A Gradle plugin to post summaries from code analyzers to GitHub & BitBucket. E.g.:
9 actionable tasks: 7 executed, 2 up-to-date
✔ 10.05s for gradle postChecks
✔ 79.33% coverage, threshold is 70.0%
✔ 5 rule violations (5 warning), threshold is 5
✔ Posting to GITHUB
✔ Browse reports at file:/Users/user1/BuildChecks/build/reports/buildChecks/index.html
The plugin parses common output formats (Cobertura, JaCoCo, Checkstyle, Android Lint, CPD) supported by many lint and coverage tools (Detekt, SwiftLint, ESLint, TSLint, Istanbul, Slather, CPD, Checkstyle)
If you're not already using Gradle on your project, you should install it and initialize it for your project.
Then add the following to the build.gradle file at the root of your project:
plugins {
id "com.toddway.buildchecks" version "$buildchecks_version"
To print build checks only to the console, add printChecks
to a Gradle task (likely one that generates supported lint and coverage reports). For example:
task checks {
dependsOn 'testDebugUnitTestCoverage'
dependsOn 'lintDebug'
dependsOn 'cpdCheck'
dependsOn 'detekt'
finalizedBy ':printChecks'
To post build checks to your remote source control system, add postChecks
task checks {
dependsOn 'testDebugUnitTestCoverage'
dependsOn 'lintDebug'
dependsOn 'cpdCheck'
dependsOn 'detekt'
finalizedBy ':postChecks'
If you're running a non-Gradle command (e.g. npm deploy
, myBuildScript.sh
, fastlane
you can attach postChecks by letting Gradle execute your command.
Gradle lets you define custom executables like this:
task myCustomTask(type: Exec) {
workingDir 'path/to/optional/subdirectory'
commandLine 'npm', 'deploy'
The exit value of the external command (0 or 1) will determine if success or failure is posted for the build.
To configure the details of your build output and your source control system, add a buildChecks block to your build.gradle. All example properties below are optional.
buildChecks {
baseUrl = "https://api.github.com/repos/<owner>/<repo>"
authorization = "Basic <your generated token>"
buildUrl = System.getenv('BUILD_URL') ? System.getenv('BUILD_URL') : "http://localhost"
reports = "$projectDir/build/reports" //comma separated paths to reports, all descendant files will be scanned
minCoveragePercent = 80
maxLintViolations = 5
maxDuration = 60 //in seconds
allowUncommittedChanges = true
Github - https://api.github.com/repos/<owner>/<repo>
Bitbucket (REST 2.0) - https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/<owner>/<repo>/
Bitbucket Server (REST 1.0) - https://bitbucket.yourserver.com
Generate basic authorization for Github (or Bitbucket) with this command:
curl -v -u username:password github.com
Then find the following line and use the result in your BuildChecks config.
> Authorization: Basic <your generated token>
Instead of using your actual account password in the curl command, Github and Bitbucket both offer safer substitutes.
Github - Your profile image -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens.
Bitbucket - Your profile image -> Bitbucket settings -> App passwords.
Bitbucket Server - Your profile image -> Manage account -> Personal access tokens.
Currently includes an experimental feature to store artifacts on an orphan repository branch and generate a history report. In the buildChecks config block add:
buildChecks {
artifactsBranch = "<choose your own name for branch>"
Then run:
./gradlew pushArtifacts
Copyright 2018-Present Todd Way
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.