- Review the :doc:`first <tutorial/tutorial>` and :doc:`second tutorial<tutorial/launch>`.
- Copy/paste or use the URL to find the code (e.g., https://pages.nist.gov/feasst/tutorial/launch.html is
). - See
python launch.py --help
(e.g., adjust--feasst_install
- Copy/paste or use the URL to find the code (e.g., https://pages.nist.gov/feasst/tutorial/launch.html is
- Find :doc:`tutorial/README` that are closest to what you would like to accomplish.
- Reproduce the expected result of those :doc:`tutorial/README`.
- To modify :doc:`tutorial/README` to accomplish your goals, refer to the :doc:`../plugin/text_interface` documentation.
- Compare the energy of a :doc:`reference configuration<plugin/monte_carlo/tutorial/tutorial_0_ref_configs>` with a trusted source to ensure the model, :doc:`/particle/README` return an expected result.
- :doc:`/CONTACT` us.
The features available in the :doc:`/plugin/text_interface` are summarized as follows:
Monte Carlo simulation techniques
- Metropolis
- Wang-Landau
- Transition-matrix
- Mayer-sampling
Thermodynamic ensembles
- Microcanonical ensemble
- Canonical ensemble
- Grand-canonical ensemble
- Temperature and growth expanded ensembles
- Gibbs ensemble
Interaction potentials
- Lennard-Jones and Mie with cut/force shift and corrections
- Hard spheres and square wells
- Patchy and anisotropic particles
- Yukawa and charged interactions
- Ewald summation and 2D slab correction
- Bonds, angles and dihedrals
- TraPPE small molecules and n-alkanes
- Slab, cylindrical and spherical confinement
- Cell list and neighbor list
Monte Carlo trials
- Translation, rotation, crankshaft and pivot
- Rigid cluster rotation and translation
- Configurational bias transfers and partial regrowth
- Dual-cut configurational bias
- Aggregation volume bias
- Reptation
- Branches
Modern software
- Interface as text input, C++ or Python module
- Server interface to C++ or Python clients
- OpenMP parallelization and prefetching
- Checkpoint files to save, restart and analyze simulations
Please :doc:`/CONTACT` us if you run into an issue not listed below.
- We are not aware of any install issues with these OS.
- Update to CMake 3 (https://cmake.org/download/)
CMake version is usually too old. Try the command cmake3 instead of cmake.
- OpenMP functions may not work unless the cray programming environment is disabled.
- for omp, try brew install libomp
- Install Windows subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu 16)
- See Ubuntu 16