Step 1: Make sure to do a git fetch
to have the latest and greatest
Step 2: Create a new branch based on ucldc:public_interface/main
, assuming git remote -v origin
results in origin [email protected]:ucldc/public_interface.git
git checkout -b <feature_branch> origin/main
Step 3: When you're finished with the feature, make sure to rebase your feature branch on main before issuing a PR to make sure your branch has picked up any changes that have happened in the interim, and to make sure your feature's commits exist after any updates to main
in a linear order:
git rebase origin/main
Step 4: Push your code up to origin, if you've rebased since the last time you pushed to origin, you'll probably have to force push with -f:
git push origin <feature_branch> -f
Step 5: Issue a PR against ucldc:public_interface/stage
and request reviews; add milestones, labels, project board, etc
Step 6: Once the PR has been approved, use merge to merge it into stage with a merge commit - if the branch name is not descriptive of the feature, update the merge commit with a more descriptive title (but keep the PR # in the commit message!)
Step 7: Do any QA testing on calisphere-test and calisphere-stage
You could at this point merge many different feature branches into the stage branch, or continue to iterate on existing feature branches in response to QA testing, etc.
Once calisphere-test and calisphere-stage are looking good...
Step 8: Create a PR from ucldc:public_interface/stage
branch to ucldc:public_interface/main
Step 9: Merge the PR into main (in order to keep the same commit hashes in main's history as are used in the application version). In the future, this will trigger a build and deploy to -test and -stage.
Step 10: [Future] Do a quick sanity check on -test and -stage that all looks good
Step 11: Deploy whatever app version is on -test and -stage to -prod
Apply a hotfix to Calisphere Production when a QA Candidate is currently in place on calisphere-test and calisphere-stage
Step 1: Make sure to do a git fetch
to have the latest and greatest
Step 2: Create a new branch based on ucldc:public_interface/main
, assuming git remote -v origin
results in origin [email protected]:ucldc/public_interface.git
git checkout -b <fix_branch> origin/main
Step 3: Make the fixes and push to origin
git push origin <fix_branch>
Step 4: Issue a PR from fix_branch
to ucldc:public_interface/main
Step 5: Optional code review, once finished, merge into main, which [TODO] will trigger a build and deploy to calisphere-stage and calisphere-test.
Note: this will result in a "roll back" of the QA candidate, but will allow us to test the fixes.
Step 6: Once fixes look good, deploy app version to production and verify we are done with hotfix.
Step 7: To update the QA candidate and put it back in place, rebase ucldc:public_interface/stage
on the updated ucldc:public_interface/main
and force push to stage:
git fetch
git checkout -b stage origin/stage
git rebase origin/main
git push origin stage -f
git checkout main
git branch -D stage
This will trigger a new build and deploy to -test and -stage of a new QA candidate with the fix in place.