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1102 lines (817 loc) · 40.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1102 lines (817 loc) · 40.2 KB

For older changelogs, see


Major Changes

  • #3597 by @zbeyens – The following changes were made to improve performance:

    • Refactored useDraggable hook to focus on core dragging functionality:
      • Removed dropLine. Use useDropLine().dropLine instead.
      • Removed groupProps from the returned object – isHovered, and setIsHovered from the returned state. Use CSS instead.
      • Removed droplineProps, and gutterLeftProps from the returned object. Use useDropLine().props, useDraggableGutter().props instead.

Major Changes

  • #3597 by @zbeyens – The following changes were made to improve performance:

    • Removed useHooksBlockSelection in favor of BlockSelectionAfterEditable
    • Removed slate-selected class from BlockSelectable. You can do it on your components using useBlockSelected() instead, or by using our new block-selection.tsx component.
    • Introduced useBlockSelectableStore for managing selectable state.


Major Changes

  • #3506 by @zbeyens

    • Change plugin.options merging behavior from deep merge to shallow merge.
    • This affects .extend(), .configure(), and other methods that modify plugin options.
    • This update addresses a performance regression introduced in v37 that affected editor creation.


    const plugin = createSlatePlugin({
      key: 'test',
      options: { nested: { a: 1 } },
      options: { nested: { b: 1 } },
    // Result: { nested: { a: 1, b: 1 } }


    const plugin = createSlatePlugin({
      key: 'test',
      options: { nested: { a: 1 } },
    }).extend(({ getOptions }) => ({
      options: {
        nested: { ...getOptions().nested, b: 1 },
    // Result: { nested: { a: 1, b: 1 } }


    • If you're using nested options and want to preserve the previous behavior, you need to manually spread both the top-level options and the nested objects.
    • If you're not using nested options, no changes are required.
  • Rename all base plugins that have a React plugin counterpart to be prefixed with Base. This change improves clarity and distinguishes base implementations from potential React extensions. Use base plugins only for server-side environments or to extend your own DOM layer.

  • Import the following plugins from /react entry: AlignPlugin, CalloutPlugin, EquationPlugin, FontBackgroundColorPlugin, FontColorPlugin, FontFamilyPlugin, FontSizePlugin, FontWeightPlugin, InlineEquationPlugin, LineHeightPlugin, TextIndentPlugin, TocPlugin


Migration example: #3480

We recommend to upgrade to @udecode/[email protected] in one-go.

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createAlignPlugin -> AlignPlugin
    • setAlign: remove key option

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createAutoformatPlugin -> AutoformatPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createBasicElementPlugins -> BasicElementsPlugin
    • createBlockquotePlugin -> BlockquotePlugin
    • createCodeBlockPlugin -> CodeBlockPlugin
    • createHeadingPlugin -> HeadingPlugin
    • Move paragraph plugin to @udecode/plate-core

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createBasicMarksPlugins -> BasicMarksPlugin
    • createBoldPlugin -> BoldPlugin
    • createCodePlugin -> CodePlugin
    • createItalicPlugin -> ItalicPlugin
    • createStrikethroughPlugin -> StrikethroughPlugin
    • createSubscriptPlugin -> SubscriptPlugin
    • createSuperscriptPlugin -> SuperscriptPlugin
    • createUnderlinePlugin -> UnderlinePlugin
    • All mark plugins removed hotkey option. Use plugin.shortcuts instead (see plate-core)

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createBlockquotePlugin -> BlockquotePlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createSoftBreakPlugin -> SoftBreakPlugin
    • createExitBreakPlugin -> ExitBreakPlugin
    • createSingleLinePlugin -> SingleLinePlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createCaptionPlugin -> CaptionPlugin
    • CaptionPlugin options:
      • Rename pluginKeys to plugins
      • Rename focusEndCaptionPath to focusEndPath
      • Rename focusStartCaptionPath to focusStartPath
      • Rename showCaptionId to visibleId
      • Rename isShow to isVisible
    • Move captionGlobalStore to CaptionPlugin

Major Changes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createCodeBlockPlugin -> CodeBlockPlugin
    • NEW CodeLinePlugin
    • NEW CodeSyntaxPlugin
    • Remove getCodeLineType, use editor.getType(CodeLinePlugin) instead

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • Split build into @udecode/plate-combobox and @udecode/plate-combobox/react.

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createCommentsPlugin -> CommentsPlugin
    • Move commentsStore to CommentsPlugin
    • Remove CommentsProvider and its hooks
    • Remove useCommentsStates (replaced by direct option access)
    • Remove useCommentsSelectors (replaced by option selectors)
    • Remove useCommentsActions (replaced by api methods)
    • Replace useUpdateComment with api.comment.updateComment
    • Replace useAddRawComment with api.comment.addRawComment
    • Replace useAddComment with api.comment.addComment
    • Replace useRemoveComment with api.comment.removeComment
    • Replace useResetNewCommentValue with api.comment.resetNewCommentValue
    • Replace useNewCommentText with options.newText
    • Replace useMyUser with options.myUser
    • Replace useUserById with options.userById
    • Replace useCommentById with options.commentById
    • Replace useActiveComment with options.activeComment
    • Replace useAddCommentMark with insert.comment

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • Split build into @udecode/plate-common and @udecode/plate-common/react.
    • NEW /react exports @udecode/react-hotkeys

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyensPlugin System:

    Decoupling React in all packages:

    • Split build into @udecode/plate-core and @udecode/plate-core/react
    • NEW SlatePlugin as the foundation for all plugins
    • PlatePlugin extends SlatePlugin with React-specific plugin features

    Plugin Creation:

    • Remove createPluginFactory
    • NEW createSlatePlugin: vanilla
    • NEW createTSlatePlugin: vanilla explicitly typed
    • NEW createPlatePlugin: React
    • NEW createTPlatePlugin: React explicitly typed
    • NEW toPlatePlugin: extend a vanilla plugin into a React plugin
    • NEW toTPlatePlugin: extend a vanilla plugin into a React plugin explicitly typed
    • Rename all plugins starting with createNamePlugin() to NamePlugin


    const MyPluginFactory = createPluginFactory({
      key: 'myPlugin',
      isElement: true,
      component: MyComponent,
    const plugin = MyPluginFactory();


    const plugin = createSlatePlugin({
      key: 'myPlugin',
      node: {
        isElement: true,
        component: MyComponent,
    const reactPlugin = toPlatePlugin(plugin);

    Plugin Configuration:

    • Remove all NamePlugin option types, use NameConfig instead.
    • NameConfig as the new naming convention for plugin configurations.


      handlers: {
        onKeyDown: onKeyDownToggleElement,
      options: {
        hotkey: ['mod+opt+0', 'mod+shift+0'],


    export const ParagraphPlugin = createPlatePlugin({
      key: 'p',
      node: { isElement: true },
    }).extend({ editor, type }) => ({
      shortcuts: {
        toggleParagraph: {
          handler: () => {
  { type });
          keys: [
            [Key.Mod, Key.Alt, '0'],
            [Key.Mod, Key.Shift, '0'],
          preventDefault: true,
    • toggleParagraph is now a shortcut for{ type: 'p' }) for the given keys
    • Multiple shortcuts can be defined per plugin, and any shortcut can be disabled by setting shortcuts.toggleParagraph = null
    • Note the typing support using Key

    Plugin Properties:

    Rename SlatePlugin / PlatePlugin properties:

    • type -> node.type
    • isElement -> node.isElement
    • isLeaf -> node.isLeaf
    • isInline -> node.isInline
    • isMarkableVoid -> node.isMarkableVoid
    • isVoid -> node.isVoid
    • component -> node.component or render.node
    • props -> node.props
    • overrideByKey -> override.plugins
    • renderAboveEditable -> render.aboveEditable
    • renderAboveSlate -> render.aboveSlate
    • renderAfterEditable -> render.afterEditable
    • renderBeforeEditable -> render.beforeEditable
    • inject.props -> inject.nodeProps
    • inject.props.validTypes -> inject.targetPlugins
    • inject.aboveComponent -> render.aboveNodes
    • inject.belowComponent -> render.belowNodes
    • inject.pluginsByKey -> inject.plugins
    • editor.insertData -> parser
      • NEW parser.format now supports string[]
      • NEW parser.mimeTypes: string[]
    • deserializeHtml -> parsers.html.deserializer
    • deserializeHtml.getNode -> parsers.html.deserializer.parse
    • serializeHtml -> parsers.htmlReact.serializer
    • withOverride -> extendEditor
    • All methods now have a single parameter: SlatePluginContext<C> or PlatePluginContext<C>, in addition to the method specific options. Some of the affected methods are:
      • decorate
      • handlers, including onChange. Returns ({ event, ...ctx }) => void instead of (editor, plugin) => (event) => void
      • handlers.onChange: ({ value, ...ctx }) => void instead of (editor, plugin) => (value) => void
      • normalizeInitialValue
      • editor.insertData.preInsert
      • editor.insertData.transformData
      • editor.insertData.transformFragment
      • deserializeHtml.getNode
      • deserializeHtml.query
      • inject.props.query
      • inject.props.transformProps
      • useHooks
      • withOverrides

    NEW SlatePlugin properties:

    • api: API methods provided by this plugin
    • dependencies: An array of plugin keys that this plugin depends on
    • node: Node-specific configuration for this plugin
    • parsers: Now accept string keys to add custom parsers
    • priority: Plugin priority for registration and execution order
    • shortcuts: Plugin-specific hotkeys
    • inject.targetPluginToInject: Function to inject plugin config into other plugins specified by inject.targetPlugins


    export const createAlignPlugin = createPluginFactory({
      key: KEY_ALIGN,
      inject: {
        props: {
          defaultNodeValue: 'start',
          nodeKey: KEY_ALIGN,
          styleKey: 'textAlign',
          validNodeValues: ['start', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'end', 'justify'],
          validTypes: ['p'],
      then: (_, plugin) =>
        mapInjectPropsToPlugin(editor, plugin, {
          deserializeHtml: {
            getNode: (el, node) => {
              if ( {
                node[plugin.key] =;


    export const AlignPlugin = createSlatePlugin({
      inject: {
        nodeProps: {
          defaultNodeValue: 'start',
          nodeKey: 'align',
          styleKey: 'textAlign',
          validNodeValues: ['start', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'end', 'justify'],
        targetPluginToInject: ({ editor, plugin }) => ({
          parsers: {
            html: {
              deserializer: {
                parse: ({ element, node }) => {
                  if ( {
                    node[editor.getType(plugin)] =;
        targetPlugins: [ParagraphPlugin.key],
      key: 'align',

    Plugin Shortcuts:

    • NEW shortcuts to add custom hotkeys to a plugin.
    • Remove hotkey option from all plugins


    type LinkPlugin = {
      hotkey?: string;


    type LinkConfig = PluginConfig<
      // key
      // options
      { defaultLinkAttributes?: any },
      // api
      { link: { getAttributes: (editor: PlateEditor) => LinkAttributes } },
      // transforms
      { floatingLink: { hide: () => void } }

    Shortcuts API:

    • handler is called with the editor, event, and event details.
    • keys is an array of keys to trigger the shortcut.
    • priority is the priority of the shortcut over other shortcuts.
    • ...HotkeysOptions from @udecode/react-hotkeys

    Plugin Types:

    • Update SlatePlugin, PlatePlugin generics. P, V, E -> C extends AnyPluginConfig = PluginConfig
    • Remove PluginOptions
    • Remove PlatePluginKey
    • Remove HotkeyPlugin, ToggleMarkPlugin in favor of plugin.shortcuts
    • WithPlatePlugin -> EditorPlugin, EditorPlatePlugin
    • PlatePluginComponent -> NodeComponent
    • InjectComponent* -> NodeWrapperComponent*
    • PlatePluginInsertData -> Parser
    • PlatePluginProps -> NodeProps
    • RenderAfterEditable -> EditableSiblingComponent
    • WithOverride -> ExtendEditor
    • SerializeHtml -> HtmlReactSerializer

    Plugin Store:

    • NEW each plugin has its own store, accessible via plugin.optionsStore and plugin.useOptionsStore
    • editor has many methods to get, set and subscribe to plugin options

    Plugin Methods:

    • All plugin methods return a new plugin instance with the extended types.
    • Remove then, use extend instead
    • NEW extend method to deep merge a plugin configuration
      • If you pass an object, it will be directly merged with the plugin config.
      • If you pass a function, it will be called with the plugin config once the editor is resolved and should return the new plugin config.
      • Object extensions always have the priority over function extensions.
      • Extend multiple times to derive from the result of the previous extension.
    • NEW configure method to configure the properties of existing plugins. The difference with extend is that configure with not add new properties to the plugin, it will only modify existing ones.
    • NEW extendPlugin method to extend a nested plugin configuration.
    • NEW configurePlugin method to configure the properties of a nested plugin.
    • NEW extendApi method to extend the plugin API. The API is then merged into editor.api[plugin.key].
    • NEW extendTransforms method to extend the plugin transforms. The transforms is then merged into editor.transforms[plugin.key].
    • NEW extendEditorApi method to extend the editor API. The API is then merged into editor.api. Use this to add or override top-level methods to the editor.
    • NEW extendEditorTransforms method to extend the editor transforms. The transforms is then merged into editor.transforms.
    • NEW extendOptions method to extend the plugin options with selectors. Use editor.useOption(plugin, 'optionKey') to subscribe to an (extended) option.
    • NEW withComponent to replace plugin.node.component

    Plugin Context

    Each plugin method now receive the plugin context created with getEditorPlugin(editor, plugin) as parameter:

    • api
    • editor
    • getOption
    • getOptions
    • plugin
    • setOption
    • setOptions
    • tf
    • type
    • useOption

    Core Plugins:

    • NEW ParagraphPlugin is now part of core
    • NEW DebugPlugin is now part of core
      • NEW api.debug.log,, api.debug.warn, api.debug.error methods
      • options.isProduction to control logging in production environments
      • options.logLevel to set the minimum log level
      • options.logger to customize logging behavior
      • options.throwErrors to control error throwing behavior, by default a PlateError will be thrown on api.debug.error
    • NEW - You can now override a core plugin by adding it to editor.plugins. Last plugin wins.
    • createDeserializeHtmlPlugin -> HtmlPlugin
      • NEW api.html.deserialize
    • createEventEditorPlugin -> EventEditorPlugin
      • eventEditorStore -> EventEditorStore
    • createDeserializeAstPlugin -> AstPlugin
    • createEditorProtocolPlugin -> SlateNextPlugin
      • NEW
      • NEW
      • Remove createNodeFactoryPlugin, included in SlateNextPlugin.
      • Remove createPrevSelectionPlugin, included in SlateNextPlugin.
    • createHistoryPlugin -> HistoryPlugin
    • createInlineVoidPlugin -> InlineVoidPlugin
    • createInsertDataPlugin -> ParserPlugin
    • createLengthPlugin -> LengthPlugin
    • createReactPlugin -> ReactPlugin

    Editor Creation:

    NEW withSlate:

    • Extends an editor into a vanilla Plate editor
    • NEW rootPlugin option for configuring the root plugin

    NEW withPlate:

    • Extends an editor into a React Plate editor
    • Now extends withSlate with React-specific enhancements
    • NEW useOptions and useOption methods to the editor

    NEW createSlateEditor:

    • Create a vanilla Plate editor with server-side support


    • Plugin replacement mechanism: using plugins, any plugin with the same key that a previous plugin will replace it. That means you can now override core plugins that way, like ReactPlugin

    • root plugin is now created from createPlateEditor option as a quicker way to configure the editor than passing plugins. Since plugins can have nested plugins (think as a recursive tree), plugins option will be passed to root plugin plugins option.

    • Centralized editor resolution. Before, both createPlateEditor and Plate component were resolving the editor. Now, only createPlateEditor takes care of that. That means id, value, and other options are now controlled by createPlateEditor.

    • Remove createPlugins, pass plugins directly:

      • components -> override.components
      • overrideByKey -> override.plugins

    createPlateEditor options:

    • Rename normalizeInitialValue option to shouldNormalizeEditor
    • Move components to override.components to override components by key
    • Move overrideByKey to override.plugins to override plugins by key
    • Remove disableCorePlugins, use override.enabled instead
    • NEW value to set the initial value of the editor.
    • NEW autoSelect?: 'end' | 'start' | boolean to auto select the start of end of the editor. This is decoupled from autoFocus.
    • NEW selection to control the initial selection.
    • NEW override.enabled to disable plugins by key
    • NEW rootPlugin?: (plugin: AnyPlatePlugin) => AnyPlatePlugin to configure the root plugin. From here, you can for example call configurePlugin to configure any plugin.
    • NEW api, decorate, extendEditor, handlers, inject, normalizeInitialValue, options, override, priority, render, shortcuts, transforms, useHooks. These options will be passed to the very first rootPlugin.

    NEW usePlateEditor() hook to create a PlateEditor in a React component:

    • Uses createPlateEditor and useMemo to avoid re-creating the editor on every render.
    • Dependencies can be added to the hook to re-create the editor on demand. id option is always used as dependency.

    Editor Methods:

    editor: PlateEditor:

    • Move redecorate to editor.api.redecorate
    • Move reset to
    • Move plate.set to editor.setPlateState
    • Move blockFactory to editor.api.create.block
    • Move childrenFactory to editor.api.create.value
    • Rename plugins to pluginList
    • Rename pluginsByKey to plugins
    • NEW getApi() to get the editor API
    • NEW getTransforms() to get the editor transforms
    • Remove getPlugin(editor, key), use editor.getPlugin(plugin) or editor.getPlugin({ key })
    • Remove getPluginType, use editor.getType(plugin) to get node type
    • Remove getPluginInjectProps(editor, key), use editor.getPlugin(plugin).inject.props
    • NEW getOptionsStore() to get a plugin options store
    • Remove getPluginOptions, use getOptions()
    • NEW getOption() to get a plugin option
    • NEW setOption() to set a plugin option
    • NEW setOptions() to set multiple plugin options. Pass a function to use Immer. Pass an object to merge the options.
    • NEW useOption to subscribe to a plugin option in a React component
    • NEW useOptions to subscribe to a plugin options store in a React component
    • Remove getPlugins, use editor.pluginList
    • Remove getPluginsByKey, use editor.plugins
    • Remove mapInjectPropsToPlugin

    Editor Types:

    The new generic types are:

    • V extends Value = Value, P extends AnyPluginConfig = PlateCorePlugin
    • That means this function will infer all plugin configurations from the options passed to it:
      • key
      • options
      • api
      • transforms
    • Can't infer for some reason? Use createTPlateEditor for explicit typing.
    const editor = createPlateEditor({ plugins: [TablePlugin] });
    editor.api.htmlReact.serialize(); // core plugin is automatically inferred; // table plugin is automatically inferred

    Plate Component


    • editor is now required. If null, Plate will not render anything. As before, Plate remounts on id change.
    • Remove id, plugins, maxLength, pass these to createPlateEditor instead
    • Remove initialValue, value, pass value to createPlateEditor instead
    • Remove editorRef
    • Remove disableCorePlugins, override plugins in createPlateEditor instead


    • Remove useReplaceEditor since editor is now always controlled
    • NEW useEditorPlugin to get the editor and the plugin context.


    • PlateRenderElementProps, PlateRenderLeafProps generics: V, N -> N, C

    Plate Store:

    • Remove plugins and rawPlugins, use useEditorRef().plugins instead, or listen to plugin changes with editor.useOption(plugin, <optionKey>)
    • Remove value, use useEditorValue() instead
    • Remove editorRef, use useEditorRef() instead

    Miscellaneous Changes

    • slate >=0.103.0 peer dependency
    • slate-react >=0.108.0 peer dependency
    • New dependency @udecode/react-hotkeys
    • Remove ELEMENT_, MARK_ and KEY_ constants. Use NamePlugin.key instead.
    • Replace ELEMENT_DEFAULT with ParagraphPlugin.key.
    • Remove getTEditor
    • Rename withTReact to withPlateReact
    • Rename withTHistory to withPlateHistory
    • Rename usePlateId to useEditorId
    • Remove usePlateSelectors().id(), usePlateSelectors().value(), usePlateSelectors().plugins(), use instead useEditorRef().<key>
    • Rename toggleNodeType to toggleBlock
    • toggleBlock options:
      • Rename activeType to type
      • Rename inactiveType to defaultType
    • Remove react-hotkeys-hook re-exports. Use @udecode/react-hotkeys instead.


    • Move TEditableProps, TRenderElementProps to @udecode/slate-react
    • Remove <V extends Value> generic in all functions where not used
    • Remove PlatePluginKey
    • Remove OverrideByKey
    • Remove PlateId

Major Changes

Major Changes

Major Changes

Major Changes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createDndPlugin -> DndPlugin
    • Remove editor.isDragging, use editor.getOptions(DndPlugin).isDragging instead
    • Move dndStore to DndPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createDeserializeDocxPlugin -> DocxPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createEmojiPlugin -> EmojiPlugin
    • NEW EmojiInputPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createExcalidrawPlugin -> ExcalidrawPlugin
    • insertExcalidraw remove key option

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createFindReplacePlugin -> FindReplacePlugin

Major Changes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createFontBackgroundColorPlugin -> FontBackgroundColorPlugin
    • createFontColorPlugin -> FontColorPlugin
    • createFontSizePlugin -> FontSizePlugin
    • createFontFamilyPlugin -> FontFamilyPlugin
    • createFontWeightPlugin -> FontWeightPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createHeadingPlugin -> HeadingPlugin
    • Replace ELEMENT_H1 with HEADING_KEYS.H1

Major Changes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createHorizontalRulePlugin -> HorizontalRulePlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createDeserializeHtmlPlugin -> HtmlPlugin
    • Rename deserializeHtml plugin to html
    • Rename deserializeHtml.getNode to parse

Major Changes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createIndentListPlugin -> IndentListPlugin
    • Rename injectIndentListComponent to renderIndentListBelowNodes
    • Replace normalizeIndentList with withNormalizeIndentList
    • Replace deleteBackwardIndentList with withDeleteBackwardIndentList
    • Replace insertBreakIndentList with withInsertBreakIndentList
    • Remove types: LiFC (use PlateRenderElementProps), MarkerFC (use Omit<PlateRenderElementProps, 'children'>)

Major Changes

Major Changes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createColumnPlugin -> ColumnPlugin
    • NEW ColumnItemPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createLineHeightPlugin -> LineHeightPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createLinkPlugin -> LinkPlugin
    • Move floatingLinkStore to LinkPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createListPlugin -> ListPlugin
    • NEW BulletedListPlugin
    • NEW NumberedListPlugin
    • NEW ListItemPlugin
    • NEW ListItemContentPlugin
    • NEW list transforms: toggle.list, toggle.bulletedList, toggle.numberedList
    • Remove type utils: getListItemType, getUnorderedListType, getOrderedListType, getListItemContentType
    • Replace insertBreakList(editor) with withInsertBreakList(ctx)
    • Replace insertFragmentList(editor) with withInsertFragmentList(ctx)
    • Replace insertBreakTodoList(editor) with withInsertBreakTodoList(ctx)
    • Replace deleteForwardList(editor) with withdeleteForwardList(ctx)
    • Replace deleteBackwardList(editor) with withdeleteBackwardList(ctx)
    • Move list options from ul and ol to list plugin
    • toggleList options are now { type: string }

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createDeserializeMdPlugin -> MarkdownPlugin

Major Changes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createMediaPlugin -> MediaPlugin
    • FloatingMediaUrlInput, submitFloatingMedia rename option pluginKey -> plugin
    • insertMediaEmbed remove key option

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createMentionPlugin -> MentionPlugin
    • NEW MentionInputPlugin
    • Remove createMentionNode option, override api.insert.mention instead

Major Changes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createNormalizersPlugin -> NormalizersPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • NEW @udecode/plate-layout
    • NEW /react exports @udecode/react-hotkeys
    • Split build into @udecode/plate and @udecode/plate/react.
    • Remove @udecode/plate-paragraph
    • All stores now start with a capital letter

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • Remove onKeyDownToggleElement, use shortcuts instead.
    • Remove onKeyDownToggleMark, use shortcuts instead.

Major Changes

  • #3473 by @12joan – New package for integrating Plate with Playwright tests

Major Changes

Major Changes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createSelectOnBackspacePlugin -> SelectOnBackspacePlugin
    • createDeletePlugin -> DeletePlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • Rename createSelectionPlugin to BlockSelectionPlugin
    • Remove isNodeBlockSelected, isBlockSelected, hasBlockSelected, useBlockSelected functions
      • Use editor.getOptions(BlockSelectionPlugin) or editor.useOptions(BlockSelectionPlugin) instead
    • Remove addSelectedRow function
      • Use editor.api.blockSelection.addSelectedRow instead
    • Remove withSelection HOC
    • Rename onCloseBlockSelection to onChangeBlockSelection
    • Moved blockSelectionStore to BlockSelectionPlugin
    • Moved blockContextMenuStore to BlockContextMenuPlugin
    • Remove BlockStartArea and BlockSelectionArea components
      • Use areaOptions in BlockSelectionPlugin for configuration instead
    • Remove dependency on @viselect/vanilla package
      • Forked and integrated selection functionality locally
    • Add BlockContextMenuPlugin, which is now used by BlockSelectionPlugin
      • No need to add it manually
    • Fix scroll-related bugs in the selection functionality
    • Improve performance and reliability of block selection

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createSlashPlugin -> SlashPlugin
    • NEW SlashInputPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyenscreateTEditor:

    • Implement default methods for slate-react and slate-history in createTEditor
    • Add noop function to provide default implementations for unimplemented editor methods


    • Merge ReactEditor and HistoryEditor interfaces into TEditor, removing TReactEditor and THistoryEditor
    • Remove Value generic type parameter from function signatures and type definitions
    • Replace V extends Value with E extends TEditor for improved type inference
    • Simplify TEditor<V> to TEditor in many places
    • Refactor element-related types, where E extends TEditor in all cases:
      • EElement<V> to ElementOf<E>
      • EText<V> to TextOf<E>
      • ENode<V> to NodeOf<E>
      • EDescendant<V> to DescendantOf<E>
      • EAncestor<V> to AncestorOf<E>
      • EElementOrText<V> to ElementOrTextOf<E>
    • Update TNodeEntry related types:
      • ENodeEntry<V> to NodeEntryOf<E>
      • EElementEntry<V> to ElementEntryOf<E>
      • ETextEntry<V> to TextEntryOf<E>
      • EAncestorEntry<V> to AncestorEntryOf<E>
      • EDescendantEntry<V> to DescendantEntryOf<E>
    • Remove unused types:
      • EElementEntry<V>
      • ETextEntry<V>
      • EDescendantEntry<V>

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens – Types:

    • Remove TReactEditor type, as it's now integrated into the main TEditor type in @udecode/slate. Use TEditor instead.
    • Replace V extends Value with E extends TEditor for improved type inference
    • NEW TEditableProps, TRenderElementProps

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens – Types:

    • Replace V extends Value with E extends TEditor for improved type inference

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createSuggestionPlugin -> SuggestionPlugin
    • Move suggestionStore to SuggestionPlugin
    • Remove SuggestionProvider and its hooks
    • Remove useSuggestionStates (replaced by direct option access)
    • Remove useSuggestionSelectors (replaced by option selectors)
    • Remove useSuggestionActions (replaced by api methods)
    • Replace useUpdateSuggestion with api.suggestion.updateSuggestion
    • Replace useAddSuggestion with api.suggestion.addSuggestion
    • Replace useRemoveSuggestion with api.suggestion.removeSuggestion
    • Replace useSuggestionById with options.suggestionById
    • Replace useSuggestionUserById with options.suggestionUserById
    • Replace useCurrentSuggestionUser with options.currentSuggestionUser
    • Remove editor.activeSuggestionId, use plugin option
    • Remove useSetIsSuggesting, use editor.setOption
    • Remove useSetActiveSuggestionId, use editor.setOption
    • Remove editor.isSuggesting, use plugin option
    • Remove SuggestionEditorProps type

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createTabbablePlugin -> TabbablePlugin
    • TabbablePlugin option isTabbable: remove first editor parameter

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createTablePlugin -> TablePlugin
    • NEW TableRowPlugin, TableCellPlugin, TableCellHeaderPlugin
    • Replace insertTableColumn with editor.insert.tableColumn
    • Replace insertTableRow with editor.insert.tableRow
    • Move cellFactory option to create.cell api
    • Move getCellChildren option to table.getCellChildren api

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createTogglePlugin -> TogglePlugin
    • Move toggleControllerStore to TogglePlugin
    • Remove setOpenIds option
    • Replace isToggleOpen with option isOpen
    • Rename injectToggle to renderToggleAboveNodes

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createTrailingBlockPlugin -> TrailingBlockPlugin

Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyens
    • createYjsPlugin -> YjsPlugin
    • Move yjsStore to YjsPlugin
    • Move editor.yjs.provider to options.provider
    • Rename RenderAboveEditableYjs to YjsAboveEditable