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272 lines (191 loc) · 8.64 KB

UMCCR Data Portal Backend API

Cloud native serverless backend API for UMCCR Data Portal Client.

OpenAPI documentation available here. See User Guide for API usage.

Local Development


Policy: We tend to keep up as with AWS Lambda Runtimes upon every Portal major release cycle. You can have higher version in your local but; encourage to stay within upper bound of AWS Lambda Runtimes as this is where we are going to run our code. See buildspec.yml and serverless.yml for runtime version requirement.

  • Required:
    • Python
    • Node.js with Yarn
    • Docker
    • Active AWS SSO login session (e.g. aws sso login --profile dev && export AWS_PROFILE=dev)
  • Create virtual environment; use either built-in python -mvenv venv or conda.
docker --version
Docker version 27.2.0, build 3ab4256

python -V
Python 3.12.4

node -v

npm i -g yarn
yarn -v


source venv/bin/activate
conda activate myenv

(install Python and Node development dependencies)

make install

(login AWS SSO session)

aws sso login --profile dev && export AWS_PROFILE=dev

make up
make ps

(wait all services to be fully started)

make test_ica_mock
make test_localstack
make start

Loading Data

  • You can sync a dev db dump from S3 bucket as follows:
make syncdata
  • Then, you can drop db and restore from db dump as follows:
make loaddata



  • Run test suite
make test

Unit test

  • Run individual test case, e.g.
python test data_portal.models.tests.test_s3object.S3ObjectTests.test_unique_hash

Coverage Report

Test coverage report can be generated locally as follows.

make coverage report
open -a Safari htmlcov/index.html


Pre-commit Hook

NOTE: We use pre-commit. It will guard and enforce static code analysis such as lint and any security audit via pre-commit hook. You are encouraged to fix those. If you wish to skip this for good reason, you can by-pass Git pre-commit hooks by using git commit --no-verify flag.

git config --unset core.hooksPath
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files


make check
make scan
make deep scan


NOTE: We use GitOps and, release to deployment environments are all tracked by long-running Git branches as follows.

  • The default branch is dev. Any merges are CI/CD to DEV account environment.
  • The staging branch is stg. Any merges are CI/CD to STG account environment.
  • The main branch is production. Any merges are CI/CD to PROD account environment.

Git Flow

  • Typically, make your feature branch out from dev to work on your story point. Then please submit PR to dev.

  • Upon finalising release, create PR using GitHub UI from dev to stg or; from stg to main accordingly.

  • Merge to stg should be fast-forward merge from dev to maintain sync and linearity as follows:

git checkout stg
git merge --ff-only dev
git push origin stg
  • Merge to main should be fast-forward merge from stg to maintain sync and linearity as follows:
git checkout main
git merge --ff-only stg
git push origin main

See docs/

Portal Lambdas

aws sso login --profile dev
export AWS_PROFILE=dev
aws lambda invoke --function-name data-portal-api-dev-migrate output.json


Above sections are good enough for up and running Portal backend for local development purpose. You can take on Serverless and Deployment sections below for, when you want to extend some aspect of Portal backend REST API or lambda functions and, deploying of those features.

  • First, install serverless CLI and its plugins dependencies:
yarn install
yarn serverless --version
  • You can serverless invoke or deploy from local. However, we favour CodeBuild pipeline for deploying into AWS dev/prod account environment.
  • Serverless deployment targets only to AWS. AWS account specific variables will be loaded from SSM Parameter Store of respective login session:
aws sso login --profile dev && export AWS_PROFILE=dev

yarn serverless info --stage dev
yarn serverless invoke -f migrate --stage dev
yarn serverless invoke -f lims_scheduled_update_processor --stage dev
yarn serverless deploy --stage dev --debug='*' --verbose


  1. A FRESH deployment has to first done with Terraform Data Portal stack, as IaC for longer-live infrastructure artifacts/services deployment.

  2. Then, this API (shorter-live, a more repetitive backend stack) is provisioned by the Serverless framework (see serverless.yml), within AWS CodeBuild and CodePipeline CI/CD build setup (see buildspec.yml) -- whereas AWS specific environment variables originated from Terraform > CodeBuild > Serverless, if any.


  • Before tear down Terraform stack, it is required to run serverless remove to remove Lambda, API Gateway, API domain, ... resources created by this serverless stack.
  • Example as follows:
aws sso login --profile dev && export AWS_PROFILE=dev

yarn serverless delete_domain --stage dev
yarn serverless remove --stage dev


X-Ray SDK is disabled by default!

  "Environment": {
    "Variables": {
      "AWS_XRAY_SDK_ENABLED": "true"
  "TracingConfig": {
    "Mode": "Active"
  • You can observe deployed Lambda functions as follows:
aws sso login --profile dev && export AWS_PROFILE=dev

aws lambda list-functions --query 'Functions[?starts_with(FunctionName, `data-portal-api`) == `true`].FunctionName'

aws lambda list-functions | jq '.Functions[] | select(.FunctionName == "data-portal-api-dev-sqs_s3_event_processor")'
  • You can then use AWS Lambda Console to enable AWS_XRAY_SDK_ENABLED to true.
  • While at AWS Lambda Console, you must also turn on: Configuration > Monitoring and operations tools > Active tracing.
  • Then make few Lambda invocations, and you can use AWS X-Ray Console > Traces to start observe tracing.
  • Please switch off the setting back when no longer in use.


  • By default, X-Ray SDK support auto instrumentation (i.e. auto created segments) for Django framework, including database queries, rendering subsegments, etc.
  • You can however acquire the current segment elsewhere in program code as follows:
segment = xray_recorder.current_segment()
from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # ... some code

    subsegment = xray_recorder.begin_subsegment('subsegment_name')
    # Code to record
    # Add metadata or annotation here, if necessary
    subsegment.put_metadata('key', dict, 'namespace')
    subsegment.put_annotation('key', 'value')


    # ... some other code