All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Acid Fog, Cloud Kill, Sickening Entanglement, Stinking Cloud, Acid Pit, Create Pit, Hungry Pit, Spiked Pit area effects
- Brought back option to use Dismiss mode in combat.
- Simplified checks for removable area effects. Dismiss effect if it is on the list.
- Fix mode setting inversion issue.
- Game version check and menu message.
- Kineticist Cloud, Deadly Earth, Wall area effects
- Debugging Tools menu item for DEBUG builds
- Dismiss in combat option
- Public release.
- Wait time mode to expire area effects - is now the default mode.
- Removed effects are summarized and reported in the Combat Log.
- UMM Menu Options.
- Option: Wait mode doesn't use fatigue (default: off).
- Option: use Dismiss mode in combat (default: off).
- Mod renamed to Remove Area Effects.
- New key binding to remove active area effects (L).
- Report success/failure in combat log.
- The Dismiss ability, it created save dependencies.
- Companions get the dismiss ability too.
- Obsidian Flow added to dismissible list.
- Initial release - manual ability to disable AoE spells.