Unity extension for enum flags
Example :
Enums should start with a default value of 0 if you want it to work with this extension
// A Flags enum
public enum AnimalType {
None = 0,
Cat = 1,
Cow = 2,
Dog = 4,
Fish = 8,
Racoon = 16
public class EnumFlagsExample : MonoBehaviour {
// Use attribute EnumFlags to enable EnumEditor
public AnimalType Animal;
void Start() {
// A helper extension is provided to check for flags
if (Animal.HasFlag(AnimalType.Cat)) {
Debug.Log("Cat flag is set");
if (Animal.HasFlag(AnimalType.Cat | AnimalType.Fish)) {
Debug.Log("Cat & Fish flags are set");
To use it in your own custom inspectors, this is the way :
var mySerializedObject = new SerializedObject(MyObject);
// GUIContent.none removes the text in front of the enum line
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mySerlializedObject.FindProperty("MyEnumName") /*, GUIContent.none */);
Links :
- [Sharkbombs blog entry] (http://www.sharkbombs.com/2015/02/17/unity-editor-enum-flags-as-toggle-buttons/)
- [Blog entry] (http://baba-s.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/08/10/130145)