A CLI tool for generating images of ferns and other Iterated Function Systems.
Install stack, then:
git clone [email protected]:TheTeaCat/fernery.git
cd fernery
stack build
stack exec fernery-exe
This should generate an image of a Barnsley fern at ./fern.png by default, with colours reminiscent of an Anna Atkins cyanotype.
Various options are available to customise the appearance of the ferns. To see the supported options, do:
stack exec -- fernery-exe --help
Fernery is also available to install from our Homebrew Tap.
brew tap two-twelve/tap
brew install fernery
fernery --help
A selection of images generated using Fernery are available printed on T-shirts and tote bags at fractaltees.shop.
This list of examples is currently exhaustive of the IFSs provided in Fernery, but I'd love to see more added to this little CLI tool. PRs are welcome! 🧑🎨
- Barnsley Fern
- Leptosporangiate Fern
- Thelypteridaceae Fern
- The Sierpinski Gasket
- The Sierpinski Carpet
- The Sierpinski Pentagon
- The Levy Dragon
- The Heighway Dragon
- McWorter's Pentigree
- The Koch Curve
- The Koch Snowflake
- DavidLDewey Fractal
- Tree Fractal
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f barnsley
The transforms used in this fern were found here.
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f leptosporangiate -s '(210, -160)'
The transforms used in this fern were found here.
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f thelypteridaceae -s '(-210, 125)'
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f sierpinskiGasket -o '(500,1000)' -s '(500,500)' -c 'PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255' -b 'PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255'
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f sierpinskiCarpet -o '(50,50)' -s '(900,900)' -i 10000000 -c 'PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255' -b 'PixelRGBA8 114 47 55 255'
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f sierpinskiPentagon -o '(250,875)' -s '(500,500)' -b 'PixelRGBA8 135 206 235 255' -c 'PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255'
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f levyDragon -o '(275,250)' -s '(450,450)' -d '(1000,800)' -b 'PixelRGBA8 251 206 177 255' -c 'PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255'
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f heighwayDragon -o '(250,500)' -d '(1000, 800)' -s '(600,600)' -c 'PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255' -b 'PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255' -i 2000000
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f mcWortersPentigree -o '(130,330)' -s '(800,800)' -b 'PixelRGBA88 202 231 193 255' -c PixelRGBA88 0 0 0 255'
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f kochCurve -s '(900,-900)' -o '(50,450)' -d '(1000,600)' -b 'PixelRGBA8 120 81 169 255'
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f kochSnowflake -o '(500,500)' -s '(450,450)' -b 'PixelRGBA8 220 243 255 255' -c 'PixelRGBA8 57 109 124 255'
The transforms used to generate this fractal are from an old worksheet authored by David L. Dewey which can be found here.
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f davidLDewey -s '(3,3)' -o '(850,500)' -d '(1700,1000)' -b 'PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255' -c 'PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255'
This fractal can also be found on Peter E. Francis' IFS Fractals.
stack exec -- fernery-exe -f treeFractal -o '(50,950)' -s '(900,-900)' -c 'PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255' -b 'PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255'
The following have been useful sources of Iterative Function Systems to add to Fernery: