This document contains documentation for the tracee contextprovider-aspectj module. Click here to get an overview that TracEE is about.
The TracEE contextprovider-aspectj project offers an AspectJ / spring-AOP aspect that will output method invocation related data if an exception is thrown during the method invocation.
The watchdog aspect execution is triggered by the Watchdog annotation. Therefore the Watchdog annotation can be added to a method of a class or to a class to enable the watchdog aspect execution for all public methods of the class.
// Example 1 : Set watchdog annotation at class level to use watchdog for all public methods of the class
public class ExampleClass1() {
public void exampleMethod1(String name, Integer age, boolean active) {
// ...
public void exampleMethodN(...) {
// Example 2 : Set Watchdog annotations explicitly on methods of the class
public class ExampleClass2() {
public void exampleMethod1(...) {
// ...
private void exampleMethodN(...) {
Depending on the selected context logger profile the output consists of invoked method name, deserialized invocation parameters, deserialized target instance and thrown exception. For example the provided output for the method invacation of method ExampleClass1.exampleMethod1 could look like this:
2015-09-04 13:58:18,245 ERROR [AYGIYAWBNVI295OBIPXDH5HQO4Z25767] i.t.c.connector.LogConnector:[50] TRACEE_CL_ERROR[Watchdog] : [
You have to add the following Maven dependencies to your project:
The behavior and output of the Watchdog aspect can be configured by defining the following annotation attributes:
Attribute name | Type | Description | Default |
id | String | the id will be part of the contextual information output | empty String - will be ignored |
suppressThrowsExceptions | boolean | Defines if exceptions defined in the throws block of the method signature should be ignored | false |
isActive | boolean | Defines if the watchdog is active | true |
Currently the AspectJ and spring-AOP frameworks are supported by this project.
You have to start your application server / application by using the following java options / agent to enable AspectJ runtime weaving.
-Daj.weaving.verbose=true -javaagent:<path to your aspectj library home>\aspectjweaver.jar
Using spring-AOP, aspects will only be applied at method invocations on spring proxy instances. Therefore the following spring-MVC example will not work, if you call the exampleMethod via this.
public class Example {
@RequestMapping(value = "/token", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void exampleMethodCalled (Model model) {
// watchdog aspect of exampleMethod won't be executed because method is not called via a spring proxy
// watchdog aspect of exampleMethod will be executed because method is called via a spring proxy
((Example) AopContext.currentProxy()).exampleMethod(1,"a");
public void exampleMethod (int a, String b) {
// ...
You must add the following to your dispatcher servlets configuration xml:
<beans xmlns=""
<!-- Enable AspectJ style of Spring AOP -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Configure Aspect Beans, without this Aspects advices wont execute -->
<bean id="watchdog" class="WatchdogAspect"/>
or if you want to use java configuration:
@Profile(value = {Profiles.ASPECTS})
public class AspectjConfiguration {
public WatchdogAspect watchdogAspect() {
return new WatchdogAspect();
Additionally you must provide a /META-INF/aop.xml file in your classpath:
<!DOCTYPE aspectj PUBLIC "-//AspectJ//DTD//EN" "">
<weaver options="-XlazyTjp">
<!-- only weave classes in our application-specific packages -->
<include within="your.package.*"/>