+ PropertyTagImageWidth : result := 'PropertyTagImageWidth';
+ PropertyTagImageHeight : result := 'PropertyTagImageHeight';
+ PropertyTagBitsPerSample : result := 'PropertyTagBitsPerSample';
+ PropertyTagCompression : result := 'PropertyTagCompression';
+ PropertyTagPhotometricInterp : result := 'PropertyTagPhotometricInterp';
+ PropertyTagThreshHolding : result := 'PropertyTagThreshHolding';
+ PropertyTagCellWidth : result := 'PropertyTagCellWidth';
+ PropertyTagCellHeight : result := 'PropertyTagCellHeight';
+ PropertyTagFillOrder : result := 'PropertyTagFillOrder';
+ PropertyTagDocumentName : result := 'PropertyTagDocumentName';
+ PropertyTagImageDescription : result := 'PropertyTagImageDescription';
+ PropertyTagEquipMake : result := 'PropertyTagEquipMake';
+ PropertyTagEquipModel : result := 'PropertyTagEquipModel';
+ PropertyTagStripOffsets : result := 'PropertyTagStripOffsets';
+ PropertyTagOrientation : result := 'PropertyTagOrientation';
+ PropertyTagSamplesPerPixel : result := 'PropertyTagSamplesPerPixel';
+ PropertyTagRowsPerStrip : result := 'PropertyTagRowsPerStrip';
+ PropertyTagStripBytesCount : result := 'PropertyTagStripBytesCount';
+ PropertyTagMinSampleValue : result := 'PropertyTagMinSampleValue';
+ PropertyTagMaxSampleValue : result := 'PropertyTagMaxSampleValue';
+ PropertyTagXResolution : result := 'PropertyTagXResolution';
+ PropertyTagYResolution : result := 'PropertyTagYResolution';
+ PropertyTagPlanarConfig : result := 'PropertyTagPlanarConfig';
+ PropertyTagPageName : result := 'PropertyTagPageName';
+ PropertyTagXPosition : result := 'PropertyTagXPosition';
+ PropertyTagYPosition : result := 'PropertyTagYPosition';
+ PropertyTagFreeOffset : result := 'PropertyTagFreeOffset';
+ PropertyTagFreeByteCounts : result := 'PropertyTagFreeByteCounts';
+ PropertyTagGrayResponseUnit : result := 'PropertyTagGrayResponseUnit';
+ PropertyTagGrayResponseCurve : result := 'PropertyTagGrayResponseCurve';
+ PropertyTagT4Option : result := 'PropertyTagT4Option';
+ PropertyTagT6Option : result := 'PropertyTagT6Option';
+ PropertyTagResolutionUnit : result := 'PropertyTagResolutionUnit';
+ PropertyTagPageNumber : result := 'PropertyTagPageNumber';
+ PropertyTagTransferFuncition : result := 'PropertyTagTransferFuncition';
+ PropertyTagSoftwareUsed : result := 'PropertyTagSoftwareUsed';
+ PropertyTagDateTime : result := 'PropertyTagDateTime';
+ PropertyTagArtist : result := 'PropertyTagArtist';
+ PropertyTagHostComputer : result := 'PropertyTagHostComputer';
+ PropertyTagPredictor : result := 'PropertyTagPredictor';
+ PropertyTagWhitePoint : result := 'PropertyTagWhitePoint';
+ PropertyTagPrimaryChromaticities : result := 'PropertyTagPrimaryChromaticities';
+ PropertyTagColorMap : result := 'PropertyTagColorMap';
+ PropertyTagHalftoneHints : result := 'PropertyTagHalftoneHints';
+ PropertyTagTileWidth : result := 'PropertyTagTileWidth';
+ PropertyTagTileLength : result := 'PropertyTagTileLength';
+ PropertyTagTileOffset : result := 'PropertyTagTileOffset';
+ PropertyTagTileByteCounts : result := 'PropertyTagTileByteCounts';
+ PropertyTagInkSet : result := 'PropertyTagInkSet';
+ PropertyTagInkNames : result := 'PropertyTagInkNames';
+ PropertyTagNumberOfInks : result := 'PropertyTagNumberOfInks';
+ PropertyTagDotRange : result := 'PropertyTagDotRange';
+ PropertyTagTargetPrinter : result := 'PropertyTagTargetPrinter';
+ PropertyTagExtraSamples : result := 'PropertyTagExtraSamples';
+ PropertyTagSampleFormat : result := 'PropertyTagSampleFormat';
+ PropertyTagSMinSampleValue : result := 'PropertyTagSMinSampleValue';
+ PropertyTagSMaxSampleValue : result := 'PropertyTagSMaxSampleValue';
+ PropertyTagTransferRange : result := 'PropertyTagTransferRange';
+ PropertyTagJPEGProc : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGProc';
+ PropertyTagJPEGInterFormat : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGInterFormat';
+ PropertyTagJPEGInterLength : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGInterLength';
+ PropertyTagJPEGRestartInterval : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGRestartInterval';
+ PropertyTagJPEGLosslessPredictors : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGLosslessPredictors';
+ PropertyTagJPEGPointTransforms : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGPointTransforms';
+ PropertyTagJPEGQTables : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGQTables';
+ PropertyTagJPEGDCTables : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGDCTables';
+ PropertyTagJPEGACTables : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGACTables';
+ PropertyTagYCbCrCoefficients : result := 'PropertyTagYCbCrCoefficients';
+ PropertyTagYCbCrSubsampling : result := 'PropertyTagYCbCrSubsampling';
+ PropertyTagYCbCrPositioning : result := 'PropertyTagYCbCrPositioning';
+ PropertyTagREFBlackWhite : result := 'PropertyTagREFBlackWhite';
+ PropertyTagICCProfile : result := 'PropertyTagICCProfile';
+ PropertyTagGamma : result := 'PropertyTagGamma';
+ PropertyTagICCProfileDescriptor : result := 'PropertyTagICCProfileDescriptor';
+ PropertyTagSRGBRenderingIntent : result := 'PropertyTagSRGBRenderingIntent';
+ PropertyTagImageTitle : result := 'PropertyTagImageTitle';
+ PropertyTagCopyright : result := 'PropertyTagCopyright';
+ PropertyTagResolutionXUnit : result := 'PropertyTagResolutionXUnit';
+ PropertyTagResolutionYUnit : result := 'PropertyTagResolutionYUnit';
+ PropertyTagResolutionXLengthUnit : result := 'PropertyTagResolutionXLengthUnit';
+ PropertyTagResolutionYLengthUnit : result := 'PropertyTagResolutionYLengthUnit';
+ PropertyTagPrintFlags : result := 'PropertyTagPrintFlags';
+ PropertyTagPrintFlagsVersion : result := 'PropertyTagPrintFlagsVersion';
+ PropertyTagPrintFlagsCrop : result := 'PropertyTagPrintFlagsCrop';
+ PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidth : result := 'PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidth';
+ PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidthScale : result := 'PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidthScale';
+ PropertyTagHalftoneLPI : result := 'PropertyTagHalftoneLPI';
+ PropertyTagHalftoneLPIUnit : result := 'PropertyTagHalftoneLPIUnit';
+ PropertyTagHalftoneDegree : result := 'PropertyTagHalftoneDegree';
+ PropertyTagHalftoneShape : result := 'PropertyTagHalftoneShape';
+ PropertyTagHalftoneMisc : result := 'PropertyTagHalftoneMisc';
+ PropertyTagHalftoneScreen : result := 'PropertyTagHalftoneScreen';
+ PropertyTagJPEGQuality : result := 'PropertyTagJPEGQuality';
+ PropertyTagGridSize : result := 'PropertyTagGridSize';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailFormat : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailFormat';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailWidth : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailWidth';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailHeight : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailHeight';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailColorDepth : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailColorDepth';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailPlanes : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailPlanes';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailRawBytes : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailRawBytes';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailSize : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailSize';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailCompressedSize : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailCompressedSize';
+ PropertyTagColorTransferFunction : result := 'PropertyTagColorTransferFunction';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailData : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailData';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailImageWidth : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailImageWidth';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailImageHeight : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailImageHeight';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailBitsPerSample : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailBitsPerSample';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailCompression : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailCompression';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailPhotometricInterp : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailPhotometricInterp';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailImageDescription : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailImageDescription';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailEquipMake : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailEquipMake';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailEquipModel : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailEquipModel';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailStripOffsets : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailStripOffsets';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailOrientation : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailOrientation';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailSamplesPerPixel : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailSamplesPerPixel';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailRowsPerStrip : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailRowsPerStrip';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailStripBytesCount : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailStripBytesCount';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionX : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionX';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionY : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionY';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailPlanarConfig : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailPlanarConfig';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionUnit : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionUnit';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailTransferFunction : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailTransferFunction';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailSoftwareUsed : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailSoftwareUsed';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailDateTime : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailDateTime';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailArtist : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailArtist';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailWhitePoint : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailWhitePoint';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrPositioning : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrPositioning';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailRefBlackWhite : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailRefBlackWhite';
+ PropertyTagThumbnailCopyRight : result := 'PropertyTagThumbnailCopyRight';
+ PropertyTagLuminanceTable : result := 'PropertyTagLuminanceTable';
+ PropertyTagChrominanceTable : result := 'PropertyTagChrominanceTable';
+ PropertyTagFrameDelay : result := 'PropertyTagFrameDelay';
+ PropertyTagLoopCount : result := 'PropertyTagLoopCount';
+ PropertyTagPixelUnit : result := 'PropertyTagPixelUnit';
+ PropertyTagPixelPerUnitX : result := 'PropertyTagPixelPerUnitX';
+ PropertyTagPixelPerUnitY : result := 'PropertyTagPixelPerUnitY';
+ PropertyTagPaletteHistogram : result := 'PropertyTagPaletteHistogram';
+ PropertyTagExifExposureTime : result := 'PropertyTagExifExposureTime';
+ PropertyTagExifFNumber : result := 'PropertyTagExifFNumber';
+ PropertyTagExifExposureProg : result := 'PropertyTagExifExposureProg';
+ PropertyTagExifSpectralSense : result := 'PropertyTagExifSpectralSense';
+ PropertyTagExifISOSpeed : result := 'PropertyTagExifISOSpeed';
+ PropertyTagExifOECF : result := 'PropertyTagExifOECF';
+ PropertyTagExifVer : result := 'PropertyTagExifVer';
+ PropertyTagExifDTOrig : result := 'PropertyTagExifDTOrig';
+ PropertyTagExifDTDigitized : result := 'PropertyTagExifDTDigitized';
+ PropertyTagExifCompConfig : result := 'PropertyTagExifCompConfig';
+ PropertyTagExifCompBPP : result := 'PropertyTagExifCompBPP';
+ PropertyTagExifShutterSpeed : result := 'PropertyTagExifShutterSpeed';
+ PropertyTagExifAperture : result := 'PropertyTagExifAperture';
+ PropertyTagExifBrightness : result := 'PropertyTagExifBrightness';
+ PropertyTagExifExposureBias : result := 'PropertyTagExifExposureBias';
+ PropertyTagExifMaxAperture : result := 'PropertyTagExifMaxAperture';
+ PropertyTagExifSubjectDist : result := 'PropertyTagExifSubjectDist';
+ PropertyTagExifMeteringMode : result := 'PropertyTagExifMeteringMode';
+ PropertyTagExifLightSource : result := 'PropertyTagExifLightSource';
+ PropertyTagExifFlash : result := 'PropertyTagExifFlash';
+ PropertyTagExifFocalLength : result := 'PropertyTagExifFocalLength';
+ PropertyTagExifMakerNote : result := 'PropertyTagExifMakerNote';
+ PropertyTagExifUserComment : result := 'PropertyTagExifUserComment';
+ PropertyTagExifDTSubsec : result := 'PropertyTagExifDTSubsec';
+ PropertyTagExifDTOrigSS : result := 'PropertyTagExifDTOrigSS';
+ PropertyTagExifDTDigSS : result := 'PropertyTagExifDTDigSS';
+ PropertyTagExifFPXVer : result := 'PropertyTagExifFPXVer';
+ PropertyTagExifColorSpace : result := 'PropertyTagExifColorSpace';
+ PropertyTagExifPixXDim : result := 'PropertyTagExifPixXDim';
+ PropertyTagExifPixYDim : result := 'PropertyTagExifPixYDim';
+ PropertyTagExifRelatedWav : result := 'PropertyTagExifRelatedWav';
+ PropertyTagExifInterop : result := 'PropertyTagExifInterop';
+ PropertyTagExifFlashEnergy : result := 'PropertyTagExifFlashEnergy';
+ PropertyTagExifSpatialFR : result := 'PropertyTagExifSpatialFR';
+ PropertyTagExifFocalXRes : result := 'PropertyTagExifFocalXRes';
+ PropertyTagExifFocalYRes : result := 'PropertyTagExifFocalYRes';
+ PropertyTagExifFocalResUnit : result := 'PropertyTagExifFocalResUnit';
+ PropertyTagExifSubjectLoc : result := 'PropertyTagExifSubjectLoc';
+ PropertyTagExifExposureIndex : result := 'PropertyTagExifExposureIndex';
+ PropertyTagExifSensingMethod : result := 'PropertyTagExifSensingMethod';
+ PropertyTagExifFileSource : result := 'PropertyTagExifFileSource';
+ PropertyTagExifSceneType : result := 'PropertyTagExifSceneType';
+ PropertyTagExifCfaPattern : result := 'PropertyTagExifCfaPattern';
+ PropertyTagGpsVer : result := 'PropertyTagGpsVer';
+ PropertyTagGpsLatitudeRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsLatitudeRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsLatitude : result := 'PropertyTagGpsLatitude';
+ PropertyTagGpsLongitudeRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsLongitudeRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsLongitude : result := 'PropertyTagGpsLongitude';
+ PropertyTagGpsAltitudeRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsAltitudeRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsAltitude : result := 'PropertyTagGpsAltitude';
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsTime : result := 'PropertyTagGpsGpsTime';
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsSatellites : result := 'PropertyTagGpsGpsSatellites';
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsStatus : result := 'PropertyTagGpsGpsStatus';
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsMeasureMode : result := 'PropertyTagGpsGpsMeasureMode';
+ PropertyTagGpsGpsDop : result := 'PropertyTagGpsGpsDop';
+ PropertyTagGpsSpeedRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsSpeedRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsSpeed : result := 'PropertyTagGpsSpeed';
+ PropertyTagGpsTrackRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsTrackRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsTrack : result := 'PropertyTagGpsTrack';
+ PropertyTagGpsImgDirRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsImgDirRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsImgDir : result := 'PropertyTagGpsImgDir';
+ PropertyTagGpsMapDatum : result := 'PropertyTagGpsMapDatum';
+ PropertyTagGpsDestLatRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsDestLatRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsDestLat : result := 'PropertyTagGpsDestLat';
+ PropertyTagGpsDestLongRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsDestLongRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsDestLong : result := 'PropertyTagGpsDestLong';
+ PropertyTagGpsDestBearRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsDestBearRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsDestBear : result := 'PropertyTagGpsDestBear';
+ PropertyTagGpsDestDistRef : result := 'PropertyTagGpsDestDistRef';
+ PropertyTagGpsDestDist : result := 'PropertyTagGpsDestDist';
+ else
+ result := '';
+ end;
+function GetEncoderClsid(format: String; out pClsid: TGUID): integer;
+ num, size, j: UINT;
+ ImageCodecInfo: PImageCodecInfo;
+ ArrIMgInf = array of TImageCodecInfo;
+ num := 0; // number of image encoders
+ size := 0; // size of the image encoder array in bytes
+ result := -1;
+ GetImageEncodersSize(num, size);
+ if (size = 0) then exit;
+ GetMem(ImageCodecInfo, size);
+ if(ImageCodecInfo = nil) then exit;
+ GetImageEncoders(num, size, ImageCodecInfo);
+ for j := 0 to num - 1 do
+ begin
+ if( ArrIMgInf(ImageCodecInfo)[j].MimeType = format) then
+ begin
+ pClsid := ArrIMgInf(ImageCodecInfo)[j].Clsid;
+ result := j; // Success
+ end;
+ end;
+ FreeMem(ImageCodecInfo, size);
+function GetStatus(Stat: TStatus): string;
+ case Stat of
+ Ok : result := 'Ok';
+ GenericError : result := 'GenericError';
+ InvalidParameter : result := 'InvalidParameter';
+ OutOfMemory : result := 'OutOfMemory';
+ ObjectBusy : result := 'ObjectBusy';
+ InsufficientBuffer : result := 'InsufficientBuffer';
+ NotImplemented : result := 'NotImplemented';
+ Win32Error : result := 'Win32Error';
+ WrongState : result := 'WrongState';
+ Aborted : result := 'Aborted';
+ FileNotFound : result := 'FileNotFound';
+ ValueOverflow : result := 'ValueOverflow';
+ AccessDenied : result := 'AccessDenied';
+ UnknownImageFormat : result := 'UnknownImageFormat';
+ FontFamilyNotFound : result := 'FontFamilyNotFound';
+ FontStyleNotFound : result := 'FontStyleNotFound';
+ NotTrueTypeFont : result := 'NotTrueTypeFont';
+ UnsupportedGdiplusVersion : result := 'UnsupportedGdiplusVersion';
+ GdiplusNotInitialized : result := 'GdiplusNotInitialized';
+ PropertyNotFound : result := 'PropertyNotFound';
+ PropertyNotSupported : result := 'PropertyNotSupported';
+ else
+ result := '';
+ end;
+function PixelFormatString(PixelFormat: TPixelFormat): string;
+ case PixelFormat of
+ PixelFormatIndexed : result := 'PixelFormatIndexed';
+ PixelFormatGDI : result := 'PixelFormatGDI';
+ PixelFormatAlpha : result := 'PixelFormatAlpha';
+ PixelFormatPAlpha : result := 'PixelFormatPAlpha';
+ PixelFormatExtended : result := 'PixelFormatExtended';
+ PixelFormatCanonical : result := 'PixelFormatCanonical';
+ PixelFormatUndefined : result := 'PixelFormatUndefined';
+ PixelFormat1bppIndexed : result := 'PixelFormat1bppIndexed';
+ PixelFormat4bppIndexed : result := 'PixelFormat4bppIndexed';
+ PixelFormat8bppIndexed : result := 'PixelFormat8bppIndexed';
+ PixelFormat16bppGrayScale : result := 'PixelFormat16bppGrayScale';
+ PixelFormat16bppRGB555 : result := 'PixelFormat16bppRGB555';
+ PixelFormat16bppRGB565 : result := 'PixelFormat16bppRGB565';
+ PixelFormat16bppARGB1555 : result := 'PixelFormat16bppARGB1555';
+ PixelFormat24bppRGB : result := 'PixelFormat24bppRGB';
+ PixelFormat32bppRGB : result := 'PixelFormat32bppRGB';
+ PixelFormat32bppARGB : result := 'PixelFormat32bppARGB';
+ PixelFormat32bppPARGB : result := 'PixelFormat32bppPARGB';
+ PixelFormat48bppRGB : result := 'PixelFormat48bppRGB';
+ PixelFormat64bppARGB : result := 'PixelFormat64bppARGB';
+ PixelFormat64bppPARGB : result := 'PixelFormat64bppPARGB';
+ PixelFormatMax : result := 'PixelFormatMax';
+ else
+ result := '';
+ end;
+function MakeLangID(PrimaryLanguage, SubLanguage: LANGID): Word;
+ result := (SubLanguage shl 10) or PrimaryLanguage;
diff --git a/thirparty/VirtualDesktopAPI.pas b/thirparty/VirtualDesktopAPI.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f9d85c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/VirtualDesktopAPI.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+// Translated by Alexey Andriukhin (dr. F.I.N.) http://www.delphisources.ru/forum/member.php?u=9721
+// Tested on Win10 x32 (build 14393), Delphi7
+// Great thanks:
+// Caintic - https://github.com/Ciantic/VirtualDesktopAccessor
+// NikoTin - http://www.cyberforum.ru/blogs/105416/blog3671.html
+// Grabacr07 - https://github.com/Grabacr07/VirtualDesktop
+// jlubea - https://github.com/jlubea/VirtualDesktop
+ 2023-04-07
+ - Fixed error that caused Windows explorer to restart by adding to W11 GetAllCurrentDesktops
+ 2022-05-26:
+ - Updated IVirtualDesktop to include hstring functions
+ TODO : handle those hstring
+ - CLSID_VirtualDesktopAPI_Unknown corrected name to CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal
+unit VirtualDesktopAPI;
+ Windows;//, UITypes, Winapi.Winrt {HSTRING};
+ EMPTY_GUID: TGUID = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}';
+ CLSID_ImmersiveShell: TGUID = '{C2F03A33-21F5-47FA-B4BB-156362A2F239}';
+ IID_ServiceProvider: TGUID = '{6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA}';
+ CLSID_ApplicationViewCollection: TGUID = '{1841C6D7-4F9D-42C0-AF41-8747538F10E5}'; // <--- CLSID same as IID? not shure, but it's works
+ IID_ApplicationViewCollection: TGUID = '{1841C6D7-4F9D-42C0-AF41-8747538F10E5}';
+ IID_ApplicationViewCollectionW11: TGUID = '{1841C6D7-4F9D-42C0-AF41-8747538F10E5}';
+ IID_ApplicationView: TGUID = '{9AC0B5C8-1484-4C5B-9533-4134A0F97CEA}';
+ IID_ApplicationViewW11: TGUID = '{372e1d3b-38d3-42e4-a15b-8ab2b178f513}';
+ CLSID_VirtualDesktopManager: TGUID = '{AA509086-5CA9-4C25-8F95-589D3C07B48A}';
+ IID_VirtualDesktopManager: TGUID = '{A5CD92FF-29BE-454C-8D04-D82879FB3F1B}';
+// CLSID_VirtualDesktopAPI_Unknown: TGUID = '{C5E0CDCA-7B6E-41B2-9FC4-D93975CC467B}';
+ CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal: TGUID = '{C5E0CDCA-7B6E-41B2-9FC4-D93975CC467B}';
+ IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_14393: TGUID = '{F31574D6-B682-4CDC-BD56-1827860ABEC6}'; // build 14393 or later
+ IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_10240: TGUID = '{AF8DA486-95BB-4460-B3B7-6E7A6B2962B5}'; // build 10240 or later
+ IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_10130: TGUID = '{EF9F1A6C-D3CC-4358-B712-F84B635BEBE7}'; // build 10130 or later
+ IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_22000: TGUID = '{B2F925B9-5A0F-4D2E-9F4D-2B1507593C10}'; // build 22000 or later
+ IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_22621: TGUID = '{A3175F2D-239C-4BD2-8AA0-EEBA8B0B138E}'; // build 22621 or later
+ IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_22631: TGUID = '{4970BA3D-FD4E-4647-BEA3-D89076EF4B9C}'; // build 22631 or later
+ IID_VirtualDesktop: TGUID = '{FF72FFDD-BE7E-43FC-9C03-AD81681E88E4}';
+ IID_VirtualDesktopW11: TGUID = '{536d3495-b208-4cc9-ae26-de8111275bf8}';
+ CLSID_VirtualNotificationService: TGUID = '{A501FDEC-4A09-464C-AE4E-1B9C21B84918}';
+ IID_VirtualNotificationService: TGUID = '{0CD45E71-D927-4F15-8B0A-8FEF525337BF}';
+ IID_VirtualDesktopNotification: TGUID = '{C179334C-4295-40D3-BEA1-C654D965605A}';
+ IID_VirtualDesktopNotificationW11: TGUID = '{cd403e52-deed-4c13-b437-b98380f2b1e8}';
+ CLSID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps: TGUID = '{B5A399E7-1C87-46B8-88E9-FC5747B171BD}';
+ IID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps: TGUID = '{4CE81583-1E4C-4632-A621-07A53543148F}';
+{ ApplicationViewCompatibilityPolicy }
+ AVCP_NONE = 0;
+ HSTRING = type THandle;
+ { IVirtualDesktopManager }
+ IVirtualDesktopManager = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{A5CD92FF-29BE-454C-8D04-D82879FB3F1B}']
+ function IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop(Wnd: HWND; pIsTrue: PBOOL): HResult; stdcall; // ok {INFORMATION: this only works with the current process windows}
+ function GetWindowDesktopId(Wnd: HWND; pDesktopID: PGUID): HResult; stdcall; // ok
+ function MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; const DesktopID: TGUID): HResult; stdcall; // ok
+ end;
+ { IObjectArray }
+ PIUnknown = ^IUnknown;
+ PIObjectArray = ^IObjectArray;
+ IObjectArray = interface
+ function GetCount(pCount: PUINT): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetAt(uiIndex: UINT; riid: PGUID; ppv: PIUnknown): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ end;
+ { IApplicationView }
+ PIApplicationView = ^IApplicationView;
+ PIApplicationViewW11 = ^IApplicationViewW11;
+ IApplicationView = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{9AC0B5C8-1484-4C5B-9533-4134A0F97CEA}']
+ function SetFocus: HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SwitchTo: HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function notimpl1(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int TryInvokeBack(IntPtr /* IAsyncCallback* */ callback);
+ function GetThumbnailWindow(pWnd: PHWND): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function notimpl2(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetMonitor(out IntPtr /* IImmersiveMonitor */ immersiveMonitor);
+ function notimpl3(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetVisibility(out int visibility);
+ function notimpl4(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetCloak(ApplicationViewCloakType cloakType, int unknown);
+ function notimpl5(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetPosition(ref Guid guid /* GUID for IApplicationViewPosition */, out IntPtr /* IApplicationViewPosition** */ position);
+ function notimpl6(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetPosition(ref IntPtr /* IApplicationViewPosition* */ position);
+ function InsertAfterWindow(Wnd: HWND): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function GetExtendedFramePosition(Rect: PRect): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetAppUserModelId(Id: PLPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SetAppUserModelId(Id: LPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function IsEqualByAppUserModelId(Id: LPWSTR; isequal: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function notimpl7(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetViewState(out uint state);
+ function notimpl8(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetViewState(uint state);
+ function notimpl9(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetNeediness(out int neediness);
+ function GetLastActivationTimestamp(ptimestamp: PLONGLONG): HRESULT; stdcall; // <--- don't understand how convert to datetime (or it's works incorrectly)
+ function SetLastActivationTimestamp(timestamp: LONGLONG): HRESULT; stdcall; // <--- don't understand how convert from datetime (or it's works incorrectly)
+ function GetVirtualDesktopId(pguid: PGUID): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SetVirtualDesktopId(pguid: PGUID): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetShowInSwitchers(pflag: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SetShowInSwitchers(flag: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // not supported at build 14393 and lower
+ function notimpl10(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetScaleFactor(out int factor);
+ function CanReceiveInput(pcanReceiveInput: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function GetCompatibilityPolicyType(pflag: PUINT): HRESULT; stdcall; // It seems that works ok
+ function SetCompatibilityPolicyType(flag: UINT): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function notimpl11(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetPositionPriority(out IntPtr /* IShellPositionerPriority** */ priority);
+ function notimpl12(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetPositionPriority(IntPtr /* IShellPositionerPriority* */ priority);
+ function notimpl13(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetSizeConstraints(IntPtr /* IImmersiveMonitor* */ monitor, out Size size1, out Size size2);
+ function notimpl14(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetSizeConstraintsForDpi(uint uint1, out Size size1, out Size size2);
+ function notimpl15(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetSizeConstraintsForDpi(ref uint uint1, ref Size size1, ref Size size2);
+ function notimpl16(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int QuerySizeConstraintsFromApp(); // It leads to a crash
+ function OnMinSizePreferencesUpdated(Wnd: HWND): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function notimpl17(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int ApplyOperation(IntPtr /* IApplicationViewOperation* */ operation);
+ function IsTray(pisTray: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // allways return TRUE
+ function IsInHighZOrderBand(pisInHighZOrderBand: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // It seems that works ok
+ function IsSplashScreenPresented(pisSplashScreenPresented: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // allways return FALSE
+ function Flash: HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetRootSwitchableOwner(rootSwitchableOwner: PIApplicationView): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function EnumerateOwnershipTree(ownershipTree: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function GetEnterpriseId(Id: PLPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // build 10584 or later // allwaus return empty value
+ function IsMirrored(pisMirrored: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // build 10584 or later // allways return FALSE
+ end;
+ IApplicationViewW11 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{372e1d3b-38d3-42e4-a15b-8ab2b178f513}']
+ function SetFocus: HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SwitchTo: HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function notimpl1(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int TryInvokeBack(IntPtr /* IAsyncCallback* */ callback);
+ function GetThumbnailWindow(pWnd: PHWND): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function notimpl2(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetMonitor(out IntPtr /* IImmersiveMonitor */ immersiveMonitor);
+ function notimpl3(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetVisibility(out int visibility);
+ function notimpl4(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetCloak(ApplicationViewCloakType cloakType, int unknown);
+ function notimpl5(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetPosition(ref Guid guid /* GUID for IApplicationViewPosition */, out IntPtr /* IApplicationViewPosition** */ position);
+ function notimpl6(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetPosition(ref IntPtr /* IApplicationViewPosition* */ position);
+ function InsertAfterWindow(Wnd: HWND): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function GetExtendedFramePosition(Rect: PRect): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetAppUserModelId(Id: PLPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SetAppUserModelId(Id: LPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function IsEqualByAppUserModelId(Id: LPWSTR; isequal: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function notimpl7(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetViewState(out uint state);
+ function notimpl8(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetViewState(uint state);
+ function notimpl9(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetNeediness(out int neediness);
+ function GetLastActivationTimestamp(ptimestamp: PLONGLONG): HRESULT; stdcall; // <--- don't understand how convert to datetime (or it's works incorrectly)
+ function SetLastActivationTimestamp(timestamp: LONGLONG): HRESULT; stdcall; // <--- don't understand how convert from datetime (or it's works incorrectly)
+ function GetVirtualDesktopId(pguid: PGUID): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SetVirtualDesktopId(pguid: PGUID): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetShowInSwitchers(pflag: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SetShowInSwitchers(flag: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // not supported at build 14393 and lower
+ function notimpl10(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetScaleFactor(out int factor);
+ function CanReceiveInput(pcanReceiveInput: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function GetCompatibilityPolicyType(pflag: PUINT): HRESULT; stdcall; // It seems that works ok
+ function SetCompatibilityPolicyType(flag: UINT): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function notimpl11(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetPositionPriority(out IntPtr /* IShellPositionerPriority** */ priority);
+ function notimpl12(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetPositionPriority(IntPtr /* IShellPositionerPriority* */ priority);
+ function notimpl13(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetSizeConstraints(IntPtr /* IImmersiveMonitor* */ monitor, out Size size1, out Size size2);
+ function notimpl14(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetSizeConstraintsForDpi(uint uint1, out Size size1, out Size size2);
+ function notimpl15(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int SetSizeConstraintsForDpi(ref uint uint1, ref Size size1, ref Size size2);
+ function notimpl16(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int QuerySizeConstraintsFromApp(); // It leads to a crash
+ function OnMinSizePreferencesUpdated(Wnd: HWND): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function notimpl17(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int ApplyOperation(IntPtr /* IApplicationViewOperation* */ operation);
+ function IsTray(pisTray: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // allways return TRUE
+ function IsInHighZOrderBand(pisInHighZOrderBand: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // It seems that works ok
+ function IsSplashScreenPresented(pisSplashScreenPresented: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // allways return FALSE
+ function Flash: HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetRootSwitchableOwner(rootSwitchableOwner: PIApplicationViewW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function EnumerateOwnershipTree(ownershipTree: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested
+ function GetEnterpriseId(Id: PLPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // build 10584 or later // allwaus return empty value
+ function IsMirrored(pisMirrored: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // build 10584 or later // allways return FALSE
+ end;
+ { IApplicationViewCollection }
+ IApplicationViewCollection = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{1841C6D7-4F9D-42C0-AF41-8747538F10E5}']
+ function GetViews(pViews: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetViewsByZOrder(pViews: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetViewsByAppUserModelId(Id: LPWSTR; pViews: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested, but i think it works normaly
+ function GetViewForHwnd(Wnd: HWND; pView: PIApplicationView): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function notimpl1(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetViewForApplication(object application, out IApplicationView view);
+ function GetViewForAppUserModelId(Id: LPWSTR; View: IApplicationView): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested, but i think it works normaly
+ function GetViewInFocus(pView: PIApplicationView): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function RefreshCollection(): HRESULT; stdcall; // It seems that works ok
+ function notimpl2(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int RegisterForApplicationViewChanges(object listener, out int cookie);
+ function notimpl3(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int RegisterForApplicationViewPositionChanges(object listener, out int cookie);
+ function notimpl4(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int UnregisterForApplicationViewChanges(int cookie);
+ end;
+ IApplicationViewCollectionW11 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{1841C6D7-4F9D-42C0-AF41-8747538F10E5}']
+ function GetViews(pViews: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetViewsByZOrder(pViews: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetViewsByAppUserModelId(Id: LPWSTR; pViews: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested, but i think it works normaly
+ function GetViewForHwnd(Wnd: HWND; pView: PIApplicationViewW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function notimpl1(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int GetViewForApplication(object application, out IApplicationView view);
+ function GetViewForAppUserModelId(Id: LPWSTR; View: IApplicationViewW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // not tested, but i think it works normaly
+ function GetViewInFocus(pView: PIApplicationViewW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function RefreshCollection(): HRESULT; stdcall; // It seems that works ok
+ function notimpl2(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int RegisterForApplicationViewChanges(object listener, out int cookie);
+ function notimpl3(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int RegisterForApplicationViewPositionChanges(object listener, out int cookie);
+ function notimpl4(): HRESULT; stdcall; //int UnregisterForApplicationViewChanges(int cookie);
+ end;
+ { IVirtualDesktop }
+ PIVirtualDesktop = ^IVirtualDesktop;
+ IVirtualDesktop = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{FF72FFDD-BE7E-43FC-9C03-AD81681E88E4}']
+ function IsViewVisible(View: IApplicationView; pfVisible: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetId(Id: PGUID): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ end;
+ { IVirtualDesktop Windows 11 }
+ PIVirtualDesktopW11 = ^IVirtualDesktopW11;
+ IVirtualDesktopW11 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{536d3495-b208-4cc9-ae26-de8111275bf8}']
+ function IsViewVisible(View: IApplicationViewW11; pfVisible: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetId(Id: PGUID): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function Proc5(PProc5: PUINT): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetName(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetWallpaperPath(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ end;
+ { IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal }
+ IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal = interface(IUnknown)
+// ['{F31574D6-B682-4CDC-BD56-1827860ABEC6}'] // build 14393 or later
+// ['{AF8DA486-95BB-4460-B3B7-6E7A6B2962B5}'] // build 10240 or later
+// ['{EF9F1A6C-D3CC-4358-B712-F84B635BEBE7}'] // build 10130 or later
+ function GetCount(pCount: PUINT): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function MoveViewToDesktop(View: IApplicationView; Desktop: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function CanViewMoveDesktops(View: IApplicationView; pfCanViewMoveDesktops: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // build 10240 or later // not tested
+ function GetCurrentDesktop(pVD: PIVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetDesktops(pDesktops: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetAdjacentDesktop(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; AdjacentDesktop: UINT; pAdjacentDesktop: PIVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SwitchDesktop(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function CreateDesktopW(pNewDesctop: PIVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function RemoveDesktop(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; FallbackDesktop: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function FindDesktop(pId: PGUID; Desktop: PIVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // build 10240 or later // ok
+ end;
+ IVirtualDesktopManagerInternalW11 = interface(IUnknown)
+// ['{B2F925B9-5A0F-4D2E-9F4D-2B1507593C10}'] // 22000 or later
+ function GetCount(pCount: PUINT): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function MoveViewToDesktop(View: IApplicationViewW11; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function CanViewMoveDesktops(View: IApplicationViewW11; pfCanViewMoveDesktops: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // build 10240 or later // not tested
+ function GetCurrentDesktop(hWndOrMon: PUINT; pVD: PIVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ //do not know if this is for all 22000 or later, trying on 22H2 build 22621.1413, just added the next function, and it works now on it
+ function GetAllCurrentDesktops(pDesktops: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetDesktops(hWndOrMon: PUINT; pDesktops: PIObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function GetAdjacentDesktop(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; AdjacentDesktop: UINT; pAdjacentDesktop: PIVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function SwitchDesktop(hWndOrMon: PUINT; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function CreateDesktopW(hWndOrMon: PUINT; pNewDesctop: PIVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function MoveDesktop(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; hWndOrMon: PUINT; nIndex: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ //
+ function RemoveDesktop(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; FallbackDesktop: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function FindDesktop(pId: PGUID; Desktop: PIVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // build 10240 or later // ok
+ //
+ function GetDesktopSwitchIncludeExcludeViews(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; var o1: IObjectArray; var o2: IObjectArray): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function SetDesktopName(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; name: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function SetDesktopWallpaper(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; path: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function UpdateWallpaperPathForAllDesktops(path: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function CopyDesktopState(pView0: IApplicationViewW11; pView1: IApplicationViewW11): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetDesktopIsPerMonitor(pGetDesktopIsPerMonitor: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function SetDesktopIsPerMonitor(state: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ end;
+ { IVirtualDesktopNotification }
+ IVirtualDesktopNotification = interface(IUnknown) //10240
+ ['{C179334C-4295-40D3-BEA1-C654D965605A}']
+ function VirtualDesktopCreated(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyBegin(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyFailed(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyed(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function ViewVirtualDesktopChanged(View: IApplicationView): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function CurrentVirtualDesktopChanged(DesktopOld: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopNew: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ end;
+ IVirtualDesktopNotification20231 = interface(IUnknown) //build 20231
+ ['{C179334C-4295-40D3-BEA1-C654D965605A}']
+ function VirtualDesktopCreated(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyBegin(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyFailed(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyed(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function ViewVirtualDesktopChanged(View: IApplicationView): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function CurrentVirtualDesktopChanged(DesktopOld: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopNew: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ end;
+ IVirtualDesktopNotification21313 = interface(IUnknown) //build 21313
+ ['{cd403e52-deed-4c13-b437-b98380f2b1e8}']
+ function VirtualDesktopCreated(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyBegin(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyFailed(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyed(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function Unknown1(Number: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function VirtualDesktopMoved(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; nFromIndex: Integer; nToIndex: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function VirtualDesktopRenamed(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; chName: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function ViewVirtualDesktopChanged(View: IApplicationViewW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function CurrentVirtualDesktopChanged(p0: IObjectArray; DesktopOld: IVirtualDesktopW11; DesktopNew: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopWallpaperChanged(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; chPath: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ end;
+ { IVirtualNotificationService }
+ IVirtualNotificationService = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{0CD45E71-D927-4F15-8B0A-8FEF525337BF}']
+ function Register(Notification: IVirtualDesktopNotification; pdwCookie: Pointer): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function Unregister(dwCookie: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ end;
+ IVirtualNotificationServiceW11 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{0CD45E71-D927-4F15-8B0A-8FEF525337BF}']
+ function Register(Notification: IVirtualDesktopNotification21313; pdwCookie: Pointer): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function Unregister(dwCookie: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ end;
+ { IVirtualDesktopPinnedApps }
+ IVirtualDesktopPinnedApps = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{4CE81583-1E4C-4632-A621-07A53543148F}']
+ function IsAppIdPinned(appId: LPWSTR; pfPinned: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function PinAppID(appId: LPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function UnpinAppID(appId: LPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function IsViewPinned(View: IApplicationView; pfPinned: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function PinView(View: IApplicationView): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function UnpinView(View: IApplicationView): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ end;
+ IVirtualDesktopPinnedAppsW11 = interface(IUnknown)
+ ['{4CE81583-1E4C-4632-A621-07A53543148F}']
+ function IsAppIdPinned(appId: LPWSTR; pfPinned: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function PinAppID(appId: LPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function UnpinAppID(appId: LPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function IsViewPinned(View: IApplicationViewW11; pfPinned: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function PinView(View: IApplicationViewW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function UnpinView(View: IApplicationViewW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ end;
diff --git a/thirparty/VirtualDesktopManager.pas b/thirparty/VirtualDesktopManager.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7081916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/VirtualDesktopManager.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1752 @@
+// Created by Alexey Andriukhin (dr. F.I.N.) http://www.delphisources.ru/forum/member.php?u=9721
+// Tested on Win10 x32 (build 14393), Delphi7
+ 2022-05-26:
+ - Updated IVirtualDesktop to include hstring functions
+ TODO : handle those hstring
+unit VirtualDesktopManager;
+ { CodeGear }
+ Windows, // used for many functions
+ Classes, // used for: TList
+ SysUtils, // used for: FreeAndNil()
+ ActiveX, // used for: CoInitialize(), CoUninitialize, Succeeded(), Failed(), IsEqualGUID()
+ ComObj, // used for: GUIDToString()
+ { VirtualDesktopAPI }
+ VirtualDesktopAPI;
+// Winapi.Winrt {HSTRING};
+ TNonRefInterfacedObject = class(TObject, IInterface)
+ private
+ fRefCount: Integer;
+ fDestroyed: Boolean;
+ protected
+ { IInterface }
+ function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
+ function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
+ function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ { Self }
+ procedure DoFreeInstance; virtual;
+ public
+ procedure FreeInstance; override;
+ end;
+ TVirtualDesktopManager = class;
+ TVirtualDesktopManagerW11 = class;
+ TVirtualDesktop = class(TNonRefInterfacedObject, IVirtualDesktop)
+ private
+ fManager: TVirtualDesktopManager;
+ fIDesktop: IVirtualDesktop;
+ function _GetId: TGUID;
+ function _GetIdAsString: AnsiString;
+ function _GetIndex: Integer;
+ function _GetIsCurrent: Boolean;
+ protected
+ { IVirtualDesktop }
+ function IsViewVisible(View: IApplicationView; pfVisible: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetId(Id: PGUID): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetName(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetWallpaperPath(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ { IInterface }
+ function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ { Self }
+ constructor Create(Manager: TVirtualDesktopManager; iDesktop: IVirtualDesktop);
+ procedure DoFreeInstance; override;
+ public
+ { Methods }
+ // Switch
+ function SwitchHere: Boolean;
+ // Remove
+ function Remove: Boolean; overload;
+ function Remove(FallbackDesktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean; overload;
+ function Remove(FallbackDesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ function Remove(FallbackDesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ // Additional
+ function IsWindowVisible(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ { Properties }
+ property Id: TGUID read _GetId;
+ property IdAsString: AnsiString read _GetIdAsString;
+ property Index: Integer read _GetIndex;
+ property IsCurrent: Boolean read _GetIsCurrent;
+ end;
+ TVirtualDesktopW11 = class(TNonRefInterfacedObject, IVirtualDesktopW11)
+ private
+ fManager: TVirtualDesktopManagerW11;
+ fIDesktop: IVirtualDesktopW11;
+ function _GetId: TGUID;
+ function _GetIdAsString: AnsiString;
+ function _GetIndex: Integer;
+ function _GetIsCurrent: Boolean;
+ protected
+ { IVirtualDesktop }
+ function IsViewVisible(View: IApplicationViewW11; pfVisible: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetId(Id: PGUID): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function Proc5(PProc5: PUINT): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetName(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function GetWallpaperPath(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ { IInterface }
+ function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ { Self }
+ constructor Create(Manager: TVirtualDesktopManagerW11; iDesktop: IVirtualDesktopW11);
+ procedure DoFreeInstance; override;
+ public
+ { Methods }
+ // Switch
+ function SwitchHere: Boolean;
+ // Remove
+ function Remove: Boolean; overload;
+ function Remove(FallbackDesktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean; overload;
+ function Remove(FallbackDesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ function Remove(FallbackDesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ // Additional
+ function IsWindowVisible(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ { Properties }
+ property Id: TGUID read _GetId;
+ property IdAsString: AnsiString read _GetIdAsString;
+ property Index: Integer read _GetIndex;
+ property IsCurrent: Boolean read _GetIsCurrent;
+ end;
+ TErrorNotify = procedure(Sender: TObject; ErroCode: HRESULT) of object;
+ TVirtualDesktopCreatedNotify = procedure(Sender: TObject; Desktop: TVirtualDesktop) of object;
+ TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotify = procedure(Sender: TObject; Desktop, DesktopFallback: TVirtualDesktop) of object;
+ TCurrentVirtualDesktopChangedNotify = procedure(Sender: TObject; OldDesktop, NewDesktop: TVirtualDesktop) of object;
+ TVirtualDesktopCreatedNotifyW11 = procedure(Sender: TObject; Desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11) of object;
+ TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotifyW11 = procedure(Sender: TObject; Desktop, DesktopFallback: TVirtualDesktopW11) of object;
+ TCurrentVirtualDesktopChangedNotifyW11 = procedure(Sender: TObject; OldDesktop, NewDesktop: TVirtualDesktopW11) of object;
+ TVirtualDesktopManager = class(TNonRefInterfacedObject, IVirtualDesktopNotification)
+ private
+ fISP: IServiceProvider;
+ fIVDM: IVirtualDesktopManager;
+ fIVDMI: IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal;
+ fIVDMI11: IVirtualDesktopManagerInternalW11;
+ fIVNS: IVirtualNotificationService;
+ fIAVC: IApplicationViewCollection;
+ fIVDPA: IVirtualDesktopPinnedApps;
+ fCookie: DWORD;
+ protected
+ { IVirtualDesktopNotification }
+ function VirtualDesktopCreated(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyBegin(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyFailed(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyed(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function ViewVirtualDesktopChanged(View: IApplicationView): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function CurrentVirtualDesktopChanged(DesktopOld: IVirtualDesktop; DesktopNew: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ { Self }
+ procedure DoFreeInstance; override;
+ private
+ fEnabled: Boolean;
+ fLastError: HRESULT;
+ fDesktops: TList;
+ fOnCurrentChanged: TCurrentVirtualDesktopChangedNotify;
+ fOnCreated: TVirtualDesktopCreatedNotify;
+ fOnDestroyBegin: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotify;
+ fOnDestroyFailed: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotify;
+ fOnDestroyed: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotify;
+ fOnError: TErrorNotify;
+ procedure FreeDesktops;
+ function CheckError(res: HRESULT): Boolean;
+ procedure Initialize;
+ procedure Finalize;
+ function _GetCount: Integer;
+ function _GetDesktop(Index: Integer): TVirtualDesktop;
+ function _GetCurrentDesktop: TVirtualDesktop;
+ function _GetCurrentDesktopIndex: Integer;
+ procedure _SetCurrentDesktopIndex(const Value: Integer);
+ function _GetCurrentDesktopId: TGUID;
+ protected
+ procedure SetLastError(error: HRESULT);
+ public
+ procedure AfterConstruction; override;
+ { Methods }
+ // Additional
+ procedure Refresh;
+ function GetDesktopIndexById(Id: TGUID): Integer;
+ // Create
+ function CreateDesktop: Boolean;
+ function CreateDesktopAndSwitch: Boolean;
+ // Switch
+ function SwitchToDesktop(Desktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean; overload;
+ function SwitchToDesktop(DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function SwitchToDesktop(DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ // Remove
+ function RemoveDesktop(Desktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(Desktop, DesktopFallback: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(DesktopId, DesktopFallbackId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(DesktopIndex, DesktopFallbackIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ function IsWindowOnCurrentDesktop(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function GetWindowDesktop(Wnd: HWND): TVirtualDesktop;
+ // Visibility
+ function IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND; Desktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean; overload;
+ function IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ // Move
+ function MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; Desktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean; overload;
+ function MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ // Additional
+ function IsWindowHaveView(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function FlashWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function SwithToWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ // Pin
+ function IsPinnedWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function IsPinnedApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function PinWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function PinApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function UnpinWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function UnpinApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ { Properties }
+ property Enabled: Boolean read fEnabled;
+ property LastError: HRESULT read fLastError;
+ property Count: Integer read _GetCount;
+ property Desktops[Index: Integer]: TVirtualDesktop read _GetDesktop;
+ property CurrentDesktop: TVirtualDesktop read _GetCurrentDesktop;
+ property CurrentDesktopId: TGUID read _GetCurrentDesktopId;
+ property CurrentDesktopIndex: Integer read _GetCurrentDesktopIndex write _SetCurrentDesktopIndex;
+ { Events }
+ property OnDesktopCreated: TVirtualDesktopCreatedNotify read fOnCreated write fOnCreated;
+ property OnDesktopDestroyBegin: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotify read fOnDestroyBegin write fOnDestroyBegin;
+ property OnDesktopDestroyFailed: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotify read fOnDestroyFailed write fOnDestroyFailed;
+ property OnDesktopDestroyed: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotify read fOnDestroyed write fOnDestroyed;
+ property OnCurrentDesktopChanged: TCurrentVirtualDesktopChangedNotify read fOnCurrentChanged write fOnCurrentChanged;
+ property OnError: TErrorNotify read fOnError write fOnError;
+ end;
+ TVirtualDesktopManagerW11 = class(TNonRefInterfacedObject, IVirtualDesktopNotification21313)
+ private
+ fISP: IServiceProvider;
+ fIVDM: IVirtualDesktopManager;
+ fIVDMI11: IVirtualDesktopManagerInternalW11;
+ fIVNS: IVirtualNotificationServiceW11;
+ fIAVC: IApplicationViewCollectionW11;
+ fIVDPA: IVirtualDesktopPinnedAppsW11;
+ fCookie: DWORD;
+ protected
+ { IVirtualDesktopNotification }
+ function VirtualDesktopCreated(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyBegin(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyFailed(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopDestroyed(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function Unknown1(Number: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function VirtualDesktopMoved(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; nFromIndex: Integer; nToIndex: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function VirtualDesktopRenamed(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; chName: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function ViewVirtualDesktopChanged(View: IApplicationViewW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function CurrentVirtualDesktopChanged(p0: IObjectArray; DesktopOld: IVirtualDesktopW11; DesktopNew: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT; stdcall; // ok
+ function VirtualDesktopWallpaperChanged(Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; chPath: HSTRING): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ { Self }
+ procedure DoFreeInstance; override;
+ private
+ fEnabled: Boolean;
+ fLastError: HRESULT;
+ fDesktops: TList;
+ fOnCurrentChanged: TCurrentVirtualDesktopChangedNotifyW11;
+ fOnCreated: TVirtualDesktopCreatedNotifyW11;
+ fOnDestroyBegin: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotifyW11;
+ fOnDestroyFailed: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotifyW11;
+ fOnDestroyed: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotifyW11;
+ fOnError: TErrorNotify;
+ procedure FreeDesktops;
+ function CheckError(res: HRESULT): Boolean;
+ procedure Initialize;
+ procedure Finalize;
+ function _GetCount: Integer;
+ function _GetDesktop(Index: Integer): TVirtualDesktopW11;
+ function _GetCurrentDesktop: TVirtualDesktopW11;
+ function _GetCurrentDesktopIndex: Integer;
+ procedure _SetCurrentDesktopIndex(const Value: Integer);
+ function _GetCurrentDesktopId: TGUID;
+ protected
+ procedure SetLastError(error: HRESULT);
+ public
+ procedure AfterConstruction; override;
+ { Methods }
+ // Additional
+ procedure Refresh;
+ function GetDesktopIndexById(Id: TGUID): Integer;
+ // Create
+ function CreateDesktop: Boolean;
+ function CreateDesktopAndSwitch: Boolean;
+ // Switch
+ function SwitchToDesktop(Desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean; overload;
+ function SwitchToDesktop(DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function SwitchToDesktop(DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ // Remove
+ function RemoveDesktop(Desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(Desktop, DesktopFallback: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(DesktopId, DesktopFallbackId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ function RemoveDesktop(DesktopIndex, DesktopFallbackIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ function IsWindowOnCurrentDesktop(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function GetWindowDesktop(Wnd: HWND): TVirtualDesktopW11;
+ // Visibility
+ function IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND; Desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean; overload;
+ function IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ // Move
+ function MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; Desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean; overload;
+ function MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean; overload;
+ function MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+ // Additional
+ function IsWindowHaveView(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function FlashWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function SwithToWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ // Pin
+ function IsPinnedWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function IsPinnedApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function PinWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function PinApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function UnpinWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ function UnpinApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ { Properties }
+ property Enabled: Boolean read fEnabled;
+ property LastError: HRESULT read fLastError;
+ property Count: Integer read _GetCount;
+ property Desktops[Index: Integer]: TVirtualDesktopW11 read _GetDesktop;
+ property CurrentDesktop: TVirtualDesktopW11 read _GetCurrentDesktop;
+ property CurrentDesktopId: TGUID read _GetCurrentDesktopId;
+ property CurrentDesktopIndex: Integer read _GetCurrentDesktopIndex write _SetCurrentDesktopIndex;
+ { Events }
+ property OnDesktopCreated: TVirtualDesktopCreatedNotifyW11 read fOnCreated write fOnCreated;
+ property OnDesktopDestroyBegin: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotifyW11 read fOnDestroyBegin write fOnDestroyBegin;
+ property OnDesktopDestroyFailed: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotifyW11 read fOnDestroyFailed write fOnDestroyFailed;
+ property OnDesktopDestroyed: TVirtualDesktopDestroyNotifyW11 read fOnDestroyed write fOnDestroyed;
+ property OnCurrentDesktopChanged: TCurrentVirtualDesktopChangedNotifyW11 read fOnCurrentChanged write fOnCurrentChanged;
+ property OnError: TErrorNotify read fOnError write fOnError;
+ end;
+ DesktopManager: TVirtualDesktopManager;
+ DesktopManagerW11: TVirtualDesktopManagerW11;
+function IsW11:Boolean;
+ Result := Win32BuildNumber >= 22000;
+{ TNonRefInterfacedObject }
+function TNonRefInterfacedObject._AddRef: Integer;
+ Result := InterlockedIncrement(fRefCount);
+function TNonRefInterfacedObject._Release: Integer;
+ Assert(fRefCount > 0, 'Reference count must be greater than zero.');
+ Result := InterlockedDecrement(fRefCount);
+ if (fRefCount = 0) and fDestroyed then
+ FreeInstance;
+procedure TNonRefInterfacedObject.FreeInstance;
+ fDestroyed := True;
+ if fRefCount = 0 then
+ begin
+ DoFreeInstance;
+ inherited FreeInstance;
+ end;
+function TNonRefInterfacedObject.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HRESULT;
+ if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
+procedure TNonRefInterfacedObject.DoFreeInstance;
+{ TVirtualDesktop }
+constructor TVirtualDesktop.Create(Manager: TVirtualDesktopManager; iDesktop: IVirtualDesktop);
+ Assert((Manager <> nil), 'Manager must be assigned!');
+ Assert((iDesktop <> nil), 'Desktop interface must be assigned!');
+ fManager := Manager;
+ fIDesktop := iDesktop;
+ fIDesktop._AddRef;
+procedure TVirtualDesktop.DoFreeInstance;
+ fIDesktop._Release;
+function TVirtualDesktop.GetId(Id: PGUID): HRESULT;
+ Result := fIDesktop.GetId(Id);
+function TVirtualDesktop.GetName(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktop.GetWallpaperPath(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT;
+function TVirtualDesktop.IsViewVisible(View: IApplicationView; pfVisible: PBOOL): HRESULT;
+ Result := fIDesktop.IsViewVisible(View, pfVisible);
+function TVirtualDesktop.IsWindowVisible(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd, Self);
+function TVirtualDesktop.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HRESULT;
+ if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := fIDesktop.QueryInterface(IID, Obj);
+function TVirtualDesktop.Remove: Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.RemoveDesktop(Self);
+function TVirtualDesktop.Remove(FallbackDesktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.RemoveDesktop(Self, FallbackDesktop);
+function TVirtualDesktop.Remove(FallbackDesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.RemoveDesktop(_GetId, FallbackDesktopId);
+function TVirtualDesktop.Remove(FallbackDesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.RemoveDesktop(_GetIndex, FallbackDesktopIndex);
+function TVirtualDesktop.SwitchHere: Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.SwitchToDesktop(Self);
+function TVirtualDesktop._GetId: TGUID;
+ error_code: HRESULT;
+ error_code := fIDesktop.GetId(@Result);
+ if Failed(error_code) then
+ Result := EMPTY_GUID;
+ fManager.SetLastError(error_code);
+function TVirtualDesktop._GetIdAsString: AnsiString;
+ Result := GUIDToString(_GetId);
+function TVirtualDesktop._GetIndex: Integer;
+ Result := fManager.GetDesktopIndexById(_GetId);
+function TVirtualDesktop._GetIsCurrent: Boolean;
+ Result := IsEqualGUID(fManager.CurrentDesktop.Id, _GetId);
+{ TVirtualDesktopManager }
+procedure ReleaseAndNil(var Intf);
+ Temp: IUnknown;
+ Temp := IUnknown(Intf);
+ if Temp = nil then
+ Exit;
+ Temp._Release;
+ Pointer(Intf) := nil;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManager.AfterConstruction;
+ inherited AfterConstruction;
+ Initialize;
+ if fEnabled then
+ Refresh;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.CheckError(res: HRESULT): Boolean;
+ fLastError := Res;
+ Result := Succeeded(Res);
+ if (not Result) and Assigned(fOnError) then
+ fOnError(Self, res);
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.CreateDesktop: Boolean;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktop;
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.CreateDesktopW(@intf_desktop));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.CreateDesktopAndSwitch: Boolean;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktop;
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.CreateDesktopW(@intf_desktop));
+ if Result then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.SwitchDesktop(intf_desktop));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.CurrentVirtualDesktopChanged(DesktopOld, DesktopNew: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT;
+ old_desktop_id, new_desktop_id: TGUID;
+ if Assigned(fOnCurrentChanged) then
+ begin
+ CheckError(DesktopOld.GetId(@old_desktop_id));
+ CheckError(DesktopNew.GetId(@new_desktop_id));
+ fOnCurrentChanged(Self, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(old_desktop_id)), _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(new_desktop_id)));
+ end;
+ Result := S_OK;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManager.DoFreeInstance;
+ if fEnabled then
+ Finalize;
+ FreeDesktops;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManager.Finalize;
+ if fIVNS <> nil then
+ fIVNS.Unregister(fCookie);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIVDM);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIVDMI);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIVNS);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIAVC);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIVDPA);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fISP);
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManager.FreeDesktops;
+ desktop_index: Integer;
+ if fDesktops <> nil then
+ begin
+ for desktop_index := fDesktops.Count - 1 downto 0 do
+ TVirtualDesktop(fDesktops[desktop_index]).Free;
+ FreeAndNil(fDesktops);
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.GetDesktopIndexById(Id: TGUID): Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ while (Result < Count) and (not IsEqualGUID(TVirtualDesktop(fDesktops[Result]).Id, Id)) do
+ Inc(Result);
+ if Result = Count then
+ Result := -1;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.GetWindowDesktop(Wnd: HWND): TVirtualDesktop;
+ desktop_id: TGUID;
+ Result := nil;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if CheckError(fIVDM.GetWindowDesktopId(Wnd, @desktop_id)) then
+ Result := _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.FlashWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(intf_view.Flash);
+ end;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManager.Initialize;
+ fISP := nil;
+ fIVDM := nil;
+ fIVDMI := nil;
+ fIVDMI11 := nil;
+ fIVNS := nil;
+ fIAVC := nil;
+ fIVDPA := nil;
+ if IsW11 then
+ begin
+ fEnabled := CheckError(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManager, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_VirtualDesktopManager, fIVDMI11)) and //
+ CheckError(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ImmersiveShell, nil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_ServiceProvider, fISP));
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ //22000 and later using IVirtualDesktopManagerInternalW11 instead
+ fEnabled := CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_22000, fIVDMI11));
+ if not fEnabled then
+ fEnabled := CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_22621, fIVDMI11));
+ if not fEnabled then
+ fEnabled := CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_22631, fIVDMI11));
+ fEnabled := fEnabled and //
+ CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualNotificationService, IID_VirtualNotificationService, fIVNS)) and //
+ CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_ApplicationViewCollection, IID_ApplicationViewCollection, fIAVC)) and //
+ CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps, IID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps, fIVDPA));
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ // fEnabled := CheckError(fIVNS.Register(Self, @fCookie));
+ OleCheck(fIVNS.Register(Self, @fCookie));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ fEnabled := CheckError(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManager, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_VirtualDesktopManager, fIVDM)) and //
+ CheckError(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ImmersiveShell, nil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_ServiceProvider, fISP));
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ fEnabled := CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_14393, fIVDMI));
+ if not fEnabled then
+ fEnabled := CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_10240, fIVDMI));
+ if not fEnabled then
+ fEnabled := CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_10130, fIVDMI));
+ if not fEnabled then
+ begin
+ //22000 and later using IVirtualDesktopManagerInternalW11 instead
+ fEnabled := CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_22000, fIVDMI11));
+ end;
+ fEnabled := fEnabled and //
+ CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualNotificationService, IID_VirtualNotificationService, fIVNS)) and //
+ CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_ApplicationViewCollection, IID_ApplicationViewCollection, fIAVC)) and //
+ CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps, IID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps, fIVDPA));
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ fEnabled := CheckError(fIVNS.Register(Self, @fCookie));
+// OleCheck(fIVNS.Register(Self, @fCookie));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not fEnabled then
+ Finalize;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.IsWindowOnCurrentDesktop(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ bool_result: BOOL;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if CheckError(fIVDM.IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop(Wnd, @bool_result)) then
+ Result := bool_result;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; Desktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd) = GetCurrentProcessId then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDM.MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd, Desktop.Id))
+ else
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.MoveViewToDesktop(intf_view, (Desktop as IVirtualDesktop)));
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd, _GetDesktop(DesktopIndex));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.IsWindowHaveView(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ Result := Succeeded(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view));
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.IsPinnedApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ app_id: PLPWSTR;
+ bool_result: BOOL;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(app_id, 1024);
+ if CheckError(intf_view.GetAppUserModelId(app_id)) then
+ if CheckError(fIVDPA.IsAppIdPinned(app_id^, @bool_result)) then
+ Result := bool_result;
+ FreeMem(app_id);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.IsPinnedWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ bool_result: BOOL;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ if CheckError(fIVDPA.IsViewPinned(intf_view, @bool_result)) then
+ Result := bool_result;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND; Desktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ bool_result: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ if CheckError((Desktop as IVirtualDesktop).IsViewVisible(intf_view, @bool_result)) then
+ Result := bool_result;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND; DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd, _GetDesktop(DesktopIndex));
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManager.Refresh;
+ desktop_count: UINT;
+ desktop_index: Integer;
+ desktop_new: TVirtualDesktop;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktop;
+ intf_desktops: IObjectArray;
+ FreeDesktops;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if CheckError(fIVDMI.GetDesktops(@intf_desktops)) then
+ if CheckError(intf_desktops.GetCount(@desktop_count)) and (desktop_count > 0) then
+ begin
+ fDesktops := TList.Create;
+ for desktop_index := 0 to desktop_count - 1 do
+ if CheckError(intf_desktops.GetAt(desktop_index, @IID_VirtualDesktop, @intf_desktop)) then
+ begin
+ desktop_new := TVirtualDesktop.Create(Self, intf_desktop);
+ fDesktops.Add(desktop_new);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.RemoveDesktop(Desktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktop;
+ candidate: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if Count = 1 then
+ begin
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.CreateDesktopW(@intf_desktop));
+ if Result then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.RemoveDesktop((Desktop as IVirtualDesktop), intf_desktop));
+ end
+ else if Desktop.IsCurrent then
+ begin
+ candidate := 0;
+ while IsEqualGUID(_GetDesktop(candidate).Id, Desktop.Id) do
+ Inc(candidate);
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.RemoveDesktop((Desktop as IVirtualDesktop), (_GetDesktop(candidate) as IVirtualDesktop)));
+ end
+ else
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.RemoveDesktop((Desktop as IVirtualDesktop), (_GetCurrentDesktop as IVirtualDesktop)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.RemoveDesktop(DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := RemoveDesktop(_GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.RemoveDesktop(DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := RemoveDesktop(_GetDesktop(DesktopIndex));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.RemoveDesktop(Desktop, DesktopFallback: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean;
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.RemoveDesktop((Desktop as IVirtualDesktop), (DesktopFallback as IVirtualDesktop)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.RemoveDesktop(DesktopId, DesktopFallbackId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := RemoveDesktop(_GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)), _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopFallbackId)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.RemoveDesktop(DesktopIndex, DesktopFallbackIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := RemoveDesktop(_GetDesktop(DesktopIndex), _GetDesktop(DesktopFallbackIndex));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.PinApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ app_id: PLPWSTR;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(app_id, 1024);
+ if CheckError(intf_view.GetAppUserModelId(app_id)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDPA.PinAppID(app_id^));
+ FreeMem(app_id);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.PinWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDPA.PinView(intf_view));
+ end;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManager.SetLastError(error: HRESULT);
+ fLastError := error;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.SwitchToDesktop(Desktop: TVirtualDesktop): Boolean;
+ if fEnabled then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI.SwitchDesktop((Desktop as IVirtualDesktop)))
+ else
+ Result := False;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.SwitchToDesktop(DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := SwitchToDesktop(_GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.SwitchToDesktop(DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := SwitchToDesktop(_GetDesktop(DesktopIndex));
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.SwithToWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(intf_view.SwitchTo);
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.UnpinApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ app_id: PLPWSTR;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(app_id, 1024);
+ if CheckError(intf_view.GetAppUserModelId(app_id)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDPA.UnpinAppID(app_id^));
+ FreeMem(app_id);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.UnpinWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationView;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDPA.UnpinView(intf_view));
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.ViewVirtualDesktopChanged(View: IApplicationView): HRESULT;
+ // to do
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.VirtualDesktopCreated(Desktop: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT;
+ new_desktop: TVirtualDesktop;
+ new_desktop := TVirtualDesktop.Create(Self, Desktop);
+ fDesktops.Add(new_desktop);
+ if Assigned(fOnCreated) then
+ fOnCreated(Self, new_desktop);
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.VirtualDesktopDestroyBegin(Desktop, DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT;
+ desktop_id, desktop_fallback_id: TGUID;
+ if Assigned(fOnDestroyBegin) then
+ begin
+ CheckError(Desktop.GetId(@desktop_id));
+ CheckError(DesktopFallback.GetId(@desktop_fallback_id));
+ fOnDestroyBegin(Self, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id)), _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_fallback_id)));
+ end;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.VirtualDesktopDestroyed(Desktop, DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT;
+ desktop_id, desktop_fallback_id: TGUID;
+ destroyed_desktop: TVirtualDesktop;
+ CheckError(Desktop.GetId(@desktop_id));
+ destroyed_desktop := TVirtualDesktop(fDesktops.Extract(_GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id))));
+ if Assigned(fOnDestroyed) then
+ begin
+ CheckError(DesktopFallback.GetId(@desktop_fallback_id));
+ fOnDestroyed(Self, destroyed_desktop, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_fallback_id)));
+ end;
+ destroyed_desktop.Free;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager.VirtualDesktopDestroyFailed(Desktop, DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktop): HRESULT;
+ desktop_id, desktop_fallback_id: TGUID;
+ if Assigned(fOnDestroyFailed) then
+ begin
+ CheckError(Desktop.GetId(@desktop_id));
+ CheckError(DesktopFallback.GetId(@desktop_fallback_id));
+ fOnDestroyFailed(Self, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id)), _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_fallback_id)));
+ end;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager._GetCount: Integer;
+ if fDesktops = nil then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := fDesktops.Count;
+function TVirtualDesktopManager._GetCurrentDesktop: TVirtualDesktop;
+ Result := _GetDesktop(_GetCurrentDesktopIndex);
+function TVirtualDesktopManager._GetCurrentDesktopIndex: Integer;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktop;
+ desktop_id: TGUID;
+ Result := -1;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if CheckError(fIVDMI.GetCurrentDesktop(@intf_desktop)) then
+ if CheckError(intf_desktop.GetId(@desktop_id)) then
+ Result := GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id);
+function TVirtualDesktopManager._GetDesktop(Index: Integer): TVirtualDesktop;
+ if (fDesktops = nil) or (Index < 0) or (Index >= fDesktops.Count) then
+ Result := nil
+ else
+ Result := TVirtualDesktop(fDesktops.Items[Index]);
+function TVirtualDesktopManager._GetCurrentDesktopId: TGUID;
+ Result := CurrentDesktop.Id;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManager._SetCurrentDesktopIndex(const Value: Integer);
+ SwitchToDesktop(Value);
+{ TVirtualDesktopManagerW11 }
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.AfterConstruction;
+ inherited AfterConstruction;
+ Initialize;
+ if fEnabled then
+ Refresh;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.CheckError(res: HRESULT): Boolean;
+ fLastError := Res;
+ Result := Succeeded(Res);
+ if (not Result) and Assigned(fOnError) then
+ fOnError(Self, res);
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.CreateDesktop: Boolean;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11;
+{ TODO : watch if nil (pointer.zero) works }
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.CreateDesktopW(nil, @intf_desktop));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.CreateDesktopAndSwitch: Boolean;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11;
+{ TODO : watch if nil (pointer.zero) works }
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.CreateDesktopW(nil, @intf_desktop));
+ if Result then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.SwitchDesktop(nil, intf_desktop));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.CurrentVirtualDesktopChanged(p0: IObjectArray; DesktopOld,
+ DesktopNew: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT;
+ old_desktop_id, new_desktop_id: TGUID;
+ if Assigned(fOnCurrentChanged) then
+ begin
+ CheckError(DesktopOld.GetId(@old_desktop_id));
+ CheckError(DesktopNew.GetId(@new_desktop_id));
+ fOnCurrentChanged(Self, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(old_desktop_id)), _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(new_desktop_id)));
+ end;
+ Result := S_OK;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.DoFreeInstance;
+ if fEnabled then
+ Finalize;
+ FreeDesktops;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.Finalize;
+ if fIVNS <> nil then
+ fIVNS.Unregister(fCookie);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIVDM);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIVDMI11);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIVNS);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIAVC);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fIVDPA);
+ ReleaseAndNil(fISP);
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.FlashWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(intf_view.Flash);
+ end;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.FreeDesktops;
+ desktop_index: Integer;
+ if fDesktops <> nil then
+ begin
+ for desktop_index := fDesktops.Count - 1 downto 0 do
+ TVirtualDesktopW11(fDesktops[desktop_index]).Free;
+ FreeAndNil(fDesktops);
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.GetDesktopIndexById(Id: TGUID): Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ while (Result < Count) and (not IsEqualGUID(TVirtualDesktopW11(fDesktops[Result]).Id, Id)) do
+ Inc(Result);
+ if Result = Count then
+ Result := -1;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.GetWindowDesktop(
+ Wnd: HWND): TVirtualDesktopW11;
+ desktop_id: TGUID;
+ Result := nil;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if CheckError(fIVDM.GetWindowDesktopId(Wnd, @desktop_id)) then
+ Result := _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id));
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.Initialize;
+ fISP := nil;
+ fIVDM := nil;
+ fIVDMI11 := nil;
+ fIVNS := nil;
+ fIAVC := nil;
+ fIVDPA := nil;
+ fEnabled := CheckError(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManager, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_VirtualDesktopManager, fIVDMI11)) and //
+ CheckError(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ImmersiveShell, nil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_ServiceProvider, fISP));
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ //22000 and later using IVirtualDesktopManagerInternalW11 instead
+ fEnabled := CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, IID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal_22000, fIVDMI11));
+ fEnabled := fEnabled and //
+ CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualNotificationService, IID_VirtualNotificationService, fIVNS)) and //
+ CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_ApplicationViewCollection, IID_ApplicationViewCollectionW11, fIAVC)) and //
+ CheckError(fISP.QueryService(CLSID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps, IID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps, fIVDPA));
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ // fEnabled := CheckError(fIVNS.Register(Self, @fCookie));
+ OleCheck(fIVNS.Register(Self, @fCookie));
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not fEnabled then
+ Finalize;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.IsPinnedApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ app_id: PLPWSTR;
+ bool_result: BOOL;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(app_id, 1024);
+ if CheckError(intf_view.GetAppUserModelId(app_id)) then
+ if CheckError(fIVDPA.IsAppIdPinned(app_id^, @bool_result)) then
+ Result := bool_result;
+ FreeMem(app_id);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.IsPinnedWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ bool_result: BOOL;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ if CheckError(fIVDPA.IsViewPinned(intf_view, @bool_result)) then
+ Result := bool_result;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.IsWindowHaveView(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ Result := Succeeded(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view));
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.IsWindowOnCurrentDesktop(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ bool_result: BOOL;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if CheckError(fIVDM.IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop(Wnd, @bool_result)) then
+ Result := bool_result;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND;
+ DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd, _GetDesktop(DesktopIndex));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND;
+ DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd: HWND;
+ Desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ bool_result: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ if CheckError((Desktop as IVirtualDesktopW11).IsViewVisible(intf_view, @bool_result)) then
+ Result := bool_result;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND;
+ Desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd) = GetCurrentProcessId then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDM.MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd, Desktop.Id))
+ else
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.MoveViewToDesktop(intf_view, (Desktop as IVirtualDesktopW11)));
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND;
+ DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd: HWND;
+ DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := MoveWindowToDesktop(Wnd, _GetDesktop(DesktopIndex));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.PinApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ app_id: PLPWSTR;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(app_id, 1024);
+ if CheckError(intf_view.GetAppUserModelId(app_id)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDPA.PinAppID(app_id^));
+ FreeMem(app_id);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.PinWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDPA.PinView(intf_view));
+ end;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.Refresh;
+ desktop_count: UINT;
+ desktop_index: Integer;
+ desktop_new: TVirtualDesktopW11;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11;
+ intf_desktops: IObjectArray;
+ FreeDesktops;
+ if fEnabled then
+ { TODO : watch if nil (pointer.zero) works }
+ if CheckError(fIVDMI11.GetDesktops(nil, @intf_desktops)) then
+ if CheckError(intf_desktops.GetCount(@desktop_count)) and (desktop_count > 0) then
+ begin
+ fDesktops := TList.Create;
+ for desktop_index := 0 to desktop_count - 1 do
+ if CheckError(intf_desktops.GetAt(desktop_index, @IID_VirtualDesktopW11, @intf_desktop)) then
+ begin
+ desktop_new := TVirtualDesktopW11.Create(Self, intf_desktop);
+ fDesktops.Add(desktop_new);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.RemoveDesktop(
+ Desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11;
+ candidate: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ if Count = 1 then
+ begin
+ { TODO : watch if nil (pointer.zero) works }
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.CreateDesktopW(nil,@intf_desktop));
+ if Result then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.RemoveDesktop((Desktop as IVirtualDesktopW11), intf_desktop));
+ end
+ else if Desktop.IsCurrent then
+ begin
+ candidate := 0;
+ while IsEqualGUID(_GetDesktop(candidate).Id, Desktop.Id) do
+ Inc(candidate);
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.RemoveDesktop((Desktop as IVirtualDesktopW11), (_GetDesktop(candidate) as IVirtualDesktopW11)));
+ end
+ else
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.RemoveDesktop((Desktop as IVirtualDesktopW11), (_GetCurrentDesktop as IVirtualDesktopW11)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.RemoveDesktop(Desktop,
+ DesktopFallback: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean;
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.RemoveDesktop((Desktop as IVirtualDesktopW11), (DesktopFallback as IVirtualDesktopW11)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.RemoveDesktop(DesktopIndex,
+ DesktopFallbackIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := RemoveDesktop(_GetDesktop(DesktopIndex), _GetDesktop(DesktopFallbackIndex));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.RemoveDesktop(
+ DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := RemoveDesktop(_GetDesktop(DesktopIndex));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.RemoveDesktop(DesktopId,
+ DesktopFallbackId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := RemoveDesktop(_GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)), _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopFallbackId)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.RemoveDesktop(DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := RemoveDesktop(_GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)));
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.SetLastError(error: HRESULT);
+ fLastError := error;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.SwitchToDesktop(DesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := SwitchToDesktop(_GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(DesktopId)));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.SwitchToDesktop(
+ Desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean;
+ if fEnabled then
+ { TODO : watch if nil (pointer.zero) works }
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDMI11.SwitchDesktop(nil, (Desktop as IVirtualDesktopW11)))
+ else
+ Result := False;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.SwitchToDesktop(
+ DesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := SwitchToDesktop(_GetDesktop(DesktopIndex));
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.SwithToWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(intf_view.SwitchTo);
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.Unknown1(Number: Integer): HRESULT;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.UnpinApplication(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ app_id: PLPWSTR;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(app_id, 1024);
+ if CheckError(intf_view.GetAppUserModelId(app_id)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDPA.UnpinAppID(app_id^));
+ FreeMem(app_id);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.UnpinWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ intf_view: IApplicationViewW11;
+ Result := False;
+ if fEnabled then
+ begin
+ CheckError(fIAVC.RefreshCollection);
+ if CheckError(fIAVC.GetViewForHwnd(Wnd, @intf_view)) then
+ Result := CheckError(fIVDPA.UnpinView(intf_view));
+ end;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.ViewVirtualDesktopChanged(
+ View: IApplicationViewW11): HRESULT;
+ // to do
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.VirtualDesktopCreated(p0: IObjectArray;
+ Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT;
+ new_desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11;
+ new_desktop := TVirtualDesktopW11.Create(Self, Desktop);
+ fDesktops.Add(new_desktop);
+ if Assigned(fOnCreated) then
+ fOnCreated(Self, new_desktop);
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.VirtualDesktopDestroyBegin(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop,
+ DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT;
+ desktop_id, desktop_fallback_id: TGUID;
+ if Assigned(fOnDestroyBegin) then
+ begin
+ CheckError(Desktop.GetId(@desktop_id));
+ CheckError(DesktopFallback.GetId(@desktop_fallback_id));
+ fOnDestroyBegin(Self, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id)), _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_fallback_id)));
+ end;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.VirtualDesktopDestroyed(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop,
+ DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT;
+ desktop_id, desktop_fallback_id: TGUID;
+ destroyed_desktop: TVirtualDesktopW11;
+ CheckError(Desktop.GetId(@desktop_id));
+ destroyed_desktop := TVirtualDesktopW11(fDesktops.Extract(_GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id))));
+ if Assigned(fOnDestroyed) then
+ begin
+ CheckError(DesktopFallback.GetId(@desktop_fallback_id));
+ fOnDestroyed(Self, destroyed_desktop, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_fallback_id)));
+ end;
+ destroyed_desktop.Free;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.VirtualDesktopDestroyFailed(p0: IObjectArray; Desktop,
+ DesktopFallback: IVirtualDesktopW11): HRESULT;
+ desktop_id, desktop_fallback_id: TGUID;
+ if Assigned(fOnDestroyFailed) then
+ begin
+ CheckError(Desktop.GetId(@desktop_id));
+ CheckError(DesktopFallback.GetId(@desktop_fallback_id));
+ fOnDestroyFailed(Self, _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id)), _GetDesktop(GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_fallback_id)));
+ end;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.VirtualDesktopMoved(p0: IObjectArray;
+ Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; nFromIndex, nToIndex: Integer): HRESULT;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.VirtualDesktopRenamed(
+ Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; chName: HSTRING): HRESULT;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.VirtualDesktopWallpaperChanged(
+ Desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11; chPath: HSTRING): HRESULT;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11._GetCount: Integer;
+ if fDesktops = nil then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := fDesktops.Count;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11._GetCurrentDesktop: TVirtualDesktopW11;
+ Result := _GetDesktop(_GetCurrentDesktopIndex);
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11._GetCurrentDesktopId: TGUID;
+ Result := CurrentDesktop.Id;
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11._GetCurrentDesktopIndex: Integer;
+ intf_desktop: IVirtualDesktopW11;
+ desktop_id: TGUID;
+ Result := -1;
+ if fEnabled then
+ { TODO : watch if nil (pointer.zero) works }
+ if CheckError(fIVDMI11.GetCurrentDesktop(nil, @intf_desktop)) then
+ if CheckError(intf_desktop.GetId(@desktop_id)) then
+ Result := GetDesktopIndexById(desktop_id);
+function TVirtualDesktopManagerW11._GetDesktop(
+ Index: Integer): TVirtualDesktopW11;
+ if (fDesktops = nil) or (Index < 0) or (Index >= fDesktops.Count) then
+ Result := nil
+ else
+ Result := TVirtualDesktopW11(fDesktops.Items[Index]);
+procedure TVirtualDesktopManagerW11._SetCurrentDesktopIndex(
+ const Value: Integer);
+ SwitchToDesktop(Value);
+{ TVirtualDesktopW11 }
+constructor TVirtualDesktopW11.Create(Manager: TVirtualDesktopManagerW11;
+ iDesktop: IVirtualDesktopW11);
+ Assert((Manager <> nil), 'Manager must be assigned!');
+ Assert((iDesktop <> nil), 'Desktop interface must be assigned!');
+ fManager := Manager;
+ fIDesktop := iDesktop;
+ fIDesktop._AddRef;
+procedure TVirtualDesktopW11.DoFreeInstance;
+ fIDesktop._Release;
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.GetId(Id: PGUID): HRESULT;
+ Result := fIDesktop.GetId(Id);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.GetName(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT;
+ Result := fIDesktop.GetName(Hs);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.GetWallpaperPath(Hs: HSTRING): HRESULT;
+ Result := fIDesktop.GetWallpaperPath(Hs);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.IsViewVisible(View: IApplicationViewW11;
+ pfVisible: PBOOL): HRESULT;
+ Result := fIDesktop.IsViewVisible(View, pfVisible);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.IsWindowVisible(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.IsWindowVisibleAtDesktop(Wnd, Self);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.Proc5(PProc5: PUINT): HRESULT;
+ { TODO : unknown function }
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HRESULT;
+ if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := fIDesktop.QueryInterface(IID, Obj);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.Remove(
+ FallbackDesktop: TVirtualDesktopW11): Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.RemoveDesktop(Self, FallbackDesktop);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.Remove: Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.RemoveDesktop(Self);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.Remove(FallbackDesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.RemoveDesktop(_GetIndex, FallbackDesktopIndex);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.Remove(FallbackDesktopId: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.RemoveDesktop(_GetId, FallbackDesktopId);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11.SwitchHere: Boolean;
+ Result := fManager.SwitchToDesktop(Self);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11._GetId: TGUID;
+ error_code: HRESULT;
+ error_code := fIDesktop.GetId(@Result);
+ if Failed(error_code) then
+ Result := EMPTY_GUID;
+ fManager.SetLastError(error_code);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11._GetIdAsString: AnsiString;
+ Result := GUIDToString(_GetId);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11._GetIndex: Integer;
+ Result := fManager.GetDesktopIndexById(_GetId);
+function TVirtualDesktopW11._GetIsCurrent: Boolean;
+ Result := IsEqualGUID(fManager.CurrentDesktop.Id, _GetId);
+ CoInitialize(nil);
+ if IsW11 then
+ DesktopManagerW11 := TVirtualDesktopManagerW11.Create
+ else
+ DesktopManager := TVirtualDesktopManager.Create;
+ if IsW11 then
+ DesktopManagerW11.Free
+ else
+ DesktopManager.Free;
+ CoUninitialize;
diff --git a/XGraphics.pas b/thirparty/XGraphics.pas
similarity index 100%
rename from XGraphics.pas
rename to thirparty/XGraphics.pas
diff --git a/thirparty/pngimage.pas b/thirparty/pngimage.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d873ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/pngimage.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,5824 @@
+{Portable Network Graphics Delphi 1.564 (31 July 2006) }
+{This is a full, open sourced implementation of png in Delphi }
+{It has native support for most of png features including the }
+{partial transparency, gamma and more. }
+{For the latest version, please be sure to check my website }
+{http://pngdelphi.sourceforge.net }
+{Gustavo Huffenbacher Daud (gustavo.daud@terra.com.br) }
+ Version 1.564
+ 2006-07-25 BUG 1 - There was one GDI Palette object leak
+ when assigning from other PNG (fixed)
+ BUG 2 - Loosing color information when assigning png
+ to bmp on lower screen depth system
+ BUG 3 - There was a bug in TStream.GetSize
+ (fixed thanks to Vladimir Panteleev)
+ IMPROVE 1 - When assigning png to bmp now alpha information
+ is drawn (simulated into a white background)
+ Version 1.563
+ 2006-07-25 BUG 1 - There was a memory bug in the main component
+ destructor (fixed thanks to Steven L Brenner)
+ BUG 2 - The packages name contained spaces which was
+ causing some strange bugs in Delphi
+ (fixed thanks to Martijn Saly)
+ BUG 3 - Lots of fixes when handling palettes
+ (bugs implemented in the last version)
+ Fixed thanks to Gabriel Corneanu!!!
+ BUG 4 - CreateAlpha was raising an error because it did
+ not resized the palette chunk it created;
+ Fixed thanks to Miha Sokolov
+ IMPROVE 1 - Renamed the pngzlib.pas unit to zlibpas.pas
+ as a tentative to all libraries use the same
+ shared zlib implementation and to avoid including
+ two or three times the same P-Code.
+ (Gabriel Corneanu idea)
+ Version 1.561
+ 2006-05-17 BUG 1 - There was a bug in the method that draws semi
+ transparent images (a memory leak). fixed.
+ Version 1.56
+ 2006-05-09 - IMPROVE 1 - Delphi standard TCanvas support is now implemented
+ IMPROVE 2 - The PNG files may now be resized and created from
+ scratch using CreateBlank, Resize, Width and Height
+ BUG 1 - Fixed some bugs on handling tRNS transparencies
+ BUG 2 - Fixed bugs related to palette handling
+ Version 1.535
+ 2006-04-21 - IMPROVE 1 - Now the library uses the latest ZLIB release (1.2.3)
+ (thanks to: Roberto Della Pasqua
+ http://www.dellapasqua.com/delphizlib/)
+ Version 1.53
+ 2006-04-14 -
+ BUG 1 - Remove transparency was not working for
+ RGB Alpha and Grayscale alpha. fixed
+ BUG 2 - There was a bug were compressed text chunks no keyword
+ name could not be read
+ IMPROVE 1 - Add classes and methods to work with the pHYs chunk
+ (including TPNGObject.DrawUsingPixelInformation)
+ IMPROVE 3 - Included a property Version to return the library
+ version
+ IMPROVE 4 - New polish translation (thanks to Piotr Domanski)
+ IMPROVE 5 - Now packages for delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005 and 2006
+ Also Martijn Saly (thany) made some improvements in the library:
+ IMPROVE 1 - SetPixel now works with grayscale
+ IMPROVE 2 - Palette property now can be written using a
+ windows handle
+ Thanks !!
+ Version 1.5
+ 2005-06-29 - Fixed a lot of bugs using tips from mails that I´ve
+ being receiving for some time
+ BUG 1 - Loosing palette when assigning to TBitmap. fixed
+ BUG 2 - SetPixels and GetPixels worked only with
+ parameters in range 0..255. fixed
+ BUG 3 - Force type address off using directive
+ BUG 4 - TChunkzTXt contained an error
+ BUG 5 - MaxIdatSize was not working correctly (fixed thanks
+ to Gabriel Corneanu
+ BUG 6 - Corrected german translation (thanks to Mael Horz)
+ And the following improvements:
+ IMPROVE 1 - Create ImageHandleValue properties as public in
+ TChunkIHDR to get access to this handle
+ IMPROVE 2 - Using SetStretchBltMode to improve stretch quality
+ IMPROVE 3 - Scale is now working for alpha transparent images
+ IMPROVE 4 - GammaTable propery is now public to support an
+ article in the help file
+ Version 1.4361
+ 2003-03-04 - Fixed important bug for simple transparency when using
+ RGB, Grayscale color modes
+ Version 1.436
+ 2003-03-04 - * NEW * Property Pixels for direct access to pixels
+ * IMPROVED * Palette property (TPngObject) (read only)
+ Slovenian traslation for the component (Miha Petelin)
+ Help file update (scanline article/png->jpg example)
+ Version 1.435
+ 2003-11-03 - * NEW * New chunk implementation zTXt (method AddzTXt)
+ * NEW * New compiler flags to store the extra 8 bits
+ from 16 bits samples (when saving it is ignored), the
+ extra data may be acessed using ExtraScanline property
+ * Fixed * a bug on tIMe chunk
+ French translation included (Thanks to IBE Software)
+ Bugs fixed
+ Version 1.432
+ 2002-08-24 - * NEW * A new method, CreateAlpha will transform the
+ current image into partial transparency.
+ Help file updated with a new article on how to handle
+ partial transparency.
+ Version 1.431
+ 2002-08-14 - Fixed and tested to work on:
+ C++ Builder 3
+ C++ Builder 5
+ Delphi 3
+ There was an error when setting TransparentColor, fixed
+ New method, RemoveTransparency to remove image
+ Version 1.43
+ 2002-08-01 - * NEW * Support for Delphi 3 and C++ Builder 3
+ Implements mostly some things that were missing,
+ a few tweaks and fixes.
+ Version 1.428
+ 2002-07-24 - More minor fixes (thanks to Ian Boyd)
+ Bit transparency fixes
+ * NEW * Finally support to bit transparency
+ (palette / rgb / grayscale -> all)
+ Version 1.427
+ 2002-07-19 - Lots of bugs and leaks fixed
+ * NEW * method to easy adding text comments, AddtEXt
+ * NEW * property for setting bit transparency,
+ TransparentColor
+ Version 1.426
+ 2002-07-18 - Clipboard finally fixed and working
+ Changed UseDelphi trigger to UseDelphi
+ * NEW * Support for bit transparency bitmaps
+ when assigning from/to TBitmap objects
+ Altough it does not support drawing transparent
+ parts of bit transparency pngs (only partial)
+ it is closer than ever
+ Version 1.425
+ 2002-07-01 - Clipboard methods implemented
+ Lots of bugs fixed
+ Version 1.424
+ 2002-05-16 - Scanline and AlphaScanline are now working correctly.
+ New methods for handling the clipboard
+ Version 1.423
+ 2002-05-16 - * NEW * Partial transparency for 1, 2, 4 and 8 bits is
+ also supported using the tRNS chunk (for palette and
+ grayscaling).
+ New bug fixes (Peter Haas).
+ Version 1.422
+ 2002-05-14 - Fixed some critical leaks, thanks to Peter Haas tips.
+ New translation for German (Peter Haas).
+ Version 1.421
+ 2002-05-06 - Now uses new ZLIB version, 1.1.4 with some security
+ fixes.
+ LoadFromResourceID and LoadFromResourceName added and
+ help file updated for that.
+ The resources strings are now located in pnglang.pas.
+ New translation for Brazilian Portuguese.
+ Bugs fixed.
+ IMPORTANT: As always I´m looking for bugs on the library. If
+ anyone has found one, please send me an email and
+ I will fix asap. Thanks for all the help and ideas
+ I'm receiving so far.}
+{My email is : gustavo.daud@terra.com.br}
+{Website link : http://pngdelphi.sourceforge.net}
+{Gustavo Huffenbacher Daud}
+unit pngimage;
+{Triggers avaliable (edit the fields bellow)}
+{$DEFINE UseDelphi} //Disable fat vcl units(perfect for small apps)
+{$DEFINE ErrorOnUnknownCritical} //Error when finds an unknown critical chunk
+{$DEFINE CheckCRC} //Enables CRC checking
+{$DEFINE RegisterGraphic} //Registers TPNGObject to use with TPicture
+{$DEFINE PartialTransparentDraw} //Draws partial transparent images
+{$DEFINE Store16bits} //Stores the extra 8 bits from 16bits/sample
+ Windows {$IFDEF UseDelphi}, Classes, Graphics, SysUtils{$ENDIF},
+ zlibpas, pnglang;
+ LibraryVersion = '1.564';
+{$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
+ const
+ soFromBeginning = 0;
+ soFromCurrent = 1;
+ soFromEnd = 2;
+ {ZLIB constants}
+ ZLIBErrors: Array[-6..2] of string = ('incompatible version (-6)',
+ 'buffer error (-5)', 'insufficient memory (-4)', 'data error (-3)',
+ 'stream error (-2)', 'file error (-1)', '(0)', 'stream end (1)',
+ 'need dictionary (2)');
+ Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;
+ Z_FINISH = 4;
+ {Avaliable PNG filters for mode 0}
+ FILTER_UP = 2;
+ {Avaliable color modes for PNG}
+ COLOR_RGB = 2;
+ {$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
+ {Custom exception handler}
+ Exception = class(TObject)
+ constructor Create(Msg: String);
+ end;
+ ExceptClass = class of Exception;
+ TColor = ColorRef;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Error types}
+ EPNGOutMemory = class(Exception);
+ EPngError = class(Exception);
+ EPngUnexpectedEnd = class(Exception);
+ EPngInvalidCRC = class(Exception);
+ EPngInvalidIHDR = class(Exception);
+ EPNGMissingMultipleIDAT = class(Exception);
+ EPNGZLIBError = class(Exception);
+ EPNGInvalidPalette = class(Exception);
+ EPNGInvalidFileHeader = class(Exception);
+ EPNGIHDRNotFirst = class(Exception);
+ EPNGNotExists = class(Exception);
+ EPNGSizeExceeds = class(Exception);
+ EPNGMissingPalette = class(Exception);
+ EPNGUnknownCriticalChunk = class(Exception);
+ EPNGUnknownCompression = class(Exception);
+ EPNGUnknownInterlace = class(Exception);
+ EPNGNoImageData = class(Exception);
+ EPNGCouldNotLoadResource = class(Exception);
+ EPNGCannotChangeTransparent = class(Exception);
+ EPNGHeaderNotPresent = class(Exception);
+ EPNGInvalidNewSize = class(Exception);
+ EPNGInvalidSpec = class(Exception);
+ {Direct access to pixels using R,G,B}
+ TRGBLine = array[word] of TRGBTriple;
+ pRGBLine = ^TRGBLine;
+ {Same as TBitmapInfo but with allocated space for}
+ {palette entries}
+ TMAXBITMAPINFO = packed record
+ bmiHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader;
+ bmiColors: packed array[0..255] of TRGBQuad;
+ end;
+ {Transparency mode for pngs}
+ TPNGTransparencyMode = (ptmNone, ptmBit, ptmPartial);
+ {Pointer to a cardinal type}
+ pCardinal = ^Cardinal;
+ {Access to a rgb pixel}
+ pRGBPixel = ^TRGBPixel;
+ TRGBPixel = packed record
+ B, G, R: Byte;
+ end;
+ {Pointer to an array of bytes type}
+ TByteArray = Array[Word] of Byte;
+ pByteArray = ^TByteArray;
+ {Forward}
+ TPNGObject = class;
+ pPointerArray = ^TPointerArray;
+ TPointerArray = Array[Word] of Pointer;
+ {Contains a list of objects}
+ TPNGPointerList = class
+ private
+ fOwner: TPNGObject;
+ fCount : Cardinal;
+ fMemory: pPointerArray;
+ function GetItem(Index: Cardinal): Pointer;
+ procedure SetItem(Index: Cardinal; const Value: Pointer);
+ protected
+ {Removes an item}
+ function Remove(Value: Pointer): Pointer; virtual;
+ {Inserts an item}
+ procedure Insert(Value: Pointer; Position: Cardinal);
+ {Add a new item}
+ procedure Add(Value: Pointer);
+ {Returns an item}
+ property Item[Index: Cardinal]: Pointer read GetItem write SetItem;
+ {Set the size of the list}
+ procedure SetSize(const Size: Cardinal);
+ {Returns owner}
+ property Owner: TPNGObject read fOwner;
+ public
+ {Returns number of items}
+ property Count: Cardinal read fCount write SetSize;
+ {Object being either created or destroyed}
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TPNGObject);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ {Forward declaration}
+ TChunk = class;
+ TChunkClass = class of TChunk;
+ {Same as TPNGPointerList but providing typecasted values}
+ TPNGList = class(TPNGPointerList)
+ private
+ {Used with property Item}
+ function GetItem(Index: Cardinal): TChunk;
+ public
+ {Finds the first item with this class}
+ function FindChunk(ChunkClass: TChunkClass): TChunk;
+ {Removes an item}
+ procedure RemoveChunk(Chunk: TChunk); overload;
+ {Add a new chunk using the class from the parameter}
+ function Add(ChunkClass: TChunkClass): TChunk;
+ {Returns pointer to the first chunk of class}
+ function ItemFromClass(ChunkClass: TChunkClass): TChunk;
+ {Returns a chunk item from the list}
+ property Item[Index: Cardinal]: TChunk read GetItem;
+ end;
+ {$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
+ {The STREAMs bellow are only needed in case delphi provided ones is not}
+ {avaliable (UseDelphi trigger not set)}
+ {Object becomes handles}
+ TCanvas = THandle;
+ TBitmap = HBitmap;
+ {Trick to work}
+ TPersistent = TObject;
+ {Base class for all streams}
+ TStream = class
+ protected
+ {Returning/setting size}
+ function GetSize: Longint; virtual;
+ procedure SetSize(const Value: Longint); virtual; abstract;
+ {Returns/set position}
+ function GetPosition: Longint; virtual;
+ procedure SetPosition(const Value: Longint); virtual;
+ public
+ {Returns/sets current position}
+ property Position: Longint read GetPosition write SetPosition;
+ {Property returns/sets size}
+ property Size: Longint read GetSize write SetSize;
+ {Allows reading/writing data}
+ function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Cardinal; virtual; abstract;
+ function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Cardinal; virtual; abstract;
+ {Copies from another Stream}
+ function CopyFrom(Source: TStream;
+ Count: Cardinal): Cardinal; virtual;
+ {Seeks a stream position}
+ function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; virtual; abstract;
+ end;
+ {File stream modes}
+ TFileStreamMode = (fsmRead, fsmWrite, fsmCreate);
+ TFileStreamModeSet = set of TFileStreamMode;
+ {File stream for reading from files}
+ TFileStream = class(TStream)
+ private
+ {Opened mode}
+ Filemode: TFileStreamModeSet;
+ {Handle}
+ fHandle: THandle;
+ protected
+ {Set the size of the file}
+ procedure SetSize(const Value: Longint); override;
+ public
+ {Seeks a file position}
+ function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
+ {Reads/writes data from/to the file}
+ function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Cardinal; override;
+ function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Cardinal; override;
+ {Stream being created and destroy}
+ constructor Create(Filename: String; Mode: TFileStreamModeSet);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ {Stream for reading from resources}
+ TResourceStream = class(TStream)
+ constructor Create(Instance: HInst; const ResName: String; ResType:PChar);
+ private
+ {Variables for reading}
+ Size: Integer;
+ Memory: Pointer;
+ Position: Integer;
+ protected
+ {Set the size of the file}
+ procedure SetSize(const Value: Longint); override;
+ public
+ {Stream processing}
+ function Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Cardinal; override;
+ function Seek(Offset: Integer; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
+ function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Cardinal; override;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Forward}
+ TChunkIHDR = class;
+ TChunkpHYs = class;
+ {Interlace method}
+ TInterlaceMethod = (imNone, imAdam7);
+ {Compression level type}
+ TCompressionLevel = 0..9;
+ {Filters type}
+ TFilter = (pfNone, pfSub, pfUp, pfAverage, pfPaeth);
+ TFilters = set of TFilter;
+ {Png implementation object}
+ TPngObject = class{$IFDEF UseDelphi}(TGraphic){$ENDIF}
+ protected
+ {Inverse gamma table values}
+ InverseGamma: Array[Byte] of Byte;
+ procedure InitializeGamma;
+ private
+ {Canvas}
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}fCanvas: TCanvas;{$ENDIF}
+ {Filters to test to encode}
+ fFilters: TFilters;
+ {Compression level for ZLIB}
+ fCompressionLevel: TCompressionLevel;
+ {Maximum size for IDAT chunks}
+ fMaxIdatSize: Integer;
+ {Returns if image is interlaced}
+ fInterlaceMethod: TInterlaceMethod;
+ {Chunks object}
+ fChunkList: TPngList;
+ {Clear all chunks in the list}
+ procedure ClearChunks;
+ {Returns if header is present}
+ function HeaderPresent: Boolean;
+ procedure GetPixelInfo(var LineSize, Offset: Cardinal);
+ {Returns linesize and byte offset for pixels}
+ procedure SetMaxIdatSize(const Value: Integer);
+ function GetAlphaScanline(const LineIndex: Integer): pByteArray;
+ function GetScanline(const LineIndex: Integer): Pointer;
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ function GetExtraScanline(const LineIndex: Integer): Pointer;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ function GetPixelInformation: TChunkpHYs;
+ function GetTransparencyMode: TPNGTransparencyMode;
+ function GetTransparentColor: TColor;
+ procedure SetTransparentColor(const Value: TColor);
+ {Returns the version}
+ function GetLibraryVersion: String;
+ protected
+ {Being created}
+ BeingCreated: Boolean;
+ {Returns / set the image palette}
+ function GetPalette: HPALETTE; {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure SetPalette(Value: HPALETTE); {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure DoSetPalette(Value: HPALETTE; const UpdateColors: Boolean);
+ {Returns/sets image width and height}
+ function GetWidth: Integer; {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ function GetHeight: Integer; {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override; {$ENDIF}
+ procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override; {$ENDIF}
+ procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ {Assigns from another TPNGObject}
+ procedure AssignPNG(Source: TPNGObject);
+ {Returns if the image is empty}
+ function GetEmpty: Boolean; {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override; {$ENDIF}
+ {Used with property Header}
+ function GetHeader: TChunkIHDR;
+ {Draws using partial transparency}
+ procedure DrawPartialTrans(DC: HDC; Rect: TRect);
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}
+ {Returns if the image is transparent}
+ function GetTransparent: Boolean; override;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Returns a pixel}
+ function GetPixels(const X, Y: Integer): TColor; virtual;
+ procedure SetPixels(const X, Y: Integer; const Value: TColor); virtual;
+ public
+ {Gamma table array}
+ GammaTable: Array[Byte] of Byte;
+ {Resizes the PNG image}
+ procedure Resize(const CX, CY: Integer);
+ {Generates alpha information}
+ procedure CreateAlpha;
+ {Removes the image transparency}
+ procedure RemoveTransparency;
+ {Transparent color}
+ property TransparentColor: TColor read GetTransparentColor write
+ SetTransparentColor;
+ {Add text chunk, TChunkTEXT, TChunkzTXT}
+ procedure AddtEXt(const Keyword, Text: String);
+ procedure AddzTXt(const Keyword, Text: String);
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}
+ {Saves to clipboard format (thanks to Antoine Pottern)}
+ procedure SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word; var AData: THandle;
+ var APalette: HPalette); override;
+ procedure LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word; AData: THandle;
+ APalette: HPalette); override;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Calling errors}
+ procedure RaiseError(ExceptionClass: ExceptClass; Text: String);
+ {Returns a scanline from png}
+ property Scanline[const Index: Integer]: Pointer read GetScanline;
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ property ExtraScanline[const Index: Integer]: Pointer read GetExtraScanline;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Used to return pixel information}
+ function HasPixelInformation: Boolean;
+ property PixelInformation: TChunkpHYs read GetPixelInformation;
+ property AlphaScanline[const Index: Integer]: pByteArray read
+ GetAlphaScanline;
+ procedure DrawUsingPixelInformation(Canvas: TCanvas; Point: TPoint);
+ {Canvas}
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}property Canvas: TCanvas read fCanvas;{$ENDIF}
+ {Returns pointer to the header}
+ property Header: TChunkIHDR read GetHeader;
+ {Returns the transparency mode used by this png}
+ property TransparencyMode: TPNGTransparencyMode read GetTransparencyMode;
+ {Assigns from another object}
+ procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent);{$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ {Assigns to another object}
+ procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);{$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ {Assigns from a windows bitmap handle}
+ procedure AssignHandle(Handle: HBitmap; Transparent: Boolean;
+ TransparentColor: ColorRef);
+ {Draws the image into a canvas}
+ procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ {Width and height properties}
+ property Width: Integer read GetWidth;
+ property Height: Integer read GetHeight;
+ {Returns if the image is interlaced}
+ property InterlaceMethod: TInterlaceMethod read fInterlaceMethod
+ write fInterlaceMethod;
+ {Filters to test to encode}
+ property Filters: TFilters read fFilters write fFilters;
+ {Maximum size for IDAT chunks, default and minimum is 65536}
+ property MaxIdatSize: Integer read fMaxIdatSize write SetMaxIdatSize;
+ {Property to return if the image is empty or not}
+ property Empty: Boolean read GetEmpty;
+ {Compression level}
+ property CompressionLevel: TCompressionLevel read fCompressionLevel
+ write fCompressionLevel;
+ {Access to the chunk list}
+ property Chunks: TPngList read fChunkList;
+ {Object being created and destroyed}
+ constructor Create; {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ constructor CreateBlank(ColorType, Bitdepth: Cardinal; cx, cy: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ {$IFNDEF UseDelphi}procedure LoadFromFile(const Filename: String);{$ENDIF}
+ {$IFNDEF UseDelphi}procedure SaveToFile(const Filename: String);{$ENDIF}
+ procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); {$IFDEF UseDelphi}override;{$ENDIF}
+ {Loading the image from resources}
+ procedure LoadFromResourceName(Instance: HInst; const Name: String);
+ procedure LoadFromResourceID(Instance: HInst; ResID: Integer);
+ {Access to the png pixels}
+ property Pixels[const X, Y: Integer]: TColor read GetPixels write SetPixels;
+ {Palette property}
+ {$IFNDEF UseDelphi}property Palette: HPalette read GetPalette write
+ SetPalette;{$ENDIF}
+ {Returns the version}
+ property Version: String read GetLibraryVersion;
+ end;
+ {Chunk name object}
+ TChunkName = Array[0..3] of Char;
+ {Global chunk object}
+ TChunk = class
+ private
+ {Contains data}
+ fData: Pointer;
+ fDataSize: Cardinal;
+ {Stores owner}
+ fOwner: TPngObject;
+ {Stores the chunk name}
+ fName: TChunkName;
+ {Returns pointer to the TChunkIHDR}
+ function GetHeader: TChunkIHDR;
+ {Used with property index}
+ function GetIndex: Integer;
+ {Should return chunk class/name}
+ class function GetName: String; virtual;
+ {Returns the chunk name}
+ function GetChunkName: String;
+ public
+ {Returns index from list}
+ property Index: Integer read GetIndex;
+ {Returns pointer to the TChunkIHDR}
+ property Header: TChunkIHDR read GetHeader;
+ {Resize the data}
+ procedure ResizeData(const NewSize: Cardinal);
+ {Returns data and size}
+ property Data: Pointer read fData;
+ property DataSize: Cardinal read fDataSize;
+ {Assigns from another TChunk}
+ procedure Assign(Source: TChunk); virtual;
+ {Returns owner}
+ property Owner: TPngObject read fOwner;
+ {Being destroyed/created}
+ constructor Create(Owner: TPngObject); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ {Returns chunk class/name}
+ property Name: String read GetChunkName;
+ {Loads the chunk from a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
+ {Saves the chunk to a stream}
+ function SaveData(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
+ end;
+ {Chunk classes}
+ TChunkIEND = class(TChunk); {End chunk}
+ {IHDR data}
+ pIHDRData = ^TIHDRData;
+ TIHDRData = packed record
+ Width, Height: Cardinal;
+ BitDepth,
+ ColorType,
+ CompressionMethod,
+ FilterMethod,
+ InterlaceMethod: Byte;
+ end;
+ {Information header chunk}
+ TChunkIHDR = class(TChunk)
+ private
+ {Current image}
+ ImageHandle: HBitmap;
+ ImageDC: HDC;
+ ImagePalette: HPalette;
+ {Output windows bitmap}
+ HasPalette: Boolean;
+ BitmapInfo: TMaxBitmapInfo;
+ {Stores the image bytes}
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}ExtraImageData: Pointer;{$ENDIF}
+ ImageData: pointer;
+ ImageAlpha: Pointer;
+ {Contains all the ihdr data}
+ IHDRData: TIHDRData;
+ protected
+ BytesPerRow: Integer;
+ {Creates a grayscale palette}
+ function CreateGrayscalePalette(Bitdepth: Integer): HPalette;
+ {Copies the palette to the Device Independent bitmap header}
+ procedure PaletteToDIB(Palette: HPalette);
+ {Resizes the image data to fill the color type, bit depth, }
+ {width and height parameters}
+ procedure PrepareImageData;
+ {Release allocated ImageData memory}
+ procedure FreeImageData;
+ public
+ {Access to ImageHandle}
+ property ImageHandleValue: HBitmap read ImageHandle;
+ {Properties}
+ property Width: Cardinal read IHDRData.Width write IHDRData.Width;
+ property Height: Cardinal read IHDRData.Height write IHDRData.Height;
+ property BitDepth: Byte read IHDRData.BitDepth write IHDRData.BitDepth;
+ property ColorType: Byte read IHDRData.ColorType write IHDRData.ColorType;
+ property CompressionMethod: Byte read IHDRData.CompressionMethod
+ write IHDRData.CompressionMethod;
+ property FilterMethod: Byte read IHDRData.FilterMethod
+ write IHDRData.FilterMethod;
+ property InterlaceMethod: Byte read IHDRData.InterlaceMethod
+ write IHDRData.InterlaceMethod;
+ {Loads the chunk from a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ {Saves the chunk to a stream}
+ function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
+ {Destructor/constructor}
+ constructor Create(Owner: TPngObject); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ {Assigns from another TChunk}
+ procedure Assign(Source: TChunk); override;
+ end;
+ {pHYs chunk}
+ pUnitType = ^TUnitType;
+ TUnitType = (utUnknown, utMeter);
+ TChunkpHYs = class(TChunk)
+ private
+ fPPUnitX, fPPUnitY: Cardinal;
+ fUnit: TUnitType;
+ public
+ {Returns the properties}
+ property PPUnitX: Cardinal read fPPUnitX write fPPUnitX;
+ property PPUnitY: Cardinal read fPPUnitY write fPPUnitY;
+ property UnitType: TUnitType read fUnit write fUnit;
+ {Loads the chunk from a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ {Saves the chunk to a stream}
+ function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
+ {Assigns from another TChunk}
+ procedure Assign(Source: TChunk); override;
+ end;
+ {Gamma chunk}
+ TChunkgAMA = class(TChunk)
+ private
+ {Returns/sets the value for the gamma chunk}
+ function GetValue: Cardinal;
+ procedure SetValue(const Value: Cardinal);
+ public
+ {Returns/sets gamma value}
+ property Gamma: Cardinal read GetValue write SetValue;
+ {Loading the chunk from a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ {Being created}
+ constructor Create(Owner: TPngObject); override;
+ {Assigns from another TChunk}
+ procedure Assign(Source: TChunk); override;
+ end;
+ {ZLIB Decompression extra information}
+ TZStreamRec2 = packed record
+ {From ZLIB}
+ ZLIB: TZStreamRec;
+ {Additional info}
+ Data: Pointer;
+ fStream : TStream;
+ end;
+ {Palette chunk}
+ TChunkPLTE = class(TChunk)
+ protected
+ {Number of items in the palette}
+ fCount: Integer;
+ private
+ {Contains the palette handle}
+ function GetPaletteItem(Index: Byte): TRGBQuad;
+ public
+ {Returns the color for each item in the palette}
+ property Item[Index: Byte]: TRGBQuad read GetPaletteItem;
+ {Returns the number of items in the palette}
+ property Count: Integer read fCount;
+ {Loads the chunk from a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ {Saves the chunk to a stream}
+ function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
+ {Assigns from another TChunk}
+ procedure Assign(Source: TChunk); override;
+ end;
+ {Transparency information}
+ TChunktRNS = class(TChunk)
+ private
+ fBitTransparency: Boolean;
+ function GetTransparentColor: ColorRef;
+ {Returns the transparent color}
+ procedure SetTransparentColor(const Value: ColorRef);
+ public
+ {Palette values for transparency}
+ PaletteValues: Array[Byte] of Byte;
+ {Returns if it uses bit transparency}
+ property BitTransparency: Boolean read fBitTransparency;
+ {Returns the transparent color}
+ property TransparentColor: ColorRef read GetTransparentColor write
+ SetTransparentColor;
+ {Loads/saves the chunk from/to a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
+ {Assigns from another TChunk}
+ procedure Assign(Source: TChunk); override;
+ end;
+ {Actual image information}
+ TChunkIDAT = class(TChunk)
+ private
+ {Holds another pointer to the TChunkIHDR}
+ Header: TChunkIHDR;
+ {Stores temporary image width and height}
+ ImageWidth, ImageHeight: Integer;
+ {Size in bytes of each line and offset}
+ Row_Bytes, Offset : Cardinal;
+ {Contains data for the lines}
+ Encode_Buffer: Array[0..5] of pByteArray;
+ Row_Buffer: Array[Boolean] of pByteArray;
+ {Variable to invert the Row_Buffer used}
+ RowUsed: Boolean;
+ {Ending position for the current IDAT chunk}
+ EndPos: Integer;
+ {Filter the current line}
+ procedure FilterRow;
+ {Filter to encode and returns the best filter}
+ function FilterToEncode: Byte;
+ {Reads ZLIB compressed data}
+ function IDATZlibRead(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2; Buffer: Pointer;
+ Count: Integer; var EndPos: Integer; var crcfile: Cardinal): Integer;
+ {Compress and writes IDAT data}
+ procedure IDATZlibWrite(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2; Buffer: Pointer;
+ const Length: Cardinal);
+ procedure FinishIDATZlib(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
+ {Prepares the palette}
+ procedure PreparePalette;
+ protected
+ {Decode interlaced image}
+ procedure DecodeInterlacedAdam7(Stream: TStream;
+ var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2; const Size: Integer; var crcfile: Cardinal);
+ {Decode non interlaced imaged}
+ procedure DecodeNonInterlaced(Stream: TStream;
+ var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2; const Size: Integer;
+ var crcfile: Cardinal);
+ protected
+ {Encode non interlaced images}
+ procedure EncodeNonInterlaced(Stream: TStream;
+ var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
+ {Encode interlaced images}
+ procedure EncodeInterlacedAdam7(Stream: TStream;
+ var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
+ protected
+ {Memory copy methods to decode}
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedRGB8(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedRGB16(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedPalette148(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedPalette2(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedGray2(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedGrayscale16(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedRGB8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedRGB16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedPalette148(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedPalette2(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedGray2(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedGrayscale16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ procedure CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ protected
+ {Memory copy methods to encode}
+ procedure EncodeNonInterlacedRGB8(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeNonInterlacedRGB16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscale16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeNonInterlacedPalette148(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeInterlacedRGB8(const Pass: Byte; Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeInterlacedRGB16(const Pass: Byte; Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeInterlacedPalette148(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeInterlacedGrayscale16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ procedure EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ public
+ {Loads the chunk from a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ {Saves the chunk to a stream}
+ function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
+ end;
+ {Image last modification chunk}
+ TChunktIME = class(TChunk)
+ private
+ {Holds the variables}
+ fYear: Word;
+ fMonth, fDay, fHour, fMinute, fSecond: Byte;
+ public
+ {Returns/sets variables}
+ property Year: Word read fYear write fYear;
+ property Month: Byte read fMonth write fMonth;
+ property Day: Byte read fDay write fDay;
+ property Hour: Byte read fHour write fHour;
+ property Minute: Byte read fMinute write fMinute;
+ property Second: Byte read fSecond write fSecond;
+ {Loads the chunk from a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ {Saves the chunk to a stream}
+ function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
+ {Assigns from another TChunk}
+ procedure Assign(Source: TChunk); override;
+ end;
+ {Textual data}
+ TChunktEXt = class(TChunk)
+ private
+ fKeyword, fText: String;
+ public
+ {Keyword and text}
+ property Keyword: String read fKeyword write fKeyword;
+ property Text: String read fText write fText;
+ {Loads the chunk from a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ {Saves the chunk to a stream}
+ function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
+ {Assigns from another TChunk}
+ procedure Assign(Source: TChunk); override;
+ end;
+ {zTXT chunk}
+ TChunkzTXt = class(TChunktEXt)
+ {Loads the chunk from a stream}
+ function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ {Saves the chunk to a stream}
+ function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
+ end;
+{Here we test if it's c++ builder or delphi version 3 or less}
+{$IFDEF VER110}{$DEFINE DelphiBuilder3Less}{$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER100}{$DEFINE DelphiBuilder3Less}{$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER93}{$DEFINE DelphiBuilder3Less}{$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER90}{$DEFINE DelphiBuilder3Less}{$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER80}{$DEFINE DelphiBuilder3Less}{$ENDIF}
+{Registers a new chunk class}
+procedure RegisterChunk(ChunkClass: TChunkClass);
+{Calculates crc}
+function update_crc(crc: {$IFNDEF DelphiBuilder3Less}Cardinal{$ELSE}Integer
+ {$ENDIF}; buf: pByteArray; len: Integer): Cardinal;
+{Invert bytes using assembly}
+function ByteSwap(const a: integer): integer;
+ ChunkClasses: TPngPointerList;
+ {Table of CRCs of all 8-bit messages}
+ crc_table: Array[0..255] of Cardinal;
+ {Flag: has the table been computed? Initially false}
+ crc_table_computed: Boolean;
+{Draw transparent image using transparent color}
+procedure DrawTransparentBitmap(dc: HDC; srcBits: Pointer;
+ var srcHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader;
+ srcBitmapInfo: pBitmapInfo; Rect: TRect; cTransparentColor: COLORREF);
+ cColor: COLORREF;
+ bmAndBack, bmAndObject, bmAndMem: HBITMAP;
+ bmBackOld, bmObjectOld, bmMemOld: HBITMAP;
+ hdcMem, hdcBack, hdcObject, hdcTemp: HDC;
+ ptSize, orgSize: TPOINT;
+ OldBitmap, DrawBitmap: HBITMAP;
+ hdcTemp := CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
+ {Select the bitmap}
+ DrawBitmap := CreateDIBitmap(dc, srcHeader, CBM_INIT, srcBits, srcBitmapInfo^,
+ OldBitmap := SelectObject(hdcTemp, DrawBitmap);
+ {Get sizes}
+ OrgSize.x := abs(srcHeader.biWidth);
+ OrgSize.y := abs(srcHeader.biHeight);
+ ptSize.x := Rect.Right - Rect.Left; // Get width of bitmap
+ ptSize.y := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; // Get height of bitmap
+ {Create some DCs to hold temporary data}
+ hdcBack := CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
+ hdcObject := CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
+ hdcMem := CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
+ // Create a bitmap for each DC. DCs are required for a number of
+ // GDI functions.
+ // Monochrome DCs
+ bmAndBack := CreateBitmap(ptSize.x, ptSize.y, 1, 1, nil);
+ bmAndObject := CreateBitmap(ptSize.x, ptSize.y, 1, 1, nil);
+ bmAndMem := CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, ptSize.x, ptSize.y);
+ // Each DC must select a bitmap object to store pixel data.
+ bmBackOld := SelectObject(hdcBack, bmAndBack);
+ bmObjectOld := SelectObject(hdcObject, bmAndObject);
+ bmMemOld := SelectObject(hdcMem, bmAndMem);
+ // Set the background color of the source DC to the color.
+ // contained in the parts of the bitmap that should be transparent
+ cColor := SetBkColor(hdcTemp, cTransparentColor);
+ // Create the object mask for the bitmap by performing a BitBlt
+ // from the source bitmap to a monochrome bitmap.
+ StretchBlt(hdcObject, 0, 0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hdcTemp, 0, 0,
+ orgSize.x, orgSize.y, SRCCOPY);
+ // Set the background color of the source DC back to the original
+ // color.
+ SetBkColor(hdcTemp, cColor);
+ // Create the inverse of the object mask.
+ BitBlt(hdcBack, 0, 0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hdcObject, 0, 0,
+ // Copy the background of the main DC to the destination.
+ BitBlt(hdcMem, 0, 0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, dc, Rect.Left, Rect.Top,
+ // Mask out the places where the bitmap will be placed.
+ BitBlt(hdcMem, 0, 0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hdcObject, 0, 0, SRCAND);
+ // Mask out the transparent colored pixels on the bitmap.
+// BitBlt(hdcTemp, 0, 0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hdcBack, 0, 0, SRCAND);
+ StretchBlt(hdcTemp, 0, 0, OrgSize.x, OrgSize.y, hdcBack, 0, 0,
+ PtSize.x, PtSize.y, SRCAND);
+ // XOR the bitmap with the background on the destination DC.
+ StretchBlt(hdcMem, 0, 0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hdcTemp, 0, 0,
+ OrgSize.x, OrgSize.y, SRCPAINT);
+ // Copy the destination to the screen.
+ BitBlt(dc, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hdcMem, 0, 0,
+ // Delete the memory bitmaps.
+ DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcBack, bmBackOld));
+ DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcObject, bmObjectOld));
+ DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcMem, bmMemOld));
+ DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcTemp, OldBitmap));
+ // Delete the memory DCs.
+ DeleteDC(hdcMem);
+ DeleteDC(hdcBack);
+ DeleteDC(hdcObject);
+ DeleteDC(hdcTemp);
+{Make the table for a fast CRC.}
+procedure make_crc_table;
+ c: Cardinal;
+ n, k: Integer;
+ {fill the crc table}
+ for n := 0 to 255 do
+ begin
+ c := Cardinal(n);
+ for k := 0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ if Boolean(c and 1) then
+ c := $edb88320 xor (c shr 1)
+ else
+ c := c shr 1;
+ end;
+ crc_table[n] := c;
+ end;
+ {The table has already being computated}
+ crc_table_computed := true;
+{Update a running CRC with the bytes buf[0..len-1]--the CRC
+ should be initialized to all 1's, and the transmitted value
+ is the 1's complement of the final running CRC (see the
+ crc() routine below)).}
+function update_crc(crc: {$IFNDEF DelphiBuilder3Less}Cardinal{$ELSE}Integer
+ {$ENDIF}; buf: pByteArray; len: Integer): Cardinal;
+ c: Cardinal;
+ n: Integer;
+ c := crc;
+ {Create the crc table in case it has not being computed yet}
+ if not crc_table_computed then make_crc_table;
+ {Update}
+ for n := 0 to len - 1 do
+ c := crc_table[(c XOR buf^[n]) and $FF] XOR (c shr 8);
+ {Returns}
+ Result := c;
+{$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
+ function FileExists(Filename: String): Boolean;
+ var
+ FindFile: THandle;
+ FindData: TWin32FindData;
+ begin
+ FindFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(Filename), FindData);
+ Result := FindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ if Result then Windows.FindClose(FindFile);
+ end;
+{$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
+ {Exception implementation}
+ constructor Exception.Create(Msg: String);
+ begin
+ end;
+{Calculates the paeth predictor}
+function PaethPredictor(a, b, c: Byte): Byte;
+ pa, pb, pc: Integer;
+ { a = left, b = above, c = upper left }
+ pa := abs(b - c); { distances to a, b, c }
+ pb := abs(a - c);
+ pc := abs(a + b - c * 2);
+ { return nearest of a, b, c, breaking ties in order a, b, c }
+ if (pa <= pb) and (pa <= pc) then
+ Result := a
+ else
+ if pb <= pc then
+ Result := b
+ else
+ Result := c;
+{Invert bytes using assembly}
+function ByteSwap(const a: integer): integer;
+ bswap eax
+function ByteSwap16(inp:word): word;
+ bswap eax
+ shr eax, 16
+{Calculates number of bytes for the number of pixels using the}
+{color mode in the paramenter}
+function BytesForPixels(const Pixels: Integer; const ColorType,
+ BitDepth: Byte): Integer;
+ case ColorType of
+ {Palette and grayscale contains a single value, for palette}
+ {an value of size 2^bitdepth pointing to the palette index}
+ {and grayscale the value from 0 to 2^bitdepth with color intesity}
+ Result := (Pixels * BitDepth + 7) div 8;
+ {RGB contains 3 values R, G, B with size 2^bitdepth each}
+ Result := (Pixels * BitDepth * 3) div 8;
+ {Contains one value followed by alpha value booth size 2^bitdepth}
+ Result := (Pixels * BitDepth * 2) div 8;
+ {Contains four values size 2^bitdepth, Red, Green, Blue and alpha}
+ Result := (Pixels * BitDepth * 4) div 8;
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+ end {case ColorType}
+ pChunkClassInfo = ^TChunkClassInfo;
+ TChunkClassInfo = record
+ ClassName: TChunkClass;
+ end;
+{Register a chunk type}
+procedure RegisterChunk(ChunkClass: TChunkClass);
+ NewClass: pChunkClassInfo;
+ {In case the list object has not being created yet}
+ if ChunkClasses = nil then ChunkClasses := TPngPointerList.Create(nil);
+ {Add this new class}
+ new(NewClass);
+ NewClass^.ClassName := ChunkClass;
+ ChunkClasses.Add(NewClass);
+{Free chunk class list}
+procedure FreeChunkClassList;
+ i: Integer;
+ if (ChunkClasses <> nil) then
+ begin
+ FOR i := 0 TO ChunkClasses.Count - 1 do
+ Dispose(pChunkClassInfo(ChunkClasses.Item[i]));
+ ChunkClasses.Free;
+ end;
+{Registering of common chunk classes}
+procedure RegisterCommonChunks;
+ {Important chunks}
+ RegisterChunk(TChunkIEND);
+ RegisterChunk(TChunkIHDR);
+ RegisterChunk(TChunkIDAT);
+ RegisterChunk(TChunkPLTE);
+ RegisterChunk(TChunkgAMA);
+ RegisterChunk(TChunktRNS);
+ {Not so important chunks}
+ RegisterChunk(TChunkpHYs);
+ RegisterChunk(TChunktIME);
+ RegisterChunk(TChunktEXt);
+ RegisterChunk(TChunkzTXt);
+{Creates a new chunk of this class}
+function CreateClassChunk(Owner: TPngObject; Name: TChunkName): TChunk;
+ i : Integer;
+ NewChunk: TChunkClass;
+ {Looks for this chunk}
+ NewChunk := TChunk; {In case there is no registered class for this}
+ {Looks for this class in all registered chunks}
+ if Assigned(ChunkClasses) then
+ FOR i := 0 TO ChunkClasses.Count - 1 DO
+ begin
+ if pChunkClassInfo(ChunkClasses.Item[i])^.ClassName.GetName = Name then
+ begin
+ NewChunk := pChunkClassInfo(ChunkClasses.Item[i])^.ClassName;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {Returns chunk class}
+ Result := NewChunk.Create(Owner);
+ Result.fName := Name;
+{ZLIB support}
+ ZLIBAllocate = High(Word);
+{Initializes ZLIB for decompression}
+function ZLIBInitInflate(Stream: TStream): TZStreamRec2;
+ {Fill record}
+ Fillchar(Result, SIZEOF(TZStreamRec2), #0);
+ {Set internal record information}
+ with Result do
+ begin
+ GetMem(Data, ZLIBAllocate);
+ fStream := Stream;
+ end;
+ {Init decompression}
+ InflateInit_(Result.zlib, zlib_version, SIZEOF(TZStreamRec));
+{Initializes ZLIB for compression}
+function ZLIBInitDeflate(Stream: TStream;
+ Level: TCompressionlevel; Size: Cardinal): TZStreamRec2;
+ {Fill record}
+ Fillchar(Result, SIZEOF(TZStreamRec2), #0);
+ {Set internal record information}
+ with Result, ZLIB do
+ begin
+ GetMem(Data, Size);
+ fStream := Stream;
+ next_out := Data;
+ avail_out := Size;
+ end;
+ {Inits compression}
+ deflateInit_(Result.zlib, Level, zlib_version, sizeof(TZStreamRec));
+{Terminates ZLIB for compression}
+procedure ZLIBTerminateDeflate(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
+ {Terminates decompression}
+ DeflateEnd(ZLIBStream.zlib);
+ {Free internal record}
+ FreeMem(ZLIBStream.Data, ZLIBAllocate);
+{Terminates ZLIB for decompression}
+procedure ZLIBTerminateInflate(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
+ {Terminates decompression}
+ InflateEnd(ZLIBStream.zlib);
+ {Free internal record}
+ FreeMem(ZLIBStream.Data, ZLIBAllocate);
+{Decompresses ZLIB into a memory address}
+function DecompressZLIB(const Input: Pointer; InputSize: Integer;
+ var Output: Pointer; var OutputSize: Integer;
+ var ErrorOutput: String): Boolean;
+ StreamRec : TZStreamRec;
+ Buffer : Array[Byte] of Byte;
+ InflateRet: Integer;
+ with StreamRec do
+ begin
+ {Initializes}
+ Result := True;
+ OutputSize := 0;
+ {Prepares the data to decompress}
+ FillChar(StreamRec, SizeOf(TZStreamRec), #0);
+ InflateInit_(StreamRec, zlib_version, SIZEOF(TZStreamRec));
+ next_in := Input;
+ avail_in := InputSize;
+ {Decodes data}
+ repeat
+ {In case it needs an output buffer}
+ if (avail_out = 0) then
+ begin
+ next_out := @Buffer;
+ avail_out := SizeOf(Buffer);
+ end {if (avail_out = 0)};
+ {Decompress and put in output}
+ InflateRet := inflate(StreamRec, 0);
+ if (InflateRet = Z_STREAM_END) or (InflateRet = 0) then
+ begin
+ {Reallocates output buffer}
+ inc(OutputSize, total_out);
+ if Output = nil then
+ GetMem(Output, OutputSize) else ReallocMem(Output, OutputSize);
+ {Copies the new data}
+ CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(Output) + OutputSize - total_out),
+ @Buffer, total_out);
+ end {if (InflateRet = Z_STREAM_END) or (InflateRet = 0)}
+ {Now tests for errors}
+ else if InflateRet < 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ ErrorOutput := StreamRec.msg;
+ InflateEnd(StreamRec);
+ Exit;
+ end {if InflateRet < 0}
+ until InflateRet = Z_STREAM_END;
+ {Terminates decompression}
+ InflateEnd(StreamRec);
+ end {with StreamRec}
+{Compresses ZLIB into a memory address}
+function CompressZLIB(Input: Pointer; InputSize, CompressionLevel: Integer;
+ var Output: Pointer; var OutputSize: Integer;
+ var ErrorOutput: String): Boolean;
+ StreamRec : TZStreamRec;
+ Buffer : Array[Byte] of Byte;
+ DeflateRet: Integer;
+ with StreamRec do
+ begin
+ Result := True; {By default returns TRUE as everything might have gone ok}
+ OutputSize := 0; {Initialize}
+ {Prepares the data to compress}
+ FillChar(StreamRec, SizeOf(TZStreamRec), #0);
+ DeflateInit_(StreamRec, CompressionLevel,zlib_version, SIZEOF(TZStreamRec));
+ next_in := Input;
+ avail_in := InputSize;
+ while avail_in > 0 do
+ begin
+ {When it needs new buffer to stores the compressed data}
+ if avail_out = 0 then
+ begin
+ {Restore buffer}
+ next_out := @Buffer;
+ avail_out := SizeOf(Buffer);
+ end {if avail_out = 0};
+ {Compresses}
+ DeflateRet := deflate(StreamRec, Z_FINISH);
+ if (DeflateRet = Z_STREAM_END) or (DeflateRet = 0) then
+ begin
+ {Updates the output memory}
+ inc(OutputSize, total_out);
+ if Output = nil then
+ GetMem(Output, OutputSize) else ReallocMem(Output, OutputSize);
+ {Copies the new data}
+ CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(Output) + OutputSize - total_out),
+ @Buffer, total_out);
+ end {if (InflateRet = Z_STREAM_END) or (InflateRet = 0)}
+ {Now tests for errors}
+ else if DeflateRet < 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ ErrorOutput := StreamRec.msg;
+ DeflateEnd(StreamRec);
+ Exit;
+ end {if InflateRet < 0}
+ end {while avail_in > 0};
+ {Finishes compressing}
+ DeflateEnd(StreamRec);
+ end {with StreamRec}
+{TPngPointerList implementation}
+{Object being created}
+constructor TPngPointerList.Create(AOwner: TPNGObject);
+ inherited Create; {Let ancestor work}
+ {Holds owner}
+ fOwner := AOwner;
+ {Memory pointer not being used yet}
+ fMemory := nil;
+ {No items yet}
+ fCount := 0;
+{Removes value from the list}
+function TPngPointerList.Remove(Value: Pointer): Pointer;
+ I, Position: Integer;
+ {Gets item position}
+ Position := -1;
+ FOR I := 0 TO Count - 1 DO
+ if Value = Item[I] then Position := I;
+ {In case a match was found}
+ if Position >= 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := Item[Position]; {Returns pointer}
+ {Remove item and move memory}
+ Dec(fCount);
+ if Position < Integer(FCount) then
+ System.Move(fMemory^[Position + 1], fMemory^[Position],
+ (Integer(fCount) - Position) * SizeOf(Pointer));
+ end {if Position >= 0} else Result := nil
+{Add a new value in the list}
+procedure TPngPointerList.Add(Value: Pointer);
+ Count := Count + 1;
+ Item[Count - 1] := Value;
+{Object being destroyed}
+destructor TPngPointerList.Destroy;
+ {Release memory if needed}
+ if fMemory <> nil then
+ FreeMem(fMemory, fCount * sizeof(Pointer));
+ {Free things}
+ inherited Destroy;
+{Returns one item from the list}
+function TPngPointerList.GetItem(Index: Cardinal): Pointer;
+ if (Index <= Count - 1) then
+ Result := fMemory[Index]
+ else
+ {In case it's out of bounds}
+ Result := nil;
+{Inserts a new item in the list}
+procedure TPngPointerList.Insert(Value: Pointer; Position: Cardinal);
+ if (Position < Count) or (Count = 0) then
+ begin
+ {Increase item count}
+ SetSize(Count + 1);
+ {Move other pointers}
+ if Position < Count then
+ System.Move(fMemory^[Position], fMemory^[Position + 1],
+ (Count - Position - 1) * SizeOf(Pointer));
+ {Sets item}
+ Item[Position] := Value;
+ end;
+{Sets one item from the list}
+procedure TPngPointerList.SetItem(Index: Cardinal; const Value: Pointer);
+ {If index is in bounds, set value}
+ if (Index <= Count - 1) then
+ fMemory[Index] := Value
+{This method resizes the list}
+procedure TPngPointerList.SetSize(const Size: Cardinal);
+ {Sets the size}
+ if (fMemory = nil) and (Size > 0) then
+ GetMem(fMemory, Size * SIZEOF(Pointer))
+ else
+ if Size > 0 then {Only realloc if the new size is greater than 0}
+ ReallocMem(fMemory, Size * SIZEOF(Pointer))
+ else
+ {In case user is resize to 0 items}
+ begin
+ FreeMem(fMemory);
+ fMemory := nil;
+ end;
+ {Update count}
+ fCount := Size;
+{TPNGList implementation}
+{Finds the first chunk of this class}
+function TPNGList.FindChunk(ChunkClass: TChunkClass): TChunk;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if Item[i] is ChunkClass then
+ begin
+ Result := Item[i];
+ Break
+ end
+{Removes an item}
+procedure TPNGList.RemoveChunk(Chunk: TChunk);
+ Remove(Chunk);
+ Chunk.Free
+{Add a new item}
+function TPNGList.Add(ChunkClass: TChunkClass): TChunk;
+ Result := nil; {Default result}
+ {Adding these is not allowed}
+ if ((ChunkClass = TChunkIHDR) or (ChunkClass = TChunkIDAT) or
+ (ChunkClass = TChunkPLTE) or (ChunkClass = TChunkIEND)) and not
+ (Owner.BeingCreated) then
+ fOwner.RaiseError(EPngError, EPNGCannotAddChunkText)
+ {Two of these is not allowed}
+ else if ((ChunkClass = TChunkgAMA) and (ItemFromClass(TChunkgAMA) <> nil)) or
+ ((ChunkClass = TChunktRNS) and (ItemFromClass(TChunktRNS) <> nil)) or
+ ((ChunkClass = TChunkpHYs) and (ItemFromClass(TChunkpHYs) <> nil)) then
+ fOwner.RaiseError(EPngError, EPNGCannotAddChunkText)
+ {There must have an IEND and IHDR chunk}
+ else if ((ItemFromClass(TChunkIEND) = nil) or
+ (ItemFromClass(TChunkIHDR) = nil)) and not Owner.BeingCreated then
+ fOwner.RaiseError(EPngError, EPNGCannotAddInvalidImageText)
+ else
+ begin
+ {Get common chunks}
+ IHDR := ItemFromClass(TChunkIHDR) as TChunkIHDR;
+ IEND := ItemFromClass(TChunkIEND) as TChunkIEND;
+ {Create new chunk}
+ Result := ChunkClass.Create(Owner);
+ {Add to the list}
+ if (ChunkClass = TChunkgAMA) or (ChunkClass = TChunkpHYs) or
+ (ChunkClass = TChunkPLTE) then
+ Insert(Result, IHDR.Index + 1)
+ {Header and end}
+ else if (ChunkClass = TChunkIEND) then
+ Insert(Result, Count)
+ else if (ChunkClass = TChunkIHDR) then
+ Insert(Result, 0)
+ {Transparency chunk (fix by Ian Boyd)}
+ else if (ChunkClass = TChunktRNS) then
+ begin
+ {Transparecy chunk must be after PLTE; before IDAT}
+ IDAT := ItemFromClass(TChunkIDAT) as TChunkIDAT;
+ PLTE := ItemFromClass(TChunkPLTE) as TChunkPLTE;
+ if Assigned(PLTE) then
+ Insert(Result, PLTE.Index + 1)
+ else if Assigned(IDAT) then
+ Insert(Result, IDAT.Index)
+ else
+ Insert(Result, IHDR.Index + 1)
+ end
+ else {All other chunks}
+ Insert(Result, IEND.Index);
+ end {if}
+{Returns item from the list}
+function TPNGList.GetItem(Index: Cardinal): TChunk;
+ Result := inherited GetItem(Index);
+{Returns first item from the list using the class from parameter}
+function TPNGList.ItemFromClass(ChunkClass: TChunkClass): TChunk;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil; {Initial result}
+ FOR i := 0 TO Count - 1 DO
+ {Test if this item has the same class}
+ if Item[i] is ChunkClass then
+ begin
+ {Returns this item and exit}
+ Result := Item[i];
+ break;
+ end {if}
+{$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
+ {TStream implementation}
+ {Copies all from another stream}
+ function TStream.CopyFrom(Source: TStream; Count: Cardinal): Cardinal;
+ const
+ MaxBytes = $f000;
+ var
+ Buffer: PChar;
+ BufSize, N: Cardinal;
+ begin
+ {If count is zero, copy everything from Source}
+ if Count = 0 then
+ begin
+ Source.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
+ Count := Source.Size;
+ end;
+ Result := Count; {Returns the number of bytes readed}
+ {Allocates memory}
+ if Count > MaxBytes then BufSize := MaxBytes else BufSize := Count;
+ GetMem(Buffer, BufSize);
+ {Copy memory}
+ while Count > 0 do
+ begin
+ if Count > BufSize then N := BufSize else N := Count;
+ Source.Read(Buffer^, N);
+ Write(Buffer^, N);
+ dec(Count, N);
+ end;
+ {Deallocates memory}
+ FreeMem(Buffer, BufSize);
+ end;
+{Set current stream position}
+procedure TStream.SetPosition(const Value: Longint);
+ Seek(Value, soFromBeginning);
+{Returns position}
+function TStream.GetPosition: Longint;
+ Result := Seek(0, soFromCurrent);
+ {Returns stream size}
+function TStream.GetSize: Longint;
+ var
+ Pos: Cardinal;
+ begin
+ Pos := Seek(0, soFromCurrent);
+ Result := Seek(0, soFromEnd);
+ Seek(Pos, soFromBeginning);
+ end;
+ {TFileStream implementation}
+ {Filestream object being created}
+ constructor TFileStream.Create(Filename: String; Mode: TFileStreamModeSet);
+ {Makes file mode}
+ function OpenMode: DWORD;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ if fsmRead in Mode then Result := GENERIC_READ;
+ if (fsmWrite in Mode) or (fsmCreate in Mode) then
+ Result := Result OR GENERIC_WRITE;
+ end;
+ const
+ IsCreate: Array[Boolean] of Integer = (OPEN_ALWAYS, CREATE_ALWAYS);
+ begin
+ {Call ancestor}
+ inherited Create;
+ {Create handle}
+ fHandle := CreateFile(PChar(Filename), OpenMode, FILE_SHARE_READ or
+ FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, IsCreate[fsmCreate in Mode], 0, 0);
+ {Store mode}
+ FileMode := Mode;
+ end;
+ {Filestream object being destroyed}
+ destructor TFileStream.Destroy;
+ begin
+ {Terminates file and close}
+ if FileMode = [fsmWrite] then
+ SetEndOfFile(fHandle);
+ CloseHandle(fHandle);
+ {Call ancestor}
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+ {Writes data to the file}
+ function TFileStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Cardinal;
+ begin
+ if not WriteFile(fHandle, Buffer, Count, Result, nil) then
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ {Reads data from the file}
+ function TFileStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Cardinal;
+ begin
+ if not ReadFile(fHandle, Buffer, Count, Result, nil) then
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ {Seeks the file position}
+ function TFileStream.Seek(Offset: Integer; Origin: Word): Longint;
+ begin
+ Result := SetFilePointer(fHandle, Offset, nil, Origin);
+ end;
+ {Sets the size of the file}
+ procedure TFileStream.SetSize(const Value: Longint);
+ begin
+ Seek(Value, soFromBeginning);
+ SetEndOfFile(fHandle);
+ end;
+ {TResourceStream implementation}
+ {Creates the resource stream}
+ constructor TResourceStream.Create(Instance: HInst; const ResName: String;
+ ResType: PChar);
+ var
+ ResGlobal: HGlobal;
+ begin
+ {Obtains the resource ID}
+ ResID := FindResource(hInstance, PChar(ResName), RT_RCDATA);
+ if ResID = 0 then raise EPNGError.Create('');
+ {Obtains memory and size}
+ ResGlobal := LoadResource(hInstance, ResID);
+ Size := SizeOfResource(hInstance, ResID);
+ Memory := LockResource(ResGlobal);
+ if (ResGlobal = 0) or (Memory = nil) then EPNGError.Create('');
+ end;
+ {Setting resource stream size is not supported}
+ procedure TResourceStream.SetSize(const Value: Integer);
+ begin
+ end;
+ {Writing into a resource stream is not supported}
+ function TResourceStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Cardinal;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ {Reads data from the stream}
+ function TResourceStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Cardinal;
+ begin
+ //Returns data
+ CopyMemory(@Buffer, Ptr(Longint(Memory) + Position), Count);
+ //Update position
+ inc(Position, Count);
+ //Returns
+ Result := Count;
+ end;
+ {Seeks data}
+ function TResourceStream.Seek(Offset: Integer; Origin: Word): Longint;
+ begin
+ {Move depending on the origin}
+ case Origin of
+ soFromBeginning: Position := Offset;
+ soFromCurrent: inc(Position, Offset);
+ soFromEnd: Position := Size + Offset;
+ end;
+ {Returns the current position}
+ Result := Position;
+ end;
+{TChunk implementation}
+{Resizes the data}
+procedure TChunk.ResizeData(const NewSize: Cardinal);
+ fDataSize := NewSize;
+ ReallocMem(fData, NewSize + 1);
+{Returns index from list}
+function TChunk.GetIndex: Integer;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := -1; {Avoiding warnings}
+ {Searches in the list}
+ FOR i := 0 TO Owner.Chunks.Count - 1 DO
+ if Owner.Chunks.Item[i] = Self then
+ begin
+ {Found match}
+ Result := i;
+ exit;
+ end {for i}
+{Returns pointer to the TChunkIHDR}
+function TChunk.GetHeader: TChunkIHDR;
+ Result := Owner.Chunks.Item[0] as TChunkIHDR;
+{Assigns from another TChunk}
+procedure TChunk.Assign(Source: TChunk);
+ {Copy properties}
+ fName := Source.fName;
+ {Set data size and realloc}
+ ResizeData(Source.fDataSize);
+ {Copy data (if there's any)}
+ if fDataSize > 0 then CopyMemory(fData, Source.fData, fDataSize);
+{Chunk being created}
+constructor TChunk.Create(Owner: TPngObject);
+ ChunkName: String;
+ {Ancestor create}
+ inherited Create;
+ {If it's a registered class, set the chunk name based on the class}
+ {name. For instance, if the class name is TChunkgAMA, the GAMA part}
+ {will become the chunk name}
+ ChunkName := Copy(ClassName, Length('TChunk') + 1, Length(ClassName));
+ if Length(ChunkName) = 4 then CopyMemory(@fName[0], @ChunkName[1], 4);
+ {Initialize data holder}
+ GetMem(fData, 1);
+ fDataSize := 0;
+ {Record owner}
+ fOwner := Owner;
+{Chunk being destroyed}
+destructor TChunk.Destroy;
+ {Free data holder}
+ FreeMem(fData, fDataSize + 1);
+ {Let ancestor destroy}
+ inherited Destroy;
+{Returns the chunk name 1}
+function TChunk.GetChunkName: String;
+ Result := fName
+{Returns the chunk name 2}
+class function TChunk.GetName: String;
+ {For avoid writing GetName for each TChunk descendent, by default for}
+ {classes which don't declare GetName, it will look for the class name}
+ {to extract the chunk kind. Example, if the class name is TChunkIEND }
+ {this method extracts and returns IEND}
+ Result := Copy(ClassName, Length('TChunk') + 1, Length(ClassName));
+{Saves the data to the stream}
+function TChunk.SaveData(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ ChunkSize, ChunkCRC: Cardinal;
+ {First, write the size for the following data in the chunk}
+ ChunkSize := ByteSwap(DataSize);
+ Stream.Write(ChunkSize, 4);
+ {The chunk name}
+ Stream.Write(fName, 4);
+ {If there is data for the chunk, write it}
+ if DataSize > 0 then Stream.Write(Data^, DataSize);
+ {Calculates and write CRC}
+ ChunkCRC := update_crc($ffffffff, @fName[0], 4);
+ ChunkCRC := Byteswap(update_crc(ChunkCRC, Data, DataSize) xor $ffffffff);
+ Stream.Write(ChunkCRC, 4);
+ {Returns that everything went ok}
+ Result := TRUE;
+{Saves the chunk to the stream}
+function TChunk.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ Result := SaveData(Stream)
+{Loads the chunk from a stream}
+function TChunk.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ CheckCRC: Cardinal;
+ {$IFDEF CheckCRC}RightCRC: Cardinal;{$ENDIF}
+ {Copies data from source}
+ ResizeData(Size);
+ if Size > 0 then Stream.Read(fData^, Size);
+ {Reads CRC}
+ Stream.Read(CheckCRC, 4);
+ CheckCrc := ByteSwap(CheckCRC);
+ {Check if crc readed is valid}
+ {$IFDEF CheckCRC}
+ RightCRC := update_crc($ffffffff, @ChunkName[0], 4);
+ RightCRC := update_crc(RightCRC, fData, Size) xor $ffffffff;
+ Result := RightCRC = CheckCrc;
+ {Handle CRC error}
+ if not Result then
+ begin
+ {In case it coult not load chunk}
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPngInvalidCRC, EPngInvalidCRCText);
+ exit;
+ end
+ {$ELSE}Result := TRUE; {$ENDIF}
+{TChunktIME implementation}
+{Chunk being loaded from a stream}
+function TChunktIME.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream;
+ const ChunkName: TChunkName; Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ {Let ancestor load the data}
+ Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
+ if not Result or (Size <> 7) then exit; {Size must be 7}
+ {Reads data}
+ fYear := ((pByte(Longint(Data) )^) * 256)+ (pByte(Longint(Data) + 1)^);
+ fMonth := pByte(Longint(Data) + 2)^;
+ fDay := pByte(Longint(Data) + 3)^;
+ fHour := pByte(Longint(Data) + 4)^;
+ fMinute := pByte(Longint(Data) + 5)^;
+ fSecond := pByte(Longint(Data) + 6)^;
+{Assigns from another TChunk}
+procedure TChunktIME.Assign(Source: TChunk);
+ fYear := TChunktIME(Source).fYear;
+ fMonth := TChunktIME(Source).fMonth;
+ fDay := TChunktIME(Source).fDay;
+ fHour := TChunktIME(Source).fHour;
+ fMinute := TChunktIME(Source).fMinute;
+ fSecond := TChunktIME(Source).fSecond;
+{Saving the chunk to a stream}
+function TChunktIME.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ {Update data}
+ ResizeData(7); {Make sure the size is 7}
+ pWord(Data)^ := ByteSwap16(Year);
+ pByte(Longint(Data) + 2)^ := Month;
+ pByte(Longint(Data) + 3)^ := Day;
+ pByte(Longint(Data) + 4)^ := Hour;
+ pByte(Longint(Data) + 5)^ := Minute;
+ pByte(Longint(Data) + 6)^ := Second;
+ {Let inherited save data}
+ Result := inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
+{TChunkztXt implementation}
+{Loading the chunk from a stream}
+function TChunkzTXt.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream;
+ const ChunkName: TChunkName; Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ ErrorOutput: String;
+ CompressionMethod: Byte;
+ Output: Pointer;
+ OutputSize: Integer;
+ {Load data from stream and validate}
+ Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
+ if not Result or (Size < 4) then exit;
+ fKeyword := PChar(Data); {Get keyword and compression method bellow}
+ if Longint(fKeyword) = 0 then
+ CompressionMethod := pByte(Data)^
+ else
+ CompressionMethod := pByte(Longint(fKeyword) + Length(fKeyword))^;
+ fText := '';
+ {In case the compression is 0 (only one accepted by specs), reads it}
+ if CompressionMethod = 0 then
+ begin
+ Output := nil;
+ if DecompressZLIB(PChar(Longint(Data) + Length(fKeyword) + 2),
+ Size - Length(fKeyword) - 2, Output, OutputSize, ErrorOutput) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(fText, OutputSize);
+ CopyMemory(@fText[1], Output, OutputSize);
+ end {if DecompressZLIB(...};
+ FreeMem(Output);
+ end {if CompressionMethod = 0}
+{Saving the chunk to a stream}
+function TChunkztXt.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ Output: Pointer;
+ OutputSize: Integer;
+ ErrorOutput: String;
+ Output := nil; {Initializes output}
+ if fText = '' then fText := ' ';
+ {Compresses the data}
+ if CompressZLIB(@fText[1], Length(fText), Owner.CompressionLevel, Output,
+ OutputSize, ErrorOutput) then
+ begin
+ {Size is length from keyword, plus a null character to divide}
+ {plus the compression method, plus the length of the text (zlib compressed)}
+ ResizeData(Length(fKeyword) + 2 + OutputSize);
+ Fillchar(Data^, DataSize, #0);
+ {Copies the keyword data}
+ if Keyword <> '' then
+ CopyMemory(Data, @fKeyword[1], Length(Keyword));
+ {Compression method 0 (inflate/deflate)}
+ pByte(Ptr(Longint(Data) + Length(Keyword) + 1))^ := 0;
+ if OutputSize > 0 then
+ CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(Data) + Length(Keyword) + 2), Output, OutputSize);
+ {Let ancestor calculate crc and save}
+ Result := SaveData(Stream);
+ end {if CompressZLIB(...} else Result := False;
+ {Frees output}
+ if Output <> nil then FreeMem(Output)
+{TChunktEXt implementation}
+{Assigns from another text chunk}
+procedure TChunktEXt.Assign(Source: TChunk);
+ fKeyword := TChunktEXt(Source).fKeyword;
+ fText := TChunktEXt(Source).fText;
+{Loading the chunk from a stream}
+function TChunktEXt.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream;
+ const ChunkName: TChunkName; Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ {Load data from stream and validate}
+ Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
+ if not Result or (Size < 3) then exit;
+ {Get text}
+ fKeyword := PChar(Data);
+ SetLength(fText, Size - Length(fKeyword) - 1);
+ CopyMemory(@fText[1], Ptr(Longint(Data) + Length(fKeyword) + 1),
+ Length(fText));
+{Saving the chunk to a stream}
+function TChunktEXt.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ {Size is length from keyword, plus a null character to divide}
+ {plus the length of the text}
+ ResizeData(Length(fKeyword) + 1 + Length(fText));
+ Fillchar(Data^, DataSize, #0);
+ {Copy data}
+ if Keyword <> '' then
+ CopyMemory(Data, @fKeyword[1], Length(Keyword));
+ if Text <> '' then
+ CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(Data) + Length(Keyword) + 1), @fText[1],
+ Length(Text));
+ {Let ancestor calculate crc and save}
+ Result := inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
+{TChunkIHDR implementation}
+{Chunk being created}
+constructor TChunkIHDR.Create(Owner: TPngObject);
+ {Prepare pointers}
+ ImageHandle := 0;
+ ImagePalette := 0;
+ ImageDC := 0;
+ {Call inherited}
+ inherited Create(Owner);
+{Chunk being destroyed}
+destructor TChunkIHDR.Destroy;
+ {Free memory}
+ FreeImageData();
+ {Calls TChunk destroy}
+ inherited Destroy;
+{Copies the palette}
+procedure CopyPalette(Source: HPALETTE; Destination: HPALETTE);
+ PaletteSize: Integer;
+ Entries: Array[Byte] of TPaletteEntry;
+ PaletteSize := 0;
+ if GetObject(Source, SizeOf(PaletteSize), @PaletteSize) = 0 then Exit;
+ if PaletteSize = 0 then Exit;
+ ResizePalette(Destination, PaletteSize);
+ GetPaletteEntries(Source, 0, PaletteSize, Entries);
+ SetPaletteEntries(Destination, 0, PaletteSize, Entries);
+{Assigns from another IHDR chunk}
+procedure TChunkIHDR.Assign(Source: TChunk);
+ {Copy the IHDR data}
+ if Source is TChunkIHDR then
+ begin
+ {Copy IHDR values}
+ IHDRData := TChunkIHDR(Source).IHDRData;
+ {Prepare to hold data by filling BitmapInfo structure and}
+ {resizing ImageData and ImageAlpha memory allocations}
+ PrepareImageData();
+ {Copy image data}
+ CopyMemory(ImageData, TChunkIHDR(Source).ImageData,
+ BytesPerRow * Integer(Height));
+ CopyMemory(ImageAlpha, TChunkIHDR(Source).ImageAlpha,
+ Integer(Width) * Integer(Height));
+ {Copy palette colors}
+ BitmapInfo.bmiColors := TChunkIHDR(Source).BitmapInfo.bmiColors;
+ {Copy palette also}
+ CopyPalette(TChunkIHDR(Source).ImagePalette, ImagePalette);
+ end
+ else
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGError, EPNGCannotAssignChunkText);
+{Release allocated image data}
+procedure TChunkIHDR.FreeImageData;
+ {Free old image data}
+ if ImageHandle <> 0 then DeleteObject(ImageHandle);
+ if ImageDC <> 0 then DeleteDC(ImageDC);
+ if ImageAlpha <> nil then FreeMem(ImageAlpha);
+ if ImagePalette <> 0 then DeleteObject(ImagePalette);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ if ExtraImageData <> nil then FreeMem(ExtraImageData);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ImageHandle := 0; ImageDC := 0; ImageAlpha := nil; ImageData := nil;
+ ImagePalette := 0; ExtraImageData := nil;
+{Chunk being loaded from a stream}
+function TChunkIHDR.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ {Let TChunk load it}
+ Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
+ if not Result then Exit;
+ {Now check values}
+ {Note: It's recommended by png specification to make sure that the size}
+ {must be 13 bytes to be valid, but some images with 14 bytes were found}
+ {which could be loaded by internet explorer and other tools}
+ if (fDataSize < SIZEOF(TIHdrData)) then
+ begin
+ {Ihdr must always have at least 13 bytes}
+ Result := False;
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGInvalidIHDR, EPNGInvalidIHDRText);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {Everything ok, reads IHDR}
+ IHDRData := pIHDRData(fData)^;
+ IHDRData.Width := ByteSwap(IHDRData.Width);
+ IHDRData.Height := ByteSwap(IHDRData.Height);
+ {The width and height must not be larger than 65535 pixels}
+ if (IHDRData.Width > High(Word)) or (IHDRData.Height > High(Word)) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGSizeExceeds, EPNGSizeExceedsText);
+ exit;
+ end {if IHDRData.Width > High(Word)};
+ {Compression method must be 0 (inflate/deflate)}
+ if (IHDRData.CompressionMethod <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGUnknownCompression, EPNGUnknownCompressionText);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {Interlace must be either 0 (none) or 7 (adam7)}
+ if (IHDRData.InterlaceMethod <> 0) and (IHDRData.InterlaceMethod <> 1) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGUnknownInterlace, EPNGUnknownInterlaceText);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {Updates owner properties}
+ Owner.InterlaceMethod := TInterlaceMethod(IHDRData.InterlaceMethod);
+ {Prepares data to hold image}
+ PrepareImageData();
+{Saving the IHDR chunk to a stream}
+function TChunkIHDR.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ {Ignore 2 bits images}
+ if BitDepth = 2 then BitDepth := 4;
+ {It needs to do is update the data with the IHDR data}
+ {structure containing the write values}
+ ResizeData(SizeOf(TIHDRData));
+ pIHDRData(fData)^ := IHDRData;
+ {..byteswap 4 byte types}
+ pIHDRData(fData)^.Width := ByteSwap(pIHDRData(fData)^.Width);
+ pIHDRData(fData)^.Height := ByteSwap(pIHDRData(fData)^.Height);
+ {..update interlace method}
+ pIHDRData(fData)^.InterlaceMethod := Byte(Owner.InterlaceMethod);
+ {..and then let the ancestor SaveToStream do the hard work}
+ Result := inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
+{Creates a grayscale palette}
+function TChunkIHDR.CreateGrayscalePalette(Bitdepth: Integer): HPalette;
+ j: Integer;
+ palEntries: TMaxLogPalette;
+ {Prepares and fills the strucutre}
+ if Bitdepth = 16 then Bitdepth := 8;
+ fillchar(palEntries, sizeof(palEntries), 0);
+ palEntries.palVersion := $300;
+ palEntries.palNumEntries := 1 shl Bitdepth;
+ {Fill it with grayscale colors}
+ for j := 0 to palEntries.palNumEntries - 1 do
+ begin
+ palEntries.palPalEntry[j].peRed :=
+ fOwner.GammaTable[MulDiv(j, 255, palEntries.palNumEntries - 1)];
+ palEntries.palPalEntry[j].peGreen := palEntries.palPalEntry[j].peRed;
+ palEntries.palPalEntry[j].peBlue := palEntries.palPalEntry[j].peRed;
+ end;
+ {Creates and returns the palette}
+ Result := CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@palEntries)^);
+{Copies the palette to the Device Independent bitmap header}
+procedure TChunkIHDR.PaletteToDIB(Palette: HPalette);
+ j: Integer;
+ palEntries: TMaxLogPalette;
+ {Copy colors}
+ Fillchar(palEntries, sizeof(palEntries), #0);
+ BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed := GetPaletteEntries(Palette, 0, 256, palEntries.palPalEntry[0]);
+ for j := 0 to BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed - 1 do
+ begin
+ BitmapInfo.bmiColors[j].rgbBlue := palEntries.palPalEntry[j].peBlue;
+ BitmapInfo.bmiColors[j].rgbRed := palEntries.palPalEntry[j].peRed;
+ BitmapInfo.bmiColors[j].rgbGreen := palEntries.palPalEntry[j].peGreen;
+ end;
+{Resizes the image data to fill the color type, bit depth, }
+{width and height parameters}
+procedure TChunkIHDR.PrepareImageData();
+ {Set the bitmap info}
+ procedure SetInfo(const Bitdepth: Integer; const Palette: Boolean);
+ begin
+ {Copy if the bitmap contain palette entries}
+ HasPalette := Palette;
+ {Fill the strucutre}
+ with BitmapInfo.bmiHeader do
+ begin
+ biSize := sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader);
+ biHeight := Height;
+ biWidth := Width;
+ biPlanes := 1;
+ biBitCount := BitDepth;
+ biCompression := BI_RGB;
+ end {with BitmapInfo.bmiHeader}
+ end;
+ {Prepare bitmap info header}
+ Fillchar(BitmapInfo, sizeof(TMaxBitmapInfo), #0);
+ {Release old image data}
+ FreeImageData();
+ {Obtain number of bits for each pixel}
+ case ColorType of
+ case BitDepth of
+ {These are supported by windows}
+ 1, 4, 8: SetInfo(BitDepth, TRUE);
+ {2 bits for each pixel is not supported by windows bitmap}
+ 2 : SetInfo(4, TRUE);
+ {Also 16 bits (2 bytes) for each pixel is not supported}
+ {and should be transormed into a 8 bit grayscale}
+ 16 : SetInfo(8, TRUE);
+ end;
+ {Only 1 byte (8 bits) is supported}
+ end {case ColorType};
+ {Number of bytes for each scanline}
+ BytesPerRow := (((BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount * Width) + 31)
+ and not 31) div 8;
+ {Build array for alpha information, if necessary}
+ if (ColorType = COLOR_RGBALPHA) or (ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(ImageAlpha, Integer(Width) * Integer(Height));
+ FillChar(ImageAlpha^, Integer(Width) * Integer(Height), #0);
+ end;
+ {Build array for extra byte information}
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ if (BitDepth = 16) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(ExtraImageData, BytesPerRow * Integer(Height));
+ FillChar(ExtraImageData^, BytesPerRow * Integer(Height), #0);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Creates the image to hold the data, CreateDIBSection does a better}
+ {work in allocating necessary memory}
+ ImageDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}Self.Owner.Canvas.Handle := ImageDC;{$ENDIF}
+ {In case it is a palette image, create the palette}
+ if HasPalette then
+ begin
+ {Create a standard palette}
+ if ColorType = COLOR_PALETTE then
+ ImagePalette := CreateHalfTonePalette(ImageDC)
+ else
+ ImagePalette := CreateGrayscalePalette(Bitdepth);
+ ResizePalette(ImagePalette, 1 shl BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount);
+ BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed := 1 shl BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount;
+ SelectPalette(ImageDC, ImagePalette, False);
+ RealizePalette(ImageDC);
+ PaletteTODIB(ImagePalette);
+ end;
+ {Create the device independent bitmap}
+ ImageHandle := CreateDIBSection(ImageDC, pBitmapInfo(@BitmapInfo)^,
+ DIB_RGB_COLORS, ImageData, 0, 0);
+ SelectObject(ImageDC, ImageHandle);
+ {Build array and allocate bytes for each row}
+ fillchar(ImageData^, BytesPerRow * Integer(Height), 0);
+{TChunktRNS implementation}
+{$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
+function CompareMem(P1, P2: pByte; const Size: Integer): Boolean;
+var i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 1 to Size do
+ begin
+ if P1^ <> P2^ then Result := False;
+ inc(P1); inc(P2);
+ end {for i}
+{Sets the transpararent color}
+procedure TChunktRNS.SetTransparentColor(const Value: ColorRef);
+ i: Byte;
+ LookColor: TRGBQuad;
+ {Clears the palette values}
+ Fillchar(PaletteValues, SizeOf(PaletteValues), #0);
+ {Sets that it uses bit transparency}
+ fBitTransparency := True;
+ {Depends on the color type}
+ with Header do
+ case ColorType of
+ begin
+ Self.ResizeData(2);
+ pWord(@PaletteValues[0])^ := ByteSwap16(GetRValue(Value));
+ end;
+ begin
+ Self.ResizeData(6);
+ pWord(@PaletteValues[0])^ := ByteSwap16(GetRValue(Value));
+ pWord(@PaletteValues[2])^ := ByteSwap16(GetGValue(Value));
+ pWord(@PaletteValues[4])^ := ByteSwap16(GetBValue(Value));
+ end;
+ begin
+ {Creates a RGBQuad to search for the color}
+ LookColor.rgbRed := GetRValue(Value);
+ LookColor.rgbGreen := GetGValue(Value);
+ LookColor.rgbBlue := GetBValue(Value);
+ {Look in the table for the entry}
+ for i := 0 to BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed - 1 do
+ if CompareMem(@BitmapInfo.bmiColors[i], @LookColor, 3) then
+ Break;
+ {Fill the transparency table}
+ Fillchar(PaletteValues, i, 255);
+ Self.ResizeData(i + 1)
+ end
+ end {case / with};
+{Returns the transparent color for the image}
+function TChunktRNS.GetTransparentColor: ColorRef;
+ PaletteChunk: TChunkPLTE;
+ i: Integer;
+ Value: Byte;
+ Result := 0; {Default: Unknown transparent color}
+ {Depends on the color type}
+ with Header do
+ case ColorType of
+ begin
+ Value := BitmapInfo.bmiColors[PaletteValues[1]].rgbRed;
+ Result := RGB(Value, Value, Value);
+ end;
+ Result := RGB(fOwner.GammaTable[PaletteValues[1]],
+ fOwner.GammaTable[PaletteValues[3]],
+ fOwner.GammaTable[PaletteValues[5]]);
+ begin
+ {Obtains the palette chunk}
+ PaletteChunk := Owner.Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkPLTE) as TChunkPLTE;
+ {Looks for an entry with 0 transparency meaning that it is the}
+ {full transparent entry}
+ for i := 0 to Self.DataSize - 1 do
+ if PaletteValues[i] = 0 then
+ with PaletteChunk.GetPaletteItem(i) do
+ begin
+ Result := RGB(rgbRed, rgbGreen, rgbBlue);
+ break
+ end
+ end {case Header.ColorType};
+{Saving the chunk to a stream}
+function TChunktRNS.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ {Copy palette into data buffer}
+ if DataSize <= 256 then
+ CopyMemory(fData, @PaletteValues[0], DataSize);
+ Result := inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
+{Assigns from another chunk}
+procedure TChunktRNS.Assign(Source: TChunk);
+ CopyMemory(@PaletteValues[0], @TChunkTrns(Source).PaletteValues[0], 256);
+ fBitTransparency := TChunkTrns(Source).fBitTransparency;
+ inherited Assign(Source);
+{Loads the chunk from a stream}
+function TChunktRNS.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ i, Differ255: Integer;
+ {Let inherited load}
+ Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
+ if not Result then Exit;
+ {Make sure size is correct}
+ if Size > 256 then Owner.RaiseError(EPNGInvalidPalette,
+ EPNGInvalidPaletteText);
+ {The unset items should have value 255}
+ Fillchar(PaletteValues[0], 256, 255);
+ {Copy the other values}
+ CopyMemory(@PaletteValues[0], fData, Size);
+ {Create the mask if needed}
+ case Header.ColorType of
+ {Mask for grayscale and RGB}
+ COLOR_RGB, COLOR_GRAYSCALE: fBitTransparency := True;
+ begin
+ Differ255 := 0; {Count the entries with a value different from 255}
+ {Tests if it uses bit transparency}
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ if PaletteValues[i] <> 255 then inc(Differ255);
+ {If it has one value different from 255 it is a bit transparency}
+ fBitTransparency := (Differ255 = 1);
+ end {case Header.ColorType};
+{Prepares the image palette}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.PreparePalette;
+ Entries: Word;
+ j : Integer;
+ palEntries: TMaxLogPalette;
+ {In case the image uses grayscale, build a grayscale palette}
+ with Header do
+ if (ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALE) or (ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA) then
+ begin
+ {Calculate total number of palette entries}
+ Entries := (1 shl Byte(BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount));
+ Fillchar(palEntries, sizeof(palEntries), #0);
+ palEntries.palVersion := $300;
+ palEntries.palNumEntries := Entries;
+ FOR j := 0 TO Entries - 1 DO
+ with palEntries.palPalEntry[j] do
+ begin
+ {Calculate each palette entry}
+ peRed := fOwner.GammaTable[MulDiv(j, 255, Entries - 1)];
+ peGreen := peRed;
+ peBlue := peRed;
+ end {with BitmapInfo.bmiColors[j]};
+ Owner.SetPalette(CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@palEntries)^));
+ end {if ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALE..., with Header}
+{Reads from ZLIB}
+function TChunkIDAT.IDATZlibRead(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2;
+ Buffer: Pointer; Count: Integer; var EndPos: Integer;
+ var crcfile: Cardinal): Integer;
+ ProcResult : Integer;
+ IDATHeader : Array[0..3] of char;
+ IDATCRC : Cardinal;
+ {Uses internal record pointed by ZLIBStream to gather information}
+ with ZLIBStream, ZLIBStream.zlib do
+ begin
+ {Set the buffer the zlib will read into}
+ next_out := Buffer;
+ avail_out := Count;
+ {Decode until it reach the Count variable}
+ while avail_out > 0 do
+ begin
+ {In case it needs more data and it's in the end of a IDAT chunk,}
+ {it means that there are more IDAT chunks}
+ if (fStream.Position = EndPos) and (avail_out > 0) and
+ (avail_in = 0) then
+ begin
+ {End this chunk by reading and testing the crc value}
+ fStream.Read(IDATCRC, 4);
+ {$IFDEF CheckCRC}
+ if crcfile xor $ffffffff <> Cardinal(ByteSwap(IDATCRC)) then
+ begin
+ Result := -1;
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGInvalidCRC, EPNGInvalidCRCText);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Start reading the next chunk}
+ fStream.Read(EndPos, 4); {Reads next chunk size}
+ fStream.Read(IDATHeader[0], 4); {Next chunk header}
+ {It must be a IDAT chunk since image data is required and PNG}
+ {specification says that multiple IDAT chunks must be consecutive}
+ if IDATHeader <> 'IDAT' then
+ begin
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGMissingMultipleIDAT, EPNGMissingMultipleIDATText);
+ result := -1;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {Calculate chunk name part of the crc}
+ {$IFDEF CheckCRC}
+ crcfile := update_crc($ffffffff, @IDATHeader[0], 4);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ EndPos := fStream.Position + ByteSwap(EndPos);
+ end;
+ {In case it needs compressed data to read from}
+ if avail_in = 0 then
+ begin
+ {In case it's trying to read more than it is avaliable}
+ if fStream.Position + ZLIBAllocate > EndPos then
+ avail_in := fStream.Read(Data^, EndPos - fStream.Position)
+ else
+ avail_in := fStream.Read(Data^, ZLIBAllocate);
+ {Update crc}
+ {$IFDEF CheckCRC}
+ crcfile := update_crc(crcfile, Data, avail_in);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {In case there is no more compressed data to read from}
+ if avail_in = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := Count - avail_out;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ {Set next buffer to read and record current position}
+ next_in := Data;
+ end {if avail_in = 0};
+ ProcResult := inflate(zlib, 0);
+ {In case the result was not sucessfull}
+ if (ProcResult < 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := -1;
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGZLIBError,
+ EPNGZLIBErrorText + zliberrors[procresult]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end {while avail_out > 0};
+ end {with};
+ {If everything gone ok, it returns the count bytes}
+ Result := Count;
+{TChunkIDAT implementation}
+ {Adam 7 interlacing values}
+ RowStart: array[0..6] of Integer = (0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1);
+ ColumnStart: array[0..6] of Integer = (0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0);
+ RowIncrement: array[0..6] of Integer = (8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2);
+ ColumnIncrement: array[0..6] of Integer = (8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1);
+{Copy interlaced images with 1 byte for R, G, B}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedRGB8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col * 3);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, 3);
+ inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3 - 3);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy interlaced images with 2 bytes for R, G, B}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedRGB16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col * 3);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ Byte(Dest^) := Owner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 4)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := Owner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := Owner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ {Copy extra pixel values}
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 5)^]; inc(Extra);
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 3)^]; inc(Extra);
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Extra);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, 6);
+ inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3 - 3);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy ímages with palette using bit depths 1, 4 or 8}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedPalette148(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ BitTable: Array[1..8] of Integer = ($1, $3, 0, $F, 0, 0, 0, $FF);
+ StartBit: Array[1..8] of Integer = (7 , 0 , 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ CurBit, Col: Integer;
+ Dest2: PChar;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ repeat
+ {Copy data}
+ CurBit := StartBit[Header.BitDepth];
+ repeat
+ {Adjust pointer to pixel byte bounds}
+ Dest2 := pChar(Longint(Dest) + (Header.BitDepth * Col) div 8);
+ {Copy data}
+ Byte(Dest2^) := Byte(Dest2^) or
+ ( ((Byte(Src^) shr CurBit) and BitTable[Header.BitDepth])
+ shl (StartBit[Header.BitDepth] - (Col * Header.BitDepth mod 8)));
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ {Will read next bits}
+ dec(CurBit, Header.BitDepth);
+ until CurBit < 0;
+ {Move to next byte in source}
+ inc(Src);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy ímages with palette using bit depth 2}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedPalette2(const Pass: Byte; Src, Dest,
+ Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ CurBit, Col: Integer;
+ Dest2: PChar;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ repeat
+ {Copy data}
+ CurBit := 6;
+ repeat
+ {Adjust pointer to pixel byte bounds}
+ Dest2 := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col div 2);
+ {Copy data}
+ Byte(Dest2^) := Byte(Dest2^) or (((Byte(Src^) shr CurBit) and $3)
+ shl (4 - (4 * Col) mod 8));
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ {Will read next bits}
+ dec(CurBit, 2);
+ until CurBit < 0;
+ {Move to next byte in source}
+ inc(Src);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy ímages with grayscale using bit depth 2}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedGray2(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ CurBit, Col: Integer;
+ Dest2: PChar;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ repeat
+ {Copy data}
+ CurBit := 6;
+ repeat
+ {Adjust pointer to pixel byte bounds}
+ Dest2 := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col div 2);
+ {Copy data}
+ Byte(Dest2^) := Byte(Dest2^) or ((((Byte(Src^) shr CurBit) shl 2) and $F)
+ shl (4 - (Col*4) mod 8));
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ {Will read next bits}
+ dec(CurBit, 2);
+ until CurBit < 0;
+ {Move to next byte in source}
+ inc(Src);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy ímages with palette using 2 bytes for each pixel}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedGrayscale16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ Dest^ := Src^; inc(Dest);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ Extra^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Extra);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, 2);
+ inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass] - 1);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Decodes interlaced RGB alpha with 1 byte for each sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col * 3);
+ Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row and alpha value}
+ Trans^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 3)^;
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, 4);
+ inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3 - 3);
+ inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Decodes interlaced RGB alpha with 2 bytes for each sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col * 3);
+ Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row and alpha value}
+ Trans^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 6)^;
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 4)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ {Copy extra pixel values}
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 5)^]; inc(Extra);
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 3)^]; inc(Extra);
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Extra);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, 8);
+ inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3 - 3);
+ inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Decodes 8 bit grayscale image followed by an alpha sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column, pointers to the data and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col);
+ Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this grayscale value and alpha}
+ Dest^ := Src^; inc(Src);
+ Trans^ := Src^; inc(Src);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Decodes 16 bit grayscale image followed by an alpha sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column, pointers to the data and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col);
+ Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ Extra^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Extra);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Copy this grayscale value and alpha, transforming 16 bits into 8}
+ Dest^ := Src^; inc(Src, 2);
+ Trans^ := Src^; inc(Src, 2);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Decodes an interlaced image}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.DecodeInterlacedAdam7(Stream: TStream;
+ var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2; const Size: Integer; var crcfile: Cardinal);
+ CurrentPass: Byte;
+ PixelsThisRow: Integer;
+ CurrentRow: Integer;
+ Trans, Data{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar;
+ CopyProc: procedure(const Pass: Byte; Src, Dest,
+ Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar) of object;
+ CopyProc := nil; {Initialize}
+ {Determine method to copy the image data}
+ case Header.ColorType of
+ {R, G, B values for each pixel}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedRGB8;
+ 16: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedRGB16;
+ end {case Header.BitDepth};
+ {Palette}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 1, 4, 8: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedPalette148;
+ 2 : if Header.ColorType = COLOR_PALETTE then
+ CopyProc := CopyInterlacedPalette2
+ else
+ CopyProc := CopyInterlacedGray2;
+ 16 : CopyProc := CopyInterlacedGrayscale16;
+ end;
+ {RGB followed by alpha}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha8;
+ 16: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha16;
+ end;
+ {Grayscale followed by alpha}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8;
+ 16: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16;
+ end;
+ end {case Header.ColorType};
+ {Adam7 method has 7 passes to make the final image}
+ FOR CurrentPass := 0 TO 6 DO
+ begin
+ {Calculates the number of pixels and bytes for this pass row}
+ PixelsThisRow := (ImageWidth - ColumnStart[CurrentPass] +
+ ColumnIncrement[CurrentPass] - 1) div ColumnIncrement[CurrentPass];
+ Row_Bytes := BytesForPixels(PixelsThisRow, Header.ColorType,
+ Header.BitDepth);
+ {Clear buffer for this pass}
+ ZeroMemory(Row_Buffer[not RowUsed], Row_Bytes);
+ {Get current row index}
+ CurrentRow := RowStart[CurrentPass];
+ {Get a pointer to the current row image data}
+ Data := Ptr(Longint(Header.ImageData) + Header.BytesPerRow *
+ (ImageHeight - 1 - CurrentRow));
+ Trans := Ptr(Longint(Header.ImageAlpha) + ImageWidth * CurrentRow);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ Extra := Ptr(Longint(Header.ExtraImageData) + Header.BytesPerRow *
+ (ImageHeight - 1 - CurrentRow));
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if Row_Bytes > 0 then {There must have bytes for this interlaced pass}
+ while CurrentRow < ImageHeight do
+ begin
+ {Reads this line and filter}
+ if IDATZlibRead(ZLIBStream, @Row_Buffer[RowUsed][0], Row_Bytes + 1,
+ EndPos, CRCFile) = 0 then break;
+ FilterRow;
+ {Copy image data}
+ CopyProc(CurrentPass, @Row_Buffer[RowUsed][1], Data, Trans
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF});
+ {Use the other RowBuffer item}
+ RowUsed := not RowUsed;
+ {Move to the next row}
+ inc(CurrentRow, RowIncrement[CurrentPass]);
+ {Move pointer to the next line}
+ dec(Data, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * Header.BytesPerRow);
+ inc(Trans, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * ImageWidth);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ dec(Extra, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * Header.BytesPerRow);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end {while CurrentRow < ImageHeight};
+ end {FOR CurrentPass};
+{Copy 8 bits RGB image}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedRGB8(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ I: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ {Copy pixel values}
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {Move to next pixel}
+ inc(Src, 3);
+ end {for I}
+{Copy 16 bits RGB image}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedRGB16(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ I: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ //Since windows does not supports 2 bytes for
+ //each R, G, B value, the method will read only 1 byte from it
+ {Copy pixel values}
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 4)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ {Copy extra pixel values}
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 5)^]; inc(Extra);
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 3)^]; inc(Extra);
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Extra);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Move to next pixel}
+ inc(Src, 6);
+ end {for I}
+{Copy types using palettes (1, 4 or 8 bits per pixel)}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedPalette148(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ {It's simple as copying the data}
+ CopyMemory(Dest, Src, Row_Bytes);
+{Copy grayscale types using 2 bits for each pixel}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedGray2(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ i: Integer;
+ {2 bits is not supported, this routine will converted into 4 bits}
+ FOR i := 1 TO Row_Bytes do
+ begin
+ Byte(Dest^) := ((Byte(Src^) shr 2) and $F) or ((Byte(Src^)) and $F0);
+ inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := ((Byte(Src^) shl 2) and $F) or ((Byte(Src^) shl 4) and $F0);
+ inc(Dest);
+ inc(Src);
+ end {FOR i}
+{Copy types using palette with 2 bits for each pixel}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedPalette2(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ i: Integer;
+ {2 bits is not supported, this routine will converted into 4 bits}
+ FOR i := 1 TO Row_Bytes do
+ begin
+ Byte(Dest^) := ((Byte(Src^) shr 4) and $3) or ((Byte(Src^) shr 2) and $30);
+ inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := (Byte(Src^) and $3) or ((Byte(Src^) shl 2) and $30);
+ inc(Dest);
+ inc(Src);
+ end {FOR i}
+{Copy grayscale images with 16 bits}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedGrayscale16(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ I: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ {Windows does not supports 16 bits for each pixel in grayscale}
+ {mode, so reduce to 8}
+ Dest^ := Src^; inc(Dest);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ Extra^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Extra);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Move to next pixel}
+ inc(Src, 2);
+ end {for I}
+{Copy 8 bits per sample RGB images followed by an alpha byte}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ i: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ {Copy pixel values and transparency}
+ Trans^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 3)^;
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {Move to next pixel}
+ inc(Src, 4); inc(Trans);
+ end {for I}
+{Copy 16 bits RGB image with alpha using 2 bytes for each sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ I: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ //Copy rgb and alpha values (transforming from 16 bits to 8 bits)
+ {Copy pixel values}
+ Trans^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 6)^;
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 4)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ {Copy extra pixel values}
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 5)^]; inc(Extra);
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 3)^]; inc(Extra);
+ Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Extra);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Move to next pixel}
+ inc(Src, 8); inc(Trans);
+ end {for I}
+{Copy 8 bits per sample grayscale followed by alpha}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ I: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ {Copy alpha value and then gray value}
+ Dest^ := Src^; inc(Src);
+ Trans^ := Src^; inc(Src);
+ inc(Dest); inc(Trans);
+ end;
+{Copy 16 bits per sample grayscale followed by alpha}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
+ I: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ {Copy alpha value and then gray value}
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ Extra^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Extra);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Dest^ := Src^; inc(Src, 2);
+ Trans^ := Src^; inc(Src, 2);
+ inc(Dest); inc(Trans);
+ end;
+{Decode non interlaced image}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.DecodeNonInterlaced(Stream: TStream;
+ var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2; const Size: Integer; var crcfile: Cardinal);
+ j: Cardinal;
+ Trans, Data{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar;
+ CopyProc: procedure(
+ Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar) of object;
+ CopyProc := nil; {Initialize}
+ {Determines the method to copy the image data}
+ case Header.ColorType of
+ {R, G, B values}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedRGB8;
+ 16: CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedRGB16;
+ end;
+ {Types using palettes}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 1, 4, 8: CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedPalette148;
+ 2 : if Header.ColorType = COLOR_PALETTE then
+ CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedPalette2
+ else
+ CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedGray2;
+ 16 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedGrayscale16;
+ end;
+ {R, G, B followed by alpha}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8;
+ 16 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16;
+ end;
+ {Grayscale followed by alpha}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8;
+ 16 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {Get the image data pointer}
+ Longint(Data) := Longint(Header.ImageData) +
+ Header.BytesPerRow * (ImageHeight - 1);
+ Trans := Header.ImageAlpha;
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ Longint(Extra) := Longint(Header.ExtraImageData) +
+ Header.BytesPerRow * (ImageHeight - 1);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Reads each line}
+ FOR j := 0 to ImageHeight - 1 do
+ begin
+ {Read this line Row_Buffer[RowUsed][0] if the filter type for this line}
+ if IDATZlibRead(ZLIBStream, @Row_Buffer[RowUsed][0], Row_Bytes + 1, EndPos,
+ CRCFile) = 0 then break;
+ {Filter the current row}
+ FilterRow;
+ {Copies non interlaced row to image}
+ CopyProc(@Row_Buffer[RowUsed][1], Data, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra
+ {$ENDIF});
+ {Invert line used}
+ RowUsed := not RowUsed;
+ dec(Data, Header.BytesPerRow);
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}dec(Extra, Header.BytesPerRow);{$ENDIF}
+ inc(Trans, ImageWidth);
+ end {for I};
+{Filter the current line}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.FilterRow;
+ pp: Byte;
+ vv, left, above, aboveleft: Integer;
+ Col: Cardinal;
+ {Test the filter}
+ case Row_Buffer[RowUsed]^[0] of
+ {No filtering for this line}
+ FILTER_NONE: begin end;
+ {AND 255 serves only to never let the result be larger than one byte}
+ {Sub filter}
+ FOR Col := Offset + 1 to Row_Bytes DO
+ Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] := (Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] +
+ Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col - Offset]) and 255;
+ {Up filter}
+ FOR Col := 1 to Row_Bytes DO
+ Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] := (Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] +
+ Row_Buffer[not RowUsed][Col]) and 255;
+ {Average filter}
+ FOR Col := 1 to Row_Bytes DO
+ begin
+ {Obtains up and left pixels}
+ above := Row_Buffer[not RowUsed][Col];
+ if col - 1 < Offset then
+ left := 0
+ else
+ Left := Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col - Offset];
+ {Calculates}
+ Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] := (Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] +
+ (left + above) div 2) and 255;
+ end;
+ {Paeth filter}
+ begin
+ {Initialize}
+ left := 0;
+ aboveleft := 0;
+ {Test each byte}
+ FOR Col := 1 to Row_Bytes DO
+ begin
+ {Obtains above pixel}
+ above := Row_Buffer[not RowUsed][Col];
+ {Obtains left and top-left pixels}
+ if (col - 1 >= offset) Then
+ begin
+ left := row_buffer[RowUsed][col - offset];
+ aboveleft := row_buffer[not RowUsed][col - offset];
+ end;
+ {Obtains current pixel and paeth predictor}
+ vv := row_buffer[RowUsed][Col];
+ pp := PaethPredictor(left, above, aboveleft);
+ {Calculates}
+ Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] := (pp + vv) and $FF;
+ end {for};
+ end;
+ end {case};
+{Reads the image data from the stream}
+function TChunkIDAT.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2;
+ CRCCheck,
+ CRCFile : Cardinal;
+ {Get pointer to the header chunk}
+ Header := Owner.Chunks.Item[0] as TChunkIHDR;
+ {Build palette if necessary}
+ if Header.HasPalette then PreparePalette();
+ {Copy image width and height}
+ ImageWidth := Header.Width;
+ ImageHeight := Header.Height;
+ {Initialize to calculate CRC}
+ {$IFDEF CheckCRC}
+ CRCFile := update_crc($ffffffff, @ChunkName[0], 4);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Owner.GetPixelInfo(Row_Bytes, Offset); {Obtain line information}
+ ZLIBStream := ZLIBInitInflate(Stream); {Initializes decompression}
+ {Calculate ending position for the current IDAT chunk}
+ EndPos := Stream.Position + Size;
+ {Allocate memory}
+ GetMem(Row_Buffer[false], Row_Bytes + 1);
+ GetMem(Row_Buffer[true], Row_Bytes + 1);
+ ZeroMemory(Row_Buffer[false], Row_bytes + 1);
+ {Set the variable to alternate the Row_Buffer item to use}
+ RowUsed := TRUE;
+ {Call special methods for the different interlace methods}
+ case Owner.InterlaceMethod of
+ imNone: DecodeNonInterlaced(stream, ZLIBStream, Size, crcfile);
+ imAdam7: DecodeInterlacedAdam7(stream, ZLIBStream, size, crcfile);
+ end;
+ {Free memory}
+ ZLIBTerminateInflate(ZLIBStream); {Terminates decompression}
+ FreeMem(Row_Buffer[False], Row_Bytes + 1);
+ FreeMem(Row_Buffer[True], Row_Bytes + 1);
+ {Now checks CRC}
+ Stream.Read(CRCCheck, 4);
+ {$IFDEF CheckCRC}
+ CRCFile := CRCFile xor $ffffffff;
+ CRCCheck := ByteSwap(CRCCheck);
+ Result := CRCCheck = CRCFile;
+ {Handle CRC error}
+ if not Result then
+ begin
+ {In case it coult not load chunk}
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPngInvalidCRC, EPngInvalidCRCText);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}Result := TRUE; {$ENDIF}
+ IDATHeader: Array[0..3] of char = ('I', 'D', 'A', 'T');
+ BUFFER = 5;
+{Saves the IDAT chunk to a stream}
+function TChunkIDAT.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ ZLIBStream : TZStreamRec2;
+ {Get pointer to the header chunk}
+ Header := Owner.Chunks.Item[0] as TChunkIHDR;
+ {Copy image width and height}
+ ImageWidth := Header.Width;
+ ImageHeight := Header.Height;
+ Owner.GetPixelInfo(Row_Bytes, Offset); {Obtain line information}
+ {Allocate memory}
+ GetMem(Encode_Buffer[BUFFER], Row_Bytes);
+ ZeroMemory(Encode_Buffer[BUFFER], Row_Bytes);
+ {Allocate buffers for the filters selected}
+ {Filter none will always be calculated to the other filters to work}
+ GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE], Row_Bytes);
+ ZeroMemory(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE], Row_Bytes);
+ if pfSub in Owner.Filters then
+ GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_SUB], Row_Bytes);
+ if pfUp in Owner.Filters then
+ GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_UP], Row_Bytes);
+ if pfAverage in Owner.Filters then
+ GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_AVERAGE], Row_Bytes);
+ if pfPaeth in Owner.Filters then
+ GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_PAETH], Row_Bytes);
+ {Initialize ZLIB}
+ ZLIBStream := ZLIBInitDeflate(Stream, Owner.fCompressionLevel,
+ Owner.MaxIdatSize);
+ {Write data depending on the interlace method}
+ case Owner.InterlaceMethod of
+ imNone: EncodeNonInterlaced(stream, ZLIBStream);
+ imAdam7: EncodeInterlacedAdam7(stream, ZLIBStream);
+ end;
+ {Terminates ZLIB}
+ ZLIBTerminateDeflate(ZLIBStream);
+ {Release allocated memory}
+ FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[BUFFER], Row_Bytes);
+ FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE], Row_Bytes);
+ if pfSub in Owner.Filters then
+ FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_SUB], Row_Bytes);
+ if pfUp in Owner.Filters then
+ FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_UP], Row_Bytes);
+ if pfAverage in Owner.Filters then
+ FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_AVERAGE], Row_Bytes);
+ if pfPaeth in Owner.Filters then
+ FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_PAETH], Row_Bytes);
+ {Everything went ok}
+ Result := True;
+{Writes the IDAT using the settings}
+procedure WriteIDAT(Stream: TStream; Data: Pointer; const Length: Cardinal);
+ ChunkLen, CRC: Cardinal;
+ {Writes IDAT header}
+ ChunkLen := ByteSwap(Length);
+ Stream.Write(ChunkLen, 4); {Chunk length}
+ Stream.Write(IDATHeader[0], 4); {Idat header}
+ CRC := update_crc($ffffffff, @IDATHeader[0], 4); {Crc part for header}
+ {Writes IDAT data and calculates CRC for data}
+ Stream.Write(Data^, Length);
+ CRC := Byteswap(update_crc(CRC, Data, Length) xor $ffffffff);
+ {Writes final CRC}
+ Stream.Write(CRC, 4);
+{Compress and writes IDAT chunk data}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.IDATZlibWrite(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2;
+ Buffer: Pointer; const Length: Cardinal);
+ with ZLIBStream, ZLIBStream.ZLIB do
+ begin
+ {Set data to be compressed}
+ next_in := Buffer;
+ avail_in := Length;
+ {Compress all the data avaliable to compress}
+ while avail_in > 0 do
+ begin
+ deflate(ZLIB, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ {The whole buffer was used, save data to stream and restore buffer}
+ if avail_out = 0 then
+ begin
+ {Writes this IDAT chunk}
+ WriteIDAT(fStream, Data, Owner.MaxIdatSize);
+ {Restore buffer}
+ next_out := Data;
+ avail_out := Owner.MaxIdatSize;
+ end {if avail_out = 0};
+ end {while avail_in};
+ end {with ZLIBStream, ZLIBStream.ZLIB}
+{Finishes compressing data to write IDAT chunk}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.FinishIDATZlib(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
+ with ZLIBStream, ZLIBStream.ZLIB do
+ begin
+ {Set data to be compressed}
+ next_in := nil;
+ avail_in := 0;
+ while deflate(ZLIB,Z_FINISH) <> Z_STREAM_END do
+ begin
+ {Writes this IDAT chunk}
+ WriteIDAT(fStream, Data, Owner.MaxIdatSize - avail_out);
+ {Re-update buffer}
+ next_out := Data;
+ avail_out := Owner.MaxIdatSize;
+ end;
+ if avail_out < Owner.MaxIdatSize then
+ {Writes final IDAT}
+ WriteIDAT(fStream, Data, Owner.MaxIdatSize - avail_out);
+ end {with ZLIBStream, ZLIBStream.ZLIB};
+{Copy memory to encode RGB image with 1 byte for each color sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedRGB8(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ I: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ {Copy pixel values}
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {Move to next pixel}
+ inc(Src, 3);
+ end {for I}
+{Copy memory to encode RGB images with 16 bits for each color sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedRGB16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ I: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ //Now we copy from 1 byte for each sample stored to a 2 bytes (or 1 word)
+ //for sample
+ {Copy pixel values}
+ pWORD(Dest)^ := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWORD(Dest)^ := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWORD(Dest)^ := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest, 2);
+ {Move to next pixel}
+ inc(Src, 3);
+ end {for I}
+{Copy memory to encode types using palettes (1, 4 or 8 bits per pixel)}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedPalette148(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ {It's simple as copying the data}
+ CopyMemory(Dest, Src, Row_Bytes);
+{Copy memory to encode grayscale images with 2 bytes for each sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscale16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ I: Integer;
+ FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
+ begin
+ //Now we copy from 1 byte for each sample stored to a 2 bytes (or 1 word)
+ //for sample
+ pWORD(Dest)^ := pByte(Longint(Src))^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ {Move to next pixel}
+ inc(Src);
+ end {for I}
+{Encode images using RGB followed by an alpha value using 1 byte for each}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ i: Integer;
+ {Copy the data to the destination, including data from Trans pointer}
+ FOR i := 1 TO ImageWidth do
+ begin
+ Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ Dest^ := Trans^; inc(Dest);
+ inc(Src, 3); inc(Trans);
+ end {for i};
+{Encode images using RGB followed by an alpha value using 2 byte for each}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ i: Integer;
+ {Copy the data to the destination, including data from Trans pointer}
+ FOR i := 1 TO ImageWidth do
+ begin
+ pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := PByte(Longint(Trans) )^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ inc(Src, 3); inc(Trans);
+ end {for i};
+{Encode grayscale images followed by an alpha value using 1 byte for each}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ i: Integer;
+ {Copy the data to the destination, including data from Trans pointer}
+ FOR i := 1 TO ImageWidth do
+ begin
+ Dest^ := Src^; inc(Dest);
+ Dest^ := Trans^; inc(Dest);
+ inc(Src); inc(Trans);
+ end {for i};
+{Encode grayscale images followed by an alpha value using 2 byte for each}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ i: Integer;
+ {Copy the data to the destination, including data from Trans pointer}
+ FOR i := 1 TO ImageWidth do
+ begin
+ pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Src)^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Trans)^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ inc(Src); inc(Trans);
+ end {for i};
+{Encode non interlaced images}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlaced(Stream: TStream;
+ var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
+ {Current line}
+ j: Cardinal;
+ {Pointers to image data}
+ Data, Trans: PChar;
+ {Filter used for this line}
+ Filter: Byte;
+ {Method which will copy the data into the buffer}
+ CopyProc: procedure(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar) of object;
+ CopyProc := nil; {Initialize to avoid warnings}
+ {Defines the method to copy the data to the buffer depending on}
+ {the image parameters}
+ case Header.ColorType of
+ {R, G, B values}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedRGB8;
+ 16: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedRGB16;
+ end;
+ {Palette and grayscale values}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 1, 4, 8: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedPalette148;
+ 16: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscale16;
+ end;
+ {RGB with a following alpha value}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8;
+ 16: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16;
+ end;
+ {Grayscale images followed by an alpha}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8;
+ 16: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16;
+ end;
+ end {case Header.ColorType};
+ {Get the image data pointer}
+ Longint(Data) := Longint(Header.ImageData) +
+ Header.BytesPerRow * (ImageHeight - 1);
+ Trans := Header.ImageAlpha;
+ {Writes each line}
+ FOR j := 0 to ImageHeight - 1 do
+ begin
+ {Copy data into buffer}
+ CopyProc(Data, @Encode_Buffer[BUFFER][0], Trans);
+ {Filter data}
+ Filter := FilterToEncode;
+ {Compress data}
+ IDATZlibWrite(ZLIBStream, @Filter, 1);
+ IDATZlibWrite(ZLIBStream, @Encode_Buffer[Filter][0], Row_Bytes);
+ {Adjust pointers to the actual image data}
+ dec(Data, Header.BytesPerRow);
+ inc(Trans, ImageWidth);
+ end;
+ {Compress and finishes copying the remaining data}
+ FinishIDATZlib(ZLIBStream);
+{Copy memory to encode interlaced images using RGB value with 1 byte for}
+{each color sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedRGB8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col * 3);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy memory to encode interlaced RGB images with 2 bytes each color sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedRGB16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col * 3);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest, 2);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy memory to encode interlaced images using palettes using bit depths}
+{1, 4, 8 (each pixel in the image)}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedPalette148(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ BitTable: Array[1..8] of Integer = ($1, $3, 0, $F, 0, 0, 0, $FF);
+ StartBit: Array[1..8] of Integer = (7 , 0 , 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ CurBit, Col: Integer;
+ Src2: PChar;
+ {Clean the line}
+ fillchar(Dest^, Row_Bytes, #0);
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ with Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader do
+ repeat
+ {Copy data}
+ CurBit := StartBit[biBitCount];
+ repeat
+ {Adjust pointer to pixel byte bounds}
+ Src2 := pChar(Longint(Src) + (biBitCount * Col) div 8);
+ {Copy data}
+ Byte(Dest^) := Byte(Dest^) or
+ (((Byte(Src2^) shr (StartBit[Header.BitDepth] - (biBitCount * Col)
+ mod 8))) and (BitTable[biBitCount])) shl CurBit;
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ {Will read next bits}
+ dec(CurBit, biBitCount);
+ until CurBit < 0;
+ {Move to next byte in source}
+ inc(Dest);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy to encode interlaced grayscale images using 16 bits for each sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedGrayscale16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ pWord(Dest)^ := Byte(Src^); inc(Dest, 2);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy to encode interlaced rgb images followed by an alpha value, all using}
+{one byte for each sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col * 3);
+ Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
+ Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
+ Dest^ := Trans^; inc(Dest);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3);
+ inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy to encode interlaced rgb images followed by an alpha value, all using}
+{two byte for each sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col * 3);
+ Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Longint(Src) )^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Trans)^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3);
+ inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy to encode grayscale interlaced images followed by an alpha value, all}
+{using 1 byte for each sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col);
+ Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ Dest^ := Src^; inc(Dest);
+ Dest^ := Trans^; inc(Dest);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Copy to encode grayscale interlaced images followed by an alpha value, all}
+{using 2 bytes for each sample}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
+ Col: Integer;
+ {Get first column and enter in loop}
+ Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
+ Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col);
+ Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
+ repeat
+ {Copy this row}
+ pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Src)^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Trans)^; inc(Dest, 2);
+ {Move to next column}
+ inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
+ until Col >= ImageWidth;
+{Encode interlaced images}
+procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedAdam7(Stream: TStream;
+ var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
+ CurrentPass, Filter: Byte;
+ PixelsThisRow: Integer;
+ CurrentRow : Integer;
+ Trans, Data: pChar;
+ CopyProc: procedure(const Pass: Byte;
+ Src, Dest, Trans: pChar) of object;
+ CopyProc := nil; {Initialize to avoid warnings}
+ {Defines the method to copy the data to the buffer depending on}
+ {the image parameters}
+ case Header.ColorType of
+ {R, G, B values}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedRGB8;
+ 16: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedRGB16;
+ end;
+ {Grayscale and palette}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 1, 4, 8: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedPalette148;
+ 16: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedGrayscale16;
+ end;
+ {RGB followed by alpha}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha8;
+ 16: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha16;
+ end;
+ {Grayscale followed by alpha}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 8: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8;
+ 16: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16;
+ end;
+ end {case Header.ColorType};
+ {Compress the image using the seven passes for ADAM 7}
+ FOR CurrentPass := 0 TO 6 DO
+ begin
+ {Calculates the number of pixels and bytes for this pass row}
+ PixelsThisRow := (ImageWidth - ColumnStart[CurrentPass] +
+ ColumnIncrement[CurrentPass] - 1) div ColumnIncrement[CurrentPass];
+ Row_Bytes := BytesForPixels(PixelsThisRow, Header.ColorType,
+ Header.BitDepth);
+ ZeroMemory(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE], Row_Bytes);
+ {Get current row index}
+ CurrentRow := RowStart[CurrentPass];
+ {Get a pointer to the current row image data}
+ Data := Ptr(Longint(Header.ImageData) + Header.BytesPerRow *
+ (ImageHeight - 1 - CurrentRow));
+ Trans := Ptr(Longint(Header.ImageAlpha) + ImageWidth * CurrentRow);
+ {Process all the image rows}
+ if Row_Bytes > 0 then
+ while CurrentRow < ImageHeight do
+ begin
+ {Copy data into buffer}
+ CopyProc(CurrentPass, Data, @Encode_Buffer[BUFFER][0], Trans);
+ {Filter data}
+ Filter := FilterToEncode;
+ {Compress data}
+ IDATZlibWrite(ZLIBStream, @Filter, 1);
+ IDATZlibWrite(ZLIBStream, @Encode_Buffer[Filter][0], Row_Bytes);
+ {Move to the next row}
+ inc(CurrentRow, RowIncrement[CurrentPass]);
+ {Move pointer to the next line}
+ dec(Data, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * Header.BytesPerRow);
+ inc(Trans, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * ImageWidth);
+ end {while CurrentRow < ImageHeight}
+ end {CurrentPass};
+ {Compress and finishes copying the remaining data}
+ FinishIDATZlib(ZLIBStream);
+{Filters the row to be encoded and returns the best filter}
+function TChunkIDAT.FilterToEncode: Byte;
+ Run, LongestRun, ii, jj: Cardinal;
+ Last, Above, LastAbove: Byte;
+ {Selecting more filters using the Filters property from TPngObject}
+ {increases the chances to the file be much smaller, but decreases}
+ {the performace}
+ {This method will creates the same line data using the different}
+ {filter methods and select the best}
+ {Sub-filter}
+ if pfSub in Owner.Filters then
+ for ii := 0 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
+ begin
+ {There is no previous pixel when it's on the first pixel, so}
+ {set last as zero when in the first}
+ if (ii >= Offset) then
+ last := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii - Offset]
+ else
+ last := 0;
+ Encode_Buffer[FILTER_SUB]^[ii] := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii] - last;
+ end;
+ {Up filter}
+ if pfUp in Owner.Filters then
+ for ii := 0 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
+ Encode_Buffer[FILTER_UP]^[ii] := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii] -
+ Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[ii];
+ {Average filter}
+ if pfAverage in Owner.Filters then
+ for ii := 0 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
+ begin
+ {Get the previous pixel, if the current pixel is the first, the}
+ {previous is considered to be 0}
+ if (ii >= Offset) then
+ last := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii - Offset]
+ else
+ last := 0;
+ {Get the pixel above}
+ above := Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[ii];
+ {Calculates formula to the average pixel}
+ Encode_Buffer[FILTER_AVERAGE]^[ii] := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii] -
+ (above + last) div 2 ;
+ end;
+ {Paeth filter (the slower)}
+ if pfPaeth in Owner.Filters then
+ begin
+ {Initialize}
+ last := 0;
+ lastabove := 0;
+ for ii := 0 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
+ begin
+ {In case this pixel is not the first in the line obtains the}
+ {previous one and the one above the previous}
+ if (ii >= Offset) then
+ begin
+ last := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii - Offset];
+ lastabove := Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[ii - Offset];
+ end;
+ {Obtains the pixel above}
+ above := Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[ii];
+ {Calculate paeth filter for this byte}
+ Encode_Buffer[FILTER_PAETH]^[ii] := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii] -
+ PaethPredictor(last, above, lastabove);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {Now calculates the same line using no filter, which is necessary}
+ {in order to have data to the filters when the next line comes}
+ CopyMemory(@Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[0],
+ @Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[0], Row_Bytes);
+ {If only filter none is selected in the filter list, we don't need}
+ {to proceed and further}
+ if (Owner.Filters = [pfNone]) or (Owner.Filters = []) then
+ begin
+ Result := FILTER_NONE;
+ exit;
+ end {if (Owner.Filters = [pfNone...};
+ {Check which filter is the best by checking which has the larger}
+ {sequence of the same byte, since they are best compressed}
+ LongestRun := 0; Result := FILTER_NONE;
+ {Check if this filter was selected}
+ if TFilter(ii) in Owner.Filters then
+ begin
+ Run := 0;
+ {Check if it's the only filter}
+ if Owner.Filters = [TFilter(ii)] then
+ begin
+ Result := ii;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {Check using a sequence of four bytes}
+ for jj := 2 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
+ if (Encode_Buffer[ii]^[jj] = Encode_Buffer [ii]^[jj-1]) or
+ (Encode_Buffer[ii]^[jj] = Encode_Buffer [ii]^[jj-2]) then
+ inc(Run); {Count the number of sequences}
+ {Check if this one is the best so far}
+ if (Run > LongestRun) then
+ begin
+ Result := ii;
+ LongestRun := Run;
+ end {if (Run > LongestRun)};
+ end {if TFilter(ii) in Owner.Filters};
+{TChunkPLTE implementation}
+{Returns an item in the palette}
+function TChunkPLTE.GetPaletteItem(Index: Byte): TRGBQuad;
+ {Test if item is valid, if not raise error}
+ if Index > Count - 1 then
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGError, EPNGUnknownPalEntryText)
+ else
+ {Returns the item}
+ Result := Header.BitmapInfo.bmiColors[Index];
+{Loads the palette chunk from a stream}
+function TChunkPLTE.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream;
+ const ChunkName: TChunkName; Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ pPalEntry = ^PalEntry;
+ PalEntry = record
+ r, g, b: Byte;
+ end;
+ j : Integer; {For the FOR}
+ PalColor : pPalEntry;
+ palEntries: TMaxLogPalette;
+ {Let ancestor load data and check CRC}
+ Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
+ if not Result then exit;
+ {This chunk must be divisible by 3 in order to be valid}
+ if (Size mod 3 <> 0) or (Size div 3 > 256) then
+ begin
+ {Raise error}
+ Result := FALSE;
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGInvalidPalette, EPNGInvalidPaletteText);
+ exit;
+ end {if Size mod 3 <> 0};
+ {Fill array with the palette entries}
+ fCount := Size div 3;
+ Fillchar(palEntries, sizeof(palEntries), #0);
+ palEntries.palVersion := $300;
+ palEntries.palNumEntries := fCount;
+ PalColor := Data;
+ FOR j := 0 TO fCount - 1 DO
+ with palEntries.palPalEntry[j] do
+ begin
+ peRed := Owner.GammaTable[PalColor.r];
+ peGreen := Owner.GammaTable[PalColor.g];
+ peBlue := Owner.GammaTable[PalColor.b];
+ peFlags := 0;
+ {Move to next palette entry}
+ inc(PalColor);
+ end;
+ Owner.SetPalette(CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@palEntries)^));
+{Saves the PLTE chunk to a stream}
+function TChunkPLTE.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ J: Integer;
+ DataPtr: pByte;
+ palEntries: TMaxLogPalette;
+ {Adjust size to hold all the palette items}
+ if fCount = 0 then fCount := Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed;
+ ResizeData(fCount * 3);
+ {Get all the palette entries}
+ fillchar(palEntries, sizeof(palEntries), #0);
+ GetPaletteEntries(Header.ImagePalette, 0, 256, palEntries.palPalEntry[0]);
+ {Copy pointer to data}
+ DataPtr := fData;
+ {Copy palette items}
+ BitmapInfo := Header.BitmapInfo;
+ FOR j := 0 TO fCount - 1 DO
+ with palEntries.palPalEntry[j] do
+ begin
+ DataPtr^ := Owner.InverseGamma[peRed]; inc(DataPtr);
+ DataPtr^ := Owner.InverseGamma[peGreen]; inc(DataPtr);
+ DataPtr^ := Owner.InverseGamma[peBlue]; inc(DataPtr);
+ end {with BitmapInfo};
+ {Let ancestor do the rest of the work}
+ Result := inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
+{Assigns from another PLTE chunk}
+procedure TChunkPLTE.Assign(Source: TChunk);
+ {Copy the number of palette items}
+ if Source is TChunkPLTE then
+ fCount := TChunkPLTE(Source).fCount
+ else
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGError, EPNGCannotAssignChunkText);
+{TChunkgAMA implementation}
+{Assigns from another chunk}
+procedure TChunkgAMA.Assign(Source: TChunk);
+ {Copy the gamma value}
+ if Source is TChunkgAMA then
+ Gamma := TChunkgAMA(Source).Gamma
+ else
+ Owner.RaiseError(EPNGError, EPNGCannotAssignChunkText);
+{Gamma chunk being created}
+constructor TChunkgAMA.Create(Owner: TPngObject);
+ {Call ancestor}
+ inherited Create(Owner);
+ Gamma := 1; {Initial value}
+{Returns gamma value}
+function TChunkgAMA.GetValue: Cardinal;
+ {Make sure that the size is four bytes}
+ if DataSize <> 4 then
+ begin
+ {Adjust size and returns 1}
+ ResizeData(4);
+ Result := 1;
+ end
+ {If it's right, read the value}
+ else Result := Cardinal(ByteSwap(pCardinal(Data)^))
+function Power(Base, Exponent: Extended): Extended;
+ if Exponent = 0.0 then
+ Result := 1.0 {Math rule}
+ else if (Base = 0) or (Exponent = 0) then Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := Exp(Exponent * Ln(Base));
+{Loading the chunk from a stream}
+function TChunkgAMA.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream;
+ const ChunkName: TChunkName; Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Value: Cardinal;
+ {Call ancestor and test if it went ok}
+ Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
+ if not Result then exit;
+ Value := Gamma;
+ {Build gamma table and inverse table for saving}
+ if Value <> 0 then
+ with Owner do
+ FOR i := 0 TO 255 DO
+ begin
+ GammaTable[I] := Round(Power((I / 255), 1 /
+ (Value / 100000 * 2.2)) * 255);
+ InverseGamma[Round(Power((I / 255), 1 /
+ (Value / 100000 * 2.2)) * 255)] := I;
+ end
+{Sets the gamma value}
+procedure TChunkgAMA.SetValue(const Value: Cardinal);
+ {Make sure that the size is four bytes}
+ if DataSize <> 4 then ResizeData(4);
+ {If it's right, set the value}
+ pCardinal(Data)^ := ByteSwap(Value);
+{TPngObject implementation}
+{Assigns from another object}
+procedure TPngObject.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
+ {Being cleared}
+ if Source = nil then
+ ClearChunks
+ {Assigns contents from another TPNGObject}
+ else if Source is TPNGObject then
+ AssignPNG(Source as TPNGObject)
+ {Copy contents from a TBitmap}
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}else if Source is TBitmap then
+ with Source as TBitmap do
+ AssignHandle(Handle, Transparent,
+ ColorToRGB(TransparentColor)){$ENDIF}
+ {Unknown source, let ancestor deal with it}
+ else
+ inherited;
+{Clear all the chunks in the list}
+procedure TPngObject.ClearChunks;
+ i: Integer;
+ {Initialize gamma}
+ InitializeGamma();
+ {Free all the objects and memory (0 chunks Bug fixed by Noel Sharpe)}
+ for i := 0 TO Integer(Chunks.Count) - 1 do
+ TChunk(Chunks.Item[i]).Free;
+ Chunks.Count := 0;
+{Portable Network Graphics object being created as a blank image}
+constructor TPNGObject.CreateBlank(ColorType, BitDepth: Cardinal;
+ cx, cy: Integer);
+var NewIHDR: TChunkIHDR;
+ {Calls creator}
+ Create;
+ {Checks if the parameters are ok}
+ [1,2,4,8, 16]) or ((ColorType = COLOR_PALETTE) and (BitDepth = 16)) or
+ ((ColorType = COLOR_RGB) and (BitDepth < 8)) then
+ begin
+ RaiseError(EPNGInvalidSpec, EInvalidSpec);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if Bitdepth = 2 then Bitdepth := 4;
+ {Add the basis chunks}
+ InitializeGamma;
+ BeingCreated := True;
+ Chunks.Add(TChunkIEND);
+ NewIHDR := Chunks.Add(TChunkIHDR) as TChunkIHDR;
+ NewIHDR.IHDRData.ColorType := ColorType;
+ NewIHDR.IHDRData.BitDepth := BitDepth;
+ NewIHDR.IHDRData.Width := cx;
+ NewIHDR.IHDRData.Height := cy;
+ NewIHDR.PrepareImageData;
+ if NewIHDR.HasPalette then
+ TChunkPLTE(Chunks.Add(TChunkPLTE)).fCount := 1 shl BitDepth;
+ Chunks.Add(TChunkIDAT);
+ BeingCreated := False;
+{Portable Network Graphics object being created}
+constructor TPngObject.Create;
+ {Let it be created}
+ inherited Create;
+ {Initial properties}
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}fCanvas := TCanvas.Create;{$ENDIF}
+ fFilters := [pfSub];
+ fCompressionLevel := 7;
+ fInterlaceMethod := imNone;
+ fMaxIdatSize := High(Word);
+ {Create chunklist object}
+ fChunkList := TPngList.Create(Self);
+{Portable Network Graphics object being destroyed}
+destructor TPngObject.Destroy;
+ {Free object list}
+ ClearChunks;
+ fChunkList.Free;
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}if fCanvas <> nil then
+ fCanvas.Free;{$ENDIF}
+ {Call ancestor destroy}
+ inherited Destroy;
+{Returns linesize and byte offset for pixels}
+procedure TPngObject.GetPixelInfo(var LineSize, Offset: Cardinal);
+ {There must be an Header chunk to calculate size}
+ if HeaderPresent then
+ begin
+ {Calculate number of bytes for each line}
+ LineSize := BytesForPixels(Header.Width, Header.ColorType, Header.BitDepth);
+ {Calculates byte offset}
+ Case Header.ColorType of
+ {Grayscale}
+ If Header.BitDepth = 16 Then
+ Offset := 2
+ Else
+ Offset := 1 ;
+ {It always smaller or equal one byte, so it occupes one byte}
+ offset := 1;
+ {It might be 3 or 6 bytes}
+ offset := 3 * Header.BitDepth Div 8;
+ {It might be 2 or 4 bytes}
+ offset := 2 * Header.BitDepth Div 8;
+ {4 or 8 bytes}
+ offset := 4 * Header.BitDepth Div 8;
+ else
+ Offset := 0;
+ End ;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ {In case if there isn't any Header chunk}
+ Offset := 0;
+ LineSize := 0;
+ end;
+{Returns image height}
+function TPngObject.GetHeight: Integer;
+ {There must be a Header chunk to get the size, otherwise returns 0}
+ if HeaderPresent then
+ Result := TChunkIHDR(Chunks.Item[0]).Height
+ else Result := 0;
+{Returns image width}
+function TPngObject.GetWidth: Integer;
+ {There must be a Header chunk to get the size, otherwise returns 0}
+ if HeaderPresent then
+ Result := Header.Width
+ else Result := 0;
+{Returns if the image is empty}
+function TPngObject.GetEmpty: Boolean;
+ Result := (Chunks.Count = 0);
+{Raises an error}
+procedure TPngObject.RaiseError(ExceptionClass: ExceptClass; Text: String);
+ raise ExceptionClass.Create(Text);
+{Set the maximum size for IDAT chunk}
+procedure TPngObject.SetMaxIdatSize(const Value: Integer);
+ {Make sure the size is at least 65535}
+ if Value < High(Word) then
+ fMaxIdatSize := High(Word) else fMaxIdatSize := Value;
+{Draws the image using pixel information from TChunkpHYs}
+procedure TPNGObject.DrawUsingPixelInformation(Canvas: TCanvas; Point: TPoint);
+ function Rect(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer): TRect;
+ begin
+ Result.Left := Left;
+ Result.Top := Top;
+ Result.Right := Right;
+ Result.Bottom := Bottom;
+ end;
+ PPMeterY, PPMeterX: Double;
+ NewSizeX, NewSizeY: Integer;
+ DC: HDC;
+ {Get system information}
+ DC := GetDC(0);
+ PPMeterY := GetDeviceCaps(DC, LOGPIXELSY) / 0.0254;
+ PPMeterX := GetDeviceCaps(DC, LOGPIXELSX) / 0.0254;
+ ReleaseDC(0, DC);
+ {In case it does not has pixel information}
+ if not HasPixelInformation then
+ Draw(Canvas, Rect(Point.X, Point.Y, Point.X + Width,
+ Point.Y + Height))
+ else
+ with PixelInformation do
+ begin
+ NewSizeX := Trunc(Self.Width / (PPUnitX / PPMeterX));
+ NewSizeY := Trunc(Self.Height / (PPUnitY / PPMeterY));
+ Draw(Canvas, Rect(Point.X, Point.Y, Point.X + NewSizeX,
+ Point.Y + NewSizeY));
+ end;
+{$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
+ {Creates a file stream reading from the filename in the parameter and load}
+ procedure TPngObject.LoadFromFile(const Filename: String);
+ var
+ FileStream: TFileStream;
+ begin
+ {Test if the file exists}
+ if not FileExists(Filename) then
+ begin
+ {In case it does not exists, raise error}
+ RaiseError(EPNGNotExists, EPNGNotExistsText);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {Creates the file stream to read}
+ FileStream := TFileStream.Create(Filename, [fsmRead]);
+ LoadFromStream(FileStream); {Loads the data}
+ FileStream.Free; {Free file stream}
+ end;
+ {Saves the current png image to a file}
+ procedure TPngObject.SaveToFile(const Filename: String);
+ var
+ FileStream: TFileStream;
+ begin
+ {Creates the file stream to write}
+ FileStream := TFileStream.Create(Filename, [fsmWrite]);
+ SaveToStream(FileStream); {Saves the data}
+ FileStream.Free; {Free file stream}
+ end;
+{Returns if it has the pixel information chunk}
+function TPngObject.HasPixelInformation: Boolean;
+ Result := (Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkpHYs) as tChunkpHYs) <> nil;
+{Returns the pixel information chunk}
+function TPngObject.GetPixelInformation: TChunkpHYs;
+ Result := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkpHYs) as tChunkpHYs;
+ if not Assigned(Result) then
+ begin
+ Result := Chunks.Add(tChunkpHYs) as tChunkpHYs;
+ Result.fUnit := utMeter;
+ end;
+{Returns pointer to the chunk TChunkIHDR which should be the first}
+function TPngObject.GetHeader: TChunkIHDR;
+ {If there is a TChunkIHDR returns it, otherwise returns nil}
+ if (Chunks.Count <> 0) and (Chunks.Item[0] is TChunkIHDR) then
+ Result := Chunks.Item[0] as TChunkIHDR
+ else
+ begin
+ {No header, throw error message}
+ RaiseError(EPNGHeaderNotPresent, EPNGHeaderNotPresentText);
+ Result := nil
+ end
+{Draws using partial transparency}
+procedure TPngObject.DrawPartialTrans(DC: HDC; Rect: TRect);
+ {Adjust the rectangle structure}
+ procedure AdjustRect(var Rect: TRect);
+ var
+ t: Integer;
+ begin
+ if Rect.Right < Rect.Left then
+ begin
+ t := Rect.Right;
+ Rect.Right := Rect.Left;
+ Rect.Left := t;
+ end;
+ if Rect.Bottom < Rect.Top then
+ begin
+ t := Rect.Bottom;
+ Rect.Bottom := Rect.Top;
+ Rect.Top := t;
+ end
+ end;
+ {Access to pixels}
+ TPixelLine = Array[Word] of TRGBQuad;
+ pPixelLine = ^TPixelLine;
+ {Structure used to create the bitmap}
+ BitmapInfoHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader =
+ (biSize: sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader);
+ biWidth: 100;
+ biHeight: 100;
+ biPlanes: 1;
+ biBitCount: 32;
+ biCompression: BI_RGB;
+ biSizeImage: 0;
+ biXPelsPerMeter: 0;
+ biYPelsPerMeter: 0;
+ biClrUsed: 0;
+ biClrImportant: 0);
+ {Buffer bitmap creation}
+ BitmapInfo : TBitmapInfo;
+ BufferDC : HDC;
+ BufferBits : Pointer;
+ OldBitmap,
+ BufferBitmap: HBitmap;
+ Header: TChunkIHDR;
+ {Transparency/palette chunks}
+ TransparencyChunk: TChunktRNS;
+ PaletteChunk: TChunkPLTE;
+ TransValue, PaletteIndex: Byte;
+ CurBit: Integer;
+ Data: PByte;
+ {Buffer bitmap modification}
+ BytesPerRowDest,
+ BytesPerRowSrc,
+ BytesPerRowAlpha: Integer;
+ ImageSource, ImageSourceOrg,
+ AlphaSource : pByteArray;
+ ImageData : pPixelLine;
+ i, j, i2, j2 : Integer;
+ {For bitmap stretching}
+ W, H : Cardinal;
+ Stretch : Boolean;
+ FactorX, FactorY: Double;
+ {Prepares the rectangle structure to stretch draw}
+ if (Rect.Right = Rect.Left) or (Rect.Bottom = Rect.Top) then exit;
+ AdjustRect(Rect);
+ {Gets the width and height}
+ W := Rect.Right - Rect.Left;
+ H := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top;
+ Header := Self.Header; {Fast access to header}
+ Stretch := (W <> Header.Width) or (H <> Header.Height);
+ if Stretch then FactorX := W / Header.Width else FactorX := 1;
+ if Stretch then FactorY := H / Header.Height else FactorY := 1;
+ {Prepare to create the bitmap}
+ Fillchar(BitmapInfo, sizeof(BitmapInfo), #0);
+ BitmapInfoHeader.biWidth := W;
+ BitmapInfoHeader.biHeight := -Integer(H);
+ BitmapInfo.bmiHeader := BitmapInfoHeader;
+ {Create the bitmap which will receive the background, the applied}
+ {alpha blending and then will be painted on the background}
+ BufferDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+ {In case BufferDC could not be created}
+ if (BufferDC = 0) then RaiseError(EPNGOutMemory, EPNGOutMemoryText);
+ BufferBitmap := CreateDIBSection(BufferDC, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ BufferBits, 0, 0);
+ {In case buffer bitmap could not be created}
+ if (BufferBitmap = 0) or (BufferBits = Nil) then
+ begin
+ if BufferBitmap <> 0 then DeleteObject(BufferBitmap);
+ DeleteDC(BufferDC);
+ RaiseError(EPNGOutMemory, EPNGOutMemoryText);
+ end;
+ {Selects new bitmap and release old bitmap}
+ OldBitmap := SelectObject(BufferDC, BufferBitmap);
+ {Draws the background on the buffer image}
+ BitBlt(BufferDC, 0, 0, W, H, DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, SRCCOPY);
+ {Obtain number of bytes for each row}
+ BytesPerRowAlpha := Header.Width;
+ BytesPerRowDest := (((BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount * W) + 31)
+ and not 31) div 8; {Number of bytes for each image row in destination}
+ BytesPerRowSrc := (((Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount * Header.Width) +
+ 31) and not 31) div 8; {Number of bytes for each image row in source}
+ {Obtains image pointers}
+ ImageData := BufferBits;
+ AlphaSource := Header.ImageAlpha;
+ Longint(ImageSource) := Longint(Header.ImageData) +
+ Header.BytesPerRow * Longint(Header.Height - 1);
+ ImageSourceOrg := ImageSource;
+ case Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount of
+ {R, G, B images}
+ 24:
+ FOR j := 1 TO H DO
+ begin
+ {Process all the pixels in this line}
+ FOR i := 0 TO W - 1 DO
+ begin
+ if Stretch then i2 := trunc(i / FactorX) else i2 := i;
+ {Optmize when we don´t have transparency}
+ if (AlphaSource[i2] <> 0) then
+ if (AlphaSource[i2] = 255) then
+ ImageData[i] := pRGBQuad(@ImageSource[i2 * 3])^
+ else
+ with ImageData[i] do
+ begin
+ rgbRed := (255+ImageSource[2+i2*3] * AlphaSource[i2] + rgbRed *
+ (not AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
+ rgbGreen := (255+ImageSource[1+i2*3] * AlphaSource[i2] +
+ rgbGreen * (not AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
+ rgbBlue := (255+ImageSource[i2*3] * AlphaSource[i2] + rgbBlue *
+ (not AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {Move pointers}
+ inc(Longint(ImageData), BytesPerRowDest);
+ if Stretch then j2 := trunc(j / FactorY) else j2 := j;
+ Longint(ImageSource) := Longint(ImageSourceOrg) - BytesPerRowSrc * j2;
+ Longint(AlphaSource) := Longint(Header.ImageAlpha) +
+ BytesPerRowAlpha * j2;
+ end;
+ {Palette images with 1 byte for each pixel}
+ 1,4,8: if Header.ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA then
+ FOR j := 1 TO H DO
+ begin
+ {Process all the pixels in this line}
+ FOR i := 0 TO W - 1 DO
+ with ImageData[i], Header.BitmapInfo do begin
+ if Stretch then i2 := trunc(i / FactorX) else i2 := i;
+ rgbRed := (255 + ImageSource[i2] * AlphaSource[i2] +
+ rgbRed * (255 - AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
+ rgbGreen := (255 + ImageSource[i2] * AlphaSource[i2] +
+ rgbGreen * (255 - AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
+ rgbBlue := (255 + ImageSource[i2] * AlphaSource[i2] +
+ rgbBlue * (255 - AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
+ end;
+ {Move pointers}
+ Longint(ImageData) := Longint(ImageData) + BytesPerRowDest;
+ if Stretch then j2 := trunc(j / FactorY) else j2 := j;
+ Longint(ImageSource) := Longint(ImageSourceOrg) - BytesPerRowSrc * j2;
+ Longint(AlphaSource) := Longint(Header.ImageAlpha) +
+ BytesPerRowAlpha * j2;
+ end
+ else {Palette images}
+ begin
+ {Obtain pointer to the transparency chunk}
+ TransparencyChunk := TChunktRNS(Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunktRNS));
+ PaletteChunk := TChunkPLTE(Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkPLTE));
+ FOR j := 1 TO H DO
+ begin
+ {Process all the pixels in this line}
+ i := 0;
+ repeat
+ CurBit := 0;
+ if Stretch then i2 := trunc(i / FactorX) else i2 := i;
+ Data := @ImageSource[i2];
+ repeat
+ {Obtains the palette index}
+ case Header.BitDepth of
+ 1: PaletteIndex := (Data^ shr (7-(I Mod 8))) and 1;
+ 2,4: PaletteIndex := (Data^ shr ((1-(I Mod 2))*4)) and $0F;
+ else PaletteIndex := Data^;
+ end;
+ {Updates the image with the new pixel}
+ with ImageData[i] do
+ begin
+ TransValue := TransparencyChunk.PaletteValues[PaletteIndex];
+ rgbRed := (255 + PaletteChunk.Item[PaletteIndex].rgbRed *
+ TransValue + rgbRed * (255 - TransValue)) shr 8;
+ rgbGreen := (255 + PaletteChunk.Item[PaletteIndex].rgbGreen *
+ TransValue + rgbGreen * (255 - TransValue)) shr 8;
+ rgbBlue := (255 + PaletteChunk.Item[PaletteIndex].rgbBlue *
+ TransValue + rgbBlue * (255 - TransValue)) shr 8;
+ end;
+ {Move to next data}
+ inc(i); inc(CurBit, Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount);
+ until CurBit >= 8;
+ {Move to next source data}
+ //inc(Data);
+ until i >= Integer(W);
+ {Move pointers}
+ Longint(ImageData) := Longint(ImageData) + BytesPerRowDest;
+ if Stretch then j2 := trunc(j / FactorY) else j2 := j;
+ Longint(ImageSource) := Longint(ImageSourceOrg) - BytesPerRowSrc * j2;
+ end
+ end {Palette images}
+ end {case Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount};
+ {Draws the new bitmap on the foreground}
+ BitBlt(DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, W, H, BufferDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+ {Free bitmap}
+ SelectObject(BufferDC, OldBitmap);
+ DeleteObject(BufferBitmap);
+ DeleteDC(BufferDC);
+{Draws the image into a canvas}
+procedure TPngObject.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
+ Header: TChunkIHDR;
+ {Quit in case there is no header, otherwise obtain it}
+ if Empty then Exit;
+ Header := Chunks.GetItem(0) as TChunkIHDR;
+ {Copy the data to the canvas}
+ case Self.TransparencyMode of
+ {$IFDEF PartialTransparentDraw}
+ ptmPartial:
+ DrawPartialTrans(ACanvas{$IFDEF UseDelphi}.Handle{$ENDIF}, Rect);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ptmBit: DrawTransparentBitmap(ACanvas{$IFDEF UseDelphi}.Handle{$ENDIF},
+ Header.ImageData, Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader,
+ pBitmapInfo(@Header.BitmapInfo), Rect,
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}ColorToRGB({$ENDIF}TransparentColor)
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}){$ENDIF}
+ else
+ begin
+ SetStretchBltMode(ACanvas{$IFDEF UseDelphi}.Handle{$ENDIF}, COLORONCOLOR);
+ StretchDiBits(ACanvas{$IFDEF UseDelphi}.Handle{$ENDIF}, Rect.Left,
+ Rect.Top, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top, 0, 0,
+ Header.Width, Header.Height, Header.ImageData,
+ pBitmapInfo(@Header.BitmapInfo)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY)
+ end
+ end {case}
+{Characters for the header}
+ PngHeader: Array[0..7] of Char = (#137, #80, #78, #71, #13, #10, #26, #10);
+{Loads the image from a stream of data}
+procedure TPngObject.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
+ Header : Array[0..7] of Char;
+ HasIDAT : Boolean;
+ {Chunks reading}
+ ChunkCount : Cardinal;
+ ChunkLength: Cardinal;
+ ChunkName : TChunkName;
+ {Initialize before start loading chunks}
+ ChunkCount := 0;
+ ClearChunks();
+ {Reads the header}
+ Stream.Read(Header[0], 8);
+ {Test if the header matches}
+ if Header <> PngHeader then
+ begin
+ RaiseError(EPNGInvalidFileHeader, EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Chunks.Count := 10;
+ {Load chunks}
+ repeat
+ inc(ChunkCount); {Increment number of chunks}
+ if Chunks.Count < ChunkCount then {Resize the chunks list if needed}
+ Chunks.Count := Chunks.Count + 10;
+ {Reads chunk length and invert since it is in network order}
+ {also checks the Read method return, if it returns 0, it}
+ {means that no bytes was readed, probably because it reached}
+ {the end of the file}
+ if Stream.Read(ChunkLength, 4) = 0 then
+ begin
+ {In case it found the end of the file here}
+ Chunks.Count := ChunkCount - 1;
+ RaiseError(EPNGUnexpectedEnd, EPNGUnexpectedEndText);
+ end;
+ ChunkLength := ByteSwap(ChunkLength);
+ {Reads chunk name}
+ Stream.Read(Chunkname, 4);
+ {Here we check if the first chunk is the Header which is necessary}
+ {to the file in order to be a valid Portable Network Graphics image}
+ if (ChunkCount = 1) and (ChunkName <> 'IHDR') then
+ begin
+ Chunks.Count := ChunkCount - 1;
+ RaiseError(EPNGIHDRNotFirst, EPNGIHDRNotFirstText);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {Has a previous IDAT}
+ if (HasIDAT and (ChunkName = 'IDAT')) or (ChunkName = 'cHRM') then
+ begin
+ dec(ChunkCount);
+ Stream.Seek(ChunkLength + 4, soFromCurrent);
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ {Tell it has an IDAT chunk}
+ if ChunkName = 'IDAT' then HasIDAT := TRUE;
+ {Creates object for this chunk}
+ Chunks.SetItem(ChunkCount - 1, CreateClassChunk(Self, ChunkName));
+ {Check if the chunk is critical and unknown}
+ {$IFDEF ErrorOnUnknownCritical}
+ if (TChunk(Chunks.Item[ChunkCount - 1]).ClassType = TChunk) and
+ ((Byte(ChunkName[0]) AND $20) = 0) and (ChunkName <> '') then
+ begin
+ Chunks.Count := ChunkCount;
+ RaiseError(EPNGUnknownCriticalChunk, EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Loads it}
+ try if not TChunk(Chunks.Item[ChunkCount - 1]).LoadFromStream(Stream,
+ ChunkName, ChunkLength) then break;
+ except
+ Chunks.Count := ChunkCount;
+ raise;
+ end;
+ {Terminates when it reaches the IEND chunk}
+ until (ChunkName = 'IEND');
+ {Resize the list to the appropriate size}
+ Chunks.Count := ChunkCount;
+ {Check if there is data}
+ if not HasIDAT then
+ RaiseError(EPNGNoImageData, EPNGNoImageDataText);
+{Changing height is not supported}
+procedure TPngObject.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
+ Resize(Width, Value)
+{Changing width is not supported}
+procedure TPngObject.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
+ Resize(Value, Height)
+{$IFDEF UseDelphi}
+{Saves to clipboard format (thanks to Antoine Pottern)}
+procedure TPNGObject.SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word;
+ var AData: THandle; var APalette: HPalette);
+ with TBitmap.Create do
+ try
+ Width := Self.Width;
+ Height := Self.Height;
+ Self.Draw(Canvas, Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
+ SaveToClipboardFormat(AFormat, AData, APalette);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end {try}
+{Loads data from clipboard}
+procedure TPngObject.LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word;
+ AData: THandle; APalette: HPalette);
+ with TBitmap.Create do
+ try
+ LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat, AData, APalette);
+ Self.AssignHandle(Handle, False, 0);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end {try}
+{Returns if the image is transparent}
+function TPngObject.GetTransparent: Boolean;
+ Result := (TransparencyMode <> ptmNone);
+{Saving the PNG image to a stream of data}
+procedure TPngObject.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
+ j: Integer;
+ {Reads the header}
+ Stream.Write(PNGHeader[0], 8);
+ {Write each chunk}
+ FOR j := 0 TO Chunks.Count - 1 DO
+ Chunks.Item[j].SaveToStream(Stream)
+{Prepares the Header chunk}
+procedure BuildHeader(Header: TChunkIHDR; Handle: HBitmap; Info: pBitmap);
+ DC: HDC;
+ {Set width and height}
+ Header.Width := Info.bmWidth;
+ Header.Height := abs(Info.bmHeight);
+ {Set bit depth}
+ if Info.bmBitsPixel >= 16 then
+ Header.BitDepth := 8 else Header.BitDepth := Info.bmBitsPixel;
+ {Set color type}
+ if Info.bmBitsPixel >= 16 then
+ Header.ColorType := COLOR_RGB else Header.ColorType := COLOR_PALETTE;
+ {Set other info}
+ Header.CompressionMethod := 0; {deflate/inflate}
+ Header.InterlaceMethod := 0; {no interlace}
+ {Prepares bitmap headers to hold data}
+ Header.PrepareImageData();
+ {Copy image data}
+ DC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+ GetDIBits(DC, Handle, 0, Header.Height, Header.ImageData,
+ pBitmapInfo(@Header.BitmapInfo)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
+ DeleteDC(DC);
+{Loads the image from a resource}
+procedure TPngObject.LoadFromResourceName(Instance: HInst;
+ const Name: String);
+ ResStream: TResourceStream;
+ {Creates an especial stream to load from the resource}
+ try ResStream := TResourceStream.Create(Instance, Name, RT_RCDATA);
+ except RaiseError(EPNGCouldNotLoadResource, EPNGCouldNotLoadResourceText);
+ exit; end;
+ {Loads the png image from the resource}
+ try
+ LoadFromStream(ResStream);
+ finally
+ ResStream.Free;
+ end;
+{Loads the png from a resource ID}
+procedure TPngObject.LoadFromResourceID(Instance: HInst; ResID: Integer);
+ LoadFromResourceName(Instance, String(ResID));
+{Assigns this tpngobject to another object}
+procedure TPngObject.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
+{$IFDEF UseDelphi}
+ function DetectPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
+ begin
+ with Header do
+ begin
+ {Always use 24bits for partial transparency}
+ if TransparencyMode = ptmPartial then
+ DetectPixelFormat := pf24bit
+ else
+ case BitDepth of
+ {Only supported by COLOR_PALETTE}
+ 1: DetectPixelFormat := pf1bit;
+ 2, 4: DetectPixelFormat := pf4bit;
+ {8 may be palette or r, g, b values}
+ 8, 16:
+ case ColorType of
+ COLOR_RGB, COLOR_GRAYSCALE: DetectPixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ COLOR_PALETTE: DetectPixelFormat := pf8bit;
+ else raise Exception.Create('');
+ end {case ColorFormat of}
+ else raise Exception.Create('');
+ end {case BitDepth of}
+ end {with Header}
+ end;
+ {If the destination is also a TPNGObject make it assign}
+ {this one}
+ if Dest is TPNGObject then
+ TPNGObject(Dest).AssignPNG(Self)
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}
+ {In case the destination is a bitmap}
+ else if (Dest is TBitmap) and HeaderPresent then
+ begin
+ {Copies the handle using CopyImage API}
+ TBitmap(Dest).PixelFormat := DetectPixelFormat;
+ TBitmap(Dest).Width := Width;
+ TBitmap(Dest).Height := Height;
+ TBitmap(Dest).Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Self);
+ {Copy transparency mode}
+ if (TransparencyMode = ptmBit) then
+ begin
+ TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
+ TBitmap(Dest).TransparentColor := TRNS.TransparentColor;
+ TBitmap(Dest).Transparent := True
+ end {if (TransparencyMode = ptmBit)}
+ end
+ else
+ {Unknown destination kind}
+ inherited AssignTo(Dest);
+ {$ENDIF}
+{Assigns from a bitmap object}
+procedure TPngObject.AssignHandle(Handle: HBitmap; Transparent: Boolean;
+ TransparentColor: ColorRef);
+ BitmapInfo: Windows.TBitmap;
+ {Chunks}
+ Header: TChunkIHDR;
+ i: Integer;
+ palEntries : TMaxLogPalette;
+ {Obtain bitmap info}
+ GetObject(Handle, SizeOf(BitmapInfo), @BitmapInfo);
+ {Clear old chunks and prepare}
+ ClearChunks();
+ {Create the chunks}
+ Header := TChunkIHDR.Create(Self);
+ {This method will fill the Header chunk with bitmap information}
+ {and copy the image data}
+ BuildHeader(Header, Handle, @BitmapInfo);
+ if Header.HasPalette then PLTE := TChunkPLTE.Create(Self) else PLTE := nil;
+ if Transparent then TRNS := TChunkTRNS.Create(Self) else TRNS := nil;
+ IDAT := TChunkIDAT.Create(Self);
+ IEND := TChunkIEND.Create(Self);
+ {Add chunks}
+ TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(Header);
+ if Header.HasPalette then TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(PLTE);
+ if Transparent then TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(TRNS);
+ TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(IDAT);
+ TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(IEND);
+ {In case there is a image data, set the PLTE chunk fCount variable}
+ {to the actual number of palette colors which is 2^(Bits for each pixel)}
+ if Header.HasPalette then
+ begin
+ PLTE.fCount := 1 shl BitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel;
+ {Create and set palette}
+ fillchar(palEntries, sizeof(palEntries), 0);
+ palEntries.palVersion := $300;
+ palEntries.palNumEntries := 1 shl BitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel;
+ for i := 0 to palEntries.palNumEntries - 1 do
+ begin
+ palEntries.palPalEntry[i].peRed := Header.BitmapInfo.bmiColors[i].rgbRed;
+ palEntries.palPalEntry[i].peGreen := Header.BitmapInfo.bmiColors[i].rgbGreen;
+ palEntries.palPalEntry[i].peBlue := Header.BitmapInfo.bmiColors[i].rgbBlue;
+ end;
+ DoSetPalette(CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@palEntries)^), false);
+ end;
+ {In case it is a transparent bitmap, prepares it}
+ if Transparent then TRNS.TransparentColor := TransparentColor;
+{Assigns from another PNG}
+procedure TPngObject.AssignPNG(Source: TPNGObject);
+ J: Integer;
+ {Copy properties}
+ InterlaceMethod := Source.InterlaceMethod;
+ MaxIdatSize := Source.MaxIdatSize;
+ CompressionLevel := Source.CompressionLevel;
+ Filters := Source.Filters;
+ {Clear old chunks and prepare}
+ ClearChunks();
+ Chunks.Count := Source.Chunks.Count;
+ {Create chunks and makes a copy from the source}
+ FOR J := 0 TO Chunks.Count - 1 DO
+ with Source.Chunks do
+ begin
+ Chunks.SetItem(J, TChunkClass(TChunk(Item[J]).ClassType).Create(Self));
+ TChunk(Chunks.Item[J]).Assign(TChunk(Item[J]));
+ end {with};
+{Returns a alpha data scanline}
+function TPngObject.GetAlphaScanline(const LineIndex: Integer): pByteArray;
+ with Header do
+ if (ColorType = COLOR_RGBALPHA) or (ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA) then
+ Longint(Result) := Longint(ImageAlpha) + (LineIndex * Longint(Width))
+ else Result := nil; {In case the image does not use alpha information}
+{$IFDEF Store16bits}
+{Returns a png data extra scanline}
+function TPngObject.GetExtraScanline(const LineIndex: Integer): Pointer;
+ with Header do
+ Longint(Result) := (Longint(ExtraImageData) + ((Longint(Height) - 1) *
+ BytesPerRow)) - (LineIndex * BytesPerRow);
+{Returns a png data scanline}
+function TPngObject.GetScanline(const LineIndex: Integer): Pointer;
+ with Header do
+ Longint(Result) := (Longint(ImageData) + ((Longint(Height) - 1) *
+ BytesPerRow)) - (LineIndex * BytesPerRow);
+{Initialize gamma table}
+procedure TPngObject.InitializeGamma;
+ i: Integer;
+ {Build gamma table as if there was no gamma}
+ FOR i := 0 to 255 do
+ begin
+ GammaTable[i] := i;
+ InverseGamma[i] := i;
+ end {for i}
+{Returns the transparency mode used by this png}
+function TPngObject.GetTransparencyMode: TPNGTransparencyMode;
+ with Header do
+ begin
+ Result := ptmNone; {Default result}
+ {Gets the TRNS chunk pointer}
+ TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
+ {Test depending on the color type}
+ case ColorType of
+ {This modes are always partial}
+ {This modes support bit transparency}
+ COLOR_RGB, COLOR_GRAYSCALE: if TRNS <> nil then Result := ptmBit;
+ {Supports booth translucid and bit}
+ {A TRNS chunk must be present, otherwise it won't support transparency}
+ if TRNS <> nil then
+ if TRNS.BitTransparency then
+ Result := ptmBit else Result := ptmPartial
+ end {case}
+ end {with Header}
+{Add a text chunk}
+procedure TPngObject.AddtEXt(const Keyword, Text: String);
+ TextChunk: TChunkTEXT;
+ TextChunk := Chunks.Add(TChunkText) as TChunkTEXT;
+ TextChunk.Keyword := Keyword;
+ TextChunk.Text := Text;
+{Add a text chunk}
+procedure TPngObject.AddzTXt(const Keyword, Text: String);
+ TextChunk: TChunkzTXt;
+ TextChunk := Chunks.Add(TChunkzTXt) as TChunkzTXt;
+ TextChunk.Keyword := Keyword;
+ TextChunk.Text := Text;
+{Removes the image transparency}
+procedure TPngObject.RemoveTransparency;
+ {Removes depending on the color type}
+ with Header do
+ case ColorType of
+ {Palette uses the TChunktRNS to store alpha}
+ begin
+ TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
+ if TRNS <> nil then Chunks.RemoveChunk(TRNS)
+ end;
+ {Png allocates different memory space to hold alpha information}
+ {for these types}
+ begin
+ {Transform into the appropriate color type}
+ if ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA then
+ else ColorType := COLOR_RGB;
+ {Free the pointer data}
+ if ImageAlpha <> nil then FreeMem(ImageAlpha);
+ ImageAlpha := nil
+ end
+ end
+{Generates alpha information}
+procedure TPngObject.CreateAlpha;
+ {Generates depending on the color type}
+ with Header do
+ case ColorType of
+ {Png allocates different memory space to hold alpha information}
+ {for these types}
+ begin
+ {Transform into the appropriate color type}
+ if ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALE then
+ else ColorType := COLOR_RGBALPHA;
+ {Allocates memory to hold alpha information}
+ GetMem(ImageAlpha, Integer(Width) * Integer(Height));
+ FillChar(ImageAlpha^, Integer(Width) * Integer(Height), #255);
+ end;
+ {Palette uses the TChunktRNS to store alpha}
+ begin
+ {Gets/creates TRNS chunk}
+ if Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) = nil then
+ TRNS := Chunks.Add(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS
+ else
+ TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
+ {Prepares the TRNS chunk}
+ with TRNS do
+ begin
+ ResizeData(256);
+ Fillchar(PaletteValues[0], 256, 255);
+ fDataSize := 1 shl Header.BitDepth;
+ fBitTransparency := False
+ end {with Chunks.Add};
+ end;
+ end {case Header.ColorType}
+{Returns transparent color}
+function TPngObject.GetTransparentColor: TColor;
+ TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
+ {Reads the transparency chunk to get this info}
+ if Assigned(TRNS) then Result := TRNS.TransparentColor
+ else Result := 0
+procedure TPngObject.SetTransparentColor(const Value: TColor);
+ if HeaderPresent then
+ {Tests the ColorType}
+ case Header.ColorType of
+ {Not allowed for this modes}
+ EPNGCannotChangeTransparent, EPNGCannotChangeTransparentText);
+ {Allowed}
+ begin
+ TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
+ if not Assigned(TRNS) then TRNS := Chunks.Add(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
+ {Sets the transparency value from TRNS chunk}
+ TRNS.TransparentColor := {$IFDEF UseDelphi}ColorToRGB({$ENDIF}Value
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}){$ENDIF}
+ end {case}
+{Returns if header is present}
+function TPngObject.HeaderPresent: Boolean;
+ Result := ((Chunks.Count <> 0) and (Chunks.Item[0] is TChunkIHDR))
+{Returns pixel for png using palette and grayscale}
+function GetByteArrayPixel(const png: TPngObject; const X, Y: Integer): TColor;
+ ByteData: Byte;
+ DataDepth: Byte;
+ with png, Header do
+ begin
+ {Make sure the bitdepth is not greater than 8}
+ DataDepth := BitDepth;
+ if DataDepth > 8 then DataDepth := 8;
+ {Obtains the byte containing this pixel}
+ ByteData := pByteArray(png.Scanline[Y])^[X div (8 div DataDepth)];
+ {Moves the bits we need to the right}
+ ByteData := (ByteData shr ((8 - DataDepth) -
+ (X mod (8 div DataDepth)) * DataDepth));
+ {Discard the unwanted pixels}
+ ByteData:= ByteData and ($FF shr (8 - DataDepth));
+ {For palette mode map the palette entry and for grayscale convert and
+ returns the intensity}
+ case ColorType of
+ with TChunkPLTE(png.Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkPLTE)).Item[ByteData] do
+ Result := rgb(GammaTable[rgbRed], GammaTable[rgbGreen],
+ GammaTable[rgbBlue]);
+ begin
+ if BitDepth = 1
+ then ByteData := GammaTable[Byte(ByteData * 255)]
+ else ByteData := GammaTable[Byte(ByteData * ((1 shl DataDepth) + 1))];
+ Result := rgb(ByteData, ByteData, ByteData);
+ end;
+ else Result := 0;
+ end {case};
+ end {with}
+{In case vcl units are not being used}
+{$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
+function ColorToRGB(const Color: TColor): COLORREF;
+ Result := Color
+{Sets a pixel for grayscale and palette pngs}
+procedure SetByteArrayPixel(const png: TPngObject; const X, Y: Integer;
+ const Value: TColor);
+ ClearFlag: Array[1..8] of Integer = (1, 3, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, $FF);
+ ByteData: pByte;
+ DataDepth: Byte;
+ ValEntry: Byte;
+ with png.Header do
+ begin
+ {Map into a palette entry}
+ ValEntry := GetNearestPaletteIndex(Png.Palette, ColorToRGB(Value));
+ {16 bits grayscale extra bits are discarted}
+ DataDepth := BitDepth;
+ if DataDepth > 8 then DataDepth := 8;
+ {Gets a pointer to the byte we intend to change}
+ ByteData := @pByteArray(png.Scanline[Y])^[X div (8 div DataDepth)];
+ {Clears the old pixel data}
+ ByteData^ := ByteData^ and not (ClearFlag[DataDepth] shl ((8 - DataDepth) -
+ (X mod (8 div DataDepth)) * DataDepth));
+ {Setting the new pixel}
+ ByteData^ := ByteData^ or (ValEntry shl ((8 - DataDepth) -
+ (X mod (8 div DataDepth)) * DataDepth));
+ end {with png.Header}
+{Returns pixel when png uses RGB}
+function GetRGBLinePixel(const png: TPngObject;
+ const X, Y: Integer): TColor;
+ with pRGBLine(png.Scanline[Y])^[X] do
+ Result := RGB(rgbtRed, rgbtGreen, rgbtBlue)
+{Sets pixel when png uses RGB}
+procedure SetRGBLinePixel(const png: TPngObject;
+ const X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor);
+ with pRGBLine(png.Scanline[Y])^[X] do
+ begin
+ rgbtRed := GetRValue(Value);
+ rgbtGreen := GetGValue(Value);
+ rgbtBlue := GetBValue(Value)
+ end
+{Returns pixel when png uses grayscale}
+function GetGrayLinePixel(const png: TPngObject;
+ const X, Y: Integer): TColor;
+ B: Byte;
+ B := PByteArray(png.Scanline[Y])^[X];
+ Result := RGB(B, B, B);
+{Sets pixel when png uses grayscale}
+procedure SetGrayLinePixel(const png: TPngObject;
+ const X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor);
+ PByteArray(png.Scanline[Y])^[X] := GetRValue(Value);
+{Resizes the PNG image}
+procedure TPngObject.Resize(const CX, CY: Integer);
+ function Min(const A, B: Integer): Integer;
+ begin
+ if A < B then Result := A else Result := B;
+ end;
+ Header: TChunkIHDR;
+ Line, NewBytesPerRow: Integer;
+ NewHandle: HBitmap;
+ NewDC: HDC;
+ NewImageData: Pointer;
+ NewImageAlpha: Pointer;
+ NewImageExtra: Pointer;
+ if (CX > 0) and (CY > 0) then
+ begin
+ {Gets some actual information}
+ Header := Self.Header;
+ {Creates the new image}
+ NewDC := CreateCompatibleDC(Header.ImageDC);
+ Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth := cx;
+ Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight := cy;
+ NewHandle := CreateDIBSection(NewDC, pBitmapInfo(@Header.BitmapInfo)^,
+ DIB_RGB_COLORS, NewImageData, 0, 0);
+ SelectObject(NewDC, NewHandle);
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}Canvas.Handle := NewDC;{$ENDIF}
+ NewBytesPerRow := (((Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount * cx) + 31)
+ and not 31) div 8;
+ {Copies the image data}
+ for Line := 0 to Min(CY - 1, Height - 1) do
+ CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(NewImageData) + (Longint(CY) - 1) *
+ NewBytesPerRow - (Line * NewBytesPerRow)), Scanline[Line],
+ Min(NewBytesPerRow, Header.BytesPerRow));
+ {Build array for alpha information, if necessary}
+ if (Header.ColorType = COLOR_RGBALPHA) or
+ (Header.ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(NewImageAlpha, CX * CY);
+ Fillchar(NewImageAlpha^, CX * CY, 255);
+ for Line := 0 to Min(CY - 1, Height - 1) do
+ CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(NewImageAlpha) + (Line * CX)),
+ AlphaScanline[Line], Min(CX, Width));
+ FreeMem(Header.ImageAlpha);
+ Header.ImageAlpha := NewImageAlpha;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF Store16bits}
+ if (Header.BitDepth = 16) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(NewImageExtra, CX * CY);
+ Fillchar(NewImageExtra^, CX * CY, 0);
+ for Line := 0 to Min(CY - 1, Height - 1) do
+ CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(NewImageExtra) + (Line * CX)),
+ ExtraScanline[Line], Min(CX, Width));
+ FreeMem(Header.ExtraImageData);
+ Header.ExtraImageData := NewImageExtra;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Deletes the old image}
+ DeleteObject(Header.ImageHandle);
+ DeleteDC(Header.ImageDC);
+ {Prepares the header to get the new image}
+ Header.BytesPerRow := NewBytesPerRow;
+ Header.IHDRData.Width := CX;
+ Header.IHDRData.Height := CY;
+ Header.ImageData := NewImageData;
+ {Replaces with the new image}
+ Header.ImageHandle := NewHandle;
+ Header.ImageDC := NewDC;
+ end
+ else
+ {The new size provided is invalid}
+ RaiseError(EPNGInvalidNewSize, EInvalidNewSize)
+{Sets a pixel}
+procedure TPngObject.SetPixels(const X, Y: Integer; const Value: TColor);
+ if ((X >= 0) and (X <= Width - 1)) and
+ ((Y >= 0) and (Y <= Height - 1)) then
+ with Header do
+ begin
+ SetByteArrayPixel(Self, X, Y, Value)
+ else if ColorType in [COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA] then
+ SetGrayLinePixel(Self, X, Y, Value)
+ else
+ SetRGBLinePixel(Self, X, Y, Value)
+ end {with}
+{Returns a pixel}
+function TPngObject.GetPixels(const X, Y: Integer): TColor;
+ if ((X >= 0) and (X <= Width - 1)) and
+ ((Y >= 0) and (Y <= Height - 1)) then
+ with Header do
+ begin
+ Result := GetByteArrayPixel(Self, X, Y)
+ else if ColorType in [COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA] then
+ Result := GetGrayLinePixel(Self, X, Y)
+ else
+ Result := GetRGBLinePixel(Self, X, Y)
+ end {with}
+ else Result := 0
+{Returns the image palette}
+function TPngObject.GetPalette: HPALETTE;
+ Result := Header.ImagePalette;
+{Assigns from another TChunk}
+procedure TChunkpHYs.Assign(Source: TChunk);
+ fPPUnitY := TChunkpHYs(Source).fPPUnitY;
+ fPPUnitX := TChunkpHYs(Source).fPPUnitX;
+ fUnit := TChunkpHYs(Source).fUnit;
+{Loads the chunk from a stream}
+function TChunkpHYs.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
+ Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ {Let ancestor load the data}
+ Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
+ if not Result or (Size <> 9) then exit; {Size must be 9}
+ {Reads data}
+ fPPUnitX := ByteSwap(pCardinal(Longint(Data))^);
+ fPPUnitY := ByteSwap(pCardinal(Longint(Data) + 4)^);
+ fUnit := pUnitType(Longint(Data) + 8)^;
+{Saves the chunk to a stream}
+function TChunkpHYs.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
+ {Update data}
+ ResizeData(9); {Make sure the size is 9}
+ pCardinal(Data)^ := ByteSwap(fPPUnitX);
+ pCardinal(Longint(Data) + 4)^ := ByteSwap(fPPUnitY);
+ pUnitType(Longint(Data) + 8)^ := fUnit;
+ {Let inherited save data}
+ Result := inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
+procedure TPngObject.DoSetPalette(Value: HPALETTE; const UpdateColors: boolean);
+ if (Header.HasPalette) then
+ begin
+ {Update the palette entries}
+ if UpdateColors then
+ Header.PaletteToDIB(Value);
+ {Resize the new palette}
+ SelectPalette(Header.ImageDC, Value, False);
+ RealizePalette(Header.ImageDC);
+ {Replaces}
+ DeleteObject(Header.ImagePalette);
+ Header.ImagePalette := Value;
+ end
+{Set palette based on a windows palette handle}
+procedure TPngObject.SetPalette(Value: HPALETTE);
+ DoSetPalette(Value, true);
+{Returns the library version}
+function TPNGObject.GetLibraryVersion: String;
+ Result := LibraryVersion
+ {Initialize}
+ ChunkClasses := nil;
+ {crc table has not being computed yet}
+ crc_table_computed := FALSE;
+ {Register the necessary chunks for png}
+ RegisterCommonChunks;
+ {Registers TPNGObject to use with TPicture}
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}{$IFDEF RegisterGraphic}
+ TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('PNG', 'Portable Network Graphics', TPNGObject);
+ {$IFDEF UseDelphi}{$IFDEF RegisterGraphic}
+ TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TPNGObject);
+ {Free chunk classes}
+ FreeChunkClassList;
diff --git a/thirparty/pnglang.pas b/thirparty/pnglang.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57965d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/pnglang.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+{Portable Network Graphics Delphi Language Info (24 July 2002)}
+{Feel free to change the text bellow to adapt to your language}
+{Also if you have a translation to other languages and want to}
+{share it, send me: gubadaud@terra.com.br }
+unit pnglang;
+{$DEFINE English}
+{.$DEFINE Polish}
+{.$DEFINE Portuguese}
+{.$DEFINE German}
+{.$DEFINE French}
+{.$DEFINE Slovenian}
+{Language strings for english}
+ {$IFDEF Polish}
+ EPngInvalidCRCText = 'Ten obraz "Portable Network Graphics" jest nieprawid³owy ' +
+ 'poniewa¿ zawiera on nieprawid³owe czêœci danych (b³¹d crc)';
+ EPNGInvalidIHDRText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" nie mo¿e zostaæ ' +
+ 'wgrany poniewa¿ jedna z czêœci danych (ihdr) mo¿e byæ uszkodzona';
+ EPNGMissingMultipleIDATText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" jest ' +
+ 'nieprawid³owy poniewa¿ brakuje w nim czêœci obrazu.';
+ EPNGZLIBErrorText = 'Nie mo¿na zdekompresowaæ obrazu poniewa¿ zawiera ' +
+ 'b³êdnie zkompresowane dane.'#13#10 + ' Opis b³êdu: ';
+ EPNGInvalidPaletteText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" zawiera ' +
+ 'niew³aœciw¹ paletê.';
+ EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText = 'Plik który jest odczytywany jest nieprawid³owym '+
+ 'obrazem "Portable Network Graphics" poniewa¿ zawiera nieprawid³owy nag³ówek.' +
+ ' Plik mo¿ê byæ uszkodzony, spróbuj pobraæ go ponownie.';
+ EPNGIHDRNotFirstText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" nie jest ' +
+ 'obs³ugiwany lub mo¿e byæ niew³aœciwy.'#13#10 + '(stopka IHDR nie jest pierwsza)';
+ EPNGNotExistsText = 'Plik png nie mo¿e zostaæ wgrany poniewa¿ nie ' +
+ 'istnieje.';
+ EPNGSizeExceedsText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" nie jest ' +
+ 'obs³ugiwany poniewa¿ jego szerokoœæ lub wysokoœæ przekracza maksimum ' +
+ 'rozmiaru, który wynosi 65535 pikseli d³ugoœci.';
+ EPNGUnknownPalEntryText = 'Nie znaleziono wpisów palety.';
+ EPNGMissingPaletteText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" nie mo¿e zostaæ ' +
+ 'wgrany poniewa¿ u¿ywa tabeli kolorów której brakuje.';
+ EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" ' +
+ 'zawiera nieznan¹ krytyczn¹ czêœæ która nie mo¿e zostaæ odkodowana.';
+ EPNGUnknownCompressionText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" jest ' +
+ 'skompresowany nieznanym schemat który nie mo¿e zostaæ odszyfrowany.';
+ EPNGUnknownInterlaceText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" u¿ywa ' +
+ 'nie znany schamat przeplatania który nie mo¿e zostaæ odszyfrowany.';
+ EPNGCannotAssignChunkText = 'Stopka mysi byæ kompatybilna aby zosta³a wyznaczona.';
+ EPNGUnexpectedEndText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" jest nieprawid³owy ' +
+ 'poniewa¿ dekoder znalaz³ niespodziewanie koniec pliku.';
+ EPNGNoImageDataText = 'Obraz "Portable Network Graphics" nie zawiera' +
+ 'danych.';
+ EPNGCannotAddChunkText = 'Program próbuje dodaæ krytyczn¹ ' +
+ 'stopkê do aktualnego obrazu co jest niedozwolone.';
+ EPNGCannotAddInvalidImageText = 'Nie mo¿na dodaæ nowej stopki ' +
+ 'poniewa¿ aktualny obraz jest nieprawid³owy.';
+ EPNGCouldNotLoadResourceText = 'Obraz png nie mo¿e zostaæ za³adowany z' +
+ 'zasobów o podanym ID.';
+ EPNGOutMemoryText = 'Niektóre operacje nie mog¹ zostaæ zrealizowane poniewa¿ ' +
+ 'systemowi brakuje zasobów. Zamknij kilka okien i spróbuj ponownie.';
+ EPNGCannotChangeTransparentText = 'Ustawienie bitu przezroczystego koloru jest ' +
+ 'zabronione dla obrazów png zawieraj¹cych wartoœæ alpha dla ka¿dego piksela ' +
+ EPNGHeaderNotPresentText = 'Ta operacja jest niedozwolona poniewa¿ ' +
+ 'aktualny obraz zawiera niew³aœciwy nag³ówek.';
+ EInvalidNewSize = 'The new size provided for image resizing is invalid.';
+ EInvalidSpec = 'The "Portable Network Graphics" could not be created ' +
+ 'because invalid image type parameters have being provided.';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF English}
+ EPngInvalidCRCText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" image is not valid ' +
+ 'because it contains invalid pieces of data (crc error)';
+ EPNGInvalidIHDRText = 'The "Portable Network Graphics" image could not be ' +
+ 'loaded because one of its main piece of data (ihdr) might be corrupted';
+ EPNGMissingMultipleIDATText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" image is ' +
+ 'invalid because it has missing image parts.';
+ EPNGZLIBErrorText = 'Could not decompress the image because it contains ' +
+ 'invalid compressed data.'#13#10 + ' Description: ';
+ EPNGInvalidPaletteText = 'The "Portable Network Graphics" image contains ' +
+ 'an invalid palette.';
+ EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText = 'The file being readed is not a valid '+
+ '"Portable Network Graphics" image because it contains an invalid header.' +
+ ' This file may be corruped, try obtaining it again.';
+ EPNGIHDRNotFirstText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" image is not ' +
+ 'supported or it might be invalid.'#13#10 + '(IHDR chunk is not the first)';
+ EPNGNotExistsText = 'The png file could not be loaded because it does not ' +
+ 'exists.';
+ EPNGSizeExceedsText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" image is not ' +
+ 'supported because either it''s width or height exceeds the maximum ' +
+ 'size, which is 65535 pixels length.';
+ EPNGUnknownPalEntryText = 'There is no such palette entry.';
+ EPNGMissingPaletteText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" could not be ' +
+ 'loaded because it uses a color table which is missing.';
+ EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" image ' +
+ 'contains an unknown critical part which could not be decoded.';
+ EPNGUnknownCompressionText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" image is ' +
+ 'encoded with an unknown compression scheme which could not be decoded.';
+ EPNGUnknownInterlaceText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" image uses ' +
+ 'an unknown interlace scheme which could not be decoded.';
+ EPNGCannotAssignChunkText = 'The chunks must be compatible to be assigned.';
+ EPNGUnexpectedEndText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" image is invalid ' +
+ 'because the decoder found an unexpected end of the file.';
+ EPNGNoImageDataText = 'This "Portable Network Graphics" image contains no ' +
+ 'data.';
+ EPNGCannotAddChunkText = 'The program tried to add a existent critical ' +
+ 'chunk to the current image which is not allowed.';
+ EPNGCannotAddInvalidImageText = 'It''s not allowed to add a new chunk ' +
+ 'because the current image is invalid.';
+ EPNGCouldNotLoadResourceText = 'The png image could not be loaded from the ' +
+ 'resource ID.';
+ EPNGOutMemoryText = 'Some operation could not be performed because the ' +
+ 'system is out of resources. Close some windows and try again.';
+ EPNGCannotChangeTransparentText = 'Setting bit transparency color is not ' +
+ 'allowed for png images containing alpha value for each pixel ' +
+ EPNGHeaderNotPresentText = 'This operation is not valid because the ' +
+ 'current image contains no valid header.';
+ EInvalidNewSize = 'The new size provided for image resizing is invalid.';
+ EInvalidSpec = 'The "Portable Network Graphics" could not be created ' +
+ 'because invalid image type parameters have being provided.';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF Portuguese}
+ EPngInvalidCRCText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" não é válida ' +
+ 'porque contém chunks inválidos de dados (erro crc)';
+ EPNGInvalidIHDRText = 'A imagem "Portable Network Graphics" não pode ser ' +
+ 'carregada porque um dos seus chunks importantes (ihdr) pode estar '+
+ 'inválido';
+ EPNGMissingMultipleIDATText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" é ' +
+ 'inválida porque tem chunks de dados faltando.';
+ EPNGZLIBErrorText = 'Não foi possível descomprimir os dados da imagem ' +
+ 'porque ela contém dados inválidos.'#13#10 + ' Descrição: ';
+ EPNGInvalidPaletteText = 'A imagem "Portable Network Graphics" contém ' +
+ 'uma paleta inválida.';
+ EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText = 'O arquivo sendo lido não é uma imagem '+
+ '"Portable Network Graphics" válida porque contém um cabeçalho inválido.' +
+ ' O arquivo pode estar corrompida, tente obter ela novamente.';
+ EPNGIHDRNotFirstText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" não é ' +
+ 'suportada ou pode ser inválida.'#13#10 + '(O chunk IHDR não é o ' +
+ 'primeiro)';
+ EPNGNotExistsText = 'A imagem png não pode ser carregada porque ela não ' +
+ 'existe.';
+ EPNGSizeExceedsText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" não é ' +
+ 'suportada porque a largura ou a altura ultrapassam o tamanho máximo, ' +
+ 'que é de 65535 pixels de diâmetro.';
+ EPNGUnknownPalEntryText = 'Não existe essa entrada de paleta.';
+ EPNGMissingPaletteText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" não pode ' +
+ 'ser carregada porque usa uma paleta que está faltando.';
+ EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" ' +
+ 'contém um chunk crítico desconheçido que não pode ser decodificado.';
+ EPNGUnknownCompressionText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" está ' +
+ 'codificada com um esquema de compressão desconheçido e não pode ser ' +
+ 'decodificada.';
+ EPNGUnknownInterlaceText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" usa um ' +
+ 'um esquema de interlace que não pode ser decodificado.';
+ EPNGCannotAssignChunkText = 'Os chunk devem ser compatíveis para serem ' +
+ 'copiados.';
+ EPNGUnexpectedEndText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" é ' +
+ 'inválida porque o decodificador encontrou um fim inesperado.';
+ EPNGNoImageDataText = 'Essa imagem "Portable Network Graphics" não contém ' +
+ 'dados.';
+ EPNGCannotAddChunkText = 'O programa tentou adicionar um chunk crítico ' +
+ 'já existente para a imagem atual, oque não é permitido.';
+ EPNGCannotAddInvalidImageText = 'Não é permitido adicionar um chunk novo ' +
+ 'porque a imagem atual é inválida.';
+ EPNGCouldNotLoadResourceText = 'A imagem png não pode ser carregada apartir' +
+ ' do resource.';
+ EPNGOutMemoryText = 'Uma operação não pode ser completada porque o sistema ' +
+ 'está sem recursos. Fecha algumas janelas e tente novamente.';
+ EPNGCannotChangeTransparentText = 'Definir transparência booleana não é ' +
+ 'permitido para imagens png contendo informação alpha para cada pixel ' +
+ EPNGHeaderNotPresentText = 'Essa operação não é válida porque a ' +
+ 'imagem atual não contém um cabeçalho válido.';
+ EInvalidNewSize = 'O novo tamanho fornecido para o redimensionamento de ' +
+ 'imagem é inválido.';
+ EInvalidSpec = 'A imagem "Portable Network Graphics" não pode ser criada ' +
+ 'porque parâmetros de tipo de imagem inválidos foram usados.';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Language strings for German}
+ {$IFDEF German}
+ EPngInvalidCRCText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild ist ' +
+ 'ungültig, weil Teile der Daten fehlerhaft sind (CRC-Fehler)';
+ EPNGInvalidIHDRText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild konnte ' +
+ 'nicht geladen werden, weil wahrscheinlich einer der Hauptdatenbreiche ' +
+ '(IHDR) beschädigt ist';
+ EPNGMissingMultipleIDATText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild ' +
+ 'ist ungültig, weil Grafikdaten fehlen.';
+ EPNGZLIBErrorText = 'Die Grafik konnte nicht entpackt werden, weil Teile der ' +
+ 'komprimierten Daten fehlerhaft sind.'#13#10 + ' Beschreibung: ';
+ EPNGInvalidPaletteText = 'Das "Portable Network Graphics" Bild enthält ' +
+ 'eine ungültige Palette.';
+ EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText = 'Die Datei, die gelesen wird, ist kein ' +
+ 'gültiges "Portable Network Graphics" Bild, da es keinen gültigen ' +
+ 'Header enthält. Die Datei könnte beschädigt sein, versuchen Sie, ' +
+ 'eine neue Kopie zu bekommen.';
+ EPNGIHDRNotFirstText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild wird ' +
+ 'nicht unterstützt oder ist ungültig.'#13#10 +
+ '(Der IHDR-Abschnitt ist nicht der erste Abschnitt in der Datei).';
+ EPNGNotExistsText = 'Die PNG Datei konnte nicht geladen werden, da sie ' +
+ 'nicht existiert.';
+ EPNGSizeExceedsText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild wird nicht ' +
+ 'unterstützt, weil entweder seine Breite oder seine Höhe das Maximum von ' +
+ '65535 Pixeln überschreitet.';
+ EPNGUnknownPalEntryText = 'Es gibt keinen solchen Palettenwert.';
+ EPNGMissingPaletteText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild konnte ' +
+ 'nicht geladen werden, weil die benötigte Farbtabelle fehlt.';
+ EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild ' +
+ 'enhält einen unbekannten aber notwendigen Teil, welcher nicht entschlüsselt ' +
+ 'werden kann.';
+ EPNGUnknownCompressionText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild ' +
+ 'wurde mit einem unbekannten Komprimierungsalgorithmus kodiert, welcher ' +
+ 'nicht entschlüsselt werden kann.';
+ EPNGUnknownInterlaceText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild ' +
+ 'benutzt ein unbekanntes Interlace-Schema, welches nicht entschlüsselt ' +
+ 'werden kann.';
+ EPNGCannotAssignChunkText = 'Die Abschnitte müssen kompatibel sein, damit ' +
+ 'sie zugewiesen werden können.';
+ EPNGUnexpectedEndText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild ist ' +
+ 'ungültig: Der Dekoder ist unerwartete auf das Ende der Datei gestoßen.';
+ EPNGNoImageDataText = 'Dieses "Portable Network Graphics" Bild enthält ' +
+ 'keine Daten.';
+ EPNGCannotAddChunkText = 'Das Programm versucht einen existierenden und ' +
+ 'notwendigen Abschnitt zum aktuellen Bild hinzuzufügen. Dies ist nicht ' +
+ 'zulässig.';
+ EPNGCannotAddInvalidImageText = 'Es ist nicht zulässig, einem ungültigen ' +
+ 'Bild einen neuen Abschnitt hinzuzufügen.';
+ EPNGCouldNotLoadResourceText = 'Das PNG Bild konnte nicht aus den ' +
+ 'Resourcendaten geladen werden.';
+ EPNGOutMemoryText = 'Es stehen nicht genügend Resourcen im System zur ' +
+ 'Verfügung, um die Operation auszuführen. Schließen Sie einige Fenster '+
+ 'und versuchen Sie es erneut.';
+ EPNGCannotChangeTransparentText = 'Das Setzen der Bit-' +
+ 'Transparent-Farbe ist für PNG-Images die Alpha-Werte für jedes ' +
+ 'Pixel enthalten (COLOR_RGBALPHA und COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA) nicht ' +
+ 'zulässig';
+ EPNGHeaderNotPresentText = 'Die Datei, die gelesen wird, ist kein ' +
+ 'gültiges "Portable Network Graphics" Bild, da es keinen gültigen ' +
+ 'Header enthält.';
+ EInvalidNewSize = 'The new size provided for image resizing is invalid.';
+ EInvalidSpec = 'The "Portable Network Graphics" could not be created ' +
+ 'because invalid image type parameters have being provided.';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Language strings for French}
+ {$IFDEF French}
+ EPngInvalidCRCText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" n''est pas valide ' +
+ 'car elle contient des données invalides (erreur crc)';
+ EPNGInvalidIHDRText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" n''a pu être ' +
+ 'chargée car l''une de ses principale donnée (ihdr) doit être corrompue';
+ EPNGMissingMultipleIDATText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" est ' +
+ 'invalide car elle contient des parties d''image manquantes.';
+ EPNGZLIBErrorText = 'Impossible de décompresser l''image car elle contient ' +
+ 'des données compressées invalides.'#13#10 + ' Description: ';
+ EPNGInvalidPaletteText = 'L''image "Portable Network Graphics" contient ' +
+ 'une palette invalide.';
+ EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText = 'Le fichier actuellement lu est une image '+
+ '"Portable Network Graphics" invalide car elle contient un en-tête invalide.' +
+ ' Ce fichier doit être corrompu, essayer de l''obtenir à nouveau.';
+ EPNGIHDRNotFirstText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" n''est pas ' +
+ 'supportée ou doit être invalide.'#13#10 + '(la partie IHDR n''est pas la première)';
+ EPNGNotExistsText = 'Le fichier png n''a pu être chargé car il n''éxiste pas.';
+ EPNGSizeExceedsText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" n''est pas supportée ' +
+ 'car sa longueur ou sa largeur excède la taille maximale, qui est de 65535 pixels.';
+ EPNGUnknownPalEntryText = 'Il n''y a aucune entrée pour cette palette.';
+ EPNGMissingPaletteText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" n''a pu être ' +
+ 'chargée car elle utilise une table de couleur manquante.';
+ EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" ' +
+ 'contient une partie critique inconnue qui n'' pu être décodée.';
+ EPNGUnknownCompressionText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" est ' +
+ 'encodée à l''aide d''un schémas de compression inconnu qui ne peut être décodé.';
+ EPNGUnknownInterlaceText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" utilise ' +
+ 'un schémas d''entrelacement inconnu qui ne peut être décodé.';
+ EPNGCannotAssignChunkText = 'Ce morceau doit être compatible pour être assigné.';
+ EPNGUnexpectedEndText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" est invalide ' +
+ 'car le decodeur est arrivé à une fin de fichier non attendue.';
+ EPNGNoImageDataText = 'Cette image "Portable Network Graphics" ne contient pas de ' +
+ 'données.';
+ EPNGCannotAddChunkText = 'Le programme a essayé d''ajouter un morceau critique existant ' +
+ 'à l''image actuelle, ce qui n''est pas autorisé.';
+ EPNGCannotAddInvalidImageText = 'Il n''est pas permis d''ajouter un nouveau morceau ' +
+ 'car l''image actuelle est invalide.';
+ EPNGCouldNotLoadResourceText = 'L''image png n''a pu être chargée depuis ' +
+ 'l''ID ressource.';
+ EPNGOutMemoryText = 'Certaines opérations n''ont pu être effectuée car le ' +
+ 'système n''a plus de ressources. Fermez quelques fenêtres et essayez à nouveau.';
+ EPNGCannotChangeTransparentText = 'Définir le bit de transparence n''est pas ' +
+ 'permis pour des images png qui contiennent une valeur alpha pour chaque pixel ' +
+ EPNGHeaderNotPresentText = 'Cette opération n''est pas valide car l''image ' +
+ 'actuelle ne contient pas de header valide.';
+ EPNGAlphaNotSupportedText = 'Le type de couleur de l''image "Portable Network Graphics" actuelle ' +
+ 'contient déjà des informations alpha ou il ne peut être converti.';
+ EInvalidNewSize = 'The new size provided for image resizing is invalid.';
+ EInvalidSpec = 'The "Portable Network Graphics" could not be created ' +
+ 'because invalid image type parameters have being provided.';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Language strings for slovenian}
+ {$IFDEF Slovenian}
+ EPngInvalidCRCText = 'Ta "Portable Network Graphics" slika je neveljavna, ' +
+ 'ker vsebuje neveljavne dele podatkov (CRC napaka).';
+ EPNGInvalidIHDRText = 'Slike "Portable Network Graphics" ni bilo možno ' +
+ 'naložiti, ker je eden od glavnih delov podatkov (IHDR) verjetno pokvarjen.';
+ EPNGMissingMultipleIDATText = 'Ta "Portable Network Graphics" slika je ' +
+ 'naveljavna, ker manjkajo deli slike.';
+ EPNGZLIBErrorText = 'Ne morem raztegniti slike, ker vsebuje ' +
+ 'neveljavne stisnjene podatke.'#13#10 + ' Opis: ';
+ EPNGInvalidPaletteText = 'Slika "Portable Network Graphics" vsebuje ' +
+ 'neveljavno barvno paleto.';
+ EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText = 'Datoteka za branje ni veljavna '+
+ '"Portable Network Graphics" slika, ker vsebuje neveljavno glavo.' +
+ ' Datoteka je verjetno pokvarjena, poskusite jo ponovno naložiti.';
+ EPNGIHDRNotFirstText = 'Ta "Portable Network Graphics" slika ni ' +
+ 'podprta ali pa je neveljavna.'#13#10 + '(IHDR del datoteke ni prvi).';
+ EPNGNotExistsText = 'Ne morem naložiti png datoteke, ker ta ne ' +
+ 'obstaja.';
+ EPNGSizeExceedsText = 'Ta "Portable Network Graphics" slika ni ' +
+ 'podprta, ker ali njena širina ali višina presega najvecjo možno vrednost ' +
+ '65535 pik.';
+ EPNGUnknownPalEntryText = 'Slika nima vnešene take barvne palete.';
+ EPNGMissingPaletteText = 'Te "Portable Network Graphics" ne morem ' +
+ 'naložiti, ker uporablja manjkajoco barvno paleto.';
+ EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText = 'Ta "Portable Network Graphics" slika ' +
+ 'vsebuje neznan kriticni del podatkov, ki ga ne morem prebrati.';
+ EPNGUnknownCompressionText = 'Ta "Portable Network Graphics" slika je ' +
+ 'kodirana z neznano kompresijsko shemo, ki je ne morem prebrati.';
+ EPNGUnknownInterlaceText = 'Ta "Portable Network Graphics" slika uporablja ' +
+ 'neznano shemo za preliv, ki je ne morem prebrati.';
+ EPNGCannotAssignChunkText = Košcki morajo biti med seboj kompatibilni za prireditev vrednosti.';
+ EPNGUnexpectedEndText = 'Ta "Portable Network Graphics" slika je neveljavna, ' +
+ 'ker je bralnik prišel do nepricakovanega konca datoteke.';
+ EPNGNoImageDataText = 'Ta "Portable Network Graphics" ne vsebuje nobenih ' +
+ 'podatkov.';
+ EPNGCannotAddChunkText = 'Program je poskusil dodati obstojeci kriticni ' +
+ 'kos podatkov k trenutni sliki, kar ni dovoljeno.';
+ EPNGCannotAddInvalidImageText = 'Ni dovoljeno dodati nov kos podatkov, ' +
+ 'ker trenutna slika ni veljavna.';
+ EPNGCouldNotLoadResourceText = 'Ne morem naložiti png slike iz ' +
+ 'skladišca.';
+ EPNGOutMemoryText = 'Ne morem izvesti operacije, ker je ' +
+ 'sistem ostal brez resorjev. Zaprite nekaj oken in poskusite znova.';
+ EPNGCannotChangeTransparentText = 'Ni dovoljeno nastaviti prosojnosti posamezne barve ' +
+ 'za png slike, ki vsebujejo alfa prosojno vrednost za vsako piko ' +
+ EPNGHeaderNotPresentText = 'Ta operacija ni veljavna, ker ' +
+ 'izbrana slika ne vsebuje veljavne glave.';
+ EInvalidNewSize = 'The new size provided for image resizing is invalid.';
+ EInvalidSpec = 'The "Portable Network Graphics" could not be created ' +
+ 'because invalid image type parameters have being provided.';
+ {$ENDIF}
diff --git a/thirparty/versions.inc b/thirparty/versions.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaf8e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/versions.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,1380 @@
+{ }
+{ The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License");}
+{ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the }
+{ License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ }
+{ }
+{ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF }
+{ ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights }
+{ and limitations under the License. }
+{ }
+{ The Original Code is: jedi.inc. }
+{ The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Project JEDI http://www.delphi-jedi.org }
+{ }
+{ Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General }
+{ Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL License are }
+{ applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only }
+{ under the terms of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file }
+{ under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with }
+{ the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL License. If you do not delete the }
+{ provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the }
+{ LGPL License. }
+{ }
+{ For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html }
+{ }
+{ }
+{ This file defines various generic compiler directives used in different libraries, e.g. in the }
+{ JEDI Code Library (JCL) and JEDI Visual Component Library Library (JVCL). The directives in }
+{ this file are of generic nature and consist mostly of mappings from the VERXXX directives }
+{ defined by Delphi, C++Builder and FPC to friendly names such as DELPHI5 and }
+{ SUPPORTS_WIDESTRING. These friendly names are subsequently used in the libraries to test for }
+{ compiler versions and/or whether the compiler supports certain features (such as widestrings or }
+{ 64 bit integers. The libraries provide an additional, library specific, include file. For the }
+{ JCL e.g. this is jcl.inc. These files should be included in source files instead of this file }
+{ (which is pulled in automatically). }
+{ }
+{ }
+{ Last modified: $Date:: 2011-09-02 22:19:11 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) $ }
+{ Revision: $Rev:: 140 $ }
+{ Author: $Author:: outchy $ }
+{ }
+- Development environment directives
+ This file defines two directives to indicate which development environment the
+ library is being compiled with. Currently this can either be Delphi, Kylix,
+ C++Builder or FPC.
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DELPHI Defined if compiled with Delphi
+ KYLIX Defined if compiled with Kylix
+ DELPHICOMPILER Defined if compiled with Delphi or Kylix/Delphi
+ BCB Defined if compiled with C++Builder
+ CPPBUILDER Defined if compiled with C++Builder (alias for BCB)
+ BCBCOMPILER Defined if compiled with C++Builder or Kylix/C++
+ DELPHILANGUAGE Defined if compiled with Delphi, Kylix or C++Builder
+ BORLAND Defined if compiled with Delphi, Kylix or C++Builder
+ FPC Defined if compiled with FPC
+- Platform Directives
+ Platform directives are not all explicitly defined in this file, some are
+ defined by the compiler itself. They are listed here only for completeness.
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ WIN32 Defined when target platform is 32 bit Windows
+ WIN64 Defined when target platform is 64 bit Windows
+ MSWINDOWS Defined when target platform is 32 bit Windows
+ LINUX Defined when target platform is Linux
+ UNIX Defined when target platform is Unix-like (including Linux)
+ CLR Defined when target platform is .NET
+- Architecture directives. These are auto-defined by FPC
+ CPU32 and CPU64 are mostly for generic pointer size dependant differences rather
+ than for a specific architecture.
+ CPU386 Defined when target platform is native x86 (win32)
+ CPUx86_64 Defined when target platform is native x86_64 (win64)
+ CPU32 Defined when target is 32-bit
+ CPU64 Defined when target is 64-bit
+ CPUASM Defined when target assembler is available
+- Visual library Directives
+ The following directives indicate for a visual library. In a Delphi/BCB
+ (Win32) application you need to define the VisualCLX symbol in the project
+ options, if you want to use the VisualCLX library. Alternatively you can use
+ the IDE expert, which is distributed with the JCL to do this automatically.
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VCL Defined for Delphi/BCB (Win32) exactly if VisualCLX is not defined
+ VisualCLX Defined for Kylix; needs to be defined for Delphi/BCB to
+ use JCL with VisualCLX applications.
+- Other cross-platform related defines
+ These symbols are intended to help in writing portable code.
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PUREPASCAL Code is machine-independent (as opposed to assembler code)
+ Win32API Code is specific for the Win32 API;
+ use instead of "{$IFNDEF CLR} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}" constructs
+- Delphi Versions
+ The following directives are direct mappings from the VERXXX directives to a
+ friendly name of the associated compiler. These directives are only defined if
+ the compiler is Delphi (ie DELPHI is defined).
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DELPHI1 Defined when compiling with Delphi 1 (Codename WASABI/MANGO)
+ DELPHI2 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2 (Codename POLARIS)
+ DELPHI3 Defined when compiling with Delphi 3 (Codename IVORY)
+ DELPHI4 Defined when compiling with Delphi 4 (Codename ALLEGRO)
+ DELPHI5 Defined when compiling with Delphi 5 (Codename ARGUS)
+ DELPHI6 Defined when compiling with Delphi 6 (Codename ILLIAD)
+ DELPHI7 Defined when compiling with Delphi 7 (Codename AURORA)
+ DELPHI8 Defined when compiling with Delphi 8 (Codename OCTANE)
+ DELPHI2005 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2005 (Codename DIAMONDBACK)
+ DELPHI9 Alias for DELPHI2005
+ DELPHI10 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2006 (Codename DEXTER)
+ DELPHI2006 Alias for DELPHI10
+ DELPHI11 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2007 for Win32 (Codename SPACELY)
+ DELPHI2007 Alias for DELPHI11
+ DELPHI12 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2009 for Win32 (Codename TIBURON)
+ DELPHI2009 Alias for DELPHI12
+ DELPHI14 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2010 for Win32 (Codename WEAVER)
+ DELPHI2010 Alias for DELPHI14
+ DELPHI15 Defined when compiling with Delphi XE for Win32 (Codename FULCRUM)
+ DELPHI16 Defined when compiling with Delphi XE2 for Win32 (Codename PULSAR)
+ DELPHIXE2 Alias for DELPHI16
+ DELPHI1_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 1 or higher
+ DELPHI2_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2 or higher
+ DELPHI3_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 3 or higher
+ DELPHI4_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 4 or higher
+ DELPHI5_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 5 or higher
+ DELPHI6_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 6 or higher
+ DELPHI7_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 7 or higher
+ DELPHI8_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 8 or higher
+ DELPHI2005_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2005 or higher
+ DELPHI9_UP Alias for DELPHI2005_UP
+ DELPHI10_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2006 or higher
+ DELPHI2006_UP Alias for DELPHI10_UP
+ DELPHI11_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2007 for Win32 or higher
+ DELPHI2007_UP Alias for DELPHI11_UP
+ DELPHI12_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2009 for Win32 or higher
+ DELPHI2009_UP Alias for DELPHI12_UP
+ DELPHI14_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2010 for Win32 or higher
+ DELPHI2010_UP Alias for DELPHI14_UP
+ DELPHI15_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi XE for Win32 or higher
+ DELPHI16_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi XE2 for Win32 or higher
+- Kylix Versions
+ The following directives are direct mappings from the VERXXX directives to a
+ friendly name of the associated compiler. These directives are only defined if
+ the compiler is Kylix (ie KYLIX is defined).
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ KYLIX1 Defined when compiling with Kylix 1
+ KYLIX2 Defined when compiling with Kylix 2
+ KYLIX3 Defined when compiling with Kylix 3 (Codename CORTEZ)
+ KYLIX1_UP Defined when compiling with Kylix 1 or higher
+ KYLIX2_UP Defined when compiling with Kylix 2 or higher
+ KYLIX3_UP Defined when compiling with Kylix 3 or higher
+- Delphi Compiler Versions (Delphi / Kylix, not in BCB mode)
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DELPHICOMPILER1 Defined when compiling with Delphi 1
+ DELPHICOMPILER2 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2
+ DELPHICOMPILER3 Defined when compiling with Delphi 3
+ DELPHICOMPILER4 Defined when compiling with Delphi 4
+ DELPHICOMPILER5 Defined when compiling with Delphi 5
+ DELPHICOMPILER6 Defined when compiling with Delphi 6 or Kylix 1, 2 or 3
+ DELPHICOMPILER7 Defined when compiling with Delphi 7
+ DELPHICOMPILER8 Defined when compiling with Delphi 8
+ DELPHICOMPILER9 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2005
+ DELPHICOMPILER10 Defined when compiling with Delphi Personality of BDS 4.0
+ DELPHICOMPILER11 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2007 for Win32
+ DELPHICOMPILER12 Defined when compiling with Delphi Personality of BDS 6.0
+ DELPHICOMPILER14 Defined when compiling with Delphi Personality of BDS 7.0
+ DELPHICOMPILER15 Defined when compiling with Delphi Personality of BDS 8.0
+ DELPHICOMPILER16 Defined when compiling with Delphi Personality of BDS 9.0
+ DELPHICOMPILER1_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 1 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER2_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER3_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 3 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER4_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 4 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER5_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 5 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER6_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 6 or Kylix 1, 2 or 3 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER7_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 7 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER8_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 8 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER9_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2005
+ DELPHICOMPILER10_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2006 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER11_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2007 for Win32 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER12_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2009 for Win32 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER14_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2010 for Win32 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER15_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi XE for Win32 or higher
+ DELPHICOMPILER16_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi XE2 for Win32 or higher
+- C++Builder Versions
+ The following directives are direct mappings from the VERXXX directives to a
+ friendly name of the associated compiler. These directives are only defined if
+ the compiler is C++Builder (ie BCB is defined).
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BCB1 Defined when compiling with C++Builder 1
+ BCB3 Defined when compiling with C++Builder 3
+ BCB4 Defined when compiling with C++Builder 4
+ BCB5 Defined when compiling with C++Builder 5 (Codename RAMPAGE)
+ BCB6 Defined when compiling with C++Builder 6 (Codename RIPTIDE)
+ BCB10 Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of BDS 4.0 (also known as C++Builder 2006) (Codename DEXTER)
+ BCB11 Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio 2007 (also known as C++Builder 2007) (Codename COGSWELL)
+ BCB12 Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio 2009 (also known as C++Builder 2009) (Codename TIBURON)
+ BCB14 Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio 2010 (also known as C++Builder 2010) (Codename WEAVER)
+ BCB15 Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio XE (also known as C++Builder XE) (Codename FULCRUM)
+ BCB16 Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio XE2 (also known as C++Builder XE2) (Codename PULSAR)
+ BCB1_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder 1 or higher
+ BCB3_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder 3 or higher
+ BCB4_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder 4 or higher
+ BCB5_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder 5 or higher
+ BCB6_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder 6 or higher
+ BCB10_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of BDS 4.0 or higher
+ BCB11_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio 2007 or higher
+ BCB12_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio 2009 or higher
+ BCB14_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio 2010 or higher
+ BCB15_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio XE or higher
+ BCB16_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder Personality of RAD Studio XE2 or higher
+- RAD Studio / Borland Developer Studio Versions
+ The following directives are direct mappings from the VERXXX directives to a
+ friendly name of the associated IDE. These directives are only defined if
+ the IDE is Borland Developer Studio Version 2 or above.
+ Note: Borland Developer Studio 2006 is marketed as Delphi 2006 or C++Builder 2006,
+ but those provide only different labels for identical content.
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BDS Defined when compiling with BDS version of dcc32.exe (Codename SIDEWINDER)
+ BDS2 Defined when compiling with BDS 2.0 (Delphi 8) (Codename OCTANE)
+ BDS3 Defined when compiling with BDS 3.0 (Delphi 2005) (Codename DIAMONDBACK)
+ BDS4 Defined when compiling with BDS 4.0 (Borland Developer Studio 2006) (Codename DEXTER)
+ BDS5 Defined when compiling with BDS 5.0 (CodeGear RAD Studio 2007) (Codename HIGHLANDER)
+ BDS6 Defined when compiling with BDS 6.0 (CodeGear RAD Studio 2009) (Codename TIBURON)
+ BDS7 Defined when compiling with BDS 7.0 (Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010) (Codename WEAVER)
+ BDS8 Defined when compiling with BDS 8.0 (Embarcadero RAD Studio XE) (Codename FULCRUM)
+ BDS9 Defined when compiling with BDS 9.0 (Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2) (Codename PULSAR)
+ BDS2_UP Defined when compiling with BDS 2.0 or higher
+ BDS3_UP Defined when compiling with BDS 3.0 or higher
+ BDS4_UP Defined when compiling with BDS 4.0 or higher
+ BDS5_UP Defined when compiling with BDS 5.0 or higher
+ BDS6_UP Defined when compiling with BDS 6.0 or higher
+ BDS7_UP Defined when compiling with BDS 7.0 or higher
+ BDS8_UP Defined when compiling with BDS 8.0 or higher
+ BDS9_UP Defined when compiling with BDS 9.0 or higher
+- Compiler Versions
+ The following directives are direct mappings from the VERXXX directives to a
+ friendly name of the associated compiler. Unlike the DELPHI_X and BCB_X
+ directives, these directives are indepedent of the development environment.
+ That is, they are defined regardless of whether compilation takes place using
+ Delphi or C++Builder.
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ COMPILER1 Defined when compiling with Delphi 1
+ COMPILER2 Defined when compiling with Delphi 2 or C++Builder 1
+ COMPILER3 Defined when compiling with Delphi 3
+ COMPILER35 Defined when compiling with C++Builder 3
+ COMPILER4 Defined when compiling with Delphi 4 or C++Builder 4
+ COMPILER5 Defined when compiling with Delphi 5 or C++Builder 5
+ COMPILER6 Defined when compiling with Delphi 6 or C++Builder 6
+ COMPILER7 Defined when compiling with Delphi 7
+ COMPILER8 Defined when compiling with Delphi 8
+ COMPILER9 Defined when compiling with Delphi 9
+ COMPILER10 Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 4.0
+ COMPILER11 Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 5.0
+ COMPILER12 Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 6.0
+ COMPILER14 Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 7.0
+ COMPILER15 Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 8.0
+ COMPILER16 Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 9.0
+ COMPILER1_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 1 or higher
+ COMPILER2_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2 or C++Builder 1 or higher
+ COMPILER3_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 3 or higher
+ COMPILER35_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder 3 or higher
+ COMPILER4_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 4 or C++Builder 4 or higher
+ COMPILER5_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 5 or C++Builder 5 or higher
+ COMPILER6_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 6 or C++Builder 6 or higher
+ COMPILER7_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 7
+ COMPILER8_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 8
+ COMPILER9_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi Personalities of BDS 3.0
+ COMPILER10_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 4.0 or higher
+ COMPILER11_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 5.0 or higher
+ COMPILER12_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 6.0 or higher
+ COMPILER14_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 7.0 or higher
+ COMPILER15_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 8.0 or higher
+ COMPILER16_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 9.0 or higher
+- RTL Versions
+ Use e.g. following to determine the exact RTL version since version 14.0:
+ {$IF Declared(RTLVersion) and (RTLVersion >= 14.2)}
+ // code for Delphi 6.02 or higher, Kylix 2 or higher, C++Builder 6 or higher
+ ...
+ {$IFEND}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RTL80_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 1 or higher
+ RTL90_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 2 or higher
+ RTL93_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder 1 or higher
+ RTL100_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 3 or higher
+ RTL110_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder 3 or higher
+ RTL120_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 4 or higher
+ RTL125_UP Defined when compiling with C++Builder 4 or higher
+ RTL130_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 5 or C++Builder 5 or higher
+ RTL140_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 6, Kylix 1, 2 or 3 or C++Builder 6 or higher
+ RTL150_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 7 or higher
+ RTL160_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi 8 or higher
+ RTL170_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi Personalities of BDS 3.0 or higher
+ RTL180_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 4.0 or higher
+ RTL185_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 5.0 or higher
+ RTL190_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi.NET of BDS 5.0 or higher
+ RTL200_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 6.0 or higher
+ RTL210_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 7.0 or higher
+ RTL220_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 8.0 or higher
+ RTL230_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi or C++Builder Personalities of BDS 9.0 or higher
+- CLR Versions
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CLR Defined when compiling for .NET
+ CLR10 Defined when compiling for .NET 1.0 (may be overriden by FORCE_CLR10)
+ CLR10_UP Defined when compiling for .NET 1.0 or higher
+ CLR11 Defined when compiling for .NET 1.1 (may be overriden by FORCE_CLR11)
+ CLR11_UP Defined when compiling for .NET 1.1 or higher
+ CLR20 Defined when compiling for .NET 2.0 (may be overriden by FORCE_CLR20)
+ CLR20_UP Defined when compiling for .NET 2.0 or higher
+- Feature Directives
+ The features directives are used to test if the compiler supports specific
+ features, such as method overloading, and adjust the sources accordingly. Use
+ of these directives is preferred over the use of the DELPHI and COMPILER
+ directives.
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SUPPORTS_CONSTPARAMS Compiler supports const parameters (D1+)
+ SUPPORTS_SINGLE Compiler supports the Single type (D1+)
+ SUPPORTS_DOUBLE Compiler supports the Double type (D1+)
+ SUPPORTS_EXTENDED Compiler supports the Extended type (D1+)
+ SUPPORTS_CURRENCY Compiler supports the Currency type (D2+)
+ SUPPORTS_THREADVAR Compiler supports threadvar declarations (D2+)
+ SUPPORTS_OUTPARAMS Compiler supports out parameters (D3+)
+ SUPPORTS_VARIANT Compiler supports variant (D2+)
+ SUPPORTS_WIDECHAR Compiler supports the WideChar type (D2+)
+ SUPPORTS_WIDESTRING Compiler supports the WideString type (D3+/BCB3+)
+ SUPPORTS_INTERFACE Compiler supports interfaces (D3+/BCB3+)
+ SUPPORTS_DISPINTERFACE Compiler supports dispatch interfaces (D3+/BCB3+)
+ SUPPORTS_DISPID Compiler supports dispatch ids (D3+/BCB3+/FPC)
+ SUPPORTS_EXTSYM Compiler supports the $EXTERNALSYM directive (D4+/BCB3+)
+ SUPPORTS_NODEFINE Compiler supports the $NODEFINE directive (D4+/BCB3+)
+ SUPPORTS_LONGWORD Compiler supports the LongWord type (unsigned 32 bit) (D4+/BCB4+)
+ SUPPORTS_INT64 Compiler supports the Int64 type (D4+/BCB4+)
+ SUPPORTS_UINT64 Compiler supports the UInt64 type (D XE+ ?)
+ SUPPORTS_DYNAMICARRAYS Compiler supports dynamic arrays (D4+/BCB4+)
+ SUPPORTS_DEFAULTPARAMS Compiler supports default parameters (D4+/BCB4+)
+ SUPPORTS_OVERLOAD Compiler supports overloading (D4+/BCB4+)
+ SUPPORTS_IMPLEMENTS Compiler supports implements (D4+/BCB4+)
+ SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED Compiler supports the deprecated directive (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_PLATFORM Compiler supports the platform directive (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_LIBRARY Compiler supports the library directive (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ SUPPORTS_LOCAL Compiler supports the local directive (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_SETPEFLAGS Compiler supports the SetPEFlags directive (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_INLINE Compiler supports the inline directive (D9+/FPC)
+ SUPPORTS_FOR_IN Compiler supports for in loops (D9+)
+ SUPPORTS_NESTED_CONSTANTS Compiler supports nested constants (D9+)
+ SUPPORTS_NESTED_TYPES Compiler supports nested types (D9+)
+ SUPPORTS_REGION Compiler supports the REGION and ENDREGION directives (D9+)
+ SUPPORTS_ENHANCED_RECORDS Compiler supports class [operator|function|procedure] for record types (D9.NET, D10+)
+ SUPPORTS_CLASS_FIELDS Compiler supports class fields (D9.NET, D10+)
+ SUPPORTS_CLASS_HELPERS Compiler supports class helpers (D9.NET, D10+)
+ SUPPORTS_CLASS_OPERATORS Compiler supports class operators (D9.NET, D10+)
+ SUPPORTS_CLASS_CTORDTORS Compiler supports class contructors/destructors (D14+)
+ SUPPORTS_STRICT Compiler supports strict keyword (D9.NET, D10+)
+ SUPPORTS_STATIC Compiler supports static keyword (D9.NET, D10+)
+ SUPPORTS_FINAL Compiler supports final keyword (D9.NET, D10+)
+ SUPPORTS_METHODINFO Compiler supports the METHODINFO directives (D10+)
+ SUPPORTS_GENERICS Compiler supports generic implementations (D11.NET, D12+)
+ SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DETAILS Compiler supports additional text for the deprecated directive (D11.NET, D12+)
+ ACCEPT_DEPRECATED Compiler supports or ignores the deprecated directive (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ ACCEPT_PLATFORM Compiler supports or ignores the platform directive (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ ACCEPT_LIBRARY Compiler supports or ignores the library directive (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_CUSTOMVARIANTS Compiler supports custom variants (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_VARARGS Compiler supports varargs (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_ENUMVALUE Compiler supports assigning ordinalities to values of enums (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS Compiler supports deprecated warnings (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_LIBRARY_WARNINGS Compiler supports library warnings (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_PLATFORM_WARNINGS Compiler supports platform warnings (D6+/BCB6+)
+ SUPPORTS_UNSAFE_WARNINGS Compiler supports unsafe warnings (D7)
+ SUPPORTS_COMPILETIME_MESSAGES Compiler supports the MESSAGE directive
+ SUPPORTS_PACKAGES Compiler supports Packages
+ HAS_UNIT_LIBC Unit Libc exists (Kylix, FPC on Linux/x86)
+ HAS_UNIT_RTLCONSTS Unit RTLConsts exists (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ HAS_UNIT_TYPES Unit Types exists (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ HAS_UNIT_VARIANTS Unit Variants exists (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ HAS_UNIT_STRUTILS Unit StrUtils exists (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ HAS_UNIT_DATEUTILS Unit DateUtils exists (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ HAS_UNIT_CONTNRS Unit contnrs exists (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ HAS_UNIT_HTTPPROD Unit HTTPProd exists (D9+)
+ HAS_UNIT_GIFIMG Unit GifImg exists (D11+)
+ HAS_UNIT_ANSISTRINGS Unit AnsiStrings exists (D12+)
+ HAS_UNIT_PNGIMAGE Unit PngImage exists (D12+)
+ HAS_UNIT_CHARACTER Unit Character exists (D12+)
+ XPLATFORM_RTL The RTL supports crossplatform function names (e.g. RaiseLastOSError) (D6+/BCB6+/FPC)
+ SUPPORTS_UNICODE string type is aliased to an unicode string (WideString or UnicodeString) (DX.NET, D12+)
+ SUPPORTS_UNICODE_STRING Compiler supports UnicodeString (D12+)
+ SUPPORTS_INT_ALIASES Types Int8, Int16, Int32, UInt8, UInt16 and UInt32 are defined in the unit System (D12+)
+ HAS_UNIT_RTTI Unit RTTI is available (D14+)
+ SUPPORTS_CAST_INTERFACE_TO_OBJ The compiler supports casts from interfaces to objects (D14+)
+ SUPPORTS_DELAYED_LOADING The compiler generates stubs for delaying imported function loads (D14+)
+ HAS_UNIT_SYSTEM_UITYPES Unit System.UITypes is available (D16+)
+- Compiler Settings
+ The compiler settings directives indicate whether a specific compiler setting
+ is in effect. This facilitates changing compiler settings locally in a more
+ compact and readible manner.
+ Directive Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ALIGN_ON Compiling in the A+ state (no alignment)
+ BOOLEVAL_ON Compiling in the B+ state (complete boolean evaluation)
+ ASSERTIONS_ON Compiling in the C+ state (assertions on)
+ DEBUGINFO_ON Compiling in the D+ state (debug info generation on)
+ IMPORTEDDATA_ON Compiling in the G+ state (creation of imported data references)
+ LONGSTRINGS_ON Compiling in the H+ state (string defined as AnsiString)
+ IOCHECKS_ON Compiling in the I+ state (I/O checking enabled)
+ WRITEABLECONST_ON Compiling in the J+ state (typed constants can be modified)
+ LOCALSYMBOLS Compiling in the L+ state (local symbol generation)
+ TYPEINFO_ON Compiling in the M+ state (RTTI generation on)
+ OPTIMIZATION_ON Compiling in the O+ state (code optimization on)
+ OPENSTRINGS_ON Compiling in the P+ state (variable string parameters are openstrings)
+ OVERFLOWCHECKS_ON Compiling in the Q+ state (overflow checing on)
+ RANGECHECKS_ON Compiling in the R+ state (range checking on)
+ TYPEDADDRESS_ON Compiling in the T+ state (pointers obtained using the @ operator are typed)
+ SAFEDIVIDE_ON Compiling in the U+ state (save FDIV instruction through RTL emulation)
+ VARSTRINGCHECKS_ON Compiling in the V+ state (type checking of shortstrings)
+ STACKFRAMES_ON Compiling in the W+ state (generation of stack frames)
+ EXTENDEDSYNTAX_ON Compiling in the X+ state (Delphi extended syntax enabled)
+{ Set FreePascal to Delphi mode }
+ {$ASMMODE Intel}
+ // FPC defines CPU32, CPU64 and Unix automatically
+ {$DEFINE CPU386} // For Borland compilers select the x86 compat assembler by default
+ {$DEFINE CPU32} // Assume Borland compilers are 32-bit (rather than 64-bit)
+ {$ELSE ~CPUX64}
+ {$ENDIF ~CPUX64}
+ {$ELSE ~CPUX86}
+ {$DEFINE CPU386}
+ {$ENDIF ~CPUX86}
+ {$I kylix.inc} // FPC incompatible stuff
+ {$IFDEF VER80}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER90}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER93}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER100}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER110}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER120}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER125}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER130}
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER140}
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER150}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER160}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER170}
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2005} // synonym to DELPHI9
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER180}
+ {$IFDEF VER185}
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2007} // synonym to DELPHI11
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ELSE ~~VER185}
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2006} // synonym to DELPHI10
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF ~VER185}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF VER190} // Delphi 2007 for .NET
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2007} // synonym to DELPHI11
+ {$ENDIF VER190}
+ {$IFDEF VER200} // RAD Studio 2009
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2009} // synonym to DELPHI12
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF VER200}
+ {$IFDEF VER210} // RAD Studio 2010
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2010} // synonym to DELPHI14
+ {$ENDIF VER210}
+ {$IFDEF VER220} // RAD Studio XE
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$DEFINE DELPHIXE} // synonym to DELPHI15
+ {$ENDIF VER220}
+ {$IFDEF VER230} // RAD Studio XE2
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$DEFINE DELPHIXE2} // synonym to DELPHI16
+ {$ENDIF VER230}
+ {$IFDEF UNKNOWN_COMPILER_VERSION} // adjust for newer version (always use latest version)
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$DEFINE DELPHIXE2} // synonym to DELPHI16
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ELSE ~BCB}
+{ DELPHIX_UP from DELPHIX mappings }
+{ DELPHIX_UP from DELPHIX_UP mappings }
+ {$DEFINE DELPHIXE2_UP} // synonym to DELPHI16_UP
+ {$DEFINE DELPHIXE_UP} // synonym to DELPHI15_UP
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2010_UP} // synonym to DELPHI14_UP
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2009_UP} // synonym to DELPHI12_UP
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2007_UP} // synonym to DELPHI11_UP
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2006_UP} // synonym to DELPHI10_UP
+ {$DEFINE DELPHI2005_UP} // synonym to DELPHI9_UP
+{ BCBX_UP from BCBX mappings }
+{ BCBX_UP from BCBX_UP mappings }
+{ BDSX_UP from BDSX mappings }
+{ BDSX_UP from BDSX_UP mappings }
+{ COMPILERX_UP from COMPILERX mappings }
+{ COMPILERX_UP from COMPILERX_UP mappings }
+{ RTLX_UP from RTLX_UP mappings }
+{ Check for CLR overrides of default detection }
+ {$UNDEF CLR11}
+ {$UNDEF CLR20}
+ {$UNDEF CLR10}
+ {$UNDEF CLR20}
+ {$UNDEF CLR10}
+ {$UNDEF CLR11}
+{ CLRX from CLRX_UP mappings }
+{ CLRX_UP from CLRX_UP mappings }
+{ KYLIXX_UP from KYLIXX mappings }
+{ KYLIXX_UP from KYLIXX_UP mappings }
+{ Map COMPILERX_UP to friendly feature names }
+ {$IFDEF VER1_0}
+ Please use FPC 2.0 or higher to compile this.
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$DEFINE ACCEPT_DEPRECATED} // 2.2 also gives warnings
+ {$DEFINE ACCEPT_PLATFORM} // 2.2 also gives warnings
+ {$IFDEF VER2_2}
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$endif}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{ Cross-platform related defines }
+ {$DEFINE MSWINDOWS} // predefined for D6+/BCB6+
+ {$DEFINE Win32API}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$DEFINE VisualCLX}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFNDEF VisualCLX}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{ Compiler settings }
+// Hints
+// Real compatibility
+// Warnings
+// for Delphi/BCB trial versions remove the point from the line below
diff --git a/thirparty/zlibpas.pas b/thirparty/zlibpas.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62838f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirparty/zlibpas.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+{Portable Network Graphics Delphi ZLIB linking (16 May 2002) }
+{This unit links ZLIB to pngimage unit in order to implement }
+{the library. It's now using the new ZLIB version, 1.1.4 }
+{Note: The .obj files must be located in the subdirectory \obj}
+unit zlibpas;
+ TAlloc = function (AppData: Pointer; Items, Size: Integer): Pointer;
+ TFree = procedure (AppData, Block: Pointer);
+ // Internal structure. Ignore.
+ TZStreamRec = packed record
+ next_in: PChar; // next input byte
+ avail_in: Integer; // number of bytes available at next_in
+ total_in: Integer; // total nb of input bytes read so far
+ next_out: PChar; // next output byte should be put here
+ avail_out: Integer; // remaining free space at next_out
+ total_out: Integer; // total nb of bytes output so far
+ msg: PChar; // last error message, NULL if no error
+ internal: Pointer; // not visible by applications
+ zalloc: TAlloc; // used to allocate the internal state
+ zfree: TFree; // used to free the internal state
+ AppData: Pointer; // private data object passed to zalloc and zfree
+ data_type: Integer; // best guess about the data type: ascii or binary
+ adler: Integer; // adler32 value of the uncompressed data
+ reserved: Integer; // reserved for future use
+ end;
+function inflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; version: PChar;
+ recsize: Integer): Integer; forward;
+function inflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer; forward;
+function inflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; forward;
+function deflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; level: Integer; version: PChar;
+ recsize: Integer): Integer; forward;
+function deflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer; forward;
+function deflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; forward;
+ zlib_version = '1.2.3';
+ Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;
+ Z_FINISH = 4;
+ Z_OK = 0;
+ Z_NEED_DICT = 2;
+ Z_ERRNO = (-1);
+ Z_STREAM_ERROR = (-2);
+ Z_DATA_ERROR = (-3);
+ Z_MEM_ERROR = (-4);
+ Z_BUF_ERROR = (-5);
+ Z_BINARY = 0;
+ Z_ASCII = 1;
+ Z_UNKNOWN = 2;
+ _z_errmsg: array[0..9] of PChar = (
+ 'need dictionary', // Z_NEED_DICT (2)
+ 'stream end', // Z_STREAM_END (1)
+ '', // Z_OK (0)
+ 'file error', // Z_ERRNO (-1)
+ 'stream error', // Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2)
+ 'data error', // Z_DATA_ERROR (-3)
+ 'insufficient memory', // Z_MEM_ERROR (-4)
+ 'buffer error', // Z_BUF_ERROR (-5)
+ 'incompatible version', // Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6)
+ ''
+ );
+{$L obj\adler32.obj}
+{$L obj\deflate.obj}
+{$L obj\infback.obj}
+{$L obj\inffast.obj}
+{$L obj\inflate.obj}
+{$L obj\inftrees.obj}
+{$L obj\trees.obj}
+{$L obj\compress.obj}
+{$L obj\crc32.obj}
+function adler32(adler: LongInt; const buf: PChar; len: Integer): LongInt; external;
+procedure _memset(P: Pointer; B: Byte; count: Integer);cdecl;
+ FillChar(P^, count, B);
+procedure _memcpy(dest, source: Pointer; count: Integer);cdecl;
+ Move(source^, dest^, count);
+// deflate compresses data
+function deflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; level: Integer; version: PChar;
+ recsize: Integer): Integer; external;
+function deflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer; external;
+function deflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
+// inflate decompresses data
+function inflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; version: PChar;
+ recsize: Integer): Integer; external;
+function inflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer; external;
+function inflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
+function inflateReset(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
+function zcalloc(AppData: Pointer; Items, Size: Integer): Pointer;
+ GetMem(Result, Items*Size);
+procedure zcfree(AppData, Block: Pointer);
+ FreeMem(Block);