- Pre-Lab preparation
- Part 1: VHDL code for simple counter
- Part 2: VHDL generics
- Part 3: VHDL code for clock enable
- Part 4: Top level VHDL code
- Challenges
- References
- Understand binary counters
- Use VHDL generics and synchronous processes
- Use clock enable signal to drive another logic in the design (with slower clock)
Calculate how many periods of clock signal with frequency of 100 MHz contain time intervals 2 ms, 4 ms, 10 ms, 250 ms, 500 ms, and 1 s. Write values in decimal, binary, and hexadecimal forms.
Time interval | Number of clk periods | Number of clk periods in hex | Number of clk periods in binary | Number of bits |
2 ms | 200_000 | x"3_0d40" |
b"0011_0000_1101_0100_0000" |
18 |
4 ms | ||||
10 ms | ||||
250 ms | 25_000_000 | x"17d_7840" |
b"0001_0111_1101_0111_1000_0100_0000" |
25 |
500 ms | ||||
1 sec | 100_000_000 | x"5F5_E100" |
b"0101_1111_0101_1110_0001_0000_0000" |
27 |
A simple N-bit counter is a digital circuit and has N output bits representing the count value. It counts up sequentially from 0
to 2^N-1
, where N
is the number of bits and then wraps around back to 0. When the reset signal is asserted, the counter is reset to 0. Many digital circuits have a clock enable input. This signal is used to enable or disable the counting operation of the counter. When the clock enable signal is active (typically high), the counter counts normally with the clock input. When the clock enable signal is inactive (typically low), the counter holds its current value and does not count.
The figure above was created in WaveDrom digital timing diagram online tool. The figure source code is as follows:
{ signal: [ ["inputs", {name: "clk", wave: 'P.................'}, {name: "rst", wave: 'lnhpl.............'}, {name: "en", wave: 'h.............pl..'}, ], {}, {name: "count[2:0]", wave: 'x.3.33333333333...', data: ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","0","1","2","3"]}, ], }
Run Vivado, create a new project and implement a 4-bit up counter with active-high reset and enable input:
Project name:
Project location: your working folder, such as
Project type: RTL Project
Create a VHDL source file:
Do not add any constraints now
Choose a default board:
Nexys A7-50T
Click Finish to create the project
Define I/O ports of new module:
Port name Direction Type Description clk
input std_logic
Main clock rst
input std_logic
High-active synchronous reset en
input std_logic
Clock enable input count
output std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
Counter value
Use VHDL templates in menu Tools > Language Templates, search for
up counters
, and select the one using clock enable (CE) and synchronous active-high reset. Copy/paste this template to the architecture and modify the code according to your I/O port names.Note: The up counter template is located in:
Language Templates: VHDL Synthesis Constructs Coding Examples Counters Binary Up Counters /w CE and Sync Active High Reset
architecture behavioral of simple_counter is ... begin process (<clock>) begin if <clock>='1' and <clock>'event then if <reset>='1' then <count> <= (others => '0'); elsif <clock_enable>='1' then <count> <= <count> + 1; end if; end if; end process; end behavioral;
- Use
instead ofclk='1' and clk'event
to test clock edge - Statement
(others => '0')
initializes all elements of the array to binary zero - Define an internal signal
of data typestd_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
to implement the counter. This is because the output portcount
cannot be read and therefore the operationcount + 1
cannot be performed - Add
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
package to use arithmetic operations withstd_logic_vector
data type - Outside the process, connect internal signal to counter output
FYI: The structure below decsribes a 4-bit counter in RTL (higher) level.
- Use
Create testbench file
, run the simulation, and test the functionality ofrst
signals.Note that for any vector, it is possible to change the numeric system in the simulation which represents the current value. To do so, right-click the vector name and select Radix > Unsigned Decimal from the context menu. You can change the vector color by Signal Color as well.
Use Flow > Open Elaborated design and see the schematic after RTL analysis. Note that RTL (Register Transfer Level) represents digital circuit at the abstract level.
Use Flow > Synthesis > Run Synthesis and then see the schematic at the gate level.
A VHDL generic allows the designer to parametrize the entity during the component instantiation and it is a great way to create modular code that can be quickly changed to accomodate a wide variety of designs. Since a generic cannot be modified inside the architecture, it is like a constant.
Instead of writing:
entity some_entity is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
counter : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) -- Hard coded to be 4 bits long
end entity some_entity;
We can write:
entity some_entity is
generic (
N_BITS : integer := some_defaul_value
port (
clk : in std_logic;
counter : out std_logic_vector(N_BITS-1 downto 0) -- Can be any width
-- (the desired width will be passed during instantiation in the generic map)
end entity some_entity;
Extend the code from the previous part and use generics in both, design and testbench sources.
In design source, use generic
to define number of bits for the counter. In testbench, define a constantC_NBITS
, prior to declaring the component and use it to declare your internal counter signal:-- Design source file entity simple_counter is generic ( N_BITS : integer := 4 --! Default number of bits ); port ( ... ); end entity simple_counter;
-- Testbench file constant C_NBITS : integer := 6; --! Simulating number of bits signal count : std_logic_vector(C_NBIT-1 downto 0);
When you instantiate your counter, you then also bind the
generic to this constant:dut : component simple_counter generic map ( N_BITS => C_NBITS ) ...
Simulate your design and try several
To drive another logic in the design (with slower clock), it is better to generate a clock enable signal (see figure bellow) instead of creating another clock domain (using clock dividers) that would cause timing issues or clock domain crossing problems such as metastability, data loss, and data incoherency.
{ signal: [ ["inputs", {name: "clk", wave: 'P.................'}, {name: "rst", wave: 'lnhpl.............'}, ], {}, ["internal", {name: "sig_count", wave: 'x.3.33333333333333', data: ["0","1","2","3","4","5","0","1","2","3","4","5","0","1","2",]}, ], {}, ["output", {name: "pulse", wave: 'l.......hl....hl..'}, ], ], head: { }, foot: { text: 'N_PERIODS = 6', }, }
Create a new VHDL source file:
and define I/O ports as follows:Port name Direction Type Description clk
input std_logic
Main clock rst
input std_logic
High-active synchronous reset pulse
output std_logic
Clock enable pulse signal -
Add generic
to the entity defining the default number of clk periodes to generate one pulse.entity clock_enable is generic ( N_PERIODS : integer := 6 ); port ( ... ); end entity clock_enable;
Another way how to create a counter is the usage of
data type. In architecture declaration part, define a local counter using the range of integers needed forN_PERIODS
values. Because all incrementations will be performed with integers and notstd_logic_vector
, no extra package is used.library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ... architecture behavioral of clock_enable is --! Local counter signal sig_count : integer range 0 to N_PERIODS-1; begin
Complete the architecture to define the
according to the following structure.begin --! Count the number of clock pulses from zero to N_PERIODS-1. p_clk_enable : process (clk) is begin -- Synchronous proces if (rising_edge(clk)) then -- if high-active reset then -- Clear integer counter -- elsif sig_count is less than N_PERIODS-1 then -- Counting -- else reached the end of counter -- Clear integer counter -- Each `if` must end by `end if` end if; end process p_clk_enable; -- Generated pulse is always one clock long -- when sig_count = N_PERIODS-1 end architecture behavioral;
Use Flow > Open Elaborated design and see the schematic after RTL analysis.
Create a VHDL simulation source
, simulate reset functionality and 100 clock periodes. Test severalN_PERIODS
values within your testbench.Solution: https://www.edaplayground.com/x/5LiJ
Note: To change the testbench you want to simulate, right click to testbench file name and select
Set as Top
.Note: The default simulation run time in Vivado is set to 1000 ns You can change it in the menu Tools > Settings...
Create a new VHDL design source
in your project and implement the 4-bit up counter on the Nexys A7 board. Let the counter value increments every 250 ms and it is show on 7-segment display. -
Use Define Module dialog and define I/O ports as follows.
Port name Direction Type Description CLK100MHZ
in std_logic
Main clock CA
out std_logic
Cathode of segment A CB
out std_logic
Cathode of segment B CC
out std_logic
Cathode of segment C CD
out std_logic
Cathode of segment D CE
out std_logic
Cathode of segment E CF
out std_logic
Cathode of segment F CG
out std_logic
Cathode of segment G DP
out std_logic
Decimal point AN
out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
Common anodes of all on-board displays BTNC
in std_logic
High-active synchronous reset -
Copy design source file
from the previous lab toYOUR-PROJECT-FOLDER/counter.srcs/sources_1/new/
folder and add it to the project. -
Use component declaration and instantiation of
, andbin2seg
, and define the top-level architecture as follows.architecture behavioral of top_level is -- Component declaration for clock enable -- Component declaration for simple counter -- Component declaration for bin2seg -- Local signals for a counter: 4-bit @ 250 ms begin -- Component instantiation of clock enable for 250 ms -- Component instantiation of 4-bit simple counter -- Component instantiation of bin2seg -- Turn off decimal point -- Set display position end architecture behavioral;
Create a new constraints XDC file
, uncomment and modify names of used pins according to thetop_level
entity. -
Compile the project (ie. transform the high-level VHDL code into a binary configuration file) and download the generated bitstream
into the FPGA chip. -
Use Flow > Open Elaborated design and see the schematic after RTL analysis.
Add a second instantiation (copy) of the counter and clock enable entities and make a 16-bit counter with a 2 ms time base. Display the counter values on LEDs.
Create a new component
implementing bi-directional (up/down) binary counter.
Digilent blog. Nexys A7 Reference Manual
Tomas Fryza. Template for clock enable module
Digilent. General .xdc file for the Nexys A7-50T