- windows 10 on virtualbox
- centos 8 installation on virtualbox
- install centos 7 with desktop
- ubuntu server installation
- move all project files to single folder virtualbox
- osboxes pre-installed machines
- install linuxOS using existing VHD files
Links to refer:
- https://www.tecmint.com/different-types-of-linux-shells/
- https://devopsdiaryblog.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/linux.pdf
- https://devopsdiaryblog.wordpress.com/linux-and-artifactory/
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/unix-shell-substitutions.htm
- https://goalkicker.com/LinuxBook/
cloud services:
Other references:
Day 3 task:
links related to linux:
- configure ssh key in linux
- how to use vi editor on linux
- ubuntu server installation
- convert pem to ppk
links related to github:
Jenkins project-1(CI/CD):
- jenkins installation
- git plugin
- maven plugin
- maven in-detail
- tomcat installation as a service on centos 8
- Extra step for previous tomcat installation:
sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat tomcat
- tomcat installation old documentation
- jenkins blog
- gmail enable less secure apps
- pipeline syntax
- Jenkins user timezone
- bluecean plugin
- blueocean plugin issue with branch
- jenkins windows slave
- jenkins master on windows- how to add a new node
Jenkins Jobs(CI/CD):
Task vagrant(Create a single vagrant file for three ubuntu machines by using below provisioners):
- [vagrant file for jenkins using this provisioner](env_setup/vagrant_files/3. vagrant task/provisioning files/jenkins-setup.sh)
- [vagrant file for nexus using this provisioner](env_setup\vagrant_files\3. vagrant task\provisioning files\nexus-setup.sh)
- [vagrant file for sonarqube using this provisioner](env_setup\vagrant_files\3. vagrant task\provisioning files\sonar-setup.sh)
- [Reference](24-jan-devops/env_setup/vagrant_files/4. kubernetes vagrant)
- docker volume locations
- docker volume mount
- postgres dockerfile for windows
- postgres sample image for windows
- docker install on server 2019
- docker swarm
docker tasks:
VPC, subnet, internet gateway, routing table,security groups,key/pair: creation