Holmes integrates with Slack to provide a "/fingerprint" command that exposes most operations.
Configuration of the app in Slack is a nightmare - due to Slack continually changing the UI but also seemingly having no coherent plan for where app configuration lives.
As a Slack admin, you need to find the Holmes app - there should be one for dev and prod. Keep digging - there are at least 3 "app" pages that all give different details. You need to "manage" the app to change the desired settings.
They need to be installed into the Slack instance and somehow tied to the channel they report into. This seems like it can be done both from the app end and inside the channel itself - but it was a lottery as to which one actually worked.
If the PublicSlackUrl of the CDK stack changes - then it needs to be changed in the Slack configuration as well.
The following is an example app manifest
"display_information": {
"name": "Holmes (prod)",
"description": "BAM fingerprinting",
"background_color": "#b01a40"
"features": {
"bot_user": {
"display_name": "Holmes",
"always_online": true
"slash_commands": [
"command": "/fingerprint",
"url": "https://thelambdaurlfromaws.lambda-url.ap-southeast-2.on.aws",
"description": "Interact with the Holmes fingerprint service",
"usage_hint": "[listx checkx relatex list check relate]",
"should_escape": false
"oauth_config": {
"scopes": {
"bot": [
"settings": {
"org_deploy_enabled": false,
"socket_mode_enabled": false,
"token_rotation_enabled": false
Unfortunately this is the best I can do - the UI pages make no sense.
Keep in mind that the app needs Slack commands in order to interact in a channel and it needs OAuth scopes in order that it can spontaneously write in the channel (this is for the daily sequencing report - but to be honest the Slack commands also need this functionality as they post back into the channel on request).
Various settings from the app need to be put into an AWS secret called SlackApps. These settings appear in various places in the Slack app management - and normally need to be "revealed" to copy them across.
The AWS secret has content like
"Holmes": {
"AppID": "A000000000",
"SigningSecret": "alonglowercasehexstring", // pragma: allowlist secret
"BotUserOAuthToken": "xoxb-stuff"