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138 lines (100 loc) · 5.7 KB


File metadata and controls

138 lines (100 loc) · 5.7 KB

Version History

Next Version 1.2.2.x - UNRELEASED


  • NullFormatter provided
  • model.Row: Changed Ctor parameter ordering, move seldom used to the end.
  • model.Row: Add methods .get(), .as_dict() and len operator (related to: #27).
  • Introduce behave.compat as compatibility layer for Python versions.


  • issue #117: context.execute_steps() should also support steps with multi-line text or table
  • issue #116: SummaryReporter shows list of failing scenarios (provided by: roignac).
  • issue #112: Improvement to AmbiguousStep error diagnostics
  • issue #74: django-behave module now available at pypi (done: 2012-10-04).
  • issue #27: Row should support .get() to be more dict-like


  • issue #135: Avoid leaking globals between step modules.
  • issue #114: No blank lines when option --no-skipped is used (provided by: florentx).
  • issue #111: Comment following @wip tag results in scenario being ignored
  • issue #83: behave.__main__:main() Various sys.exit issues
  • issue #80: source file names not properly printed with python 3.3.0
  • issue #62: --format=json: Background steps are missing (fixed: some time ago).


  • issue #98: Summary should include the names of the first X tests that failed (solved by: #116).

Version: (2013-02-10)


  • "progress" formatter added (from jenisy-repo).
  • Add "issue.features/" to simplify verification/validation of issues (from jenisy-repo).


  • issue #107: test/ directory gets installed into site-packages
  • issue #99: Layout variation "a directory containing your feature files" is broken for running single features
  • issue #96: Sub-steps failed without any error info to help debug issue
  • issue #85: AssertionError with nested regex and pretty formatter
  • issue #84: behave.runner behave does not reliably detected failed test runs
  • issue #75: behave @list_of_features.txt is broken.
  • issue #73: current_matcher is not predictable.
  • issue #72: Using GHERKIN_COLORS caused an TypeError.
  • issue #70: JUnitReporter: Generates invalid UTF-8 in CDATA sections (stdout/stderr output) when ANSI escapes are used.
  • issue #69: JUnitReporter: Fault when processing ScenarioOutlines with failing steps
  • issue #67: JSON formatter cannot serialize tables.
  • issue #66: context.table and context.text are not cleared.
  • issue #65: unrecognized --tag-help argument.
  • issue #64: Exit status not set to 1 even there are failures in certain cases (related to: #52)
  • issue #63: 'ScenarioOutline' object has no attribute 'stdout'.
  • issue #35: "behave --format=plain --tags @one" seems to execute right scenario w/ wrong steps
  • issue #32: "behave ... --junit-directory=xxx" fails for more than 1 level


  • issue #81: Allow defining steps in a separate library.
  • issue #78: Added references to django-behave (pull-request).
  • issue #77: Does not capture stdout from sub-processes


  • issue #109: Insists that implemented tests are not implemented (not reproducable)
  • issue #100: Forked package installs but won't run on RHEL.
  • issue #88: Python 3 compatibility changes (=> use 2to3 tool instead).


  • issue #106: When path is to a feature file only one folder level usable (same as #99).
  • issue #105: behave's exit code only depends on the last scenario of the last feature (same as #95).
  • issue #95: Failed test run still returns exit code 0 (same as #84, #64).
  • issue #94: JUnit format does not handle ScenarioOutlines (same as #69).
  • issue #92: Output from --format=plain shows skipped steps in next scenario (same as #35).
  • issue #34: "behave --version" runs features, but shows no version (same as #30)

Version 1.2.2 - August 21, 2012

  • Fix for an error when an assertion message contains Unicode characters.
  • Don't repr() the step text in snippets to avoid turning Unicode text into backslash hell.

Version 1.2.1 - August 19, 2012

  • Fixes for JSON output.
  • Move summary reporter and snippet output to stderr.

Version 1.2.0 - August 18, 2012

  • Changed step name provided in snippets to avoid issues with the @step decorator.
  • Use setup to create console scripts.
  • Fixed installation on Windows.
  • Fix ANSI escape sequences for cursor movement and text colourisation.
  • Fixes for various command-line argument issues.
  • Only print snippets once per unique step.
  • Reworked logging capture.
  • Fixes for dry-run mode.
  • General fixes.

Version 1.1.0 - January 23, 2012

  • Context variable now contains current configuration.
  • Context values can now be tested for (name in context) and deleted.
  • __file__ now available inside step definition files.
  • Fixes for various formatting issues.
  • Add support for configuration files.
  • Add finer-grained controls for various things like log capture, coloured output, etc.
  • Fixes for tag handling.
  • Various documentation enhancements, including an example of full-stack testing with Django thanks to David Eyk.
  • Split reports into a set of modules, add junit output.
  • Added work-in-progress ("wip") mode which is useful when developing new code or new tests. See documentation for more details.

Version 1.0.0 - December 5, 2011

  • Initial release