Before you start reading please be sure that you have read and understood workflow for turris-build. This workflow is referencing it as this repository is used as part of release cycle of that one.
There are two primary branches in this repository
- master
is default branch and contains the latest stable version with possible few fixes on top of it. This branch is used in hbk branch in turris-build repository.
- develop
is branch we use to integrate the latest changes and improvements in this repository. It is used in hbl and hbd branches in turris-build repository.
Branch master is parent branch for all work in this repository. Branch develop is forked from it initially.
develop master _________________/| | |<- v5.1.0 | |
Any new feature is forked from develop branch.
feature/foo | | ________/| | | | | | | |
And later merged back to develop branch when it is finished and tested.
| | | |_______ | | \| | | |
If bug is discovered in feature then new branch based on develop is created to fix it.
bugfix/foo | | ________/| | | | | | | |
That is later merged to develop the same way as original feature.
| | | |_______ | | \| | | |
When problem is discovered in current stable version then branch to fix it is forked from master branch.
| hotfix/foo | | ________/| | | | | | |
And later merged back to both master and develop branch when finished and tested.
| | | | _______|_______ | |/ \| <- v5.1.1 | |
To make new major or minor release (that is release containing latest Turris changes and improvements) we merge develop to master branch.
| | |_______________ | \| | <- v5.2.0
This makes them effectively in sync and flow starts from beginning just as we would fork new develop branch.
For quick orientation in repository stable naming convention is required. Depending on what you are planning to do you can create new branch with name prefixed with one of following:
- hotfix/
This is fix for problem discovered in master. It has to be based on master branch and merged to both develop and master branch.
- bugfix/
This is fix for problem not affecting master. It has to be based on develop branch and merged only to develop only.
- feature/
New feature based on develop branch. This can be new removal of addition of packages from list or tweak of existing rules. It is merged only back to develop branch.
- refactor/
This has same flow as feature but does not change set of installed packages.
- hack/
This is feature that is to be reverted in future. This should never be merged as fast-forward to ease future revert.
After this prefix you should add short name for what you are about to do. Acceptable is for example name of package or feature you are about to implement. Please do not use issue numbers of nothing saying generic words (such as: hotfix/problem).
Developer is anyone who wants to contribute to this repository. Developers are not allowed to merge to primary branches (master and develop) and have to ask maintainers to do so (submit pull or merge request).
You have to base your work on latest commit in master. For example:
git fetch
git checkout -b hotfix/foo origin/master
Also note that you might and will be asked by maintainer to possibly rebase your changes on latest master commit.
git fetch
git checkout hotfix/foo
git rebase origin/master
You have to base you work on latest commit in develop branch. For example:
git fetch
git checkout -b bugfix/foo origin/develop
Same as in case of hotfixes you might be asked by maintainer to rebase your work on latest commit in develop branch.
git fetch
git checkout bugfix/foo
git rebase origin/develop
There are well informed maintainers who are well educated with git-craft and with the flow of this repository that they are allowed to manage master and develop branches. For those not so lucky and new in this craft there is following list of operations commonly performed by maintainer.
Hotfixes should always be merged to both master and develop branch.
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only --gpg-sign hotfix/foo
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff --gpg-sign hotfix/foo
git push origin master develop
git branch -d hotfix/foo && git push origin :hotfix/foo
Push target first before you remove source branch. Otherwise Gitlab merge request would be closed and not merged. |
Hotfix merge to master should always be clean. That means that there should be no merge conflicts (ensured by requiring fast forward only). This is to ensure that stable release won’t be broken by merge. When that can’t be done rebase to latest changes has to be performed. The maintainer can either ask author or do it by himself.
There is possibility that hotfix is not required in develop branch because it
can be fixed by some other means or was already fixed by some previous feature. In
such case it should be merged anyway to ease future merge of develop back to
master. For doing merge without merging changes you can use git merge strategy
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff --strategy=ours --gpg-sign hotfix/foo
Branches with new features, bugfixes, refactoring or hacks are merged to develop branch. This merge should be without conflict as well to prevent bugs created by merge skipping testing. On merge conflict it should be evaluated, rebased on latest commit in develop (to resolve conflict) and test again before merge.
git checkout develop
git merge --ff-only --gpg-sign feature/foo
git push origin develop
git branch -d feature/foo && git push origin :feature/foo
Push target first before you remove source branch. Otherwise Gitlab merge request would be closed and not merged. |
Hacks are intended to be present only temporally and so it is expected that in future we want them reverted and that way removed. This means that hacks are merged as an exception with merge commit instead of doing fast-forward merge.
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff --gpg-sign hotfix/foo
git push origin develop
git branch -d hotfix/foo && git push origin :hotfix/foo
Push target first before you remove source branch. Otherwise Gitlab merge request would be closed and not merged. |
Later hack, thanks to merge commit, can be just reverted by locating appropriate merge commit hash and reverting it. Note that this is considered as refactor and new appropriate merge request should be created and review should be performed.
git checkout -b refactor/foo origin/develop
git revert -m 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This happens on same time as in turris-build repository. Maintainer creating tag in turris-build has to create tag in this repository as well.
First find git hash for updater-lists feed from tag in turris-build. Then you can create appropriate tag.
git tag -s -m "Turris OS X.Y.Z" vX.Y.Z HASH
git push --tags origin vX.Y.Z
On new major or minor release of Turris OS we have to move all development changes to stable release. This is done by merging develop to master at the same time hbl branch is merged to hbk in turris-build repository.
If all previous operations were performed correctly then we can now do clean recursive merge (without merge conflicts).
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff --gpg-sign develop
git push origin master
This is collection of various tips and primarily configuration options you can use to simplify commands described in this flow.
- Use project specific git configuration
It is highly advised to use project specific git config. You can apply it by running following command:
git config --local include.path ../.gitconfig
- Sign commits and tags with GPG without using
You can configure global or local git option
git config --local commit.gpgSign true
git config --local tag.gpgSign true
- Sign commits and tags with specific PGP key
If you have more than one PGP key (for example different for personal and work identity) then you can specify exactly which should be always used in git configuration option
. Value of that option is fingerprint of your PGP key.
git config --local user.signingKey "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"