Id |
int64 |
The unique identifier of the activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
ExternalId |
string |
The identifier provided at upload time |
[optional] [default to null] |
UploadId |
int64 |
The identifier of the upload that resulted in this activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
Athlete |
*MetaAthlete |
[optional] [default to null] |
Name |
string |
The name of the activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
Distance |
float32 |
The activity's distance, in meters |
[optional] [default to null] |
MovingTime |
int32 |
The activity's moving time, in seconds |
[optional] [default to null] |
ElapsedTime |
int32 |
The activity's elapsed time, in seconds |
[optional] [default to null] |
TotalElevationGain |
float32 |
The activity's total elevation gain. |
[optional] [default to null] |
ElevHigh |
float32 |
The activity's highest elevation, in meters |
[optional] [default to null] |
ElevLow |
float32 |
The activity's lowest elevation, in meters |
[optional] [default to null] |
Type_ |
*ActivityType |
[optional] [default to null] |
StartDate |
time.Time |
The time at which the activity was started. |
[optional] [default to null] |
StartDateLocal |
time.Time |
The time at which the activity was started in the local timezone. |
[optional] [default to null] |
Timezone |
string |
The timezone of the activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
StartLatlng |
*LatLng |
[optional] [default to null] |
EndLatlng |
*LatLng |
[optional] [default to null] |
AchievementCount |
int32 |
The number of achievements gained during this activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
KudosCount |
int32 |
The number of kudos given for this activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
CommentCount |
int32 |
The number of comments for this activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
AthleteCount |
int32 |
The number of athletes for taking part in a group activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
PhotoCount |
int32 |
The number of Instagram photos for this activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
TotalPhotoCount |
int32 |
The number of Instagram and Strava photos for this activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
Map_ |
*PolylineMap |
[optional] [default to null] |
Trainer |
bool |
Whether this activity was recorded on a training machine |
[optional] [default to null] |
Commute |
bool |
Whether this activity is a commute |
[optional] [default to null] |
Manual |
bool |
Whether this activity was created manually |
[optional] [default to null] |
Private |
bool |
Whether this activity is private |
[optional] [default to null] |
Flagged |
bool |
Whether this activity is flagged |
[optional] [default to null] |
WorkoutType |
int32 |
The activity's workout type |
[optional] [default to null] |
AverageSpeed |
float32 |
The activity's average speed, in meters per second |
[optional] [default to null] |
MaxSpeed |
float32 |
The activity's max speed, in meters per second |
[optional] [default to null] |
HasKudoed |
bool |
Whether the logged-in athlete has kudoed this activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
GearId |
string |
The id of the gear for the activity |
[optional] [default to null] |
Kilojoules |
float32 |
The total work done in kilojoules during this activity. Rides only |
[optional] [default to null] |
AverageWatts |
float32 |
Average power output in watts during this activity. Rides only |
[optional] [default to null] |
DeviceWatts |
bool |
Whether the watts are from a power meter, false if estimated |
[optional] [default to null] |
MaxWatts |
int32 |
Rides with power meter data only |
[optional] [default to null] |
WeightedAverageWatts |
int32 |
Similar to Normalized Power. Rides with power meter data only |
[optional] [default to null] |