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Command line cheat sheet from Tower
: print working directory
: list contents of directory
: change directory
: make directory
: send file or files to output (in most cases, print to shell)
: output first parts of a file or files
: output last parts of a file or files
: rename or move a file or files. Syntax for renaming a file: mv FILENAME NEWFILENAME
: copy a file or files. Syntax: cp FILENAME NEWFILENAME
: redirect output. Syntax with cat
: remove a file or files. USE WITH CAUTION!!!
git init
: create a new local git repository
git status
: view the status of your files in the working directory and staging area
git add
: tell git to start tracking a file, or a series of files
git commit
: save file changes from the staging area permanently to the project history
git push
: upload all commits to a remote repository, such as GitHub
git log
: show history of commits in reverse chronological order
git diff
: show changes made to tracked files
git pull
: download upstream changes and merge them into your local repository
git remote add origin
: add a remote repository named 'origin', to upload changes to or download changes from
- GitHub Guide to Mastering Markdown
- Markdown cheat-sheet for quick reference
- An author at provided both a clear introduction to git for absolute beginners and a follow-up git basics and branching blog post
- This recent Git guide for beginners covers the basics and includes tips for both Github and Gitlab
- For more in-depth coverage, Scott Chacon and Ben Straub's "Pro Git" book is available as an online resource here
- The GitHub help pages are a good place to start
- GitHub has 'activities' which aim to explain how git works
- GitHub also has interactive tutorials for their online version (Learning Labs) and for using Git offline (Git-It)
- Atlassian has in depth and clear tutorials on using Git
- "Dang It, Git" provides a great quick walkthrough of how to fix common errors for Git beginners