- ✅ HTTP vs HTTP/2 (Cost: 1 Day)
- 🔲 Websocket
- 🔲 Web Caching
- 🔲 Web RTC
- ✅ Firebase SDK and Cloud Firestore (Cost: 12 Days)
- 🔲 PWA/SPA architecture
- 🔲 AWS
- 🔲 Lerna - A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages
- 🔲 More Advanced in Webpack v5
- 🔲 More Advanced in Babel
- ✅ Parcel - A web application bundler with fast performance and requires zero configuration (Cost: 1 Day)
- ✅ Next.js - React framework for server rendering (Cost: 8 Days)
- 🔲 Flow/TypeScript - A static type checker for JS
- ✅ Jest + Enzyme - JS testing utility
- ✅ React Testing Library - DOM Testing Library by adding APIs for working with React components
- 🔲 PostCSS - A tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript
- 🔲 Mobx - Simple, scalable state management for React
- ✅ Recoil - New state management library for React in 2020 (Cost: 2 Days)
- ✅ GraphQL in server and client (Cost: 3 Days)
- 🔲 Relay - A JavaScript framework for building data-driven applications with GraphQL
- 🔲 Bulma - CSS framework based on Flexbox
- ✅ Tailwind - A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building (Cost: 3 Days)
- 🔲 Setting up Jenkins basically
- 🔲 Vue.js V2 - The Progressive JavaScript Framework
- 🔲 Aleph.js - The React Framework in Deno
- ✅ Micro frontends with Module Federation in webpack 5 - Module Federation is a JavaScript architecture invented by Zack Jackson (Cost: 1 Day)
- ✅ Micro frontends with bit.dev - Bit is a scalable and collaborative way to build and reuse components (Cost: 2 Days)
- ✅ React Tracked - Optimize re-renders for useState/useReducer, React Redux, Zustand and others (Cost: 1 Day)
- ✅ Storybook - An open source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, Angular, and more (Cost: 3 Days)
- ✅ Linaria - Zero-runtime CSS in JS library (Cost: 1 Day)
- ✅ Register a npm package - https://www.npmjs.com/package/my-chotot-design-system (Cost: 1 Day)