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File metadata and controls

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List of parameters / Environmental variables

The following tables list all available command line parameters and their corresponding environmental variables (for advanced usage).

Table of contents


Parameter Env - Var Options Default Description
n/a n/a None Display help / usage information
ULS_LOGLEVEL 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL' WARNING Adjust the overall loglevel
--json-log ULS_JSONLOG 'True', 'False' False Should ULS write its own logdata in JSON format instead of plain text output ?
--ulslogformat ULS_LOGFORMAT 'yourlogformatstring' False Custom logging format (ULS internal logs) see additional features documentation for more information - (Default: False)
--ulslogdatefmt ULS_LOG_DATEFORMAT All STRFTIME option "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z" djust the logging date/time format to your needs,
n/a n/a None Display ULS version information (incl. CLI & OS versions)
--debugloglines ULS_DEBUGLOGLINES 'True', 'False' False Should the debug log contain Loglines (useful to debug transformations)
--nocallhome ULS_NOCALLHOME 'True', 'False' False Disable the ULS CallHome feature that helps the ULS developers to continue improving ULS. (enabled by default)


Parameter Env - Var Options Default Description
ULS_INPUT 'EAA', 'ETP', 'MFA', 'GC', 'LINODE', 'ACC' None Specify the desired INPUT source





None Specify the desired INPUT feed
--format ULS_FORMAT 'JSON', 'TEXT' JSON Specify the desired INPUT (=OUTPUT) format
ULS_INPUT_PROXY HOST:PORT None Adjust proxy usage for INPUT data collection (cli)
If this parameter does not work as expected, please read more about it here
--rawcmd ULS_RAWCMD <cli command> None USE with caution /!\
This is meant only to be used when told by AKAMAI Click here for more information
--edgerc ULS_EDGERC /path/to/your/.edgerc '~/.edgerc' Specify the location of the .edgerc EDGE GRID AUTH file
--section ULS_SECTION edgerc_config_section 'default' Specify the desired section within the .edgerc file
--starttime ULS_STARTTIME EPOCH timestamp (in seconds) cli_default Specify an EPOCH timestamp from where to start the log collection.
--endtime ULS_ENDTIME EPOCH timestamp (in seconds) None Specify an EPOCH timestamp up until where to fetch logs. ULS will exit after reaching this point.
ULS will not continue reading logs on CLI errors !!!
--inputqueuesize ULS_INPUT_QUEUESIZE INPUT_QUEUE_SIZE(int) 15000 Maximum threshold of the input queue. When threshold is reached, ULS will stop operations and exit "Capacity exceeded, too many incoming data vs. slow output"


Parameter Output Type Env - Var Options Default Description
ULS_OUTPUT 'TCP', 'UDP', 'HTTP', 'RAW', 'FILE' None Specify the desired OUTPUT target
--host TCP / UDP ULS_OUTPUT_HOST None Specify the desired OUTPUT target host (TCP/UDP only)
--port TCP / UDP ULS_OUTPUT_PORT xxxx None Specify the desired OUTPUT target port (TCP/UDP only)
--tcpudpformat TCP / UDP ULS_TCPUDP_FORMAT '<tcpudp_output_format>' '%s' Specify the expected output format (e.g. json) where %s will be replaced with the event data. /!\ %s can only be used once
--httpurl HTTP(S) ULS_HTTP_URL http(s)://<host>:<port>/<path> None The HTTP target URL. (HTTP only)
Do not use --host / --port for HTTP
--httpformat HTTP(S) ULS_HTTP_FORMAT '<http_output_format>' '{"event": %s}' Specify the expected output format (e.g. json) where %s will be replaced with the event data. /!\ %s can only be used once
--httpauthheader HTTP(S) ULS_HTTP_AUTH_HEADER '{"Authorization": "VALUE"}' None Specify an Auhtorization header to auth against the HTTP Server (HTTP only)
'{"Authorization": "Splunk xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"}'
--httpinsecure HTTP(S) ULS_HTTP_INSECURE True False Disable TLS CA certificate verification
--httpliveness HTTP(S) ULS_HTTP_LIVENESS_CHECK True, False True Perform liveness check with OPTIONS request that must return 200 or 204 if enabled
--httpaggregate HTTP(S) ULS_HTTP_AGGREGATE xxxx 500 Number of events to aggregate for one output request the %s in the httpformat will be replaced by a LIST of events.
A value of 1 means no aggregation.
Example: %s = [{'event1': 'data1'},{'event2': 'data2'},...]
--httpformattype HTTP(S) ULS_HTTP_FORMAT_TYPE 'JSON-LIST',SINGLE-EVENT' 'JSON-LIST' Specifies the type how the given http format is being wrapped (controls, how the httpformat is being rendered in http output)
--filehandler FILE ULS_FILE_HANDLER 'SIZE','TIME' SIZE Select the handler which decides how the files are rotated if either specific SIZE or TIME has been reached
--filename FILE ULS_FILE_NAME '/path/to/' None The PATH + FILENAME where ULS should create the file
--filebackupcount FILE ULS_FILE_BACKUPCOUNT '<number of files to keep>' 3 Select the number of files that should be kept on the file system when rotating the data
--filemaxbytes FILE (SIZE) ULS_FILE_MAXBYTES '<bytes>' 50 * 1024 * 1024 = 50 MB Filesize (in bytes) a file can reach before it will be rotated.
Only on SIZE - Handler (--filehandler = size) !!
--filetime FILE (TIME) ULS_FILE_TIME ['S','M','H','D','W0'-'W6','midnight'] 'M' Specifies the file rotation trigger unit.
S: seconds, M: minutes, H: hours, D: days, 'W0'-'W6' Weekday (W0=Monday), 'midnight': midnight.
--fileinterval FILE (TIME) ULS_FILE_INTERVAL '<interval>' 30 Specifies the file rotation interval based on --filetime unit value.
Example: 30 and filetime=M would rotate the file every 30 minutes
--fileaction FILE ULS_FILE_ACTION < '%s'> None Specify a file handler script/binary (e.g. bash) where '%s' will be replaced with the absolute filename (.e.g. /path/to/myfile.log). /!\ %s can only be used once!
This setting enforces '--filebackupcount' to be set to '1'
Click here for more information

Special Arguments

Parameter Env - Var Options Default Description
--filter ULS_OUTPUT_FILTER <regular expression> None Filter (regex) to reduce number of OUTPUT log lines
Only loglines matching the --filter <expression> argument will bes sent to the output.
Click here for more information
--transformation ULS_TRANSFORMATION 'MCAS', 'JMESPATH' None OPTIONAL: Specify an optional transformation to manipulate the output format
Click here for more information
--transformationpattern ULS_TRANSFORMATION_PATTERN <pattern> None Specifies the pattern used to transform the log event for the selected transformation. Click here for more information


Parameter Env - Var Options Default Description
--autoresume ULS_AUTORESUME [True, False] False Enable automated resume on based on a checkpoint upon api failure or crash (do not use alongside --starttime)
--autoresumepath ULS_AUTORESUME_PATH '/path/to/store/checkpoints/' var/ Specify the path where checkpoint files should be written to. (Trailing /)
--autoresumewriteafter ULS_AUTORESUME_WRITEAFTER 1000 Specify after how many loglines a checkpoint should be written.


Parameter Env - Var Options Default Description
--prometheus ULS_PROMETHEUS [True, False] False Enable prometheues monitoring support
ULS_PROMETHEUS_PORT 8000 Prometheues port to listen on
ULS_PROMETHEUS_ADDR Prometheues bind address to listen on
ULS_PROMETHEUS_CERTFILE '/path/to/store/promcert' None Prometheues certificate file (required alongside a keyfile)
ULS_PROMETHEUS_KEYFILE '/path/to/store/promkey' None Prometheues key file (required alongside a certfile)

Customizing HTTP & TCPUDP Formatting

Applicable to argument --tcpudpformat or environment variable ULS_TCPUDP_FORMAT.

By default ULS will write the exact payload received from the API to the configured ULS output. Thus, %s is the default value.

Payload decoration (Variable Substition)

If you need to surround the payload with extra information (i.e. metadata for your SIEM), you can surround the %s. In the example below, didn't surround the %s by double-quote since we want the output to remain a valid JSON:

{"event": %s}

Output Variables

While customizing you might want to use dynamic variables. Substitution happens when ULS software is starting, if you change your configuration file API hostname, you'll need to restart ULS so it can take effect. Besides the below replacements, ULS will also interprete OS (or DOCKER) ENV Vars.

Variable Description
{api_hostname} This variable will be replaced with the Akamai API Hostname
{uls_input} This variable will be replaced with the ULS Input
{uls_feed} This variable will be replaced with the ULS Feed


# Substitution example
'{"api_host": "{api_hostname}", "input_feed": "{uls_input}-{uls_feed}", "event": %s}'

# OS ENV Var example
'{"api_host": "{api_hostname}", "input_feed": "{uls_input}-{uls_feed}", "additional_env": "$MY_ENV_VAR", "event": %s}'