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UI for sample distributed TODO application.


  • PORT - a port the application binds to
  • AUTH_API_ADDRESS - address of auth-api for authentication
  • TODOS_API_ADDRESS - address of todos-api for TODO CRUD


# install dependencies
npm install

# build application
npm run build




Here you can find the software required to run this microservice, as well as the version we have tested.

Dependency Version
Node 8.17.0
NPM 6.13.4


To run this application in docker you need to also initialize the other microservices, but first of all you need to create a network.

Docker network creation

We need to have all the containers of the microservices in the same network, so they can interact with each other to create a network with docker you need to run in your terminal this command:

 docker network create example

This will create a network called example in docker. To check the list of networks that are currently active you can run:

 docker network ls

Running the docker

This is the final microservice you need to run You need to build the image of the application, so you need to create a Dockerfile in this folder, you can do it with:

 touch Dockerfile

Now to build the application you need to run:

 docker build --tag frontend .

Now to run the image of this microservice, you need to run this command:

 docker run --rm --net example --name frontend -d \
 -p 8080:8080 \
 --env AUTH_API_ADDRESS=http://auth-api:8000 \
 --env TODOS_API_ADDRESS=http://todos-api:8082 \
 --env PORT=8080 \

In order, each line does:

  1. will add the image to the network | Give a name to the container | Run it in background
  2. The port that we will open to the world and in my local machine
  3. A environment variable
  4. A environment variable
  5. A environment variable
  6. The image that we are going to run


Here you can find the software required to run this microservice in docker, as well as the version we have tested.

Dependency Version
Docker 20.10.17