English | 中文
___ _ _
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🚀fast-laravel. is a package that made you
application fast.
first you must install composer
add require info into composer.json and execute composer install
"require": {
composer require "toxmc/fast-laravel" -vvv
add Service Provider
into config/app.php
'providers' => [
Publish configuration and binaries.
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=fast-laravel
$ php artisan http publish
config configuration
$ php artisan http config
start server
$ php fast http:start
php artisan http {action : publish|config|infos}.
- publish:Publish configuration and binaries.
- config:Generate command(fast) configuration information
- infos:show information
php fast http::{action : start|stop|restart|reload|infos} {-d|--daemonize : Whether run as a daemon for start & restart}.
- start:start server
- stop:stop server
- restart:restart server
- reload:reload server
- infos:show information
brew install supervisor
supervisord -c supervisor/supervisor.conf
[xmc@mc fast-laravel (master ✗)]$ supervisorctl -c supervisor/supervisor.conf
fast-laravel-monitor RUNNING pid 18131, uptime 0:03:11
supervisor> help
default commands (type help <topic>):
add exit open reload restart start tail
avail fg pid remove shutdown status update
clear maintail quit reread signal stop version
supervisor> status
fast-laravel-monitor RUNNING pid 29146, uptime 3:03:36
Windows Docker Desktop with WSL1's docker client.
Docker Fedora 31, CPUs:4, Memory:4G.
docker build -t=fast-laravel dockerfiles
docker run --rm -p 9100:9100 -d fast-laravel:latest
docker exec -it `docker ps -q` /bin/bash
[root@a26c3596e1b8 www]# wrk -c32 -t8 -d 30s
Running 30s test @
8 threads and 32 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 7.66ms 14.23ms 312.91ms 93.79%
Req/Sec 775.52 122.16 1.86k 72.42%
185354 requests in 30.06s, 41.72MB read
Requests/sec: 6165.69
Transfer/sec: 1.39MB
1:edit .env
and restart server
or edit swoole_http.php
'hot_reload' => env('SWOOLE_HOT_RELOAD', true),
brew install fswatch
[xmc@mc fast-laravel (master ✗)]$ sh fswatch.sh /Users/xmc/PhpstormProjects/iizhu/api
Starting fswatch...
File /Users/xmc/PhpstormProjects/iizhu/api/app/Service/TestService.php has been modified.
Reloading swoole_http_server...
> success
File /Users/xmc/PhpstormProjects/iizhu/api/app/Service/TestService.php has been modified.
Reloading swoole_http_server...
> success
- Q群:190349019