usage: jcshell [-h|--help][--gui][-v|--verbose][-n|--norc][-x|--echo][-g|--go][-e|--edit][-t|--terminal term][-D|--define var[=value]][-R|--rc file][-d|--debug][-c|--commDetails][-f|--script file][-p|--Dpath path]arg..
Detailed list of options:
-h|--help Print a short or long description of all options and arguments
--gui Start a graphical user interface for entering
options and arguments
Run in verbose mode
-n|--norc Do not read rc files
-x|--echo Echo all commands
-g|--go Keep going, do not exit on errors
-e|--edit Enable command line editing
-t|--terminal term
Specify either the name of a terminal or a name plus
some terminal parameter. The parameter must be separated by
a ':' character
If <term> is defined as 'SCComm', the following paramters
may be given:
1 for PCSC reader,
2 for TCL reader,
3 for OEM reader,
4 for the (Keil) simulation
This reader may have the following sub-parameters
/term SCComm:4:<simu-type>:<ip-addr>:<portNo>:<Debug>
<simu-type> = 0 TCL (old interface via MFGeneric.dll)
6 I2C
8 Remote
This parameter is required.
<ip-addr> = string containing either 'localhost',
an ip-address like '' or the
computer name.
Default is 'localhost'
<portNo> = Number of the port to be used
Default is 8080
<Debug> = On Means that all timeouts are set
to 'infinite'
This will cause the system not to
throw exceptions even if the
server doesn't respond in time.
Off Use command timeouts
Default is 'Off'
5 for the I2C reader.
This reader may have the following sub-parameters
/term SCComm:5:<subType>:<I2C speed>:<I2C Addr (8bit)>
<subType> with the following possible values:
0 USB Bird with external power supply
1 USB Bird powering the target
2 Intel SMB (requires additional DLL)
default is 1
<I2C speed> from 1 to 255, defining the communication
bit rate in kBit/sec
default is 50kBit/sec
<I2C Addr (8bit)> I2C slave address in hex/decimal-notation
default is 0x90
SCComm:5:0:60:0x84 to select the I2C reader with external
power, 60kBit/sec and I2C Slave address is 0x84
6 for the SPI reader.
This reader may have the following sub-parameters
/term SCComm:6:<SPI speed>
<SPI speed> from 0 to 6, defining the communication
bit rate
0 500kBit/sec
1 1MBit/sec
2 2MBit/sec
3 5MBit/sec
4 8MBit/sec
5 10MBit/sec
6 12MBit/sec
default is 500kBit/sec
SCComm:6:1 to select the SPI reader with 1MBit/sec
SCR ::
If <term> is defined as 'SCR', the following paramters
may be given:
| interface | DWP, SWP, SPI, SWP_SPI, | Interface type to be used for |
| | DWP_SPI or ISO7816 | communication |
| | | Value 0 selects T=0. |
| protocol | 0, 1 or 2 | Value 1 selects T=1 |
| | | Value 2 uses an AUTOMATIC |
| | | detection. |
| | | f is a numeric float value to |
| frequency | f | represent the frequency in MHz |
| | | (e.g. 5.0 for 5 [MHz]) |
| | | Value 0 selects BUS. |
| activation-mode | 0, 1 or 2 | Value 1 selects ACT |
| | | Value 2 selects HCI. |
|power-cycle-enable | 0 or 1 | Value 0 to disable. |
| | | Value 1 to enable |
| target-gate | 0 or 1 | Value 0 to select card-emulation.|
| | | Value 1 to select wired-mode. |
| | | wt is a integer value to set the |
| waiting-time | wt | waiting-time in [ms]. |
| | | Default value is 1000 [ms] |
| SWP voltage | 1.8 | value in V |
| SWP frequency | e.g. 0.5 | value in MHz |
| SPI bit rate | e.g. 1000 | value in kbps |
Usage ::
/terminal SCR:<interface>:<protocol>:<frequency>:<activation-mode>:<power-cycle-enable>:<target-gate>:<waiting-time>:<voltage>:<frequency>:<SPI bit rate>
ISO7816 ::
Usage ::
/terminal SCR:ISO7816:<protocol>:<waiting-time>:<voltage>:<frequency>:<SCR log Option>
Example :
DWP ::
Usage ::
/terminal SCR:DWP:<protocol>:<frequency>:<activation-mode>:<power-cycle-enable>:<target-gate>:<waiting-time>:<voltage>:<frequency>:<SCR log Option>
Example :
SWP ::
Usage ::
/terminal SCR:SWP:<protocol>:<frequency>:<activation-mode>:<power-cycle-enable>:<target-gate>:<waiting-time>:<voltage>:<frequency>:<SCR log Option>
Example :
SPI ::
Usage ::
/terminal SCR:SPI:<protocol>:<SPI bit rate>:<voltage>:<frequency>:<SCR log Option>
Example :
Usage ::
/terminal SCR:SWP_SPI:<protocol>:<frequency>:<activation-mode>:<power-cycle-enable>:<target-gate>:<waiting-time>:<voltage>:<frequency>:<SPI bit rate>:<SCR log Option>
Example :
Usage ::
/terminal SCR:DWP_SPI:<protocol>:<frequency>:<activation-mode>:<power-cycle-enable>:<target-gate>:<waiting-time>::<voltage>:<frequency>:<SPI bit rate>:<SCR log Option>
Example :
I2C ::
Usage ::
/terminal SCR:I2C:<protocol>:<frequency>:<bit rate>:<voltage>:<frequency>:<control byte>:<waiting-time>:<SCR log Option>:<IO mode Option>:<reset mode option>:<clock mode option>
Example :
NOTE: <IO mode Option>, <reset mode option>, <clock mode option> are optional inputs. By default IO Mode = 8, reset mode = 1 and clock mode = 3 for raw I2C communication on SCR reader.
SCI2C ::
Usage ::
/terminal SCR:SCI2C:<protocol>:<frequency>:<bit rate>:<voltage>:<frequency>:<power_cycle>:<waiting-time>:<SCR log Option>:<IO mode Option>:<reset mode option>:<clock mode option>
Example :
NOTE: <IO mode Option>, <reset mode option>, <clock mode option> are optional inputs. By default IO Mode = 3, reset mode = 1 and clock mode = 3 for SC I2C communication on SCR reader.
If <term> is defined as 'Micro Pross Reader', the following paramters
may be given:
1. For MP300 readers:
Usage ::
/terminal MP300:<Connection Port>:<Serial Number>:<Resource ID>:<Coupler Number>:<Card Type>:<Tx Data Rate>:<Rx Data Rate>
i. <Connection Port> = USB (Default)
ii. <Serial Number> = Serial number of Micro Pross Reader
iii. <Resource ID> = 122
iv. <Coupler ID> = 1
v. <Card Type>
Card Type A = 1
Card Type B = 2
Card Type TYPE_MIFARE = 3
Card Type TYPE_FELICA = 5
vi. <Tx Data Rate> : Transmission Data Rate
| Transmission Data Rate | Value |
| TX_106KB | 106 |
| TX_212KB | 212 |
| TX_424KB | 424 |
| TX_848KB | 848 |
| TX_1695KB | 1695 |
| TX_3390KB | 3390 |
| TX_6780KB | 6780 |
vii. <Rx Data Rate> : Receving Data Rate
| Rece Data Rate | Value |
| RX_106KB | 106 |
| RX_212KB | 212 |
| RX_424KB | 424 |
| RX_848KB | 848 |
| RX_1695KB | 1695 |
| RX_3390KB | 3390 |
| RX_6780KB | 6780 |
NOTE: For Card Type A and B supported Tx_Data Rate and RX Data Rate are 106KB/212KB/424KB/848KB.
By Default Tx and Rx Data Rate are set to 106KB.
Example: /term MP300:USB:9050:122:1:1
2. For MP500 readers:
Usage ::
/terminal MP500:<Connection Port>:<Serial Number>:<Resource ID>:<Coupler Number>:<Card Type>:<Tx Data Rate>:<Rx Data Rate>
i. <Connection Port> = USB (Default)
ii. <Serial Number> = Serial number of Micro Pross Reader
iii. <Resource ID> = 246
iv. <Coupler ID> = 0
v. <Card Type>
Card Type A = 1
Card Type B = 2
Card Type TYPE_MIFARE = 3
Card Type TYPE_FELICA = 5
vi. <Tx Data Rate> : Transmission Data Rate
| Transmission Data Rate | Value |
| TX_106KB | 106 |
| TX_212KB | 212 |
| TX_424KB | 424 |
| TX_848KB | 848 |
| TX_1695KB | 1695 |
| TX_3390KB | 3390 |
| TX_6780KB | 6780 |
vii. <Rx Data Rate> : Receving Data Rate
| Rece Data Rate | Value |
| RX_106KB | 106 |
| RX_212KB | 212 |
| RX_424KB | 424 |
| RX_848KB | 848 |
| RX_1695KB | 1695 |
| RX_3390KB | 3390 |
| RX_6780KB | 6780 |
NOTE: For Card Type A and B supported Tx_Data Rate and RX Data Rate are 106KB/212KB/424KB/848KB.
By Default Tx and Rx Data Rate are set to 106KB.
Example: /term MP500:USB:9050:246:0:1
3. For MP65 reader:
Usage ::
/terminal MP65:<Protocol>:<Voltage>:<Frequency>:<Connection Port>:<Serial Number>
i. <Protocol> = SWP (Default)
ii. <Voltage> = 1800mV (Default)
iii. <Frequency> = 5000000MHz (Default)
iv. <Connection Port> = USB (Default)
v. <Serial Number> = Serial number of Micro Pross Reader
NOTE: Protocol supported for MP65 reader are : SWP and ISO7816
Example: /term MP65:SWP:3.0:5000000:USB:MCQ.05.27.18
Remote ::
If <term> is defined as 'Remote', the following parameters
can be given:
a. PC Simulator
Usage ::
/term Remote|[<protocol>]:<address>:<portC>:[<portCL>]
<protocol>: Type of protocol supported by Remote Terminal:
| T0 | T=0 byte oriented transmission protocol |
| T0_TPDU | T=0 protocol , dislays only SW1SW2, |
| | does not send GET RESPONSE command automatically |
| T1 | T=1 block oriented transmission protocol |
| SWPDWP | SWP/DWP protocol |
<address>: string containing either 'localhost',an ip-address like '' or the
computer name.
<portC> : Number of the port to be used for contact based interface
Default is 8050
<portCL> : Number of the port to be used for contactless based interface
NOTE :: SWPDWP protocol would be supported in future. Current behavior would be same as like T=1 protocol.
EXAMPLE :: /term Remote|T0:localhost:8050
/term Remote|T0_TPDU:localhost:8050
/term Remote|T1
b. PCSC Reader over TCP interface
Usage ::
/term Remote|[<protocol>]:<PCSC[|reader name]>:[port]:[log option]
<protocol> : Type of protocol supported by Remote Terminal:
| T0 | T=0 byte oriented transmission protocol |
| T1 | T=1 block oriented transmission protocol |
<PCSC[|reader name]>: string starting with 'PCSC' followed by '|' and reader name
reader name is optional, if reader name not provided,
JCShell checks for all connected PCSC readers for card present.
if card is not present on any reader, throws error.
<port> : Number of the port to be used for TCP interface
Default is 8060
<log option> : 1 to enable logging for TCP interface, disabled otherwise
EXAMPLE :: /term Remote|T0:"PCSC|OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21 0":8070
/term Remote|"PCSC|OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21 0":8060
/term Remote|PCSC
-D|--define var[=value]
Predefine some variables
-R|--rc file
Read this script first before executing other commands
-d|--debug Debug mode
common details
-f|--script file
The script file be executed
-p|--Dpath path
Set path variable through argument
path path variable value
arg Script file parameters
IBM JavaCard shell.