- Download entire project folder from GitHub.
- Open the project folder in an environment (such as an IDE or terminal) where you can create files and run a .java file.
- Create a launch.json file that launches the file Main.java using the following configuration:
{ "type": "java", "name": "Main", "request": "launch", "mainClass": "UI.MainPage.Main", "vmArgs": "--module-path '<path to your local javafx lib folder>' --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml" }, { "type": "java", "name": "Server", "request": "launch", "mainClass": "server.Server", "vmArgs": "--module-path '<path to your local javafx lib folder>' --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml" }
- Run Server.java
- Run Main.java
- Enjoy PantryPal!