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Getting Started with conexp-clj

Running conexp-clj from pre-compiled binaries

To run conexp-clj, a Java Runtime Environment with version ≥ 1.11 is necessary. The recommended way to use conexp-clj outside of development is to download a pre-compiled version. These are just usual Java jar files and can be used like this:

java -jar conexp-clj-2.6.0-standalone-openjdk-11.jar

This will get you a prompt for conexp-clj much like


You can now use all the power of formal concept analysis from conexp-clj, and also everything Clojure provides. For example, you can compute the value of the expression 1 + 1 as

conexp.analysis=> (+ 1 1)

(where you do not type the conexp.main=> and the 2 is the result of the evaluation.

You may also start the (rudimentary) graphical user interface (GUI) by appending `-g`

java -jar conexp-clj-2.6.0-standalone-openjdk-11.jar -g

Running conexp-clj directly from source

It is also possible to get command line access for conexp-clj directly from its source. You usually want to do that while developing new features for conexp-clj, or when integrating conexp-clj into IDEs. Getting this to work requires the following two (easy) steps:

  1. Get the source code of conexp-clj
  2. Get Leiningen, the build tool used by conexp-clj

Then, to run conexp-clj directly from source, switch in the source directory of conexp-clj and run

lein deps

This will download any missing jar files needed for conexp-clj to run. To quickly obtain a repl just issue

lein repl

This will give you a command prompt as in the previous case.

If you want a more sophisticated repl, you may try Emacs Cider.

You can start the graphical user interface (GUI) via

lein run -g

Running conexp-clj via nix

Using the nix package manager, you can directly run conexp-clj without installing it:

nix run github:tomhanika/conexp-clj

Instead of running it directly, you can also just start a shell that has conexp-clj in its path (again without installing it):

nix shell github:tomhanika/conexp-clj

We also provide conexp-clj as a package in the nix flake, so you can add it to, e.g., a system configuration or use it from within a home-manager configuration. First, add conexp-clj as a flake input:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "…";
    conexp-clj = {
      url = "github:tomhanika/conexp-clj";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

Then, you can, e.g., add conexp-clj to a system configuration to have it installed permanently, where system is the appropriate system type, e.g., x86_64-linux.

environment.systemPackages = [ conexp-clj.packages."system".conexp-clj ];

There is also an overlay than can be applied to nixpkgs:

nixpkgs.overlays = [ conexp-clj.overlays.default ];
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.conexp-clj ];

Lastly, for development on conexp-clj, the nix flake provides a devshell that has leiningen and clojure-lsp in its path. From the source directory, run:

nix develop

Loading Code from a File

Typing in long sequences of commands is tedious, and conexp-clj inherits from Clojure the possibility to compile and run complex programs. Everything you can type into the prompt can also be written into a file, say file.clj. To run (and compile) this file, just type do

(load-file "file.clj")

Concerning the Graphical User Interface

As indicated above, tt is also possible to use conexp-clj’s incomplete GUI fragment. But please note that the GUI is not only (inherently) limited in its functionality, but also quite (not to say: really) buggy.

Online Documentation (No Network Required!)

For general help on a function f, you can use the clojure function doc. For example, to see the documentation of make-context, just run

(doc make-context)
([objects attributes incidence])
  Standard constructor for contexts. Takes a sequence of objects,
  a sequence of attributes and either a set of pairs or function of two arguments being
  true iff its arguments are incident. Note that the object and attribute sequences are
  converted to sets and therefore have to not contain any duplicate elements. If the
  incidence relation is given as a sequence, it is automatically restricted to the
  cartesian product of the object an the attribute set.

For finding functions you may find useful, you can use find-doc. Note that depending on the input, the returned list may be quite long.

(find-doc "canonical-base")
([ctx ε δ])
  Compute a set L of implications that is an approximation to the canonical
  base of the formal context `ctx'.  More precisely, if H is the canonical base
  of ctx, then

    |Mod(L) Δ Mod(H)|/2^{|M|} ≤ ε

  with probability at least 1-δ.  The computation is done in polynomial time
  with respect to |M|, |L|, 1/ε, and 1/δ. 
([ctx] [ctx background-knowledge] [ctx background-knowledge predicate])
  Returns the canonical base of given context, as a lazy sequence.  Uses
  «background-knowledge» as starting set of implications, which will not appear
  in the result.  If «predicate» is given (a function), computes only those
  implications from the canonical base whose premise satisfy this predicate,
  i.e. «predicate» returns true on these premises.  Note that «predicate» has to
  satisfy the same conditions as the predicate to «next-closed-set-in-family».
  For a given set of implications returns its stem-base.
([clop base] [clop base background-knowledge] [clop base background-knowledge predicate])
  Given a closure operator «clop» on the set «base», computes its canonical base,
   optionally using the set «background-knowledge» of implications on «base-set»
  as background knowledge.  The result will be a lazy sequence.  If «predicate»
  is given as third argument, computes only those implications whose premise
  satisfy this predicate.  Note that «predicate» has to satisfy the same
  conditions as the one of «next-closed-set-in-family».
([ctx] [ctx background-knowledge])
  Computes the canonical base of the given formal context.
  Background knowledge can be provided as a set of implications on the attribute
  set of the given context.  Computation is eager and is done in parallel.
([clop base] [clop base background-knowledge])
  Computes the canonical base of the given closure operator in parallel.
  Accepts the same parameters as «canonical-base-from-clop», except for the

Console Client

brunt is a standalone console application that supports some conexp-clj functions and can conveniently be run from the command line. It can be downloaded here:

Functions can be executed like this:

$ java -jar builds/uberjar/brunt-0.1.0.jar -f draw-concept-lattice testing-data/living-beings-and-water.ctx

For an overview of all supported functions and their parameters run:

$ java -jar brunt-0.1.0.jar -h

The brunt repository provides a detailed documentation.